To quickly achieve the tutorial's purpose, just flash this zip (credits to Khizar)
TUTORIAL - (for those with time on their hands)
Some of you may have noticed that some apps notifications start up at very very low volume (like whatsapp and facebook messenger). This was driving me crazy, but I think I found a way to disable this behaviour without semmingly ill effects.
If you test this, pls give me your feedback.
This should work in every ROM. Viper installer zips floating around change this specific file, so I don't know it it works with Viper installed.
Open /system/vendor/audio_effects.conf and COMMENT OUT these lines:
ring_helper {
library mot_speaker_helper
uuid bce61ec2-eca4-445c-9dcb-91cc7cce01ad
notification_helper {
library mot_speaker_helper
uuid bce61ec2-eca4-445c-9dcb-91cc7cce01ae
ring {
ring_helper { }
and finally
notification {
notification_helper { }
Save and, for good measure, also copy this audio_effects.conf over the one in /system/etc/. This is because I don't know which one is the system reading. Maybe this is optional, but I didn't test it without copying the file.
Works for me.
Ringtones still ramp-up, but that I don't care.
FYI - On CM 13 the audio_effects.conf file is located in /system/vendor/etc, and this is the one I did your recommended edits to. The other audio_effects.conf location in /system/etc/ didn't have those values listed anyways, so I didn't do any copying or anything like that, I left it alone. I just made the edit and haven't tested it yet.
RMarkwald said:
FYI - On CM 13 the audio_effects.conf file is located in /system/vendor/etc, and this is the one I did your recommended edits to. The other audio_effects.conf location in /system/etc/ didn't have those values listed anyways, so I didn't do any copying or anything like that, I left it alone. I just made the edit and haven't tested it yet.
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Yes, in stock ROM, the one in /system/etc doesn't have those values either. Maybe it's sufficient to edit only the one in the vendor folder.
EDIT: Can confirm this 100% fixes those apps with buggy notification volumes.
It's working!!! on my Nexus 6 XT1103 MM 6.0.1 MMB29K Stock
Thank you very much, Merry Christmas to You
Would be nice if anybody would check if viper mod is still working. Thanks OP for the info already!
fjsferreira said:
Some of you may have noticed that some apps notifications start up at very very low volume (like whatsapp and facebook messenger). This was driving me crazy, but I think I found a way to disable this behaviour without semmingly ill effects.
If you test this, pls give me your feedback.
This should work in every ROM. Viper installer zips floating around change this specific file, so I don't know it it works with Viper installed.
Open /system/vendor/audio_effects.conf and COMMENT OUT these lines:
ring_helper {
library mot_speaker_helper
uuid bce61ec2-eca4-445c-9dcb-91cc7cce01ad
notification_helper {
library mot_speaker_helper
uuid bce61ec2-eca4-445c-9dcb-91cc7cce01ae
ring {
ring_helper { }
and finally
notification {
notification_helper { }
Save and, for good measure, also copy this audio_effects.conf over the one in /system/etc/. This is because I don't know which one is the system reading. Maybe this is optional, but I didn't test it without copying the file.
Works for me.
Ringtones still ramp-up, but that I don't care.
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sorry i am newbby can you specify what you say " and COMMENT OUT these lines: " ..........Thanks
semail00 said:
sorry i am newbby can you specify what you say " and COMMENT OUT these lines: " ..........Thanks
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If you notice in the .conf file, everything that has the # in front of it is a comment. Anything in the { } is executed. Place the # in front of the code you want to comment out like so:
# ring_helper {
# library mot_speaker_helper
# uuid bce61ec2-eca4-445c-9dcb-91cc7cce01ad
# }
# notification_helper {
# library mot_speaker_helper
# uuid bce61ec2-eca4-445c-9dcb-91cc7cce01ae
# }
# ring {
# ring_helper { }
# }
# notification {
# notification_helper { }
# }
Thanks for this @fjsferreira. I was wondering why the hell the notifications and rings sounded like total crap in the beginning.
The 2014 Moto X does the same thing. I was kind of pissed that the volume problem followed me from that phone, but finally, there's a fix. Thank you so much, @fjsferreira! For me, ringtones and notifications are fixed. I also went one step further and did the following:
# alarm {
# ring_helper {
# }
Now alarms don't have that ramp-up either. I can see where some people may prefer that "feature" stays, but most alarm apps have an option to gradually increase its volume. I'd rather just control it through there.
Also, I only found one .conf file in /system/vendor/etc. I changed everything through there and all was well. Could be because I'm using Cataclysm ROM. Viper is not installed.
Commented out only in system/vendor/etc/ folder and everything works fine. Now my alarm sound and ringtone work flawlessly.
Amazing find. I had been annoyed with real dim and inaudible notifications and also CM charging sounds were inaudible(which is weird since they worked fine for everyone but didn't for me LOL), this fixed it all.
I commented out alarm, notifications, music and rings. I've noticed all 4 dimming(music, rings and alarm only sometimes), hopefully it'll fix all the sound dimming.
Update - So been testing for 5+ days and all the sound issues have been fixed. Rings, notifications, alarms and music all blast at full volume. ????
THANK YOU BASED fjsferreira. My phone is finally back to normal!
Now only if someone could find a fix for the adaptive brightness bug where it stays at max brightness on screen-on for a few seconds, I'd have no complaints at all.
will be trying this out when i get home after work...
merry xmas op...
how come i cant have it working? what root methods are you using and im on 2.62-3.
here is my set up..
Cm13 has the ascending ringtone feature in the rom but does it work solving the notifications? Im not rooted didnt want to but ive been looking to solve this for at least 6 months and cant find a answer...
reyscott1968 said:
how come i cant have it working? what root methods are you using and im on 2.62-3.
here is my set up..
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Someone correct me if I am wrong, you're using system less root and system can't modified with system less root
sickhate said:
Cm13 has the ascending ringtone feature in the rom but does it work solving the notifications? Im not rooted didnt want to but ive been looking to solve this for at least 6 months and cant find a answer...
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Like I confirmed on the previous page, this works and fixes the issue on CM13. So this fix does indeed work on stock/AOSP/CM.
What i meant to ask was if it was fixed by default on the rom...without having to edit the file. But it seems by your answer it still needs this fix on cm13 aswell.
Thanks for clearing that up
Khizar said:
Someone correct me if I am wrong, you're using system less root and system can't modified with system less root
Like I confirmed on the previous page, this works and fixes the issue on CM13. So this fix does indeed work on stock/AOSP/CM.
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you are right. im using systemless root and i cant modify it. but its seems to be a busybox issue
I'm using Chroma and there's no such file in /system/vendor/! I also installed Viper (I didn't flash any .zip, just installed the .apk file).
Does anyone know where it could be??
Edit: nevermind, it's actually in /system/vendor/etc/
Simply copying /system/etc/audio_effects.conf to /system/vendor/etc, replacing the file, seems to work just as fine.
Im trying to modify the file with ES explorer but everytime that I want to save it, an error is displayed "Not enough memory. The file wont save" , It has rw perms , Im a newbie and I dont know what could the problem be
cleaner fix by sasovics HERE
fixes attached to post
so, its fairly easy to fix the 'buttons not lighting up when the screen is touched' thats present in i9000 firmwares ran on the captivate. the problem is in services.jar,-/com/android/server/PowerManagerService.smali.
Theres 2 ways to fix it-the hard way-what i did first, and how it fixed it on JPO(i started with jpo, just cause it was 2.2 and the files were relatively close to the captivates powermanagerservice.smali. Theres almost 11,000 lines of code in this smali file, and a bunch of them had to be swapped and modified. it was a pain in the ass, but it did work.
On the 2.2.1 JPU/X/Y powermanager, a bunch of stuff had changed, and i tried to import the captivate code into this to get it to work, but it kept bootlooping. so i checked out the 2.2 powermanagerservice.smali from jl1, and it was almost identical, all the extra stuff added to the 2.2.1 file was also added here, slight changes and the difference in the buttons, but just swapping that still wouldnt work-it boot looped, so i changed out every powermanagerservice.smali file, and it worked. after id been messing around with the other **** for 24 hours.
To be more clear here, with a 2.2.1 decompiled services.jar, and a JL1 services.jar- copy all PowerManagerService.smali files (there are 24 of these in /com/android/server) from JL1 into (and replacing) the same location of the 2.2.1 services.jar.
So all 24 smali files starting with PowerManager in 2.2.1 services.jar have been replaced with ones from JL1
to get the back lights to stay on for extended time, you need to replace the values in these following lines:
55- .field private static final LIGHT_SENSOR_DELAY:I = 0x7d0
65- .field private static final LONG_KEYLIGHT_DELAY:I = 0xbb8
67- .field private static final MEDIUM_KEYLIGHT_DELAY:I = 0xbb8
95- .field private static final MEDIUM_KEYLIGHT_DELAY:I = 0xbb8
327- const/16 v2, 0xbb8
4543- const/16 v3, 0xbb8
5500- const/16 v2, 0xbb8
change value to 0x2710 for buttons to stay on for 10 seconds
change value to 0x3a98 for buttons to stay on for 15 seconds
to decompile w/ smali/baksmali- do:
*decompile-* java -jar baksmali.jar -x services.jar -o services
*recompile-* java -jar smali.jar services -o classes.dex
(do not copy decompile and recompile-im sure most of you know this, but some might not)
So when you decompile services.jar, youll end up with a file called services in whatever folder you put the jar file in and opened a cmd window on.
Now make all your edits (i use pspad-works very well) and save them in the 'services' folder.
Recompile and youll end up with a classes.dex file.
just open up your original services.jar file with 7zip, and drop your newly created classes.dex into the archive, exit it and your done.
For all those that dont want to bother doing this yourselves, heres 3 already compiled. default is button lights on for 3 seconds after you touch the screen. 10 is 10sec and 15 is 15 sec obviously.
These will wipe you dalvik-cache, so the boot up will take a little bit. You may on first reboot have to cycle airplane mode or data network mode(in extended power menu) to get data to come up, but after that it will be fine.
this will work on 2.2.1 JPU/X/Y
If your on JS3 you /may/ have to replace your 3 libaudio files and phone.apk and phone.util with ones from jpu/x/y. basically you might have to get rid of the record option until i can come up with a fix. i had the record option on my phone, and when you end a call, the phone will soft reboot. THIS ONLY HAPPENS WITH THE PHONE.APK WITH THE RECORD OPTIONS ON IT.
this should be a relatively easy fix, i just replaced those files i mentioned, it works, and i havent looked into why the js3 ones cause the reboot on end call.?
And now that this is fixed, Mikey got sounds linked, bluetooth works- not much downside to i9000 roms anymore
the end/
I changed the values in the lines you posted, and all it did was make the backlight stay on longer?
EDIT: I copied the PowerManagerService.smali over, and the lights on the screen work, but getting soft reboots.
flashed 5.6 tonight...seriously, this is the greatest feature ever!! this is great
MikeyMike01 said:
I changed the values in the lines you posted, and all it did was make the backlight stay on longer?
EDIT: I copied the PowerManagerService.smali over, and the lights on the screen work, but getting soft reboots.
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swap out all the powermanager smali files in /com/android/server, theres like 20?something of them, i probably should have made that a little clearer.
not just PowerManagerService.smali, but copy all that start with PowerManager.
edited OP a little, a little clearer now.
You can probably only copy the PowerManagerService.smali, if you changed the lines and references.
It's 12,000 lines long, should be fun.
MikeyMike01 said:
You can probably only copy the PowerManagerService.smali, if you changed the lines and references.
It's 12,000 lines long, should be fun.
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Ya you can. You can get it working on i9000 2.2 just by swapping jpo powermanagerservice.smali with a captivate version. I tried doing that way at first using compare it. I was swapping lines for like 12 hours, had it working button lights everything, but it would soft reboot every few minutes and I just got tired of doing it that way.
Once you have the files all copied over, then you can adjust the light time.
What the hell is this doing on the second page????
This completes all i9000 ROMs
I was wondering the same thing, some even voting low *'s. WTH is wrong with people
Edit: and cezar- let me know how it works with js3 I didn't try it. Only problem could be libaudio's causing soft reboot when you press end call button, but was only tested with jpy with js3 libaudios and phone.apk and util.
Working great so far on the JS3 built Paragon RC 5.0 rom. Just took a phone call and ended it with no reboot. Running the default .zip file offered...
AWESOME WORK. I'll be making a video to display this awesome functionality! Now I think the next step is for someone to write an apk to allow for a little control on this and adjust the parameters. That would be super cool!
Edit: Tossed you some beer money!
connexion2005 said:
Working great so far on the JS3 built Paragon RC 5.0 rom. Just took a phone call and ended it with no reboot. Running the default .zip file offered...
AWESOME WORK. I'll be making a video to display this awesome functionality! Now I think the next step is for someone to write an apk to allow for a little control on this and adjust the parameters. That would be super cool!
Edit: Tossed you some beer money!
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Guessing that his framework files are not JS3 if that is working. The logcat shows a call to a function that only exists in JS3 that is now missing because of swapping the files in the dex.
connexion2005 said:
Working great so far on the JS3 built Paragon RC 5.0 rom. Just took a phone call and ended it with no reboot. Running the default .zip file offered...
AWESOME WORK. I'll be making a video to display this awesome functionality! Now I think the next step is for someone to write an apk to allow for a little control on this and adjust the parameters. That would be super cool!
Edit: Tossed you some beer money!
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I told you!
Does this still break phone call recording?
GGXtreme said:
Does this still break phone call recording?
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On my jpy rom yes. I had to get rid off the libaudios that support call recording and put back the jpy libs that freeze the phone when you stop recording
Not tested on js3 (by me)- sounds like dg may know
di11igaf said:
fixes attached to post
95- .field private static final MEDIUM_KEYLIGHT_DELAY:I = 0xbb8
to decompile w/ smali/baksmali- do:
*decompile-* java -jar baksmali.jar -x services.jar -o services
*recompile-* java -jar smali.jar services -o classes.dex
(do not copy decompile and recompile-im sure most of you know this, but some might not)
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I am using the Rogers file for our 9010 rom ( witch has the same issues as the i9000)
but I noticed something
line 67 didnt need to be corrected
I have not same layout as you described
me is line 93 and here is what ti says
93_ .field private static final SHORT_KEYLIGHT_DELAY_DEFAULT:I = 0xbb8
also these lines were nto the exact same either .. weird isnt it ?
325_ const/16 v2, 0xbb8
4538_ const/16 v5, 0xbb8
5643_ const/16 v2, 0xbb8
I also noticed the same value was in line 77
77_ .field private static final SAMSUNG_PHONECALL_KEYLIGHT_DELAY:I = 0xbb8
not worth changing but some ppl might want to ...
on a side note for th elife of me I didnt understand what youmeant by do not copy decompile recompile , took me a while to figure out you were walkin about what was pasted in the 'code'
Edit :
I dont know witch files I was using but they were clearly not jl1 I used yours inside your dex files and swap everything works perfect thx .
designgears said:
Guessing that his framework files are not JS3 if that is working. The logcat shows a call to a function that only exists in JS3 that is now missing because of swapping the files in the dex.
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It's a very dirty mod. Think dropping a nuke on a sniper. But I haven't had a problem yet.
If there were problems I would not have posted it. There's only one other way to do it...
di11igaf said:
If there were problems I would not have posted it. There's only one other way to do it...
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I know.
But the last time I did a mod that was quick + dirty, it dropped a call 3 weeks later. Just saying.
nevermind , it works now ...
MikeyMike01 said:
I know.
But the last time I did a mod that was quick + dirty, it dropped a call 3 weeks later. Just saying.
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but i fixed it 22 days ago, its been in testing for 3 weeks and a day to make sure it doesnt get that 3 week dropped call bug
Some great stuff from Amazing devs
-Androguide.fr Pimp My Rom {the best tweak :good:} ((October 2012))
- AC!D AUDIO ENGINE Developers ((amazing sound experince))
-croniccorey CronMod-A2SD/D2EXT/INT2EXT {best A2SD tweaks} ((updated 09/19))
- CarlDeanCatabay Increase RAM using Swap File and Swap Partition and SD card partitioning ((great one try it))
-hyperbolic The Complete Guide For Maximum Battery Life {great battery life}
-PIT Tech GameBooster ★ root {great games experience }
-OOM groupings and priorities tweaks - SuperCharger ((add it with loopy))
-Loopy Smoothness tweak ((add it with SuperCharger))
-droidphile Kernel Governors, Modules, I/O Schedulers, CPU Tweaks, AIO App Configs ((15th September 2012))
-jader13254 MooDeD Holo Camera
-Rizal Lovins Camera Mod v.4.0 Cybershot Experience
-Arcatarc NotificationLedFix for 4.1.B.0.587 ((17th September 2012))
Other tweaks or guidelines
-Patch your hosts file for blocking Ads
(please think before doing this; many developers are supported through this way)
You can use AdFree application for this or changing manually your hosts file.
-Use UOT kitchen for basic theming on your device.
-Disable sync feature in sqlite
(author: ownhere - needs a source for your device so you can compile the /system/lib/libsqlite.so)
-Use CyanogenMOD's APN list file - one of the most complete located in
-Do not use task killers.
for GOD sake ... don't use them all... SELECT/MODIFY according to your ROM and what you want.
Note: if you don't know what you are doing please don't try. read first and make sure you understand what you are doing and make a backup before doing any mods. i am not responsible for messing up your device but the ARC community and i may assist.
What is build.prop:
- The build.prop file is your android handset’s ‘ID card’.
- It tells applications the specifications of your device, so that apps can change their interface or function for your specific device.
- Editing the build.prop file is most commonly used for changing LCD density, build number and your device’s model or manufacturer.
- Changing your ‘fingerprint’, model or manufacturer can trick some apps in the market to become compatible with your device.
- The build.prop file is a powerful tool for root users to modify the behavior of various aspects of the Android experience. However, there are no secret values here that are going to instantly make your phone run faster, better, smarter, or more efficiently. In fact, if you don't know what you are doing, you can actually decrease the performance of your device. Over time I will investigate more build.prop properties to determine which ones can actually enhance your Android experience and which ones only create a placebo effect
XperienceD said:
...it helps to know what works and what doesn't, causes conflicts, do you need to use one tweak if you're using another etc and all those classed as "busted" I'll never use again. So while it's great to have it all collected in one place lets also sift through what works and what doesn't.
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- If you have any V6 Supercharger tweaks installed, un-supercharge before doing these tweaks. Once finished, you may re-supercharge and
- Root (Superuser/Busybox/Terminal Emulator/ES File Explorer),
- kernel that supports "init.d" scripts (script files that are stored in /system/etc/init.d/)This requires edits in build.prop and the use of terminal emulator
- If your build.prop has an additional build properties section the line of code needs to go in there
(If lines starting with dalvik.vm.checkjni=false or windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec=300 exist already in build.prop, please modify them as shown below. Obviously if it isn't already in build.prop, just add it in.)
How to
Replace OR tweaks Build.prop :-
1. Download Es File Explorer ((OR ANY APP LIKE IT))
2.CLick menu, settings, check Root Explorer and Mount File System
3.Copy the Build.prop file into the sd card and copy with file manager
4.Click Favorites tab, Click Phone icon /
5.Navigate to system/
6.Rename build.prop to build.bak
7.Paste build.prop you copied earlier Reboot! Done! :good:
Build.prop tweaks((UPDATED 26-Oct))
Add these at the end of your build.prop
~ Free Up More RAM, Make Apps Load Faster ~
1) Open Terminal Emulator on phone or adb shell from PC and type the following.
setprop dalvik.vm.verify-bytecode false
setprop dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags v=n,o=a,u=y,m=y
As shown:((here written v=n,o=v so the new one is v=n,o=a,u=y,m=y))
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
2) Add these lines to the bottom of build.prop using Root Explorer -- or any other app of your favorite
(If lines starting with dalvik.vm.verify-bytecode or dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags exist already in build.prop, please modify them as shown below. Obviously if it isn't already in build.prop, just add it in.)
dalvik.vm.verify-bytecode = false
As shown:((here written v=n,o=v so the new one is v=n,o=a,u=y,m=y))
After this, run these two commands in adb shell or terminal emulator
rm /data/dalvik-cache/*
rm /cache/dalvik-cache/*
3) Okay, this step is only for those who experience errors from typing the following lines from Step 2:
rm /data/dalvik-cache/*
rm /cache/dalvik-cache/*
**If you got the error, make sure to undo the tweak since now you are probably experiencing FC's right now and start all over. The undo process**
How to UNDO this tweak
Type the following in adb shell or terminal emulator
((also u can users, skip the 3rd and 4th lines. That starts with "rm" and instead, reboot in recovery and clear cache partition and dalvik-cache but better to do it all))
setprop dalvik.vm.verify-bytecode true
rm /data/dalvik-cache/*
rm /cache/dalvik-cache/*
So just make sure you have done Step 1 and the edits of build.prop from Step 2 correctly. After that, reboot into recovery and clear cache partition and clear dalvik-cache. Thats all.
Init.d tweaks ((UPDATED 26-Oct))
(needs ROM with init.d access and busybox, open empty file, insert header #!/system/bin/sh and put these there, save in /system/etc/init.d and name it something like 77tweaks)
1- If you have init.d problem or if not have init.d folder try add this line at hw_config.sh
2- some (needs zipalign bin) #!/system/xbin/bash,so it needs the bash file in the /system/xbin folder in order to work
sysctl tweaks ((UPDATED 26-Oct))
To make them work:
1. make a new file in /system/etc/init.d, name it sysctl tweaks
2. make a new file in /system/etc, name it sysctl.conf
3. Paste the right code in the right file
-To activate sysctl tweaks
# grep sysctl /etc/init.d/*
/etc/init.d/02vm:# Load /sys/etc/sysctl.conf
/etc/init.d/02vm:sysctl -p
Tweaks wich didnt wrok "busted" we will never use again and been test by users ((thanx to XperienceD for this great idea))
Build.prop tweaks
some was big placebo
and i was saying way my phone gone bad and my gf and my friends
cause alllllllllll was fake
some are not but its already been put to the tweaks up
prove of what i said
first one thanx to the amazing XperienceD
- first one by XperienceD thanx
3g tweak its just a big lie
i will keep digging to clean the net from placebo tweaks so my plan is not to **** any phone any more and make universal tweaks works with every one
and point out what is never worked and was just a placebo effect. and which have compatibility issues with ICS
so we can Unleash our device Hidden Powers thats my goal
Thanks for the info man
But just some advice, I found that some of the tweak mentioned above is somewhat experimental
I forgot which ones, but after doing some research on google, they are indeed not yet fully tested (the effect is still unnoticeable)
And it will be great if you make the thread (2nd post to be more specific) to be more tidy
There are same tweaks mentioned more than one time, it might not good for people to copy and paste the tweaks directly from your thread
fakhreza said:
Thanks for the info man
But just some advice, I found that some of the tweak mentioned above is somewhat experimental
I forgot which ones, but after doing some research on google, they are indeed not yet fully tested (the effect is still unnoticeable)
And it will be great if you make the thread (2nd post to be more specific) to be more tidy
There are same tweaks mentioned more than one time, it might not good for people to copy and paste the tweaks directly from your thread
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First thanx to tell me about my mistake of putting the same tweaks twice
Second i tidy it more now every tweak title will start with #
Third experimental yes some r but u will see improvment
thanx again
dr said:
Third experimental yes some r but u will see improvment
thanx again
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And some just don't work - http://www.jeffmixon.com/examining-build-prop-tweaks-for-android-ics-a-comprehensive-guide-part-1/
XperienceD said:
And some just don't work - http://www.jeffmixon.com/examining-build-prop-tweaks-for-android-ics-a-comprehensive-guide-part-1/
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sorry for that :angel:
am just trying to help
i just updated for other new stuff and cool tweaks
best wishes
i add huge update and new tweaks and arrange it in better way
dr said:
i add huge update and new tweaks and arrange it in better way
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thanx great collection
dr said:
am just trying to help
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So am I.
If these things really improve experience, why Sony didn't add theme to their devices in official roms ?
They are professional developers after all ?
XperienceD said:
So am I.
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thanx :good:
n4ki said:
If these things really improve experience, why Sony didn't add theme to their devices in official roms ?
They are professional developers after all ?
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why sony didn't fix led bug and they did it here
why sony roms vs good modified stock roms suck
so simple
welcome to android world
dr said:
thanx :good:
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I found that link whilst searching for mods and used to use some myself, but when you take in to account...
The build.prop file is a powerful tool for root users to modify the behavior of various aspects of the Android experience. However, there are no secret values here that are going to instantly make your phone run faster, better, smarter, or more efficiently. In fact, if you don’t know what you are doing, you can actually decrease the performance of your device.
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...it helps to know what works and what doesn't, causes conflicts, do you need to use one tweak if you're using another etc and all those classed as "busted" I'll never use again. So while it's great to have it all collected in one place lets also shift through what works and what doesn't.
yes as i already said in an other thread, it would be helpful known which of these improove our Arc/Arc S and which one deprove some roms, for example the JS 6.1 which im using
XperienceD said:
I found that link whilst searching for mods and used to use some myself, but when you take in to account...
...it helps to know what works and what doesn't, causes conflicts, do you need to use one tweak if you're using another etc and all those classed as "busted" I'll never use again. So while it's great to have it all collected in one place lets also shift through what works and what doesn't.
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i didnt take it in to account really its my first time to make thread and i thought u attak me while those not mine
in other way u can say it in deffrent way so i will understand what u want me to understand i will add ur link to the collection
am sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry really soooooooooooo much if i efended u
and thats right lets start to see what is working and what is not
by the way i add and correct some
and trying to do what i can do for helping whom i can
again thanx and soooooooooory if i did something bad
danybhai said:
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at ur service alll the time welcome
deniel said:
yes as i already said in an other thread, it would be helpful known which of these improove our Arc/Arc S and which one deprove some roms, for example the JS 6.1 which im using
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for me i dont use any rom i just root the stock one and play with it for me the last build one works with me
although i went through the web and see some and puts the best value for the best berformance and whats work with me maybe didnt work with u so try and tell us it will be great help
dr said:
again thanx and soooooooooory if i did something bad
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No offence taken, obviously just a mis understanding.
Thankx for ur hardwork
xperienced said:
no offence taken, obviously just a mis understanding.
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glad to hear that
cimi244 said:
thankx for ur hardwork
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all the time welcome
glad to help
i get bootloop
the time when i update the Build.prop tweaks
and i noticed also the same thing
some Build.prop tweaks repeated twice but with deffrint value in defferint tweak pak
but the rom work like charm :laugh: any idea
dr said:
Tweaks wich didnt wrok "busted" we will never use again and been test by users ((thanx to XperienceD for this great idea))
- first one by XperienceD thanx
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The battery tweaks that you posted in the second post - what does they improve? Huh?
What you will need:
To be on Lollipop WITH root (go here if you need to flash the rooted ROM)
BusyBox to be installed (it should already be installed on the rooted ROM, if not then search the Play Store or use your favorite one)
A copy of Viper4Android v2.3.4.0 (Download from here)
A file browser that can access the /system partition and change permissions (I prefer ES File Explorer but you can use whatever you like)
Titanium Backup (or you can use the application manager in the Settings app)
Firstly, what you will need to do is use your file browser and create a folder called "Viper4Android" in your /system/priv-app/ folder. Set the permission for this folder to rwxr-xr-x or 0755, then paste your Viper4Android APK into the folder you created and set the permission for the APK to rwxrwxrwx or 0777, with root being owner and group for both folder and APK.
Secondly, what you will need to do is browse to /system/etc/ with your file browser and open the file init.qcom.post_boot.sh and at the very bottom of the file paste this:
/system/xbin/supolicy --live "allow mediaserver mediaserver_tmpfs:file { read write execute };"
It is imperative that you make sure you are using Unix line endings instead of anything else.
Thirdly, use Titanium Backup or the Application Manager to freeze SoundAlive, as all music apps will attempt to default to it. Also you may want to freeze the Adapt Sound app, as if you enable it will then be used over V4A.
Lastly, reboot your phone and then install the drivers and reboot one last time. I can confirm that it works on Play Music, and that it doesn't work on the stock Music player (however I believe there is a way to get it to work somewhere on the internet).
Viper4Android fails at installing!
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You are to create it as a system app, so follow the first step.
Viper4Android doesn't appear!
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Make sure you followed the first step correctly and set the proper permissions.
Viper4Android still says Abnormal and Unsupported in the status!
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Make sure you pasted the command into the init.qcom.post_boot.sh file and that you used Unix line endings, as using DOS or Mac line endings add extra characters that Android will try to parse as actual text.
Viper4Android says that BusyBox isn't installed!
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This bug happens sometimes, I found the best way to beat it is to open your BusyBox app and just put it in the background and try the driver installation again.
I enabled everything and my music still sounds the same!
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Make sure you freeze SoundAlive and Adapt Sound, as they will be used before Viper4Android, also you may need to put V4A into Compatibility mode to use with certain music players. Also you can't use the stock Music player (but I think there is a way somewhere on the internet).
My phone broke and won't boot!
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Then you may want to wait until a recovery flashable zip is made, but at no point are the steps going to brick your phone, you can just boot to Safestrap or flash back.
This process can probably be done very easily with a init.d script and a recovery flashable zip, but I currently don't have the time and don't want to risk screwing up someone's phone.
You can use any other Viper4Android mod, as long as it is v2.3.4.0, I prefer this version which looks very nice. You can extract the file from the zip attachment and just follow the steps here.
You do not need to have SELinux set to permissive, as even with using MultiSystem to set it to permissive, it still didn't work until the above command is used.
I haven't tested whether effects like convolver or DDC work, but they should.
Thanks to:
@ihancioglu for the code that allows it to work
@nappent for most of the steps needed to get it running
Here is an init.d script that will do the bypass for you, however, you must have init.d support. As it stands right now, Walter.White's Lollipop ROM does not have init.d, if you want to enable init.d, you have to add
to the end of init.qcom.post_boot.sh and create an init.d folder in /system/etc.
Script: https://mega.nz/#!ZpIUCbrb!QONi8bWb1afE47_JnwxgpBcXoKFuPG3mpnyFX4r83G0
What process did you use to be able to write to the root. I can not gain root access even though i have su, busybox, and several other apps with root access. I have tried using ES File explorer with no success. It will not access the root of the device.
---------- Post added at 09:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 PM ----------
100% verified and working. Big thanks!!!
Works perfectly. Thanks for this work around OP!
Any thoughts on using NuPlayer vs. AwesomePlayer in dev. options?
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
joshuaburnsjr said:
What process did you use to be able to write to the root. I can not gain root access even though i have su, busybox, and several other apps with root access. I have tried using ES File explorer with no success. It will not access the root of the device.
---------- Post added at 09:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 PM ----------
100% verified and working. Big thanks!!!
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Root Browser worked for me.
KTownGT said:
Any thoughts on using NuPlayer vs. AwesomePlayer in dev. options?.
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I use NuPlayer, but to be honest I haven't seen or heard of any difference. Some guides say that disabling NuPlayer will allow V4A to work, but V4A has worked just perfectly fine with NuPlayer enabled.
Among other things, creating a recovery flashable zip has fallen through. I have come across a problem where I can't modify init.qcom.post_boot.sh from a recovery, be it SafeStrap or FlashFire. I have also discovered something else, init.d support was supposed to be included with Walter.White's Lollipop ROM, but his script encountered the same problem as me, it couldn't append to init.qcom.post_boot.sh. So right now anyone using his ROM does not have init.d setup, luckily, it can be very easily enabled. All you have to do is add
to the end of init.qcom.post_boot.sh and create an init.d folder in /system/etc and you are good to go. I have attached an init.d script to the main post that can make use of init.d and do the bypass.
Namelesswonder said:
I use NuPlayer, but to be honest I haven't seen or heard of any difference. Some guides say that disabling NuPlayer will allow V4A to work, but V4A has worked just perfectly fine with NuPlayer enabled.
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Exactly why I asked... lol
Looks like it is only required when setting SELinux to permissive; which doesn't appear to be required. You literally saved me from going back to 4.4.2, just for V4A btw:good:
Namelesswonder said:
Among other things, creating a recovery flashable zip has fallen through. I have come across a problem where I can't modify init.qcom.post_boot.sh from a recovery, be it SafeStrap or FlashFire. I have also discovered something else, init.d support was supposed to be included with Walter.White's Lollipop ROM, but his script encountered the same problem as me, it couldn't append to init.qcom.post_boot.sh. So right now anyone using his ROM does not have init.d setup, luckily, it can be very easily enabled. All you have to do is add
to the end of init.qcom.post_boot.sh and create an init.d folder in /system/etc and you are good to go. I have attached an init.d script to the main post that can make use of init.d and do the bypass.
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Answers my second question about init.d. :good:
Have been debating whether to stay on Alliance or go back to OTA, seeing as how I don't use the customization settings & need NFC
KTownGT said:
Exactly why I asked... lol
Looks like it is only required when setting SELinux to permissive; which doesn't appear to be required. You literally saved me from going back to 4.4.2, just for V4A btw:good:
Answers my second question about init.d. :good:
Have been debating whether to stay on Alliance or go back to OTA, seeing as how I don't use the customization settings & need NFC
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I originally stayed off of Lollipop for a month because I couldn't get V4A to work, but I tried to find a solution after people got it working on the Galaxy S6.
I made this guide because using MultiSystem to set SELinux to permissive did not fix the issue. It was like the policies for SELinux were still being enforced. Also, I made a mistake for the init.d code, it should be
. Currently stock rooted Lollipop is ok, with Xposed now working and Wanam just recently updated you can make stock usable now.
Namelesswonder said:
I originally stayed off of Lollipop for a month because I couldn't get V4A to work, but I tried to find a solution after people got it working on the Galaxy S6.
I made this guide because using MultiSystem to set SELinux to permissive did not fix the issue. It was like the policies for SELinux were still being enforced. Also, I made a mistake for the init.d code, it should be
. Currently stock rooted Lollipop is ok, with Xposed now working and Wanam just recently updated you can make stock usable now.
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Same pretty much. It's painful going from using V4A & a USBDAC to straight LP.
working perfectly.. thanks
Works amazing jus one question the download from mediafire has two different apps both the same version which should I have installed
Works for me! Thanks.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
Orion.Lamas said:
Works amazing jus one question the download from mediafire has two different apps both the same version which should I have installed
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On V4A's website?
There should be an APK for before JB, and one for KK/LP. You should use the one that's like"V4A_FX_4.x.apk"
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Thanks OP! Got it all working and the sound quality has definitely improved. Question though, in past versions I loved adjusting the IRSamples. Is that no longer a thing in this latest version?
Viper4android worked again!
Namelesswonder said:
What you will need:
To be on Lollipop WITH root (go here if you need to flash the rooted ROM)
BusyBox to be installed (it should already be installed on the rooted ROM, if not then search the Play Store or use your favorite one)
A copy of Viper4Android v2.3.4.0 (Download from here)
A file browser that can access the /system partition and change permissions (I prefer ES File Explorer but you can use whatever you like)
Titanium Backup (or you can use the application manager in the Settings app)
Firstly, what you will need to do is use your file browser and create a folder called "Viper4Android" in your /system/priv-app/ folder. Set the permission for this folder to rwxr-xr-x or 0755, then paste your Viper4Android APK into the folder you created and set the permission for the APK to rwxrwxrwx or 0777, with root being owner and group for both folder and APK.
Secondly, what you will need to do is browse to /system/etc/ with your file browser and open the file init.qcom.post_boot.sh and at the very bottom of the file paste this:
/system/xbin/supolicy --live "allow mediaserver mediaserver_tmpfs:file { read write execute };"
It is imperative that you make sure you are using Unix line endings instead of anything else.
Thirdly, use Titanium Backup or the Application Manager to freeze SoundAlive, as all music apps will attempt to default to it. Also you may want to freeze the Adapt Sound app, as if you enable it will then be used over V4A.
Lastly, reboot your phone and then install the drivers and reboot one last time. I can confirm that it works on Play Music, and that it doesn't work on the stock Music player (however I believe there is a way to get it to work somewhere on the internet).
You are to create it as a system app, so follow the first step.
Make sure you followed the first step correctly and set the proper permissions.
Make sure you pasted the command into the init.qcom.post_boot.sh file and that you used Unix line endings, as using DOS or Mac line endings add extra characters that Android will try to parse as actual text.
This bug happens sometimes, I found the best way to beat it is to open your BusyBox app and just put it in the background and try the driver installation again.
Make sure you freeze SoundAlive and Adapt Sound, as they will be used before Viper4Android, also you may need to put V4A into Compatibility mode to use with certain music players. Also you can't use the stock Music player (but I think there is a way somewhere on the internet).
Then you may want to wait until a recovery flashable zip is made, but at no point are the steps going to brick your phone, you can just boot to Safestrap or flash back.
This process can probably be done very easily with a init.d script and a recovery flashable zip, but I currently don't have the time and don't want to risk screwing up someone's phone.
You can use any other Viper4Android mod, as long as it is v2.3.4.0, I prefer this version which looks very nice. You can extract the file from the zip attachment and just follow the steps here.
You do not need to have SELinux set to permissive, as even with using MultiSystem to set it to permissive, it still didn't work until the above command is used.
I haven't tested whether effects like convolver or DDC work, but they should.
Thanks to:
@ihancioglu for the code that allows it to work
@nappent for most of the steps needed to get it running
Here is an init.d script that will do the bypass for you, however, you must have init.d support. As it stands right now, Walter.White's Lollipop ROM does not have init.d, if you want to enable init.d, you have to add
to the end of init.qcom.post_boot.sh and create an init.d folder in /system/etc.
Script: https://mega.nz/#!ZpIUCbrb!QONi8bWb1afE47_JnwxgpBcXoKFuPG3mpnyFX4r83G0
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I used link2sd to covert music & video players from system to user apps & viper4android worked greatly!
SilverStone641 said:
Thanks OP! Got it all working and the sound quality has definitely improved. Question though, in past versions I loved adjusting the IRSamples. Is that no longer a thing in this latest version?
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Working here. Did you change the UI setting?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
hllah66 said:
I used link2sd to covert music & video players from system to user apps & viper4android worked greatly!
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Good to know that is what you have to do to get V4A working on stock Music and Video Player. I don't know if that would bring up any issue, but nice find.
Works like a charm on AllianceROM Lollipop v9.1 Extreme Customisation 05.24.2015 :victory:
KTownGT said:
Working here. Did you change the UI setting?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
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Interesting. I don't have that option at all in my interface. I haven't adjusted any UI settings either. Is there another component that needs installing?
SilverStone641 said:
Interesting. I don't have that option at all in my interface. I haven't adjusted any UI settings either. Is there another component that needs installing?
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Open V4A --> tap settings --> tap "UI Settings" --> Tap "Expert". Should have it after that
KTownGT said:
Open V4A --> tap settings --> tap "UI Settings" --> Tap "Expert". Should have it after that
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MY HERO!! Thank you so much!! I've got all my favorite settings options back plus it sounds even better! Thank you!!
Namelesswonder said:
Good to know that is what you have to do to get V4A working on stock Music and Video Player. I don't know if that would bring up any issue, but nice find.
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How is that accomplished?
They can be detailed the activities necessary to achieve this?
As ive been reading about this very much lately, after people have flashed Marshmallow and rooted, many are having issues editing their build.prop files. And many arent having any issues at all. Well, the fix is rather easy. You are going to have to change your SElinux to be permissive. Many that arent having the issue is because they are either using a custom kernel that has set SElinux to be permissive, or are using an app to change it. I use an app, dir viper4, because it needs to gave SElinux at permissive. There arent any apps that do it in the play store, because google removed them. But.. theres a site called xda that somebody is posting their SElinux changer app in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2524485
setenforce 0 don't work no mo on dat m?
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
713brianp27 said:
setenforce 0 don't work no mo on dat m?
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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probably does, but an app that does it would be easier, for most. but you are right
Why did Google remove the apps that allow you to do this?
rester555 said:
Why did Google remove the apps that allow you to do this?
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simms22 said:
About Google removing apps . . . . . . .security?
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Just assuming . . . Google dev's have managers that puts them under pressure. . . Why. . .
1. Deals with telecom providers; demanding special factory images. Project Fi.
2. Ignoring many user requests; forcing encryption and forcing to use apps with text on white background.
3. Dark material removed since M-preview 3.
4. Use of RRO layers needs root access.
5. Deals with banks for Android Pay; not working when rooted.
6. Bloat. Built-in apps that should be in the play store.
7. Privacy. Services that can't be blocked.
8. Boot message device corrupt when it isn't.
This 6.0 update is a much bigger pain in the ass then it needs to be. Especially for Nexus devices which are suppose to be "mod" friendly. What gives Google?
First thing that comes to mind, is that you shouldn't EVER BE editing /system/build.prop. Its purpose is that it is generated by the build, hence "build".prop. If you need custom properties added to the system, use /data/local.prop.
Second thing is that most of the problems with system partition edits are NOT due to selinux problems. Most are because the factory sysimage bloats it absolutely FULL of crap. Delete some junk like google photos (which is a bloated pig).
Third, there is *absolutely no* reason to disable selinux. Just switch your context to one that matches the files you are trying to interact with. The su command has a parameter "--context" that lets you do this. Look it up.
NLBeev said:
Just assuming . . . Google dev's have managers that puts them under pressure. . . Why. . .
1. Deals with telecom providers; demanding special factory images. Project Fi.
2. Ignoring many user requests; forcing encryption and forcing to use apps with text on white background.
3. Dark material removed since M-preview 3.
4. Use of RRO layers needs root access.
5. Deals with banks for Android Pay; not working when rooted.
6. Bloat. Built-in apps that should be in the play store.
7. Privacy. Services that can't be blocked.
8. Boot message device corrupt when it isn't.
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There are many logical reasons, however.
1)ProjectFi actually NEEDS special factory images
3)It was unstable and needs more work (they are improving it for future releases)
4)I'm actually not sure about this one... I agree with you
6)They've remove most apps like PinyinIME and HindiIME from the system with 6.0
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Dang old security. Pha. Lol. Don't need permissive w viper. [emoji12]
Official Team Bliss Flo, Deb, v410 Maintainer
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
if i make any changes to build.prop at reboot my phone just sits at the Google screen. Even after setting SElinux to be permissive.
Any other solutions???
I'm running MRA58k rooted with supersu v2.50
mrizvi66 said:
if i make any changes to build.prop at reboot my phone just sits at the Google screen. Even after setting SElinux to be permissive.
Any other solutions???
I'm running MRA58k rooted with supersu v2.50
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What kind of changes did you make? Did you do a backup of the build.prop file before the changes?
Pecata said:
What kind of changes did you make? Did you do a backup of the build.prop file before the changes?
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yes, I made a backup. so i'm up and running.
all i tried to add was:
i added it at the very bottom. i've done it before on lollipop and it worked before i'm not sure why it's not working now tho.
mrizvi66 said:
yes, I made a backup. so i'm up and running.
all i tried to add was:
i added it at the very bottom. i've done it before on lollipop and it worked before i'm not sure why it's not working now tho.
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if you make any spelling errors or gramatical errors, or miss any spaces, your phone wont ever boot up.
Pecata said:
What kind of changes did you make? Did you do a backup of the build.prop file before the changes?
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simms22 said:
if you make any spelling errors or gramatical errors, or miss any spaces, your phone wont ever boot up.
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does it need an extra space at the end of the file? i think i might have removed that.
mrizvi66 said:
does it need an extra space at the end of the file? i think i might have removed that.
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i use root explorer to edit my build.prop btw. what ill do is just copy/paste the line in, save it, then reboot. and it always is fine(unless i write it myself and mess it up).
simms22 said:
i use root explorer to edit my build.prop btw. what ill do is just copy/paste the line in, save it, then reboot. and it always is fine(unless i write it myself and mess it up).
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that's exactly what i do.
i just tried it again right now and it worked. strange.
thanks for you help both of you :good:
doitright said:
First thing that comes to mind, is that you shouldn't EVER BE editing /system/build.prop. Its purpose is that it is generated by the build, hence "build".prop. If you need custom properties added to the system, use /data/local.prop.
Second thing is that most of the problems with system partition edits are NOT due to selinux problems. Most are because the factory sysimage bloats it absolutely FULL of crap. Delete some junk like google photos (which is a bloated pig).
Third, there is *absolutely no* reason to disable selinux. Just switch your context to one that matches the files you are trying to interact with. The su command has a parameter "--context" that lets you do this. Look it up.
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Great advice on local.prop. Did not know this before. Read up on it and sounds more useful especially when applying edits you dont want to re-enter after each flash.
(Take all this with caution) Good to note for others that local.prop is read after build.prop in boot up (hope i got that right), so you can use the same lines in build.prop in local.prop with changes in the values. Those values in local.prop will override those in build.prop! *except if the same line in build.prop begins with ro. "read only". **apparently the addition of qemu. in place of ro. in local.prop will override the build.prop line setting that had ro. at the beginning. Now does anyone know what qemu is exactly? Emulator? For hardware?
MunkinDrunky said:
Great advice on local.prop. Did not know this before. Read up on it and sounds more useful especially when applying edits you dont want to re-enter after each flash.
(Take all this with caution) Good to note for others that local.prop is read after build.prop in boot up (hope i got that right), so you can use the same lines in build.prop in local.prop with changes in the values. Those values in local.prop will override those in build.prop! *except if the same line in build.prop begins with ro. "read only". **apparently the addition of qemu. in place of ro. in local.prop will override the build.prop line setting that had ro. at the beginning. Now does anyone know what qemu is exactly? Emulator? For hardware?
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qemu is the virtual machine infrastructure used for the android emulator. It is far more generic than for just the android emulator, but android does use it. The prefixes used imply a priority, and qemu (because of its association with the emulator for testing) is considered as for testing and development purposes, so it can, as you say, override.
doitright said:
First thing that comes to mind, is that you shouldn't EVER BE editing /system/build.prop. Its purpose is that it is generated by the build, hence "build".prop. If you need custom properties added to the system, use /data/local.prop.
Second thing is that most of the problems with system partition edits are NOT due to selinux problems. Most are because the factory sysimage bloats it absolutely FULL of crap. Delete some junk like google photos (which is a bloated pig).
Third, there is *absolutely no* reason to disable selinux. Just switch your context to one that matches the files you are trying to interact with. The su command has a parameter "--context" that lets you do this. Look it up.
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I am sorry if this is a stupid question but when you say data/local.prop-do you mean root/data/ or just data/ in internal memory?
and if I create local.prop and add the line qemu.hw.mainkeys=1 in local.prop would that be able to hide the navigation bar even if the I don't touch build.prop?
1. Install arter kernel & Magisk
2. Remove /vendor/overlay/RazerAuraBluetoothRes.apk using your favorite explorer - This overlay disables APTX
3. Open /vendor/build.prop using your favorite explorer and search "persist.vendor.bt.a2dp_offload_cap=sbc" and delete line.
After that, add quote to bottom line. and Save.
# Addon
# This is not from code.
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4. Install "APTX for Android Ore & Pie" from magisk manager (slide left to right -> Downloads -> Search -> Install) and reboot
5. PROFIT :fingers-crossed:
This also enables APTX-TWS (Qualcomm TWS Plus) but I didn't test it because I have no device.
Holy sh*t, that really works! I've been searching for a solution to that for such a looong time...
Btw, I took the "APTX for Android Ore & Pie"-Module and added your props to the system.prop inside of that module and then I added an empty dummy of RazerAuraBluetoothRes.apk into the (has to be created) folder /vendor/overlay/ inside of the module's /system folder. That way it is systemless and therefore doesn't make any problems regarding AVB, safetynet and whatnotelse
Thank you so much OP and The Brad. Your method and Brad's systemless is the best combo. In android 9 we don't have AAC, anyway to add those libraries as well?
Does this whole process need rooting? (i'm very new to android space and don't know much about its advantages & disadvantages. Staying away for now since it's just a week old phone.)
the_brad said:
Holy sh*t, that really works! I've been searching for a solution to that for such a looong time...
Btw, I took the "APTX for Android Ore & Pie"-Module and added your props to the system.prop inside of that module and then I added an empty dummy of RazerAuraBluetoothRes.apk into the (has to be created) folder /vendor/overlay/ inside of the module's /system folder. That way it is systemless and therefore doesn't make any problems regarding AVB, safetynet and whatnotelse
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How was the dummy apk created?
On the phone by using solid explorer (every other file explorer should do as well). I create a new file an name it RazerAuraBluetoothRes.apk and that's it. I would attach it here but obviously apk and zip files are not allowed.
Gesendet von meinem Phone 2 mit Tapatalk
the_brad said:
On the phone by using solid explorer (every other file explorer should do as well). I create a new file an name it RazerAuraBluetoothRes.apk and that's it. I would attach it here but obviously apk and zip files are not allowed.
Gesendet von meinem Phone 2 mit Tapatalk
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Did you delete this line also ?persist.vendor.bt.a2dp_offload_cap=sbc
Nope, because you add it in the system.prop and magisk then overwrites any existing props.
Gesendet von meinem Phone 2 mit Tapatalk
the_brad said:
Holy sh*t, that really works! I've been searching for a solution to that for such a looong time...
Btw, I took the "APTX for Android Ore & Pie"-Module and added your props to the system.prop inside of that module and then I added an empty dummy of RazerAuraBluetoothRes.apk into the (has to be created) folder /vendor/overlay/ inside of the module's /system folder. That way it is systemless and therefore doesn't make any problems regarding AVB, safetynet and whatnotelse
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Hey Brad! Does this whole process need rooting? (i'm very new to android space and don't know much about its advantages & disadvantages. Staying away for now since it's just a week old phone.)
shahriyarali said:
Hey Brad! Does this whole process need rooting? (i'm very new to android space and don't know much about its advantages & disadvantages. Staying away for now since it's just a week old phone.)
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Yes, it needs rooting which includes unlocking your bootloader (which deletes all your data on your phone!!!) and installing magisk. If you don't know much about that process, you better read some basic tutorials first
the_brad said:
Yes, it needs rooting which includes unlocking your bootloader (which deletes all your data on your phone!!!) and installing magisk. If you don't know much about that process, you better read some basic tutorials first
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Cool thanks man! Just another quick question - what are we losing by rooting (warranty aside)? OTA updates maybe; what else?
shahriyarali said:
Cool thanks man! Just another quick question - what are we losing by rooting (warranty aside)? OTA updates maybe; what else?
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Definitely widevine L1 status. That will prevent netflix and other streaming services, that rely on that drm-thing, won't stream in more than 480p. Besides that, I don't remeber anything else...
AAh oh yes, and there will be this strange warning screen each time you boot your phone, which you can't get rid off.
the_brad said:
Holy sh*t, that really works! I've been searching for a solution to that for such a looong time...
Btw, I took the "APTX for Android Ore & Pie"-Module and added your props to the system.prop inside of that module and then I added an empty dummy of RazerAuraBluetoothRes.apk into the (has to be created) folder /vendor/overlay/ inside of the module's /system folder. That way it is systemless and therefore doesn't make any problems regarding AVB, safetynet and whatnotelse
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So @the_brad, just to put this all together since I'm currently having issues getting this working.
1. Install arter kernel & Magisk
2. Remove /vendor/overlay/RazerAuraBluetoothRes.apk
3. Download and extract "APTX for Android Ore & Pie"
4. Add the quoted props to system.prop from the extracted module.
5. Create a dummy "RazerAuraBluetoothRes.apk" within a newly created folder of the extracted module at "/system/vendor/overlay/"
6. Recompress/package the module back into a zip for install.
7. Install module and reboot.
Did I miss anything?
unstoppablekhaos said:
So @the_brad, just to put this all together since I'm currently having issues getting this working.
1. Install arter kernel & Magisk
2. Remove /vendor/overlay/RazerAuraBluetoothRes.apk
3. Download and extract "APTX for Android Ore & Pie"
4. Add the quoted props to system.prop from the extracted module.
5. Create a dummy "RazerAuraBluetoothRes.apk" within a newly created folder of the extracted module at "/system/vendor/overlay/"
6. Recompress/package the module back into a zip for install.
7. Install module and reboot.
Did I miss anything?
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Much easier:
1. Install arter kernel & Magisk
2. Remove /vendor/overlay/RazerAuraBluetoothRes.apk
3. Download and extract install "APTX for Android Ore & Pie"
3.1 reboot
4. Add the quoted props to system.prop from inside the installed the extracted module.
5. Create a dummy "RazerAuraBluetoothRes.apk" within a newly created folder inside the installed of the extracted module at "/system/vendor/overlay/"
6. Recompress/package the module back into a zip for install.
7. Install module and reboot.
the_brad said:
Definitely widevine L1 status. That will prevent netflix and other streaming services, that rely on that drm-thing, won't stream in more than 480p. Besides that, I don't remeber anything else...
AAh oh yes, and there will be this strange warning screen each time you boot your phone, which you can't get rid off.
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I haven't heard of losing widevine. I mean I think of you root systemless you prevent it.
Okazar said:
I haven't heard of losing widevine. I mean I think of you root systemless you prevent it.
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No, it's definitely gone. You keep L3, but that's not very usefull for anyhing.
I think, it is that way on all android phones as nobody has developed a hack to preserve these keys before bootloader unlock.
So I have a pair of Sennheiser PXC 550s, they have AptX, and I'm honestly not sure how I enable AptX. Followed the instructions since I already had the stock rom w/ kernel and Magisk installed. I can't change any of the Bluetooth options in the Developers options either.
Edit: So I kinda forgot I had to connect to my headphones first, but when I change the codec to AptX in Developer options it reverts back to SBC.
Craftingmod said:
1. Install arter kernel & Magisk
2. Remove /vendor/overlay/RazerAuraBluetoothRes.apk using your favorite explorer - This overlay disables APTX
3. Open /vendor/build.prop using your favorite explorer and search "persist.vendor.bt.a2dp_offload_cap=sbc" and delete line.
After that, add quote to bottom line. and Save.
4. Install "APTX for Android Ore & Pie" from magisk manager (slide left to right -> Downloads -> Search -> Install) and reboot
5. PROFIT :fingers-crossed:
This also enables APTX-TWS (Qualcomm TWS Plus) but I didn't test it because I have no device.
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Nice work.
Wow I wish this thread received some more attention.
There are so many threads on this problem with other phones, but I couldn't find a workable solution until this.
I was able to follow your guide and get APTX working.
My sound quality does seem better, but it could be placebo, haha.
Either way, finally seeing APTX as the in-use codec is good enough for me.
Thank you!
rogeriskira said:
Thank you so much OP and The Brad. Your method and Brad's systemless is the best combo. In android 9 we don't have AAC, anyway to add those libraries as well?
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Aac? I connected the shan ling m0 player, the phone shows aac HD audio, but there is a delay of 0.5s. . Very bad.
Hi All,
I installed this from Magisk and removed the stock APK but I could not find the line in build.prop to remove.
In saying this I have a very nice pair of Sennheiser Bluetooth headphones and I can see the HD codec now in Bluetooth but TBH I don't hear any difference?
I have noticed I no longer get a tiny "crackle" every so often while listening to music so I *guess* its working?
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