Hi all,
would like to share a review of oneplus X which I posted @ techenclave
do check it out. and please revert back if you have any questions/opinions
Mod Edit
kindly use the existing thread here
Thread Closed.
Forum Moderator
I have 2 problems on my Z2 with the latest .546 fw. I've posted them in the Q&A forum, but few people answered. So I paste the links here, please cilck and help me.:crying:
Please don't create new threads to ask people to help you in other threads.
You are allowed to 'bump' threads.
See rule 16 of the XDA Rules
Thread closed!
Forum moderator,
I have received a global invite for oneplus2 which is not valid in India. I have contacted customer care (req. no. 413973).Can you help me it will expire soon . Thanks in advance
No need to create duplicate threads. If you post in the wrong section, just report your thread and it will be moved. :good:
Thread closed, as there's another here.. http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-2/help/help-t3203073
Forum Moderator
Hi guys, it's me again
Who of you wants a full forum "subdivised" and organized like other phones forums has?
(Sorry for the bad English huehuehue)
Subdivisions like:
Q & A/ help/ troubleshooting threads
Development threads
Original dev. threads
Themes and apps threads
Don't know what I am talking about?
See This phone forum (just an example)
You can help us by:
Creating (useful) threads with the tag "redmi-2"
Requesting a full forum at:
If you guys know any other way to do so or another link please reply
voted for redmi 2/prime on forum request thread...
Thread closed. The proper place to request a device forum is in the link in the OP. We do not need a thread with a link redirecting members there. Chances are slim to none that the "powers that be" will even see this thread to begin with, hence the forum request thread.
hi everyone
in link is dead.
Can you find me this file (Download)
please my phone not open
This belongs in the htc one mini section, but you've already asked this there.
Please don't spam other sections about an unrelated device. Ask a question once, then be patient. Or search the site and google. :good:
Thread closed.
Forum Moderator
the link of the oficial forum is here http://club.lenovo.com.cn/thread-4205477-1-1.html anybody can get the download link?
Thread closed, create one thread per topic.
The Flash
Forum Moderator