[HELP] All ROM installation faild on HUAWEI P8 - Huawei P8 Questions & Answers

I tried to clean branding on my Huawei P8 with the method presented in the forum but it didn'nt work (with a new ROM b170) i had an error message after each installation "CUST Failed - update post process failed"
the phone works but now I cannot change the mobile network parameters, and each time I select the menu the operator name desappear during 2s and the menu is not displayed (I cannot select 4g, 3g and 2g)
I tried to reinstall an official ROM B132 from huawei site but it's always in failure and it seem failed in EMUI restoration (failure start at 75% of the update). the update partially worked, i switched on the ROM B132 but I had an error message and the mobile network menu doesn't work , and the reset phone paramaters is in failure as on the B170 rom.
Some one have a solution to restore the EMUI part or the fully phone?


GSM ERROR!!!!! failed to fix the Problem (HELLP)

I have problem fix my XDA from GSM ERROR (no clue what couse the GSM ERROR, it's hapen sudenly) , i reed "How to fix the 1% upgrade failed GSM Error Problem" in " http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Wallaby_HT_GSMError "
It says:
How to fix GSM Error Problem ....
Download the XDA-Developers ROM Version 1.1
Install the ROM on your Device via SD-Card and bootloader.
The phone should start up and give you the screen allignment and the whole menu!
How to fix GSM Error Problem ....
1. Download the XDA-Developers ROM Version 1.1
2. Install the ROM on your Device via SD-Card and bootloader.
3. The phone should start up and give you the screen allignment and the whole menu!
4. Download an Upgrade for your device. This depends ont the model you are using. Check the sticker at the back of your device.
* If it is a PW10A-Model download RSU Version 4.16
* If it is a PW10B-Model download RSU Version 6.24.20
5. Extract the downloaded ZIP-File and copy all files to the /Windows directory of your device.
6. Copy the RSUpgrade.exe additional to the /windows/startup directory.
7. Make an soft reset of your device.
8. Maybe the upgrade will stop again at 1%, this may occur when you have an empty battery.
9. Place your device in the cradle. Run Active Sync on your device.
10. The RSU Upgrade will run in the background.
11. Wait for about 10 Minutes. The upgrade should complete in the background....
I do the procedur from point 1 to point 7.
But when i reset the device the radio stack upgrade utility shows up, but not run automaticly so i have to tap the start buton tu start upgrate the radio stack. But in 1% i have the massage "Flash Failed press OK to restart your device" . So what should i do? i try to wait for 10 minuts like it says but no solution still missing the radio stack.
Does my GSM error problem coused by harware failure/error? :?
so any body can help me how to Reflash the RSU?
note: i use PW10A-Model

[Q] Issues With Country ID Error

I am trying to upgrade my PPC-6700 from WM5 (Stock Sprint ROM) to WM6.5 (Vanilla ready for bootloader v1.00). Upon executing ROMUpgradeUt.exe it detects the previous ROM version from the device and the new ROM version, and exits with an ERROR 120: COUNTRY ID ERROR.
After searching around I came across MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe, which after editing RUU.conf and adding the "[CHECKCEID_TYPE]=1", upon executing does not detect the previous ROM version only the new one. After clicking Next it instantly goes to a successful screen, the bootloader shows upgrade successful but absolutely nothing has happened to the device. Rebooting it brings me back to WM5 -- I didn't even see a percentage bar.
I am using Windows XP with ActiveSync 4.5 on a brand new installation just to bypass any weird Windows Vista/7 RUU issues. I am at a total loss on this Country ID error. I have tried several ROMs.
Any ideas?

Wifi problem

After upgrading my Huwaei device u8800 pro (running on android 2.2.1) to 2.3.5, wifi cannot be activated.
I tried to do the hard rest but without result.So i Tried to instal another version (4.0) but the installation setup stop and the message "update failed" appears.
This is my problem exactly :
htt p://w ww.youtube.com/watch?v=JrdRppbAGKY

HTC M9+ Update 1.90.401.3 failed

Hello all,
I have a new HTC M9+ and I checked for OTA Update. The device found the new 1.90.401.3 version and the download startet. When I want to install the routine starts and the device is booting into bootloader. After a while a red triangle is blinking and the device stucks.
AFter many negative retries I found a error message. According to this message the device seems to have a wrong source image??? I can not understand the message:
"package expectsbuild fingerprint of htc/hiau_ml_tuhl_htc_europe/htc_hiau_ml_tuhl:5.0"
"this devicehas htc/hiau_ml_tuhl_htccn_chs_2......"
Does anybody understand this message and how can I get the right image??
Many thanks in advance

I can't use wi-fi or sim card after flashing stock rom

My phone (china version with global rom) was bricked after I tried to install a global rom and lock the bootloader after that, in the middle of the process an error occurred, I got stuck in a bootloop with the recovery screen without bootloader, however I finally I was able to install the Chinese rom by edl, however no internet connection works, specifically wi-fi and SIM card, which prevents me from even unlocking the device with my account, I've tried hard reset, and recovery update but nothing changes
Attached some screenshots of the phone

