[OTA] XT1033 5.1 Brazilian Lollipop - Moto G General

Lets go guys! The 5.1 are here. (Dual sim brazilian lollipop)
LINK --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwray3U603G8UnhxVEtadzJHaDQ/view?usp=sharing
1- Check if you are in the 5.02 Brazilian version (System Version 220.21.28.falcon_umtsds.Brasil.en.BR). If you are, good! You're on the right way. If not... you have to flash the firmware of this version with this tutorial (PS: Without do the 4.1 and 4.3 parts and do this only if your bootloader is unlocked)
2- Download the file above and put in the root of your internal storage.
2.1- Go to bootloader mode, choose recovery option. Once in recovery option, you'll see NOTHING. Don't worry, press the power button and click in Volume +. Will appear some options, choose "apply update from Sd Card" (or anything like that).
3- Your phone will reboot and you will get the 5.1 Brazilian Lollipop
If there any modifications to the system paste (Root, xposed, any system app removed) won't work. You have to be on a 'clean' stock version.

Moto G XT1032 - Official Motorola Rom - OTA Brazil - Android 5.1.1 (Untouched)
Moto G XT1032 - Official Motorola Rom - OTA Brazil - Android 5.1.1 (Untouched)
File name: Blur_Version.220.21.28.falcon_umts.Brasil.en.BR.zip
[ download here - mega.nz ]
I hope this helps.

frekele said:
Moto G XT1032 - Official Motorola Rom - OTA Brazil - Android 5.1.1 (Untouched)
File name: Blur_Version.220.21.28.falcon_umts.Brasil.en.BR.zip
[ download here - mega.nz ]
I hope this helps.
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?!!?! I don't know what you're thinking, but the ota is to XT1033 not to xt1032

I have a xt1033 (Lollipop 5.0.2) with unlocked bootloader and custom recovery (Philz touch). Can I just flash this file through recovery?

@marcelmira man, i don't know. Try it. If you have any modification on system archives, will give error. Is recommended to you a clean rom, without any modification (recovery, kernel, root...)

marcelmira said:
I have a xt1033 (Lollipop 5.0.2) with unlocked bootloader and custom recovery (Philz touch). Can I just flash this file through recovery?
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Surely it will not work and it will give u lots of errors.. you have to be on complete stock to proceed with this manual OTA update...
btw @W3ND31 got 5.1 via OTA last week in India and I am on this update since last week...
I was on Brazilian 5.0.2 by your previous guide but now upgraded to Brazilian 5.1 by my own :victory::highfive:

miths17 said:
Surely it will not work and it will give u lots of errors.. you have to be on complete stock to proceed with this manual OTA update...
btw @W3ND31 got 5.1 via OTA last week in India and I am on this update since last week...
I was on Brazilian 5.0.2 by your previous guide but now upgraded to Brazilian 5.1 by my own :victory::highfive:
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which android 5.1 u find more stable ? Brazilian or Indian ?

gmp009 said:
which android 5.1 u find more stable ? Brazilian or Indian ?
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They both are carbon copies except some naming conventions, so exactly same performance. :good:
See below screen shots attached for your reference:
1. Brazilian 5.1
2. Indian 5.1

miths17 said:
They both are carbon copies except some naming conventions, so exactly same performance. :good:
See below screen shots attached for your reference:
1. Brazilian 5.1
2. Indian 5.1
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Brazilian version have got OTA and indian version is in SOAK test thats y i ask and brazilian OTA size is bigger then indian OTA not much bigger just 1.5 mb more in size


(TWRP BACKUP) Lollipop 5.0.2 CC Stock (XT1064, MOTO G EXT)

Working on backing up the image for those who may need the default consumer cellular stock image.
**For XT1064 only!**
When i give the download link, just unzip it to your TWRP directory for flashing back to stock for consumer cellular's version of this phone (Note: Unlocked bootloader required!)
Download link (Experimental): https://www.dropbox.com/s/i5zr4j70a8z4gtf/Moto G EXT - stock Consumer Cellular TWRP Backup.zip?dl=0
Which model XT 63/64/68/69 ? Please confirm while uploading
vigneshrajagopalan said:
Which model XT 63/64/68/69 ? Please confirm while uploading
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[DOWNLOAD OFFICIAL]Honor 6 (H60-L04) Android 5.1.1 beta

While i was looking on internet android 5.1.1 for my device i found this package that can be installed on our phone:
Disclaimer: Right now, there isn’t any official rollback package that for downgrading the device back to EMUI 3.0 and – given this update’s beta status – you better think twice before doing anything.
OTA Details
Device: Honor 6
Model: H60-L04
Android: v5.1.1 Lollipop
EMUI: 3.1
Firmware: B507
Build: C900B507
Required Build: B370
Region: Europe (International)
Status: Official
Type: Beta
File Name: Update.zip
Size: 1.05 GB
Download: H60-L04 Android 5.1.1
How to Update
You need to be running B370 EMUI 3.0 on your Honor 6 with stock recovery. This update will only work with the L04 European variant.
Download the Update.zip package from the above-mentioned link to your PC.
From your PC copy “Update.zip” to the dload folder of your external SD Card.
Create a backup of your existing apps, contacts, logs and other stuff.
Now, go to Updates > Menu > Local Update, choose the update package and install it.
Your device will reboot, verify the package, install the new OS and then automatically reboot.
TheTigerDeveloper said:
While i was looking on internet android 5.1.1 for my device i found this package that can be installed on our phone:
Disclaimer: Right now, there isn’t any official rollback package that for downgrading the device back to EMUI 3.0 and – given this update’s beta status – you better think twice before doing anything.
OTA Details
Device: Honor 6
Model: H60-L04
Android: v5.1.1 Lollipop
EMUI: 3.1
Firmware: B507
Build: C900B507
Required Build: B370
Region: Europe (International)
Status: Official
Type: Beta
File Name: Update.zip
Size: 1.05 GB
Download: H60-L04 Android 5.1.1
How to Update
You need to be running B370 EMUI 3.0 on your Honor 6 with stock recovery. This update will only work with the L04 European variant.
Download the Update.zip package from the above-mentioned link to your PC.
From your PC copy “Update.zip” to the dload folder of your external SD Card.
Create a backup of your existing apps, contacts, logs and other stuff.
Now, go to Updates > Menu > Local Update, choose the update package and install it.
Your device will reboot, verify the package, install the new OS and then automatically reboot.
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TYSM man! I was on b500. Any performance improvements?
nothing comes up in the updater app. it tells me to put the file in the directory but it is already there. help?
Jasestyle said:
nothing comes up in the updater app. it tells me to put the file in the directory but it is already there. help?
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are you sure that you put the update zip in
EXTSDCARD/dload/ ?
This rom is the same that was out?
Will the phone reset factory and lost every setting and apps after update?
This is the same Rom that has been out for a long time. We already have a thread about this. Some people are getting version B500 with this while some are getting B507.
I installed it. Works perfect... was slow and laggy at first but after 2 reboots its working flawlessly... UI looks the same though... the navigation bar, settings and power menu have changed slightly... looks more like MIUI now
Even I would like to install this but I am running Indian l04 and the emui version I have is b374.Is there any chance I can get it to work in mine.
Sent from my H60-L04 using XDA Free mobile app
I am running b390 and read somewhere that there's no downgrade package for that to b370. And b507 only is over b370.
Any suggestion on how can I install this update?
Sent from my H60-L04 using Tapatalk
I flashed this but why do I get b500 instead of b507
Hi!! You can use my video in your principal post if you want. Just see it here: httpx ://ww. youtube.cm/ watch?v=C05ckG4qG1Y
EDIT: Sorry but I can't put the correct link
there is a No Option for 4G. How can I Solve it?
Sent from my H60-L04 using XDA Free mobile app
---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 PM ----------
There is no Option for 4g
I am running b390 and read somewhere that there's no downgrade package for that to b370. And b507 only is over b370.
Any suggestion on how can I install this update?
arash_ir1 said:
I am running b390 and read somewhere that there's no downgrade package for that to b370. And b507 only is over b370.
Any suggestion on how can I install this update?
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unlock the bootloader and flash the b370 (system, boot, recovery, userdata, cache, cust) from pc
shubh_007 said:
This is the same Rom that has been out for a long time. We already have a thread about this. Some people are getting version B500 with this while some are getting B507.
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hey bro if i install this in my Device
does it occurs any problem
like with network or wifi
do you installed this
Aravind92 said:
Even I would like to install this but I am running Indian l04 and the emui version I have is b374.Is there any chance I can get it to work in mine.
Sent from my H60-L04 using XDA Free mobile app
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Can somebody answer this?
Far_SighT said:
Can somebody answer this?
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Download B309 package.
Flash over B374.
Go further down to B109SP01 from B309.
Update to B115.
Update to B500 with this update. zip.
You'll get B500 version if you are in India and not B507. I don't know the reason but that's what happened to me and few other people. I'm back to B374 as this ROM is buggy for daily usage. India will also be releasing lollipop update soon so I suggest it's better to stay away from this. While on the other hand Malaysia has also started updating to Lollipop, that update is over B380, update file is not uploaded by anyone yet.
Hi shubham
I installed the b380 version.but i want to go to indian version b374.please help how to go
Hehdvvssv said:
Hi shubham
I installed the b380 version.but i want to go to indian version b374.please help how to go
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How you installed B380? Local update or fastboot method?

XT1580 - 6.0.1 custom - Updates. Is it possible?

I am from Brasil and have a XT1580 (Moto X Force). Here the firmware is on 6.0 only.
I install in my XT1580 the firmware below, with unlocked bootloader and TWRP... and put the file build.prop modified (this is to work the mobile data and SIM).
Now, I removed TWRP.
I would know if is it possible I receive updates. And if someone is from Europe, can tell me whats version is now on his phones with stock ROM.

Fastboot Files

Can anyone provide me Moto X Style 1572 Asia DS fastboot files for Nougat firmware??
I accidentally installed 6.0.1 ES verison and now i am unable to flash 6.0 ASIA DS firmware.
In India Motorola didnt updated XT1572 to 6.0.1
teji007 said:
Can anyone provide me Moto X Style 1572 Asia DS fastboot files for Nougat firmware??
I accidentally installed 6.0.1 ES verison and now i am unable to flash 6.0 ASIA DS firmware.
In India Motorola didnt updated XT1572 to 6.0.1
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Sorry to hear that but unfortunately the Motorola's official firmware center link has been removed all you need to do is wait for nougat firmware aka (fastboot files)
You can't even downgrade as it'll throw pre valid errors over you
And btw der was no 6.0.1 for Retasis_ds
Sagar_1401 said:
Sorry to hear that but unfortunately the Motorola's official firmware center link has been removed all you need to do is wait for nougat firmware aka (fastboot files)
You can't even downgrade as it'll throw pre valid errors over you
And btw der was no 6.0.1 for Retasis_ds
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Thank you very much
as Firmware.Center is down, Use these links
6.0.1 with september 2016 security, (download might be slow)
6.0 with september 2016 security,
once you boot up, both will give you the december security ota....
You can relock the device if the EU version number that you flashed is less than these firmwares. if you get prevalidation error then skip fastboot oem lock and flash gpt commands
Thanks Sir.
sathishtony said:
as Firmware.Center is down, Use these links
6.0.1 with september 2016 security, (download might be slow)
6.0 with september 2016 security,
once you boot up, both will give you the december security ota....
You can relock the device if the EU version number that you flashed is less than these firmwares. if you get prevalidation error then skip fastboot oem lock and flash gpt commands
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Ok sir Thank you very much
DOnt know the version
teji007 said:
Ok sir Thank you very much
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Sir now i again rooted the phone and using TruePureXXM rom...plz tell me how to know the EU rom version?
teji007 said:
sir now i again rooted the phone and using truepurexxm rom...plz tell me how to know the eu rom version?
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reteu 24.107...

Not getting OTA after flashing Jan patch and the May patch as well. G5 Plus XT1686.

Flashed the NPN25.137-35 (Jan patch) stock rom on my moto g 5 plus to unbrick my phone. Went well but after booting, I'm not getting any OTA updates.
Flashed a newer version of the firmware - POTTER_NPNS25.137-35-5 (May patch) by following a video. Still not getting any updates.
Please reply guys!
roydhritiman said:
Flashed the NPN25.137-35 (Jan patch) stock rom on my moto g 5 plus to unbrick my phone. Went well but after booting, I'm not getting any OTA updates.
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I explain you based on my experience: You will never receive any more OTA as you don't have in sync the OEM partition. The OTAs check the "build.prop" in SYSTEM and the "oem.prop" in OEM. A lot of firmwares here for flashing your device lacks the OEM partition.
So, try to reflash a full firmware.
I hope it helps you!
manos78 said:
I explain you based on my experience: You will never receive any more OTA as you don't have in sync the OEM partition. The OTAs check the "build.prop" in SYSTEM and the "oem.prop" in OEM. A lot of firmwares here for flashing your device lacks the OEM partition.
So, try to reflash a full firmware.
I hope it helps you!
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how do i get a full firmware? links? moto g 5 plus INDIA
roydhritiman said:
how do i get a full firmware? links? moto g 5 plus INDIA
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Search in the forum!
Thread with all stock firmwares: https://forum.xda-developers.com/g5-plus/how-to/firmwares-moto-g5-plus-t3593160
Repo 1: https://firmware.center/firmware/Motorola/Moto G5 Plus/Stock/
Repo 2: https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmware/moto/potter/official/RETAIL/
I don't know why it's for Indian version. However, search for the "release number" in this thread of "TWRP" (not full) ROMs:
roydhritiman said:
how do i get a full firmware? links? moto g 5 plus INDIA
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There's a link posted there for the latest Indian firmware i.e NPN25.135-67-5
manos78 said:
Search in the forum!
Thread with all stock firmwares: https://forum.xda-developers.com/g5-plus/how-to/firmwares-moto-g5-plus-t3593160
Repo 1: https://firmware.center/firmware/Motorola/Moto G5 Plus/Stock/
Repo 2: https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmware/moto/potter/official/RETAIL/
I don't know why it's for Indian version. However, search for the "release number" in this thread of "TWRP" (not full) ROMs:
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I flashed the Brazil ROM (.15 version) on my G5 Plus and got the OTA update to the .67 version. After installing the update, the device went into a hard bricked state. No bootloader. Only the LED blinks when the device is connected. Tried reviving the bootloader using blankflash but it fails each time I try.
roydhritiman said:
I flashed the Brazil ROM (.15 version) on my G5 Plus and got the OTA update to the .67 version. After installing the update, the device went into a hard bricked state. No bootloader. Only the LED blinks when the device is connected. Tried reviving the bootloader using blankflash but it fails each time I try.
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Yeah, attempting to downgrade from the retail US May 2017 patch (NPNS25.137-35-5) to the Indian/Brazil .15 firmware and then attempting to take OTA updates has caused hard bricks previously.
Which blankflashes have you tried? Does the albus (Moto Z2 Play) blankflash work? https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=73062532&postcount=15 I do not know if any of the Moto Z Play blankflashes may work (given the similar hardware) or may not depending on how new they are.
echo92 said:
Yeah, attempting to downgrade from the retail US May 2017 patch (NPNS25.137-35-5) to the Indian/Brazil .15 firmware and then attempting to take OTA updates has caused hard bricks previously.
Which blankflashes have you tried? Does the albus (Moto Z2 Play) blankflash work? https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=73062532&postcount=15 I do not know if any of the Moto Z Play blankflashes may work (given the similar hardware) or may not depending on how new they are.
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Oh hey it got fixed. Flashed the debloated and deodexed ROM for the g5 plus. This is the ROM that's advised to flash after a hard brick, for this phone. And yeah I used the Albus blankflash. It worked successfully!
roydhritiman said:
Oh hey it got fixed. Flashed the debloated and deodexed ROM for the g5 plus. This is the ROM that's advised to flash after a hard brick, for this phone. And yeah I used the Albus blankflash. It worked successfully!
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Good to hear you got your device working. I imagine you could flash the TWRP flashables if you wanted a more updated system (since these flashables don't affect the GPT/bootloader, where the majority of the hard bricks seem to arise): https://forum.xda-developers.com/g5-plus/development/rom-twrp-flashable-stock-builds-t3675616
echo92 said:
Good to hear you got your device working. I imagine you could flash the TWRP flashables if you wanted a more updated system (since these flashables don't affect the GPT/bootloader, where the majority of the hard bricks seem to arise): https://forum.xda-developers.com/g5-plus/development/rom-twrp-flashable-stock-builds-t3675616
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Airtight I shall!
