I rooted my n910c via @talexop kernel http://forum.xda-developers.com/note-4/development/note-4-910c-kernel-talexop-5-1-1-t3192767 and screen mirroring encountered error (( hardware issue )) while trying to connect
Restored via TWRP which i backed up before root and still the same problem
Any fix for this or i have to flash the stock 5.1.1 on clean phone ??
Thanks in advance
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heaton1981 said:
I rooted my n910c via @talexop kernel http://forum.xda-developers.com/note-4/development/note-4-910c-kernel-talexop-5-1-1-t3192767 and screen mirroring encountered error (( hardware issue )) while trying to connect
Restored via TWRP which i backed up before root and still the same problem
Any fix for this or i have to flash the stock 5.1.1 on clean phone ??
Thanks in advance
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I think Screen mirroring works only on stock recovery, kernel, system etc.... But maybe you can try out this http://www.usoftsmartphone.com/t264946.html
While I was on S4 there where a library patch but maybe the above link might help you out... Keep backup of your old build.prop file
It has just worked for me http://www.usoftsmartphone.com/t264946.html adding to the build file
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this worked for me on the Note 4 N910t3 From Tmobile! Stock Kernel, Systemless Root, 5.1.1
Hi im wondering if anyone else is having this issue. I just flashed Omega rom 7.0 with no problems but then i flashed the new bootloader using Odin and it was successful too but for some reason when i check the bootloader version its still the old one.
I figured it out. Make sure to power down completely first and then boot into download mode and then flash thru Odin that way.
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Free mobile app
What is all about that new bootlader? Do I need to flash it? What has changed?
Thank you!
If you want to use the stock kernels you have to flash the new bootloader. Things like screen casting to a smart TV can only be done with stock kernels.
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Hello guys,
I was using the a custom rom and everything was working fine.
However, I got back to stock installing by TWRP, (this rom is without knox and not rooted. ) then now, my wifi and Nfc is not working.
Can anyone help me?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Free mobile app
What kind of custom rom you were using?
Now im using a stock, however, I did not installed by Odin. I found one flasheable by custom recovery.
PS: My devide model is n900w8.
And I found a few versions of roms stock, however, all that have a same bug, force closes and reboots. I tried install by Odin, and also flasheable, and got a same problems. Roms for n900w8 is all a trash.
I found a ROM stock flasheable for n9005, and its working fine, but WiFi and NFC is not working.
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I want to root my s4 i9505 running android 4.4.2. I cant find guides on how to root my version (XXUGNG8). I always find so many tutorials but they say you have to be versions like xxufnb8 or something like that and other ones. Please can someone find me a tutorial kn how to root my s4?
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lol123lol said:
I want to root my s4 i9505 running android 4.4.2. I cant find guides on how to root my version (XXUGNG8). I always find so many tutorials but they say you have to be versions like xxufnb8 or something like that and other ones. Please can someone find me a tutorial kn how to root my s4?
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Take a look: HERE.
I already found a way to root my phone and it worked. But thanks anyway
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If i flash cwm recovery, will my device be wiped?
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lol123lol said:
If i flash cwm recovery, will my device be wiped?
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I recommend you better TWRP or Philz Recovery. Flashing custom recoveries don't wipe your device :highfive:
No. Flashing recoveries will not wipe your device., but it will trip knox to 0x1. This will void your warranty.
I also recommend TWRP. I couldn't flash CWM recovery. I did, but it just booted into the stock recovery instead of CWM. So I flashed TWRP.
Now that i rooted my phone, sometimes after im dome using it, when i hit the power button to off the sceeen, the phone randomly reboots. It Just straight away goes to the samsung spinning logo and then goes to the homescreen. But during the reboot it doesnt play the song and it doesnt go to the screen that says samsung galaxy s4 gt i9505. It's like its a quick reboot idk. This has happened three times now. Is there a way to fix this?
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It also happens after i end a call
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lol123lol said:
It also happens after i end a call
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Flash the latest firmware for your device for solve your problems.
Where do i get the latest firmware from? And i dont know which is the latest one. Also will this remove root?
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And has flashing the latest firmware removed this problem for other people?
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Is this happening because of something called knox? Also can you explain what will happen after i flash the latest firmware? Will i lose root?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Free mobile app
Hi, I have the same problem.
I do a wipe reset and a root: root is not working.
I removing root and make some root tentatives:
In Windows (Odin): not working
In Linux (motoshopper): not working
I have the XXUGNG8 and I don't understand why since this update, I can't root again!
Do you have an idea please?
If your talking about the random reboots, it happened to me because i let supersu app disable knox. After that the random reboots started. I fixed that by unfreezing the apps through titanium backup. For me 2 apps called knox notification manager and migration agent were frozen so i unfroze them through titanium backup. Then the random reboots stopped
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After that you have to remove all the knox files in your phone. Check here:
However, DO NOT delete a file called libknox_encryption.so otherwise your phone will not boot up.
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i had rooted my device some days before and never flashed custom rom so please help me to do unroot my device my mobile version is N910 G (india) please guide me. this help will be appreciable
Sent from my ASUS_T00J using XDA-Developers mobile app
Just flash the stock rom from of odin. That's it.
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kevalpatel92 said:
Just flash the stock rom from of odin. That's it.
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after watching a video on YouTube i did whatsoever dictate there
go to SuperSU> Setting > Clean Up> full unroot.
after doing that i reset my phone then after i tried to get official update but unfortunately i got same message that your device is modified unauthorized way. go to service center.
what i supposed to do now i am exhausted :'( no proper help i got while there are lots of experts exists. disappointed
i want to download official Marshmallow
Sent from my ASUS_T00J using XDA-Developers mobile app
Just download the official stock rom of you model from sammobile.com and flash it through odin.you are done.
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kevalpatel92 said:
Just download the official stock rom of you model from sammobile.com and flash it through odin.you are done.
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ok i will do right now i don't have PC i will arrange it and then i will try whatsoever you are telling anyway thanks for your response.
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Urgent help required. My note 4 is running Dr. Ketan's rom on Marshmallow. I need to unroot to get a hardware problem fixed, but i've never tried it before. I know I need to use SuperSu but I don't have a boot / recovery image. Can someone please help me. Will be exceedingly grateful.
Hello everyone
Sorry if this mentioned before, but I've tried everything, and still can't connect to WiFi..
Grand 2 G7102, running 4.4.2
Tried factory reset, flashing different stock roms, flashing 4 files ROM.
Also tried flashing fix files in AP.
Tried flashing another modem CP file.
Tried root and erasing efs.
All didn't work, it connects sometimes, but most of time don't.
Please can you tell me about solution?
PS: GSM & Bluetooth working flawlessly,
Sent from my SM-N910H using XDA-Developers mobile app
Flash rio kernel may fix
Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk
Silver-7 said:
Hello everyone
Sorry if this mentioned before, but I've tried everything, and still can't connect to WiFi..
Grand 2 G7102, running 4.4.2
Tried factory reset, flashing different stock roms, flashing 4 files ROM.
Also tried flashing fix files in AP.
Tried flashing another modem CP file.
Tried root and erasing efs.
All didn't work, it connects sometimes, but most of time don't.
Please can you tell me about solution?
PS: GSM & Bluetooth working flawlessly,
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Try this fix may help
[email protected] said:
Try this fix may help
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Flashed it, now I can't even switch WiFi on!!
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simranjitsingh said:
Flash rio kernel may fix
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Where I find it for 4.4.2?
All I found in sticky thread is for 4.3
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Silver-7 said:
Where I find it for 4.4.2?
All I found in sticky thread is for 4.3
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In this thread you'll find link.
Note-I am not 100% sure it'll fix wifi issues
Sent from my SM-G800H using Tapatalk
simranjitsingh said:
In this thread you'll find link.
Note-I am not 100% sure it'll fix wifi issues
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Thanks but I got boot loop
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Silver-7 said:
Thanks but I got boot loop
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'K bro let me figure out what's the situation. Tell me how & when exactly did this happen. After you flashed a new rom or some update or something. Also which rom and all you've flashed in the past before and after wifi issues started????
Sent from my SM-G800H using Tapatalk
Actually I can't tell cause I got it used, it was with stock official 4.4.2
It worked sometimes, most of time not, or just gave a fake WiFi Signal..like it says it's connected, but actually no Internet.
So I Flashed another stock official rom via Odin, got same results, then I tried flashing some fixes I found around the Internet, the ones you put in PDA and flash, it worked for sometime then stopped..
Rooted and tried deleting efs, no luck.
Lastly I Flashed 4 Files factory ROM 4.4.2 with its pit file.. It didn't work.
Of course I've tried it on other routers..
So no matter what I do it stays on "Saved, Secure"
It's really weird thing as Bluetooth and Hotspot are both working..
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Don't get me wrong but in your first post you said "different stock ROMs" later you said "another official stock ROM", dude as far as I know there's only one stock ROM for every device, it may have different Android versions like 4.3 or 4.4
: sent from a Payphone using Tapatalk
Okay so let me tell you what happened with me was something similar issue.
I flashed the GeNxt N4 rom and after that it is instructed to flash Deds kernel but cwm is buggy and it behaves weirdly so you cannot return to recovery to flash kernel and rom withing the same boot into recovery without reboot.
So i changed roms but to my surprise i had wifi issues in all of 'em. So i used philz recovery and flashed N4 rom with the Deds kernel and finally fixed.
So maybe yours the same case. The previous owner did something similar and wifi issue could'nt fix so he gave to you.
Sent from my SM-G800H using Tapatalk
spamshark said:
Don't get me wrong but in your first post you said "different stock ROMs" later you said "another official stock ROM", dude as far as I know there's only one stock ROM for every device, it may have different Android versions like 4.3 or 4.4
: sent from a Payphone using Tapatalk
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Bro I mean by stock roms I mean official ones, you know there're many on Sammobile based on country, I tried few, that's what I meant.
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simranjitsingh said:
Okay so let me tell you what happened with me was something similar issue.
I flashed the GeNxt N4 rom and after that it is instructed to flash Deds kernel but cwm is buggy and it behaves weirdly so you cannot return to recovery to flash kernel and rom withing the same boot into recovery without reboot.
So i changed roms but to my surprise i had wifi issues in all of 'em. So i used philz recovery and flashed N4 rom with the Deds kernel and finally fixed.
So maybe yours the same case. The previous owner did something similar and wifi issue could'nt fix so he gave to you.
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I see..
So I'll flash Philz Recovery > N4 ROM,
Then DedS kernel,, and see
Sent from my SM-N910H using XDA-Developers mobile app
simranjitsingh said:
Okay so let me tell you what happened with me was something similar issue.
I flashed the GeNxt N4 rom and after that it is instructed to flash Deds kernel but cwm is buggy and it behaves weirdly so you cannot return to recovery to flash kernel and rom withing the same boot into recovery without reboot.
So i changed roms but to my surprise i had wifi issues in all of 'em. So i used philz recovery and flashed N4 rom with the Deds kernel and finally fixed.
So maybe yours the same case. The previous owner did something similar and wifi issue could'nt fix so he gave to you.
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So I'll flash Philz Recovery > N4 ROM,
Then DedS kernel..and see
N4 ROM is 4.4.2?
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Silver-7 said:
So I'll flash Philz Recovery > N4 ROM,
Then DedS kernel..and see
N4 ROM is 4.4.2?
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Here's the link for everything you need to know. Just use philz instead of cwm.
Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk
simranjitsingh said:
Here's the link for everything you need to know. Just use philz instead of cwm.
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Thanks friend, I'll try it.
But is it mandatory to do it over (4.4.4 base rom ie gennxt n4) or directly on stock 4.4.2 would be fine?
Thanks in advance.
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Silver-7 said:
Thanks friend, I'll try it.
But is it mandatory to do it over (4.4.4 base rom ie gennxt n4) or directly on stock 4.4.2 would be fine?
Thanks in advance.
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Do on Gennxt. Cuz what i think is the problem is previously this rom was maybe flashed on your device without Deds kernel as you say someone else used it before and the bug is showing up on every rom since it was not fixed.
Again i am just trying to guess what the problem is. Hope it helps
Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk
simranjitsingh said:
Do on Gennxt. Cuz what i think is the problem is previously this rom was maybe flashed on your device without Deds kernel as you say someone else used it before and the bug is showing up on every rom since it was not fixed.
Again i am just trying to guess what the problem is. Hope it helps
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Installed Gennxt N4, DedS kernel.
Still can't connect to WiFi.
I really have no idea how to solve this weird issue [emoji52]
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Silver-7 said:
Installed Gennxt N4, DedS kernel.
Still can't connect to WiFi.
I really have no idea how to solve this weird issue [emoji52]
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Maybe 3rd party wifi apps could help. Try WPS connect app.
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