Own authorization server with rest. - Java for Android App Development

Hi. How to write own authentication server with rest resources? At this moment we have server with Jersey and shiro. Users are stored in mysql database with hibernate.
Now I have problem how to join this with oauth to authenticate android users.
Also this auth/resources server will use vaadin webapp.
On other forum I get suggestion to use spring android framework. http://projects.spring.io/spring-android/
What option will be the best?


activesync 4.1 and exchange server 2003

I'm trying to synchronizise with the exchange server at my work.
But for some reason it doesn't work. I've filled in everything in the right way (address, domein etc.) the fault code is 80070002.
Can somebody help me with this?
same here at home (no firewalls)
Works fine for me. Exchange server needs just some configuration.
Priit said:
Works fine for me. Exchange server needs just some configuration.
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What kind of configuration?
First, your Outlook Web Access (yes, OWA!) can not use forms based authentication nor SSL encryption. If you don want to use these (you most probably want to use SSL) then you need to create another virtual OWA directory without SSL and force ActiveSync (and Outlook Mobile Access) to use it.
More information at
Check if you can access OMA (Outlook Mobile Access) using http://yourserver/oma and check also Exchange server logs.
I thought this wasn't supported on WM5 until AKU 2.0 comes out (hopefully soon)
So ur saving I have to turn Forms authentication off and ssl off on OWA for my mobile device to work ?
sounds a bit of a poor show.
I need Forms based auth ideally as it goes through firewalls where as the other type does not.
Ours works here and we use SSL.
For the server name make sure you are using the fully qualified domain name that you use from the internet. IE: mail.domain.com. You don't have to put the /exchange on the end.
username, password and domain are all the same as what you use to log in.
OH, and the certificate you use on the server should be for mail.domain.com and not servername.
Hope this helps.
@spartanrob: DirectPush needs AKU2.0. You have always had possibility to sync manually. Or if your operator provides e-mail to SMS then you have the same functionality already today.
No, I'm not saying you have to turn off SSL and/or forms-based auth., but you need to create another virtual OWA directory, which does not require SSL and forms-based authentication. You can limit access to this directory to localhost only so there will be no security concerns.
Your server is probably set up in that way.
Please go read this it helped me with the same error
Basicly says that you have to download the cert from https://server.domain.com/certsrv then install the certificate on your desktop and your handheld then activesync will work....
I was hesitant but it worked for me.... it changed the path in the cert from my ip to my server.domain.com

activesync server sync help!!!!

Hi guys,
Right i have an XDA exec and an XDA mini , ones for work ones for personal use.
I've set up an exchange server at home for the mini however it has to listen on port 8080 (the web outlook frontend).
However I'm trying to connect the activesync client to this via
address:8080 in the server field on the device but it doesn't seem to work
I can obviously access the site via 8080 on http but not via activesync. I've tried this on both the XDA MINI and the XDA EXEC and neither can access the server and i can't move the ports .
does the client support ports?
can you override them?
Activesync works by default over port 80 (non-secure) and 443 (secure) only. There may be a reg hack but I am unaware of one. If your cable or phone company is blocking port 80 just install a certificate, which you REALLY should be using anyway) and connect over 443 using SSL.
this is the problem, both portss 80 and 443 are taken up already by an apache web server.
I have exchange running under a virtual machine on the linux server. The windows 2003 box intergates with the existing mail sub system giving me access to the pop3 and smtp service on the linux side of things so its transparrent.
So apache runs on both port 80 and 443 so I can't bind anything to them.
I was looking into a reg hack if there was one.
If i find anything i'll post it but until then i have the same problem...which is a real annoyance!
the other thing is that the server i'm working with is only allowing port 8080 to be directed to it. Does activesync use any other port for the sync via web? As that might be the other problem.
right i've found a partial solution.
What i've done is use mod_proxy as part of the apache2 stuff to do a reverse proxy to the server over a virtual host on the system...
soo all traffic for the virtual domain foo.com goes to which is the server behind the firewall (which just happens to be a bridged virtual machine).
That means now I can access exchange web via http on port 80 so atcive syn now connect to it.
unforutnately the crap thing is now active sync constantly asks for a username and password all the time and doesn't sync. So I'm guess it can see the server but not get any further...
so does anyone know if active sync needs access to any other ports as I can forward them much easily through the firewall.
help and thoughts please .
right that did it...
two things..i'd made a mistake int he domain name on active sync and added an E into the domain name where I should have!
also because i'd promoted the VM to a Domain Controller after installing IIS etc I had to re-register the ASP.NET framework so OMA worked.
I now have push mail working on linux out of a VM whilst apache is running on the same box
Can I challenge you to document your setup and post it on a new thread for others to learn from?
yeah i'll do that , currently however I've been having a bit of a war with the SSL setup as the first pass was "open communications"
I've hit a snag where access to to OWA works for everything bar for internet explorer. I think i know the problem and have a solution so once I've tried that I'll document it and get it up here.
I do have reversed proxy SSL working to exchange though so now everything is secure and I can access OWA via firefox so again thats cool.
The I.E thing im certain is an issue with the actually app and that when it detects I.E it trys to be all clever but unfortuantely the domains don't match atm so its https://foo.com/exchange to http://bar.com/exchange and because of the domain name difference its getting a little twitcy.
theres three solutions, re-install everything from scratch (fat chance).
try to convert the active dicrectory domain to the one that matches foo (have you READ the documentation!....80 odd pages or something). Or change the https domain name on apache and redo the certificate (nice and easy but i'll do it tuesday).
once I can get it working seamlessly i'll do the docus

Activesync autoconfiguration for Exchange?

When you are setting up a new server source in AS, it has some options for doing things automatically (I assume based on our email domain name). This has never worked for me (I am the sys admin for our Windows network). Do I have to be running Exch2007 to get this functionality, or is it some sort of DNS issue that is making this fail? The front-end server that we use is not mail.domain.com We use webmail.domain.com.
Any thoughts are appreciated. We are going to be allowing our users to bring their own service and devices to our cell phone mix, and I want to make connecting with WM devices as easy as possible. I'm trying to reduce the number of blackberry devices we use.
Microsoft Exchange 2007 Autodiscovery
Autodiscovery allows a user to enter their email address and password into Outlook 2007 or Windows Mobile 6 Pocket Outlook to have their profile or activesync relationship automatically configured to access an Exchange 2007 server.
In short, you add a DNS record for the host "autodiscover" in the domain you want to use Autodiscovery in. If you want it to work internally just add it to your company's DNS server. If you want it to work externally you have to add it to your external DNS server.
One important note is that you must have a multi-domain SSL certificate from a known public provider. This is because you need 4-hosts on the certificate (2-domains with 2-hosts each) I purchased a multi-domain certificate from GoDaddy.com for $58 for 1-year.
Search keywords: +Exchange +2007 +Autodiscover

[Q] Microsoft OCS

I recently installed both Office Talk (beta) in order to receive company instant messages.
The format is: server https://company.com
user name
I keep getting the error "Login failed - Bad Credentials"
My IT guys have installed the same software on Android phones and can successfully connect. For some reason I can not. I have tried both the Liberated ROM 12 as well as CM6 and get the same results.
I have activesync running in both instances, but can not figure out where the issue lies.
Anybody have an idea?
Server, username, password: are these the only options needed to configure the app?
I'm not familiar with Office Talk, but to connect to the server you may need to include the domain if your company uses one.
For example, anything that uses exchange sometimes I have to put
sometimes there is a seperate entry for domain
and same for any other apps that need domain access, like pocketcloud RDP for example.
Also, this should probably be in the apps section, but it's not going to stop me from trying to help.

[Q] need help ,developing group messaging over WLAN

I am supposed to develop a group messaging app (IM client) using WLAN ,its a term project.This app is supposed to list all the available users that are connected over the wlan and provide the user with the options ,to create a group ,send group messages or send messages individually over the wlan.I have had experience of developing android apps in the past but none of them have ever been network based.
I need to know :
1.what Internet protocols will be used .(sip? ,voip?) for DNS etc ,yeah i have below meager networking knowledge.
2.what areas do i need to research any links to resources will be quite helpfull .
3.any open source app that offers the same functionality
4.do i need to set up a server aswell ?
I would be really thankfull for your advice on this .
Take a look at XMPP which is an extendable and open source messaging protocol.
DNS is just used to convert names to numbers, so you'd give your server a name and create a DNS A record, then the clients would use that name to locate the server. XMPP works over TCP/IP which is useful as it's implemented in every operating system I'm aware of. There are also XMPP clients (which is a protocol that works on top of TCP/IP) for all platforms out there as well.
Check wikipedia for XMPP to give you background information, then look at something like openfire as a server implementation, it's pretty simple to setup and has a web based configuration.
Configure Microsoft Communicator

