GALAXY S6 Tip-Battery Life - Galaxy S6 General

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Got me a significant drop in wake-lock time... Better standby-time... Still not great, but better than before...
Galaxy S6 has a serious standby time issue...

Sorry but I had to close this thread as there already is a thread for tips to improve battery life: here.


Average battery life and scennshot

hi, for the GS3 there isn't and official thread about the battery life.
In this thread anyone can post the schenshots of their battery and vote in the poll his battery life
Made offcial by who ?
This thread seems pretty good to me

What is your average battery life on the S3?

I'm thinking of switching from the EVO LTE to a "broken S3" that my step-dad gave me.
Before I switch, I wanted some battery benchmarks from you guys.
So far, the battery is 82% after 14 hours of idle.
What kind of battery life do you expect?
Mod Edit
Thread Closed - Please see Post your Battery Stats thread already started on this topic.
Forum Moderator

Battery Life

So after 8 hours of sleep, from 100% down to this. What could be causing that much of a problem.
That's the Samsung galaxy s6 edge+ model. I have the same issues with the battery. It absolutely sucks.
The-drain-life-from-battery-function is built in. Just enjoy.
i have terrible battery drain on standby, sometimes i think it lasts longer when im using it :laugh:
Anybody found a fix ?

Battery Help

Hey guys. Im have the at&t galaxy s7 edge and my battery life isnt so good.i want to get at least 5-6 hours of SOT while having around 20-30% battery left. I can see that this is completely possible as I see many achieving this battery life. It was hard for me to follow the threads as there are so many different variants and methods to increasing battery life so I wanted to ask on this thread for me specifically. I do not have root nor do I want to root. I mostly watch youtube and use social media and a couple games daily. My signal is pretty good here as well. Im also on build numbef PG1. If you need any additional information, please ask. Please help me in achieving this battery life. Thank you so much.
Sorry forgot to add these

poor battery life on galaxy s4

Hi I have a galaxy s4 i9500, I am rooted and have gear cm13. I've been experiencing extremely poor battery life with the screen on and/or off, losing 1% every minute or so. I've read other threads but it didn't seem to sort out my problem please help me somebody
Install better battery stats to see what's using the most of your battery.
I'm really sorry for the late reply, I installed gsam battery monitor and it told me that android system was using up most of my battery life.....
I followed a thread on the forum about resetting the fuel gauge and my phone is back to the way it should be fortunately,,, although occasionally the battery does tend to drain more quickly than usual, I will download better battery stats to show you what it says
I flashed resurrection remix and my battery life has never been better, all other problems I've been having are also resolved.. Looks like it was just CyanogenMod that was causing the problems :laugh:

