***5.0 Brick Solution*** Asus Memo Pad 7 ME176CX - MeMO Pad 7 General

For the people out there who for some reason had there devices bricked when updating to lollipop. Whenever I was going to flash the WW_5.0_ME176C/X update I would get this error. "This package is for "K013" devices; this is a "K013_1"." I was bricked for a week because of a random device "name change?" Well here are the steps I took to make a flashable lollipop that wouldnt brick me. What you are doing here is telling the script that does the update that it does not need to verify your tablet model since it is wrong anyways.
Step 1: Download 7-zip. Download Notepad++. Download the TEMP CWM. Install the first two and hold onto the TEMP CWM for later. (Links Below)
Step 2: Download the latest update from asus on your device's page (UL-K013-WW- in my case). Extract the download into a new folder. If there is another .zip inside the new folder just make another folder and extract it once more.
Step 3: In the folder you extracted the .zip to, navigate to \META-INF\com\google\android. Open updater-script in Notepad++. Delete lines 1 and 2 and Save.
Step 4: Go back to the extracted folder and select all of the files in the folder. Right click and choose "Add to archive..." Make sure the "Archive format:" is "zip" and the "Compression level" is set to "Normal". Name it update.zip
Step 5: Put update.zip in the root of your micro sd card. Insert your micro sd into your tablet.
Step 6: "Open IntelAndroid-FBRL-05-16-2015-PTR" and the folder inside that. Open "launcher.bat".
Step 7: Power off the tablet. Hold the Volume-Down key in, while holding the Volume-Down press and hold the Power button until the screen says Asus, release the Power button at this point. You should be in recovery. Plug your tablet into your pc.
Step 8: In the cmd window that popped up from the "launcher.bat" type "ACCEPT" and when the next prompt appears type "T4".
Step 9: Wait until the cwm recovery fully loads and go to "Install a zip..." then go to "choose zip from external sdcard". When installing it may look like it froze, LEAVE IT BE! It is actually installing.
Step 10: You may get an error about /system not wanting to mount, ignore this and reboot your device, let it go and it will boot into lollipop. (Give your tablet 15mins to boot)
After a week of hurting my tablet and my tablet hurting my feelings I figured out this workaround, let me know if it worked for you! Enjoy 5.0!!!

Hi i dont have external micro sd only the internal can i do this or not?
thanks in advance

applerulez1 said:
For the people out there who for some reason had there devices bricked when updating to lollipop. Whenever I was going to flash the WW_5.0_ME176C/X update I would get this error. "This package is for "K013" devices; this is a "K013_1"." I was bricked for a week because of a random device "name change?" Well here are the steps I took to make a flashable lollipop that wouldnt brick me. What you are doing here is telling the script that does the update that it does not need to verify your tablet model since it is wrong anyways.
Step 1: Download 7-zip. Download Notepad++. Download the TEMP CWM. Install the first two and hold onto the TEMP CWM for later. (Links Below)
Step 2: Download the latest update from asus on your device's page (UL-K013-WW- in my case). Extract the download into a new folder. If there is another .zip inside the new folder just make another folder and extract it once more.
Step 3: In the folder you extracted the .zip to, navigate to \META-INF\com\google\android. Open updater-script in Notepad++. Delete lines 1 and 2 and Save.
Step 4: Go back to the extracted folder and select all of the files in the folder. Right click and choose "Add to archive..." Make sure the "Archive format:" is "zip" and the "Compression level" is set to "Store". Name it update.zip
Step 5: Put update.zip in the root of your micro sd card. Insert your micro sd into your tablet.
Step 6: "Open IntelAndroid-FBRL-05-16-2015-PTR" and the folder inside that. Open "launcher.bat".
Step 7: Power off the tablet. Hold the Volume-Down key in, while holding the Volume-Down press and hold the Power button until the screen says Asus, release the Power button at this point. You should be in recovery. Plug your tablet into your pc.
Step 8: In the cmd window that popped up from the "launcher.bat" type "ACCEPT" and when the next prompt appears type "T4".
Step 9: Wait until the cwm recovery fully loads and go to "Install a zip..." then go to "choose zip from external sdcard". When installing it may look like it froze, LEAVE IT BE! It is actually installing.
Step 10: You may get an error about /system not wanting to mount, ignore this and reboot your device, let it go and it will boot into lollipop. (Give your tablet 15mins to boot)
After a week of hurting my tablet and my tablet hurting my feelings I figured out this workaround, let me know if it worked for you! Enjoy 5.0!!!
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I've done it and obtein an 1.4GB archive,is it normal?

Maeke.fr said:
I've done it and obtein an 1.4GB archive,is it normal?
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No, I was having a 791mb archive...

Hi i dont have external micro sd only the internal can i do this or not?
thanks in advance
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You could try, the worst that could happen is that you wont be able to flash it.


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good job!

applerulez1 said:
No, I was having a 791mb archive...
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Ok new attempt: 791MB but with compression set on normal, not on store (i'm french so my 7-zip is in french).

tried this and verified it works. was waiting for someone to find out what the "K013_1" error in the firmware was.

phendark said:
tried this and verified it works. was waiting for someone to find out what the "K013_1" error in the firmware was.
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I don't think It really was in error, I feel like asus renamed it to prevent downgrades in the 5.0 update, I could be wrong but it makes sense.

my device 176cx. lollipop 5.0. Only run at black screen (fastboot and adb)
1. update.zip delete first 2 line. ok.
2. update.zip goto microsd card. ok.
3. open fastbboot menu.
4. start launcher.bat.
DEVICE INFORMATION: Baytrail024D1F20 fastboot
copy needed files to our device
sending '/tmp/recovery.zip' (3477 KB)...
FAILED (data transfer failure (Unknown error))
finished. total time: 5.131s
sending '/tmp/recovery.launcher' (400 KB)...
FAILED (command write failed (No such device or address))
finished. total time: 0.022s
we need to stop logcat before replacing it
FAILED (command write failed (Unknown error))
finished. total time: 5.010s
sending '/system/bin/logcat' (178 KB)...
FAILED (command write failed (No such device or address))
finished. total time: 0.017s
issue fastboot oem "stop_partitioning" command to start cwm recovery:

hurolural2 said:
my device 176cx. lollipop 5.0. Only run at black screen (fastboot and adb)
1. update.zip delete first 2 line. ok.
2. update.zip goto microsd card. ok.
3. open fastbboot menu.
4. start launcher.bat.
DEVICE INFORMATION: Baytrail024D1F20 fastboot
copy needed files to our device
sending '/tmp/recovery.zip' (3477 KB)...
FAILED (data transfer failure (Unknown error))
finished. total time: 5.131s
sending '/tmp/recovery.launcher' (400 KB)...
FAILED (command write failed (No such device or address))
finished. total time: 0.022s
we need to stop logcat before replacing it
FAILED (command write failed (Unknown error))
finished. total time: 5.010s
sending '/system/bin/logcat' (178 KB)...
FAILED (command write failed (No such device or address))
finished. total time: 0.017s
issue fastboot oem "stop_partitioning" command to start cwm recovery:
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Mine is in the same situation because I tried restoring my recovery. idk how to fix this issue yet.

Step 7: Power off the tablet. Hold the Volume-Down key in, while holding the Volume-Down press and hold the Power button until the screen says Asus, release the Power button at this point. You should be in recovery. Plug your tablet into your pc.
Cant get into recovery mode,
i have K01A tablet,
the combo keys dosent work at all, I can get in somting when im doing the same prosses but with volume-up key instade
then i get to Doidboot provision OS
i can select reboot droidboot
wipe data
power off
when i select recovery it seems like it rebooting into recovery but it automaticly says installing system update, then ERROR, then reboot itself

applerulez1 said:
Step 9: Wait until the cwm recovery fully loads and go to "Install a zip..." then go to "choose zip from external sdcard". When installing it may look like it froze, LEAVE IT BE! It is actually installing.
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I tried to use Your steps to to write WW .182 ROM (from this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/memo-pad-7/general/me176c-x-collection-roms-updates-t3012965), but I can't. I wiped everything, tried again and failed again (see picture). What's wrong? How can I revert my me176cx from lollipop back to kitkat?
Thank You for help!

Vlado.99 said:
I tried to use Your steps to to write WW .182 ROM (from this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/memo-pad-7/general/me176c-x-collection-roms-updates-t3012965), but I can't. I wiped everything, tried again and failed again (see picture). What's wrong? How can I revert my me176cx from lollipop back to kitkat?
Thank You for help!
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You cant downgrade.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk

cheers for this :highfive:
I found on my ME176CX device that i had to press vol up instead of vol down. Also, when i got to installing the update.zip it did not "see" my external sdcard at all, so to over come this i put it in the /0/download/ folder.
At the moment it's updating as i type this :victory:
edit:- :crying: it's in a bootloop :crying:

I have almost the same issue, but I can't mount sdcard or ext sdcard. So I can't copy the zip file...

OMG, OMG, OMG! Thanks man, it worked for me!

Thanks for the info, this totally worked for me. A warning to other owners with this tablet, don't install the .24 version of lollipop, or be very cautious. I too this version as it was the newest, but now I've reinstalled it almost 6 times just to get a 'simple' app as facebook to install.
Install teh modified version, place the unmodified version on ext. sd, so update finds it and when it wants to, let it install this one. After these steps, root if you want to and reinstall all apps. (with me the restores from the .17 apps gave some issues, but so did installing those via play store)

Everything worked up until installing the update. It failed at installing the flash_esp_update. Now it is still stuck at the Asus logo rebooting every few minutes. Any help?


Problem Rooting - Yes another one

I have the espresso mytouch 3g slide. I have tried rooting this everyway but the correct one and that is why I am asking for help. I have spend hours on this and I am sure some peeps can appreciate this. I have tried on win7, win xp, and linux. All the same problem. My device won't be seen after I go into recovery. I have tried the process in Unloker, and by eugene here at ada and wess and the bible and everyplace I can. I have tried 3 different sd cards a 512 meg a 4 gig and the 8 gig that came with the phone. I have formatted them all in the phone so they were clean. I have degugging on and charge only selected. No matter where I go or what I use in the first steps all is great.
List of devices attached
my serial number
power off Now I do the Hboot by d/vol and power and I have tried this all different bu unplugging before it looks for images and then plug in back in after andall combo's. so now I vol/down and then power and I am in recovery. I have a picture of a phone with a red triangle with a ! mark in the triangle. I press u/vol and power and I am n recovery. At the top it say Anroid system recovery <2e> so I know I am in the right place. Now at this point I have looped everyway I have read and I have read a lot. If I go to my prompt it gives me,
List of attached devices < -- and that is all
Back to thescreen of my phone at the bottom I have a yellow - E:\Can't open /cache/recovery/command. If I try to push the undate zip anyway or from the terminal. it will
Verifiy the update package but then get
e:\failed to open /sdcard/update.zip (no such file or directory)
E:\signature verification failed installation aborted
All the same endings with or with PDAnet or root.zip and simpleroot. Any light that someone can share would be appreciated
Same problem
I have the same problem as you do. I look around and i coulnd find anything. I hope someone out there know.
Ok first off the loop.bat file supposed to be run prior to selecting the recovery option in hboot
Second after you see the device offline repeating stop the loop batch job then unplug the usb from your phone and plug it back in, but only if you get "device offline" repeating otherwise repeat from hboot.
Third the rooting method for the slide is called "ota spoofing" for a reason. In the root.zip package you have three files "loop.bat, ota.zip, and update.zip" the update.zip is the file that actually contains clockworkmod recovery. However you need the ota.zip file for signature verification. And the loop file for the above purpose.
The ota.zip file needs to be on the root of your sdcard but named "update". The android recovery will only ready files named update and in the .zip archive format.
Now if you have all this and your reading your device in recovery you can type in your command prompt "adb push update.zip /sdcard" BUT DO NOT HIT RETURN YET.
Once you have that pickup your device scroll to "apply sdcard:update.zip" hit power count to 2 or 3 then hit return on your keyboard to send the actual update.zip file to the devices sdcard which will then load into clockwork recovery.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
Armyjon88 said:
Ok first off the loop.bat file supposed to be run prior to selecting the recovery option in hboot
Second after you see the device offline repeating stop the loop batch job then unplug the usb from your phone and plug it back in, but only if you get "device offline" repeating otherwise repeat from hboot.
Third the rooting method for the slide is called "ota spoofing" for a reason. In the root.zip package you have three files "loop.bat, ota.zip, and update.zip" the update.zip is the file that actually contains clockworkmod recovery. However you need the ota.zip file for signature verification. And the loop file for the above purpose.
The ota.zip file needs to be on the root of your sdcard but named "update". The android recovery will only ready files named update and in the .zip archive format.
Now if you have all this and your reading your device in recovery you can type in your command prompt "adb push update.zip /sdcard" BUT DO NOT HIT RETURN YET.
Once you have that pickup your device scroll to "apply sdcard:update.zip" hit power count to 2 or 3 then hit return on your keyboard to send the actual update.zip file to the devices sdcard which will then load into clockwork recovery.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
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Thank you. I have no idea why someone didn't say to rename the file but that must have been it since that was the only thing I did differently. 2 days of reading and swearing at my phone and I was so close. Well others Espresso users are having the same problem so hopefully this will help them as well. Many thanks

[GUIDE] Manually flash overclock kernel via fastboot/adb!

I'm getting a lot of private messages lately on "how do I overclock my phone?"
I am not a developer, I just read and learn how to do these things and have no problem explaining it to the masses. It's getting generally irritating to paste the method and modify it to each person's specific needs, so here is a guide for everyone to try from square one.
(IF this has ALREADY been explained in another thread, then please disregard, and mod's feel free to delete this thread)
Note: This should work on most all roms. I have not personally tested it with all but I can say this method will work with cyanogen's mod/Stock/Stock de-odexed rom's. Don't blame me if you get stuck in a boot loop or have some other problem. Worst case scenario, restore to a backup, which reminds me...
Now I am a huge fan of Flippy125 and Coolbho3000's work on the overclocking of the G2/Desire Z. The files that will be used in this guide are from their work and they deserve credit for them.
I am merely just posting a guide for those who have trouble with other overclocking methods. Upon reading beyond this point, you accept that I take no responsibility for any damage you may cause to your phone and anything that goes wrong is your problem...not mine
With that said, let's get to business.
A PC with Android's SDK installed (Get it here)
Overclocking kernel package (Wifi fix included, get it here)
A rooted G2/Dz
Now first things first, boot your phone into Fastboot mode by holding the Vol down+Power Buttons when starting it up. Hook the device to your pc via usb. Make sure the phone says "Fastboot" in red on it. If you have all the drivers then it should register everything just fine. If your pc says unrecognized device, then google "T-Mobile Vision Drivers" or "Desire Z Drivers" according to your device and install them.
I don't want this thread to get flooded with "where do I get drivers from?" Go google it.
If your phone is in fastboot mode, we can proceed to flash the kernel.
Now you will need to pick what you want the maximum speed to be on your phone. The provided package contains the 1.8Ghz overclocking kernel (stable) and the 1.9Ghz (unstable) kernel. They are labeled as such.
It is recommended that you use the 1.8Ghz because your phone is more likely to crash on start up if you use the 1.9Ghz.
Take your selected zImage1xxxmhz and rename it to just "zimage"
Move the newly renamed zimage to your C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk-windows\tools folder. This will make for easier flashing.
Now open command line on your pc.
Navigate to your android sdk tools with this command to the default install location
CD C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk-windows\tools
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Next we will proceed to flash the zimage you just put in this exact directory
enter the following:
fastboot flash zimage zimage
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If successful, your phone should display 2 lines confirming that it was successfully written to your device.
Next we will need to take the bcm4329.ko file out of the kernel package and move it to C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools
We will also need to navigate to out platform-tools folder with command line.
Enter the following:
CD C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools
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Now boot your phone into recovery mode (the screen that is used for rom installs and all that crap) Then select mounts and storage menu. Be sure to mount system and data. Once that is set enter the following into command line.
adb push bcm4329.ko /system/lib/modules/
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If successful, it should display something like "xxxxKB/s <xxx,xxx bytes in 0.xxxs>....but the x's are replaced by numbers.
If all went well then you should now have an overclocked device on restart.
You will need a program like SetCPU to control the speeds so it is highly suggested you check out the coolbho3000's SetCPU thread here!
Hope this helps all the newcomers that are looking for a little performance boost so good luck guys!
Hey thanks bro! You rock dude!
np bra 10 letters
hi I get the following error
sending 'zimage' (2751 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.474s]
writing 'zimage'...
FAILED (remote: partition does not exist!)
finished. total time: 0.479s
can anyone help me with this?
I'm getting the same error!!
Why not just download a kernel from Rom manager and flash it via clockwork mod? Hell you can even get the physical zip file and drop it into root of your sd card and flash it that way.
This entire guide is redundant. If you're getting people asking how to overclock their phones I would suggest to them that they do some more research and figure out how to do things the easy way, with tools already available to them: Their Brain.
It's just a different way of doing it. That's all. Thanks, OP.
Different way but love it. thanks
dleonseng said:
hi I get the following error
sending 'zimage' (2751 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.474s]
writing 'zimage'...
FAILED (remote: partition does not exist!)
finished. total time: 0.479s
can anyone help me with this?
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clk or magldr?
with clk and standard edition, no problem for me

[GUIDE]Install Clockwork Mod (CWM) via NVflash

Hi all,
I've been playing around with Rom Manager and it seems to dork up the CWM everytime on the gTablet and somehow keeps me from reinstalling CWM via internal SD or microSD. I've just reinstalled CWM via NVflash w/o messing up the original ROM (I was blaming CM7, but it was actually Rom Manager that it came with).
1) setup NVflash and recovery per Roebeet's instructions, but DO NOT run the "nvflash_gtablet.bat" file (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=861950)
2) download the CWM zip file (NOTE: This is for bootloader v1.1), either one from end of 1st post (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=865245)
3) unzip CWM update.zip file and extract the "recovery.img" file
4) move the "recovery.img" file to the "NVFlash" directory Roebeet talks about in his instruction
5) make a new "nvflash_CWM_only_Install.bat" file with the following text in it in the "NVFlash" directory
"nvflash.exe" --bl bootloader.bin --download 9 recovery.img
you will need the entire text above including the quotation marks for nvflash.exe
6) once the ".bat" file is done, execute it with the gTablet plugged into to PC as an APX device (power plus "vol -")
7) after flashing is finished, restart gTablet with power plus "vol +" and you will have CWM back so you can ungoober what Rom Manager messed up
If you are having problems with windows recognizing your gTablet while in ADB, check out this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1056860 (my fix starts on post #8, but do read earlier posts for added info)
Another lesson learned... if your computer keeps coming up with unknown device, try plugging your gTablet into another USB port on your computer.
(thanks to Salte Droid, Roebeet, and Im_Gumby for another way to flash CWM on the post below)
Didn't quite work for me, but here's another way to skin the cat:
Follow steps 1-4 as listed.
5. Copy file gtablet.cfg and rename the copy: STOCK_gtablet.cfg
6. Edit file gtablet.cfg and find the following section:
7. Replace "part9" with "recovery" on the last line of that section (without "")
8. Save file and exit editor
9. Copy file gtablet.cfg and rename the copy: CWMOD_gtablet.cfg
10. Now you should have an original stock recovery file (named STOCK_gtablet.cfg), the Clockwork recovery file (named CWMOD_gtablet.cfg) and the gtablet.cfg that will be used whenever you run the nvflash.bat file.
11. Since the gtablet.cfg file was edited to install the recovery.img, run the nvflash batch file and you will be in business.
12. To revert to stock recovery, copy and rename STOCK_gtablet.cfg to gtablet.cfg (or redit the file to match as shown in step 6)
I have been into modding my android phones and have now just picked one of these up so please excuse my ignorance. Why should you follow this instead of following the wiki link here. http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/index.php?title=Viewsonic_G_Tablet:_Full_Update_Guide is it a better idea to flash this way or according to the wiki. I will be getting my GTab within the next week so I would like to know. Just like with my Thunderbolt I really want it to be modded with a custom rom by midnight of the night I get it.
Well here's why I had to do this...
I tried out Roebeet's honeycomb rom, which looks very promising but is still to alpha release for me to run as my daily rom. And in order to run this rom (and a couple others), you have to move from rom branch 1.1 to 1.2 and you can't do that via clockwork recovery... you need to do it via stock recovery.
I stock recovered to 3558, but it kept looping and had I thought ahead, I would have had an update.zip ready to go before I nvflashed.
I didn't, so stock recovery wouldn't do squat and it doesn't have the option to connect via usb to your computer like cwr does.
Following the steps we outlined, you will be able to use nvflash to install clockwork and then you can more easily rescue your gtab.
Im_Gumby said:
Well here's why I had to do this...
I tried out Roebeet's honeycomb rom, which looks very promising but is still to alpha release for me to run as my daily rom. And in order to run this rom (and a couple others), you have to move from rom branch 1.1 to 1.2 and you can't do that via clockwork recovery... you need to do it via stock recovery.
I stock recovered to 3558, but it kept looping and had I thought ahead, I would have had an update.zip ready to go before I nvflashed.
I didn't, so stock recovery wouldn't do squat and it doesn't have the option to connect via usb to your computer like cwr does.
Following the steps we outlined, you will be able to use nvflash to install clockwork and then you can more easily rescue your gtab.
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Alright I'm getting this. APX is basically fastboot on my phone. Basically accessing the SPL or what have you. Just another question. I have been going through the forums but It doesn't look like you update the APX screen anywhere so basically you could completely toast your rom and recovery and as long as you have APX access you have a way to recover your system.
That's it exactly
Is there no other way but to use a computer? How can rom manager change the recovery so easily in the software without booting into recovery? I also screwed my recovery with rom manager. VEGAN rc1 rom. I do not have computer access at the moment.
Nvflash bypasses everything... think of it like formatting your hard drive and installing windows from a CD. Rom manager is more like windows system recover utilities in that an operating system is there and working at a basic level. Nvflash is just a direct connection to your system partition, so yes you do need to be connected to a computer.
Thanks for the help. Will this erase my current rom? Can i save it? Just need cm.8 nothing else done. I am confused with the multiple sites to visit and what parts actually need to be done. Simple help would be greatly appreciated. This must have happened to several others. Thanks in advance.
This method just installs CWM w/o touching the ROM.
supergroverthm said:
This method just installs CWM w/o touching the ROM.
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But just so you know, the instructions I provided will install a ROM.
I'm having nothing but poor luck.
I followed both ImGumby and SuperGrover's directions. When I run the .bat, it says "nvflash.exe not recognized as an internal or external command.
Also, when I try to install Clockwork mod (either the sdcard version or the internal version) I press + and power then during the Viewsonic screen it says "recovery key detected" then shows gtablet screen then shows a screen that looks like it is trying to flash but then it restarts from the beginning and boots normally with no noticeable change.
You press power and - to get to NVFlash on the tablet. You should see the VS logo briefly and then it should be a black screen. Power and + will get you into stock recovery or CWMod.
Understood. However, I was in a rush and didn't give as much detail as I should have.
When I press - and power, it goes black and from my win computer, I attempt to execute the batch file and the cmd terminal tells me it doesn't recognize nvflash.exe. I'll try it again and quote the results.
edit: it says-
"nvflash.exe" --bl bootloader.bin --download 9 recovery.img
'"nvflash.exe"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
gpatmac said:
Understood. However, I was in a rush and didn't give as much detail as I should have.
When I press - and power, it goes black and from my win computer, I attempt to execute the batch file and the cmd terminal tells me it doesn't recognize nvflash.exe. I'll try it again and quote the results.
edit: it says-
"nvflash.exe" --bl bootloader.bin --download 9 recovery.img
'"nvflash.exe"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
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OK... just to try and eliminate problems, redownload both the nvflash and image files from the other thread (and make sure you get the correct OS version) and extract to the directory.
See if that solves the problem.
Thank you. Let me give it a try.
Im_Gumby said:
Well here's why I had to do this...
I tried out Roebeet's honeycomb rom, which looks very promising but is still to alpha release for me to run as my daily rom. And in order to run this rom (and a couple others), you have to move from rom branch 1.1 to 1.2 and you can't do that via clockwork recovery... you need to do it via stock recovery.
I stock recovered to 3558, but it kept looping and had I thought ahead, I would have had an update.zip ready to go before I nvflashed.
I didn't, so stock recovery wouldn't do squat and it doesn't have the option to connect via usb to your computer like cwr does.
Following the steps we outlined, you will be able to use nvflash to install clockwork and then you can more easily rescue your gtab.
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Thank you so much for simply posting this. I just bought this tab off a co-worker. He had the alpha build of HC on it and I wanted to drop it back to a gingerbread rom. I tried just doing NVFlash out the gate and got stuck in a boot loop. I got CWM back on thanks to your modified instructions, and am now off to the races!
Thanks again!
This version from cyanogenmod.com worked for me.
Thanks for your help.
Im_Gumby said:
Didn't quite work for me, but here's another way to skin the cat:
Follow steps 1-4 as listed.
5. Copy file gtablet.cfg and rename the copy: STOCK_gtablet.cfg
6. Edit file gtablet.cfg and find the following section:
7. Replace "part9" with "recovery" on the last line of that section (without "")
8. Save file and exit editor
9. Copy file gtablet.cfg and rename the copy: CWMOD_gtablet.cfg
10. Now you should have an original stock recovery file (named STOCK_gtablet.cfg), the Clockwork recovery file (named CWMOD_gtablet.cfg) and the gtablet.cfg that will be used whenever you run the nvflash.bat file.
11. Since the gtablet.cfg file was edited to install the recovery.img, run the nvflash batch file and you will be in business.
12. To revert to stock recovery, copy and rename STOCK_gtablet.cfg to gtablet.cfg (or redit the file to match as shown in step 6)
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Thank you for this! Your steps worked and the OP didn't. I have CMW now. Thanks again!
supergroverthm said:
Hi all,
I've been playing around with Rom Manager and it seems to dork up the CWM everytime on the gTablet and somehow keeps me from reinstalling CWM via internal SD or microSD. I've just reinstalled CWM via NVflash w/o messing up the original ROM (I was blaming CM7, but it was actually Rom Manager that it came with).
1) setup NVflash and recovery per Roebeet's instructions, but DO NOT run the "nvflash_gtablet.bat" file (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=861950)
2) download the CWM zip file (NOTE: This is for bootloader v1.1), either one from end of 1st post (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=865245)
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Dear all,
I hope somebody is here to help.. if i try to execute the bat file to install the cwm i get this error message:
Nvflash started
rcm version 0X4
Command send failed (usb write failed)
Anybody idea what it is?

[GUIDE] Rooting G1, ADB/Fastboot Setup, Partitioning, etc.

This guide is compiled of various guides and threads that I've read and I want
to sum it all up in one post so you can root your HTC Dream (G1)
*many if not all rooting guides are incomplete or missing download links – I will do my best to keep links
posted and alive!
I've compiled all of the files necessary and uploaded them to my drop
-|1|: Setting up adb and fastboot
-|2|: Rooting
-|3|: Changing hboot versions
-|4|: No recovery?
-|5|: Un-Root
*This guide assumes you are using Windows but Linux and iOS will be able to use most of it.
First off thanks to Demkantor since he was my sensai in a way (wax on wax off style)
Then thanks to HTCDreamOn, EzTerry, Cyanogenmod and all the developers out there that make all of this possible!
This is the optional ADB and Driver setup. I recommend you follow it through as it would make things easier in the future. This is more a reference post.
1: ADB and Fastboot setup with HTC Drivers
In order to do certain things that pertain of flashing radios and hboots you are going to need ADB and
fastboot. This is also useful for The Google Bypass if you dont have data or an activated sim card.
Go ahead and download this zip
Extract the zip file straight to your local disk. (You should get something like this
afterwards "X:\Android" x being the letter of your local disk)
Now that you have that on your local disk. Go to X:\Android and install HTCDriver3.0.0.007.exe. (This
has most if not all HTC USB drivers)
Finally add a path in order to access ADB and Fastboot from cmd on the computer.
Click on the Start button and right click "My Computer" and choose
Now you should be in "System Properties" under the
"General" tab, go to the "Advanced" tab and click
"Environment Variables".
Now you'll be in "Environment Variables", Now under the
"System Variables" scroll down to "Path" and highlight
it by clicking on it and now click "edit".
IMPORTANT be sure to not delete ANY of the
variable values already in the "Variable Value" section. Now that that is
clear, go ahead and ADD this to the "Variable Value"
section: ";X:\Android" (Obviously replace X with your appropriate local disk letter and without
You now have setup ADB and Fastboot.
But in order to use ADB and Fastboot you must go back to "Start" click or search
for run, type in cmd and you will now have command prompt open.
NOTE: I will not post what the command are since all you have to do is type in "adb" or "fastboot" in the command prompt and it will show you the sub
commands for each perspective command.
2: Rooting
Step 1
Assuming you're not on stock Android 1.0 follow steps 1-6, if already on android 1.0 skip to step 7 (1 when item is hidden).
This link is for RC29 (US)
*Optional is the update.zip as it seems to not work for some other wise you can skip the update.zip flash*
But if you need RC7 (UK) then use this link
Now plug in your phone and go to USB-MS. Go ahead and right click your USB-MS drive that appears
on your computer and hit "Format..". Now under file system be sure to set it
as FAT32 then hit format. Depending on how much memory your SD card is will
effect how long it will take. Once it is done move the DREAIM.NBH and update.zip into the
root of the SD card.
*only do this step if you got the update.zip file otherwise skip this step* Now power down your phone and boot up into Recovery mode (Home+Power).
You'll see an exclamation point with a triangle if you booted correctly. At this point
press "ALT+L" then you want to wipe all data so press
"ALT+W" then press "ALT+S" to
apply the update from the SD card.
Power down your device and boot it back up into fastboot mode (Camera+Power). It'll prompt you
if you'd like to install update hit prompted button and wait, this may take a bit and it won't be done
untill it prompts you that it is done so do not worry if it seems like its taking long and DO
NOT battery pull while it is installing.
Power down and now boot normally. You now have android 1.0 stock.
into google.
GOOGLE BYPASS METHOD : only necessary if you do not
have data or an activated sim card or no sim card at all. But Wifi is required.
("<enter>" is actually the actual enter button so when it says "<enter>" press the enter button AKA return button)
Power on your phone but do not press anything. Plug your phone in via USB.
Slide your keyboard up type this is: "<enter>setprop persist.service.adb.enable 1<enter>". (Since you are on 1.0 this actually a command to enable USB Debugging although
you can't see anything)
Your pc will detect another device and begin installing drivers. (This is what HTC drivers installer was
for so your device will be installed correctly)
Now open cmd via run on your computer. Type in "adb devices" and it should show your device.
Example :
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
HT844GZ64748 device
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>adb devices
List of devices attached
HT844GZ64748 device
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>
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(You only see this: "adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *" when its the first adb command your run when you open cmd)
type: telnetd<enter>
now on the computer using the command prompt type: adb forward tcp:23 tcp:23
then press enter
type: telnet localhost
press enter and you should see a # as you should have a root shell (while in this shell in order to backspace you must press the "Delete" button on your keyboard as pressing backspace will not do anything)
type: setprop app.setupwizard.disable 1
press enter
type: ps
press enter, this will show all the running processes
on the right column look for "com.android.setupwizard" then once that is located follow that line on to the second column from the left, the number in that column is the PID
type: kill PID
replace PID with the number that you found from the second column
It should now be at the home screen, if not press the "Emergency Call" button and press back and then you should be able to unlock the phone with the "Menu" button.
Now you can go to the settings connect with wifi and then bring down the notification that says you need to set up your account to sign in with your google email
Go to the market and download "TelNet" app. Once you have
it installed, go to USB-MS and put this recovery image onto the root of your SD card. reboot your device but do not press
anything or unlock the screen.
Once booted up slide your keyboard up, will unlock the device, and press the enter button twice and
type this in "telnetd" then hit enter (It’ll be a contact search but it’s okay). Now
go open Telnet app, and hit connect. If you did the telnetd part correctly you
will be prompted with a #. Otherwise you'll get a connection failed message, if
so reboot device and attempt the telnetd command again.
Type these commands in on your phone:
Press enter after each line
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd sdcard
flash_image recovery recovery.img
cat recovery.img > /system/recovery.img
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You now successfully flashed Amon_RA_ Recovery. :good:
You may reboot into your new recovery (power on holding home button) and flash a custom ROM. But
I do suggest upgrading your bootloader and radio first as the amount of ROMs available to you will be
much greater!
Step 2
Okay so now we will be updating to radio2.22.23.02 and DangerSPL.
Reboot into recovery mode (POWER+HOME), plug your phone in via USB and toggle USB-ms and delete everything off your SD card and placethese files onto the root of your SD card. Exit USB toggle.
Scroll down to wipe data and do so.. than go to "flash .zip file" now the first file you want to flash is the radio2.22.23.02 let finish then press home+back to apply update, it should reboot back to recovery after this.
Now go to wipe again and do so.. the next file you want to flash is the G1 Spl (Hard SPL) so flash the .zip file and let finish than press home+back to apply update.
Go to wipe data 1 more time. now go to flash zip and select the "Danger SPL.zip" let finish and press home+back to apply update.
Power back on into bootloader (camera+power) and check if device says.
Dream PVT 32b ENG S-off
HBOOT 1.33.2005 (drea10000)
APR 20, 2009, 15:30:43
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If so you can move on to the next part!
Step 3
Again delete the old files off your sd card and place these files on it!!
Quick note this is the last radio update for this section, radio2.22.27.08, now if you want radio update refer to the changing hboot section and it will have the steps to do so.
Radio may have better reception in your area but will drain your battery quicker.
Boot up into recovery mode, go to flash zip from sd and select Ohsaka superwipe. wait till finish then go to power down!! now boot back up into recovery again.
Now do a manual wipe of data and cache.
Now flash the radio2.22.27.08 file.. let finish than flash the hboot1.33.0013d file and let it finish! then reboot the device for update to apply.
Power off the device, then reboot into bootloader (camera+power) and check if device says.
Dream PVT 32b SHIP S-on
HBOOT 1.33.0013d (drea10000)
OCT 21,2009,22:33:27
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*If so you now have updated both your radio and SPL and you can now flash any ROM you'd like.
But if you'd like you can follow the next step and install a custom ROM and I will show you how to partition your SD card as well.
Step 4
Okay so now that you have completed step 3 you can flash a custom rom but now we must partition the SDcard.
Reboot into recovery mode and go to Partition SDcard
Partition SD. Press home.
Now I have 4GB micro SD hc. My partition settings are*
Swap: 128mb (swap is not needed and is purely optional)
Ext: 576mb ( or whichever option is closest to that I can't remember, this is for apps2ext so you can save your apps to your sd card)
Rest: FAT32 (this will once again delete everything but you should have all your backed up data on your pc)
This is what I have for my partitionings and it's works fine for me and it should for you too!
Once that is done go to SD:ext2 to ext3 and once that is done upgrade the ext3 to ext4. You now have a partitioned SD card with EXT4!!
Now all that is needed is to flash the custom ROM. I am currently running this ROM.
Now return to toggle USB-ms and place the ROM zip file from the link above as well with Ohsaka superwipe from the previous step (download it once again)
Go to flash zip file and flash Ohsaka superwipe.
Power down. Reboot into recovery.
Now return to flash zip file and flash the ROM which should be named FroyoCreamSandwhich. Once it is done it will prompt you to press HOME+BACK do so.
Now reboot your phone normally and allow it to boot up (it may take a bit the first time but this is normal when you flash a new ROM). You will now be given the option to sign in create an new account or skip (although I believe it has the option to connect to wifi built in). You now have flashed your New ROM!!!!
3: Changing HBOOT version
This option is for which ever reason you need the flash recovery/radio/etc you need the Engineer SPL. which is the SPL from step 2 in rooting. although since if you are already rooted and have the latest HBOOT then that route is not the way to go.
So in order to go back to that engineer SPL all you need to do is flash Engineering SPL zip in recovery.
Then you can proceed to update radio/ recovery etc and then flash back to the latest HBOOT which is 0013d so just download
Hboot0013dand flash it through fastboot with this command: fastboot flash hboot hboot.img
No Recovery?
Download: http://d-h.st/v9b2erpqfyd7/orange-
Like always place the file in the same folder as the fast boot directory.
Enter fastboot and run "fastboot flash nbh orange-"
Wait for it complete the flash
Boot into boot loader again and you will have an engineer SPL 1.42.2000
Now you can flash any hboot/recovery/radio via fastboot.
ldrifta said:
Download these files...
Now would be a good time to un partition your sd card since there will no longer be a custom recovery..
1. first you take the "DREAIMG.nbh" file and the first "update.zip" file and place on root of sdcard!
2. start phone in recovery mode (home+power) do a quick wipe of everything! than flash the update.zip file.. wait for finish than reboot or power off.. whatever prompts tell you. than make sure device is powered off after finished installing!
3. power on via fastboot (camera+power) and wait for selection to pop up asking to install the update! press confirmation button to apply and let it work its magic!!
Now your phone will be on stock android 1.0 firmware! you have 2 options..
a. wait for automated updates.. could take up to 48 hrs..
b. flash updates to 1.5 and or 1.6 via stock recovery!
if you chose option b than you are smart! lol who wants to wait for updates for a G1 nowadays? lol
ok so now to apply updates via stock recovery you do what you would normally do.
Download these files...
Stock 1.5 (OTA)
Stock 1.6 (OTA)
(the stock 1.5 and 1.6 files are also "update.zip" so be sure not to mix them up and confuse the proccess!!)
1. Place files on root of sd.. DO NOT RENAME FILES, the stock recovery will only flash an "update.zip" so please dont make any changes to file.names...
2. boot into recovery mode (home+power) and wait for screen with yellow triangle and this thing ! now press alt+L together untill you see more words pop up on screen..
3. Now press alt+w to wipe the data on phone... (just do it dont ask why) lol after wipe is complete press alt+s to apply update! once it's finished reboot your device and you are ready to go!!
unfortunately the 1.6 i provided is not the DMD40, you still have to wait for that automatic update lol i have the 1.6 before the update... it is the official tmobile firmware its just not the latest.. never really bothered to search for latest one..
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if any of those links are down post a reply and i will get a mirror up as soon as possible!
Hi mate, welcome to the G1 forums, good comprehensive guide, added to The G1 Oracle :good:
Thanks for this, watching for the rest with baited breath! You have written up the bit I have done but really cant seem to get through the next phase properly lol.
Your welcome guys. I ran up with some problems and my pc isn't available so ill try finishing this soon (probably in my iPod).
Okay yes this is perfect I can generate the links via the Dropbox app so hopefully this should be done soon!
Wow phew that took longer than expected (about 3 hours) safari is a horrible browser. Kept on crashing. Finally did all of it on notes and just pasted it on, revised and posted I hope this helps out! I will have the next steps up soon but for now you should be able to root your htc g1 with no problems what so ever have fun rooting guys. :laugh: I'm heading off to sleep. I'm exhausted. Later.:silly:
HTCDreamOn said:
Hi mate, welcome to the G1 forums, good comprehensive guide, added to The G1 Oracle :good:
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I decided to finish up the rooting part since there was activity on the topic. Feel free to look over it just in case I may have missed something. I doubt it but hey we're not all perfect. Exhausted but pretty satisfied on how things are coming out. Mainly I'm happy to see that this is on the G1 oracle and that this this is recognized as a contribution to the g1 forums!
luggag3 said:
Thanks for this, watching for the rest with baited breath! You have written up the bit I have done but really cant seem to get through the next phase properly lol.
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The rest is up for rooting! Have fun rooting!
Can anyone repost the file from part 1? It doesnt work...
Good work, thread stickied.
Thank you,
XDA Moderator
duse1986 said:
Can anyone repost the file from part 1? It doesnt work...
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Which one?
duse1986 said:
Can anyone repost the file from part 1? It doesnt work...
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Sorry for the incovienience but since majority of this post was made on my iPod using notes since safari is higly unreliable with desktop version sites. This the format of notes is kept when copying to the post editor. Thus this is how the link was copied:
Click to expand...
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Instead of like this:
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Click to collapse
Thus making it believe that there is a "RETURN" in the link giving you a 404 error. I fixed this along with some other 404 error links but it is all fixed. Either way next time there is a link that is not working quote it and I'll have it back up.
So I am no longer using my G1 but I will still finish this guide. I'm sorry for the wait guys.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Nice guide.. you left 'adb shell' in the bypass google section

[Guide For Beginners] - How To Root, Update, Tweak, and Fix Honor 7

Huawei Honor 7
– Complete Guide For Beginners –
Optimized For (PLK-L01)
Updating | Rooting | Tweaking | Fixing
In this guide, you will learn the following:
Part I - How to install the latest full ROM for Huawei Honor (PLK-L01).
Part II - How to root Huawei Honor 7.
Part III - How to fix bootloops if things did not go as expected.
Part IV - The most used adb commands.
Part V - The most used fastboot commands.
Part VI - How to change the default boot animation.
Part VII - How to change the default splash screen.
Appendix A - Honor 7 Key Combinations Summary.
Appendix B - How to update Huawei Honor 7 from (B100) to (B180).
Appendix C - Available Custom ROM(s).
Appendix D - Extra Resources.
Appendix E - All Important Downloads.
Notes & Credits:
This guide is written for the absolute beginners who had hard times reading other tutorials on this forum that explains the same set of topics.
This guide is primary written for Microsoft Windows users. Many sections though can be applied to other operating systems.
There are other great guides on this forum that teaches the same stuff but not in a very detailed beginner-friendly way. Special credits go to @piskr for his guide on this topic.
Additional credits go to @DigiGoon and @sminki for their contribution on fixing and updating this guide.
Special credits go to @Ziolek67 and @Kostyan_nsk for their original posts on the splash screen topics.
Special thanks to the Labinator team for their support throughout this guide.
If you have something to add or improve on this guide, please reply to this post and we will be more than happy to update it.
Warning: No one is responsible for what happens to your device while attempting to follow the below guide. Create backups before every section and know the risks before starting out.
Part I - How To Install The Latest Full ROM For The Model (PLK-L01)​
Step 1: Download the latest full ROM for Honor 7 from the below link:
Step 2: Extract the (.zip) file and copy the "UPDATE.app" file to your (dload) folder in your external SD card.
Step 3: Make sure the current recovery that is installed is the default stock one and not a custom recovery like TWRP. If you have TWRP installed, make sure to flash the stock recovery before you attempt the update process.
Step 4: Turn off your phone, then press both the Volume Up + Volume Down + Power Key. Then release the power key as soon as you see the initial splash screen.
Step 5: The Huawei eRecovery will start and will update your device from the "UPDATE.app" file that you had placed in your (dload) folder automatically.
Part II - How To Root Huawei Honor 7​
Stage 1 – Unlock The Bootloader
Part 1.1 – Getting The Unlock Password
Step 1: Login by clicking here.
Step 2: Click on “Unlock Bootloader”.
Step 3: Accept the unlocking agreement.
Step 4: Fill up the unlock password form as follows:
Product: Smartphone.
Model: (e.g. PLK-L01)
Product Serial Number: Settings -> Status -> Serial Number - > (e.g. H8WDU15814000010)
Product IMEI/MEID (IMEI 1): Settings -> Status -> IMEI1 -> (e.g. 867898020305536)
Product ID: Open the dial up and type: *#*#1357946#*#* -> (e.g. 88429554)
Verification Code: Type the Captcha.
Step 5: Press submit and obtain the unlocking password in red (e.g. 1078018121593242).
Step 6: Store the code obtained in step 5 somewhere safe.
Part 1.2 – Preparations
Step 6: Download and install the latest version of the "15 Seconds ADB Installer”. You can find the download link at >
Step 7: Download and install the latest version of “HiSuite – Android Smart Device Manager”.
You can find the download link at >
Step 8: Enable the “Developer options” by going to:
Settings -> About Phone -> Build Number
Tap on the build number 10 times quickly. A message must appear alerting you that the developer mode has been enabled.
Go to the “Developer options” and enable “USB debugging”.​
Part 1.3 – Booting into Fastboot Mode
Step 9: Power the phone off.
Step 10: Boot the phone into “fastboot mode” by pressing the below keys.
[Volume Down] + [Tap on Power Button]. You can release the power button as soon as you see the initial splash screen.​
Note 1: You must enter the fastboot mode directly after pressing the above keys.
Note 2: In case (Step 10) did not work, then turn off your phone again then insert the USB cable and connect it with your computer. After that, press the same combination mentioned above for 10 seconds. Note 3: You can also boot into the fastboot mode using the following command >​
adb reboot bootloader
Step 11: Connect your phone with your PC. Use a USB cable to connect your phone with your computer while your phone is in the fastboot mode.
Step 12: Open your “Command Prompt (cmd)” and type >
fastboot devices
Note: The second command must show that your device is in fastboot mode.​
Part 1.4 – Perform The Unlock Command
Step 13: Perform the unlock command > fastboot oem unlock ***, where *** is the 16 characters unlock code.
fastboot oem unlock 1078018121593242
Note: You need of course to replace "1078018121593242" with your unique 16 characters unlock code.
Step 14: Wait for the phone to get unlocked. It will automatically restart if you have entered the correct code.
Step 15: Test if the phone is successfully unlocked by entering the following command >
fastboot oem get-bootinfo
Case 1: If you have got the message of “Bootloader Lock State: UNLOCKED”, then your phone has been successfully unlocked.
Case 2: If you have got the message of “Bootloader Lock State: LOCKED”, then your phone is still locked.​
Note: if you want to re-lock the phone, please check this thread for more details on that. Thanks to @sminki for posting that up and highlighting this point.​
Stage 2 – Install Custom Recovery
Step 16: Open your command prompt, and navigate to the right directory where your recovery image file is located. You can do that using this command:
Navigate to the right directory:
[“Directory Letter”]:
Examples: D:, C:, or E:
Navigate to the right folder:
cd [“Full Path Of Directory”]
Example: cd /Users/User1
Step 17: Test if your device is detected by typing the following command while you are in the bootloader mode:
fastboot devices
​ > If you got the right messages that your device is properly connected, then you can proceed to step 18.
Step 18: Type the following command to flash the recovery image (TWRP). The recovery image is in English and you can download it from this link. Make sure to download it and place it in the right directory before typing the below command line.
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
​ After the completion of that, simply reboot your device using the following command >
fastboot reboot
Note: “recovery.img” is the name of the TWRP recovery image. You need to replace this name with the name of your recovery image (e.g. twrp-3.0.2-0-plank.img).​
Stage 3 – Root The Device
Step 19: Download the latest SuperSU version from this link and place it on your hard disk then copy it to your phone. You can copy the file from your computer to your device using this command >
adb push SuperSU-vX.zip /sdcard/
​Note 1: You must be in the right directory of the “SuperSU” file or else the above command will not work.
Note 2: You must replace "SuperSU-vX" with the right name of your SuperSU file (e.g. BETA-SuperSU-v2.71-20160331103524.zip)​
Step 20: When the process of flashing the recovery is done, reboot your device into the recovery mode using the following command >
adb reboot recovery
Step 21: After finishing step 20 successfully, your phone would have been booted into the recovery mode. You will be able to see the TWRP home screen. From there, click on the “Install” option then navigate to your /sdcard/ directory where you have copied or pushed your "SuperSU-vX.zip" file.
Step 22: Find the "SuperSU-vX.zip" file and install it.
Step 23: Navigate back to the home page of TWRP then click on the “Reboot” button in order to boot into the system.
Step 24: Double check if your device has been rooted successfully by testing it using one of those root checker applications. There are many of them around the Google Play store.
Part III - Useful ADB Commands​
adb devices
adb reboot
adb reboot bootloader
adb reboot recovery
adb push [source] [destination]
adb pull [source] [destination]
adb backup
adb shell
Part IV - Useful Fastboot Commands​
fastboot devices
fastboot reboot
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot boot recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash [Partition] [Image]
fastboot oem unlock [Unlock Code]
fastboot oem relock [Relock Code]
Note: Use your favorite search engine to search the above commands and learn more about them.
Part V - How To Fix Bootloops​
Breaking out of bootloops depends on your device state and what kind of problem you are having. In this section, we are going to focus on the popular case where you can’t access neither the system nor the recovery partitions.
Step 1: Turn off the phone.
Step 2: Press the following buttons:
[Volume Down] + [Tap on Power Button]. You can release the power button as soon as you see the initial splash screen.
Step 3: Head to your computer and download and install the following tool:
Step 4: Download the latest complete update file (B121) or (B330b) depending on which system you had installed before the bootloop problem. You can download it from:
Then, extract it and get its UPDATE.app file.
Step 5: Use the Huawei Update Extractor to extract the (BOOT.img), (SYSTEM.img), (RECOVERY.img), (CACHE.img), (CUST.img), and (USERDATA.img) from the UPDATE.app file that you have extracted from Step 4.
Step 6: Open your command prompt, and navigate to the right directory where you have extracted the image files. Use the “cd” and “..” commands to do so.
Step 7: Type the following commands and execute them one by one >
fastboot flash boot BOOT.img
fastboot flash system SYSTEM.img
fastboot flash recovery RECOVERY.img
fastboot flash cache CACHE.img
fastboot flash cust CUST.img
Step 8: You can also erase the user data if you like by typing and executing the following >
fastboot flash userdata USERDATA.img
Step 9: Reboot your device using the following command >
fastboot reboot
Step 10: You must be able to boot successfully into the system.
Step 11: After booting successfully, apply again the steps mentioned in Part I.
Important Note 1: If the "fastboot flash" is reporting "FAILED <remote: command not allowed>", you need to unlock your device again even if the bootloader is stating that your device has already been unlocked.
Important Note 2: When breaking out of bootloops or frozen splash screens, you need always to flash the right partitions that match up with the previous partitions that you had installed on your system before the occurrence of the bootloop.
Part VI - How To Change The Boot Animation​
Step 1: Root Your Device.
Step 2: Create a full Nandroid backup.
Step 3: Create your own animation or download one online. Note that you need the resolution to be (1080 x 1920 pixels). It should not last more than 10-12 seconds at most.
Step 5: Your animation files must be compressed and renamed as: “bootanimation.zip”.
Step 6: Change the permissions of your .zip file to (rw-r-r).
Step 7' - (In case you are running Android 5.x): Navigate to /Cust/Preinstalled/Public/Media and backup the original “bootanimation.zip” file somewhere safe on your hard drive or sdcard.
Step 7'' - (In case you are running Android 6.x): Navigate to /system/etc/media and backup the original “bootanimation.zip” file somewhere safe on your hard drive or sdcard.
Step 8' - (In case you are running Android 5.x): Copy your newly created bootanimation.zip file to the directory /Cust/Preinstalled/Public/Media and replace the original file.
Step 8'' - (In case you are running Android 6.x): Copy your newly created bootanimation.zip file to the directory /system/etc/media and replace the original file.
Step 9: Reboot and check up your new boot animation.
My original post of this section is available at: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=63828825&postcount=2
Part VII - How To Change The Splash Screen​
Your device must be rooted. Follow the steps in Part II in case you have not rooted your device yet.
You must have downloaded and installed the latest version of the "15 Seconds ADB Installer”.
You can find the download link at: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=48915118#post48915118
You need to make a complete backup or a nandroid backup before starting up. You can create a nandroid backup using the custom recovery of TWRP.
Turn on your device and connect it to your computer then open the command prompt or your terminal as an administrator.
Make sure your computer can read the data on your phone and all the drivers are installed properly.
Make sure the following command is returning the name of your device:
adb devices
Save your "oeminfo" to your SDCard:
adb shell su -c "dd if=/dev/block/platform/hi_mci.0/by-name/oeminfo of=/sdcard/oeminfo"
Download this zip file and extract it to your desktop or any location of your choice.
From your opened command prompt, navigate to the extracted zip folder that you have downloaded in Step 5. Use the "cd" command to do that.
Create your new splash screen logo as follows:
Step 1: Open your Adobe Photoshop and create a new file that has the following parameters
Width: 1080 pixels
Height: 1920 pixels
Resolution: 72 pixels/inch
Color Mode: RGB Color, 8-bit
Step 2: After creating your new image, save it as follows:
Extension: *.bmp
From the "Advanced Options", select R5 G6 B5 from the 16-bit depth options.
Save your newly created image in Step 7, in the same folder that you have extracted in Step 5.
From your command prompt, type the following command:
OEM_logo.exe oeminfo your_logo.bmp
Replace "your_logo.bmp" with the name of your logo.
The above command will create a new oeminfo for you that has your new logo. It will also replace the old one in the same folder.
Copy your newly created oeminfo to your sdcard by typing the following command:
adb push oeminfo /sdcard/oeminfo
Copy your oeminfo from your sdcard to the right partition on your device:
adb shell su -c "dd bs=32768 if=/sdcard/oeminfo of=/dev/block/platform/hi_mci.0/by-name/oeminfo"
Reboot your device and check the new splash screen.
Note: The original post of this section can be found at this link.
Credits: Special credits goes to @DigiGoon, @sminki, @Ziolek67, and @Kostyan_nsk for their amazing contribution in writing, testing, and adjusting on the original post of this section of the guide.
Appendix A - Honor 7 Key Combinations Summary​
[Without Plugging The Device]:
Volume Down + Tap Power Button -> Normal Boot.
Volume Up + Tap Power Button -> Recovery Mode (e.g. TWRP).
Both Volume Buttons + Tap Power Button -> Flash (dload) Image From External MicroSD Card.
[While Connecting The Device To Your Computer]
Volume Down + Power On -> Fastboot Mode - (Tip: You can exit from this mode with a long power button press).
Volume Up + Power On -> Huawei eRecovery.
Both Volume Buttons + Power On -> Flash Image via HiSuite.
Appendix B - How To Update From B100 to B180
For The Model (PLK-L01)​
Important Note: Please update your device before rooting it. You will lose your root access if you attempt to update after rooting your device.
Step 1: Download the latest stock ROM for Honor 7 from the below link:
Step 2: Download the B121 EMUI 3.1 update package.
Step 3: Download the B180 incremental update package (B121 to B180).
Step 4: Extract the B121 update zip file and get the UPDATE.app file from it.
Step 5: Copy the UPDATE.app file from your computer to the /sdcard/dload/ directory.
Step 6: Launch your device and go to: Settings -> Updater -> Menu -> Local Update and choose the UPDATE.app file.
Step 7: Install the update and wait until it reboots again. Check if the update is working successfully.
Step 8: Copy the B180 (B121 to B180) incremental update zip file from your computer to the /sdcard/dload/ directory.
Step 9: Make sure the name of your update zip file is “update.zip”.
Step 10: Apply the update by going to: Settings -> Updater -> Menu -> Local Update and choosing the update.zip file.
Step 11: Install the update and wait until it reboots again. Check if the update is working successfully.
Step 12: Delete the update.zip file from your /sdcard/dload/ directory.
Appendix C - Available Custom ROM(s)​
r3 - Custom Rom Starter Template: http://forum.xda-developers.com/honor-7/development/r1-custom-rom-starter-template-honor-7-t3337901
r2 - MoDaCo Custom Kernel: http://forum.xda-developers.com/honor-7/development/kernel-r1-modaco-custom-kernel-t3365909
MoDaCo Custom Rom: http://forum.xda-developers.com/honor-7/development/r1-custom-rom-starter-template-honor-7-t3337901
YodaRom: http://forum.xda-developers.com/honor-7/development/rom-6-0-x-yodarom-v1-0-mm-rooted-ads-t3338179
DigiRom: http://forum.xda-developers.com/honor-7/development/rom-digirom-gpe-v1-t3365391
H7T Rom: http://forum.xda-developers.com/honor-7/development/rom-codename-h7t-t3396002
You can view all available custom ROM(s) at: http://forum.xda-developers.com/honor-7/development
Appendix D - Extra Resources​
How to build your own kernel for Honor 7: http://forum.xda-developers.com/honor-7/general/guide-how-to-build-kernel-honor-7-t3363894
Honor 7 Multi-Tool: http://forum.xda-developers.com/honor-7/general/honor-7-multi-tool-t3281176
Spectrum Pure Theme: http://forum.xda-developers.com/honor-7/themes-apps/theme-spectrum-pure-base-theme-t3321234
Appendix E - All Important Downloads​
All Stock ROMs and OTA Updates: http://www.modaco.com/forums/topic/...ck-rom-images-updated-1st-april-2016-plk-l01/
The Latest Version Of "TWRP": https://dl.twrp.me/plank/
The Latest Version Of "SuperSU": https://download.chainfire.eu/supersu
The Latest Version Of "15 Seconds ADB Installer": http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=48915118#post48915118
The Latest Version Of "Huawei Update Extractor": http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2433454
Access the "Huawei Bootloader Unlocker": https://hwid5.vmall.com/oauth2/portal/cloud_login.jsp
Awesome and very helpful guide @kenshiwara
Thank you for this guide.
If I understand, we can update if twrp is installed?
Envoyé de mon Nexus 5
No offence but this is just @piskr 's thread re-typed with some serious errors added to it.
Did you try "fastboot oem relock"? I started a thread on that, it doesn't work.
Did you try any of the "fastboot erase" commands? As when I tried it wouldn't - "Command not allowed"
The Huawei extract tool doesn't get the names of the images on the current full ROMS (tested on B121 and a few of the Chinese ROMS) it doesn't have the mappings for these. However it has worked with incremental patches..
Extracting the files and only flashing a few like system will leave you with and inconsistent device (if from different versions). Those 20+ files have a reason - modem, sensorhub, trustfirmware, teeos (whatever that is!), etc.. There are actually something like 40 block devices on the H7 (/dev/block/platform/hi_mci.0/by-name/). To run an official update on that system would almost certainly result in failure. (I have tried)
..and flashing a whole system doesn't fix a boot-loop. That's flashing the whole system, it goes away because whatever was causing it has been deleted/wiped. If that's the idea, better off flashing Huawei's recovery and doing a full UPDATE.APP of B100 / B121 and moving up.
Oh and just one more minor thing - holding the power button isn't required, turn the phone on and hold either down (with usb data connected) for boot-loader, or up for recovery
Sorry... I know you mean well, however posting things in good faith is dangerous. Especially in a guide aimed at beginners.
sminki said:
No offence but this is just @piskr 's thread re-typed with some serious errors added to it.
Did you try "fastboot oem relock"? I started a thread on that, it doesn't work.
Did you try any of the "fastboot erase" commands? As when I tried it wouldn't - "Command not allowed"
The Huawei extract tool doesn't get the names of the images on the current full ROMS (tested on B121 and a few of the Chinese ROMS) it doesn't have the mappings for these. However it has worked with incremental patches..
Extracting the files and only flashing a few like system will leave you with and inconsistent device (if from different versions). Those 20+ files have a reason - modem, sensorhub, trustfirmware, teeos (whatever that is!), etc.. There are actually something like 40 block devices on the H7 (/dev/block/platform/hi_mci.0/by-name/). To run an official update on that system would almost certainly result in failure. (I have tried)
..and flashing a whole system doesn't fix a boot-loop. That's flashing the whole system, it goes away because whatever was causing it has been deleted/wiped. If that's the idea, better off flashing Huawei's recovery and doing a full UPDATE.APP of B100 / B121 and moving up.
Oh and just one more minor thing - holding the power button isn't required, turn the phone on and hold either down (with usb data connected) for boot-loader, or up for recovery
Sorry... I know you mean well, however posting things in good faith is dangerous. Especially in a guide aimed at beginners.
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Thank you for your comments and notes. It is great to see your contribution up there.
This was actually my personal guide that i wrote to help myself around while operating on this device (PLK-L01). Based on your comments, there are several sections that require fixing. Would you mind taking the time to re-write those sections in a step-by-step fashion in order to update the guide?
You disagree with the section of "How to fix the bootloop when you can't access neither the system nor the recovery partitions". My solution - which worked for me - was to erase and flash the main partitions. Still though, if you have a better method, please share it with the whole community in a step-by-step fashion. Everyone will be grateful.
We mainly need the following:
1. How to re-lock the phone if the command of "fastboot oem relock" is not working on some models?
2. How to break out of bootloops if we can't access the system or the recovery partitions? (and flashing the main partitions from fastboot is not a stable solution in your opinion).
If you can provide a detailed step-by-step guides addressing the above two points, i would surely be more than happy to update them in the guide. Please note that the above guide is mostly tested on PLK-L01. Please, always mention your model number when writing your notes.
Thanks again for sharing your results with the community and hope you can send us a better version on the above sections based on your findings.
Freebob94 said:
Thank you for this guide.
If I understand, we can update if twrp is installed?
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TWRP is not required at all if you are just updating. You should root your device after applying all the updates rather than before.
Thank you for comment!
sminki said:
Did you try "fastboot oem relock"? I started a thread on that, it doesn't work.
Did you try any of the "fastboot erase" commands? As when I tried it wouldn't - "Command not allowed"
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Well me and @kenshiwara both tried it after stucking in bootloop and those commands worked like a charm
kenshiwara said:
Thank you for your comments and notes. It is great to see your contribution up there.
Thanks again for sharing your results with the community.
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I'm glad you too my reply as intended and not just an angry rant!
DigiGoon said:
Well me and @kenshiwara both tried it after stucking in bootloop and those commands worked like a charm
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Guessing by your location, you have the Indian single sim version?
sminki said:
I'm glad you too my reply as intended and not just an angry rant!
Guessing by your location, you have the Indian single sim version?
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No, I have European model PLK-L01, thanks to @kenshiwara
---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ----------
sminki said:
I'm glad you too my reply as intended and not just an angry rant!
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LOL, yeah, some people or developers would have taken it as angry rant but we all are here to learn and help each other.
OK, well I also have an EU PLK-L01 with unlocked bootloader. I re-tested the following today to confirm my initial findings:
fastboot oem get-bootinfo
[COLOR="Green"][B](bootloader) unlocked[/B][/COLOR]
OKAY [ 0.000s]
finished. total time: 0.000s
fastboot erase system
erasing 'system'...
[COLOR="Red"][B]FAILED (remote: Command not allowed)[/B][/COLOR]
finished. total time: 0.000s
fastboot erase userdata
erasing 'userdata'...
[COLOR="Red"][B]FAILED (remote: Command not allowed)[/B][/COLOR]
finished. total time: 0.000s
fastboot -w
Erase successful, but not automatically formatting.
[B]Can't determine partition type.[/B]
[COLOR="Red"][B]FAILED (remote: Command not allowed)[/B][/COLOR]
Erase successful, but not automatically formatting.
[B]Can't determine partition type.[/B]
[COLOR="Red"][B]FAILED (remote: Command not allowed)[/B][/COLOR]
erasing 'userdata'...
[COLOR="Red"][B]FAILED (remote: Command not allowed)[/B][/COLOR]
finished. total time: 0.000s
This was the same for any of the B1xx firmwares.
DigiGoon said:
Well me and @kenshiwara both tried it after stucking in bootloop and those commands worked like a charm
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You locked the bootloader to fix boot-loop? That's a bad idea!
sminki said:
You locked the bootloader to fix boot-loop? That's a bad idea!
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Never locked it, just flashed SYSTEM.img by executing
fastboot flash system SYSTEM.IMG
and it worked.
DigiGoon said:
Never locked it, just flashed SYSTEM.img by executing
fastboot flash system SYSTEM.IMG
and it worked.
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Well, in post #7 you wrote this:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
However, your answer above says otherwise. Erase and flash are not the same thing
One of my main criticisms on the original post was that fastboot erase doesn't work, I went a long way to back this up in post #10
sminki said:
Well, in post #7 you wrote this:
However, your answer above says otherwise. Erase and flash are not the same thing
One of my main criticisms on the original post was that fastboot erase doesn't work, I went a long way to back this up in post #10
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Sorry, that was my mistake but I never erased the partition, directly flashed it
DigiGoon said:
Sorry, that was my mistake but I never erased the partition, directly flashed it
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Cool thanks. I can sleep easy now :highfive:
sminki said:
Cool thanks. I can sleep easy now :highfive:
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I have updated the original thread highlighting your comments while fixing it according to our latest tests. Please read it up again and inform us if you have anything else to improve on it.
Out of 500 views, only you decided to take few minutes and help in improving this guide. Thank you for your time and know that your support will be appreciated by all the community of XDA-Developers.
Hi there beautiful people.
I'm getting some error updating after installing tw recovery.
Checking MD5 file...
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found
file_getprop: failed to start
E:Error executing updater binary in zip '/external_sd/dload/update.zip
E:Error installing zip file '/external_sd/dload/update.zip
Now backupping, i'm going to try to flash the zip (i'ts a stupid thing?).
Edit: Did not work either. Cannot update using twrp; the update app reboots directly in the custom recovery.
Currently on B121, it already had it. PLK-L01 europe.
Also, do you really think Haweii will public codes? I'm not so optimistic.
Smokehrbar88 said:
Hi there beautiful people.
I'm getting some error updating after installing tw recovery.
Checking MD5 file...
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found
file_getprop: failed to start
E:Error executing updater binary in zip '/external_sd/dload/update.zip
E:Error installing zip file '/external_sd/dload/update.zip
Now backupping, i'm going to try to flash the zip (i'ts a stupid thing?).
Currently on B121, it already had it. PLK-L01 europe.
Also, do you really think Haweii will public codes? I'm not so optimistic.
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If that update.zip is from Huawei it won't work in TWRP.
You need Huawei recovery to install Huawei updates.
sminki said:
If that update.zip is from Huawei it won't work in TWRP.
You need Huawei recovery to install Huawei updates.
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Indeed, it sounds pretty logic. So i should revert the stock recovery, update and then reinstall twrp.
Can I do it simply pushing trough adb? And where should I find the recovery.img?
Thanks for the help.
Smokehrbar88 said:
Indeed, it sounds pretty logic. So i should revert the stock recovery, update and then reinstall twrp.
Can I do it simply pushing trough adb? And where should I find the recovery.img?
Thanks for the help.
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You have to extract them from the UPDATE.APP file!
I've done the work for you.. B121 recovery attached
Unizp, then
fastboot flash recovery B121_recovery.img
(like you did with twrp)
Then put TWRP back on.
I forgot to add - if the system partition is altered (su) then the official update may well fail..
sminki said:
I've done the work for you.. B121 recovery attached
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I was downloading the full rom myself, but my internet speed is so slow. My savior, thank you. I hope to not bother you again with my low-tier noob problems.
