Display turning OFF after a while.. - Wear OS Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have an LG G Watch with 5.0.1 since a few days and I tried and sent back an identical LG G watch on 4.4W.1 a while ago and didn't experience it. Basically, I am noticing that after leaving the watch alone lying somewhere (I don't wear it at home) for some time (can't really say how long but at least an hour, I think) the display turns OFF. A single tap and it wakes up and then works "normally" until the next time...
The other G Watch with the older Wear version didn't have this behaviour so is this a feature of the latest Wear version or is it maybe an "issue"..?
I am saying this especially because I installed the Slumber app to automatically turn the display OFF while charging but realized that it's easier and more elegantly done by simply choosing the new "Theater mode" in Android Wear 5.0.1 and uninstalled the app. I don't know if what I am seeing is due to having installed Slumber but I really don't think so.
Does anybody know for sure what it is and how it exactly works..?

No replies here but several in the LG G Watch forum.
Other G Watch owners are seeing the same behaviour I described here so I can rule out that it's something which has been triggered by my having had the Slumber app installed.
One poster there says that his G Watch turns off after 30 minutes leaving it lying on a table. I am timing mine.
So based on all of those replies it seems it's a feature of the latest Android Wear. I am not calling it a bug because, except for a single reported case from a poster there with a Moto 360, it seems to never happen while wearing it, so the logic appears to be "save the battery when not in use".
Just to "investigate" it some more, may somebody else here with Wear watches from other makers please confirm you get the same behaviour on your watches (on 5.0.1)? And may you also confirm you have Ambient turned ON (i.e. the display is always ON) and state whether you have the new Tilt to wake up setting ON (i.e. the Display lights up from its dimmed state when you tilt your wrist).
My settings are Display always ON and Tilt to wake up OFF.
It would be good to have some more reports from owners of different Wear smartwatches and see if we can understand what exactly is this behaviour we are seeing...
Actually, I think this might be a good feature to keep ON in many cases but it absolutely should be an *option*!

UPDATE: Trying to time it, I think I can say (I am still trying to cover all of the different scenarios) that any event which normally wakes the display up to normal brightness (i.e. an incoming call) resets the countdown. BTW, I think the poster StuBFrost, in the other thread, is right and it's 30 minutes off the wirst with no movement, no tapping on it and no event like the ones just mentioned. "Normal" incoming notifications don't seem to reset the countdown.
Like I said, I don't think it's a bad idea in and of itself (I would use it in most cases) but they should have made it an option! And, ideally, they would let us set the time after which the display turns itself off.
I use and *strongly* prefer Android instead of limited and dumbed down Windows Phone and even worse Apple's useless crap exactly because of its customizability and powerfulness...

"Funny" thing is that from further testing, this feature doesn't kick in while on the charger (which could actually be pretty useful for most people...) LOL
ADDENDUM: the kind of events which resets the countdown to this "deep sleep" state (i.e. an incoming call) also wakes the display up from "deep sleep".


Bizarre clock issue. Anyone get this, or am i mad

OK, i got a weired bug with mine.
Lets say for example it is 22.15.
I then turn the screen off (hitting the power button)
After exactly 15 minutes i turn it back on.
The clock still displays 22.15 then after about a second it flicks to 22.30.
Is anyone getting that problem, coz, though liveable, its bloody annoying.
yep, that's normal - bit annoying, but hey
Due to other issues, I don't even turn mine off anymore - just switch the screen off; no such issues then
My Vario does that, but it only stays on the previous time for less than half a second and then it updates.
A lot of, although not all, devices, whether they're PDAs, phones or other personal devices that have an LCD screen, don't bother to continue updating the display in memory whilst the display is off. I guess it must save some battery otherwise they woudn't have put this "feature" in
Keitaro said:
My Vario does that, but it only stays on the previous time for less than half a second and then it updates.
A lot of, although not all, devices, whether they're PDAs, phones or other personal devices that have an LCD screen, don't bother to continue updating the display in memory whilst the display is off. I guess it must save some battery otherwise they woudn't have put this "feature" in
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Ah yeah, good point. I can put up with it, and believeing that it means i get better battery life (though probably minimal) i will cope
The same thing happened to my MDA. I noticed that if I close all of the programs running, from Settings/Memory, the clock "live updates"

[Q] Is there a way to force quicker updates in Ambient Mode?

I've noticed that with 'Always On/Ambient' mode on my LG Urbane that when the watch is operating in it's 'dimmed' state, that some third party watch faces can sometimes go 1 to 2 minutes before they update.
This means that the time displayed in the dimmed mode can be 1 to 2 minutes behind the actual time, which is annoying considering the primary purpose of the device. Obviously waking up the watch quickly sees the time return to normal.
For example, The watch face I'm using now will sometimes go as far as 2 minutes behind before jumping to the current time. Is there a way to force it to update every 30 seconds or so?
Although I haven't tested all 18 faces that ship with the Urbane, from what I've used of them they seem to always keep an accurate time in 'dimmed' mode, within a few seconds.
Try Pujie Black. Always o'clock.
Enviado desde mi Aquaris E5 HD
interfreak said:
For example, The watch face I'm using now will sometimes go as far as 2 minutes behind before jumping to the current time.
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I am facing the same problem on my LGWR (which is more or less the same watch)
From what I have learned, others don't seem to have it, so it must be a faulty watch
Furthermore, I am reasonabely sure that it is a hardware issue, as I have reinstalled the OS quite some times
If your watch is new, try to get it exchanged
Otherwise, I am using tasker to send a var to Watchmaker every minute which helps with ensuring the time update
It will wastes your battery
it doesn't seem that there are many of us out there with this particular problem, but nonetheless here is my solution:
disable Google Fit on the smartwatch
(you might have to uninstall the phone App in order to be able to do so)
I believe a problem with the gyro sensor is to blame and by disabling Google Fit and therefore the step counter, the time updates reliably

Phone won't mute anymore!

i all
I have a LG G watch R, i have had this around 10 months, its paired with my Nexus 5.
Over the past year there has been a few occasions where suddenly the "mute phone alerts and calls" option has suddenly stopped working! *Half way through the day all of a sudden id still get the message on my watch but my phone would make a noise too!
Usually i fixed this by uni stalling android wear, resetting the watch back to factory setting and re pairing them..this usually solved the issue until next time....however!
This time it happened again and no matter what i do it wont work! i have the option to mute phone call and alerts but the phone still makes a noise and is not muted! when i toggle the volume bar it used to say before "muted by android wear" but now it does not.
My phone was updated to android 6.0 last week but for the past week its been fine so i doubt it related to that as like i said its done this before on lollipop.
Few more things to note that may be related, if i swipe down in my notifications box it used to say "android wear connected" but thats no longer there, and if i go into the watch and go into settings and bluetooth devices it does not say anything it just says scanning for nearby devices, and i notced once it said nexus 5 disconcerted??
I must stress that i am connected to my phone as all my notifications come through on my watch fine.
Anyone had this or know a fix?
Did you find a solution?
Same problem here. I have moto x play (no developer edition) unlocked bootloader/rooted/lollipop 5.1 and LG G watch R.
In my case it seems related to Moto Display (Motorola'app similar to ambient display). If I disable it, mute comes back.
I tried to uninstall android wear app, and then installing 1.3 version. No fix.
On reddit I read that it should be the last update of Google play service instead: user restored his phone fixing the problem. I tried to uninstall play service (no factory reset)...no fix
EDIT: Ok I have just found a middle-solution. I downloaded a module for Xposed (True silent Mode), after activation you will not able to receive any vibrations or sounds on your phone, but you'll receive a vibration on your watch instead. It's similar to android wear function, the difference is if you disconnect your watch you have to disable the silent mode on your phone manually. Hoping Google (or Motorola in my case) fixes it soon in the meantime...
Looks like we are not alone: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topicsearchin/android-wear/mute
I see other reports and see the issue myself where android wear often says that the watch isn't connected anymore while the watch says it is. And voice commands etc. on the watch still works (I guess they go directly through GMS not involving the android wear app itself).
Maybe there is a bug between android wear and the detection of the connected watch that keeps thinking android wear that no watch is connected and then not muting the notifications on the phone.
Do you have the cloud sync enabled? It's in "privacy & personal data". I have.
Hi still have the same issue, and yes my watch thinks it's not connected also
I have tried both cloud synced and un synced
Try putting your watch on charge, then taking it off
It worked for me, you will notice when on charge the ph is connected but notifications are not muted
I think the ph must think the watch is charging...
The latest wear app version fixed it for me.
Hasn't for me

Anyway to adjust the length of time a notification displays on the watch?

For as long as I've owned Smart Watches the number one reason for me has always been being able to see, at a glance, notification information. And I've always thought it really, really odd that watch makers don't give us more ability to tweak this.
In the latest version of Android Wear we now have three settings, which basically boil down too:
1. Never display
2. Display, but really quickly... look now or you'll miss it!!
3. Display forever until manually dismissed.
Obviously never display isn't an option for me as that's my big reason for WANTING a smart watching. But the opposite extreme: Always display until manually dismissed is annoying too. I want to see the notification, then have it go away. I don't need to see the same notification 10, 15, 30+ minutes later.
So that leaves the 5-second option. Now, I'm sure for some people 5 seconds is just the right amount of time and I have no beef with you if that works great for you. But that's too quick for me. I can't always look right away at my watch... if I'm in the middle of changing lanes on the highway or in a meeting talking right at that moment or assisting a customer... I can't always look in that short 5 second window.
I don't understand why this time limit is not customization! Each watch user is going to be different and want/need different things. So why can't we enter a number here? Why can't we pick the seconds for display? And if it's just too complicated to allow a user to enter a number of seconds, why can't we at least get more options then? Why not something like: Never, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 second, or Always?
Isn't Android's motto supposed to be: "Together, not the same?" Why the "one-size fits all" mentality then with notifications on the watch?
I have the same issue. The 1/3 screen peek in 1.5 was perfect for me, I could pull it down today deal with later, tap on it to view, swipe to dismiss or take additional actions, etc. The new notifications are terrible, I've quit wearing my 360 sport until they fix it. I'm half tempted to buy a used one that's still on 1.5.

Notifications wonky after Pie update

Has anyone else noticed that notifications seem to be super slow in coming after the Pie update? Line and Email can take up to two hours to exhibit a notification. I've looked at the notifications area of the apps, and nothing appears to have changed that I can see, and I can't find anywhere in Pie to tell it to allow more background time for these apps. I've tried force stopping and restarting with no change.
If anyone has any idea on what is going on, and how to fix it, your help would be most appreciated. Being told your wife left you a Line message 2 hours after she did so, or that your kid sent an email 2 hours earlier, is NOT conducive to a happy home life.
Nobody else has this issue? It appears to be connected to the fact that the phone is sitting undisturbed for a long period of time. If I am carrying the phone around with me, the notifications seem to come as expected, but if the phone is just sitting on my desk for a while, they seem to come from minutes to hours later.
You could try to whitelist those apps on Battery Optimization
I'm no expert, but from what you describe sounds like the phone is entering into Doze and notifications cannot come until the next maintenance window
If a user leaves a device unplugged and stationary for a period of time, with the screen off, the device enters Doze mode. In Doze mode, the system attempts to conserve battery by restricting apps' access to network and CPU-intensive services. It also prevents apps from accessing the network and defers their jobs, syncs, and standard alarms.
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I think white listing the app prevents this behaviour
It does sound like you are correct and the phone is entering Doze mode, delaying the notifications. Thanks for that!
I will check into how to add the email and Line app to a whitelist for Doze. Hopefully it's a simple task, but I don't see anything under Battery doing a quick scan.
Just a follow up. After much searching and reading, I finally found where to turn off battery optimization for the two apps I needed notifications from. FYI:
Most things on the web say to go to Settings->Battery, then hit the three dot menu and select Battery Optimization. This does not appear on my phone. (see screenshot) To get to the list of optimized apps, you need to Search->Battery Optimization, select Battery Optimization from the results (it will take a few seconds to load), then tap Not Optimized and select All Apps. Find the app you want, tap it, then select Don't Optimize. You can also go to Apps and Notifications->Advanced->Special app access->battery optimization.
Whether this will actually fix the problem is another question entirely as most posts say that Doze continues to work. I guess we shall see.
I hope this saves someone the aggravation of trying to find something directly relating to Pie. Most things out there are for older builds.
Also, I turned off Adaptive Battery to see what the actual difference is in my light usage use case. If you are interested in the results of this test, let me know and I will post here.
Glad you were able to whitelist those apps.
I think it's weird anyway, as far as I know deep doze takes hours to trigger and the device has to be completely still. Any movement would take the device off deep sleep and enter a less aggressive doze (where notifications would be checked more often)
You did mention this is your case (you were leaving your device on your desk) but just for curiosity, how long approx would you leave your phone unattended?
Thanks and I hope this solves your issue.
Tepig said:
Glad you were able to whitelist those apps.
I think it's weird anyway, as far as I know deep doze takes hours to trigger and the device has to be completely still. Any movement would take the device off deep sleep and enter a less aggressive doze (where notifications would be checked more often)
You did mention this is your case (you were leaving your device on your desk) but just for curiosity, how long approx would you leave your phone unattended?
Thanks and I hope this solves your issue.
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Unlike some folks, I am not tied to my phone. It often sits on the desk undisturbed for 3 or 4 hours during the day unless a notification comes in and I pick it up to look at it. Most of my screen time is on my computer, so the phone is the external brain when out and about, but not used much otherwise. At night, I turn on airplane mode until I get up the next day, then turn it off. I'm a retired software engineer, so have no real need for constant communication anymore, and I like it that way.

