[Q] access html document in a WebView as soon as possible - Java for Android App Development

I'm trying to add a true night mode to an open source web browser for android (lightning browser, by anthonycr on xda). By true night mode, I mean light text on dark background, not just dimming the view as most browsers on the market do. The browser uses WebView. I have it mostly working by doing some CSS and DOM manipulation with javascript in the OnPageFinished handler. (I'm basically doing an automatic bookmarklet.) The result isn't always pretty but for me it's an accessibility issue so I'll take it over white pages.
One drawback I don't like is as the page is loading, you see it in all its white blinding glory, until OnPageFinished kicks in and the page turns dark. This causes an undesirable flash. I guess I could do something like disable the view until after it finishes loading and I'm done processing the page. Two problems with this: 1/ may leave user starting at black or disabled screen for long periods. 2/ I'm not sure how I can even detect when the javascript finishes executing. It'd be much better to have some way to run the javascript right before the page is first presented (but before it is completely loaded, with all the images, etc).
There is an on progress call back but it does not seem to give any indication what state the page is in.
Any help or suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Opera Mobile

Opera Mobile 10.1 for Android was released on the Market today.
Works on the Tab and seems pretty good so far - however on my Tab it won't start in portrait mode. If you have the same problem, switch to landscape and you'll be fine. Once it's loaded, you can switch back to portrait.
Oh, I didn't try landscape mode ! Thanks for the tip (off to re-install the app now...)
EDIT: it worked. However I find the font spacing/kerning excessive, the blurry text transitions whilst zooming are highly distracting, and the small text size + lack of adaptive layout rendering (column width auto resizing) means that I am promptly uninstalling Opera now (on the plus side, it loads pages pretty quick...albeit without any Flash capabilities as far as I can tell). Dolphin HD and xScope remains my favorite web browsers, by a long way.
Yep, no flash, few settings, no text wrapping, dodgy Java rendering... a dissapointing beta.
crashed on startup
It just crashes on startup here.
Have you tried switching to landscape before starting Opera as I said in my original post?
Another Tip:
Type "opera:config" in the address bar to access advanced settings for this browser.
I'm currently working on increasing the display cache as it scrolling around shows too many squares...
I want to see if I can reduce that...

13 Android Browsers Compared and Benchmarked

Test Setup: All tests were performed on the ACS SRF 1.1 rom, with a 1.3ghz overclock and governor set to "on demand". Wireless was over an Actiontec wireless-g router connected to FIOS 30/30 fiber. The phone was connected to a wall plug throughout each test, as I don't think even my extended battery would have lasted 4 hours of screen on time, overclocked, with constant wifi use and cpu stressing. All tests were also performed in landscape mode. No idea if that would have an effect at all on any of the load times or benchmarks, though I doubt it, but it certainly impacted my opinion on usage of screen real-estate.
Test methodology:Before each browser is tested, the phone is restarted and allowed to finish media scanning and settle in for a minute so that each browser has a level playing field. Each site loading test is an average of 3 visits using wifi and after each individual test the cache of the browser is cleared. All load tests are performed with flash "always on" except for Opera Mini which has no flash capability. The Flash rating for the stock Browser was set at 3 so that I may easily score other browsers better or worse than the stock browser. All tests were performed in the exact same spot so that no browser had a stronger wifi signal. All of the rundowns that I give in the second post are basically play by plays of things I discover about the browsers as I use them and my particular gripes with them.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Flash Video: I used the site http://labs.worldtv.com/ to compare playback in each browser.
*Bookmark import is specifically to import bookmarks from the stock browser. Many of these browsers have options to sync with a particular service or with your computer's bookmarks.
Best Flash content browser: Opera Mobile Web Browser
Best everyday browser: Miren/Dolphin Browser Mini/Opera/Dolphin Browser HD
Coolest feature: Miren Panorama mode, Opera Mobile amazing flash playback
Best potential: Firefox v4.0.1
Note: Nothing here is scientific although I have tried to reduce as many variables as possible while testing. A lot of the things I tested were judgement calls on my part, especially relating to flash, scrolling and p2z behavior. Also, my opinions/needs may not be the same as yours.
Browser Rundowns
now w/links
Stock Browser: meh. I am usually a giant fan of stock browsers, and used one up until Froyo hit. This thing is just buggy and annoying. Also, a lot of you have used it so judge for yourselves.
Miren Browser: This is pretty much my daily browser, so I am obviously biased. Amazing gesture controls and a wide array of settings. Allows you to see tabs on screen, auto hide tabs, set tabs to always be on screen, etc. Same for the address bar. Full screen mode maximizes space for the website. Launch page gets you 8 shortcuts, search, URL, downloads, history, bookmarks links. Of course you can disable this launch page. Panorama mode loads each webpage to the "right" of the previous one, so a quick swipe from the left to the right pulls up INSTANTLY the page you were just on. Allows for VERY quick browsing.
UC Browser English: Separate search and URL fields, not interchangeable. When you hit menu>Search you can't begin typing, which is annoying, you have to hit the text field. By the end of the test this annoyed me way to much to admit. Settings are confusing. A third of the screen is wasted with buttons and the name of the current site you are on and the notification bar. Full Screen gets rid of all controls. No address bar, you have to hit Menu>URL to enter a new address. Doesn't render a google search correctly. UA options annoying as hell. Had to manually type in URL's for some desktop sites. Startup page is a lesson in how to waste space. Built in file browser . . . don't get the need for that. Night Mode and day mode brightness settings, reading mode. Browser infuriated me personally. Took 5x longer to test than any other. Had to go to the mobile site on my desktop, then click the "full site" link, then chrome2phone it to my phone and choose this browser from the list I had installed for CNN and Engadget. And since there is no address bar to tell you the URL you are currently at, I had to do this for every test, as I wasn't using "refresh" to test the web page loading times. Flash appears to be "always on" with no apparent way to adjust this. I hate this browser.
Angel Browser: Seriously the most amazing array of settings that I have seen on a browser. Force closed on my constantly though. Had to uninstall it and re-install and reboot several times. Literally couldn't visit a single website without it force closing, which made testing . . . . difficult. The custom gestures are AMAZING. I personally have no use for them, but some of you will. Allows you to perform almost any action by a custom drawing of your choosing. Want to go to google.com when you draw a goat on the screen, this browser can do it. Not a fan of not having an address bar visible. You should install this thing just to see the plethora of settings and options, its frankly amazing. Couldn't get a single one of them to work since this browser refused to even go to one of its default bookmarks "google.com", but damn the possibilities if it didn't completely stink. If you could get this to work, please tell me how you did it.
Dolphin Browser HD: Allows for extensive customizability with a ton of add ons that each add a certain functionality. Gesture controls are fantastic. Visible address bar when you scroll to the top of a page or hit the menu button. Tabs and address bar disappear as you scroll. One of the uglier browsers upon initial install, it allows for theming through the settings. A nice amount of UA settings allows you to visit desktop pages automatically. A bit of wasted space in the tabs and address bar. I personally was never a fan of Dolphin HD, but after testing it and looking through the settings and theming options, I am hard pressed to explain why anymore. Pretty sure you can make this browser into anything you want it to be. Don't have time to extensively customize this to my liking, but I recommend you check it out if thats your kinda thing.
Opera Mobile Web Browser: Absolutely beautiful start page. Simple and well laid out. Trades Menu button functionality for a big red O in the bottom right corner, not a fan of that. Beautiful animation when you hit the URL or search text input fields. Hope my first google search on it was a fluke, as it took nearly 30 seconds . . . Absolutely DESTROYING the other browsers in the Acid3 and HTML5 and V8 tests. URL and search field slides away as you scroll down, but a sixth of the screen is absolutely wasted by the navigation bar. Luckily you can turn this off in the settings so that it only appears when you hit the menu key. I guess that is the functionality they saved for the menu key. URL field will not search like the stock browser does. Search field saves your previous search, which is a pain because you have to click on it and then delete it. Pretty sparse settings options. The fewest easily of any browser tested until this point. Holy java did it destroy the other browsers in sunspider .91. WOW. Easily the best yet in playing flash, but disappointingly has the worst flash controls. Double tapping does not fit the video to the window size. Nearly flawlessly played the flash video. It puts the stock browser to shame with its flash playback. For this reason alone you should all have it installed. Yet another browser that refuses to give desktop websites, and this one has no UA settings to change. If its anything like the windows mobile version there is an "about:config" you can delve into for more settings, but its disappointing that they didn't include that in the main settings. Yep, opera:config gets you into more settings, but instead of telling you what UA you are spoofing they give you numbers, great, thanks opera. 1 is opera, 2 is firefox and 3 is IE6. Aaaaaaaand none of them seem to do anything for cnn.com. Had to use the chrome2phone trick. CNN optimizing for Opera or something?? Not using Turbo mode either. Had to run them twice and make sure everything was loading on the page. Looks like somebody isn't getting uninstalled immediately after I am done testing. May have spoken too soon, just crashed on me. Engadget also doesn't give me an option for the full site. WTH. The browser seems to get stuck sometimes loading a page. The page is fully loaded and scrollable, but the progress bar never finishes. No other browser has done that.
Edit: Just realized this browser is 30mb. That is gigantic. At least you can move it to SD, but still . . . Maybe the size is why its so smooth??
Opera Mini web browser: Wow, this looks pretty damn similar to Opera Mobile. Who would have thought. *Acid3 test is kinda invalid because it rendered the page all sorts of messed up. It got a great score but it certainly did not pass the test. Not looking good for this one, html5 score is pathetic. It can barely render the browsermark test. Correction, it CANNOT render the browsermark test. Seriously, why does this browser even exist when Opera has one that destroys all of those tests and looks IDENTICAL. Also, doesn't look like this browser supports flash either. So far this is the most pathetic browser I have tested. It looks beautiful but is the only one that has failed these basic browser tests. Just failed sunspider. Wow. *And there is no option to clear the cache. So these results should be faster than the others. Yea, its basically just reading from the cache, these test numbers are worthless except for the initial page launch. CNN number is invalid, I will do the others with only the initial page load. There we go, back to normal. Upon reloading a page, it would always take 2.5 seconds, which is obviously just reading from cache, which you cannot clear. I would rather have the non functional Angel Browser installed than this browser.
Skyfire:Immediately I hate this browser. The menu button is basically worthless because they load it with links to facebook and twitter and you have to scroll all the way to the right to get to options. And then the options only deals with the stupid links that the menu button brings up. Basically the menu button is completely wasted and the settings are hidden in a down arrow to the top right of the browser. Good amount of settings. Nothing special though. URL and search and controls hide while you scroll, which is good. When you search, it brings up a bunch of stupid links like facebook and stocks and twitter and amazon which consumes a quarter of the screen. Getting on my nerves and I haven't run the first test yet. Everything was going well in the Browsermark test, until it failed. God, that menu pops up everytime you do anything. Who needs a link to facebook THAT handy that its never more than an inch away and one tap from being launched? If I remember correctly, Skyfire does server side rendering for flash video content, so the flash test should be HEAVILY in its favor. And it gets the slowest sunspider .91 score of all the browsers. *OK, flash is weird on this thing. Its mediocre directly as a flash player. Worse than the stock browser but not awful. It gives you the option though, when a video is present, to tap a "video" button that is on that menu bar ive been talking about, and then they will basically transcode the video on the server and serve it to you in presumably HTML5, which is very smooth, but also a very wonky solution. At least the UA that is used allows for the full site option on all of the websites I tried. Force closes whenever I try and open bookmarks. Super.
Boat Browser Mini: This is the browser that caused the thread where I came up with the stupid idea to run these tests and posted that I would. Better be worth it. Off to a good start. Minimalist look with a start page "about:blank". Signs of good things to come? Menu button is actually functional, imagine that Skyfire developers . . . . Baidu option in the settings leads me to believe this is a chinese developed browser much like Miren. Very clean settings layout and a fair amount of settings, nothing special though. Haha, testing what the buttons did and apparently it doesn't like it when you try and bookmark "about:blank", it crashes instead. Very iPhoney like feel to it, if that makes any sense. Love the universal URL and search bar, just like chrome has. Every browser should have that in my opinion. Weird, looks like a bunch of settings snuck out of the settings menu and made it to a seperate "advanced" menu. Not liking that your two choices seem to be to have the browser in full screen mode where you lose the address bar and navigation controls or having it in normal mode where the address bar tucks away nicely but the navigation controls needlessly take up the bottom fifth of my screen in landscape. Wow, this browser really doesn't like NYT.com.
xScope Browser - Web & File: Copy chromes look much? Not that I'm complaining, but wow blatant. Hmm, menu button hides everything and puts it in fullscreen. Neat fly-in effects. Settings menu is annoying. Not a ton you can tweak, but a good amount. Theming seems to be available as well. Again, love the universal address bar. Wow does this browser waste screen space though. Almost half of the screen in landscape is taken up by the notification bar, address bar, tabs and navigation bar. No settings to auto hide these, which is lame. File browser is comical. Ever open up "c:\" in a browser on your desktop, thats its file browser. Tabs are visible on top, and their is also a button in the navigation bar. They seriously want to give you access to your tabs. Hmm, scrolling auto hides the notification bar, but leaves the gigantic tabs, address bar and navigation bar. Smart. Certainly scoring well in the synthetic benchmarks. Ugh, this waste of screen space is annoying me. Why are you not tucking away like a lot of the other browsers do? This thing was obviously not designed to play flash. It plays, but the window is all over the place. Double tapping makes it semi full screen, but then double tapping again does nothing. You have to pinch the screen to see the address bar or navigation controls again. Flash is not its strong suit. This is literally the only browser I tested that had the NYT hide its full screen page. Every other browser had the option to view the full site. Had to change the UA from "computer" to "ipad". Weak. This settings menu is seriously pissing me off its so terrible. This browser makes me feel like I am back in the Windows Mobile days with the extra small menus obviously not designed for input from the human finger.
Maxthon: Universal URL and search bar is a plus. Not a fan of the default color, but there are theming options available. The address bar tucks away when you scroll leaving the tabs up top, which is how I usually like things, but there is a massive navigation bar at the bottom which I cannot remove in the settings without going full screen. There doesn't seem to be an option to set flash to "on demand" and I am unsure by looking at the settings whether it supports flash at all. Everytime you touch the screen you get a button popping up allowing you to go full screen and next to it is a button that allows you to go into WAP mode. This button changes to an "add rss feed" button if you are on a compatible website. Not a fan of the gesture drawing on the screen, but that is probably because I am not a big gesture guy. You can turn off gestures in the settings which gets rid of the drawing of your touch. There is flash and it works about the same as the stock browser. Would like to be able to set flash to ondemand though.
Dolphin Browser Mini: Upon loading it up for the first time, it looks almost identical to Dolphin Browser HD. Gone are the right and left panels which I did not care for in Dolphin Browser HD, but left behind are AMAZING customizable gesture controls. The settings menu is simple and straightforward and fair amount to tweak. The add-ons from Dolphin Browser HD are gone. This is basically a simple version of that browser, which I kind of like. The menu button is simple and gives you quick access to bookmarks and settings. I don't get why they take up 30% of the menu with a tab switcher though when the tabs are always present at the top of the screen. Maybe if you were in fullscreen mode it would be useful. There is an options button next to the address bar which is really useful. Gives you the option to send/share/save a page and also a "find on page" option, which is awesome. One thing I don't like is that you have to click Menu>toolbox>settings, just an extra step and overall not that big of a deal. Toolbox gives you some great options like taking a screenshot of an entire webpage or backing up your settings or private browsing for those times that you don't want your phone logging what you are looking at.
Firefox v4.0.1: At first glance there seems to be very little to tweak in the settings for this browser. Once you get playing with it for a while, you see kind of why this is. This is a VERY well thought out browser. The address bar is also can be used for search by tapping the magnifying glass and choosing a service. Swipe to the right and it reveals your tabs on the left of the screen. Swipe to the left and it reveals your navigation controls on the right of the screen. The menu button brings up settings and add-ons, which look like they will be very useful. There seems to be a fair bit of checkerboarding while pinching to zoom and scrolling. Wow, this browser certainly is well built. 2nd highest Acid3 score and best HTML5, Browsermark AND Sunspider score. Aaaaand no flash support. OK, it seems like Firefox is missing User Agent switching in the settings. Had to download an add-on called "phony" to enable that feature. Kind of mediocre loading times for webpages, which is DOUBLY surprising because 1) Firefox isn't loading flash which almost all of the other browsers had to do, and 2) Firefox had by far the best cumulative benchmark scores. Wow, some cool site options when you visit a site. If you tap the site icon on the top left you get site options such as saving the page as a pdf, find in page and sharing options. ***Ran a bunch of tests on Firefox 5.0 beta, and it appears to be nearly identical performance wise to 4.0.1. They added a few new features and the browser seems to be a little smoother and more polished. Also, neither v4.0.1 or v5.0 likes Launcher Pro running in the background at all. Everytime I press the home button I have to wait for LauncherPro to startup again. May be an issue with my particular setup, although no other browsers did this.
Dolphin Browser HD v5.0: Setting up this browser for the testing is a TREAT. The settings are vast and its easily the prettiest looking settings menu I have seen on any of the browsers. I hope the rest of the browser carries over these awesome UI elements. Really like the universal search and address bar. The browser looks pretty much like the Dolphin Browser HD that you know. The tabs and address bar tuck away when you scroll like the default browser. Looks like version 5.0 is scoring the exact same as the previous version in the acid3, v8 and html5 benchmarks, so don't expect any major performance boost by updating, but you can rest assured that you aren't going to update to something thats slower I guess. The amazing customizable gestures remain as do the add ons and the quick swipe left or right to access them or bookmarks respectively. Pinching to zoom seems to be improved in this version as well.
I use Dolphin and I love it. Opera is faster (atleast it seems so), but it doesn't let me log into Sprint.com (wont allow me to select the password field). So I just stick with Dolphin. I'm ALWAYS interested in trying out something new, though!
I'll give SRF stock browser a try, I've never even touched it. lol
Overstew said:
I use Dolphin and I love it. Opera is faster (atleast it seems so), but it doesn't let me log into Sprint.com (wont allow me to select the password field). So I just stick with Dolphin. I'm ALWAYS interested in trying out something new, though!
I'll give SRF stock browser a try, I've never even touched it. lol
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Its fast, but buggy. Doesn't like auto-rotation either.
muyoso said:
For this reason alone you should all have it installed. Yet another browser that refuses to give desktop websites, and this one has no UA settings to change. If its anything like the windows mobile version there is an "about:config" you can delve into for more settings, but its disappointing that they didn't include that in the main settings. Yep, opera:config gets you into more settings, but instead of telling you what UA you are spoofing they give you numbers, great, thanks opera. 1 is opera, 2 is firefox and 3 is IE6. Aaaaaaaand none of them seem to do anything for cnn.com. Had to use the chrome2phone trick. CNN optimizing for Opera or something?? Not using Turbo mode either.
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You can change the user agent, although its not as easy as it should be, the upside it that it works almost 100%.
Open Opera 11, enter opera:config in your URL-bar, hit enter. The second last point in the menu is USER PREFS, click on it.
Now you will be presented with a very long list of customization options. Go and find "User Agent Strings". This field is blank as default.
Now you can put one user agent of your choice into that list:....
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I used:
Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.0; U; en) Presto/2.7.39 Version/11.00
Found it here:
Ya need to include Maxthon browser.
It is the best looking one,had themes,faster than Dolphin HD and goes back to previous page instantly without realoding it!
I been using nothing but Dolphin HD for a year now but im begining to like Maxthon more,only thing that Dolphin HD got that i miss is swypeble side panels.Other than that Maxthon is better in every way.
I need second opinion on this one,is it me or is Maxthon actualy faster at loading pages than Dolphin HD?
Maxthon reminds me of Miren but better looking and more polished and faster.
Now that is how you do tests, nice work, but if you looked at the memory and cpu time those browsers use (other then stock) its crazy, I forget what the worst one was 4 months ago when I tested on my Moment, I think Miren was the worst.
Sent from my MyEC05OCE v2 using XDAPA...
ecooce said:
Now that is how you do tests, nice work, but if you looked at the memory and cpu time those browsers use (other then stock) its crazy, I forget what the worst one was 4 months ago when I tested on my Moment, I think Miren was the worst.
Sent from my MyEC05OCE v2 using XDAPA...
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Wouldn't doubt it with the panorama mode. We are pretty well off with ram though, so ram was less of a concern for me to test.
lviv73 said:
Ya need to include Maxthon browser.
It is the best looking one,had themes,faster than Dolphin HD and goes back to previous page instantly without realoding it!
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Added to the OP.
If you use Opera 11 for desktop, you can import bookmarks using Opera Link.
tbob18 said:
If you use Opera 11 for desktop, you can import bookmarks using Opera Link.
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Haha, if only I could get Maxthon's theme w/ dolphin. It'd be perfect!
Angel Browser seems to work fine for me, it feels pretty quick on some sites, but on heavy sites it does slow down quite a bit.
In V8 I got 208 @ 1ghz, similar in performance to Dolphin Mini.
There sure are a lot of options, not really sure what do with all of them.
Overstew said:
Haha, if only I could get Maxthon's theme w/ dolphin. It'd be perfect!
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Yeah i feel same way.Another thing that Dolphin could use is instant back button,Maxthon can go back a page without having to reload it,it saves alot of time.
But i would reather have Maxthon with Dolphin interface(the way Dolphin's menus work but keep Maxthon's look) because i think that Maxthon loads pages quicker and thats with flash enabled,now imagine how quick they would load if Maxthon had option to dissable flash.
tbob18 said:
If you use Opera 11 for desktop, you can import bookmarks using Opera Link.
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Yea. A few browsers had similar options. I was trying to limit it to importing bookmarks from the stock browser on the device.
tbob18 said:
Angel Browser seems to work fine for me, it feels pretty quick on some sites, but on heavy sites it does slow down quite a bit.
In V8 I got 208 @ 1ghz, similar in performance to Dolphin Mini.
There sure are a lot of options, not really sure what do with all of them.
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I wish I could get it to work just to try out all of those settings. The thing refuses to work for me though.
muyoso said:
I wish I could get it to work just to try out all of those settings. The thing refuses to work for me though.
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Strange, which rom are you using?
tbob18 said:
Strange, which rom are you using?
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ACS SRF 1.1.
Just tried installing it again. Force closes the instant I try and visit a website.
What no dolphin browser mini? =/
Wow opera is so much better theb skyfire or dolphin feel wise
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I pretty much gave up on browser switching when I found dolphin mini. Its fast even on 1x and NEVER force closes. The start page bookmarks makes following phandroid and engadget even easier than their native apps.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

PressReader tablet edition released, hopefully Asus will upgrade

Just noticed that NewspaperDirect have shipped their first version of PressReader that's specifically intended for tablets:
I've actually started using PressReader myself, and although it's a bit more expensive than subscribing to the website of the paper I want to read (South China Morning Post), it's also more convenient in that I can read it offline and in the same manner as the real paper.
Here's hoping that Asus upgrades the existing version to the tablet one in their next firmware update. I'd definitely prefer to have a Honeycomb-specific version, but if I want it right now, I'll end up with two PressReader installs on my tablet.
I'll be talking to the PressReader folks in a few days when I upgrade to a paid account, so I'll see if they can tell me anything about whether Asus will be shipping an update at the same time... Fingers crossed!
Misread .. Doh but HoneyComb PressReader is way better now, the layout is so much user friendly.
Haven't installed it yet as I didn't want to risk it not coexisting with my existing subscription. What did they change, specifically?
the interface is ok but it really bugs me that i have to choose a country everytime i want to browse newspapers.
it would be better to be able to set a default and then browse other countries if required.
also, it seems pretty expensive. i've subscribed at the moment but i'm not sure that i can justify the cost ... i love reading the latest newspapers on my transformer though.
Granted...the shelf is different. But other than that..when actually viewing the papers I don't see much/any difference from the version that was already on our 3.1 Transformer. Maybe they just launched it with Asus first before bringing it to the app store? Do you notice any differences?
BTW. Although I like clicking on a headline to get just that story on one page.. I think it should include all the pictures associated with the story. Many times it's just text...sometimes one out of 3 pictures is included.
sbliner said:
Granted...the shelf is different. But other than that..when actually viewing the papers I don't see much/any difference from the version that was already on our 3.1 Transformer. Maybe they just launched it with Asus first before bringing it to the app store? Do you notice any differences?
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Took a look myself, and what they've added is a new view mode accessed with a button near the right end of the top menu bar while viewing a paper. It gives you a supposedly more newspaper-like arrangement where you see (other than the front / rear covers) two pages side by side, with a faint darkening towards the division between the two pages, to mimic the look of an opened newspaper.
It's cute I guess, but only really of use if you tap headlines to read stories, which I don't. Except for the headlines, the font is too small to be readable even on a tablet.
What I'd much rather see PressReader add is a view that would fit the page to the screen width, which would make for a very readable paper in landscape orientation on a tablet. (Drag up / down to read the page, flick side to side to change pages). Right now, their default view choices are either zoomed (which requires 2D panning), single-page (with loads of wasted space around the edges), or double-page (with loads of wasted space around the edges).
Anybody else noticing lockups with Press Reader's tablet edition? I've found a few bugs, but this seems by far the most severe. It's specific to the tablet edition; never had anything similar with the standard edition that's bundled on the Transformer.
It's happened to me four times now, always while I'm panning around a page that's been zoomed in to 100% by double tapping on the page.
The symptom is that the tablet stops responding completely. Not only is Press Reader locked up, but so is Honeycomb's System Bar -- the Home, Back, Menu, and Apps buttons, and the status section at the right end of the bar all don't respond if tapped. Nor does holding the power button bring up the "Power Off" dialog. If I close the tablet screen on the dock and reopen it, the screen won't come back on.
Honeycomb itself *isn't* locked up, though, just its user interface. If I tap the power button, the tablet goes to sleep, and a second tap wakes it up properly. Also, the most recent time it happened to me, as luck would have it, I had a live radio feed playing on TuneIn Radio, and it kept playing for a couple of minutes after the Honeycomb UI had locked up.
The only way to fix the problem is a cold boot, by holding the power button in for ~10 seconds or so until the screen goes off. On rebooting, Honeycomb and Press Reader work correctly again. It's a bit alarming that whatever the Press Reader bug is can lock up the entire Honeycomb UI, though!
Other bugs I've found:
* When zoomed in 100%, sometimes the graphics in the newspaper appear on the wrong places in the page and/or extremely blurrily. Zooming out and back in again corrects the problem.
* Also when zoomed in 100%, sometimes part or all of the text on the page doesn't re-render, and stays unreadably blurry.
* When downloading new issues of newspapers, the status bar showing the download sometimes stays at zero and/or a thumbnail of the newspaper never appears even though the download has completed, but if I double tap on the incomplete status bar the paper will open, or if I exit and reenter Press Reader the paper's thumbnail will generate and the status bar will vanish.
* I've also had one issue lock up during downloading, and the download wouldn't complete despite working wifi until I rebooted the tablet.
* I also have problems with images seeming to be more compressed on the tablet version, or perhaps not rendering correctly. Comparing the same newspaper, which has a small comics section, the tablet version is blurry enough that I can barely read the text on the comics, while the standard version is much sharper and the same size comic text is very easily readable.
Considering all these together, the tablet version of the app is simply not ready for prime time. Asus didn't upgrade the bundled version of Press Reader on their just-released OTA update, and I'd say that's a damned good thing!
Hopefully NewspaperDirect can fix these issues, and add a "fit page to screen width" viewing mode, which would also require better quality font rendering at lower zoom levels. (Right now, when you zoom out a bit, text rapidly becomes blurry when it should be easily readable, just because the rendering is very poor; this problem applies to both tablet and standard versions, though.)
Obviously the most important bug is the lockup issue, and if anybody else is experiencing it, I'd really like to hear from them...

Does honeycomb no longer resize text?

Example. On an android phone navigating to a site ( for example wikipedia) when you zoom in text either automatically reformats to fit the screen, or you can double tap and it will happen.
On honeycomb I can't get this to work. I'm currently reading a long article on the web and zooming in ends up with an ios like result where text dies nit reflow.
Any idea how to get this back?
I just realized clicking *single column rendering* brings this back. I'll see if there's a downside.
Getting really annoyed at necessary features being buried in debug.
Use Opera Mobile and it will do it without even needing to double tap.
But yes, it seems that is not like before, because dolphin, miren browsers etc. don't do it.
I would. But the quick controls have me glued to default browser :-(.

Chrome Dark Mode for Note 8

This only works with Android Pie and the newest version of Chrome so if you haven't already go to the Play Store and update it. It may work with other other Android phones but not sure. Ok so open chrome and type in the address bar: "chrome://flags" You don't need the quotes and submit it. A new page should come up that brings up hidden settings but don't get ahead of yourself. In the search area that says "Search Flags" search for "Dark"
This should bring up two results:
1. Android web contents dark mode
2. Android Chrome UI dark mode
Number 1. Will turn the contents of web pages to Dark mode friendly. (I didn't care for this too much as it turns a lot of pics and things negative colors.)
Number 2. Will give you the option to turn on the UI Dark mode but after enabling it you might have to reset Chrome and you must go to your Chrome settings (the three dots on the upper right) then to the tab that says "Dark Mode" and turn it on. This will turn your UI Dark including the Google home page and settings tabs. (Pretty much as indicated.)
After you enable any of this you may have to close and relaunch Chrome. You should now have a Dark UI that's easily turned on and off. I have attached a few screen shots of some examples of what I'm talking about. If any of this helped you please leave a thanks.
phaze1 said:
This only works with Android Pie and the newest version of Chrome so if you haven't already go to the Play Store and update it. It may work with other other Android phones but not sure. Ok so open chrome and type in the address bar: "chrome://flags" You don't need the quotes and submit it. A new page should come up that brings up hidden settings but don't get ahead of yourself. In the search area that says "Search Flags" search for "Dark"
This should bring up two results:
1. Android web contents dark mode
2. Android Chrome UI dark mode
Number 1. Will turn the contents of web pages to Dark mode friendly. (I didn't care for this too much as it turns a lot of pics and things negative colors.)
Number 2. Will give you the option to turn on the UI Dark mode but after enabling it you might have to reset Chrome and you must go to your Chrome settings (the three dots on the upper right) then to the tab that says "Dark Mode" and turn it on. This will turn your UI Dark including the Google home page and settings tabs. (Pretty much as indicated.)
After you enable any of this you may have to close and relaunch Chrome. You should now have a Dark UI that's easily turned on and off. I have attached a few screen shots of some examples of what I'm talking about. If any of this helped you please leave a thanks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It works on Oreo too as long as you are using Chrome 74 and above.
Twotems said:
It works on Oreo too as long as you are using Chrome 74 and above.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, I know it can work with Oreo but it has issues. One issue was once it was enabled via the "flag settings" turning off and on the Dark Mode UI in settings wouldn't toggle properly no matter how much you used the on off switch. You would have to run the "flag" again and turn it on and off that way which was too much of a pain to have to keep explaining or getting comments on. Maybe it was just the phones with Oreo I have as it did work just not properly. Either way if it works for you great.
