Just some invites to Share - ONE General

Enjoy! When used please leave a note and click :good:Thanks!
- https://account.oneplus.net/invite/claim/XXYN-E1SQ-EVTK-RP65
- https://account.oneplus.net/invite/claim/XXUJ-VGLD-KV6R-5LUR
- gone
Replace XX with GL in the links, hence :s/XX/GL/g


FTP Open for Every One

I'm trying to make a good FTP with the biggest list of software for PPC available in just one single place if someone want to contribute it is welcome to send me some more good software to include please be sure that all files includes credits and read me files if needed and all the files needed to get the software working right. All the software up today I have personally tested in My Sprint Mogul PPC 6800 and works really nice...
Here is the Link enjoy... and help to make it better...
Every one now can upload please note that the FTP has 2 folder and one is called Upload before upload please select the upload file and the upload to that folder please do not upload the the HTC mod because that is my personal backup too thanks and Happy upload and Download...
I have seen that people started to upload some nice files Thanks everyone for the support... and helping me to make a all in one stop to have all applications we all want for ours PPC
NOTE: Please Don't Upload Warez The main idea it is to have people that is developing software and need Beta testers or any nice Freeware application Thanks....
Lowenski said:
I'm trying to make a good FTP with the biggest list of software for PPC available in just one single place if someone want to contribute it is welcome to send me some more good software to include please be sure that all files includes credits if needed or serial numbers or keygenerators if needed or cracks... All the software up today I have personally tested in My Sprint Mogul PPC 6800 and works really nice...
Here is the Link enjoy... and help to make it better...
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Nice idea! Just make sure no warez will be uploaded by other folks. (I've browsed it through; no warez currently.)
wow nice
that helps alot with the beginners(Me), thanks mate
how do i upload
Sorry about the upload I'm now working on that to have a spesific folder in wish all people can upload files...
personally i'd like to see a cvs/svn repository for all existing projects to run off
makes it easier than having to visit the thread each time
Awesome idea!!!
Thumbs up for Lowenski
i have tried to download a couple of files and they tell me i need a password. not sure why when i uploaded files it did not ask for a password. so im not sure whats going on but i would like to say that i was the one who posted among other things the vga htc album and the one with a folder option. but i am not uploading anymore files if i am unable to download files
You said you're not going to publish warez... but I've just found this at your site: FTP/HTC Mods/Cube Software/Touch Commander and Crack.zip
1st off efrost dont be a a*shole im sure it was by mistake. im also sure he will take it down when he getts the chance
To my friend irus I'm very Sorry about the password my mistake in the rights at the FTP now I solved the problem please re tray downloading!.... and for Esfrost I'm not all the time in my PC I have family a Job and many things to do that is why I made a space for everyone to share I cant control fully what people upload but if you don like it don't use It or I will close it if it is a big problem!
it sounds great...
heres mine
I repeat there should be no warez

Who get the ZUMOBI beta?

As we all know,Zumobi beta is released now.But i don't have a U.S.A. mobile phone number.So i can't get it.Can somebody upload it?
To participate in the Zumobi Beta you’ll need the following:
• A U.S.A. mobile phone number
• A data plan with your mobile phone service provider (we strongly recommend this be an unlimited data plan)
• A mobile phone running Windows Mobile 5 or 6
While Zumobi is compatible with most phones running Windows Mobile 5 or 6, we have certified and recommend the following devices for optimal performance:
• Motorola Q
• Samsung Blackjack 1.0
• HTC Dash
• HTC Touch
Yes! Yes! Please download this program!
does anybody get the app???
i'm in China. i don't have a US cellphone
i can't get the download link?
can anyone please post then download link up here???
bubbyyby said:
does anybody get the app???
i'm in China. i don't have a US cellphone
i can't get the download link?
can anyone please post then download link up here???
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I am the same. Can't download it
me too, please help us
i only got this kind of email and that;s all
Congratulations on becoming a member of the Zumobi Beta community!
To get started, take a tour of all Zumobi's great features:
Take a test drive
Zumobi comes loaded with 13 Tiles for you to explore, ranging from news and weather to games and shopping. Take some time to zoom in and out of each Tile and learn your way around the zoom space. We've also given you 3 blank tiles to get you started customizing your zoom space using the Zumobi gallery, but you can feel free to replace any or all of the 16 Tiles in your zoom space. Spend some time on gallery.zumobi.com and make it your own!
Explore the Zumobi Gallery
There are a bunch of Tiles in the Zumobi gallery <http://gallery.zumobi.com> for you to browse and send to your phone. There is no limit to the number of Tiles you can swap in and out of your 16 Tile zoom space.
Create your zoom space
Finding and sending Tiles to your phone lets you build and customize your unique zoom space, reflecting the information and content that is important to you.
Tell a friend
Did you know you can share Zumobi with friends? It's as easy as sending a Tile to their phone. You can send one directly from your phone by selecting the Send button from the Tile you want to send, or you can send a Tile from the gallery by clicking on the "Send to a friend" button. If your friend has Zumobi the Tile will appear in their inbox, and if not, they will get an SMS message with a link to sign up!
Let us know what you think
We want to hear from you! If you want to report an error or a bug you can do so via our web form <http://my.zumobi.com/account/help>. You can also make feature suggestions, tell us about Tiles you'd like to see, and meet other Zumobi users in our forums <http://forums.zumobi.com.>.
Check out our SDK
Want to learn how to build Tiles? Then download our SDK and tutorials <http://dev.zumobi.com> and get creative building your own Tiles. You can also discuss Tile development and creation in our developer forums.
hey guys i got the sms, i am not from usa but i got the sms!
here is the link to download: didn't try it yet
Luckyfox777 said:
hey guys i got the sms, i am not from usa but i got the sms!
here is the link to download: didn't try it yet
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Luckyfox777 said:
hey guys i got the sms, i am not from usa but i got the sms!
here is the link to download: didn't try it yet
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Good work.i love u more than i can say...
Here's a better link from me
howboy520 said:
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are you sure? maybe you should learn english but not we chineese!!!
creamhackered said:
Here's a better link from me
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why better? the link i gave is for phone, cause when you download from their site it recongnises your smartphone and let's you download the best version for your smart
thanks luckyfox!!!
but easy with the learning English thing. No need to be like learn English in almost an insulting way because if you're going to complain how others should learn English you should at least say it correctly.
are you sure? maybe you should learn English because we're not Chinese!
Goto http://rapidshare.com/files/76505586/ZumobiPocketPC.cab
Click "free"
wait a few seconds
type in the letters and numbers in the picture
select the server you want and hit download
the thought was "maybe you should learn english but not we should learn chineese" the words in italic were omited special cause you should serve the ball but not me ...if you understand what i mean
well i meant what i meant, you just didn't understand me, i said that: not we all should learn chineese language to understand him, but his is the one to learn english or at least use some online translators, as i see this is an english speaking forum so every one is invited to be kind and write in english, i am not english speaking person my mother's language is russian but i didn't write here in russian, is a matter of being polite with others... or he thinks everyone here knows chineese?
U didn't need a USA mobile no. I recieved their SMS on my mobile in Egypt.
hehe...thx for sharing the software. the deepfish has been dead in the deep sea. *sadly*
but we have a NEW browser!!
Just downloaded.
But what is this for?

[UPDATED] Sixaxis Profile For Note To Users Only [Website]

Hello Just Wanted To Post This To Notify Everyone Who Uses A Sixaxis Controller On Their Note 2 That I Recently Updated My Site
Please Check It Out
Give Me Your Honest Feedback, Ways To Improve & Errors You May Find On The Site
Have A Profile Request For A Game You Want Reach Me By Clicking The Contact Tab On The Page Or Email Me [email protected]
Thank You Very Much
a2walonzo said:
Hello Just Wanted To Post This To Notify Everyone Who Uses A Sixaxis Controller On Their Note 2 That I Recently Updated My Site
Please Check It Out
Give Me Your Honest Feedback, Ways To Improve & Errors You May Find On The Site
Have A Profile Request For A Game You Want Reach Me By Clicking The Contact Tab On The Page Or Email Me [email protected]
Thank You Very Much
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Good selection of games mapped on your website.
Will give them a try later this evening :good:
Ur website doesn't open.
It does now. Thanks.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
Sorry About That The Stupid Web Hosting Stops All Incoming Connections If I Am Editing Or Working On It

NEW✔ (Fire Tablets WhatsApp Group) No Numbers Needed - Join LINK ✔

After see many people struggling to get into the some inactive/foreign group, I can't bother the extream pain and sweet anymore. Time for a change. Time for revolution.
Language - English Please
Fun? -
Link -goo.gl/jc5YW2

Asking / requesting oneplus ( 3 - up ) info gift for my son... PLEASE

Hello, i am still looking for somebody kind, to help me make a gift to my son.
It is about that promotion / collaboration between Fortnite and OnePlus.
On this website.. oneplus . c o m / uk / fortnite / emote ( without any spaces ) if you own and verify your phone via IMEI and PCB code, it generates a unique code (a funny indian dance) to be used inside the Fortnite game.
So if someone own a OnePlus phone and doesn't play Fortnite, please help make my son happy by gifting him a code.. PLEASE
You are informed better than I am, and you can check any info about this on OnePlus website or all over the internet talking about this
pm. please
Thankyou in advance for your kindness.
aNIGRO said:
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@aNIGRO THREAD CLOSED as a subject matter related thread already exists that was also created by you a few days ago: https://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-8-pro/help/requesting-oneplus-3-info-gift-t4132531
XDA Forum Rules (excerpt):
5. Create a thread topic or post a message only once, this includes external links & streaming media.
As a large forum, we don't need unnecessary clutter. You're free to edit your message as you like, so if you do not receive an answer, revisit your message and see if you can describe your problem better. Not everyone is online at the same time so it might take a while before you receive an answer.
You can bump your unanswered question once every 24 hours
Duplicate threads and posts will be removed
Always post in an existing thread if a topic already exists, before creating a new thread.
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