Any program out there? Login!!!! - Windows 8 General

Is there a mod that uses your lockscreen background when signing in instead a plain color?

I assure you there are programs out there.
Some of them even occasionally log in (though I'm not sure that four exclamation marks worth of shouting at them to do so helps anything).
Please use meaningful subject lines on your posts.
Also, to the best of my knowledge, no. The idea is supposed to be that you slide the lock screen away, which generally means the thing under the lockscreen should look different.


Captions beneath icons on Programs screen?

I'm not sure about most of you but I have a hard time remembering what the Icons om my Programs screen all mean. No I admit, most are pretty clear but I'm not always sure, beneath each square-with-icon, there is some space left and I wonder why there's not a possibility to show a short description there. Are there solutions out there.
As this sort of ruins the nice clean display, I could also imagine a mechanism where one could touch an icon to see a description first, before e.g. touching again to activate and run, maybe taht would be more elegant.
Unrelated somewhat, I'm also wondering if the number of icons on this screen can be increased.
Dude, why do you have bubble breaker 2 times at your Programs Screen??
Man... you are sharp
I changed my screen with an editor as I had an application there that I didn't want to show to the world (nothing spectacular but, let's say, it wasn't 100% legal software. I know... I shouldn't do that but I'm still playing with apps to see which ones I like and which ones I don't. I did already buy the stuff that I do like).
So, summarizing: excellent observation but plse ignore, it's not real
My question still stands however.

2 Annoyances, looking for solutions

I apologize if this has already been covered. If it has, I wasn't able to find it.
After a call, when I pull the phone away, the notification bar gets stuck "slightly" pulled down and touches to the screen are unresponsive. I have to pull the notification bar down all the way, then put it back up to make it go away. Otherwise, the bar just stays at about a half inch (or less) from the top of the screen. I'm using the SuperDark rom, but I don't think it's an issue with that since I remember the same thing happening with one of the first calls I made on the phone. It seems to happen about 1 out of 4 calls I make. I'm pretty used to it now and I usually just end the call using the notification bar when it happens, but I wanted to know if anyone is experiencing this and how it can be avoided/fixed.
Animated GIFs. I saw the post of annoyances saying how the browser doesn't support them. But I couldn't find anything about the Gallery app not supporting them, either. I can deal with the browser, but I use Chandroid for 4chan and such, and it would be nice to view the animated GIFs I save from Chandroid in the Gallery. Is there a fix for this? Or possibly an alternate Gallery app I can use?
Thanks in advance
1. Don't press phone against ear until the proximity sensor turns the backlight off.
2. Don't have a specific answer. But I bet 2.2 wouldn't hurt.
good day
Looks like there was a discussion about the gif thing back in April.
I have seen conflicting information about this, though, on the web. I have a phone with 2.2 at home, so I will give it a test tonight and let you know, unless someone replies sooner.

Brand New Android Status Bar

Hello everyone, many of you probably have seen me post around here since mid July of this year. I've tried probably every ROM released so far, and I'd like to thank every Dev that has put work into all of these ROMs for us. You're all excellent in your own rights. But I've had an idea that I'd like to present to the community, and maybe it seems silly, but I'm just curious. First let me say I know nothing about the programming language in which Android is programmed. I've tried my hand at HTML and Flash as well as a bit of C++ and different things but really I'm a dabbler, never done any concrete work. So forgive me for sounding uninformed, and I am in no way saying I COULD do this. So here's my question: Why is the Android operating system status bar stuck at the top of the screen? Now yes, you can move it to the bottom in CM7 for example, under the tablet settings. But let me ask: Why could it not be a moveable object? For instance. If you held your finger on the status bar for lets say 5 seconds, why couldn't it be made to be interactively moved around the screen do different positions, lets say the left hand side of the screen, and then be a vertical bar? Or be dragged to the bottom left hand side, and be resized to a widget size which could be opened upon clicking? Just a thought, I know nothing about the work it would take to do such a thing or why it hasn't been implemented. If it's not possible, I understand. Just an idea for the advancement of the community, and if it's already been covered thoroughly, then I apologize.

[Q] A quick question about the market and screenshots...

So, I rooted my nook color and I'm all honkey dory (two words?)
My question though, is if I check the screen shot of an app, I can't get back to the previous page. The screenshot takes up the whole screen and touching the bottom left (or anywhere else it seems) doesn't bring up any sort of menu. I'm sure there is something stupid that my stupid brain is missing but, as stated, it's stupid. Please help.
I think you probably have (or set somehow) the Status Bar disable.
Try poking around the Settings (I can't remember on top of my head where that be)

Help me find ROM, forgot the name

I've been using this certain ROM for quite a while now, and today I decided to try other roms for my HD2, while not making backup of this one that I had used. Not being satisfied with any of the roms I tried, I decided to go back to the old one, just to realize I have no backup of it, nor I know the name. So I need help finding it. I've tried a lot and this one was the most responsive/fastest/most stable one for me, so help is greatly appreciated.
Now, to the things I remember about it, hopefully someone will recognize which rom I'm talking about. It was pretty minimalistic, it was nothing fancy like most of the popular roms now. Came with a greyish stone wall like home wallpaper, there was no google search widget at the top of the screen by default (most roms have that, as far as I noticed), had 5 icons (shortcuts) in the very bottom of the screen, all grayish/whitish. There was 3 home screens you could scroll around with by default, and also the same way you could've scrolled those 5 shortcuts. When nothing was assigned to the shortcut, like when you first scrolled to the next screen, there was a plus sign (+) of the same color as all other. I'm not sure but I think the internet browser shortcut had something like a detective's head silhouette (like a side shot). Could've been a globe, too, looked like a head to me.
The battery levels showed in percentages in the upper right of the screen (without the % sign), with white dots around the white number (percentage) matching the percentage showed. The messaging was set up so it was divided in threads, and each thread looked the simplest it actually could. It said "Me: <my message>" for my sms and had the same format for the other person in thread (in new row, of course), all went left to right, no fancy iphone ballons showing me on the right side, them on left. And it had time stamps underneat the messages. By default only time for today, and date (without timestamp) for any other day.
If I can provide any more information, please let me know. Thanks for reading, hopefully someone knows what rom this is about. I'm not sure how I got to that rom, but I'm guessing it was popular at some time (maybe still is) since it worked flawlessly. Even if it reminds you of some rom that isn't this one for sure, let me know.
Edit: Remembered something, it's big I think. On boot, that animated screen containted while we wait to boot looked like a cube, rotating and disappearing, as if it was made of water, like spilling in the air, or sprinkling. Also not sure, I think it had a letter H on each side of the cube. Also, I'm willing to bet it was gingerbread build.
Edit2: Solved. It's the latest hyperdroid, sandy scorpion.

