Ruggedization - Project Ara General

For years I've always wished there was a way to have the latest and greatest in specs in a tough waterproof phone. What are your thoughts that in the future this could be an option with Project Ara?

I think it might be waterproof, depending on how tight the modules lock in. And for general ruggedness, there are bound to be screens that are very resistant, and the modules are only supposed to be able to come out if you pull them out. So yeah, I think it'll be pretty durable
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Sure, the phone's plastic, but...

Am I the only one who seriously feels like it not only doesn't feel cheap, but actually feels better this way?
I mean, the device still feels nice and solid, with even weight distribution, but it also feels so light and elegant to me. I've held and used other smartphones that don't give me anything close to this feeling. I think it actually feels more stylish and elegant than the iPhone 4, plastic and all.
I'll readily submit the idea that maybe I'm the rare outlier who feels like this, but does anyone else feel this way?
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I have to agree coming from a vibrant that had a little creaking problem this is way better and feels solid.I was gonna stay with the mytouch4g but I replaced 2 times and kept getting the crappy screen.Kinda glad that happened feelin this phone so far over my vibrant.Btw I wouldn't switch to this if you already have a Vibrant its just I had a deal going on with my friend so I got it at upgrade price and I will sell the Vibrant.
Agreed, the build quality is very good, the only thing that could possibly be called cheap is the back cover because it's plastic, if they covered the plastic with that soft-touch stuff like on the n1 it would be better. Overall the quality is very good, nice and solid and the haptic feedback works great compared to my n1 where the haptic feedback made it feel like it was rattling around inside my phone and about to fall apart.
The screen is the best on the market imo, and the external speaker is miles better that the one on the n1.
I totally agree here. The phone just feels light and sleek to me. I'm loving the all round experience with this thing. Definitely the best Android phone to date... hands down.
I normally go to sleep with Pandora playing on my PC but the other night I was just messing around checking out the general quality of "stuff" and turned on Pandora on the ns. I was so surprised at the quality of the sound that I ended up listening for a long while and passing out.
The difference is especially profound if you compare the sound quality with that of the tmo G2... which sounds like utter garbage.
I'm loving this thing!
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
The Nexus S HAD to be plastic. Why?
Because of the NFC the back cover can not be metal.
Like I've mentioned before in other threads, my only real complaint about the build quality is that I wish they had used some sort of texture coating on the casing. It's quite slick when you first start using it and haven't adjusted your grip accordingly yet.
That and my nitpicky issue about Google/OEMs constantly rearranging their capacitive buttons lol. Pick an order and stick with it!
I finally got to play with a nexus s yesterdjw and I was surprised that it did in fact feel very solid and good in the hand. But missing track ball notification colors still gets to me.
RogerPodacter said:
I finally got to play with a nexus s yesterdjw and I was surprised that it did in fact feel very solid and good in the hand. But missing track ball notification colors still gets to me.
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You can grab an app off the marketplace called NoLED which will use your screen as a notification light. The SAMOLED consumes almost 0 power to show the color black, so the only power loss would be from the little colored pixels that make up the icon/block showing your notification.
You can even customize it to not show notifications during certain hours, like when you're asleep, or use the proximity sensor so it won't show notifications while it's in your pocket but will display them when you take it out. Pretty cool app, all in all.
Deleted...wrong thread
Agreed. Coming from the captivate, I feel right at home.
I got to try a friend's today and was pleasantly surprised. I actually vetoed my husband getting the original galaxy s cos I thought it felt rather plasticy, but the nexus does feel solid but light (certainly lighter than both my desire and hubby's brick/iphone4)
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
Feels solid to me. Only complaint is that the back cover does scratch easily.
sstang2006 said:
The Nexus S HAD to be plastic. Why?
Because of the NFC the back cover can not be metal.
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So this also means that other high class google phones are going to have to be made of plastic to use an NFC chip? This is what I also was wondering, and this is really going to upset all the others saying how terrible samsungs (plastic) build quality is and how wonderful HTC's (metal) is...
No phone can ever be fully cased in metal, as you need to get radio waves in and out. Android phones could use glass construction like the iPhone 4, or just stick to using higher quality plastics.
I would have no problem at all with the Galaxy or Nexus S construction if they'd used a nice softtouch case, and maybe made the phone feel heavier somehow...
It feels amazing. I'm seriously love this
Sent from my Nexus S
The great thing about the plastic back is that you don't have to baby it or buy a case. Replacement backs will likely run around $5, so feel free to scuff it up or put grippy tape on it. At least you don't have to sorry about denting or scratching and losing resale value like metal phones.
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Kubernetes said:
The great thing about the plastic back is that you don't have to baby it or buy a case. Replacement backs will likely run around $5, so feel free to scuff it up or put grippy tape on it. At least you don't have to sorry about denting or scratching and losing resale value like metal phones.
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Might wanna wait for them to actually show up in stores or on ebay before doing that.
Loved the feel of this phone, but I loved the Teflon coating on my Nexus One. The plastic does scratch easily.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Nexus S is the ****ttttt
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I'm with everyone here, the build quality is awesome. I was worried after coming from N1 but I really shouldn't have. I should have known Google wouldn't let down the Nexus name.
Everytime I pick my phone up I'm more and more satisfied that I made the right choice by switching to NS.

Samsung galaxy s3 specs revealed !!!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Hope they have LTE in my area (Miami) by then
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
The "source" of these rumors none other than BGR...
Nothing but a low class gossip website that will say anything for page clicks.
ap3604 said:
The "source" of these rumors none other than BGR...
Nothing but a low class gossip website that will say anything for page clicks.
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AN Apple fansite nonetheless.
Hope this turns out to be true. Ceramic chassis sounds really really nice and very industrial. Maybe they're going for the iPhone 4 look?
I hope they aren't trying to make it look like an iAnything. You think they would stay away from that especially in light of all Apple suing them for everything. Plus I'd love a unique awesome look!
Alucardis666 said:
Hope this turns out to be true. Ceramic chassis sounds really really nice and very industrial. Maybe they're going for the iPhone 4 look?
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if they were going for an iphone 4 look, they would make it look like broken glass.
looks nice...
Love exynos, but is this Samsung's first-generation of LTE?
I believe Samsung will be using a sister chip for the LTE, until they can perfect their own integrated solution.
They never did have their own solution - for radios they're using Infineon (now Intel) chips. The GS2 is XMM6260 or something like that, the next gen (not out yet, has LTE) is XMM7060.
Ceramic chassis? No thanks, I actually like plastic. It doesn't break or shatter and is extremely light. Also, I don't see a removable battery or external sd being done with that type of chassis.
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Nerz said:
Ceramic chassis? No thanks, I actually like plastic. It doesn't break or shatter and is extremely light. Also, I don't see a removable battery or external sd being done with that type of chassis.
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Last thing I need is for my phone to shatter first time I drop it..
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Nerz said:
Ceramic chassis? No thanks, I actually like plastic. It doesn't break or shatter and is extremely light. Also, I don't see a removable battery or external sd being done with that type of chassis.
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Cermamic is incredibly strong and rigid in certain applications. It's used in racing components, as heat shield coatings, reinforments. It's even popular with thw aerospace industry. Very durable...If the S3 goes with a ceramic chasis, I'm sold.
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mgd76 said:
Love exynos, but is this Samsung's first-generation of LTE?
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It will be first generation LTE with the Exynos CPU. Skyrocket is LTE with SnapDragon S3 CPU.
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Nerz said:
Ceramic chassis? No thanks, I actually like plastic. It doesn't break or shatter and is extremely light. Also, I don't see a removable battery or external sd being done with that type of chassis.
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This. Coming from an iPhone 4 makes me appreciate the plastic backing of our phones. Won't chip from the slightest drop like my iPhone did.
Well, I'm leery of 1st-Gen LTE chips. I will not be an early adopter with the sgs3... Especially since Sammy will launch the sgs3+ two weeks later with the "super LTE" chips :-(
More rumors stating the GS3 will be the first phone to run a true 1080p screen beating out even Apple with their Retina screen. Not that you can really tell a difference on such a small device that at most would be used 3 feet away from your face.
NJGSII said:
This. Coming from an iPhone 4 makes me appreciate the plastic backing of our phones. Won't chip from the slightest drop like my iPhone did.
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+1 here my buddy's Iphone 4 fell off his lap and chipped his back glass.
sent from my CM9 powered cappy
As with others I would rather have plastic, Carbon Fiber would be neat though
Specs are not credible so no need to wish over them
First gen LTE on Exynos is what will make me pass... HSPA is more than fast enough for me and I see many bugs with it (LTE)
PeartFan40 said:
Cermamic is incredibly strong and rigid in certain applications. It's used in racing components, as heat shield coatings, reinforments. It's even popular with thw aerospace industry. Very durable...If the S3 goes with a ceramic chasis, I'm sold.
Sent from my Rocket in the Sky (SGH-i727) using XDA Premium.
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This is true but i don't think these things get dropped much . Which even if it could withstand it, I just don't like the fact that most likely with the type of enclosure, it won't have a removable battery cover. Furthermore with the design behaviors currently leaning towards as few buttons and ports as possible, for that clean look, there most likely won't be and external sd card.
Although I'm just griping, I love Samsung phones, and I will most likely still get it if the temptation somehow pries me from my wonderful sgs2

About that replaceable plastic (Sammy) vs unibody (HTC) thing...

First of all I have to say, the Samsung Galaxy S3 looks veeeery good to me.
You want to know why?
1. Unique design, more curvy which definately will give you a better feeling when holding the phone in your hand. Just look at your palm, is it completely flat? I don't think so. Therefore it's easier to hold a curvy S3 in your hand compared to an angular shaped S2. I really think the S3 looks better and gives you more comfort just by seeing the way it's designed.
2. Plastic, it's very sturdy and therefore less damage can happen when it's dropped e.g. to the floor. Drop an iPhone/HTC and get ready to call the service line.
3. Weight, plastic is the way to go if you want a thin and light phone. Some people here sound as if they would like a flipping phone made out of solid osmium (heaviest of all metals)
4. Replaceable components, seriously guys, UNIBODY MY ASS, I want to be able to replace the battery without having to send it to Samsung and wait for the service to fix it. On top of that Unibody doesn't allow you to buy a bigger battery for your phone (though I think the stock 2100 mAh already is good!)
And no SD Card slot like the HTC One X? LOL.
5. Sorry for my english
Those being just some arguments which definately make reasonable why Sammy doesn't choose as same path as HTC/Apple.
Fair points, but I'm still disappointed they went the high gloss route. IMO, if it was matt plastic it would be far more appealing.
Master05 said:
1. Unique design, more curvy which definately will give you a better feeling when holding the phone in your hand. Just look at your palm, is it completely flat? I don't think so. Therefore it's easier to hold a curvy S3 in your hand compared to an angular shaped S2. I really think the S3 looks better and gives you more comfort just by seeing the way it's designed.
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I'm not sure the design is totally unique, kind remind me of the Plam Pre.
Can you see the similarity?
The back of the phone comes completely off. I'm sure there will be hundreds of back plates to choose from.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Bigmille said:
I'm not sure the design is totally unique, kind remind me of the Plam Pre.
Can you see the similarity?
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Talking about similarities, just a couple of days ago I found this article very amusing..
Plastic is a terrible conductor of heat.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
Nice are a your points
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edcoppen said:
Fair points, but I'm still disappointed they went the high gloss route. IMO, if it was matt plastic it would be far more appealing.
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Agreed. I personally like the back cover of the Galaxy Nexus. I'm not a fan of high gloss. Some kind of texture would would have been nice.
edcoppen said:
Fair points, but I'm still disappointed they went the high gloss route. IMO, if it was matt plastic it would be far more appealing.
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It's only a bit of plastic on the back that I'm sure you'll be able to buy third party ones.
ciscostud said:
The back of the phone comes completely off. I'm sure there will be hundreds of back plates to choose from.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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You can surely find lots of interesting faceplates and back covers for the SIII, even my Galaxy Ace has tons of awesome looking designs on a design store in an Indian Website(that's in english)
I find it amusing that people somehow think the HOX is not made of plastic. Polycarbonates are a group of plastics.
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rete said:
I find it amusing that people somehow think the HOX is not made of plastic. Polycarbonates are a group of plastics.
Sent from my Nook Tablet using xda premium
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me too.
rete said:
I find it amusing that people somehow think the HOX is not made of plastic. Polycarbonates are a group of plastics.
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It's the same reason why people that own german cars think they have a better quality material eventhough it's the same plastic used in other brands just in different texture
i find it amusing that people think samsung doesnt use metal. the screen is bonded to a cast frame presumably aluminum but maybe magnesium on all the phones i have repaired. remove the battery and scrape the black area underneath with a sharp metal object if you dont believe me. the plastic they use is not only tough and fracture resistant but it's pretty much superficial.
now im sure htc has improved their designs but the evo was toy like in construction. thin cheap plastics and the pcb was a thin single layer design and the copper traces could easily seperate from the board. also the one i repaired had cold solder joints and the spring contacts they used in place or cables were falling off the board.
samsung does things that are frustrating from a development point of view but i never agreed with the quality argument.
well i'm looking forward to the s3 for the audio mostly. but i want to see what challenges the hardware offers aosp development. though i like touch wiz i dont expect samsung to support the device for more than 1 or 2 major updates. i have learned my lesson and will only buy the us version if it is the same hardware profile as the international version. and ill only buy an s3 if the bt and other hardware are aosp friendly.
Bigmille said:
I'm not sure the design is totally unique, kind remind me of the Plam Pre.
Can you see the similarity?
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Or this. Yours for only $89.
rete said:
I find it amusing that people somehow think the HOX is not made of plastic. Polycarbonates are a group of plastics.
Sent from my Nook Tablet using xda premium
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I agree with you but HOX looks more sleek. Shiny plastics give the GS3 a feel of cheaper phone. Can't wait to hold it to see how it feels in real life.
ph00ny said:
It's the same reason why people that own german cars think they have a better quality material eventhough it's the same plastic used in other brands just in different texture
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German cars do have a better quality , I know from experience. But I get your point its how you use the material.
I think the plastic on the back of my galaxy nexus feels great .
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Sim-1 said:
I agree with you but HOX looks more sleek. Shiny plastics give the GS3 a feel of cheaper phone. Can't wait to hold it to see how it feels in real life.
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I'm sure they will make a back that's matt just like the hox
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Yep replacement battery all the way!

Why not just use a back cover to hold all the modules ?

I think that the current solution to the module layout is inefficient.
The area of the partition (marked in yellow) itself equals to at least another small module, IMO, a phone can't have so much 'dead' space and the more features a phone has the better. The partition area and the magnets also add weight to the device which could otherwise be used for more features.
Secondly, instead of 'wasting time' on fancy new features that we've never seen before, they should focus on getting the phone and modules to work together and release it for consumers for now and then later focus on these bleeding edge tech.
Thirdly, if water will spill on the back they could potentially sip through the cracks and get to the connection causing a short circuit and oxidation.
Lastly, the more expensive parts and the time to assemble them means the consumers would have to pay more. The whole point of this project is to make smartphones more accessible by making this significantly cheaper than current smartphones.
I think a back cover with clips or some mechanical locking mechanism to hold all the modules would be a much better solution. It will probably make switching modules a bit more complicated but it shouldn't be harder than changing the battery on a current smartphone (like in the Galaxy S line), in Ara's case it would be like changing several batteries.
TL;DR: I think a back cover to hold all the modules in place would be a much better solution because of the 'dead space' of the partition, weight, water protection and cost.
I think that the modules would also make the phone quite annoying to hold with the current design - the modules themselves seem smooth, but the partitions between them appear to stick out slightly more than the modules themselves, resulting in a bumpy surface. If I do buy an ara phone, I will definitely buy/create a case for it if they keep the current design, purely due to the annoyances created by the lumps and bumps.
I agree
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I agree also. They probably have thought about it also.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
The frame does not stick out from the modules from what I saw till now.
I guess there will be back covers that comfort your hold.
I think they decided to use this method mostly because it is different and people will recognise you when you use it. Despite of that, it is significantly smaller than Xperia Z for instance and you should be able to hold it comfortably.
And I like the design, even more that you can print your own covers...
What I question is, how big the battery modules will be....
Gesendet von meinem Xperia ZL mit Tapatalk
Why not 3rd party TPU bumper cases?
That should do the trick, it will hold everything together + protection
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Just as I said.
But the point about water and safety is true... Maybe there will be done kind of "rubbers", ultra thin that tighten the gap between where the shell touches the endo? I guess things like that will spread if the ara becomes a hit
Gesendet von meinem Xperia ZL mit Tapatalk
I agree with the back cover idea but at the same time I do like the look of the design that they've done with it. As for the liquid damage worries, like keenofhiphop said about the rubber, the modules themselves will probably be sealed units with the only opening being the connectors which might make them somewhat waterproof hopefully
GT-i8730 Asseveration 1.0.0
They are definitely not waterproof. You could see at the first Dev con that is just a metal kind of box with a plastic shell, it's like a lunchbox made from aluminum: tight but not waterproof.
I, too, like the design. It's special and while it is the definition of pragmatical, it as well is unique and the fact that you can individually change it by printing shells tops off every other device around here. You don't like the design? Buy a cover...
I heard someone complain about the Epms and why they would not use any mechanics, but that way there will not be trouble with breaking connectors and warranty due to physical activity.
And they do not take up much space and hold tight.
Gesendet von meinem Xperia ZL mit Tapatalk
I think they did not considered the back cover as the primary idea here is freedom of changing the modules quickly and adding new features, like say your battery is dyeing so you replace it quickly with another battery module while on the other hand the back case will make it a little difficult and will cost a little bit of time.
keenofhiphop said:
They are definitely not waterproof. You could see at the first Dev con that is just a metal kind of box with a plastic shell, it's like a lunchbox made from aluminum: tight but not waterproof.
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They are not waterproof - yet. The pre-alpha modules are not ready for prime time. Judging them right now is a little silly. Who knows what will come in the months to follow.
Covers are a good idea indeed, but you never know when Ara might be partition less and actully support the idea of orignal Phonebloks? using Lego like stuff as modules and there base would go in the holes on the main body
I love the design of the phone for the same reason I have a clear window on my PC. If I help build something or if I play a part in putting it together or whatever the case may be, it makes that experience much more personal and I have a lot more pride in the device. If I'm proud of something, then I'm gonna show it off, its as simple as that. So I like the "raw" look of the phone and it's semi-exposed modules.
Yeah. Why not use transparent modules to show of the processor or so
Per Regenbogen von meinem Moto G geKANGt.
I think your supposed to be able to hotswap modules. I don't mind the current design, but it should have some kind of border that goes on the edge of the phone to secure the modules better.
Hotswap or not, they look like they could slide out with very little force. Dropping your phone and having to pick up the dozen pieces doesnt sound that fun. I dont think you should be able to remove your memory module without turning the device off and as such a shell somewhat like a galaxy or whatever would be ideal
The poibt of the EPMs is that they need quite a bit of force to take off, once locked they even demonstrated that...
the critics
Hello everyone,
from what I've read here i can see that some are still thinking the old way about a smartphone.
It should have every new feature and therefore a waste of space for borders is a waste of possibilities. Wrong!
Will you use your camera, high end GPU, LTE, flashlight, fingerprint sensor, WiFi, NFC, audio jack, HDMI port, USB port, speaker's and what ever else your phone has all at the same time? Or will you take pictures and share them over the internet, another time play a game on it and so on.
The medium sized model has 8 slots at the back, i guess WiFi and NFC can go in one, or even together with mobile and LTE. Another is CPU, GPU, camera, battery and sensors like gyroscope. Still at least one left. Maybe for another camera for 3D movies. Or a second battery so you can use it for several days.
If you don't need one, swap it with another one. They are not big, keep them in your purse or so.
Another thing was of they fall off easily. No!
They use electronic magnets to keep them in. When turned off they are very weak but strong enough to hold them in when you move and turn your phone, but nearly unremovable when turned on. A modified version of Lollipop will enable you to change most of the modules while the system is running. A weak CPU and battery are included in the Endo, so nothing will happen. You can guess you will have some kind of menu where you can choose which module you want to remove so the magnets turn off.
Why no backcover or pins to hold the modules?
Because they can wear off or even break. If you want to change modules often, like you have different camera modules for different occasions, a simple one for daily use, one with optical zoom and one with a big sensor for darker pictures, you will damage your phone sooner or later.
The phone normally is 9,7mm thick, same as normal smartphones, a cover would make it thicker. If you like one, get one. They surely will be available, because everything is modular.
It's not waterproof. Why is that a problem for you?
Every less expensive phone is not and this phone is designed for the 5 billion people who don't have a smartphone yet, because it's very cheap and customisable for every need. If you want it waterproof, there surely will be modules or covers available that guarantee you that, but they will cost a bit more, simple.
Why should the first version of a completely new way of handling the mobile hardware market put everything out at the same time. Get this piece of high-tech-art to work smoothly. That's what Google promises. And what they also promise is that everybody can participate in its evolution.
So if you have ideas on how to give that phone a new feature, think it through and try to form it into a sellable solution. This time you can not only complain and hope it's done better next time. No, you can improve it or even invent it.
It's time to use our brains finally!
I agree with that. It is not good enough
---------------------------------- - let talk about Google project Ara
xysawq said:
Why should the first version of a completely new way of handling the mobile hardware market put everything out at the same time. Get this piece of high-tech-art to work smoothly. That's what Google promises. And what they also promise is that everybody can participate in its evolution.
It's time to use our brains finally!
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Man, you summarised all what I wanted to say;
The project must start very simple, it's aimed to be sold for the majority of consumers, not adding x, y, x', y', x'' and so on... This way they'll lose a very large layer of consumers, for it requires more knowledge about electronics than the normal.
Afterwards there can be any accessories or additions as you guys want. The hundred step way starts with a step!

Dangit! Just dropped my phone waiting for the case to arrive

China usually is much quicker. Well actually it's from Korea, the case, and I guess we gotta be really close to day 20. Anyway, what's the point now? One scratch/crack is the same as 100 as far as I'm concerned. It's a little crack actually connecting the upper left corner of the ear phone to the edge of the glass at the bezel right above the first little sensor whatever it is. So it's tiny almost but I'm not keeping it. I'm a baby like that. Hell yes, especially when I've forked up 600+ bones (is that what I paid about a month ago?) for it. If it was my skateboard that would be one thing, or my wife, or home, but my phone, that I buy a case for must be pristine right?
I don't know. I'll get black next time. Hey, which phone out there is faster? I'll miss the waterproof. And the dual cam is baddass. What do you guys think? I'm sure a replacement screen would cost me more than selling this one unlocked and lightly used then buying another used in mint condition as I want or a refurb, if one exists. Opinions? Couldn't this phone be one of the fastest in a few months with rom developments? If not then what? That htc one or something? Isn't this phone faster than the note 3? My benchmark results suggest so. Doesn't some company waterproof phones with a solution they dip it in or something? If I could waterproof that faster htc phone I may do that. With those two stereo speakers... Ef that fingerprint bs. 'Oh but you use it with PayPal' gag me with a spoon. Lol. Im 80's old.
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
juntjoo said:
China usually is much quicker. Well actually it's from Korea, the case, and I guess we gotta be really close to day 20. Anyway, what's the point now? One scratch/crack is the same as 100 as far as I'm concerned. It's a little crack actually connecting the upper left corner of the ear phone to the edge of the glass at the bezel right above the first little sensor whatever it is. So it's tiny almost but I'm not keeping it. I'm a baby like that. Hell yes, especially when I've forked up 600+ bones (is that what I paid about a month ago?) for it. If it was my skateboard that would be one thing, or my wife, or home, but my phone, that I buy a case for must be pristine right?
I don't know. I'll get black next time. Hey, which phone out there is faster? I'll miss the waterproof. And the dual cam is baddass. What do you guys think? I'm sure a replacement screen would cost me more than selling this one unlocked and lightly used then buying another used in mint condition as I want or a refurb, if one exists. Opinions? Couldn't this phone be one of the fastest in a few months with rom developments? If not then what? That htc one or something? Isn't this phone faster than the note 3? My benchmark results suggest so. Doesn't some company waterproof phones with a solution they dip it in or something? If I could waterproof that faster htc phone I may do that. With those two stereo speakers... Ef that fingerprint bs. 'Oh but you use it with PayPal' gag me with a spoon. Lol. Im 80's old.
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
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If you are getting a new device, wait for the LG G3 - it will be superior in specs.
You just had to make my life that much more complicated. Thanks
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I want those dual front speakers on the m8. Plus you can send it in to get waterproofed, which I'd do straight from ebay or wherever I'd buy it, and if its a touch faster than our s5 as it seems to be the impression I should be good for a while. And you can qi ready it too with an external receiver and case, which I'd need anyway. Hmm...
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May 27th for the g3 tho? Just read that. Is that the latest word?
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juntjoo said:
May 27th for the g3 tho? Just read that. Is that the latest word?
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Could be. I'd wait for it.
Look for the leaked press images, it's very nice. Has a better screen and likely a better chipset than the S5 and M8.
Also, you are welcome
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What about the speakers? I dont care about all that eye candy, my struggling eyes can barely appreciate this sweet screen ya know? I just went from hell to heaven from my s2 to my s5, I'm not sure I need much more. Ill wait a few days just to see what happens. Maybe itll come out in onky lime green, baby blue and hot pink in which case I'll pass.
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Just read an article saying rumors stating either it COULD surpass the current champs in chipset dept, or just be similar, same as with the ram being either 3gigs or maybe just 2. So we'll see hopefully soon. I can't stand to look at my phone with its unhealable crack. Its disgusting. Spitoowee
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juntjoo said:
Just read an article saying rumors stating either it COULD surpass the current champs in chipset dept, or just be similar, same as with the ram being either 3gigs or maybe just 2. So we'll see hopefully soon. I can't stand to look at my phone with its unhealable crack. Its disgusting. Spitoowee
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I have the M8 and the S5. Look on youtube for M8 water test. One guy left it in his sink full of water for 30 minutes and it was fine. Great phone to. Better build, speakers, and it already has AOSP roms. *cough* Try out my Pacman build *cough*. The S5 does have a better camera though.
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
DREWHAMM974 said:
I have the M8 and the S5. Look on youtube for M8 water test. One guy left it in his sink full of water for 30 minutes and it was fine. Great phone to. Better build, speakers, and it already has AOSP roms. *cough* Try out my Pacman build *cough*. The S5 does have a better camera though.
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Cool, thanks. Hey, a better back camera yes, but I like how it's got this robust dual kick ass speakers/dual equally capable camera lenses plus some other features I didn't quite catch, and I'm not so all about the megapixels... until I need to zoom in during a video or crop a pic later ya know?
But tell me this possible deal breaker:
Can you record using both cameras as with our superb s5? Btw, did some vids at the pool underwater. Awesome cam. I guess the software might be secondary issue if as long as the hw supports it you could just find a camera app to emulate the one we have (?). So can it? Have you tested? Or is that standard these days? Haven't heard anyone rave about it other than me. I love the dual screen narrator and scenery/target effect.
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Dude but the z2 has 3gigs of ram!, I have this affinity for ram. It's got a better waterproof rating, longer lasting battery, i think a good cam... reading this article on it till I get to the speakers...
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
juntjoo said:
Cool, thanks. Hey, a better back camera yes, but I like how it's got this robust dual kick ass speakers/dual equally capable camera lenses plus some other features I didn't quite catch, and I'm not so all about the megapixels... until I need to zoom in during a video or crop a pic later ya know?
But tell me this possible deal breaker:
Can you record using both cameras as with our superb s5? Btw, did some vids at the pool underwater. Awesome cam. I guess the software might be secondary issue if as long as the hw supports it you could just find a camera app to emulate the one we have (?). So can it? Have you tested? Or is that standard these days? Haven't heard anyone rave about it other than me. I love the dual screen narrator and scenery/target effect.
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If you are talking front and and rear cam recording at the same time yes. Theres a small box for the front camera that can be moved anywhere on the screen before filming. But the S5 cam is visibly better without zooming. Side by side the s5 has better colors and detail than the M8. If all you need it for is for quick snaps it is great. In low light its the best phone cam I have ever had, just dont plan on making any prints off of it.
Sent from my SM-G900F using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
And I did briefly try your rom on my s2. I didn't get a chance to try it out as I was rom hopping and ended up with the s5. new I'll make a note to check it out and if it works out well I'll make a note to donate. Just recently hit me how important it is to throw some cash where it s deserved especially for "the little guy" as I'm one myself and have it on my bucket list to program something kick ass
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