so i just tried this out. went a lot smoother than i expected. but now i'm kinda scared to do anything else/further.
i was already "rooted" from following this guide:
am i now able to use ROM Manager or Goo Manager and install custom recoveries?
has anyone already done so and flashed an AOSP-based ROM?
edit: just read over in the General Discussion area...
i guess i didn't have to use this method since i was already rooted. but still only able to use SafeStrap Recovery. and still only able to flash TW-based ROMs.
does this root method allow for hopefully access to unlocked bootloaders though?
I just used this method as well and it seemed to work. It at least was marked as root in Titanium Backup, which is what I used to remove the bloat apps.
Btw I am on the I337M.
I've been having a lot of terrible reception on this phone, mobile network constantly dropping. My original I337 was fantastic (RIP). Maybe I should try a new modem?
AkiriXx said:
I've been having a lot of terrible reception on this phone, mobile network constantly dropping. My original I337 was fantastic (RIP). Maybe I should try a new modem?
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can modems even be flashed in SafeStrap? i'm so new to this kind of custom recovery. i don't want to flash anything in there.
mrhomiec said:
can modems even be flashed in SafeStrap? i'm so new to this kind of custom recovery. i don't want to flash anything in there.
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You can not use rom our goo manager. Safestrap is still the only recovery you can use
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
---------- Post added at 11:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 AM ----------
jd1639 said:
You can not use rom our goo manager. Safestrap is still the only recovery you can use
Edit, modems can be flashed in ss
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jd1639 said:
You can not use rom our goo manager. Safestrap is still the only recovery you can use
Edit, modems can be flashed in ss
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i did not know SafeStrap could flash modems.
and i don't know why i thought root = unlocked bootloader. i should definitely have known better. here's hoping to unlocked bootloader soon though!
mrhomiec said:
i did not know SafeStrap could flash modems.
and i don't know why i thought root = unlocked bootloader. i should definitely have known better. here's hoping to unlocked bootloader soon though!
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Safestrap can flash modems and Touchwiz based Roms. It CANNOT flash kernels. You can check out my modem thread there is some notes about how to flash modems with safestrap.
Root does not equal unlocked bootloader. Even on the first ATT S4's that use the Loki bootloader bypass the locked bootloader is still locked. It is just bypassed and allows for real recoveries that are able to flash ANYTHING.
Sent From My Spiderman,Ironman,Red,Dark Blue,Green, GreyedOut BadAss Themed I337
Hey Guys What's Up !!!!!!!
I an new so try not to bash me to hard.
I am trying to flash a custom rom to my AT&T Galaxy S 4 (SGH-I337) running Android 4.3 Baseband Version MK2
without any success at all.
I have root, I used saferoot and rootchecker says I have root as well as other apps, I also have rom manager premium v5.5.3.7. And paid for the touch option And here is where everything goes south.
No matter what I do when the phone reboots into recovery mode it boots into the standard android system recovery mode.( Manual Mode)
I see no clockwork anything.
I am dead in the water. Please Help.
The only modification other than root that I have done to the phone is change the tetherprovision.apk files with one I found out here
to reenable tethering. It worked like a champ (Sweet Thanks For That).
Your gonna have to read up on Safestrap for MK2. It is the ONLY recovery you can use. You CANNOT INSTALL CLOCKWORKMOD RECOVERY OR TWRP RECOVERY. doing so may brick your device or make it so you lose even stock recovery.
With Safestrap for Mk2 you can install SOME Roms. So look it up.
Sent From My Spiderman,Ironman,Red,Dark Blue,Green, GreyedOut BadAss Themed I337
RockRatt said:
Your gonna have to read up on Safestrap for MK2. It is the ONLY recovery you can use. You CANNOT INSTALL CLOCKWORKMOD RECOVERY OR TWRP RECOVERY. doing so may brick your device or make it so you lose even stock recovery.
With Safestrap for Mk2 you can install SOME Roms. So look it up.
Sent From My Spiderman,Ironman,Red,Dark Blue,Green, GreyedOut BadAss Themed I337
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so your saying on mk2 there are roms you can flash now?
lilg754367 said:
so your saying on mk2 there are roms you can flash now?
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Yes on safestrap.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda premium
[email protected] said:
Yes on safestrap.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda premium
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where can i read about this, sorry last time i been flashing roms was when i had the samsung vibrant lol now just got back into the android world, is there somewhere on the thread that says what roms can be flashed with safestrap?
lilg754367 said:
where can i read about this, sorry last time i been flashing roms was when i had the samsung vibrant lol now just got back into the android world, is there somewhere on the thread that says what roms can be flashed with safestrap?
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Most developers will note if it can be or if someone has had any luck in doing so. I believe SHOstock and goldeneye are able to be flashed with safe strap now but I would check into it first.
Hello All!
I just bought a Galaxy S4 Active in Mexico (SGH-i537), is running android 4.3 with baseband i537UBUAMF1 and untill now I can find how to root my phone or install a custom room because Odin sents error when I try to flash 4.4.2 or a downgrade 4.2.2, also I tryed in differents PCs in order to avoid the common problem of the drivers.
Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks In Advance
What root method have you tried? Try saferoot, dint know if it works on the active though
Sent from my Nexus 5
jd1639 said:
What root method have you tried? Try saferoot, dint know if it works on the active though
Sent from my Nexus 5
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Saferoot says the phone is not supported, also tryed with vroot and lokifyed
ViciousCC said:
Saferoot says the phone is not supported, also tryed with vroot and lokifyed
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Kingo root is another option
Sent from my Nexus 5
jd1639 said:
Kingo root is another option
Sent from my Nexus 5
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CF autoroot was the solution!!! If you know how can I install the custom recovery I'll be glad to close this topic
ViciousCC said:
CF autoroot was the solution!!! If you know how can I install the custom recovery I'll be glad to close this topic
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Cool, that means you bootloader isn't locked. Download goo manager from the play store and it should put twrp on your device
Sent from my Nexus 5
jd1639 said:
Cool, that means you bootloader isn't locked. Download goo manager from the play store and it should put twrp on your device
Sent from my Nexus 5
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Goo manager did not find any recovery or custom rom, another idea?
ViciousCC said:
Goo manager did not find any recovery or custom rom, another idea?
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You could try rom manager it'll try to put cwm on
Edit, it looks like you need to use safestrap. See this
Sent from my Nexus 5
jd1639 said:
You could try rom manager it'll try to put cwm on
Edit, it looks like you need to use safestrap. See this
Sent from my Nexus 5
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You sure?
My phone is the active model
ViciousCC said:
You sure?
My phone is the active model
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I'm not sure. I don't know the active well at all
Sent from my Nexus 5
jd1639 said:
I'm not sure. I don't know the active well at all
Sent from my Nexus 5
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Well I was reading and safestrap have limited funtion about what rom can be flashed... I have only two questions
Is possible to unlock my bootloader (running 4.3) for installing roms with custom kernel ?
Or any way to flash a stock rom without carrier stuff (drebranded)
ViciousCC said:
Well I was reading and safestrap have limited funtion about what rom can be flashed... I have only two questions
Is possible to unlock my bootloader (running 4.3) for installing roms with custom kernel ?
Or any way to flash a stock rom without carrier stuff (drebranded)
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Well I don't know the active and can only go by what I know of the i337. You're probably on ml3 firmware. The bootloader is probably locked and you can't unlock it. So safestrap is your only option. You'll be able to flash tw based roms only. There may be debloated roms available but you'll have to find those. Try googling i537 roms xda
Sent from my Nexus 5
jd1639 said:
Well I don't know the active and can only go by what I know of the i337. You're probably on ml3 firmware. The bootloader is probably locked and you can't unlock it. So safestrap is your only option. You'll be able to flash tw based roms only. There may be debloated roms available but you'll have to find those. Try googling i537 roms xda
Sent from my Nexus 5
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I rooted my galaxy s4 sgh-i337 runing android 4.4.2 today using towel root. It is an apk you install and will root any phone with 4.4.2 or lower. Well I tried flashing clockworkmod but when it restarts a message from at&t comes up saying that unauthorize software is trying to install on phone. So I think that means the bootloader is locked. How do I unlock it so I can flash CWM and perform a nandroid backup. Then I want to install custom roms. I know alot of people were looking for 4.4.2 root for s4 so might want to post another thread about towel root. towelroot .com
patstar5 said:
I rooted my galaxy s4 sgh-i337 runing android 4.4.2 today using towel root. It is an apk you install and will root any phone with 4.4.2 or lower. Well I tried flashing clockworkmod but when it restarts a message from at&t comes up saying that unauthorize software is trying to install on phone. So I think that means the bootloader is locked. How do I unlock it so I can flash CWM and perform a nandroid backup. Then I want to install custom roms. I know alot of people were looking for 4.4.2 root for s4 so might want to post another thread about towel root. towelroot .com
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You CANNOT install CWM or TWRP. You will need to use SafeStrap recovery. Read up about it, as I have the older Loki bypass and don't need/use towelroot or safestrap.
With safestrap you are limited to flashing Touchwiz based roms. You can flash modems. You CANNOT flash kernels.
Sent From My Spiderman,Ironman,Red,Dark Blue,Green, GreyedOut BadAss Themed I337
RockRatt said:
You CANNOT install CWM or TWRP. You will need to use SafeStrap recovery. Read up about it, as I have the older Loki bypass and don't need/use towelroot or safestrap.
With safestrap you are limited to flashing Touchwiz based roms. You can flash modems. You CANNOT flash kernels.
Sent From My Spiderman,Ironman,Red,Dark Blue,Green, GreyedOut BadAss Themed I337
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So I can't use cyanogenmod, aosp, aopk, or pacman roms?
patstar5 said:
So I can't use cyanogenmod, aosp, aopk, or pacman roms?
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There's one partially working Google Play edition rom, but otherwise, no.
This makes me truly sad. I was so looking forward to possibly flashing these ROMS and now...I have to get it my time machine and go backwards lol whenever I find the time to figure the downgrading thing out. Sounds to me like I'll be happier when I do find the time.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
There is no way going back to the older bootloader. The only way to go back would be to find an older S4 on eBay etc. with the old BL
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
patstar5 said:
I rooted my galaxy s4 sgh-i337 runing android 4.4.2 today using towel root. It is an apk you install and will root any phone with 4.4.2 or lower. Well I tried flashing clockworkmod but when it restarts a message from at&t comes up saying that unauthorize software is trying to install on phone. So I think that means the bootloader is locked. How do I unlock it so I can flash CWM and perform a nandroid backup. Then I want to install custom roms. I know alot of people were looking for 4.4.2 root for s4 so might want to post another thread about towel root. towelroot .com
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All the post below are correct except being able to go back to firmware with an unlocked boot loader.. Install safestrap 3.72 and install recovery. You will get a Twrp recovery .. dont try flashing custom kernels ..It might flash but none of the setting such as overclock etc. will work .nor will you be on that kernel version afterwrds .. I guess the simple answer is no for cwm and aosp roms .. You will be only able too flash custom stock roms
Wifi issues with towelrooted gs4
First off this may not be the right place for this (first time poster), and if so, either please help me in finding the right forum or forgive my ignorance.
I rooted my galaxy s4 today, and I have found that when I am trying to use wifi I am unable to connect to some pages. Using chrome I am unable to load, or google anything directly from the search bar. And the app imgur also doesn't load whilst on wifi, but if I switch to my cell network they load just fine. If I had unlimited data of course this would not be an issue, but that is not the case and therefore I come to this forum and hope that someone can help me out!
My s4 is an at&t i337. I would amazingly, greatly appreciate any help!
Much thanks in advance!
lost recovery with unlocked bootloader
longtime flasher here, not as familiar with gs4.
My girl has a sgh-i337 that has been bootloader unlocked since day one. Been on TWRP and slim rom the whole time too.
I was wiping Cache, Dalvik Cache, and System prior to doing a rom update and TWRP glitched out while updating partition after the final wipe operation. Screen went black. Boots to download mode only.Will not boot rom (as system was wiped) but shows the samsung custom unlocked logo. When in download (odin) mode, I see product name: sgh-1337, Current Binary: Samsung Official, System Status: Custom CSB_OEM_LSB: 0x30 Write Protection: enable
universal android toolkit will not show device connected so Installation of custom recovery through toolkit fails. ADB will not show device connected. ODIN will show device connected, though.
To recover with odin, can I flash the I337UCUAMDL from sammobile and retain unlocked bootloader?
Thanks for any and all help.
What is the bootloader version you need to unlock? I have 4.2.2 Red ATT S4, Baseband Version : I337UCUAMF3 / BUILD: JDQ39 , if i was able to unlock how would i go about doing so? I was hoping i could do something with Loki if not? How does Loki work exactly as well?
Congrats, you just voided your warranty. It will be 0x1 instead of 0x0.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Free mobile app
Just FYI for you guys hijacking the thread. It is usually better for you if you start your own thread. Most people skim these threads and may lose track of who they were helping or give bad info to you thinking they were replying to the original question. Or, just skip the thread if they don't think the OP tiltle interests them.
You will get more direct answers and quicker help if you do. Or try to post here--
Just trying to get you faster and more accurate responses--:good:
How did you root S4?
patstar5 said:
I rooted my galaxy s4 sgh-i337 runing android 4.4.2 today using towel root. It is an apk you install and will root any phone with 4.4.2 or lower. Well I tried flashing clockworkmod but when it restarts a message from at&t comes up saying that unauthorize software is trying to install on phone. So I think that means the bootloader is locked. How do I unlock it so I can flash CWM and perform a nandroid backup. Then I want to install custom roms. I know alot of people were looking for 4.4.2 root for s4 so might want to post another thread about towel root. towelroot .com
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How did you root your galaxy? I've been trying for two days now and no matter what I try to do it never works, fortunately I haven't bricked my phone but I feel like it's only a matter of time! I have a:
Samsung SGH-I337 for AT&T
Baseband Version: I337UCUFNI1
Kernel version: 3.4.0 Sep. 4th
Security software version v1.0 Release 2
th3doorMATT said:
How did you root your galaxy? I've been trying for two days now and no matter what I try to do it never works, fortunately I haven't bricked my phone but I feel like it's only a matter of time! I have a:
Samsung SGH-I337 for AT&T
Baseband Version: I337UCUFNI1
Kernel version: 3.4.0 Sep. 4th
Security software version v1.0 Release 2
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Using Odin 3.10
jd1639 said:
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I've tried using other methods I'm not home to try this one out but every time I've connected my phone to Odin the COM Port has always been blue, I've never gotten it to be yellow like I've read in other guides. Any time I've tried to flash when it's blue it's failed. Any suggestions to get it yellow?
th3doorMATT said:
I've tried using other methods I'm not home to try this one out but every time I've connected my phone to Odin the COM Port has always been blue, I've never gotten it to be yellow like I've read in other guides. Any time I've tried to flash when it's blue it's failed. Any suggestions to get it yellow?
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I believe in Odin 3.09 it is blue I've always used 1.85 where it's yellow. What tar file are you trying to flash?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I957 using XDA Free mobile app
jd1639 said:
I believe in Odin 3.09 it is blue I've always used 1.85 where it's yellow. What tar file are you trying to flash?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I957 using XDA Free mobile app
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Hmmm. I still don't know why it fails but when I get home I'll have to let you know. I've deleted several after failing. I'm sure I can find them again and I think I still have a few as well so I'll let you know.
CF Auto Root and Towelroot
jd1639 said:
I believe in Odin 3.09 it is blue I've always used 1.85 where it's yellow. What tar file are you trying to flash?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I957 using XDA Free mobile app
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I've used both CF Auto Root, Towelroot, and Motochopper guides and none of them have worked.
The only file I have on my computer is: philz_touch_6.08.9-jflteatt.tar.md5 as one of the files I used but that didn't work. I actually had already downloaded the files from the article you had linked but I didn't get around to it yet, I'm going to try that method out in about 15-30mins and see what happens.
It worked!
jd1639 said:
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Followed everything on that post and it worked! I'm rooted!
Though I'm not sure if you know about custom recoveries. I'm having issues with installing any of them and having it work. I am currently trying Safestrap and for some reason it won't install the recovery. It'll go through the process, but the state of the recovery won't change or anything.
I ultimately want to install CM11, but I'm really struggling to find a way that works!
unlocked bootloader.....
patstar5 said:
I rooted my galaxy s4 sgh-i337 runing android 4.4.2 today using towel root. It is an apk you install and will root any phone with 4.4.2 or lower. Well I tried flashing clockworkmod but when it restarts a message from at&t comes up saying that unauthorize software is trying to install on phone. So I think that means the bootloader is locked. How do I unlock it so I can flash CWM and perform a nandroid backup. Then I want to install custom roms. I know alot of people were looking for 4.4.2 root for s4 so might want to post another thread about towel root. towelroot .com
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I still can't figure how to install the .apk file from kingroot..? How do you install the file to root it..?
How do I put TWRP on my unrooted TELUS SGH-I337MVLUFNI2
Sent from my SGH-I337M using XDA Free mobile app
wizkidj said:
How do I put TWRP on my unrooted TELUS SGH-I337MVLUFNI2
Sent from my SGH-I337M using XDA Free mobile app
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You look for cf auto root in this forum and flash that with odin to get root then you download twrp for jfltecan off twrp site and flash that in Odin as well
Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
juju2011 said:
You look for cf auto root in this forum and flash that with odin to get root then you download twrp for jfltecan off twrp site and flash that in Odin as well
Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
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Does it apply to Bell model as well using the same firmware?
Mind you I337MVLUFNI2 is 4.4.2, is that still ok, or do we need safestrap?
s3nr1 said:
Does it apply to Bell model as well using the same firmware?
Mind you I337MVLUFNI2 is 4.4.2, is that still ok, or do we need safestrap?
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No safe strap I'm on bell as well only att needs it just cf auto root then get twrp for jfltecan as recovery and your good
juju2011 said:
You look for cf auto root in this forum and flash that with odin to get root then you download twrp for jfltecan off twrp site and flash that in Odin as well
Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
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juju2011 said:
No safe strap I'm on bell as well only att needs it just cf auto root then get twrp for jfltecan as recovery and your good
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Thanks, that works for Canadian i377m with 4.4.2. Any recommendation of a stable ROM? Does the 'fringe' features(thermo meter, ir blaster, etc.) of the s4 work on non touch wiz roms like cm or aosp?
Only ir works and with certain apps
---------- Post added at 09:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 AM ----------
I would say stick with tw if you use the tw features try @iB4STi tw Roms with @Alucard24 touchwiz kernel what I used for the longest time using cm12 unofficial ATM but if you don't care about tw features then liquid smooth, carbon rom
s3nr1 said:
Thanks, that works for Canadian i377m with 4.4.2. Any recommendation of a stable ROM? Does the 'fringe' features(thermo meter, ir blaster, etc.) of the s4 work on non touch wiz roms like cm or aosp?
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juju2011 said:
Only ir works and with certain apps
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Thanks! One last question, I think.
The up to date ROMs here are mostly for safestrap, if it doesn't specify that it works for our phone (bell s4) I probably should not flash it?
Some do say it can be flashed with non-safestrap(twrp) but we need to flash our carriers kernel after.
How can we make a back up of it (the kernel that I have on my phone right now) and make it flashable from twrp?
Thanks again!!
You can't or at least I don't know how... But there are touch wiz kernel that will work alucard or ktoonsez have best kernel for our phone @s3nr1
Also check in 19505 s4 thread thats where I find all my Roms that are aosp for touch wiz look in i337m/att s4 section.
s3nr1 said:
Thanks! One last question, I think.
The up to date ROMs here are mostly for safestrap, if it doesn't specify that it works for our phone (bell s4) I probably should not flash it?
Some do say it can be flashed with non-safestrap(twrp) but we need to flash our carriers kernel after.
How can we make a back up of it (the kernel that I have on my phone right now) and make it flashable from twrp?
Thanks again!!
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Also you can backup your stock rom with twrp and flash what ever you want then restore the stock back up after to go back
Ever since I got the KitKat 4.4.4 update my battery has been draining, and I'm not going to get a new battery because I've only had this phone for a short time[emoji27]
Give it a few days, it should improve. If not, you may want to root and install the Greenify app from the Play Store.
StoneyJSG said:
Give it a few days, it should improve. If not, you may want to root and installed the Greenify app from the Play Store.
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I'll try it, and I'm also going to get cm 12 on it since it's taking Samsung a long time to update it
itzdajosh said:
I'll try it, and I'm also going to get cm 12 on it since it's taking Samsung a long time to update it
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If you have the at&t sgh-i337 and it's on Android 4.4.4, then you won't be able to install cm 12 due to the locked bootloader. You're only able to boot TW based roms from Safe Strap.
No your right and wrong because twrp recovery already has Loki built into it..
itzdajosh said:
No your right and wrong because twrp recovery already has Loki built into it..
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no, he's right. no twrp for you
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
jd1639 said:
no, he's right. no twrp for you
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Go to twrps website and click recovery for jflteatt and look at device specific issues and it clearly states that "our images are already modified with Loki"
itzdajosh said:
Go to twrps website and click recovery for jflteatt and look at device specific issues and it clearly states that "our images are already modified with Loki"
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If you have mdl firmware, yes. But you don't. Safestrap is the only recovery that's going to work and no, cm. Trust me
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
itzdajosh said:
No your right and wrong because twrp recovery already has Loki built into it..
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itzdajosh said:
Go to twrps website and click recovery for jflteatt and look at device specific issues and it clearly states that "our images are already modified with Loki"
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LOKI will only work on the MDL firmware running Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. You're on 4.4.4 so LOKI won't work. Go ahead and try, it will fail.
Oh well I'll just be stuck like this but I'll try to find a way how to make it work
itzdajosh said:
Oh well I'll just be stuck like this but I'll try to find a way how to make it work
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Good luck and remember Odin, you'll need it.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
So your saying that Odin will be able to flash cm12 without Loki? And dose Loki work on 4.4.4??
itzdajosh said:
So your saying that Odin will be able to flash cm12 without Loki? And dose Loki work on 4.4.4??
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no, I'm saying trying to flash twrp and/or cm and you'll probably need Odin
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
Why?? If wwjoshdew made a video on how to root and install a custom recovery on all Qualcomm variants for example jflteatt he didn't say anything about KitKat wouldn't work with Loki...
itzdajosh said:
Why?? If wwjoshdew made a video on how to root and install a custom recovery on all Qualcomm variants for example jflteatt he didn't say anything about KitKat wouldn't work with Loki...
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Trust us dude, LOKI won't work on Android 4.4.4 on the sgh-i337. It was a bootloader bypass that was patched when the mk2 firmware OTA update came out. If you try flashing a custom recovery you risk bricking your phone since the bootloader is locked. The only recovery you can use is Safe Strap.
If you want CyanogenMOD or any other roms of the alike such as AOSP based roms, you will need a at&t Galaxy S3 or an international S4 or if I remember right a sprint or t-mobile S4, (don't quote me on though) they have unlocked bootloaders as far as I know.
StoneyJSG said:
Trust us dude, LOKI won't work on Android 4.4.4 on the sgh-i337. It was a bootloader bypass that was patched when the mk2 firmware OTA update came out. If you try flashing a custom recovery you risk bricking your phone since the bootloader is locked. The only recovery you can use is Safe Strap.
If you want CyanogenMOD or any other roms of the alike such as AOSP based roms, you will need a Galaxy S3. It has an unlocked bootloader.
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Well alright I did a bit of research myself and you guys are right.. Thanks for the help so I wouldn't brick my galaxy s4![emoji2] I think I'm going to get the lg g2 for custom roms and stuff...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
No problemo, glad to help when I can. Thanks for the PM by the way lol.