[Q] [L5][E 612] I am testing almost all roms and updates.. - Optimus L3, L5, L7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hello every one
I have flashed almost all Rom's from this site,several times my phone got bricked and I regain it through kdz.I know every help is here but just i want to ask if it is a problem to
1-flash too much roms.
2-with over clocking kernels

You doing something wrong if your phone is bricking every time.
Make sure you get the rom to your phone e612 and not to other model

changing ROM and over clocking kernel....EXPERT ANSWER PLEASE
bhattg said:
hello every one
I have flashed almost all Rom's from this site,several times my phone got bricked and I regain it through kdz.I know every help is here but just i want to ask if it is a problem to
1-flash too much roms.
2-with over clocking kernels
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THANKS for reply But i want a expert answer please
if any one will guide me stretly.......thanks

no fear, i have flashed and bricked my PHONES thousand times and all are working like the first day.


wake up delay

when im pressing the power button the screen wakes up only after 3-5 seconds
any one know why?
its a 4.3 android on 16 gb nexus 4
yoave said:
when im pressing the power button the screen wakes up only after 3-5 seconds
any one know why?
its a 4.3 android on 16 gb nexus 4
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It takes some time for the CPU to exit deep sleep. Are you on the stock kernel?
abaaaabbbb63 said:
It takes some time for the CPU to exit deep sleep. Are you on the stock kernel?
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sorry i dont know what is stock kernel
but i didnt changed the rom
yoave said:
sorry i dont know what is stock kernel
but i didnt changed the rom
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Ok, so you are on the stock kernel. Usually, installing a custom ROM helps with response time, due to tweaks. Try reading this, maybe it helps you understand:
Try to use custom kernels it should help not just for the waking up but also the over all response of the device. There are really good custom kernels out there, Matr1x, Franco, Hell's Core, AK, and so on.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
krjadejesus said:
Try to use custom kernels it should help not just for the waking up but also the over all response of the device. There are really good custom kernels out there, Matr1x, Franco, Hell's Core, AK, and so on.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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thenks all
but i dont want to replace the rom yet
its still very slow and its happend today
yoave said:
thenks all
but i dont want to replace the rom yet
its still very slow and its happend today
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Why not? What are you waiting for?
Lets be honest here guys he was unsure what a stock kernel is and does not want to replace his rom on a phone made to have its rom replaced. This is one you leave alone so he does not do any damage to his phone.
OP the best thing I can suggest at this moment that may help you is to factory reset your phone and start from scratch. Maybe some corrupt files from all the installing apps and deleting them. This is probably the only suggestion outside of rooting it and joining the rest of us in flashing rehab....
playya said:
Lets be honest here guys he was unsure what a stock kernel is and does not want to replace his rom on a phone made to have its rom replaced. This is one you leave alone so he does not do any damage to his phone.
OP the best thing I can suggest at this moment that may help you is to factory reset your phone and start from scratch. Maybe some corrupt files from all the installing apps and deleting them. This is probably the only suggestion outside of rooting it and joining the rest of us in flashing rehab....
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Well said. +1 on the factory reset.
OP, if you ever decide to root and flash don't use a toolkit. Read up on using fastboot to unlock your bootloader and flash a custom recovery. That will get you on the right path to fixing your phone quickly, should you ever run into an issue.
Possible and weird solution was the flip magnetic cover case i removed the magnet and the problem is fix for now
Thenks all till ill root

I9505 Problem

Hello good people of XDA i own a gs4 for about a year. Absolutelyawesome phone, ... But recently i've had some problem.
Ok so let me explain if i was to lock my phone for longer time not touch it (1 hour or half an hour) when i unlock touchwizz freezes tho i can use things like notification bar.
So i tried fixing it. it happened to me before
- my phone is rooted
-it's not the battery
The only thing that helps is install a custom rom or install a custom rom and then revert to stock.
And i do root the phone, i know i can fix it clean install custom rom then stock rom, but i really have a lot of stuff on my phone.
I am using stock rom all the time and it could be that the problem is Root or something i really dont have a clue
I apologize if i posted incorrectly please let me know if you have a soulution im glad to take it
mariovracun said:
Hello good people of XDA i own a gs4 for about a year. Absolutelyawesome phone, ... But recently i've had some problem.
Ok so let me explain if i was to lock my phone for longer time not touch it (1 hour or half an hour) when i unlock touchwizz freezes tho i can use things like notification bar.
So i tried fixing it. it happened to me before
- my phone is rooted
-it's not the battery
The only thing that helps is install a custom rom or install a custom rom and then revert to stock.
And i do root the phone, i know i can fix it clean install custom rom then stock rom, but i really have a lot of stuff on my phone.
I am using stock rom all the time and it could be that the problem is Root or something i really dont have a clue
I apologize if i posted incorrectly please let me know if you have a soulution im glad to take it
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Are you sure it's not the battery I had the same issue with a previous gs3 and was remedied with ac new battery
1eyedmonster said:
Are you sure it's not the battery I had the same issue with a previous gs3 and was remedied with ac new battery
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I dont think its the battery because you see if i install custom rom then stock its fixed for about 2 weeks then it "comes back" the problem
Idk i can try with a new battery maybe it'll do the trick

[Q] LG G2 D802H, Root help.

Hey guys.
I am not that new in the whole rooting "scene" but it seems that I am unable to find a proper guide for rooting my (updated) phone. Every guide I have found, not only in this site, is outdated for like a year or so or just for older versions of the firmware, and if there is one thats for D802H(international model, I'm from Greece) it's probably in really bad english or directed towards pros. I rooted my G2 when I got it last year but decided to unroot because of some problems with the screen so I could use my warranty and haven't rerooted since. So it would be really helpful if any of you could point me in a certain guide or just run me through the whole process of rooting my phone, what to download, what to do to my phone, the recoveries etc. I would really like to use Cyanogen Mod or a G3 mod. Certainly, my choice for these two is because they look awesome. If you have any other rom on your mind that might be better than these, please dont hesitate from telling me. I really need all the help I can get, last time I got stuck on a boot loop and didn't know what to do for many hours before I reflashed to stock. So basically I would like a root guide ( found one from a member called somboons, seemed nice but wasn't really thorough as to whether I should wipe all data or just wipe dalvik cache and really wasn't noob-friendly) and a link to a ROM download page with a guide for flashing it. Not really into kernels, so if you could suggest a different one from stock that provides better battery life etc. that would be great. Any other info that you feel I should know will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance guys and sorry for the trouble I'm putting you,
P.S.: Would like to avoid wiping data if at all possible.
search for stump root apk
zekurosu said:
search for stump root apk
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Oh well that was easy, thanks man. Rooted succesfully, installed SU and now have TWRP. What about the ROM? For CM, should I just go in their site and pick one for my phone? Is a release here that's stable?
giorgos123 said:
Oh well that was easy, thanks man. Rooted succesfully, installed SU and now have TWRP. What about the ROM? For CM, should I just go in their site and pick one for my phone? Is a release here that's stable?
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if CM11 .. try the latest Milestone ... as for CM12, it is still alpha stage, so try at your own risk

LG Optimus L7 P700 light custom ROM

My mother's p700 has been running really slow lately so I thought about installing a fresh ROM, any suggestions on something lightweight and stable? Not much in terms of requirements, she really only uses it for calls/music. So as long as I don't have to babysit updates every day, anything will do.
I used to have my l7 since 1 week ago when i got new phone. Changed lots of ROM's and i didnt found the perfect one. This device was just laggy and slow with every single ROM out there. So i suggest you to flash KDZ Unlocked and Rooted ROM 4.1.2, it worked perfect for me (and still works for my brother) , nearly without lagg if you are using it only as a daily "driver"...
treantprotector said:
I used to have my l7 since 1 week ago when i got new phone. Changed lots of ROM's and i didnt found the perfect one. This device was just laggy and slow with every single ROM out there. So i suggest you to flash KDZ Unlocked and Rooted ROM 4.1.2, it worked perfect for me (and still works for my brother) , nearly without lagg if you are using it only as a daily "driver"...
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Can you tell what rom you mean? Thx
Sent from my LG-p700
toske81 said:
Can you tell what rom you mean? Thx
Sent from my LG-p700
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Here, this link follow those instructions:

[GUIDE] How To Root SM-N9208

Hello Friends
I have been searching the internet for days on how to root the Note 5 N9208 dual sim and finally found something that seem stable.
DISCLAIMER: I am by no means taking credit for this root method, I am just sharing what I found because I know how hard the information can be to find on the internet. As you should already know, with flashing there is always a risk so you are always responsible for you own device
1. First you are going to want to enable OEM Unlock and USB debugging in the developer option.
2. Go to Samsung app store and get the CROM service app. (this is needed so you can flash custom roms, on some phones you won't be able to flash anything if you don't do this step)
3. Download Permissive kernel (from xiaolu) for N9208 with auto root: N9208-TW-Root (0909) .tar flash it with Odin3.10.7 (extract tar-file from zip, put it in section and flash AP)
At this point you should now have root, beyond this step will explain how to get TWRP recovery.
4. Official TWRP for Samsung Galaxy Note 5 DUOS you can found here ... (download tar-file, put it in AP section and flash with Odin3.10.7).
This information was accumulated by searching the web. My thanks goes out to all developers who help me to arrive at a root solution. If you, a developer come here and see a violation that I overlooked please inbox me and I will rectify it right away Thanks again
Thanks for the guide. Do you have more information on the kernel?
Elmar1801 said:
Thanks for the guide. Do you have more information on the kernel?
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Sad to say, I didn't find much information on the web about the performance of this kernel. It just showed up as a way to gain root.
Not being about to accumulate any data on the kernel I kinda was back and forth in my mind if I should use it or not. after hours of thinking and really wanted root I decided to give it a go in a all or re-flash moment(nothing).
Turn out to be pretty good with no change in performance vs the stock kernel. Once flashed I saw superSU there installed and ready to go.
Now I was concern about the random reboots I heard about with other kernels but I have been using the phone for 3 days now and I haven't encountered any lags, no reboots, no drop of signals or calls. I have not yet installed any games on my phone so I don't know how it will be with heavy usage of that nature.
If you decide to give this a try please post any findings of abnormalities here. Thank you
dreskullz said:
Sad to say, I didn't find much information on the web about the performance of this kernel. It just showed up as a way to gain root.
Not being about to accumulate any data on the kernel I kinda was back and forth in my mind if I should use it or not. after hours of thinking and really wanted root I decided to give it a go in a all or re-flash moment(nothing).
Turn out to be pretty good with no change in performance vs the stock kernel. Once flashed I saw superSU there installed and ready to go.
Now I was concern about the random reboots I heard about with other kernels but I have been using the phone for 3 days now and I haven't encountered any lags, no reboots, no drop of signals or calls. I have not yet installed any games on my phone so I don't know how it will be with heavy usage of that nature.
If you decide to give this a try please post any findings of abnormalities here. Thank you
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i used the same process and files on my 9208 to achieve root. going on 3-days with stock ROM, the root kernel and latest xposed for TW and haven't had one reboot.
cortez.i said:
i used the same process and files on my 9208 to achieve root. going on 3-days with stock ROM, the root kernel and latest xposed for TW and haven't had one reboot.
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That's awesome
I thought xposed for our phone was only possible with Deodexed roms? if this is possible for our Odexed stock rom can you kindly point me into the direction to get this done?
dreskullz said:
That's awesome
I thought xposed for our phone was only possible with Deodexed roms? if this is possible for our Odexed stock rom can you kindly point me into the direction to get this done?
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Enjoy . i thought the same; be sure to get V74 for arm64 devices.
cortez.i said:
Enjoy . i thought the same; be sure to get V74 for arm64 devices.
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Thank you I will go give this a try right now
dreskullz said:
Sad to say, I didn't find much information on the web about the performance of this kernel. It just showed up as a way to gain root.
If you decide to give this a try please post any findings of abnormalities here. Thank you
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Thanks for your reply. I will give it a go.
i am giving this kernel a try also.....to many random reboots on another one
edwardob said:
i am giving this kernel a try also.....to many random reboots on another one
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Let us know about any abnormalities you find just in case we have missed something
No problems at all. No reboots or lags.
Nice guide for obtaining root!
I already have rooted my Note 5 using the SpaceX kernel, but as some of you know this kernel has the random reboot issue.
What would be the procedure for me to flash this kernel. Can I just flash over the current SpaceX kernel or would I have to go another route?
Appreciate the help.
daffie said:
Nice guide for obtaining root!
I already have rooted my Note 5 using the SpaceX kernel, but as some of you know this kernel has the random reboot issue.
What would be the procedure for me to flash this kernel. Can I just flash over the current SpaceX kernel or would I have to go another route?
Appreciate the help.
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just the same way...directly over old o one
edwardob said:
just the same way...directly over old o one
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Cheers for the quick help! So just Odin flash this kernel directly over my current setup...will get right to it
Flashed the kernel and rebooted...all seems well. Now further testing and hopefully no weird issues like random reboots and/or deep sleep bug.
and We still don't know where it came from ??
but it Works
I seen it on a russian site thats all I know
but it works !!
Indeed...it's all rather strange No dev, no nothing...but it does work :good:
I got 4% battery usage in some 10 hours standby and that's pretty decent in my book.
Performance seems on par with stock kernel. Now for another couple of days of further testing to see if it holds up...(no random reboots and such).
I was at about 6%at 7hrs.....but I have one drive syncing. ..but before I had 15-20%....
and no reboots and I am rooted!!!!
edwardob said:
and We still don't know where it came from ??
but it Works
I seen it on a russian site thats all I know
but it works !!
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lol yup, there is no data at all on this kernel as far as I can search. one thing I can say for sure is that its doing very well in terms of performance. I play games, listen to music, make calls on both sims, send emails and have dual whatsapp going all day. with all that activity I manage to get 13 hours out of the phone, I plug in at 18%. to me thats good. What do you guys think?
l think we have a rooted in 9208 dual sim that doesnt reboot and works fine
curiousty leads me toWonder Where it came from and whats been done to it
Guys, will this work with the hong kong version (9200)?
Sent from my SM-N9200 using Tapatalk

