hello all
I have my slow motion is very trouble or blurred on my LGg2 d802
this problem is only in my slow motion, the mode 4k is good
i tried many rom : same problem
please help me
Actually in rom cloudy 1.2 G pro 2 ported and kernel D802
nebka94 said:
hello all
I have my slow motion is very trouble or blurred on my LGg2 d802
this problem is only in my slow motion, the mode 4k is good
i tried many rom : same problem
please help me
Actually in rom cloudy 1.2 G pro 2 ported and kernel D802
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How do you use slow motion?
with the software in the coudy directly
I found this mode very pixelled. But focus was ok. However you need a LOT of light for this to work good.
Wysłane z mojego LG-D802 przy użyciu Tapatalka
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not even with a lot of light does not change we would say it is scrambled
not even with a lot of light does not change we would say it is scrambled
No fix ?
preffer optimus pro
nebka94 said:
hello all
I have my slow motion is very trouble or blurred on my LGg2 d802
this problem is only in my slow motion, the mode 4k is good
i tried many rom : same problem
please help me
Actually in rom cloudy 1.2 G pro 2 ported and kernel D802
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im using optimus pro 4.3 .its nice camera mod. ported from lg pro. you can try it
either install cloudy pro II 2.0 or wait for 2.1
I flash the latest RCMixHD rom version 3.4.1, the camera works but I still find that the camera has a lot of micro wave flashing on the screen...like the noisy point...any one encounter this issue? I think the problem is the kernel - RCMixHD-
Hello there!
I think You missed the forum group... This one is for LG GT540 not Desire...
Hi Folks,
i have one little problem with Xdabbeb's camera mod. I'm not even sure if there's a fix for it or not, but i figured asking doesn't hurt.
So, i flashed CloudyStock and Xdabbeb's camera and have this weird problem that the camera only starts in landscape mode and it does not rotate any other way. i can shake and tilt the phone whichever way i want it just stays in landscape.
camera mod works fine with LG Stock but i really like cloudyfas rom so i thought maybe one of you competent guys have a solution or an idea where to look for one?
My Phone: LG D802 (International), TWRP, CloudyStock 1.0, Xdabbeb's Camera 1.5 (1.4 tested, same problem).
Thanks for any help!
Edit: Whelp, guess i fixed it myself. For anyone else interested: Solution seems to be fixing permissions with TWRP.
good morning everyone !
i am a french newbie at xda forum from paris , i have flashed my LG G2 D802 with this wonderful rom
everthing is just great smooth experience i have made a full wipe before
and after 2 times i still have the same issue,
the rotation screen doesn't work and if i try to download on the play store an application to test
it says no gyroscope available ...
i don't know what to do, please HELP !
Hey I have a G2 D802 as well and I have the same issues but then with Cloudy G3 (all versions). I flashed Cyanogenmod to see if it was a bug in the ROM but the same problem was still there. After some time the poblem suddenly vanished with CM and then I reinstalled Cloudy G3 and now it isn't working again? Can somebody help?
I have Xperia SP with official CM11 M10 (snapshot) and CM11's kernel. The rom is very good, but camera quality is very, very, very, very pooooor! Does it have fix flash Xperia M camera v2, but camera again is POOOR. Please help me i like CM11, but camera is *****!!
Sorry for my bad english
D.Sirakov said:
I have Xperia SP with official CM11 M10 (snapshot) and CM11's kernel. The rom is very good, but camera quality is very, very, very, very pooooor! Does it have fix flash Xperia M camera v2, but camera again is POOOR. Please help me i like CM11, but camera is *****!!
Sorry for my bad english
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Use Google camera (from play store) although saying that I never had any issues with picture quality from CM11's camera just the autofocus was a bit screwy on the LBL versions.
Googles camera is great though.
D.Sirakov said:
I have Xperia SP with official CM11 M10 (snapshot) and CM11's kernel. The rom is very good, but camera quality is very, very, very, very pooooor! Does it have fix flash Xperia M camera v2, but camera again is POOOR. Please help me i like CM11, but camera is *****!!
Sorry for my bad english
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Have you made picture quality 100% in settings?
Hey did anyone here install CM12 on the D800
does it have any bugs or major errors ? do you recommend it over the official lollipop LG version ?
i'm a noob here , so is installing CM an easy procces , and can you easily upgrade from CM12 to CM13 ?
Also does the double tapping on the screen to lock and unlock the phone works on CM12 or CM12.1 ?
Any one tried CM on this device ?
hotvoyka said:
Hey did anyone here install CM12 on the D800
does it have any bugs or major errors ? do you recommend it over the official lollipop LG version ?
i'm a noob here , so is installing CM an easy procces , and can you easily upgrade from CM12 to CM13 ?
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the process is easy just time consuming... i can help if you want.
ive tried cm12.1 best rom was blisspop... only bug i found was like when i sent a whats app voice message.. and when i play it, the message i sent . it sounds like hissing and volumen kind of starts high then low... no sure if this is fixed as i only tried for a few days... and you should know that camera quality its not the same as stock rom....
what keeps me on stock is camera.. you have 120fp slow motion and 4k . and better quality on pics especially if you use xcam.. using dorimanx kernel.. sound is great..