smartphone + picopix 2330, any chance? - Hardware Hacking General

After reading and using this forum for a while, i have finally sign up to ask you a problem impossible for me, but fortunately there are people with much more knowledge than me (many of them in this community) who might solve it, so here i am!
I have a bunch of devices an i would like to use them all together, because i hate having useless things and this could be very handy too.
i have got a mini projector picopix 2330 and i would like to use it to see videos from my NAS in my bedroom (mpg files + srt subtitles). the trivial solution was to find a cable from my cellphone to rca, just connect it and play videos on my phone and watching them in the projector, but this does not work so easily
so, the projector is the philips picopix 2330, candidate cellphones: xperia ray, iphone 4 and xperia z1c.
xperia ray doesnt have the output video option, the iphone 4 can't play this videos with subtitles and i am not sure if it can send video out, and the xperia z1c just send digital video.
my best shot are hdmi - rca converters, but they are really expensive or very suspect... i dont think just a cable with digital one side and analog in the other can do it... do you think i could get it?


HDMI quality is garbage so far...against hdmi 1.3

I picked up a Molex micro hdmi cable and have tested it against my 20" 720p Sceptre, my 37" 1080P Sceptre, 43" 1080P Sceptre and several 1080P monitors at my place of work...all with same results.
Picture is pixellated, "choppy" and it seems phone can't keep up.
I am sending 720P videos created with phone (I set it to 720p) and can see that ALL the tvs receive as 720p signal...yet image quality is so poor it's borked.
All of these TVs were hdmi 1.3 I this solely an hdmi 1.4 issue?
Loving my Evo except hdmi is fubar. I have a few days left on eval and may return it if this feature is truly not appropriate for phone (due to cpu issue).
I am perfectly willing to wait for g'bread if this will make a difference.
What's the deal here?
Check it against a better TV. Those Scepters just don't use the same quality as say even a Visio, let alone a Sony or Samsung.
Worked wonderfully for my brother's 46" LG LCD
So... a Walmart TV with an HTC phone and you say the phone quality sucks? I'm confused jk bro. Haha
I have a Phillips 32' and the HDMI is horrible for me. I played a HQ Video of Everybody Hates Chris and it was so choppy and fuzzy I just disconnected it. I have a 6ft cable. Could the length have anything to do with it?
sceptre is the same quality as visio hate to break it to you. plays properly on my 32" samsung.
gqstatus0685 said:
I have a Phillips 32' and the HDMI is horrible for me. I played a HQ Video of Everybody Hates Chris and it was so choppy and fuzzy I just disconnected it. I have a 6ft cable. Could the length have anything to do with it?
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Picture quality is crap because your videos are encoded at a low bitrate so there gonna look pixilated.
When I recode my Blu Ray movies to x.264 720p with a high bitrate and play them back using HDMI to my Sony Bravia they look AMAZING.
You need to encode some quality videos. The built in camcorder or youtube aren't gonna do it justice.
P_Dub_S said:
Picture quality is crap because your videos are encoded at a low bitrate so there gonna look pixilated.
When I recode my Blu Ray movies to x.264 720p with a high bitrate and play them back using HDMI to my Sony Bravia they look AMAZING.
You need to encode some quality videos. The built in camcorder or youtube aren't gonna do it justice.
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Every post I've read has said to use 720p setting in camera. Are you saying phone camera can't natively produce video in form consumable by hdmi? I would never use youtube as reference...but not even native vids?
thegame3202 said:
So... a Walmart TV with an HTC phone and you say the phone quality sucks? I'm confused jk bro. Haha
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Actually they were purchased at CostCo several years ago and price compared to that of others sets for most part. I wasn't aware costCo sold crap brands...not my experience with them.
Odd that my blu-ray, cable box and other hi-def input sources play beautifully on my sceptres and only the HTC has issues. Sceptre's now the problem? Hmmm...
Time to run by Fry's and see what works and what doesn't.
To those who are getting a stunning picture via hdmi...are your sets hdmi 1.4 protocol?
mklein said:
Every post I've read has said to use 720p setting in camera. Are you saying phone camera can't natively produce video in form consumable by hdmi? I would never use youtube as reference...but not even native vids?
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What I'm saying is the videos you record using the phones camcorder are encoded at a low bitrate making them look like ****. HDMI output is only as good as the source quality.
I suggest you read this as well since you seem to think that HDMI revisions automatically mean improved video quality.
The problem isn't the Evo or your TV, it's your source material. The 720p from the camcorder is compressed so much that it doesn't look that good.
Encode a movie using a high bitrate (somewhere around 5000), and it'll look good. Just like mine do.
Dude, I was kidding. lol
What about streaming videos from something like mPlayer? Those also look like sh*t, as the OP mentioned. Is that a tv problem or is that a "bitrate" problem?
Thanks for the help all.
After installing handbrake to convert some trailers I am finally seeing a not-so-****ty picture. The whole re-encoding thing bites hard though. Who really has time to convert all their **** or even wants to do it selectively? I know I don't.
The fact that the device isn't capable of creating its own hdmi content is pretty bad and somewhat misleading: 720P on vidcam app during record....720P hdmi signal out per notification window...sounds like a match to me!
For all "practical" purposes the hdmi port is fubar.
#1 You don't get desktop 'experience' on hdmi out
#2 Feature doesn't come for "free", apps must be individually hdmi-enabled (yeah right) no TermSrvr or VNC
#3 Device can't create videos for clean hdmi playback (at least with native 720p vid recording app)
where are you guys getting your HDMI cables? last time I checked monoprice didn't stock them.
mklein said:
For all "practical" purposes the hdmi port is fubar.
#1 You don't get desktop 'experience' on hdmi out
#2 Feature doesn't come for "free", apps must be individually hdmi-enabled (yeah right) no TermSrvr or VNC
#3 Device can't create videos for clean hdmi playback (at least with native 720p vid recording app)
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Agree. The hdmi out is wasted space on this phone. If it worked, this thing would be the hub of my media center! Especially with stuff like JetFlix streaming in crisp hi-def to the t.v. But, no. With the quality as-is, I don't see myself ever using it.
I suppose I could encode existing movies for playback, but why would I use my phone to store them? I'd just burn a dvd or bring a external hard drive. At that point, I'd just be using my phone to watch them on a plane or something, and you don't need an HDMI port for that.
But this isn't a dealbreaker for me. I still love the phone.

[Q] Possible to output picture to TV?

Probably a noob question, but i dont know so i thought id ask.
Do we have any way at all to output the Xperia Play picture to a TV yet?
Would be great to plug it into the TV while i am in bed and control iplayer and youtube and play some games etc.
the only 2 things that ive seen is
1. theres a new prototype play with a hdmi out on it and there is a video on youtube of someone using it.
2. ive seen a S.E docking station thats coming out that has a hdmi output
on it but its unclear if this adds hdmi to our plays, or just for the new plays that have hdmi out on already?
crispyduckling said:
the only 2 things that ive seen is
1. theres a new prototype play with a hdmi out on it and there is a video on youtube of someone using it.
2. ive seen a S.E docking station thats coming out that has a hdmi output
on it but its unclear if this adds hdmi to our plays, or just for the new plays that have hdmi out on already?
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That 'prototype' is for development use only.
Someone said he used a usb to hdmi adapter but then he was uncontactable...
crispyduckling said:
the only 2 things that ive seen is
1. theres a new prototype play with a hdmi out on it and there is a video on youtube of someone using it.
2. ive seen a S.E docking station thats coming out that has a hdmi output
on it but its unclear if this adds hdmi to our plays, or just for the new plays that have hdmi out on already?
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The plays with HDMI out, are development models, its not a new version
crispyduckling said:
the only 2 things that ive seen is
1. theres a new prototype play with a hdmi out on it and there is a video on youtube of someone using it.
2. ive seen a S.E docking station thats coming out that has a hdmi output
on it but its unclear if this adds hdmi to our plays, or just for the new plays that have hdmi out on already?
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Man, better not to answer if you don't know something well. That can confuse a lot of people.
1- The prototype you talk about it's just the device that the developers buy to make games for the Xperia Play and test them.
2- The LiveDock Multimedia Station ( uses the USB port of some Xperia phones and outputs the image through the HDMI output that the dock has. The bad new is that the Xperia Play is not one of the compatible phones, although it has USB port.
And if there would be that new Xperia Play with HDMI output, why the heck would you need this dock if the mobile already would have HDMI output???
Someone said you can use a micro
Hdmi cable to connect it why not try? ;P
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I have a feeling they may release a USB - HDMI adapter for the Xperia Play but will also need software on the phone like Bravia Sync to allow for the phone display to be pushed to HDTV.
subcu1ture said:
I have a feeling they may release a USB - HDMI adapter for the Xperia Play but will also need software on the phone like Bravia Sync to allow for the phone display to be pushed to HDTV.
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That will be awesome (if SE decide to go with this idea).
Where do I have to sign to get one ?
I just want to be able to connect my first smartphone (the PLAY) with my 55" LED screen ... even my former, former, former dumb phone (Samsung D900) was capable of it... after that the replacements a Samsung F480 and a Samsung S8000 (the famous "Jet") weren't able.
anyway... I'm loving the Play... just hope SE don't leave us unsupported.

Record screen over MHL/HDMI

Hey guys,
I'm working on a project in work that will require good quality video of an Android phone. I've looked at a few apps that can record your screen and output a video, but none of them give me the framerate or quality I'm looking for.
The solution I'm looking at now is using MHL to output the phone's display to HDMI, and using an HDMI capture card to record the signal. I know I can display the Galaxy Nexus' screen on a 720p television (as per the video here -> (YOUTUBE)/watch?v=ENdJv_AI5vU, sorry can't post links) but I'm concerned about HDCP. The wikipedia article for MHL states that a feature of it is:
Supports High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP).
I'm not sure if that means all MHL signs are encrypted, or that it should be able to support HDCP on request.
Does anyone have experience with recording HDMI/MHL recording, or recording a phone's display to video in general? Any help or advice is much appreciated.
Elgato Game Capture HD Incompatible with MHL
raydowe said:
Hey guys,
Does anyone have experience with recording HDMI/MHL recording, or recording a phone's display to video in general? Any help or advice is much appreciated.
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I've struggled with this in my test lab at work. I have not yet found a solution that works reliably with MHL or even HDMI when the phone has it. I tried one from Diamond Multimedia without luck. I use the Elgato Game Capture HD but so far it only works with my ASUS Transformer TF300T and Motorola Xoom, both with HDMI output. I've got several MHL adapters, both the standard 5-pin and the Samsung-style 11-pin ones and the SlimPort for the Nexus 4. I've tried it with many devices:
Samsung Galaxy S II/III/IV, Vizio VTAB1008, Sony Xperia S, Nexus 4, Droid DNA, HTC One X and many others. Only the Transformer TF300T and Xoom work.
According to Elgato there are no known MHL devices that work, though they only tried a few. I can't yet post links but just Google this:
"game capture HD" MHL
and choose the first link to Elgato's site.
Elgato is certainly the way to go, just wish it was less expensive.
what u are looking for it is more a software solution.
u need something like tv support app and teamviewer. and u need a fhd display. and a record software on your pc which can record in fhd.
use tv support and teamviewer at the same time and overlay the screen of your smartphone and screen of your pc.
dont know if the cpu and ram of the phone powerfull enough to let the video stream fluently. maybe with the note3 or lg g2 or sony z1.
i already tested it with the note1 but it is almost a year ago and i dont own it anymore. my nexus7 2013 is broken right now. so i cant test it anymore. have to wait till 3 weeksto get the n7 back.

Allshare Cast, worst 60€ spent ever!

I bought my Note 10.1 not long ago and after i played around a lot, rooted it and made it a german Note (it came from switzerland, no software updates available).
I thought, i can connect a mouse, a keyboard, USB drives .. but to get a video signal to my monitor, i would need the HDMI adapter for 18€ (which is much for a port that is native on most android tablets) which would block out USB devices OR i would buy the Allshare cast for 60€, which is wireless. I even planned to use it as windows alternative. Anyway, there are not much reviews about it that match my opinion after i used it for 15 minutes.
Out of the box, everything is great. I connect it to my 27" Asus PC screen (i was surprised they incuded a HDMI cable!), it starts by itself - huh, no separate switch to turn it off? No, there is not. It's always on. At least the LED doesn't shine as bright as the sun.
After that, i connected the Note 10.1 with it. I recorded for you what happens next:
Yup, that's right. Every Multiwindow availability disappears. From that point, it was almost certain i would send it back. But that's still not everything, i have ~15-20 FPS when scrolling through my homescreens and app drawer! Also there is ~0,1 - 0,2s of lag between the Note's screen and my Asus. I think videos work fine, i had only Simpsons on the Note and i can't really tell the FPS by that.
And the last part: The image quality is lousy. My 27" has only FullHD which is approximately half the DPI of the Note 10.1. But it has artefacts (it kind of compresses the colors i think; i tried to make pictures but you can't really see anything on it) which makes the image look so bad that i could instantly decide that i would send it back.
Probably i made someone the decision easier whether to buy it or not. I will buy the HDMI cable, have a look at the image quality and if it's worth it (and only then) i will keep it and probably buy a bluetooth keyboard + mouse so i can try again to use it as desktop replacement.
CentaXx said:
Out of the box, everything is great. I connect it to my 27" Asus PC screen (i was surprised they incuded a HDMI cable!), it starts by itself - huh, no separate switch to turn it off? No, there is not. It's always on. At least the LED doesn't shine as bright as the sun.
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I use the AllShare Cast dongle a lot; especially when I'm traveling. It performs pretty well but the weaker the Wi-Fi connection the more latency is introduced. I have no problems using the web or watching videos on hotel TVs when I'm traveling with good performance about 90% of the time. I've used the HTC Media Link HD dongle which does the same thing the Samsung dongle does. There's far less latency between the device and the dongle on Samsung's solution, it's easier to connect, and the HTC dongle has no on or off switch either.
Yup, that's right. Every Multiwindow availability disappears.
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AllShare Cast uses a lot of resources on the device. I'm guessing that's why they disabled multiview which also uses a lot of resources on the device.
And the last part: The image quality is lousy.
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Here are two clips of video playing via AllShare. The first is Hulu the second is YouTube. That means the device is downloading content via Wi-Fi and then projecting it out again via Wi-Fi to the dongle which is a lot more resource intensive than just playing local content. You’ll see the videos (both HD) play with no problem. I haven't had any issues (provided the Wi-Fi signal's decent) watching video from any number of sources. There's an update for the dongle in Play. Have you applied it?
Hmm, I also have the AllShare Cast dongle and I connect it with a Sony Bravia tv with excellent result, granted I limit its usage to playing locally stored video content but I have played some YouTube videos as well in HD mode with superb picture quality. I sit too far away from the tv to use it as an alternate screen but I suppose it might be possible.
Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk HD
Yes, the update is installed. i didn't mean to compare the dongle to the HTC one, it's just that for my expectations the dongle did really bad. For pure multimedia purpose it would be not as bad as i experienced (the helicopter demo video ran smoothly), but i couldn't do anything to get higher FPS in android. I could even neglect the lag and a BIT of the bad image quality.
If i would only want to watch videos on the TV streamed with the Note, the Allcast Dongle would do fine but then i could use the HDMI cable, too - a bit less comfy, but 40€ cheaper than the dongle.
The dongle however is a lot more convenient than a cable. You can walk around with your tablet or sit quite a distance from the screen.
Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk HD
hilarious! why would I want LESS multi-tasking capability on a BIGGER screen?

Development of HDMI

Are there any developers who are considering check what can be done to the HDMI output?
A wishlist:
Proper 16:9 ratio (crop home/back buttons)
Force output mode (720p, 1080i etc.)
Passthrough of digital audio streams (DD, DTS etc)
maybe more but that's what I have in mind right now.
Very thankful for anyone who has the time and interest in implementing this.
Skickat från min HTC Desire via Tapatalk 2
Your post has nothing to do with development. So why you ask your questions not in general section? Thats the right place.
I too would love this... The devs of mxplayer are seeing if they can implement the same thing google play movies does for hdmi with the nexus 10
The biggest problem we have is, this isn't a big problem for a lot of people... Most people don't even use the hdmi...
For those of us who do tho it is a huge problem
Sv: Development of HDMI
You are probably right. I just wish Google had implemented these functionalities from the beginning. Now it feels like a half hearted solution. Yeah we have picture sort of but no use for any media show off. Yeah we make a good tablet for movies etc but we skip good support for hdmi output.
Skickat från min HTC Desire via Tapatalk 2
The HDMI port cant send out audio streams along with the video?
EniGmA1987 said:
The HDMI port cant send out audio streams along with the video?
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No idea... Mostly all I care about is the scaling...
What sucks is that the exynos5 dual supports simultaneous native wqxga res(2560x1600) and 1080p at 60fps through hdmi so ii should be possible...
---------- Post added at 10:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------
The good news is that Mxplayer will support full screen HDMI res for the nexus 10 the same way google play movies does...
I emailed them awhile back and they has me take some pics of what a video looks like on mxplayer and on Google movies... They just emailed me this morning saying they figured it out and it will be implemented in the next major update
EniGmA1987 said:
The HDMI port cant send out audio streams along with the video?
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The N10 HDMI port DOES send audio along with the video. It works well with my Samsung HDTV. The issue is that each HDTV seems to have implemented the HDMI specification inconsistently. So some people get neither audio or video and others video only. Reading in this forum and other places Panasonic HDMI connection are notorious for poor HDMI support of devices. They most often fall in the category of no audio or video support.
As far as I know even with a working HDMI audio connection only stereo is transmited even if the source video has AC3 or DTS 5.1 audio. If you search in this forum you see people requesting that some ROM/Kernel devs add HDMI audio passthru support for the AC3 and DTS audio streams.
I send HDMI to a receiver anyway. I never thought to check but I definitely will be looking this afternoon to see if my receiver (Onkyo brand) supports both the video and audio properly from this tablet. Never had any issues though before with my computer, bluray player (Panasonic brand), or XBox. So I am assuming all will be fine for me.
