Here's the problem: Every ROM I flash, except for one, Data does NOT work.
I flashed probably 7 AOSP ROMs today, not a single one my data worked..
I flashed TriForce Rom, it's a touchwiz ROM, 3g works perfect!
I decided to odin back to stock, No-Root, and my Data isnt working.. my phone isn't even rooted...
What's going on, any help? I am on sprint. My phone is currently not rooted, and data still doesn't work.
DustCrow said:
Here's the problem: Every ROM I flash, except for one, Data does NOT work.
I flashed probably 7 AOSP ROMs today, not a single one my data worked..
I flashed TriForce Rom, it's a touchwiz ROM, 3g works perfect!
I decided to odin back to stock, No-Root, and my Data isnt working.. my phone isn't even rooted...
What's going on, any help? I am on sprint. My phone is currently not rooted, and data still doesn't work.
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Sounds like you lost your radio one way or another, if baseband/software version is unknown you need to flash the modem, MJA 4.3 if that's what you are on, also if you are using twrp or anything else I would highly recommend using Philz latest recovery, with Philz recovery prior to making a back up you need to change Nandroid settings, specifically making sure the selinux 4.3 box is checked. One more thing you need to do the modem flash while on a TW ROM. I guess now a few questions, what are you on now 4.2.2 or 4.3, did you ota yet? And what recovery are you using :thumbup:
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
ParkerParker said:
Sounds like you lost your radio one way or another, if baseband/software version is unknown you need to flash the modem, MJA 4.3 if that's what you are on, also if you are using twrp or anything else I would highly recommend using Philz latest recovery, with Philz recovery prior to making a back up you need to change Nandroid settings, specifically making sure the selinux 4.3 box is checked. One more thing you need to do the modem flash while on a TW ROM. I guess now a few questions, what are you on now 4.2.2 or 4.3, did you ota yet? And what recovery are you using :thumbup:
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
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Hey I really appreciate you reaching out to me, I'm apologize, I'm such a noob with all of this and your reply seems very helpful.. but I'm not really familiar with most of that.
I'm unrooted right now, should I root, and then what should be my next step?
I stayed on 4.2.2 rooted with TWRP and never took the MJA/MK2 OTAs, to avoid knox. I've been waiting for KitKat, and I'm ready to take the plunge. I've read through a bunch of threads, and have thoroughly confused myself. I have a few basic questions, so I can determine what my options are:
1) Is it possible to go from MF9 (rooted) to NAE, and retain my data? What happens to the modifications I made to MF9 (hotspot, xposed, etc.)?
2) If the answer to 1 is no, is it reasonable to assume that there will be a flashable NAE rom in the near future, so that I wouldn't have to odin to MK2 before going through the OTA update to NAE?
3) Should I give up on trying to keep my existing bootloader, and just suck it up and take knox? It seems like there's probably enough differences in the rom and modem that the bootloader is probably a necessary evil at this point.
Thanks in advance for your help.
There have been several reports of people whose WiFi and data have worked just fine with the NAE ROM plus older bootloader like MF9. I'd wait until a stock rooted NAE ROM appears so we can try it with the knox-free MF9 bootloader.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
I am in the same situation and currently on a stock rooted MF9 with a custom recovery as well. I would like to know the best upgrade path to 4.4.2 and hopefully stay on a knox free boot loader.
Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk 4
Once Warboy releases the updated stock, rooted NAE, I'm gonna flash it with Philz recovery to see whether everything's compatible with the Knox-free MF9 bootloader. In the meanwhile, I'm gonna flash just the NAE modem. Cant wait for Kitkat~! (Even though I've had the 4.4.2 update for a long time through my Nexus 5, I'm still very excited, LOL~)
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Im still on mdl lol.....maybe I should atleast update to mf9? Haha
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cfendrick said:
I am in the same situation and currently on a stock rooted MF9 with a custom recovery as well. I would like to know the best upgrade path to 4.4.2 and hopefully stay on a knox free boot loader.
Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk 4
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I'm in same boat
on MF9 , didnt even go to 4.3, still sitting at 4.2.2 (with the update icon in my status bar, but i assume its for 4.3 not kit kat)
Im rooted and have exposed installed
would rather have a knox free loader too!
if anybody can advise on the best route to take would be lovely
would like to have kit kat on my phone today!!
I was on this boat but last night flashed the gummy Rom. It is okay but I would love to have the stock Rom. I don't like few things on the Gummy.
icuc said:
I was on this boat but last night flashed the gummy Rom. It is okay but I would love to have the stock Rom. I don't like few things on the Gummy.
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so you had MF9 bootloader? (and do you keep that one or switch to the knox one?)
just flashed rom with TRWP? (that'll update radio too?)
and what things dont you like on Gummy?
sandman121383 said:
Im still on mdl lol.....maybe I should atleast update to mf9? Haha
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Lol I've been wondering if anyone else stayed on 4.2.2. Lol Im rooted with custom recovery. I hit the update button the other night and it wouldn't install and that icon went away, so I got that going for me. But I can't wait for kit kat, just waiting on the whole knox deal.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
SayWhat10 said:
so you had MF9 bootloader? (and do you keep that one or switch to the knox one?)
just flashed rom with TRWP? (that'll update radio too?)
and what things dont you like on Gummy?
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Yeah I have MF9 and I could keep the same.
I had issues with BT connection with my BMW but works fine with BT headset.
Home screen kind of wacky and you can't select the one that you like.
I just went back to 4.2.2 again until I find a good one.
I'm in the same situation, living on my phone with MF9, have TWRP/Custom Recovery installed, and am interested to upgrade to Kitkat. I'm very interested to know what will be the upgrade method for me to 4.4.2, similar to many others in this thread.
I'm on slimkat now and all is working great. Only drawback is no theme chooser
---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------
I just simply flashed the KitKat rom with twrp
SayWhat10 said:
I'm on slimkat now and all is working great. Only drawback is no theme chooser
---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------
I just simply flashed the KitKat rom with twrp
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Which KitKat rom did you use? Did it just upgrade your OS or did you have to start from a clean install? Any issues with Knox?
asuh said:
Which KitKat rom did you use? Did it just upgrade your OS or did you have to start from a clean install? Any issues with Knox?
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i used Slimkat, but it froze occasionally. now im on CM 11 and its FLAWLESS
did clean install (but had some apps backed up with Titanium)
to my knowledge the whole Knox thing is with Touchwiz based roms
both slimkat and CM 11 are not,so no worries about Knox
I am still on MF9 modem and bootloader
gonna get around to flashing the NAE modem later though
SayWhat10 said:
i used Slimkat, but it froze occasionally. now im on CM 11 and its FLAWLESS
did clean install (but had some apps backed up with Titanium)
to my knowledge the whole Knox thing is with Touchwiz based roms
both slimkat and CM 11 are not,so no worries about Knox
I am still on MF9 modem and bootloader
gonna get around to flashing the NAE modem later though
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Alright. I'm personally looking to update only to official rom and NAE modem, not custom rom. Hoping I can do upgrade instead of clean install but hoping to get root access back or keep it at least.
Ok so i dont think i care about the knox thing anymore.. So with that said i would like to upgrade to 4.4.2 with the stock sprint rom. What is the best way to go about that? Sorry im just confused with the bootloader and modem flashes.. Its been awhile since ive had a samsung phone.. Im assuming i cant do the OTA due to TWRP....
I am running completely stock and rooted with saferoot,
baseband mf9
bootloader mf9
TWRP installed
please help
Can you just unroot and install the NAE ota then reroot with cf auto root? This is coming from stock rooted mk2.
I tried to update my sph l720 to unknownforce kitkat rom ....BUT
after i flashed the NAE modem and then flash the ROM after wipe...wipe...wipe....format...format ...format
My wifi and 3g data are OK....working.
but I can not make or receive any calls......Just i can receive SMS?
So what is the problem?
please help me
The Solution:
1)Flash mf9 stock odin file.
2)dial the code ##786# to return to sprint defaults.
3) update one by one...mf9>>mja>>mk2 then flash the NAE .
4) Flash the phone again to my local carrier using DFS.
Now all things are working great.
Have you updated profile and prl? What recovery did you flash with. What where you on prior to???
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btoddweber said:
Have you updated profile and prl? What recovery did you flash with. What where you on prior to???
Sent from my unknown using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Yes I tried to update profile and prl but there is an internet (error 407).
Recoveryhilz 6.08
Modem,software version:mk2 with 4.3
I want to update to 4.4 but call issues.
anees02 said:
I tried to update my sph l720 to unknownforce kitkat rom ....BUT
after i flashed the NAE modem and then flash the ROM after wipe...wipe...wipe....format...format ...format
My wifi and 3g data are OK....working.
but I can not make or receive any calls......Just i can receive SMS?
So what is the problem?
please help me
The Solution:
1)Flash mf9 stock odin file.
2)dial the code ##786# to return to sprint defaults.
3) update one by one...mf9>>mja>>mk2 then flash the NAE .
4) Flash the phone again to my local carrier using DFS.
Now all things are working great.
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I am having the same issue here. But when i flash one click flash mf9 odin stock in download mode, it failed on me.... any ideas?
dreamii said:
I am having the same issue here. But when i flash one click flash mf9 odin stock in download mode, it failed on me.... any ideas?
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That means your firmware has already been updated to a version newer than MF9. Once you have gone to 4.3 (MJA or MK2) you can't go backwards to 4.2.2 (MF9). IF you have already upgraded to Kit Kat 4.4 (NAE) then you can't go backwards at all.
cruise350 said:
That means your firmware has already been updated to a version newer than MF9. Once you have gone to 4.3 (MJA or MK2) you can't go backwards to 4.2.2 (MF9). IF you have already upgraded to Kit Kat 4.4 (NAE) then you can't go backwards at all.
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Thanks for your help cruise350. The knowledge of MF9, MJA, MK2, NAE helped me alot. Finally it's working now perfectly. I am running hellkat rom (NAE) now.
My problem was I was on MK2 firmware and running kit kat 4.4... now everythiing is perfect.
dreamii said:
Thanks for your help cruise350. The knowledge of MF9, MJA, MK2, NAE helped me alot. Finally it's working now perfectly. I am running hellkat rom (NAE) now.
My problem was I was on MK2 firmware and running kit kat 4.4... now everythiing is perfect.
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@dreamii, I'm confused? I am running the MK2 along side KK without issues. Did you have problems with the baseband? Did you upgrade to NAE baseband to get your calls to come in and is that what solved your problems?
Just trying to understand where it went wrong? LoL!
flynhawn2002 said:
@dreamii, I'm confused? I am running the MK2 along side KK without issues. Did you have problems with the baseband? Did you upgrade to NAE baseband to get your calls to come in and is that what solved your problems?
Just trying to understand where it went wrong? LoL!
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What I was running MK2 and hellkat 4.4 rom, I couldn't get any outgoing or incoming calls. And there is this sound issue also. The speakers, the headphone jack wasn't working. After I upgraded to NAE, it worked smoothly. In my case, combo of KK 4.4 and MK2 firmware was giving me trouble.
So this is what I did.
1. NAE stock 4.4 rom
2. NAE firmware flash with Odin 3.07
3. Wipe clean stock rom/cache
4. Install hellkat rom
Works like a charm now. :good::good::good:
dreamii said:
What I was running MK2 and hellkat 4.4 rom, I couldn't get any outgoing or incoming calls. And there is this sound issue also. The speakers, the headphone jack wasn't working. After I upgraded to NAE, it worked smoothly. In my case, combo of KK 4.4 and MK2 firmware was giving me trouble.
So this is what I did.
1. NAE stock 4.4 rom
2. NAE firmware flash with Odin 3.07
3. Wipe clean stock rom/cache
4. Install hellkat rom
Works like a charm now. :good::good::good:
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Did you try other KK Roms?
---------- Post added at 02:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:46 AM ----------
dreamii said:
What I was running MK2 and hellkat 4.4 rom, I couldn't get any outgoing or incoming calls. And there is this sound issue also. The speakers, the headphone jack wasn't working. After I upgraded to NAE, it worked smoothly. In my case, combo of KK 4.4 and MK2 firmware was giving me trouble.
So this is what I did.
1. NAE stock 4.4 rom
2. NAE firmware flash with Odin 3.07
3. Wipe clean stock rom/cache
4. Install hellkat rom
Works like a charm now. :good::good::good:
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Did you try other KK Roms? Did it still have the same issues? Maybe a bad download?
Coud'nt you have just flashed the NAE modem then update PRL/Profile? Most times that should fix it.
flynhawn2002 said:
Did you try other KK Roms?
---------- Post added at 02:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:46 AM ----------
Did you try other KK Roms? Did it still have the same issues? Maybe a bad download?
Coud'nt you have just flashed the NAE modem then update PRL/Profile? Most times that should fix it.
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I did try other KK Roms when I was at MK2 + some JB roms also. Same issue. I tried stock unrooted KK rom, TriForce JB rom, Omni Rom, Avatar KK rom. All had same issue.
I didn't thought of just flashing NAE and updating PRL/Profile... huh.. Should have done that so it save some times for me.
FYI, I just rooted a S4 with the MF9 BL and flashed LS KK with no issues, everything works.
Can someone help me take my S4 back to 4.3? I got the OTA update for 4.4 yesterday morning and have had nothing but problems. Terrible battery life (40% down in 3 hours with little to no use) WiFi wont turn on thanks to this piece of junk Knox software. So before I dump Samsung completely for a Moto X or Nexus, can someone help me downgrade from 4.4 back to 4.3 where I had no problems?
Were you totally stock before the OTA? If you still have warranty left, I would bring it in to a Sprint store and *****.
If not, you can try one of 2 things. 1) flash the NAE tar file using odin to see if that fixes your issues or 2) flash the MK2 tar file to bring you back to 4.3
aypanthony said:
Were you totally stock before the OTA? If you still have warranty left, I would bring it in to a Sprint store and *****.
If not, you can try one of 2 things. 1) flash the NAE tar file using odin to see if that fixes your issues or 2) flash the MK2 tar file to bring you back to 4.3
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I went Cyanogen at one point, didn't like it, and flashed back to stock. When the OTA hit I was rooted but had made no changes from stock, not even an uninstall of a Samsung app. I am backing things up now to flash the NAE again, but I want a version without this Knox garbage in it. Is there such thing?
I read that you can't flash back with Odin from 4.4 to 4.3 so I don't know how to do option 2 at this point.
sponge14 said:
I went Cyanogen at one point, didn't like it, and flashed back to stock. When the OTA hit I was rooted but had made no changes from stock, not even an uninstall of a Samsung app. I am backing things up now to flash the NAE again, but I want a version without this Knox garbage in it. Is there such thing?
I read that you can't flash back with Odin from 4.4 to 4.3 so I don't know how to do option 2 at this point.
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You're correct with not being able to go back to mk2 4.3 via Odin.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
sponge14 said:
I went Cyanogen at one point, didn't like it, and flashed back to stock. When the OTA hit I was rooted but had made no changes from stock, not even an uninstall of a Samsung app. I am backing things up now to flash the NAE again, but I want a version without this Knox garbage in it. Is there such thing?
I read that you can't flash back with Odin from 4.4 to 4.3 so I don't know how to do option 2 at this point.
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Yeah, I think you are right. Can't go back to 4.3 once you have the 4.4 bootloader, my bad. I wonder if you should do a factory reset to see if that clears up your issues.
daniel4653 said:
You're correct with not being able to go back to mk2 4.3 via Odin.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
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Is there some other way of downgrading? What about going back to Cyanogen's full release?
Well that sucks that you can't go back to 4.3
I had the same issues when I updated and was kinda pissed at it to but a factory reset and it been running way better ever since and I'm rooted with xposed installed and no complaints
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
sponge14 said:
I went Cyanogen at one point, didn't like it, and flashed back to stock. When the OTA hit I was rooted but had made no changes from stock, not even an uninstall of a Samsung app. I am backing things up now to flash the NAE again, but I want a version without this Knox garbage in it. Is there such thing?
I read that you can't flash back with Odin from 4.4 to 4.3 so I don't know how to do option 2 at this point.
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I believe once KNOX Bootloader has been installed, your stuck with it. No going back.
But honestly, if you root 4.4, your gonna void KNOX.
lawmangrant said:
I believe once KNOX Bootloader has been installed, your stuck with it. No going back.
But honestly, if you root 4.4, your gonna void KNOX.
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I don't want Knox on my phone at all, it's garbage for me. Are you saying I can't even go Cyanogen at this point?
sponge14 said:
I don't want Knox on my phone at all, it's garbage for me. Are you saying I can't even go Cyanogen at this point?
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You can still have all that. KNOX is just the warrantly flag I have KNOX on mine, but I still have rooted and flashed other roms.
lawmangrant said:
You can still have all that. KNOX is just the warrantly flag I have KNOX on mine, but I still have rooted and flashed other roms.
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Ah OK, I don't care about the warranty, it's out in April anyways... Looks like I need to try Cyanogen again, hopefully it's better this time.
i have gone back to 4.3 with odin.....use odin 1.85.....*First flash the mk2 modem or it will fail**.....why? i dont know...
so here is what i do....1) Odin first the mk2 modem...2) Odin stock Mk2 rom...3) Odin philz latest recovery...4) boot into recovery..goto philz settings and tap " re-root....5) reboot and enjoy.....
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
chris-allen said:
i have gone back to 4.3 with odin.....use odin 1.85.....*First flash the mk2 modem or it will fail**.....why? i dont know...
so here is what i do....1) Odin first the mk2 modem...2) Odin stock Mk2 rom...3) Odin philz latest recovery...4) boot into recovery..goto philz settings and tap " re-root....5) reboot and enjoy.....
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
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You're saying your bootloader went back to MK2 after this? Didn't think that was possible. I've had nothing but stupid little issues myself after using Odin to flash the phone to NAE. I've done factory resets... Completely wiped the phone in Philz. Tried KToonsez kernel as well and stock NAE just sux! I'll probably just flash Liquid Smooth back on it, was only trying to stick with stock NAE for stability and camera , that phone is my girls and she doesn't have the patience for all the bugs that come with custom Roms lol
Anyways just want to confirm that with you. Thanks
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
chris-allen said:
i have gone back to 4.3 with odin.....use odin 1.85.....*First flash the mk2 modem or it will fail**.....why? i dont know...
so here is what i do....1) Odin first the mk2 modem...2) Odin stock Mk2 rom...3) Odin philz latest recovery...4) boot into recovery..goto philz settings and tap " re-root....5) reboot and enjoy.....
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
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I don't know if that is possible for those of us rocking triband. Obviously we cannot use the Mk2 modem or rom. In any event, I upgraded to 4.4.2 on my new L720T and regretted it, but now I'v" managed to install twrp and rooted it and the rom settled down after a few days. At first, horrible battery use but now its amazing. My battery reads 75 percent after 14 hours and that's quite good enough. The only issue I still face is the SD card thing, but that only seems to apply third party software as I can move files directly from internal to external memory using the stock files app that comes with android.
i dont know about triband. i dont have one and im not going to pretend im a smart dev because thats also not true.. i HAVE ODIN 4.4.2 THEN turned around and ODIN 4.3 due to something i didnt not sure if it changes the bootloader or not, i dont even check. i have only tried this with mk2 to nae.. when i purchesed my device it came with mk2 so i have never tinkerd with the other bootloaders. if you have something other then mk2 id ask a dev befor doing anything. like i said it works for me as long as i flash the modem FIRST that corrisponds to the build. ( mk2 or nae )...and in some cases if the wifi is borked on nae, iv had to flash the modem again after instalation of the rom.. i cant explain why any of this happens....
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chris-allen said:
i dont know about triband. i dont have one and im not going to pretend im a smart dev because thats also not true.. i HAVE ODIN 4.4.2 THEN turned around and ODIN 4.3 due to something i didnt not sure if it changes the bootloader or not, i dont even check. i have only tried this with mk2 to nae.. when i purchesed my device it came with mk2 so i have never tinkerd with the other bootloaders. if you have something other then mk2 id ask a dev befor doing anything. like i said it works for me as long as i flash the modem FIRST that corrisponds to the build. ( mk2 or nae )...and in some cases if the wifi is borked on nae, iv had to flash the modem again after instalation of the rom.. i cant explain why any of this happens....
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda app-developers app
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Lol I know what you mean... Sometimes things just seem to work or they don't.
But that's interesting you can go back to mk2 after being on nae. I figured that was not possible. But if you didn't get any fails in Odin while downgrading that's great. Maybe I'll get ballsy and try this later.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Is there a stock 4.4 Rom out there I can try, preferably one without Knox? Sprint has recommended that I unroot, that they have a tech bulletin where rooted phones have wifi, and other issues.
sponge14 said:
Is there a stock 4.4 Rom out there I can try, preferably one without Knox? Sprint has recommended that I unroot, that they have a tech bulletin where rooted phones have wifi, and other issues.
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You have a link to that bulletin??
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Mistertac said:
You have a link to that bulletin??
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No that's just what the escalated Tech Support person from Oklahoma City told me.
I also just wiped the cache and did a factory reset and still have the same wifi problem...
Hey guys was hoping to get a little help. I am currently running foxhound 4.1 on my S4. The baseband version is I9505XXUFNA5. Its OS 4.4.2. In the process of flashing this rom according to the instructions on the dev thread said i had to flash a different bootloader and modem before flashing the rom. This process worked fine and i have been running without issue. Work has now decided that they want everyone on Android 4.3 so we can use apps they made to make our job easier so i need to go back to 4.3. I attempted this last night and when i try to flash a 4.3 rom via cwm it returns an error saying that the bootloader is the incorrect one and fails and i have to reinstall foxhound again to make the phone usable. Any one know how i go about getting back to 4.3 or where to get the correct bootloader and modem so i can flash them via odin and then install Androind 4.3? Any help would be very much appreciated.
Cheers Jeff
Nobody can downgrade from 4.4.2
WTF really?? Cant i flash 4.3 bootloader and modem and then go back to 4.3?
Artriel said:
WTF really?? Cant i flash 4.3 bootloader and modem and then go back to 4.3?
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Nope not at this stage cannot downgrade to older bootloader, sorry.
The best you can do is install a 4.3 custom rom. Try an echoe rom, version 12.1 the final bean I think should do.
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