S4 sound stopped working Sound - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hello my friends, the sound of my S4 stopped after update attempt.
it happened like this.
I was with ROM 4.4.2 (google edition) working normally, when I had the bad idea to go back to stock rom 4.3 (here in Brazil).
But it still fails, downloaded the rom SamMobile site.
I tried to install the rom by odin, doing as I always do.
I made the necessary wypes before the procedure and started the installation. but without success. an error occurred in part (Get PIT for mapping .. There + is + the + PIT + partition)
I tried to install the German rom, it installed but the device was too slow, then redid the procedure and returned to Google rom edition. this when already installed and running showed the following errors:
Does not play and does not capture sound!
No record (but opens the camera)
Lock applications requiring Sound
can someone help me?
Sorry for the google english!!!



Hello there. I was wonder about about Darkys ROM so I have installed 9.5 successfully (thanks to noobish giude).
1) I have upgraded from official Samsung I9000 galaxy S (2.2) to 9.5 ROM + Dark core 1.4.
It gave perfect result - fast and stable.
2) then I did upgrade to ROM 10.1 with help of noob guide (recovery mode, no clean, update via zip file as before, disabled lag etc.). It was successfull too, BUT after install I restarted as in last instruction of upgrade and it has come:
Look at this screen in ATTACH please.
If I let it be it will boot up fine but:
1) it appears randomly inside of system (mostly when sliding notification bar up and down).
2) I cannot see recovery mode (its in there but it looks like it cannot work with display until initialization of system)
Anyone can help me please?
So its solved thanks to user ceriko on official darkyrom.com.
//sorry for unfinished name of post (I am unable to edit it)
Bootloader problem. I had the same thing when I first flashed GB.

[S7710] Unable to fully restore ROM, minor android fault.

Hello, I flashed my S7710 ( skoomer, galaxy xcover 2 ) with CM 10.2. Everything was perfectly fine. Unfortunately, one night I had to have a fatal error during sleep as Android ( app ).
My phone was turning on and off during charging and while connected to pc. I solved it and flashed it once again. It was unstable and crashed few times so I flashed an original ( firmware ) ROM.
Unfortunately, I still got this screen (attached) after turning my phone on. ( just for 3-4 secs ) It disappeares and phone boots normally ( almost because I got small lags during booting, both sound and animation ), starting with samsung logo. Got similar f*ck-ups while getting to recovery but it's not permanent and overall I get to the destination point which is recovery menu.
I would like to know, what should I do with this. Can't find three files rom to this model. ( with pit to re parition it - don't know if it will help but still worth to try ) . I've done all wipes etc. I flashed everything with odin, except CM 10.2 witch had to be installed from recovery.
What's more, this gray-like screen changes a bit if there is another ROM. What I mean is that there are more colorful pixels in the background now that there were on CM 10.2 .
i had the exact same problem. The problem is solved by flashing via odin a stock rom with pitfile and csc file, too. Unfortunately for my device, althought i fixed that error, i lost the touchscreen response. Dont know if it's a software error or a hardware one. If you're still looking i could find it.

Videos and Calling stuck problem

I have a very strange problem:
On my galaxy S4 I9505 android version 4.3 if there is a video player available then the app goes stuck, the apps:
- Youtube
- Facebook (app and browser)
- Browser
The videoscreen stays black and the app goes stuck for a while, the video will never play.
The other similair problem if someone call me or if I want to call someone the phone got stuck as well.
I already tried:
- wipe data and cache / factory settings
- wipe full data to install new rom in philz touch recovery
- Install new rom (4.4 and custom 5.0 lollipop)
The problem remains..
Everything else works perfect but this are 2 important thing what needs to work.
Someone have a Idea?
Important to report: I was on custom lollipop and I downgrade it with the downgrade files on this topic because 4.3 has mirrorlink support for my new car.
That problems appears when you try to downgrade your device. Reflash stock android 4.4.2 and your problems will be gone :highfive:
Thanks! Tried a few times to flash it back to this stock rom and 4 times failed! Used differtent versions of odin. 3.09, 3.07, 3.04 and some older one 1.85 or something.
I stopped for a half hour (Phone turned off half hour) tried it again and it worked. Very strange but it works.
Thanks very much!

Samsung S5 SM-G900F Keeps Rebooting + video

Hello all,
I am having Samsung S5 SM-G900F which after an update to Lollipop is constantly rebooting. The phone reaches the inital setup pages (Set Language, Wi-Fi, Account etc) but the android applications fail one by one with windowses popping up:
- android.phone.process stopped
- Email has stopped
- com.google.processes location stopped
- NFC stopped
- Google Play stopped
till the phone reboots and again.
1. I have tried factory reset/clear cache - nothing
2. I have reinstalled the Lollipop rom via odin but unfortunately same result.
3. I have downgraded to Kitkat but same on Kitkat.
4. I tried to repartition nand via odin - seems can't. I don't know how.
I have no other ideas. Appreciate any help reviving my device.
ddabcd285 said:
Hello am,
I am having with a Samsung S5 SM-G900F which after an update to Lollipop keeps rebooting. The phone reaches the inital setup pages (Set Language, Wi-Fi, Account etc) but the android applications fail one by one with windowses popping up:
- android.phone.process stopped
- Email has stopped
- com.google.processes location stopped
- NFC stopped
- Google Play stopped
till it reboots and again.
1. I have tried factory reset/clear cache - nothing
2. I have reinstalled the Lollipop rom via odin but unfortunately same result.
3. I have tried to downgrade to Kitkat but same on Kitkat.
4. I tried to repartition nand via odin - seems can't. I don't know how.
I have no other ideas. Appreciate any help reviving my device.
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i had the same problem... then i replace the battery now its working fine for me.
Thank you umarmasroor! I will try the phone with a new battery and I will post if this has solve the problem.
Just tested the phone with a new battery. Same thing. Maybe I should seek a speciallized help from a service center? Any other ideas?

"firmware upgrade encountered an issue" on background after cm12.1 boot

Hi, i have the i9301i and i've installed CM12 unofficial rom latest version with everything done by the book:
I had original modified samsung 4.3 rom,
Using latest TWRP i've done complete format, data and cache wipes, install the rom 'cm-12-20150422-UNOFFICIAL-s3ve3g' and pico gapps.
After successful boot, I'm getting a contest background notification "“Firmware upgrade encountered issue” and it's locked to the background. I've tried to take a screenshot of it but i cannot: while taking a screenshot it captures only the actual screen but not the message. If you want to imagine, think about the non OEM message that microsoft is putting to non genuine windows background. The rom is operating normally without problem but this issue is extremely annoying.
I've tried to put the device in download mode - the same hidden message on the background is appeared even there!
Any idea for solution? Has anyone got the same issue before?
dannee2016 said:
Hi, i have the i9301i and i've installed CM12 unofficial rom latest version with everything done by the book:
I had original modified samsung 4.3 rom,
Using latest TWRP i've done complete format, data and cache wipes, install the rom 'cm-12-20150422-UNOFFICIAL-s3ve3g' and pico gapps.
After successful boot, I'm getting a contest background notification "“Firmware upgrade encountered issue” and it's locked to the background. I've tried to take a screenshot of it but i cannot: while taking a screenshot it captures only the actual screen but not the message. If you want to imagine, think about the non OEM message that microsoft is putting to non genuine windows background. The rom is operating normally without problem but this issue is extremely annoying.
I've tried to put the device in download mode - the same hidden message on the background is appeared even there!
Any idea for solution? Has anyone got the same issue before?
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Try re-flash the Latest stock rom via odin or use the emergency firmware recovery via kies
Then flash the latest TWRP by Rox
Finally flash the Cm 12.1 20151111 latest build by rox
Press the thanks button if i helped you
