S4 GT-i9505 random reboots and freezes - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys, i'm from venezuela. this is my first post in xDa Developers. I speak spanish and I speak a little english. So If I write something confused already you all know the reason why. I open one post here because im having a seriously trouble my with smartphone samsung Galaxy S4 GT-i9505. since i bought im having random reboots and freezes. without matter what i do on the phone. it just reboots without any reason. I have made all what i could make looking for the solution but the random reboots and freezes continues.
I bought one new battery because someone told me that could be the solution but isn't. I update to the lastest version of official firmware through odin but my trouble continue.
i installed one custom ROM but that isn't the solution, I do wipes data and factory and wipes caches, i do hard reset factory. and any of those are the solution. Im really really mad with my trouble. i uninstalled all my apps and the reboots continues, i locked all the samsung and google synchronizations but it doesn't the solution.
yesterday i enter to safe mode in my S4 and my phone doesn't reboot never. when i return to normal mode just having the BBM and WhatsApp apps installed , my S4 getting back to reboot but this time it late very much time to reboot (i think 6 hours without reboots)
please guys i need your help, im talking seriously. thank you... and sorry if i wrote something wrong ( i don't speak english)


[Q] i9505 Constant hangs and reboots

Recently I bought a Galaxy S4 i9505, But from the start I started running into problems Random restarts, Hangs, errors even after reinstalling several Stock/Custom roms, Formats, Re-Partitions no luck.
I have came to a conclusion that this might be a hardware issue. Now i would like to figure out which component can be causing the issue.
Will changing the motherboard rescue the device ?
Same problem, but only then device is charging... any advice here?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
S4 No sound, reboots when trying to access ringtone
It is now really getting to my nerves, I have updated to Lollipop and now back to Kitkat and the problem is same. There has been nothing done physically to the phone so still i am pretty sure that this is related to the software but the porblem is that the ringtones are not working, when i am trying to call people i cannot hear them and they cannot hear me, camera is super slow and when i am trying to come out of all this the phone reboots and at times gets stuck at the samsung logo.
Please do not suggest to do factory reset, cache cleat etc because i have done all this and still the issue is not resolved. Please please if any expert could bail me out here !!! seriously need your help !!!

Huge problem S4 not working anymore..

So this is my sad story..
I bought a second hand Samsung S4 (i337M Telcel) Unlocked, the day i got it, i tested in front of the seller everything was nice and smooth.. So i payed..
I was very excited and i proceed to make the Root proccess, at beginning i was having issues with the drivers and Odin, then i was able to fix it..
Anyways long story short i ended up with the ROOT, CYANOGENMOD CM11, and PHILZ 6.. The first day was working fine my cellphone.. (I must say i rooted in my life at least 4 devices even an S4 i9500 all of then with success and not a single problem.. Using them form months and even gears.. The latest was a Moto E..)
Ok so the i337M was working good since the first morning with the root, but in the afternoon it just turned off one time.. Was weird but i didnt pay much atention..
The second day i was listening music and suddenly it turned off, and since then the cellphone is not able to keep on for more than 10min..
Some times i can load the complete OS and ofter 2 min it turn off sometimes at the Samsung S4 logo turn off something i must say is that the Device every single time i turn it on, on the Samsung S4 screen says "kernel is not seandroid enforcing" in red letters, some people say it happens when the root process is not made correctly some says it normal because its rooted..
I already installed from Odin the Stock ROM from SamMobile, and the problem is exactly the same.. A friend of mine told me it could be the Logic Card AKA Motherboard.. But i want to believe its just a software problem.. Cuz' before i rooted cellphone was working..
- Download mode: Works like a charm not a single problem and basically its the only way i keep trying different options to install on the phone..
- Discovery mode: With CWM sometimes works good, sometimes it just turn off, with Philz runs good not turning off or something and its how i was able to wipe data, cache, dalvik, factory reset to the cellphone..
Im thinking in starting over like pretending i didnt do anything to the cellphone, try again the root, the rom, the PHILZ (dont know how to call it).. and hope for the best..
Any advice or reliable links where i can download the correct files for my S4 i337M.. You are basically the last reliable source i have to fix my S4 if you give up with me, then i must admit my cellphone has passed away ..
Hope you can help me thanks in advance and have an excellent day!!:laugh::good:
The first troubleshooting step (to determine if the issue is hardware or firmware related) is to flash back to stock with Odin. Since you have completed this step and find that the problem is still present, this suggests that it is a hardware problem.
I have seen a custom kernel cause sleep of death, which makes the phone appear to have turned off. But in those cases, flashing the stock kernel fixed the problem.
Perhaps you should see if you can return the phone to the seller for a full refund.
creepyncrawly said:
The first troubleshooting step (to determine if the issue is hardware or firmware related) is to flash back to stock with Odin. Since you have completed this step and find that the problem is still present, this suggests that it is a hardware problem.
I have seen a custom kernel cause sleep of death, which makes the phone appear to have turned off. But in those cases, flashing the stock kernel fixed the problem.
Perhaps you should see if you can return the phone to the seller for a full refund.
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Thanks for your reply.. I still dont know how but with Philz recovery, i was able to make a full wipe, i mean it deletes everything every single folder previously made was erased, and i can tell you that because i have a folder called ROOM where i places my ROM, Kernel, etc.. So i can flash them in discovery..
So i erased everything and then proceeded to install via Odin the Stock Rom and guess what it works like a charm, not a single problem.. So, so far the cellphone is ok.. I tested for two hrs.. Now i tried to install a custom ROM and its doesnt load from the Samsung S4 screen jaja... But im still having acces to discovery and download mode so thats ok..
Just two advices.. Never ever download files from Youtube ****y links.. Always go to the source.. Youtubers are assholes.. Real help and information comes from real people that knows what they are talking about like this forum and also updated and real ROM's come from the main source not Mega o Linkbucks...
Other advice embrace your self to do it.. Study every single question you have in Android, from KERNEL to ROM and ROOT.. Isn't that difficult..
One more question, Which ROM with Lollipop would you suggest to install i have the i337M?
SUNDR1V3R said:
So i erased everything and then proceeded to install via Odin the Stock Rom and guess what it works like a charm, not a single problem.. So, so far the cellphone is ok.. I tested for two hrs.. Now i tried to install a custom ROM and its doesnt load from the Samsung S4 screen jaja... But im still having acces to discovery and download mode so thats ok..]
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May I make a suggestion? Now that you have the phone working, can you possibly just use it for a week without doing anything to it? Don't try to root it or do anything other than text, make phone calls, and install a few programs. This will establish a baseline of behavior for your device, so you'll be able to tell when its behavior is out of the ordinary.
I understand your desire to make it your own. I got my S4 brand new from AT&T and said that I would wait at least a month before rooting it or changing roms, in case there was a problem and needed to return it. I had good intentions, but I couldn't stand it anymore and rooted it after only 3 days! It will take a lot of patience, but you really need to use it for more than a few hours to make sure that the hardware is okay.
I agree take baby steps, week stock, week root, week recovery. Figure out if its hardware or one of the steps is causing it.

SM910F Note 4 5.1.1 Random Freezes and Restarts

Hello there xda.
I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 SM910F.
So what is happening to my phone is that whenever I am in any random app lets say reddit or even chrome for example. It will like freeze for a minute or two and then unfreeze.
In more extreme cases it will reboot.
So this happened randomly because I flashed a Stock unbloated 5.1.1 ROM from here back in december and everything was working smoothly and stuff. I had xposed installed and all my apps. Then in February it started with this random freeze/reboot. I had not installed anything else apart from what I had for the last 3 months.
So I restarted the phone, changed the battery and stuff to see whether that will fix it. However it didn't. So I formatted the phone (the soft type) just so I can install another ROM. So I tried another ROM, flashed the correct CP and BL and stuff and then just installed chrome and whatsapp. After an hour or two the same thing happened. So this time I factory reset he phone, like a complete wipe and I installed the unbloated ROM once again with few apps. Same thing happened...
So my last resort was to install Cyonagen Mod. After an hour or two same thing happened...
I don't know what is the problem. I read about some peoples phones emmc failing and thus the freezing, but I am not sure yet.
Please could you guys explain what I should do to fix this?
Thank in advance!
I have the same problem. Starting on mid january. I'm on stock 5.1.1 with root and twrp recovery
Tried backup and factory reset
I went back to stock after I factory reset the phone. And still had the same problems.
People say that its a hardware problem... So I guess I'll have to send it back to Samsung soon.
I think I tripped the knox. I just have to unroot and get it back once again to stock and send it back. I hope that they accept it.
i have the same problem. my model is SM-N910W8 and I bought it from 2nd hand, so no receipt and no prove of purchase.
can I still send it back to samsung to fix it?
same problem as you and now my phone died completely .
my phone was 4 months and he has not supported any longer he died naturally lol.
my operator gave me another free under warranty because the phone had a faulty motherboard and after several back galaxy note 4
This started happening to me a week or so ago and my phone just got stuck in a boot loop after it froze and rebooted. I'm on the latest stock firmware. Tried factory reset, reflashed stock firmware, nothing helps. It still reboots (sometimes it almost gets booted completely, other times it reboots after 2 seconds.
Just disable finger print. Yes that magic feature offered by Samsung is causing more hungry that happiness since S5
EclipseX said:
Just disable finger print. Yes that magic feature offered by Samsung is causing more hungry that happiness since S5
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Many thanks. This was driving me mad for a few days, I had tried three different ROMS, completely wiping everything. I eventually went back to stock, which I'm still running and it was the same; it would run fine for a few hours and then start to lock up until eventually it would either reboot or stop responding and I'd have to pull the battery to restart it.
Just not selecting fingerprint security doesn't work, you have to force stop "Fingerprints" in Application Manager (All).
just do not setup the finger print lol. I was having those problemes too when I bought the note 4 until someone tell "do not setup the finger print" lol, not I'm a happy user.... I hope that android 6.0.1 solve the probleme
HXOY said:
Many thanks. This was driving me mad for a few days, I had tried three different ROMS, completely wiping everything. I eventually went back to stock, which I'm still running and it was the same; it would run fine for a few hours and then start to lock up until eventually it would either reboot or stop responding and I'd have to pull the battery to restart it.
Just not selecting fingerprint security doesn't work, you have to force stop "Fingerprints" in Application Manager (All).
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EclipseX said:
just do not setup the finger print lol. I was having those problemes too when I bought the note 4 until someone tell "do not setup the finger print" lol, not I'm a happy user.... I hope that android 6.0.1 solve the probleme
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Spoke too soon, it's started rebooting itself again.
Same problems here since 2 days. I was on original 5.1.1 software... Very strange all those people with the same problems
did the problem was resolved ? started to have the same problem 3 days ago ! was on 6- flashed stock with full wipe..nothing ! downgraded to 5.1 with full wipe via odin...again nothing !
WTF [email protected]!
Davids said:
did the problem was resolved ? started to have the same problem 3 days ago ! was on 6- flashed stock with full wipe..nothing ! downgraded to 5.1 with full wipe via odin...again nothing !
WTF [email protected]!
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Still having the same issue around the same time everyone else started experiencing it.
I also was rooted and had xposed installed on 4.4.4 before the issue started happening.
Try the solution provided here & report back..

Lenovo A6000Plus Bootloop problem (Unrooted device)

Good day everyone, i am going to report my delicate and infuriating problem that has been haunting my head for two months
I'll describe my problem in extreme detail, hoping you guys able to identify this disaster.
My android phone is Lenovo A6000 Plus, i've bought it 2 years ago and it's running on latest Lollipop version 5.1.1 I never alter the system files, since i only use my phone for games and communications, and i'm not really into tinkering android's software. so i use my phone like a normal person, do the updates when the settings asked me, update the apps, etc. and this phone running smoothly in my service. i wanted to ask both WISDOM and HELP in this thread.
1. The Bootloop disaster symptoms started on april 2018, when the phone boot SLOWLY AS HELL, seriously.. it took about 1-2 hours to boot, and it also shows the (ANDROID IS UPGRADING 0/132 apps) like wtf? , i haven't update or install any new android apps before this symptom happened. So i leave my phone plugged in and wait it to complete the upgrade; then it worked normally as it should. Unfortunately, it happened EVERYTIME i turn my phone on, EVERY SINGLE TIME.. T_T. so i struggled to avoid my phone from running out from battery as i can. This symptom happened for 3 weeks and it got from bad to worse. I wonder what kind of problem is this?
2. The worse part came when my phone is running at high RAM usage, let's say, i game on my phone alot in my spare time, using the ram up to 1800mb everytime i play game or open chrome browser (Lenovo A6000 plus have 2GB ram). When i close/task manager the apps, my phone launcher wont appear normally as it should (long pressing bottom left button) and it FORCED me to restart the phone and suffer the 1-2 hour LONG BOOT. That's unusual, i cleaned my phone regularly (using cleanmaster) and preserve both of my internal and external storage with 3-4GB free space. I wonder what kind of curse is this?
3. So the bootloop disaster finally got me this May when i turn my phone off and tried to reboot. And... no Android is upgrading 0/132 showed up, i waited for 4 hours and reboot my phone again and again and again. And its finally STRANDED on BOOTLOOP :crying:
Im on panic mode when problem 3 happened, then i searched the almighty Google for help, and found that i can backup my data with TWRP recovery, so i do as it said, followed the guides and BACKED UP all of my data.
For once i felt relieved my data is now saved. Now onto the main problem.
I've had enough of this problem so i format the phone into factory reset, wipe the Dalvik ****s, cache, system and data. All of it. thus, making my phone virgin again.
4. Now im trying to resurrect my phone, and tried my effort by downloading Stock Lollipop 5.1.1 OS again along with its prerequisites. I tried to zip-install it using TWRP but it said that "has not switched carriers and cannot be upgraded" i scratched my head and searched almighty Google again then found that i need to do ####6430### thingy before doing that. umm.. so my phone domain need to be changed, how can i do that with a phone who can't boot? (I'm from Singapore btw). What did i do wrong?? did my phone just turned into useless BRICK? but i've read that bricked phone can't even start the recovery, yet my phone still able to start either with Lollipop stock recovery or TWRP (if i adb fastboot it with adb tools from .cmd), so it's not totally fuc.. uh., BRICKED and i got the chance to fix it.
So, Guys.. i desperately need help. i'm a peon both in work and college, and a dead phone will not make a great company for a person like me.
I searched for enlightments and breakthroughs but always ended up failed resurrecting my phone, can you guys PLEASE :crying: tell/give me a SAFE and WORKING walkthrough to re-install my Lenovo A6000 Plus with Lollipop 5.1.1? And does it running a custom OS like those Cynadrogen thingy is good and worthy enough to speed up my phone? is the chances of getting bricked is unavoidable when running custom OS? I thought its going to be easy like reinstalling Windows, but i was wrong.
FYI, my phone now is UNROOTED and running on TWRP 3.0.2 and i can easily revert it back to Lollipop stock recovery if needed (does it considered rooting if i install custom recovery?) I also need a valid info if my phone would never turn like this again if i resurrect it again.
THANK YOU.. ! :highfive:
sevenvoldizm said:
Good day everyone, i am going to report my delicate and infuriating problem that has been haunting my head for two months
I'll describe my problem in extreme detail, hoping you guys able to identify this disaster.
My android phone is Lenovo A6000 Plus, i've bought it 2 years ago and it's running on latest Lollipop version 5.1.1 I never alter the system files, since i only use my phone for games and communications, and i'm not really into tinkering android's software. so i use my phone like a normal person, do the updates when the settings asked me, update the apps, etc. and this phone running smoothly in my service. i wanted to ask both WISDOM and HELP in this thread.
1. The Bootloop disaster symptoms started on april 2018, when the phone boot SLOWLY AS HELL, seriously.. it took about 1-2 hours to boot, and it also shows the (ANDROID IS UPGRADING 0/132 apps) like wtf? , i haven't update or install any new android apps before this symptom happened. So i leave my phone plugged in and wait it to complete the upgrade; then it worked normally as it should. Unfortunately, it happened EVERYTIME i turn my phone on, EVERY SINGLE TIME.. T_T. so i struggled to avoid my phone from running out from battery as i can. This symptom happened for 3 weeks and it got from bad to worse. I wonder what kind of problem is this?
2. The worse part came when my phone is running at high RAM usage, let's say, i game on my phone alot in my spare time, using the ram up to 1800mb everytime i play game or open chrome browser (Lenovo A6000 plus have 2GB ram). When i close/task manager the apps, my phone launcher wont appear normally as it should (long pressing bottom left button) and it FORCED me to restart the phone and suffer the 1-2 hour LONG BOOT. That's unusual, i cleaned my phone regularly (using cleanmaster) and preserve both of my internal and external storage with 3-4GB free space. I wonder what kind of curse is this?
3. So the bootloop disaster finally got me this May when i turn my phone off and tried to reboot. And... no Android is upgrading 0/132 showed up, i waited for 4 hours and reboot my phone again and again and again. And its finally STRANDED on BOOTLOOP :crying:
Im on panic mode when problem 3 happened, then i searched the almighty Google for help, and found that i can backup my data with TWRP recovery, so i do as it said, followed the guides and BACKED UP all of my data.
For once i felt relieved my data is now saved. Now onto the main problem.
I've had enough of this problem so i format the phone into factory reset, wipe the Dalvik ****s, cache, system and data. All of it. thus, making my phone virgin again.
4. Now im trying to resurrect my phone, and tried my effort by downloading Stock Lollipop 5.1.1 OS again along with its prerequisites. I tried to zip-install it using TWRP but it said that "has not switched carriers and cannot be upgraded" i scratched my head and searched almighty Google again then found that i need to do ####6430### thingy before doing that. umm.. so my phone domain need to be changed, how can i do that with a phone who can't boot? (I'm from Singapore btw). What did i do wrong?? did my phone just turned into useless BRICK? but i've read that bricked phone can't even start the recovery, yet my phone still able to start either with Lollipop stock recovery or TWRP (if i adb fastboot it with adb tools from .cmd), so it's not totally fuc.. uh., BRICKED and i got the chance to fix it.
So, Guys.. i desperately need help. i'm a peon both in work and college, and a dead phone will not make a great company for a person like me.
I searched for enlightments and breakthroughs but always ended up failed resurrecting my phone, can you guys PLEASE :crying: tell/give me a SAFE and WORKING walkthrough to re-install my Lenovo A6000 Plus with Lollipop 5.1.1? And does it running a custom OS like those Cynadrogen thingy is good and worthy enough to speed up my phone? is the chances of getting bricked is unavoidable when running custom OS? I thought its going to be easy like reinstalling Windows, but i was wrong.
FYI, my phone now is UNROOTED and running on TWRP 3.0.2 and i can easily revert it back to Lollipop stock recovery if needed (does it considered rooting if i install custom recovery?) I also need a valid info if my phone would never turn like this again if i resurrect it again.
THANK YOU.. ! :highfive:
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When 5.1.1 update arrived?
Okay lets get to the point. Just don't panic. You have the stock rom file, extract a file named 'system.zip'. Now go to TWRP, perform advance wipe (wipe dalvik, data, system and cache partitions) and flash that file from TWRP. You'll be on stock rom with a fresh new experience.
---------- Post added at 10:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ----------
Custom ROMs are amazing and far better than the stock lenovo rom. Believe me, no one here is using that crap stock rom. You just need some instructions to flash and your phone will get a new life. We are here to assist you.

I need help, my tablet is not working anymore.

Can anyone tell me if the tablet's battery might be responsible for it restarting itself? For example I was using it with a custom rom, and until the moment everything was working normal, and suddenly it started to restart, just by opening an application it crashes and reboots, I already tried to install the stock rom and it got worse, I could not even leave the samsung logo. I was able to install TWRP, but every time I try to reinstall the stock rom before it even starts it hangs and restarts, it has reached a point that it hangs and shuts itself. (Backup from twrp).
My tablet is the model SM -T560, I was using LineageSo 14.1 from T561. If anyone knows anything I appreciate it. The reason for the doubt is because I already took another tablet to repair and according to the technician, that could be the reason, the system was crashing, but from what I researched it was a chronic defect so I did not perform the battery replacement. Now i don't have any money to bay a new battery, and the device became an expensive paperweight.
Help please.
Hello everyone, for those who are in a similar situation, in which the tablet can not open an application without it restarting, reinstalling the stock rom and it keeps crashing and restarting, tried everything via software and did nothing for nothing. The battery arrived today and I'm testing to see if the problem solved and so far everything seems okay, I hope I can help with something.
marcelo010 said:
Hello everyone, for those who are in a similar situation, in which the tablet can not open an application without it restarting, reinstalling the stock rom and it keeps crashing and restarting, tried everything via software and did nothing for nothing. The battery arrived today and I'm testing to see if the problem solved and so far everything seems okay, I hope I can help with something.
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Uhm Yeah you can help with something, Sorry I wasn't a member when this was posted. Do you by any chance have the CM12.1 Custom ROM for the SM-T561? it's okay If you only have one for the SM-T560
