[Q] sahred connection wifi is bloking internet (tethering) - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am struggling with an issue regarding tethering on my nexus 4 stock.
First, I have a plan for tethering with provider.
When I turn on the shared connection via WIFI, I am not able to connect to internet from my device, even if the device is not connected to my PC. If i turn on the shared connection via usb or bluetooth, i can then use itnernet on my phone. It looks like an issue between tethering and wifi.
Other issue is i can not get a bluetooth tethering or even USB. I am stock with this issue for days and was unable to find any answer in the forum.

Your question is not really clear, (or I'm too stupid to get it), because your last sentence contradict the previous one.
Anyway, Tethering allows you to share your Mobile Internet with other WIFI capable devices. This is a quick guide on how to do it. Note that you cannot use the wifi on your phone while tethering, you have to use Bluetooth tethering or USB tethering, if that is the case. Here is a guide from google.
And just out of curiosity which version of android are your phone currently running? Because there was some reported tethering problems on 4.4.2


Can't tether!

Just that. Wifi or USB tether doesn't function. The phone says it's connected, but the laptop says no network connection.
There any replacement apps that might help? I flashed the latest radio and that fixed a GPS problem I was having, but didn't fix the tether. Suggestions?
Its not clear, were you able to tether before, and now you've lost that function. Or is this the first time you've tried it?
If its the first time, ATT has blocked this function with the intent that you pay for the extra tethering fee.
But a simple reg edit works around this:
Also, there is a free WiFi sharing app on this site, if you do a search. There are also paid apps, like Walking Hotspot, that also work.
Keep in mind, tethering without the tethering plan is a violation of ATT's terms and conditions. They reserve the right to levy big per kb fees or cancel your service.
That said, I've done it from time to time while on business trips (no excessive data usage), and its never been a problem.
I'm an idiot, I forgot to update my sig. I'm not running stock anymore, sorry. I actually forgot which rom I switched to, but it was one of the lighter ones. had wifi router, office, and everything basic on there though. What option do I have if I don't remember which ROM I used?
The custom ROMs I've used (Energy, simplicity) support tethering by default without any modification or settings to change. Or the WiFi router will basically do the same thing.
I still don't know if you have been able to tether before, and suddenly can't; or this is you first time attempting it.
If its something you've been able to do before, some computers can be finicky (for no very ovious reason) with the Internet Sharing function. Try a different USB port, or to reboot your system. Also, you need to have Active Sync installed on your computer (or Windows Mobile Device Center, in the case of Vista or Windows 7). This was a big "duh" moment for me one time. I was trying to get tethering up on my work laptop. Then I realized that I had never installed Active Sync since my work gave me a new laptop.
Tether/Internet Sharing via Bluetooth should also work, if you computer has Bluetooth.
I apologize again. With this ROM I've never been able to tether, and I just reinstalled windows and installed activesync. I can do activesync and file transfers and everything else. What else can I do? Maybe it's a driver issue between windows and the phone? I'unno.
This is what happens.
lordxiagan said:
Just that. Wifi or USB tether doesn't function. The phone says it's connected, but the laptop says no network connection.
There any replacement apps that might help? I flashed the latest radio and that fixed a GPS problem I was having, but didn't fix the tether. Suggestions?
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Ok, if you connect to the internet from the phone, and once connected you then hooked it in the PC, then you wont be able to connect tether. So turn off any phone internet connection, and then hooked it up to the PC , then connect.
I don't think he is talking about being connected to the internet. When you start Internet Sharing, it will say on the phone whether its connected to the PC over USB, or not. That is what I think the OP is talking about.
just update your rom... go to one of the energy roms that has wifi sharing built in and you'll be ready to go.
Probably the easiest thing you can do to get this working.
What I'm trying to....
redpoint73 said:
I don't think he is talking about being connected to the internet. When you start Internet Sharing, it will say on the phone whether its connected to the PC over USB, or not. That is what I think the OP is talking about.
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What I'm trying to explain is that, if you have data running in your cell before connecting IS, and connect it to the PC it wont tether, you need to first end Data Connection, connect IS and then HOOK THE USB to the PC.

[Qx2] Tethering Questions (TV/Bluetooth)

First the primary question.
Can you tether a phone to a smart tv to use the phone's mobile internet connection (I'm thinking of using USB as I know it can be done by making your phone a hotspot)
Now the other one:
Does a carrier charge for the bluetooth tether like they do for the hotspot?
Now for situation clarification:
There is no Wifi in the house, no internet, no computer, and there isn't going to be. The only internet access is the phone.
Erm.... and that sums up the situation. In a cave that has cabletv,

Turning a phone into wifi router(using pc internet)

Hello, so i have a spare phone at my home but i don't have a wifi router.
I wanted to ask is it possible to turn my phone into a wifi router using my pc internet. I know that it is possible to use it as a wifi hotspot by sharing your data plan or reverse tether pc internet but that's not what i'm looking for.
As i mentioned earlier i wish it to work as a wifi router so it should be able to work as a wifi hotspot but not sharing my data plan but the reverse tethered internet from my pc.
I have an idea what you need:
1. Your Computer has to have drivers to host an USB tethering connection. So far, it only has the drivers to receive one.
2. Your mobile has to have a driver to receive an USB tethering connection. So far, it only has the drivers to host one.
Edit: This alredy exists and is called Reverse Tethering, you find it in this forum. First search, then talk...
Routing to the wifi tethering should work, if not, have a look in the Routing tables.
Sent from my Xperia SP using XDA Free mobile app
Kaffeetrinker said:
I have an idea what you need:
1. Your Computer has to have drivers to host an USB tethering connection. So far, it only has the drivers to receive one.
2. Your mobile has to have a driver to receive an USB tethering connection. So far, it only has the drivers to host one.
Edit: This alredy exists and is called Reverse Tethering, you find it in this forum. First search, then talk...
Routing to the wifi tethering should work, if not, have a look in the Routing tables.
Sent from my Xperia SP using XDA Free mobile app
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Lol you don't have to be such a jerk.
I had tried it some time ago. Otherwise i wouldn't have asked this question.
And to be sure 100% i just tried it again. Tethering part works but sharing it via wifi hotspot doesn't.(The guy who made it confirmed it doesn't work in that way, that's why i'm looking for a solution)
I tried using this method then and now too. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1371345

Hotspot Connectivity Issue

Facts: Rooted, Verizon Unlimited Data, Lollipop 5.0 BPB1
When I'm at work, college, and try to connect my laptop to the hotspot, the connection either does not happen or is disconnected/reconnects within seconds or half a second. I cannot maintain a constant connection, even when manually adding my laptop MAC address.
I have done some troubleshooting and found that the issue is not with my laptop and I only have this issue when I'm at campuses for my institution(2 campuses 40 miles apart). I have reflashed my ROM (to make sure something that might have changed was fixed) and still have this issue. I've also turned on the hotspot, ran a wifi analyzer on my laptop, and changed the broadcast channel as I saw my hotspot had the same channel as the college visitor & guest wifi, but this didn't help either. I am able to tether via USB to my computer, but would prefer to use the hotspot function as tethering uses up a USB port.
This is a very frustrating issue and any help/ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Tethering Issue

I use my phone as a dedicated modem for my pc. I used to have an S5 that did the job pretty decently, now with the S7, I can only tether for a few minutes before the internet connection is completely shut down on the pc's end, the phone keeps connecting to the internet without any issue. I then have to disable and enable the tethering back again to get it to work.
This only happens when using USB Tethering, WiFi hotspot works fine.
Any ideas ?
