Best 4.4.2 Rom? - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

What would u guys say is the best 4.4.2 Rom feature and battery life wise? I used to love paranoid android on my gnex, but I can't seem to find a 4.4.2 version for this phone. I also wanna keep the knock on feature, I love it. Thanks guys!
Sent from my VS980 4G using xda app-developers app

justin.pavsek said:
What would u guys say is the best 4.4.2 Rom feature and battery life wise? I used to love paranoid android on my gnex, but I can't seem to find a 4.4.2 version for this phone. I also wanna keep the knock on feature, I love it. Thanks guys!
Sent from my VS980 4G using xda app-developers app
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Best threads are usually frowned upon as it's really a matter of personal preference.
To answer about Paranoid, you must not have searched much/at all..

Haha sorry I'm kinda knew to the site. But thanks for your help buddy!
Sent from my VS980 4G using xda app-developers app

So under the vs980 folder on the downloads, it only shows 4.0 alpha and beta downloads. Are there any 4.4.2 roms?
Sent from my VS980 4G using xda app-developers app

Yes but they are all unstable. The Paranoid is still beta version and the Cyanogenmod is still nightlies version.
However both of them are great but for daily use the Paranoid is more stable than the Cyano.
The Cyano has also a lot of things that doesn't work good for now.

What r some good stable 4.4.2 rooms that still have the knock on feature and quick remote? And preferably pie and halo
Sent from my VS980 4G using xda app-developers app

Paranoid 4.0+

Depends on you, i like Slimkat, mahdi and paranoid, all then is very good
Sent from my LG-d802 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

justin.pavsek said:
What would u guys say is the best 4.4.2 Rom feature and battery life wise? I used to love paranoid android on my gnex, but I can't seem to find a 4.4.2 version for this phone. I also wanna keep the knock on feature, I love it. Thanks guys!
Sent from my VS980 4G using xda app-developers app
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Welcome to XDA
Please read this post....
soupmagnet said:
Hello, and welcome to the forum,
Before you click the "New Thread" or "Post Reply" buttons, please take the time to read some rules/guidelines for posting in this forum:
1) Read and follow the Forum Rules:
Plain and simple. No further explanation needed​
2) Post your message in the proper subforum (see above):
All questions, requests, and help & troubleshooting needs, go in the Q&A Help & Troubleshooting subforum, if one exists for your device, and any misplaced messages will be promptly moved to their respective location. Users that make it a habit of posting in the wrong forum will be addressed accordingly. If you're unsure of where your post or thread belongs, please read the Forum Rules again.​
3) No off-topic discussion:
While some Moderation Teams may allow some off-topic discussion and the creation of off-topic threads, we do not. There is an entire General Off-Topic forum devoted to this type of discussion and there are enough threads already available to meet anyone's off-topic needs. All off-topic threads, and posts containing off-topic discussion, will be deleted promptly and without warning. If you're concerned with the amount of off-topic discussion and misplaced questions in the Development forums, please consider making a Q&A Thread for your ROM/Kernel/Project/etc.​
4) No threads or posts asking for the best/most stable ROM/Kernel/Mod/whatever, or created for the purpose of comparing Phones/ROMs/Kernels/Mods/whatever:
These threads/posts will be deleted promptly and without warning. They have a history of causing problems due to trolls, and fanboys, along with various troublemakers, and therefore are no longer allowed. Regardless of that, there is really no way to judge whether or not a particular piece of work is better than another because it's all relative to begin with. If you want to know what piece of work is better for you, install something and try it out for a while. If you don't like it, try something else. Our Developers work hard to provide us their contributions, free of charge. Please show them the respect they deserve by trying something out and giving them your feedback.​
5) Don't ask for an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival):
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With that, here are a few great threads to help you get the most out of your experience here...please take advantage of them:
Get the most out of XDA!!
How to make a good THREAD, POST, QUESTION or POLL
Why you get short/one word answers! (The Long Answer)
How to give constructive feedback to developers
How To Logcat
GPLv2 tips for developers
Getting a moderator's help
And as always...
Thank you, and have a great day!
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General rules we should all follow

Here are some rules from the Vibrant section we should all follow.
egzthunder1 said:
This was a good meeting in General and it has covered all of the things that I had in my agenda. A few action items on our (mods) end:
1. New threads for ROM updates: Rom threads become quasi chaotic after page 100 or so. Since Chefs update most of their work often, I would suggest that chefs open a new thread for each version with a date and version number to distinguish it from the previous one (maybe even a name)
ie [ROM] 12/15/10 - Inchybrid v 1.2 - all is good now
2. Rom Review Thread: In order to minimize the clutter of the usual "what rom is best" questions, we will start a ROM thread where chefs can post a link to their roms on the first few posts and users will be able to leave reviews (not necessarily feedback), but reviews. So, when someone comes asking for the best rom, that person can be directed there.
3. Wiki update and guides (sticky): These need to be heavily updated, but will certainly be a useful tool to help people with questions.
4. Location / shape of the Report button: I will talk to the other admins and see what can be done about this one.
5. Preventing non-devs from making new threads in Dev: We are currently discussing a system for this. We will keep you posted if and when we reach a conclusion.
6. Off Topic Lounge: There will be a thread in General for you guys to blow off steam. Nothing fancy, but you can post there without having to open a new thread in OT general
Now, onto the action items results and requests from us (mods)
1. Further flaming for questions will not be tolerated. I gathered from this meeting that everyone agrees on a stance that people need not be flamed for asking anything. If there are questions in the wrong areas or simply don't feel like answering, refrain from posting and report it to us. We will move it to Q&A or General depending on the question. Building on this point, if anyone is caught flaming someone who posted in the correct section, that person will be given a vacation.
2. Rule 12 (aka Kanging): Rom chefs (no matter if they are themers or zip wizards), if they are using someone else's efforts as a base for their rom, they are to abide by Rule 12 by asking permission and posting the due credit in the opening post. Kanging will not be tolerated.
3. Donations: This was barely brushed but I feel that we reached an understanding rather quickly on this one. Chefs shall not ask for Donations to release early work.
4. Posting any kind of flaming will not be tolerated. If you feel that a post shouldn't be there, please let us know and we will take care of that.
I think this pretty much summed everything up. If I missed something, please let me know. I expect everyone to adhere to codes of conduct in this site. Thanks to all for attending.
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That would be great if the mods are able to only give thread permissions to devs. This forum needs this kind of policing, but I think more Mods could help as well, it seems like Zelendel is the only Mod that comes around here.
flashman2002 said:
That would be great if the mods are able to only give thread permissions to devs. This forum needs this kind of policing, but I think more Mods could help as well, it seems like Zelendel is the only Mod that comes around here.
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Sounds very familiar..............
Sqdnguns said:
Sounds very familiar..............
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Sweet, but I did not steal your thoughts if that is what you are meaning lol. I haven't used Perception since v4 so I had no idea you said this. But it really is a great idea and should be looked at by the Mods and Admin.
flashman2002 said:
Sweet, but I did not steal your thoughts if that is what you are meaning lol. I haven't used Perception since v4 so I had no idea you said this. But it really is a great idea and should be looked at by the Mods and Admin.
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Not at all, just glad someone else actually piped in on it.
5. Preventing non-devs from making new threads in Dev: We are currently discussing a system for this. We will keep you posted if and when we reach a conclusion.
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interesting idea.
If you do this you might consider making altering/combining the other forums slightly.
For instance
General = General / Q&A
Q & A = Development Q&A
This way non-dev with specific Development/Rom related' Q's could start threads under Dev. Q & A without cluttering up the General Q&A or the Development Threads.
bames said:
interesting idea.
If you do this you might consider making altering/combining the other forums slightly.
For instance
General = General / Q&A
Q & A = Development Q&A
This way non-dev with specific Development/Rom related' Q's could start threads under Dev. Q & A without cluttering up the General Q&A or the Development Threads.
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I've always thought something similar to this. It seems like a frequent misperception among those with posts <10 that Q&A is for those that know nothing, and the development thread is where you go if you know anything about development (and then you can also post a question there)
I for sure thought this when I first came to XDA (luckily I read the stickies which made that clear). But changing the name could help.
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Or another idea would not be to just completely lock the Dev thread to devs, but to perhaps have a minimum level of seniority/experience to post -- aka Senior members.
The reason that I say this is that there are a ton of folks that are not devs, but do post a lot of helpful troubleshooting information and/or feedback that not all the devs can answer personally. I would much rather the devs use their precious time on getting us the next version of goodness rather than answering a lot of questions.
If you do require some level of seniority (100+ posts for example) you can probably cut down on a lot of the typical questions that are repeatedly asked (and answered a few posts back) and have a much cleaner thread. It's not a perfect world, but offenders can be dealt with individually when you have a smaller pool.
Not to say that noobs shouldn't have a place to ask questions -- we were all there at one time, but we just make sure there is a different area for this -- not clogging the particular ROM thread.
I've seen several other forums and communities operate with this type of principle in high value areas. It also allows newer members to get their feet wet and contribute in other areas by posting for others if they want to post in the dev community (but lurking will always be allowed / should be encouraged).
Just my 2 cents.
I have Stuck this as I agree 100000000000%. As far as locking the the Dev section, that has been talked about and is not going to happen anytime in the near future. My suggestion is for everyone and yes that means YOU to treat everyone with respect and dignity. If someone goes off I am almost always on and read every pm so let me know as I cant be everywhere at once and I am still learning as well.
Wow great ideas, I couldn't agree more. +1
I like the idea of new post for new versions, I hope that would cut down on the flaming too due to missing a one line post on page 999 of 1200 that would answer the question.
I disagree with the 'only devs can post in the dev section' rule. While I would technically not be considered a dev (per se) because I do not know how to make a ROM I would still like to be able to post in that section things that are technically not ROMs but do not fit in general. For example, I created the Galaxy S unlocker for Mac, but I have not figured out how to make a ROM. Does that make me a developer or not?
agreed man
+1 to the new ROM new thread idea. That would cut way down on the Old Salty XDA member yelling at the noob interactions.
Oh and i believe it should be illegal to call the Captivate a "Cappy" FYL
Don't worry about the guide portion, I have a guide in the works that covers everything from installing drivers to the update-script.
Another thing I would like to personally add. When new users or the not-so-inclined make a thread asking for help, do any of us stop to realize why that thread ends up on the Development board? In my opinion, we need a board dedicated to SUPPORT. Yeah, we have Q&A, but Q&A doesn't say Support to a lot of people. Example, Q&A to me spells "Information", not "Support." Sure, the Q&A's may be intended to be "My phone won't turn on", or "My 3g doesn't work", but if that's the case, why beat around the bush and call it Q&A?
There are those of us out there who do enjoy helping newcomers, and answering their questions; regardless of what board they post on; and there are those of us who like to get deep into this, leave support for the less experienced and get *$&! done. Know how we could cut back on flaming, and on people posting in the wrong board? Spell it out for them, in big bold letters; "Captivate Support". Not only that, dev's could start up a sister thread for each ROM they do in the support board, that way the actual release thread isn't a mess.
Maybe I'm just dumb though.
I have to say I particularly like the flaming rules. Sure, noobs are going to ask questions that everyone else has known the answer to for the past 5 months. I know it can get tedious reading these same things all the time, but remember that we once were noobs too, and I would bet most of us have asked "dumb" questions when first starting out. People are excited to learn about this stuff...let's not take away the spark with ad hominem attacks. They serve no purpose whatsoever, and no one wants to read them. If you don't want to answer, keep your mouth shut. If you do, do so politely either directly or (probably a little better), point them to a thread that will answer their questions. But come on, users calling a noob an "idiot" or "dumbass" for asking an honest question really pisses me off. And like I said, remember that you probably did it at some point, too. Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now
geokhentix said:
Don't worry about the guide portion, I have a guide in the works that covers everything from installing drivers to the update-script.
Another thing I would like to personally add. When new users or the not-so-inclined make a thread asking for help, do any of us stop to realize why that thread ends up on the Development board? In my opinion, we need a board dedicated to SUPPORT. Yeah, we have Q&A, but Q&A doesn't say Support to a lot of people. Example, Q&A to me spells "Information", not "Support." Sure, the Q&A's may be intended to be "My phone won't turn on", or "My 3g doesn't work", but if that's the case, why beat around the bush and call it Q&A?
There are those of us out there who do enjoy helping newcomers, and answering their questions; regardless of what board they post on; and there are those of us who like to get deep into this, leave support for the less experienced and get *$&! done. Know how we could cut back on flaming, and on people posting in the wrong board? Spell it out for them, in big bold letters; "Captivate Support"
Maybe I'm just dumb though.
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I think this is also a good idea, primarily for those with stock phones or just performing basic procedures (e.g. rooting).
As for the bold letters, personally, I like just linking to the proper forum instead...something like "This question should be answered in the Support forum. It's located here: http://.......". But, hey, that's personal preference. You're way's fine, too
bknust said:
I think this is also a good idea, primarily for those with stock phones or just performing basic procedures (e.g. rooting).
As for the bold letters, personally, I like just linking to the proper forum instead...something like "This question should be answered in the Support forum. It's located here: http://.......". But, hey, that's personal preference. You're way's fine, too
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No no, I don't mean bold letters to the people asking for help. I mean bold letters for the forum title so people know it's there. Support speaks louder than Q&A, especially with all the multilingual folks we have on here.
geokhentix said:
No no, I don't mean bold letters to the people asking for help. I mean bold letters for the forum title so people know it's there. Support speaks louder than Q&A, especially with all the multilingual folks we have on here.
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Oops! Sorry, misunderstood. Yes, that would be a very good way to filter out a lot of the basic stuff. Good idea!
nbs11 said:
I disagree with the 'only devs can post in the dev section' rule. While I would technically not be considered a dev (per se) because I do not know how to make a ROM I would still like to be able to post in that section things that are technically not ROMs but do not fit in general. For example, I created the Galaxy S unlocker for Mac, but I have not figured out how to make a ROM. Does that make me a developer or not?
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As far as I'm concerned, an unlocker for Mac does indeed belong in development with the current structure of xda. It's kind of one of those things that could go under Apps, but when I think of apps, I think of your standard user apps, not rooting/unlocking/ROM/etc. tools/hacks. Maybe there should be a forum strictly for ROM dev and a separate one for general system dev. To me, they are different. That's just how I see it, but I'm sure there are quite a few differing views on this.


I've decided to post this regardless of the potential consequences to my membership here. To the mods, you've now closed airbus360's ICS thread despite a final warning to members that continued off-topic posts in violation of forum policy would be enforced. Despite this, instead, mods have locked the entire thread. This site has progressively become a zoo and TBH it is the fault of the site staff.
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SaneinOne said:
I've decided to post this regardless of the potential consequences to my membership here. To the mods, you've now closed airbus360's ICS thread despite a final warning to members that continued off-topic posts in violation of forum policy would be enforced. Despite this, instead, mods have locked the entire thread. This site has progressively become a zoo and TBH it is the fault of the site staff.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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Personally its idiotic posters who wreck the forum .
not saying this is an idiotic post as i dont know the subject in question .
One has only to read posts on the forum to realize its hard to be a developers forum when its full of kindergarten users .
Mods don't get paid and there are few if any volunteers from the mass of users .
codeworkx sums it up for you in one of the last posts in that thread. I believe it wasn't closed because of spam, rather an incompetent, donation requesting developer giving false hopes to the uninformed.
I fully understand this having direct experience with forum admin/mod duties on, dare I say, BlackBerry forums. Idiotic posts are specifically for site staff to manage, the continued bantering allowed in response to an individual idiotic post is a significant contributor, as is the elitist attitudes of some. That's all I'm saying (P.S. Your username seems familiar to me...).
JJEgan said:
Personally its idiotic posters who wreck the forum .
not saying this is an idiotic post as i dont know the subject in question .
One has only to read posts on the forum to realize its hard to be a developers forum when its full of kindergarten users .
Mods don't get paid and there are few if any volunteers from the mass of users .
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Crachel (site moderator) gave this warning before closing the thread.
'Wow, cifs module affects wifi? I'm more amazed everyday at this thread and the absolute nonsense being spewed from here. Your claims of what you're fixing would be in the kernel making your next "release" require source per GPL. So go ahead and upload/link that too or I'm locking this thread to put these noobs out of their misery'.
Sent from my GT-I9100
P.S. Your not a lemming, people don't NEED to donate anything, and to be honest, no disrespect, but codeworkx now jumping in and essentially hijacking the thread I'm sure is against forum policy as well. No I'm ready to be crucified lmao.
oinkylicious said:
codeworkx sums it up for you in one of the last posts in that thread. I believe it wasn't closed because of spam, rather an incompetent, donation requesting developer giving false hopes to the uninformed.
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site staff should make it mandatory to display every users age, then we can really see how young those people are.
Did you guys really think that one lone developer would be able to pull off something the entire Hacksung team wasn't able to do (without kernel sources?)
What codeworkx did what right, IMO.
What XDA needs is more serious developers, not little kids trying to do something that's way beyond their reach. I've read nearly all the pages in that thread and it was a complete joke. I'm so glad that thread got locked.
All I saw from airbus was asking for donations, asking for other people to compile the builds, posts about failed builds and some pretty embarrasing theories as to why something wasn't working.
I'm all for this site being a learning ground for everyone who wants to develop, but there should be a special section for that. He is just not experienced enough to pull off a fully working ICS AOSP ROM for the GS2, and with that in mind, he shouldn't be allowed to pull wool over all the users' eyes.
Cool down bro .... nothings lost ! both teamhacksung and airbus are all at the same level so unless sammy can give them a proper workable build none of those guys are gonna fork out anything usable.
No one apart from sammy can fix stuff on there devices as the kernel source is still closed sourced so i would say at this point , there no use in ranting on why a ASOP or CM rom is not released or closed ! ...
I you still want to vent your anger vent at sammy for not releasing the source.
First of all, the thread was not a dev thread, it was a "dogs and cats in heat" hostage situation. 156 pages of nothing, over nothing and for nothing. While I can't comment on Airbus360's competence, he did stirred the waters by achieving a decent build of ICS - though no audio,cameras and SD. It doesn't matter how he did it- it's all part of GPL game. Saying that wifi is broken because of cifs.ko(or whatever cifs was he talking about) provided some clues for the devs.
Codeworkx said what he said, so if that's true, the work of Airbus360 can be replicated easily in a matter of minutes - given the fact that everybody coming here should have a clue about github and kernels.
What DOES matter is how people expect XDA to be a community for all.
It's open for a lot to read and here,@reading, it all should be stopped. Read, read, understand, read more and maybe, maybe then, post something, post something USEFUL. We don't pay for servers, nor we see a flood of banners here.
It's not a Sammy/HTC/ HP support forum.
2 things killing the sgs2 forum
Increasing number of:
1. n00b devs asking for donations for kanging
2. n00bs that just wont read
The culprits are getting away with it, on a daily basis.
s2d4 said:
2 things killing the sgs2 forum
Increasing number of:
1. n00b devs asking for donations for kanging
2. n00bs that just wont read
The culprits are getting away with it, on a daily basis.
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This is unfortunately true in particular your second point, the same questions being asked over and over again, even last year on the HD2 forums we had this issue but it's become much worse in 2011 and i think when newbies register they should have be given a list of FAQ's and told to search the forum for any questions they might have where the chances are they will find the answer and only if they cant then start a thread where people will help, failure to do that should result in infractions leading to bannings,it may sound harsh but i believe it would be effective.
Well I am of the mindset to simply provide a noob with a reply or information regarding their question while others choose to gang up, berate and rudely direct them to search for themselves, c'est la vie. All of this contributes to a cluttered and chaotic thread. We were all noobs once, remember that.
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This is what I was partly referring to, mods provided a final warning that infractions would be handed down to individual users, instead the entire thread was closed. Make up your minds.
jonny68 said:
This is unfortunately true in particular your second point, the same questions being asked over and over again, even last year on the HD2 forums we had this issue but it's become much worse in 2011 and i think when newbies register they should have be given a list of FAQ's and told to search the forum for any questions they might have where the chances are they will find the answer and only if they cant then start a thread where people will help, failure to do that should result in infractions leading to bannings,it may sound harsh but i believe it would be effective.
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SaneinOne said:
We were all noobs once, remember that
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Unfortunately whilst we're all indeed noobs once, some of us read and search, rather than post new threads.
I've been following airbus twitter for quite a while now and something that bothered me after some time was the numerous attempts for donations while the progress was none... saying that he needed more ram... showing his laptop going berserk while compiling... posting pictures and links of the new computer he needed... and his progress was always two steps behind cm9 while he owes me nothing and
i respect his work even though he didn't accomplished nothing new he's learning from the experience and i had some fun following him on twitter. the subliminal donation messages became very annoying after a while... and why post a dozen threads of alpha roms where none is daily material ? i don't understand it ...
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to add my opinion here, airbus never asked for a donation directly or never gave assurance that he will fix all the existing problems. Normally its the othe forum members who flooded the thread with ETA and some OT discussion. preferably the mod could have cleaned the thread instead of closing it, i feel like a growing dev is being supressed. no offense to any one, just my opinion though
SaneinOne said:
This is what I was partly referring to, mods provided a final warning that infractions would be handed down to individual users, instead the entire thread was closed. Make up your minds.
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Learn to read, even in your own thread.
sxi200 said:
Crachel (site moderator) gave this warning before closing the thread.
'Wow, cifs module affects wifi? I'm more amazed everyday at this thread and the absolute nonsense being spewed from here. Your claims of what you're fixing would be in the kernel making your next "release" require source per GPL. So go ahead and upload/link that too or I'm locking this thread to put these noobs out of their misery'.
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oinkylicious said:
codeworkx sums it up for you in one of the last posts in that thread. I believe it wasn't closed because of spam, rather an incompetent, donation requesting developer giving false hopes to the uninformed.
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WArning was given at 5.21 pm and thread closed at 6.30 pm, isnt that too short for a warning?

[GUIDE] NEW TO XDA. Take a look inside.

Hi fellow XDA members,
As you all may have noticed there has been a few changes in the moderation committee. There are new moderators for devices. New people, but that does not mean new rules. eagleeyetom had asked members in his proposal thread, to help out with the moderation. I asked if I could do an updated XDA behaviour thread and he agreed.
The rules of XDA stay the same no matter what, and apply to every member, even to Senior Mods. Heck, it even applies to the Admin himself. And as such, I feel it's only fair that we ourselves abide by them.
Therefore, this thread acts as a guide for new members and old ones alike, on how to behave on XDA. SpyderX has already made a thread on this, and it was even made a sticky, but still some members fail to abide by the rules. They still disregard the rules and, as a result, end up getting infractions or, in the worst cases, bans.
So if you want to avoid bans and infractions, read on.
1. Read through this:
You must go through the rules, at least once. The above link is the latest set of them. Keep your eyes open for any new announcements. They're usually visible on the upper bit of the website.
2. Do not steal others' work. Or in other words, as SpyderX has explained in his sticky, don't post work, usually ROMs, that:
- Is not your own original work (usually ROMs with your own code, not to be confused with soft-mods, are acceptable)
- Is ported from other devices without the permission of the original creator
- Is just a soft-mod over someone else's hard work
Only stock ROMs are exempt from this rule. And as kernels have to be compiled from source, meaning there is no way to soft-mod them without some work done, they too are considered development.
3. Behave with others. Do not use foul language; it doesn't make you any wiser than you already are. There are members who are just kids, therefore any pornographic content, vulgar comments and other “smart” ways of abusing your freedom on the Internet is strictly prohibited on XDA. Post anything that falls under such categories and you may find yourself banned the next day. No personal insults, trolling (except in the OT) and flaming. Trust me on this, it'll get you nowhere except out of XDA. And always use English in the threads. What language you use in groups doesn't really matter to us.
4. Post in the appropriate sections. More on that later. For now, just remember, both the Development sections are for development-related stuff, like bug-fixes, sharing source codes, bug-reports etc. Don't spam there. It's really annoying for any user to see their favourite threads full of spam and being closed down. Act wisely. Like an XDA-ian. Don't create unnecessary threads. If you wanna talk about anything non-dev, visit the OT. Do not ask for ETAs or for the dev's help in your problems, without a proper bug-report. There's a thread on how to do a bug-report: Read it thoroughly.
5. Instead of posting “Thanks for XXX”, click the THANKS button. This is a growing concern among many members. There are at least 1000 posts in every section that just say “Thanks”. These are considered spam and will eventually be deleted by a moderator and the poster may receive a warning. So instead of wasting time and energy to write thanks, click the THANKS button. It was made for that purpose. Use it.
6. When creating threads, be extra careful. Think, search and then discuss, in the words of SpyderX, not the other way round. Threads you create should be based on, or have valid content that can be discussed or used. And like #4, open up threads in the appropriate sections. Also before you create a thread, make sure there are no similar threads in the same device forum based on the same problems. And please don't create useless threads asking stupid questions.
7. Always be super kind to devs. They are not paid to bring you the stuff they do. Therefore if you can't donate, which you should if you can, always hit the thanks button when they are trying to help. If you misbehave with any dev, or any member alike, XDA will look after you.
8. Learn to post in the appropriate section.
- General section is for discussions and the all-famous OT thread
- Q&A section is for questions and answers
- Android Development section is for ROMs that are built from others' source, improved versions of others' ROMs etc.
- Original Android Development section is for original development like building ROMs from your own source, modifying someone's source and using it to build a ROM, self-compiled kernels, AIO toolkits etc.
Keep these guidelines in mind and you'll be able to stay in XDA for a long time. And please read all of it. Don't go TL;DR. Please feel free to drop in suggestions, or advice, here in the thread.
- Skeleton taken largely from SpyderX's "Behaviour guide" (which also you guys fail to follow. Thanks, bro.
Well, if you've read the first post, you'll know by now what XDA expects from you. You should also know that there are certain things that XDA finds very important. You may also not understand a couple of things here-and-there. This post intends to clarify all that.
1. Reading:
Reading posts on XDA will enlighten you. Really. Try it some time. As a newcomer you should read through all the stickies of your device's forum. It will not only help you find things, but also get used to XDA little by little. Even Senior Members read, so why can't you? Your motto here has to be: "Read more, post less useless stuff". Trust me it's the only way you'll ever survive in XDA (we're not that bad but we do know how to behave with ignorant people).
Basically, you wanna say on XDA, you need to read. A lot. You have to learn to understand that the OP (like me) usually works super-hard to post a new thread (again, like me), and expects you to read the whole of it before making a "smart" comment. You have to learn to respect that. It helps reduce spam, too, because there's a great possibility that the answer to your question is already in the thread.
So just read. Read before you post, even if it takes ages to read just the OP.
2. Searching:
The button's there for a reason. Search before you open up a new thread. It doesn't help any of us. 90% of the time the question's been answered already. That means there's a thread for that particular problem. Post there. Why create useless duplicate threads when you can find the answer in the other thread? However if, in the thread, your question has no answer or only part of the answer, you can create a new thread, provided the first one is really old and hasn't been updated in a long, long time. Posts that revive a thread after a long, long time are considered spam some times, especially ones that just say "Thanks for xxx and yyy". You can also search XDA with Google. Just add this to your search terms:
Please. Search. Reduce spam. Help yourself. Help XDA. Help the world (okay this bit's unnecessary).
3. Giving and getting thanks
Like I've said in the past, thank any developer who has been working hard just to bring you the stuff he/she brings. Not just devs; themers, contributors and, mostly, normal members help out a lot too. They ask for nothing really, except for a little recognition. Please thank them. It acts as an encouragement to continue their work, to continue helping members. It's not like clicking the button will rob you of your soul, or anything. It's free of cost.
That being said, don't go about thanking spammers. It only encourages them to spam more. We don't want that.
You'll see every member has a thanks meter. It's basically a count of the thanks they have got over time. It's not meant to be some kind of "prestige" meter, and therefore one must not post with the sole purpose of getting thanks. It gets you nowhere, trust me.
Anyways, this is how the bar fills up:
1st bar - 26
2nd bar - 51
3rd bar - 101
4th bar - 201
bug here, never gets to 5 bars, probably 501 if fixed.
6th bar - 1001
7th bar - 2001
8th bar - 5001
9th bar - 8001
Maxed! - 10000
4. User titles
If you've spent some time on XDA, you'll have noticed there are some titles given to members. Here's how they are given:
- Junior Member - New members with less than 30 (?) posts.
- Member - Members with more than 30 (?) but less than 100 posts.
- Senior Member - Members with 100+ posts.
- Recognized Contributor - A title given to members who have helped people with various problems. You can apply for this position or ask a Forum Moderator, Senior Moderator, Recognized Contributor to nominate you. They don't give it away for free though; you have to meet some requirements.
- Recognized Themer - A member who's known for original themes. You can apply to the Senior Moderators yourself, or ask a Recognized Contributor to nominate you.
- Recognized Developer - A title given to a member for his/her work in his/her device-specific development. You can apply to the Senior Moderators yourself. I don't think anyone can nominate you here. The developer committee assesses your overall activity and decides whether you're eligible for this position.
- Elite Recognized Developer - This title is given to Recognized Developers who have provided outstanding work, way beyond the knowledge of us mere mortals. A Recognized Developer is re-assessed by the developer committee before being given that title.
- Forum Moderator - This title is given to Recognized Contributors who are responsible enough to handle a forum on their own with some other such members of course. They have to fill out an application (which is no longer available now) and then the moderator committee approves of them.
- Senior Moderator - Senior Moderators are in charge of the whole site-wide support for Forum Moderators and nitty-gritty business that Forum Moderators cannot look after.
- Administrators - Next comes the admins who are responsible for everything as a whole. Each look after a specific part of XDA.
- MikeChannon's the dude behind all this. He's the Forum Administrator.
Other titles you may come across are
- Moderator Committee - sits on the Mod Committee
- Developer Committee - as above, but for Developer Committee
- XDA Newswriter - publishes articles for the Portal (front page)
- Retired xxxx - have since officially 'left' their XDA position
-Skeleton of this part taken largely from mf2112's guide. Thanks a lot, bro.
5. Reporting posts
XDA has given you the freedom of reporting posts. It basically brings posts to a moderator's attention, and is 10^10x better than notifying a moderator via PM. You, being a member of XDA, must report posts that you feel are a violation of the rules of XDA. You must report spam, other than that in the OT thread. XDA is a humongous website. Moderation isn't entirely possible by the selected panel. We need your help. And we hope that you are not one of those whose posts need reporting. It's not a really pleasant feeling. Anyways here's an example of how you can report posts:
Suppose member XXX has posted a question in the X8 general forum. Now you know that it's not appropriate to post questions in the general section; there's a Q/A section for that. So you click the triangular button beside the birdy on the OP. It basically represents the report button. In the reason box, type in a valid reason like "Please move to X8 device Q&A forum" for example, and select "Thread/Post moving or maintenance" in the drop-down box, and hit "Send report". This will notify the panel of moderators for that particular device, and one of them will definitely move the thread if he/she feels it necessary.
Please use this feature properly. We need your help.
6. A good signature that expresses your awesomeness
As a member, it is your responsibility to make a good signature that informs other users of what your phone is running on currently. This kind of signature can help in avoiding follow-up questions when you ask for help or advice. A good signature may also contain helpful links for new members. You can also include pictures, but use Dropbox or photobcuket for that purpose, because when you copy a link directly from some pic, it may be considered stealing.
You can edit your signature by clicking this link:
Here's a good guide on how to make a good signature:
Need ideas? This should help:
And please remember, signatures are not meant to be billboards.
7. Donations
Donations are never expected nor required, but are always welcome. There are "DONATE TO ME" buttons below the avatars of users. Click that if you want to send donations for their hard work. In many cases, as in mine, donations are not possible. Use the Thanks button instead. It's almost equivalent in our eyes.
You can also donate to XDA by clicking this link:
When you donate 10 euros to XDA, you are awarded a star, which is displayed below your avatar. When you are rewarded with ten stars, that is 100 euros (I may be wrong here), an even bigger star with the number 10 appears.
Just keep in mind, developers provide top-quality ROMs and Kernels and what-not, which are results of their hard work. They don't do it for donations; they do it to help others, just like they were helped by some other benefactor. So, please, if you find someone's work worthy of a donation, do not hesitate. Even a small amount is great encouragement.
8. Some helpful links
- [HOW TO] make a good THREAD, POST, QUESTION and POLL
- Help Your Threads Get More Search Hits with Better Titles and Thread Tags!
- [TUTORIAL] How to logcat
- [GUIDE] How to give constructive feedback to developers
- [ADB/FB/APX Driver] Universal Naked Driver 0.72
- Chef Central
- [Ultimate Guide][Part 10 released][12/11/2011]Android App Development - From Scratch
- XDA Recognized Developer Program Expansion
- The history of XDA - Part 1
- A visual history of XDA
-Skeleton again largely taken from mf2112's guide. Thanks again, pal.
The 10-post rule
You guys may know by now that there is a slight restriction in the development fora; you cannot post there if you do not have 10 posts beforehand. This means you have to have 10 posts anywhere on XDA before you can post in any development forum. Keep in mind, however, that it doesn't mean necessarily that the development fora cannot be accessed by you new members. The only restriction imposed is on posting there.
A member of the Moderator Committee here at XDA, Fallen Spartan, has said this regarding the rule:
The 10-post barrier is extremely easy to overcome. You can post in the General, Q/A, Accessories or the Themes and Apps section, or even the Off-Topic section of XDA. Trust me, once you start posting there, getting 10 posts will be as easy as spelling your name (provided your name's easy to spell, of course!). However, that does not mean your first 10 posts on XDA, your shining road to global recognition, should be spam. We are going to infract you if you spam the fora.
Most of the posts in the development fora hardly contribute to any development. These posts are usually off-topic, and then a moderator has to interfere. Why do you guys do that? It doesn't help any one of us. Instead post in the Off-Topic section. And if you really wanna thank the developer, you can still hit the Thanks button (it also helps to maintain your postcount to thanks ratio, although it is something you better not worry about). If you are still dissatisfied, hit the Thanks button again on another post by the developer. Still dissatisfied? Then donate some money to him. As mf2112 has said any developer will appreciate a few dollars way more than any post howsoever appreciative it may be.
Please don't spam to overcome the 10-post barrier. Here's a good guide on how to get 10 posts easily:
And if there's something you really have to post in the dev section without having 10 posts beforehand, check this:
Use it wisely, for the moderators are watching your every move.
Post #2 updated! Seriously guys don't go TL;DR. You're missing the point of it all if you don't read.
some new comers have recently picked up interest in reviving dead thread......they find it pretty amusing i suppose. trying to force life back into a corpse... please add a point about this in bold..
Point #2 of post #2 covers that bit. The rest is up to the members. Hopefully they'll read this through.
sgt. meow said:
Point #2 of post #2 covers that bit. The rest is up to the members. Hopefully they'll read this through.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse they dont revive it to ask Q... they do so for saying thanks..:cyclops:
Will have to include a new topic, "Bumping".
sgt. meow said:
Will have to include a new topic, "Bumping".
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
it would be better if you write the most important points in your thread with red colour..
it caches attention instantaneously..
Will do that. Later, though. Too tired right now.
Great thread helped me a lot......
sent from my W8 using xda app(paid/free doesn't matter)
Good to know that.
Thread Updated! New members, please read this. It will really benefit you.
sgt. meow said:
Hi fellow XDA members,
As you all may have noticed there has been a few changes in the moderation committee. There are new moderators for devices. New people, but that does not mean new rules. eagleeyetom had asked members in his proposal thread, to help out with the moderation. I asked if I could do an updated XDA behaviour thread and he agreed.
The rules of XDA stay the same no matter what, and apply to every member, even to Senior Mods. Heck, it even applies to the Admin himself. And as such, I feel it's only fair that we ourselves abide by them.
Therefore, this thread acts as a guide for new members and old ones alike, on how to behave on XDA. SpyderX has already made a thread on this, and it was even made a sticky, but still some members fail to abide by the rules. They still disregard the rules and, as a result, end up getting infractions or, in the worst cases, bans.
So if you want to avoid bans and infractions, read on.
1. Read through this:
You must go through the rules, at least once. The above link is the latest set of them. Keep your eyes open for any new announcements. They're usually visible on the upper bit of the website.
2. Do not steal others' work. Or in other words, as SpyderX has explained in his sticky, don't post work, usually ROMs, that:
- Is not your own original work (usually ROMs with your own code, not to be confused with soft-mods, are acceptable)
- Is ported from other devices without the permission of the original creator
- Is just a soft-mod over someone else's hard work
Only stock ROMs are exempt from this rule. And as kernels have to be compiled from source, meaning there is no way to soft-mod them without some work done, they too are considered development.
3. Behave with others. Do not use foul language; it doesn't make you any wiser than you already are. There are members who are just kids, therefore any pornographic content, vulgar comments and other “smart” ways of abusing your freedom on the Internet is strictly prohibited on XDA. Post anything that falls under such categories and you may find yourself banned the next day. No personal insults, trolling (except in the OT) and flaming. Trust me on this, it'll get you nowhere except out of XDA. And always use English in the threads. What language you use in groups doesn't really matter to us.
4. Post in the appropriate sections. More on that later. For now, just remember, both the Development sections are for development-related stuff, like bug-fixes, sharing source codes, bug-reports etc. Don't spam there. It's really annoying for any user to see their favourite threads full of spam and being closed down. Act wisely. Like an XDA-ian. Don't create unnecessary threads. If you wanna talk about anything non-dev, visit the OT. Do not ask for ETAs or for the dev's help in your problems, without a proper bug-report. There's a thread on how to do a bug-report: Read it thoroughly.
5. Instead of posting “Thanks for XXX”, click the THANKS button. This is a growing concern among many members. There are at least 1000 posts in every section that just say “Thanks”. These are considered spam and will eventually be deleted by a moderator and the poster may receive a warning. So instead of wasting time and energy to write thanks, click the THANKS button. It was made for that purpose. Use it.
6. When creating threads, be extra careful. Think, search and then discuss, in the words of SpyderX, not the other way round. Threads you create should be based on, or have valid content that can be discussed or used. And like #4, open up threads in the appropriate sections. Also before you create a thread, make sure there are no similar threads in the same device forum based on the same problems. And please don't create useless threads asking stupid questions.
7. Always be super kind to devs. They are not paid to bring you the stuff they do. Therefore if you can't donate, which you should if you can, always hit the thanks button when they are trying to help. If you misbehave with any dev, or any member alike, XDA will look after you.
8. Learn to post in the appropriate section.
- General section is for discussions and the all-famous OT thread
- Q&A section is for questions and answers
- Android Development section is for ROMs that are built from others' source, improved versions of others' ROMs etc.
- Original Android Development section is for original development like building ROMs from your own source, modifying someone's source and using it to build a ROM, self-compiled kernels, AIO toolkits etc.
Keep these guidelines in mind and you'll be able to stay in XDA for a long time. And please read all of it. Don't go TL;DR. Please feel free to drop in suggestions, or advice, here in the thread.
- Skeleton taken largely from SpyderX's "Behaviour guide" (which also you guys fail to follow. Thanks, bro.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks. Good to know.
It's good to know that you found this guide helpful. But even after reading it, if you post "Thanks for xxx" (this topic has been covered in rule no. 5), it has pretty much rendered my hard work useless. Please keep that in mind. No one's asking for thanks (because the Thanks Meter is not a kind of prestige meter or something), but instead of spamming with "thanks" posts, just click the button that does the job far more elegantly.

Forums Need Sorting!!!

One thing wrong with the SGS forums is, the Development forum needs a massive sort out, its getting out of hand, too many questions and users moaning, not enough Development talk, there are forums for questions, and for errors in roms! so come on Mods!!!!
Won't happen
There are not enough moderators, or willingness to enforce forum rules in i9000 section on XDA
So there you have it. I9000 will always be a mess, especially for a dev.
For example there is a 500 page cm thread in dev section, which contains only a handful bug reports. When clearly the OP requested bug reports and dev discussion only.
There is nothing to gain knowledge in these threads since theyre a huge mess. And always will be.
Verstuurd van mijn GT-I9000 met Tapatalk
It's just a fact that anything that becomes public knowledge and popular eventually goes straight down the drain on terms of user quality.
Enough people are stupid, lazy, and arrogant enough to destroy anything they want without even knowing it.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
As far as I can tell, there isn't any questions on a least the first page of development. Unless of course you mean inside each development thread. In which I ask that you report a specific post or a specific post a couple pages back. I will clean at least the last few pages.
~ The-Captain
Just saw this thread and thought I'd pop in.
We are, and will always be, willing to enforce the rules on each individual forum we are assigned. However because of the sheer number of posts that are posted per day on XDA we cannot proactively moderate each individual post.
We do proactively moderate to a certain degree by for instance moving all question threads from general to Q&A but even then we don't read the threads, often we just glance at the thread title and popup of the first post before deciding if it needs moving or not.
To which end that is why the report button is there, you users report stuff that needs moderator attention to us and we deal with it.
Yes we are understaffed - currently only 4 of the moderators in the Samsung International Moderation Team are active and we have every non US/Canadian Samsung forum to moderate. All other teams have 7-8 active moderators.
However, I'd much rather see 100 reports per day from this forum than no reports and users griping and saying we're not doing enough or not willing to enforce the rules.
Sent from my HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio Z715e using xda premium

a good stock rom ?

hey. i am getting the new lg g2 in the start of the next week and before i had the lg e975 !
but if i want to replace the 4.4 kk rom it comes with what would be a good alternative ? i just want a fast rom there is stable and have a good batterylife. and all the lg goodies
dgaa1991 said:
hey. i am getting the new lg g2 in the start of the next week and before i had the lg e975 !
but if i want to replace the 4.4 kk rom it comes with what would be a good alternative ? i just want a fast rom there is stable and have a good batterylife. and all the lg goodies
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
there is NO best ROM! this is breaking the rules.
everyone has different needs and experiences with ROMs so you just got to try them all.
For now Spiderio is nice one, but u should wait for LG G3 ROM ports.
Hello, and welcome to the forum,
Before you click the "New Thread" or "Post Reply" buttons, please take the time to read some rules/guidelines for posting in this forum:
1) Read and follow the Forum Rules:
Plain and simple. No further explanation needed​
2) Post your message in the proper subforum (see above):
All questions, requests, and help & troubleshooting needs, go in the Q&A Help & Troubleshooting subforum, if one exists for your device, and any misplaced messages will be promptly moved to their respective location. Users that make it a habit of posting in the wrong forum will be addressed accordingly. If you're unsure of where your post or thread belongs, please read the Forum Rules again.​
3) No off-topic discussion:
While some Moderation Teams may allow some off-topic discussion and the creation of off-topic threads, we do not. There is an entire General Off-Topic forum devoted to this type of discussion and there are enough threads already available to meet anyone's off-topic needs. All off-topic threads, and posts containing off-topic discussion, will be deleted promptly and without warning. If you're concerned with the amount of off-topic discussion and misplaced questions in the Development forums, please consider making a Q&A Thread for your ROM/Kernel/Project/etc.​
4) No threads or posts asking for the best/most stable ROM/Kernel/Mod/whatever, or created for the purpose of comparing Phones/ROMs/Kernels/Mods/whatever:
These threads/posts will be deleted promptly and without warning. They have a history of causing problems due to trolls, and fanboys, along with various troublemakers, and therefore are no longer allowed. Regardless of that, there is really no way to judge whether or not a particular piece of work is better than another because it's all relative to begin with. If you want to know what piece of work is better for you, install something and try it out for a while. If you don't like it, try something else. Our Developers work hard to provide us their contributions, free of charge. Please show them the respect they deserve by trying something out and giving them your feedback.​
5) Don't ask for an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival):
Asking for an ETA is the XDA equivalent of telling a Developer that the free work they do just isn't enough for you. It usually comes across as rude and/or demanding, and most developers will take offense to it. Even if a particular Developer doesn't mind being asked for an ETA, there are many that do, and there's a good possibility that it will incite arguments in the forum. In the end, it's just best to avoid doing it altogether. If you have no other choice but to ask for an ETA (i.e. the work you're doing absolutely depends on it), then please, do it through a private message and keep it out of the public forums.​
6) Keep your signatures at a respectable size:
While members are given a great deal of freedom in creating personalized signatures, it is expected that this freedom is not abused. Abnormally large signatures are obnoxious to most users and they tend to be a major distraction from the topic at hand. If your signature is double the size of an average post or larger, expect be asked to change it. If you're not sure whether the size of your signature is within the respectable limits, feel free to contact a member of the Moderation Team that is assigned to this forum for clarification.​
7) Be nice:
It's not that hard. If you can't say something nice to someone, don't say anything at all. If you feel the need to respond negatively to someone, please refer to #8.​
8) Report all violations of the aforementioned rules/guidelines and DO NOT respond to them in the open forum:
If you happen to notice a rule violation, use the "Report Post" button in the upper right hand corner of the offending post, or send them a polite reminder through private message so they may resolve the problem on their own (for minor violations of course). Please do not respond to posts that are in violation of the rules in public. Regardless of the fact that it leaves more work for us to do when cleaning the forum, responding to them in public only compounds the issue and it puts you at risk of getting in trouble yourself. Moderators have much more effective ways of dealing with these situations than by arguing back and forth and disrupting the entire conversation, so please, let us handle it.​
If there are any questions or concerns regarding this or any other matter, please feel free to contact a member of the Moderation Team that is assigned to this forum. You can find a list of the assigned Moderators at the top of each sub-forum page.
With that, here are a few great threads to help you get the most out of your experience here...please take advantage of them:
Get the most out of XDA!!
How to make a good THREAD, POST, QUESTION or POLL
Why you get short/one word answers! (The Long Answer)
How to give constructive feedback to developers
How To Logcat
GPLv2 tips for developers
Getting a moderator's help
And as always...
Thank you, and have a great day!
Thread closed
