Sds-safe configuration for s3 - Galaxy S III General

Holla guys I've recently have an s3.. wonderful device, seriously, but I'm very regretful as regards the SDS issue.. unfortunately my device seems to have the "affected chip" but I love Android world and I can't stay without modding something! the problem, as I have seen, seems to be solved until fws released from 4.1.2... To be more sure, I upgraded my phone to 4.3 stock yesterday and now the fw mounted is the XXUGMK6. My phone is NOT rooted and it is branded Vodafone. In this situation the device should be "covered" (hopefully, this damned issue it's a very bad thing )... however, as I said upon, I want to install something new to speed up this wonderful device.
So let's go straight to the point: what are the bootloader, recovery and rom that have the fws fixed for SDS? What are the best ones IN THIS SENSE? (not in absolutely sense, obviously, because each bl, rec & rom is simply best until it's cooked in my opinion )
Moreover, should I remove brand before installing something? Could you tell me precise steps to do kindly?
I'll be very grateful to everyone can answer my question, really

Ops, I just realized that I didn't write in right section. I'm really sorry. If is it possible may it shift to Q&A topics?
My excuse mods!
I provide soon myself to post in the right place... this one can be closed or deleted sorry for my mistake!!!


nTelos Milestone X 4.5.604 update

I've seen a lot of traffic since Monday about the nTelos Milestone X 4.5.604 update to GB. No one seems to have brought it up to here, but the update has bricked quite a few phones. My phone was bricked by a unsuccessful update, wasn't rooted, was stock. Boots in bootloader now.
Now the issue is, nTelos can't fix it, and their new policy is only to give refurbs as warranty. My phone is 2 weeks old, don't really want a refurb, and have a backup Milestone to use, in the meantime.
Anyone have anyway a way to get a hold of the sbf file? Any help would be appreciated.
It also looks as if the old sbf file (2.2.1) is an automatic brick also.
I think you need to call customer service and ream out a manager. Bottom line is the software update that "they and Motorola" pushed bricked your new, not refurb phone. It's not like you rooted it or installed a custom rom, or ran over it, or dropped it in the toilet. Their recommended software update bricked it. I would not stand for it.
Yay, I am no longer the only one here on nTelos!
Anyway, I recently OTA'd to the 4.5.604 update, and it went fine, even despite me being out of state. I was really surprised. But yeah, if you just got the phone, they should give you a replacement. They were more than willing when my MIN settings were messed up to send me a new phone, but they just took care of that over the phone.
I wish someone would release the .604 SBF for nTelos.
They didn't have any refurbs in stock (makes you wonder), so they replaced it with a new phone. Also, the employees haven't done the update....
I had a Samsung phone for 3 days with them, before the X. It's screen would lock up, so tech support told me to take it to the store. I did, and they replaced it with a refurb (without informing me). I got home, saw b-stock on the box. Additionally, it had the same issue (a model flaw apparently). They refused to do anything, so they got the phone back during the trial period.
That's how I got the X. I raised 4 kinds of hell. They gave me the X to shut me up.
I didnt have any issues here. I updated mine this morning.
My wife's identical phone also did not have a problem. So it's hit or miss.
nTelos 2
So far I havent been really impressed by the customer service and such. I too am with ntelos, I didnt know that I could find this many people!! Starting to learn with the milestone x what not to do. I would like to find a good guide and a rom that works with this phone. Still googling...
I have this phone with ntelos and I've used Miui and Liquid Gingerbread. I've also heard that gummyjar and liberty work as well but I've never tried them myself. miui is my fav thus far.
What process or guide did you use? I dont think that I have seen any out there. Also where did you get the ROM's? All that I have found havent been valid...Thanks in advance..
Well there used to be a forum for just ntelos android owners but it disappeared for whatever reason. I learned most of this stuff on that forum, so I'll try to help if I can.
You'd flash the rom just like you would if you were on any other carrier.
As for a guide, (and assuming you've already rooted your phone) addictivetips has a good one titled "How To Install A ROM Or App From Zip File To Android Device From Recovery" (Sorry the forums don't let me post links yet)
I've used this article a lot.
When looking at a rom I generally make sure it meets three requirements:
1. It's made specifically for the droid x or milestone x.
2. It doesn't flash a radio from another carrier. (I don't understand all the technical details so someone can correct me here. Almost all of the roms that I've found don't do this so you're safe. I just make sure in the description that it doesn't mention anything about flashing a radio.)
3. It is based off the Gingerbread kernel (since that's the version I'm running).
I'll try to post some links to some roms tomorrow. I've only tried a couple versions of miui and liquid Gingerbread. Let me know what else you need.
jdbell3 said:
Well there used to be a forum for just ntelos android owners but it disappeared for whatever reason. I learned most of this stuff on that forum, so I'll try to help if I can.
You'd flash the rom just like you would if you were on any other carrier.
As for a guide, (and assuming you've already rooted your phone) addictivetips has a good one titled "How To Install A ROM Or App From Zip File To Android Device From Recovery" (Sorry the forums don't let me post links yet)
I've used this article a lot.
When looking at a rom I generally make sure it meets three requirements:
1. It's made specifically for the droid x or milestone x.
2. It doesn't flash a radio from another carrier. (I don't understand all the technical details so someone can correct me here. Almost all of the roms that I've found don't do this so you're safe. I just make sure in the description that it doesn't mention anything about flashing a radio.)
3. It is based off the Gingerbread kernel (since that's the version I'm running).
I'll try to post some links to some roms tomorrow. I've only tried a couple versions of miui and liquid Gingerbread. Let me know what else you need.
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i cant get my x to flash the recovery so i can install roms. any ideas?

[INFO]-Root-Unroot-Restore-Lessons learned

I originally posted this on the Asus TransformerForums. Still no update from .13
Root-Unroot-Restore-Lessons learned
Hello all. I've had my TF now since September or October and enjoying every minute of it. Bought mine in Japan so it was HTKXX.JP_epad-version B70 model. Like so many of us the first thing I wanted to do was root it and install custom ROMs. Being the B70like many I had to wait until Razorclaw was released but as soon as it was I was ready to root.
Let me say I'm not well versed in rooting, intalling, and troubleshooting Android devices...and like many the tablets are new to me. So, to help me figure it out I search and read the forums, re-read, and search again. Notice I said "search the forms", that is very important before posting questions as most of our questions have already been asked and answered. That being said, its ok to post a question, I've found the admins, mods, and other people with experience, problems, and solutions all willing to help. Don't forget, these people do this freely so always respect them even if you dont like the answers or advice they give you. Many of us would have some very shiny paper weights if not for the help from the many on here. continue my little adventure. And root I did, Prime! 2.1.0, Revolver, Revolutions HD, and back to Prime! when I had questions I turned to the forums, and sometimes was even able to give a little advice myself. With ICS on the horizion and the latest OTA I thought I should look at unrooting and returning my device back to stock. So, again I turned to the forum for information. Because my TF was the JP model I was concerned there may be something with the build that would prevent this or I wouldnt be able to get the right firmware. You see...there isnt a lot of information related to JP models on the forum. I didnt realize they are all "pretty much the same".
Either way, I eventually posted a question and right away was helped with information or unrooting and reflashing back to stock. All the information however was to restore the US model. After some discussions with one of the RS guys I decided what the heck...gonna try it anyway. (the tinker/challenger in me)
Very good instructions for everything I wanted to do were there. If you think I'm joking, check the signature of RS Team Lead Frederuco. It's all there.
End result my TF was unrooted and now have ver 3.2.1 US.epad- kernel ver [email protected]#1. hmmm...I was worried because everyone was talking about ver.19 and I in trouble? I've tried various things to get caught up even with a version that I could possibly re-root. Oh boy....even trying to go back and get the JP update from ASUS didnt work, my device is now a US.epad device. My thoughts were...well, at least its still working.
Then I decided to do a bit more investigation, so i went to one of the local computer stores and checked the build and kernel version. I was suprised to see that the only difference in what I now have and what's in the stores is the JP & US. So, maybe what I'm waiting for hasnt gotten to Japan yet...or the ones in the store just haven't been updated. (more likely the case)
Either way, the point and advice here is this. if you decide to unroot and restore I dont recommend to the weak hearted to use a SKU other than what came on your device. It worked yes but not sure where I'm going from here. For me, it doesnt matter as I can always manually update when the versions are on the ASUS site. Worse case, I would have just bought another device and ....yep probably rooted it right away
We all know the risks we take when rooting, tinkering, etc. If you take the plunge, search, read, asks. And respect the people helping.
I hope this in someway helps someone
I've been able to get my TF from US.epad- to WW_epad- If nothing else I can at least root again. Will probably wait to see if I am actually getting OTA or not. The steps followed can be found in dev post "possible fix for lost root with" Sorry, I cant post links yet...
Note that I've changed the SKU on my device from JP to US to WW. So far I haven't seen any problems because of this. (still, if you aren't sure I recommend you dont)

HTCIR gone Android 6.0

Working quite for sometimes on an APP ( not published for the moment ) to make your own remote control.
I started it first with Samsung GS4 and purchased last year the ONE M8 for its TRUE IR leaning capability ( love truly the device )
Now since the update to Android 6.0 ( I use T-MOBILE NL ) HTCIR blasting/learning is gone, the standard Android IR CONSUMER still working.
It's a pity and I have sent a message toHTC but doubt this will go anywhere.
I believe the problem is not the SDK (HTCIR.JAR) but the ROM / KERNEL somehow removed that feature.
My question being, is anyone aware of that issue. Not sure if there is any solution? anyone an idea? (rooting changing ROM etc..but what's the point) or the reason from HTC why this got removed ( voluntary or not )
I guess I will purchase a second hand HTC ONE M7 as I believe it will never receive Android 6 update and from what I believe it has learning capability like the M8 right ?
If you are curious about the APP you can see this thread
It is no longer upated but lot happened since in the APP and I really wanted to post the APP for HTC one user.
Here video on last version including learning capability when it worked fine/
I can confirm IR Recording is not working on MM. Tried several apps without success.
cant you just downgrade to lollipop ? or is that just a dumb idea.
Thanks for the answer and sorry for late reply.
About downgrading, yes this is what I will do, truly that learning capability was great and just don't understand why they removed ( if intentional ) this say I know IR start to go away even blaster IE Samsung EDGE 7. So only half surprised but when you compare the usefulness of a very un-precise HR monitor VS IR blaster/leaning IMO it does no make sense...
Now my HTC ONE M8 is from T-MOBILE NL and is not s-off.... So RUU is not possible AFAIK. So will have to ROOT it, this is no issue ( I did once) but not sure if I can flash IE (ORIGINAL from HTC) via TWRP without issues...I say this because when I got the HTC one M8 not knowing much about it I broke WIFI ( no longer switched on ) and T-MOBILE wad nice enough to replace the phone. So if anyone can confirm I can do this of course at my own risk...
questionmark said:
Thanks for the answer and sorry for late reply.
About downgrading, yes this is what I will do, truly that learning capability was great and just don't understand why they removed ( if intentional ) this say I know IR start to go away even blaster IE Samsung EDGE 7. So only half surprised but when you compare the usefulness of a very un-precise HR monitor VS IR blaster/leaning IMO it does no make sense...
Now my HTC ONE M8 is from T-MOBILE NL and is not s-off.... So RUU is not possible AFAIK. So will have to ROOT it, this is no issue ( I did once) but not sure if I can flash IE (ORIGINAL from HTC) via TWRP without issues...I say this because when I got the HTC one M8 not knowing much about it I broke WIFI ( no longer switched on ) and T-MOBILE wad nice enough to replace the phone. So if anyone can confirm I can do this of course at my own risk...
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You don't need s-off to flash roms, only for ruu's
If you restore the nandroid from this thread you should be fine
questionmark said:
but not sure if I can flash IE (ORIGINAL from HTC) via TWRP without issues...I say this because when I got the HTC one M8 not knowing much about it I broke WIFI ( no longer switched on ) and T-MOBILE wad nice enough to replace the phone. So if anyone can confirm I can do this of course at my own risk...
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You mean WiFi didn't work after you flashed a custom ROM? If so, this is usually due to firmware (hboot, radio, etc.) being too old, such as KK firmware, and you flashed a LP ROM.
But going "back" such as the case of what you want to do (running a LP ROM with MM firmware) is usually not an issue. Meaning, the firmware is usually backwards compatible. And in fact, there doesn't seem to be much difference between LP and MM firmware; no reports of broken WiFi that I've seen, even going forwards.
In any case, do a TWRP backup of your current setup (as you always should before flashing a ROM), and you can easily revert if you flash a ROM and run into issues.
Many thanks for the reply.
Since I have ONE M8 T-MOBILE NL it is hard if not impossible to find the RUU and anyway no s-off.
So I will go with that nandroid backup busy right now with it.
The WIFI issue I had was back one year ago or so when I unlocked the boot, installed TWRP, routed the phone and installed a marshmallow ROM and kaboom... could not get wifi back so went to T-MOBILE NL and they changed the phone no question asked this was after only couple days I got it. Thsi chilled me to play with HTC and custom ROM ( I'm more familiar with Samsung )
The fact that HTC removed learning capability somehow demotivated me on my project though I have a server for my APP that uses USB-UIRT if I need learning capability. But for sure HTC ONE M8 for me at the time was the best and the difference with the other.
So I will revert / try that ROM so to have truly universal remote control and be again motivated
Again many thanks for your reply that gives me extra confidence in proceeding AGAIN I KNOW AT MY OWN RISK, but I have nothing to loose I have another phone and intend to use now the HTC ONE M8 as a glorified remote control.
redpoint73 said:
You mean WiFi didn't work after you flashed a custom ROM? If so, this is usually due to firmware (hboot, radio, etc.) being too old, such as KK firmware, and you flashed a LP ROM.
But going "back" such as the case of what you want to do (running a LP ROM with MM firmware) is usually not an issue. Meaning, the firmware is usually backwards compatible. And in fact, there doesn't seem to be much difference between LP and MM firmware; no reports of broken WiFi that I've seen, even going forwards.
In any case, do a TWRP backup of your current setup (as you always should before flashing a ROM), and you can easily revert if you flash a ROM and run into issues.
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I managed to flash HTC_One_M8_Lollipop_5.1_LMY47O.H9 and no wifi issue so that is good but it seems that the GPE ROM only has the blasting capability from the standard google class ConsumerIrManager and does not support ConsumerIrManagerHtc hence no learning ...
If anyone could provide me a link of a stock nandroid HTC ROM Lollipop 5.1 (not GPE) I'be be very grateful... Even if I loose phone.
Of course better would be CID T-MOB003 but I did not find...
questionmark said:
If anyone could provide me a link of a stock nandroid HTC ROM Lollipop 5.1 (not GPE) I'be be very grateful... Even if I loose phone.
Of course better would be CID T-MOB003 but I did not find...
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Stock TWRP nandroid backup (Sense LP for your CID) is posted here:
Note that this is not a flashable ROM zip, but rather a TWRP backup. So you'll need to unzip the folder contents, transfer to proper location on the phone, and RESTORE in TWRP (not INSTALL). See tutorial steps 4 through 9 (then reboot). You shouldn't need to do the remaining steps.
redpoint73 said:
Stock TWRP nandroid backup (Sense LP for your CID) is posted here:
Many many thanks for that. Was busy last 2 weeks but got it to work first finding a KitKat rom (before your post) working fine with HTCIR blast/learning and then installed fine the above all working fine as it used to be before the Marshmallow update that IMO regressed in this sense in HTC sense removing IR learning (I bought the device exactly for that unique capability). The good things is now since I did backup of both ROM I can test my APP on both and think about people using M7 that might want to keep this older device to actually have a powerful universal remote control with IR PRONTO hex learning capability. Still very busy with that APP and I hope to post / update it soon here for the M7/M8 users still on HTC sense ROM with IR learning capability.
Again many thanks for pointing me at the right link, I searched searched but missed it somehow.
PS: M10 still kept the IR blasting for what I know, not sure about learning? anyone knows?
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Hi Chaps,
Ive just noticed this post, is this definitley official then, no IR in Marshmallow??, i hope they sort it in the future then, ill be dropping back down to LP myself for now.

Note 4 randomly restarts

Hello I'm having an issue with my Note 4, it is a device I love but I feel I may be forced into changing to a cheap cheap phone
All of a sudden my smartphone randomly restarts and gets stuck in an everlasting bootloop, I have to remove battery to be able to shut it down and have it boot up.
It is all stock apart from the updates Samsung asks every now and then.
I'm a scrub and this matter
The battery is relatively new, original working for under a year. 7 months maybe.
This is my phone, there are many like it but this one is mine!
Thanks in advance for any advice given
Problem solved my friends,
my note4 is pretty much alive, battery died after 7 months. A new one sorted it out.
Thanks all
Hi to everybody, I bought a sm-n910F on ebay from a 100% positive feedback seller. First time I turned on the device I realise it was slow. After I upgraded it began to reset automatically as many of you wrote in this thread. I wondered, if I change the stock rom with a custom one, will I solve this issue? Or if I flash a marshmallow firmware before this last update will I solve the issue? Another question still, can I flash a lollipop firmware if I find? Sorry for all these questions and thanks in advance. I look forward your answers.
silverfox2o1396 said:
Hi to everybody, I bought a sm-n910F on ebay from a 100% positive feedback seller. First time I turned on the device I realise it was slow. After I upgraded it began to reset automatically as many of you wrote in this thread. I wondered, if I change the stock rom with a custom one, will I solve this issue? Or if I flash a marshmallow firmware before this last update will I solve the issue? Another question still, can I flash a lollipop firmware if I find? Sorry for all these questions and thanks in advance. I look forward your answers.
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Please consider opening a new thread next time if you are facing problems or other thing you want to "share" on XDA. I'm not a moderator, but I think it's useful for us all to keep this forum clean and clear.
But let's go to your problem.
In principle, I guess that flashing any firmware made for your phone will resolve your issue. No matter if it's a custom ROM, the stock ROM or any other ROM no matter its Android version. But keep in mind that it has to be the proper firmware for your device! (Otherwise you will most likely soft brick it)

Samsung Note 4 Sprint Android 6.0.1 no return 5.0

I am sorry for my bad English skills
I am using Samsung Note 4 Sprint Android 6.0.1.
It's very bad and doesn't have a fingerprint. I need to go back to an earlier version.
I've used "Odin" and "Z3X SamsungTool, COMBINATION". All failed.
I downloaded Firmware at website
Please Help me...!
If you were on the n910PVP5DQ15 firmware then the sboot is fused5, binary 4 and can not be downgraded. That is most likely the reason you have a fail in Odin. The following links will provide further information and guidance. If you have questions ask then in this post, good luck
Mr. JAVI said:
If you were on the n910PVP5DQ15 firmware then the sboot is fused5, binary 4 and can not be downgraded. That is most likely the reason you have a fail in Odin. The following links will provide further information and guidance. If you have questions ask then in this post, good luck
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Thank you verry much ..!!
Your welcome
Mr. JAVI said:
Your welcome
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My phone is very cheap...!
I'm not afraid to ruin it
It will help me understand more. :laugh:
Bán Trinh Trả Góp said:
My phone is very cheap...!
I'm not afraid to ruin it
It will help me understand more. :laugh:
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Well I hope you don't ruin it. lol The Note 4 is concerned by many as "the last develop friendly phone". The Last Spirit update (5DQ15) has made it not so friendly. Prior to loosing my phone, I was on Lollipop
4COK1 with the ultimate Note 5 hybrid (MORA) rom as my daily driver. I could flash back and forth form lollipop to Marshmallow and choose many different custom roms. However, I seldom used MM because I didnt like the layout of the OS. Hated the mock location that force an app and Google maps in Samsung settings (BIG TIME, Yea how moke is it if it connected to Google maps?). While on lollipop just set mock location and done. Furthermore, the permission settings in MM are scattered in different sections that not only adds completely in navigation but confusion as to what the F is this? All the while stating udate for you security. My security or there's? Well, no use crying over spilled milk as they say.
Being locked to 5DQ15 firmware was a new experience. Now years later, I found myself unfamiliar with the Note 4 5DQ15. The first thing I noticed was n910p xda forum was "where did everybody go" ? Next thing I noticed is all the bricked devices and fails in Odin when downgrading the 5DQ15. Thats when I decided the safest choice to begin with was the
Being with installing TWRP followed by rebooting the phone. Then I rebooted back to TWRP and made a backup of all the partitions to external sd. Afterwards, I flash the custom rom. I was very pleased it had completely with xposed firmware and models. Although its really a great rom, I still missed my old customizations in 5.0 roms.
Reading threw the forums at that time provided very little to go by and the information posted by members seemed to conflict. Some said you you can on 6.0 rom and others saying the opposite. All the while lioking to purchase another n910p with a lower bootloader which lead me to visual prof of custom roms on 6.0 are compatible (maybe). I still needed to flash to be 100% sure. (screen shots in next post).
I also felt like you "Its an inexpensive device and Im going to take a risk".
Mr. JAVI said:
Well I hope you don't ruin it. lol The Note 4 is concerned by many as "the last develop friendly phone". The Last Spirit update (5DQ15) has made it not so friendly. Prior to loosing my phone, I was on Lollipop
4COK1 with the ultimate Note 5 hybrid (MORA) rom as my daily driver. I could flash back and forth form lollipop to Marshmallow and choose many different custom roms. However, I seldom used MM because I didnt like the layout of the OS. Hated the mock location that force an app and Google maps in Samsung settings (BIG TIME, Yea how moke is it if it connected to Google maps?). While on lollipop just set mock location and done. Furthermore, the permission settings in MM are scattered in different sections that not only adds completely in navigation but confusion as to what the F is this? All the while stating udate for you security. My security or there's? Well, no use crying over spilled milk as they say.
Being locked to 5DQ15 firmware was a new experience. Now years later, I found myself unfamiliar with the Note 4 5DQ15. The first thing I noticed was n910p xda forum was "where did everybody go" ? Next thing I noticed is all the bricked devices and fails in Odin when downgrading the 5DQ15. Thats when I decided the safest choice to begin with was the
Being with installing TWRP followed by rebooting the phone. Then I rebooted back to TWRP and made a backup of all the partitions to external sd. Afterwards, I flash the custom rom. I was very pleased it had completely with xposed firmware and models. Although its really a great rom, I still missed my old customizations in 5.0 roms.
Reading threw the forums at that time provided very little to go by and the information posted by members seemed to conflict. Some said you you can on 6.0 rom and others saying the opposite. All the while lioking to purchase another n910p with a lower bootloader which lead me to visual prof of custom roms on 6.0 are compatible (maybe). I still needed to flash to be 100% sure. (screen shots in next post).
I also felt like you "Its an inexpensive device and Im going to take a risk".
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I think people can easily buy the latest phones today.
The warranty company assumes all responsibility.
It is difficult to find someone with hobby of editing phone software.
Now just to be perfectly clean, I am in no way suggesting that anyone purchase a pre rooted device. Never
To all , You never know what has been installed hidden within the system when purchasing a pre-rooted phone.
If thats not enough, consider the developer of the rom that has put in all the work, cheated out of there donations.
Mr. JAVI said:
Well I hope you don't ruin it. lol The Note 4 is concerned by many as "the last develop friendly phone". The Last Spirit update (5DQ15) has made it not so friendly. Prior to loosing my phone, I was on Lollipop
4COK1 with the ultimate Note 5 hybrid (MORA) rom as my daily driver. I could flash back and forth form lollipop to Marshmallow and choose many different custom roms. However, I seldom used MM because I didnt like the layout of the OS. Hated the mock location that force an app and Google maps in Samsung settings (BIG TIME, Yea how moke is it if it connected to Google maps?). While on lollipop just set mock location and done. Furthermore, the permission settings in MM are scattered in different sections that not only adds completely in navigation but confusion as to what the F is this? All the while stating udate for you security. My security or there's? Well, no use crying over spilled milk as they say.
Being locked to 5DQ15 firmware was a new experience. Now years later, I found myself unfamiliar with the Note 4 5DQ15. The first thing I noticed was n910p xda forum was "where did everybody go" ? Next thing I noticed is all the bricked devices and fails in Odin when downgrading the 5DQ15. Thats when I decided the safest choice to begin with was the
Being with installing TWRP followed by rebooting the phone. Then I rebooted back to TWRP and made a backup of all the partitions to external sd. Afterwards, I flash the custom rom. I was very pleased it had completely with xposed firmware and models. Although its really a great rom, I still missed my old customizations in 5.0 roms.
Reading threw the forums at that time provided very little to go by and the information posted by members seemed to conflict. Some said you you can on 6.0 rom and others saying the opposite. All the while lioking to purchase another n910p with a lower bootloader which lead me to visual prof of custom roms on 6.0 are compatible (maybe). I still needed to flash to be 100% sure. (screen shots in next post).
I also felt like you "Its an inexpensive device and Im going to take a risk".
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Sorry for the language differences,
I can not understand everything you write :crying::crying:
Bán Trinh Trả Góp said:
I think people can easily buy the latest phones today.
The warranty company assumes all responsibility.
It is difficult to find someone with hobby of editing phone software.
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The warranty company assumes responsible with new devices, of course rooting will void the warranty.
Not that difficult to find someone with the skills to edit Android devices. I'll simply say XDA
You are using Z3E tool and Odin are you not? Well then why not buy a newer phone?
---------- Post added at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 PM ----------
Its just a hobby of mine, I enjoy moding and flashing. Im not a programer. I simply wish to give back to the XDA community.
I could buy a new phone but the newer models of have locked bootloaders. (us versions).
---------- Post added at 01:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 PM ----------
Bán Trinh Trả Góp said:
Sorry for the language differences,
I can not understand everything you write :crying::crying:
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It not your fault, I know my writing skills need important. Im spelling is horrible.
I thank you as in your first question in this post has help me too. First time I heard of Z3E tool. Thank you
