Can you help us? - General Marketing & SEO

Hello everybody,
My name is Ben and I have an application for android phones that I need a little help with. I am currently looking for a community that would be willing to download this app and just keep in touch with me every now and then with a few updates. It doesn't cost anything, it doesn't really do anything either. Basically it will gather information about signal strength and sending/receiving times for sms messages globally.
Essentially what I would like to know is are there any communities out here who would be willing to help just for the sake of helping somebody out with a new idea or what sort of incentives would you need to get a few of you to join the routemaster community.
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, did you upload the app to Google Play? You can promote your app on this forum


Need someone to help me develop an app

Im looking for someone to help me in developing an application. I will of course pay for all service. I'm looking for someone who already has some experience in app building. I'm a very honest business guy to work with. Please feel free to reply. I really need a app developer. Thank you guys.

Need someone to help me develop an app

Im looking for someone to help me in developing an application. I will of course pay for all service. I'm looking for someone who already had some experience in app building. I'm a very honest business guy to work with. Please feel free to reply. I really need a app developer. Thank you guys.
What sort of app are you looking to make?
I'm always looking for new app ideas (new apps to write that is
I'd be interested.

Develop for a good cause!

Calling all developers...
I first want to thank you guys for all you do. I and my phone certainly appreciate the work you have put into developing for these smart devices.
I have a request...
I work for a non-profit organization that provides services for the mentally and physically disabled segment of the population. I provide IT support and have been tasked with finding talented programmers who can write applications for Android and iOS devices. The applications are not expected to be particularly elaborate, but definitely esthetically appealing. They will need to be simple and easy to use. We are looking to provide these apps for the people we support. We want to provide for them a way to find helpful information easily and quickly (like branch location information, local state/county resource listings, etc.).
I'm asking for your help because though I provide IT support, I'm definitely no coder (hardware, help desk, and server support are in my wheel house).
If anyone here is interested in lending your talents to a good cause you can reply to this thread or pm me.
We are in the very early stages of this project, so questions regarding details like compensation or even the detailed nature of the desired app(s) cannot be answered at this time.
Nevertheless, I can assure you that your help will be greatly appreciated.
P.S. If this is the wrong place to inquire, or the wrong thread to post, please steer me in the right direction.
Andre (aka perknite)
A static page with links to the appropriate county agency(s) resource(s) web page(s) is all you need. Especially considering your clientele.

[Q] [developer needed] Athletics Application and Website

Hello everyone!
I am thinking of making a new app, including a website. Since I am a website builder I would love to get some help with building the android app (my knowloedge of java is minimal...).
The fact is; I always have good ideas for building websites etc, but never really have the motivation to develop it. Now I have this thing; I am an athlete and study sports marketing. There are a lot apps for running and fitness, but there is no database-like app for athletics.
What should the app do?
- The app should syncronize with the website I will build, it should be able to upload the user data to the MySQL database.
- It will be a 'social' app so you should be able to put things on twitter with it.
- You should be able to upload your new personal records to it. So you can keep track of your best performances
- There should be information about specific technics (for example the fosbury flop, on high jump).
and more if I can come up with more ideas.
What am I looking for?
- A developer that has about 2 or 3 hours time a week for this project
- Creative people
- People who know how developing for android works.
In a later stadium the developer(s) can earn money from selling the app and adds, 100% of the profit of the app is for the developer(s). The profit I get from the website is 100% for me.
If there's nobody interested, do you guys know where to find someone like this? I can't do it all myself since that's way too much work. But I would love to make it. I will make a logo, and we can discuss about a name for the website and the app.
Please help me. If you have questions, please ask!

guidance needed for development of a live score app

I apologise if this is in a wrong place and please point me in the right direction.
I want to develop an android app which will show live scores and updates and fixtures of football. I do not need whole world but country specific. How do i go about it if someone can guide me.
Also how to use the livefeed of some live update websites and provide push notifications.
Any and every guidance is appreciated.

