[Q] Unable to connect to mobile data - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

I finally got superuser working by flashing Echoe Illusion, the full touch-wiz version with Android 4.3. At first it seemed like I had everything working but the next day when I left the house (no longer connected to home wifi) I quickly realized it was refusing to connect to mobile data. I also cannot send text messages, and likewise I can assume I can't get them either. I have tried flashing the nightly CM11 build and 3G connected although LTE did not. I wasn't in an area where I expected reliable LTE anyway so that's not even an issue at this point because I'd very much like to use this Echoe Illusion rom, or another Touch-wiz based one. I just can't go downloading a bunch of them because I have a severe restriction on data usage and have already downloaded Echoe Illusion AND multiple other things. If it matters, my baseband ends in MJA.
I have also attempted to flash different modems with Odin, although all of them failed completely to flash at all and at this point I have to honestly admit I don't know what I'm doing. This is most definitely not my first time rooting...I'm just used to HTC phones, the Evos in particular. Thanks in advance if anyone can help or provide useful tips!
oh and P.S. I can't go back to the stock firmware because I must have flashed an incorrect kernel, and it borked the phone. I only got it working again by flashing a separate rom (Echoe Illusion) and have since flashed other kernels with no ill effect. I had a nandroid backup of the stock rom before I borked it, but every time I try restoring it, it stops at the yellow Sprint screen and won't boot.


had lite'ning 1.4, updated to 6.1, now wifi issues

ok basically i bought the phone second hand with lite'ning 1.4 on it and the wifi worked perfectly ok all the time. Since it was very old i updated it to 6.1. ever since then I have had issues with the wifi. it will connect perfectly fine to the router but i have no connectivity from it, nothing will get any net access at all. This is also not 100% of the time, its MOST of the time but not all, i do have moments where it does work fine. very very odd.
I have since tried updating the kernel to ninpho 2.1.3 from the 2.0.5 that comes with lite'ning 6.1, but that made no difference.
Someone suggested i try a wifi fix app from the market so i downloaded "FXR wifi fix and rescue" and ran that. It ran ok, wiped all my wifi settings and i restarted, but it has not solved the problem at all.
i find it very very odd since if it was a problem with the kernel OR the rom then everyone would surely have exactly the same problem. I know some people report wifi issues but most dont seem to.
anyone have any other ideas?
The odd thing is that it worked before the update. That means that it will most likely be software related.
You could try flashing something totally different like MIUI or CM. They provide kernels too, so this might resolve it, if your kernel and rom don't "like each other". This usually shouldn't happen, but updates breaking wifi shouldn't too. So it might be worth a try.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
if i went to something completely different i assume i would have to factory reset the phone to wipe it first? (or factory reset it AFTER installing the new rom?)
was trying to avoid wiping it as i dont want to spend endless hours setting up everything again. i have backed it up with the free titanium but id still like to not have to find out whether the restore actually puts everything back properly
its very odd as its not completely broken, sometimes it does actually work, and it always connects to the router itself without any problem.
Probably wrong modem for you, flash another one. You can find modems in the developement section.
ok thanks I will have a look at that. It is currently on XXKH3 which is what came with lite'ning 6.1. i am confused though, all SGS2 hardware is identical so if this modem in 6.1 is causing this issue, wouldnt it affect every sgs2 that uses that modem?
I found the "shipped modem collection" post in the original development thread so have asked in there which modem i should try.
ok apparently i should try XXKI3. for o2 UK provider.
although i have now read that wifi is not managed by modem but by kernel only. if this is true then modem will not help me
Well, if the wifi is not managed by the modem, try what I proposed you earlier. The simplest would be to flash CM. Make a backup of your current rom, then do a full wipe and install CM.
As for your data:
1. Titanium backup restores your apps with their data (if you wish). That means that, for example, your games will keep their saves, other apps their settings and so on.
2. Assuming that you have a google-account, you don't have to worry about your contacts, calender,... Just sync it before you flash.
3. The backup you make in CWM will backup everything in case CM doesn't work for you.
In case it does work and you'll want to keep it, the other two other parts of your backup will minimize the remaining work. Note that you shouldn't restore "standard"-apps like the media-player or the SMS-app if titanium backup tells you that the app is not currently installed on your fresh CM. This means that CM uses it's own media player or SMS app. It could lead into problems to mix TouchWiz apps with CM.
A side-note:
Don't use the "stable" version. It had more bugs than expected and they made it a RC again. However, it is still in the stable folder. Get the latest nightly.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
yep i think it is kernel. just noticed that 1.4 had cf-root, 6.1 had ninph 2.0.5 and i then tried ninph 2.1.3 and both ninph's have had the issue. i just tried speedmod k2-13 as i already had that downloaded and so far the wifi has been ok so hopefully thats it fixed. i guess it was something to do with ninph (i am thinking that because i have it set to sleep the wifi when the screen is off that somehow ninph is not handling this properly).
possibly one good thing to come of it all, ive updated the modem to KI3 which is supposedly the best one for o2 UK so i may even save more battery and speedmod is meant to be really good for battery too. I still have lite'ning on it at the moment.
i might have a look at CM anyway but i do kinda like lite'ning (although i havent actually used anything else since the phone came with it!)
also need to look at wakelocks to see if i can save some more, although not sure how i go about 'fixing' them at the moment
The choice between CM, MIUI and the stock mods is the choice between three different UI's.
I've had all three of them for some time. As you got CWM, you can just create a backup and do a sightseeing tour through the world of custom roms. Believe me, it's absolutely worth it. To get an idea of the main differences, I've written a short overview for you:
Stock mods use Samsung's TouchWiz. The default user interface that you get when buying a Samsung Android phone. So it mostly looks and "feels" the same and you can't do much about it.
CyanogenMod gives you the pure Android user interface. It's the closest to the Nexus phones by google, but gives you some extras. It is much more customizable than stock roms. It's sleek and fast.
MIUI is a whole different story. They're "Redefining Android". I think calling MIUI an "Android custom rom" is an understatement. It's an entire OS. The result of putting the best from iOS and Android into one powerful OS. It adds tons of useful(!) features. If you've ever used Windows Phone 7 or an iPhone, you know what a big step forwards Android is when it comes to features. Switching from Android to MIUI is just like that. There is just so much more. It is BY FAR the most customizable Android you can get.
Wow. If I look at how long the texts are, I see that I'm pretty biased. :O
Well maybe because I've switched so often between them. The stock roms had no chance, because after I used one of the others I found out that TouchWiz doesn't cut it anymore. I hate how "iPhone-ish" MIUI is, but if I flash CyanogenMod I just miss so much. Giving you a list of what MIUI adds would be another long post of this length.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
cool thanks will have a look at MIUI at some point.
spoke too soon earlier, the wifi is maybe slightly better on this speedmod kernel BUT when i wake the phone from sleep, it takes about 30 seconds before i can connect to the net with anything. the phone connects to the wifi straight away, but i have no connectivity for a good 30 seconds and then it starts working. (its not the router, i am getting a connection and an IP pretty much as soon as i wake the phone). also the 30 seconds or so only STARTS once i try to connect to something. if i wake the phone and do something that does not want net access for a few mins and THEN try to get on the net via wifi (which shows as connected the entire time) then again i have to wait about 30 seconds from when it first tries to connect before it will start working.
ok slightly confused again.
I have lite'ning 6.1, speedmod k2-13 kernel and XXKI3 modem. I am trying to get cwm installed so i can make a full backup image of the entire phone while i try to sort out the wifi issues. i downloaded rom manager from market, and selected the firstion option in the app 'flash clockworkmod recovery'. it brings up a menu saying 'confirm phone model' with AT&T galaxy S2, a coulpe of i9000s and a plain "Samsung Galaxy S2" which is the one i selected. it downloads something and says successfully downloaded clockwork mod recovery.
i then choose reboot into recovery. when rebooting it attemps to install something but then says "failed to verify whole-file signature" and aborts. so im just stuck with the standard recovery instead.
so now im confused, have i missed something?
Ehhhhm, you don't need to do it.
Have a look at the features of the speed-mod-kernel:
Current features:
Root and CWM:
- Automatically installs root (su)
- CWM recovery
It already installs it right away.
Just in case you messed something up. You should flash the kernel again.
Besides that you don't need the RomManager at all. Just shut your phone down and boot into the recovery with the key-combo. Create and restore backups from there.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

WIF/Network/Modem problems

Update: apparently its not broken because I did a full wipe and installed Echoe again, left MJ9 on it, and it seems to be working, for now anyway. -MJ5 was recommended by the developer
U2: Wifi stops working again.
I am worried that my s4 might be broken since any modem I try I don't get a stable wifi or the phone crashes when using GPS on a data connection (sometimes it works, sometimes the network drops and sometimes the phone crashes).
I was using Echoe ROM on baseband mj5 for a couple of months with no problems but lately the wifi problems started showing up and after reboots the phone would ALWAYS crash once at lockscreen (right after booting) and then it would work fine on second or third reboot. I upgraded to newer echoe but the same, so I decided to go to an AOSP rom and switched to Liquidsmooth (latest on 4.3). And I was having even bigger problems with network and slow wifi (on echoe the wifi problem was intermitent, on this it's always slow) and I didn't use to have GPS+Data network=phne crashes. So I went on the thread with all the modems and tried a few. the site http://www.sammobile.com/firmwares/2/ tells me that for my S4 i9505 on three UK the latest is I9505XXUEMK9.
All the following I tested on liquidsmooth rom and by reflashing this rom before and or after new modem flash
So I tried both XXUEMK9 and 8 but both are really bad, wifi drops and phone crashes (tried WIFI fix), then I tried I9505XXUEMJ9 without/with wifi fix and it seemed stable for about 5 minutes... then it crashed. This was on new rom flash after flashing moded, just to make sure... and it still crashed.
I used odin to flash all the modems
I use Philz Touch latest 6.something (I was on 5.something at first but changed it just to be sure)
should I try a modem that is not UK specific, is there an international one? <-- although, Im assuming XX means international so this would answer my own question.
Any help or advice is appreciated.
I would still like to know of a good modem for UK Three phone with AOSP rom

MDOB rom messed up S4 (full wipe doesn't wipe everything?)

System Specs: Galaxy S4 Canadian i337m OTA 4.3 (jfltecan), carrier is Bell, stock Samsung firmware, stock kernel (use wicked rom 9.1 sometimes too)
lot's of reading so go grab a coffee and have a cigarette before you sit down to read this, you'll probly be here for awhile
The rom/fix in question: MDOB rom/i337m fix - here's a link to both.
first off i'd like to mention this phone was 100% perfect on stock Samsung rom 4.2.2 using Ktoonsez KT-SGS4 kernel for many months, until the day I installed this dreaded MDOB 4.2.2 rom and the "fix" that came with it
everything went bad on me back while I was running 4.2.2 stock unlocked boot loader and could never get it back to normal so this isn't a issue caused by 4.3 knox or 4.3 itself that i'm currently using. (i'm stuck on 4.3 roms but had this issue way before 4.3 existed)
i'm having an extreme amount of issues AFTER installing the MDOB rom, even after changing rom back to stock (flashed back to stock rom with ktoonsez kernel which is what I was using before I installed MDOB rom and phone has been royaly screwed ever since that day) more specifically I think it happened from the "i337M fix" that's included with the rom, either way after installing this rom I've never been able to get my phone back to normal.
everything runs fine except until I install a custom kernel (Ktoonsez KT-SGS4 kernel) then all hell breaks loose.
I don't blame the kernels or my current rom since I've ran this before for many months until the day i installed MDOB rom on my phone my phone was a dream machine.
issues since this rom has been installed include:
A. RANDOM SLEEPS OF DEATH (phone shuts off or freezes)
B. random freezing while trying to turn on phone or enter recovery
C. some kernels won't work proper (specifically ktoonsez KT-SGS4 kernel) example gpu stuck at max while idle and downclocking when screen is touched with this kernel
D. wifi won't work with custom kernel on stock 4.3 rom without build prop edit to ro.securestorage.support, although it should
E. weak wifi and mobile signals
F. bad battery life
G. bad call quality
H. More that I can't remember off the top of my head
here's my flashing process, in attempts to remove as much as possible:
I know a few of these steps are probly pointless but hey can't blame me for trying.
step 1. enable usb debugging & unknown sources
step 2. install root & recovery
step 3. fresh boot phone let files settle so they can save (5mins or more) then plug into computer while turned on and delete everything
step 4. reboot into TWRP recovery (version and clear everything, full advanced wipe, factory reset, format data than clear cache/dalvik afterwards just to be sure
step 5. remove SD card plug into computer and format to make sure there's nothing
step 6. install rom
step 7. (sometimes) clear cache/dalvik/permissions after rom install, although fix permissions seems to break my permissions rather than fix them or maby my permissions just break during flashing and I just can't fix them (haven't tested enough to be 100% sure)
i'm SOOO temped to try a full nand erase since i noticed there ARE still lot's files on my phone directory even after wiping, but i know that isn't a good idea;(
once stock kernel is back on my phone these issues are all gone.
Ktoonsez says it's not his kernel (used to work before, so i have no reason not to believe him), he says it's the rom well i'm on 100% stock Samsung rom (exception of kernel) and the rom was built to act the way it does so you can't really blame the rom so who do i blame??
until i went to go try wicked rom and flash back to stock I didn't realize these things were still on here, but now they emerge! wicked rom was giving me some (unrealated?) issue so i decided ima go back to stock so i flashed stock rom via odin (pc) and right away i noticed the 4G symbol, Samsung wallet, desktop not setup proper (no shortcuts) this ONLY happens when switching from wicked rom to stock rom on the first flash, i flash again everything looks how it should, and in order to get it to do this again i have to flash back to wicked rom and flash stock rom again and BAM it happens.
i knew my issue started on the same day that i installed this MDOB rom but after doing a full wipe and MANY "fresh" stock rom installs later i stopped questioning the rom and just lived with a crap phone that reboots itself all the time and has bad battery life, AS SOON AS I SEEN THE SAMSUNG WALLET bam it hit me like a truck, IT WAS THE MDOB ROM INSTALL.
UNLESS stock Samsung rom comes with wallet preinstalled and hidden on stock/wicked roms than the ONLY other way it coulda got on my phone is from the MDOB rom.
I can wipe/delete/factory reset/flash with twrp & odin on pc all I want, my roms are still messed up after FRESH installs. I believe there is still left over files from this rom/fix, I didn't think there would be anything until I noticed when i'm flashing from wicked rom back to complete stock rom using odin on pc I experience things from MDOB rom (while It should be 100% stock after odin (pc) flash, but it's not)
after the first flash from going from wicked rom back to stock I always experience the following "bug" i'll call it a bug since these things ALL HAPPEN AT THE SAME TIME: once I flash AGAIN all these symptoms go away until I go back to wicked rom and flash back to stock rom than right there after this first flash going from wicked rom BACK TO stock ALL these symptoms come back until I flash stock firmware AGAIN, a second time (even though I just flashed it)
1. Samsung wallet appears in my apps (this was only EVER on my phone once, when I had the MDOB rom on my phone), this thing shoulda never somehow appeared back on my phone in any way shape or form after ditching the MDOB rom, but again is comes back after the first flash going from wicked rom to stock rom.
2. I get the 4G icon from MDOB rom (not the LTE icon I SHOULD have while on stock, when on wicked rom I have a little LTE icon with a tiny 4G above it, the only time I've ever had just a 4G icon (without LTE) like this is when I had MDOB rom on my phone (which is the only other rom I've run other than wicked rom and stock rom).
3. this icon ONLY shows up after the FIRST flash from wicked rom back to stock, once I install stock AGAIN than it returns to it's normal LTE icon.
4. now i'm not just *****in about an icon here, this is just a part of my problem (indicator if you will), when my rom is "bugged" after first install from wicked rom to stock rom my wifi works normal how It used too. but once corrected (flashing again) AND using custom kernel on STOCK firmware it breaks my wifi 100% broken until I use this little build prop edit fix, set ro.securestorage.support = true to false, bam wifi now working but the rest of my problems are still there (wifi used to work 100% on custom kernels and everything until MDOB rom touched my phone and left this "bug" behind)
5. when this 4G icon appears after this "first" flash back from wicked rom to stock rom I also experience something else, my wifi button works during first boot setup and auto enables itself and I have no issues with my wifi connecting (as soon as I see this toggle on I already know once my phone locks onto the network it's gonna give me a 4G icon and not an LTE icon like it should and sure as shiznit it does, as soon as I get my icon back to how it's supposed to be (LTE icon) all of a sudden wifi won't auto connect on a first boot anymore, never, 100% never. (back before installing MDOB rom I used to auto connect 100% of the time on first boot) like it does now only when it's "bugged" out.
6. apps are missing, when this "bug" appears there's no app shortcuts on the desktop of my phone by default after fresh flash like there should be, sometimes they appear on first flash once in awhile (some apps might not even be installed? or just shortcuts missing, have yet to verify)
7. it feels like the phone flashes way too fast (second flash takes longer, I think?) and more/all? apps get installed on second flash, and Samsung wallet get's REMOVED (how'd it even get there? other than bein left behind from MDOB rom, same with the 4G icon, that icon isn't in either of the two roms I use so how does it get there? and ONLY at the same time the wallet magically appears and the rest of this stuff)
8. when this 4G icon appears my phone seems to be great except for the fact that I know my rom didn't install properly since i'm still missing apps ect, once I flash again, apps appear, Samsung wallet DISappears, 4G icon gets replaced with LTE icon and everything is A-OK until custom kernel is installed, remember this is NOT the kernels fault as it ran 100% perfect for many months ON THIS PHONE until the day this MDOB rom was installed, and it's had these issues ever since.
some of the things I've tried:
- Countless wipes, including full advanced wipe, restore to factory, data wipes
- Ton's of fresh installs of BOTH versions of 4.2.2 - now doing same with 4.3 and wicked rom 9.1
- Tried wiping using TWRP and odin mobile (flashed mobile odin via TWRP, it works incase anyone didn't know)
- Tried flashing roms using odin (pc) v1.85, v3.07, v3.09
- Downloaded new copys of roms from new sources to make sure my roms weren't corrupted in anyway
i'll hopefully edit this post and get some pics up soon and simplify my text to help you guys better understand my situation and i'll also add a list of things I've tried to fix this problem when i have time.
any thought would really be welcome, there's sooo many of us s4 users with random sleeps of death, i'm sure if we could fix this it would help out a lot of S4 users.
thanks, dustin
Amb669 said:
System Specs: Galaxy S4 Canadian i337m OTA 4.3 (jfltecan), carrier is Bell, stock Samsung firmware, stock kernel (use wicked rom 9.1 sometimes too)
lot's of reading so go grab a coffee and have a cigarette before you sit down to read this, you'll probly be here for awhile
The rom/fix in question: MDOB rom/i337m fix - here's a link to both.
i'll hopefully edit this post and get some pics up soon and simplify my text to help you guys better understand my situation and i'll also add a list of things I've tried to fix this problem when i have time.
any thought would really be welcome, there's sooo many of us s4 users with random sleeps of death, i'm sure if we could fix this it would help out a lot of S4 users.
thanks, dustin
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Have you tried to flash the stock firmware in Odin. You can get it off the Samsung Updates site.
The guy who puts MDOB together generally makes great rom's. If everyone had the same issues then no one would use it... you really could have gotten a bad download, user error somewhere or one of many other problems.
With apps' just "appearing" are you certain once you log into your google account that it not set up to automatically start downloading apps ?
hednik said:
Have you tried to flash the stock firmware in Odin. You can get it off the Samsung Updates site.
The guy who puts MDOB together generally makes great rom's. If everyone had the same issues then no one would use it... you really could have gotten a bad download, user error somewhere or one of many other problems.
With apps' just "appearing" are you certain once you log into your google account that it not set up to automatically start downloading apps ?
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don't get me wrong, i'm sure it's a great rom but my battery drain was worse than stock so I went back to stock, I REALLY appreciate his hard work towards our community. I just dislike what it possibly did to my phone is all.
and I don't have issues with the MDOB rom itself, it's AFTER that rom has been on my phone EVERY other rom ever since then now has issues in some way shape or form, no matter what I do.
if it's user error I put down the steps on how I flash in OP, I dunno what's going wrong
i'm gathering screenshot's to better show my situation.
I am 100% positive GAPPS is NOT installing anything after rom installs (I don't connect to wifi until after setup is done spacificlly to prevent this from happening, my rom just flashes this way (only on first flash from wicked rom going to stock rom) once I flash again a second time my symptoms part goes away and I get the issues part of my OP
if i'm on wicked rom and flash to stock = symptoms listed above
if i'm on stock rom and flash to stock = issues listed above
I can replicate this problem all day long.
I've flashed his rom on and off. Never had the issue. The rom doesn't invade anything a full wipe wouldn't cure. If it doesn't full wipe then it's the recovery. It helps once in awhile if you Odin back to stock or even copy your sdcard contents and format your sdcard to make it fresh. read up on it first.
Sent from my SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 01:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 PM ----------
Also I recommend doing 9 wipes when swapping roms. It sound ridiculous I know but I do it and have never had issues.
Sent from my SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
Amb669 said:
don't get me wrong, i'm sure it's a great rom but my battery drain was worse than stock so I went back to stock, I REALLY appreciate his hard work towards our community. I just dislike what it possibly did to my phone is all.
and I don't have issues with the MDOB rom itself, it's AFTER that rom has been on my phone EVERY other rom ever since then now has issues in some way shape or form, no matter what I do.
if it's user error I put down the steps on how I flash in OP, I dunno what's going wrong
i'm gathering screenshot's to better show my situation.
I am 100% positive GAPPS is NOT installing anything after rom installs (I don't connect to wifi until after setup is done spacificlly to prevent this from happening, my rom just flashes this way (only on first flash from wicked rom going to stock rom) once I flash again a second time my symptoms part goes away and I get the issues part of my OP
if i'm on wicked rom and flash to stock = symptoms listed above
if i'm on stock rom and flash to stock = issues listed above
I can replicate this problem all day long.
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Just odin back to stock and set if that clears things up. It should solve any odd problems. The thing with flashing rom's is that someone's issues cannot always be replicated.
Going back to Odined stock will take it back to factory stock then do a factory reset in stock 3e recovery and you should be fine


Well, here is my story...
My cell phone is a Samsung Galaxy S3 mod. GT-I9300. Locked for Digitel (Venezuela mobile carrier). Android Stock Rom version: 4.1.2.
I bought this cellular a year ago, and it worked flawlessly almost for 12 months straight. I haven't experienced any single freezing or rebooting problem. I downloaded KIES and the program detected that a new version of Android was available for downloading for my phone. Bump! Error. I should have backed up my EFS first before doing the upgrading. BACKUP YOURS, IMPORTANT!)
NOTE: Backup your personal data as well since any ROM installation will remove for sure your personal data and info.
After upgrading and a few days later, my cellphone started to act somewhat funny. I started to got some freezing. To be specifically, my phone started to freeze, the screen just froze and nothing happened when I touched the screen, pressed any button. The only thing worked was to restart the cell (by pressing and holding the POWER button or by removing the batteries). Anyway, the freaking freezing problems continue occurring.
By the way, the warranty expired just a few days ago...
Since I couldn't do anything to stop the freezing problems, I decided to root the cell and install a new version of Android not official for Samsung and test its performance. But before that, I factory reset my cellphone, but it didn't work at all.
I tested several Android version I could find on internet: cm-11-20140....-i9300.zip, specifically, the SNAPSHOT, STABLE, NIGHTLY version. None of that worked, I also tested the cm-10-20... without luck. In fact, the freezing problems with those versions got worse and worse.
Taking the above in consideration, I decided to re-install the stock rom version (ver. 4.1.0) the one that was shipped with my phone when I bought it. You can find these version for any carrier in the world at: sammobile
I flashed and I used it for almost a day or so. During that period of time, I could feel that the freezing issues were gone, not even a freezing event. But unfortunately, I couldn't connect to any Mobile Network!!, so I had just bricked my cell phone !!! I took it to the cell carrier company (DIGITEL) and they could not do anything since my warranty already expired. WTF ! I was alone with my own problem now to sort it out.
By no means I mean this is a cure but I have just stopped getting the hellish freezing and rebooting problems, and I just wanna share my experience with you so maybe I could help you to get rid of this annoying issues for the time being.
Picking up where I was left off, all I had was my bricked phone and a working ROM: ver. 4.1.2, So I decided to to reinstall this version back on my phone and see if it connected to the mobile carrier.
I reinstalled it and of course, after erasing cache partitions and making a factory reset. The procedures to install any ROM on your cellphone you can find it on internet (for instance, youtube may help a lot).
After I installed the version 4.1.2. my cellphone could connect to the mobile carrier once again... phewww!! But the freezing problems continued to appear in the fuc# phone. Well, now the only option I had to test thoroughly my cell was to install any application one after another but testing if the application was the culprit for the freezing issue.
But right after installing the stock Rom, I got a error message when my phone run to the first screen (Home Screen): TOUCHWIZ stopped responding... it lit my LIGHT BULB! I searched the web for the TOUCHWIZ and found out reports regarding many problems with Touchwiz.
Holy craps! The TOUCHWIZ is a BUGGY APPLICATION that comes with the STOCK ROM developed by SAMSUNG.
My friends there is no way to UNINSTALL that application but to use another LAUNCHER. I fired up and decided to download KIT KAT Launcher. Well, I downloaded the launcher and when you first run this application a windows pops up so you can decide what launcher the cellphone may use and the time to use it. I select ALWAYS I press the HOME button, the launcher to use is KIT KAT.
In addition to that I disable various stuffs, follows (you have to go through the setting app):
Disable Touch wiz (delete CACHE, and FORCE STOP)
Disable GPS
Disable Multi Windows
Disable Swipe Lock ( I found my cellphone freezes a lot while this is on)
I don't use a lot of widgets... but only one: The Clock and Alarm widget.
So far (it has passed 5 days straight without freezing). My phone froze on me while I was downloading something (maybe the phone was updating an app) and at the same time I was texting someone. I am suspicious that there is something to do with the downloading system too and the phone that could trigger a freeze.
Anyway, if you have experienced the freezing issue on your Galaxy S3 just like me, then try what I just outlined and give it a test. But do not download a bunch of program at the same time, just pick one by one, and allow some time to test your application and check if your phone is stable before continue with the next app to download and so forth. I have downloaded so far: whatsapp, BBM, sudoku and other games.
Hope you can get rid of the freezing problems just the way I did, any question feel free to ask.
I will continue posting any advance with my phone.
PS: excuse my standard English.
Flashing a custom rom would help with the freezing issues too!
Try temasek's 4.4 rom its a lot more smooth than ur stock ull feel u have a new phone
You also lost ur carrier signal because ur efs partition was read only or something so backup ur efs before flashing the rom
kariiim said:
Flashing a custom rom would help with the freezing issues too!
Try temasek's 4.4 rom its a lot more smooth than ur stock ull feel u have a new phone
You also lost ur carrier signal because ur efs partition was read only or something so backup ur efs before flashing the rom
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Nope,, it didn't work with my cellphone. I already tested it. As a matter of fact, I can name you all the ROM I flashed to my cellphone:
None of the above rom I used stopped the freezing issue, that's why I needed to return to stock rom, and since then I am using it without experiencing any laggy or freezing.
Thanks anyway. :good:
Isnt it possible to create a rom with all of Samsungs bloat ripped off (TouchWiz included) and replaced with stock apps?
The problem is that non stock kernel roms use up a lot more battery than the stock one...
i havent got this
Dude, you seem like a total beginner at this. You might want to start by trying a proper wipe, install a rom like Temasek and install a kernel like Boeffla.
Touchwiz is not the problem for your freezing. Get a custom kernel on there and try undervolting to lower the temp your phone. It may be too hot and may lock up.
You don't have to stick to roms available from your carrier either. You might just want to try any recent 4.3 rom from Sammy.
jinosong said:
Dude, you seem like a total beginner at this. You might want to start by trying a proper wipe, install a rom like Temasek and install a kernel like Boeffla.
Touchwiz is not the problem for your freezing. Get a custom kernel on there and try undervolting to lower the temp your phone. It may be too hot and may lock up.
You don't have to stick to roms available from your carrier either. You might just want to try any recent 4.3 rom from Sammy.
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Yeah,,, you may be right I am a newbie... but since I stopped using TOUCHWIZ, I have experienced fewer a fewer lock-ups. I dunno what it is happening with my phone, but that is a fact. I am using KITKAT launcher.
The current stock ROM I am using is: 4.1.2 .... (I9300UBEMH2)
I am not familiar with undervolting to lower my phone's temp... maybe you can guide me about using it, or I could search the web for it.
UPDATE: I installed TWITTER Apps yesterday and each time I used it, it froze my phone for 12 min approx. Any suggestion?
Read the freezing thread sticky .
Delete this non working fix as well .
JJEgan said:
Read the freezing thread sticky .
Delete this non working fix as well .
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Why should I? Are you a moderator of this forum?
Well I just want to update my post.
Yesterday I just wanted to continue figuring this freezing problem out. Since I published my experiences about freezing until yesterday the problem appears to have reduced significantly. I was using stock ROM ver. 4.1.2 flashed with KIES.
But I wanted to continue testing other ROM's. I tried to install a ROM named SAMMY'S ROM developed by guy named JustArchi (that I found in this forum). However I could not install it on my phone (SGS3 - GT-I9300) since it gave me some errors when I tried to install: ERROR STATUS 7
A margin note: This techie or nerdie called JustArchi gave me the boot from his thread for trying to seek help on this error.. so I trashed this SAMMY'S ROM and move on with another solution.
Whatever, I downloaded another official stock Rom ver. 4.3, released by SAMSUNG, intended for IRELAND - I am not from Ireland, but Venezuela (I founded it at SAMMOBILE under the top 10 latest firmware just released). By using ODIN, I flashed my phone, and to tell the truth, my phone feels differently. I haven't experimented any sluggish or lagging, not even a freezing so far (knocking on wood).
For precaution, I am installing one app at the time, and giving it time to see if everything is stable.
Conclusion: to any guys who is getting the annoying freezing, I think you must stick with it until your mobile carrier makes ROM ver. 4.3 available. Otherwise, if you are like me, wanting to work things out for yourself, download any ROM (ver. 4.3 compatible with your phone model) and test it on your phone. Before doing that, you just have to search the Internet for directions to do so, I am not responsible for what you do with your phone. I'll keep updating if another problem arises.
Note: since I am getting some rude comments from senior members who think they are too techie to read newbie's comments, queries, etc. I am not interested in their replies since they are not helping at all, thus I just ignore your lame comments from now on. Just scram.
Dude, you're really not helping anybody here with your information here. I don't know what you think you're sharing. The error 7 pertains to recover error which can be eliminated by installing an alternate recovery version.
I don't care if you're a newbie or not but you are spreading false info.
I'll scram now.

Galaxy S4 doesn't work properly anymore.

To preface the current issue with my phone, I guess I should probably give some history of what I've done to it. I got my S4 around November last year, where I kept TouchWiz for about a good 3 months. At the end of those 3 months, I downloaded and installed CM KitKat using their easy installer and it worked! However, when Lollipop came around, I got a little impatient and decided to get CM12 using Antares version. Initially, I noticed there were a few bugs/glitches, but ignored them for the time being. As time went on, it became increasingly aggravating and so a few dayus ago I tried to switch back to stock TouchWiz. When I was setting up the phone, I noticed that the wi-fi would just not turn it. It would stay at "turning on" for a very long time with no sucess. Thus, I decided to switch back to Antares version of CM, but now there were a few issues: service was VERY spotty and the piece de resistance: no sound at ALL, and youtube would never play videos. I searched around and saw that using the Sound Recorder would give me an error: "Internal Application Error. Microphone may be in use." Now I'm not the most techy person around and probably should not have been messing around with my phone, but now all I want is a properly working phone, doesn't matter if its kitkat or lollipop. Your help is greatly appreciated. (If you need to know more info, go ahead and ask, because I'm very new to all this) Thanks!
If you want the stock ROM back, flash it twice using Odin. General consensus here is that you need to flash the modem twice in order for WiFi and cellular radios to work properly. Flashing the ROM twice will do that without having to track down just the modem file and trying to flash that.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
If you want the stock ROM back, flash it twice using Odin. General consensus here is that you need to flash the modem twice in order for WiFi and cellular radios to work properly. Flashing the ROM twice will do that without having to track down just the modem file and trying to flash that.
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Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working :/ When setting up my S4, it's still stuck at turning on the wifi
I switched back to Antares CM, and everything works fine except for sound/microphone (to my knowledge). Would there be any way to fix this?

