How to add arabic to miui roms ? - Galaxy Y GT-S5360 and Duos 6102 Q&A, Help & Troubl

Hi, I installed miui v3 rom cm7 , but it doesnt support arabic "it reads letters inversed" any help to add arabic font
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Eclair indian version fonts required!!!

I am using froyo jp2 rom. I am using hindi font which was given in another post in this forum. But hindi / marathi language is not shown clearly as compared to Eclair. So want to copy paste eclair fonts in my jp2 rom by which i can read hindi / marathi it possible??? If yes then pls give me fonts...
Sent from my GT-I5801 using XDA App

Urdu script for HTC wildfire

Hi everyone,
HTC wildfire doesn't support Urdu Scriptures the Urdu messages sent to my mobile cannot be read,
Could anyone help me reading those Urdu messages by making my mobile compatible to display those fonts clearly
Prently I have HTC wildfire A3333
I have rooted my device to cynogenmod 7.1 with 2.3.3 gingerbread
Thanq all
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
dude you need to change font. i am from india( kerala). so i need to see malayalam posts in fb. so i changed main font with a font supporting malayalam. and now i can read malayalam. Google for a font that support urdu/ hindi. and replace original with it.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
mujahid525 said:
Hi everyone,
HTC wildfire doesn't support Urdu Scriptures the Urdu messages sent to my mobile cannot be read,
Could anyone help me reading those Urdu messages by making my mobile compatible to display those fonts clearly
Prently I have HTC wildfire A3333
I have rooted my device to cynogenmod 7.1 with 2.3.3 gingerbread
Thanq all
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I have No issue with reading Urdu because CM7 Supports Arabic. as i am using the same CM7 too .. but nightly # 177 and earlier a there was stable CM7 ..

how to get official rom?

i wanna to flash a zte blade to make it Arabic.mean i need official rom which is support arabic
if you go under settings--> language&keyboard--> select language then u can change the language into Arabic there's no need to reset your rom
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As far as I know it was never sold in any countries that speak Arabic, so there are no official Arabic roms. You should try CyanogenMod.
there's no need for Arabic rom u can change the language in settings
Sent from my Blade using xda premium
Hellz0wn said:
there's no need for Arabic rom u can change the language in settings
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yeaaaaaa flahed with CM9

[Req]Arabic support for miui v3 rom (cm7)

Hey, i have recently installed MiUi v3 rom and i faced a problem that wasnt ther in any other cm7 rom except MiUi, so i am requesting anyone to make a patch for arabic support on MiUi rom, i will be thankfull for your help.
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Stock 4.4.2 +arabic support

Hi all
I'm looking for Stock 4.4.2 ROM + arabic support for SPH-L720 where can i find it ?
Sent from my SPH-L720 using XDA Free mobile app
You will not find stock+Arabic support.
Because the phone is for American market .
But if you want Arabic language try to use Language Enabler app from Google play if you are rooted.
Or use any custom deodexed ROM because it's common to integrate all languages in these ROMs.
Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
anees02 said:
You will not find stock+Arabic support.
Because the phone is for American market .
But if you want Arabic language try to use Language Enabler app from Google play if you are rooted.
Or use any custom deodexed ROM because it's common to integrate all languages in these ROMs.
Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
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thank you so i'll use custom rom
