[ISSUE] Battery drain com.google.process.location - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshootin

So, I'm trying to pinpoint exactly what keeps using this process (com.google.process.location) any ideas? I've looked at other threads... No luck. I do use Google now... Would this affect this even if I've placed location history and location reporting off? Another app which I think is the issue is "find my friends" would this happen to be using up my location even though I have put the location reporting off in Google settings? Thanks for any help.
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ahura999 said:
So, I'm trying to pinpoint exactly what keeps using this process (com.google.process.location) any ideas? I've looked at other threads... No luck. I do use Google now... Would this affect this even if I've placed location history and location reporting off? Another app which I think is the issue is "find my friends" would this happen to be using up my location even though I have put the location reporting off in Google settings? Thanks for any help.
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Go to settings -more - location services uncheck use wireless networks.
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[email protected] said:
Go to settings -more - location services uncheck use wireless networks.
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However, I don't want to always have to put on and off location settings when I use something like maps.
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ahura999 said:
However, I don't want to always have to put on and off location settings when I use something like maps.
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Your not turning off your GPS. Your turning off the wireless network which cause the Google services drain.
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I think I solved such an issue on one of our s4 by uninstalling maps app (restore original) and reinstalling
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Data disconnects when screen off.

Anyone else seeing this. Doesn't matter if on WiFi or not when the screen goes off the data disconnects and background data is no longer functioning. Is this a problem with the phone or a feature. I only ask because it disconnects Google talk and when I pick up the phone I get all my notifications from gmail, Facebook, etc.
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When I woke up this morning the WiFi WS disconnected on my phone.
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My HTC does this as a feature. In wireless, you can hit settings and it brings up an advanced settings tab where you can set sleep. But It's on sense 2.1 so it may not have anything to do with your problem.
frankied22 said:
When I woke up this morning the WiFi WS disconnected on my phone.
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And as soon as it connected you got all your notifications?
This shows that background data is not working properly....
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cmucooper said:
And as soon as it connected you got all your notifications?
This shows that background data is not working properly....
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Are you sure you don't have "restrict background data" checked?
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El Daddy said:
Are you sure you don't have "restrict background data" checked?
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I don't have that checked no I have checked that multiple tines just to make sure
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Settings -> WiFi -> menu -> Advanced
Make sure "Wi-Fi optimization" is checked and "Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep" is set to "Always".
Ajfink said:
Settings -> WiFi -> menu -> Advanced
Make sure "Wi-Fi optimization" is checked and "Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep" is set to "Always".
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Both of those are as you said. I'm going to try turning off optimization and see if that fixes it
Update: still has the same problem. Anyone have any ideas?
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It appears this is a WiFi only issue as it doesn't happen on hspa at all for me
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cmucooper said:
It appears this is a WiFi only issue as it doesn't happen on hspa at all for me
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Check out my thread and also the google issue logged
I recommend you all post in the google issue as there is definitely something wrong w/ this build
aimetti said:
Check out my thread and also the google issue logged
I recommend you all post in the google issue as there is definitely something wrong w/ this build
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Thanks now I know I not the only one.
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Maps keeping WiFi on

Hello everyone
I have a little problem with the battery life on my nexus7. Maps is keeping my wifi on which will drain the battery and results in a bad standby battery life.
I attached some screenshots that show up how many hours maps is keeping my wifi on.
Is there any solution to fix this problem or to restrict maps from keeping the wifi on?
Tried smart wifi toggler, but the app didn't turn on the wifi after disabling it.
Thanks for your help
Sent from my Nexus 7
kill the app after using or try an alternative map app
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ngoralph said:
kill the app after using or try an alternative map app
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I don't even use Maps and it starts in background and keeps wifi on.
Sent from my HTC Incredible S
then remove it using titanium backup
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ngoralph said:
then remove it using titanium backup
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No, cause sometimes i need it.
Now i just turn of wifi before i turn of the display.
What is your Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep Advanced Setting?
I had the same problem. Just go to settings/location and disable WiFi. If you want you can disable maps app if you don't use it. Settings/applications/maps and force close and disable.
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How to allow only certain apps mobile data?

I always have my mobile data turned off so that I don't get charged for it extra on my bill as I don't want random apps to be using data in the background without me knowing. I want to find a way to only enable data to the app Cerberus which can track your phone and stuff when lost. Is there a way to only enable data on certain apps because I don't mind paying a few extra dollars if that means me finding my lost phone.
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michaelsp9 said:
I always have my mobile data turned off so that I don't get charged for it extra on my bill as I don't want random apps to be using data in the background without me knowing. I want to find a way to only enable data to the app Cerberus which can track your phone and stuff when lost. Is there a way to only enable data on certain apps because I don't mind paying a few extra dollars if that means me finding my lost phone.
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If you go to settings>data usage and tap on an app in the list at the bottom of the screen, then you have an option to turn off background data when using mobile. See screenshot (it's in polish, but you get what I mean )
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gallardo5 said:
If you go to settings>data usage and tap on an app in the list at the bottom of the screen, then you have an option to turn off background data when using mobile. See screenshot (it's in polish, but you get what I mean )
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I don't know if that will work because I really just want data enabled for one app that I can utilize remotely to track me phone
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michaelsp9 said:
I don't know if that will work because I really just want data enabled for one app that I can utilize remotely to track me phone
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Disable data for every app except the one that will track your phone this way then
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gallardo5 said:
Disable data for every app except the one that will track your phone this way then
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Click to collapse
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A firewall from the play store. I recommend Android Firewall.
Edit: requires root
Use droidwall (rooted users only)
OK so a firewall did work and let me set which apps I want to allow WiFi and data... However it was really annoying because after I install a new app it would prompt me asking me to set the settings up for the new app... I don't want to keep doing this for every app I install is there any other way??
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Which location setting is needed for the weather widget?

As the title says, which location setting needs to be turned on for the stock weather to work correctly and update when you go to a different location? As of now it says "current location service temporarily unavailable" when I refresh the widget.
I was having battery life problems, so I turned off every location based setting on the phone, but I want to at least turn the single one on that makes this widget work.
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Sent from my LG-D800 using xda premium
Sorry to keep bumping, but does anyone know which location setting to turn on to accomplish this?
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Pretty sure it needs the one main settings under location.
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk 4
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk 4
bri315317 said:
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk 4
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Thanks bro!
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Can anyone take a pic of wakelock on phone please for me to compare

I was wondering if anyone with wakelock detector can take a pic of "phone". I'm seeing a high number in RILJ, but can't remember if this is normal or not. From doing searches it says that it's Google maps related but I have all location services disabled. Not rooted if that matters. Thanks
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MACHEK said:
I was wondering if anyone with wakelock detector can take a pic of "phone". I'm seeing a high number in RILJ, but can't remember if this is normal or not. From doing searches it says that it's Google maps related but I have all location services disabled. Not rooted if that matters. Thanks
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Dude, 1 minute of wakelock for 15 hours of uptime is not an issue.
siciliano777 said:
Dude, 1 minute of wakelock for 15 hours of uptime is not an issue.
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Yeah I get that sort of, but I can't remember it doing that many of them, that's seems like a crazy high number. I just don't know if I installed something that may have affected it
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Well once again I feel like too much wakelock, but I need something to compare too. Can someone please post. Thanks
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Here's mine
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I don't even see phone and I was on it for like an hour today...
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Why is mine 23%? How do yall keep yalls so low?
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Does anybody know how to stop play music wake locks?
Sent From My HyperDriven Note 3
Sent From My HyperDriven Note 3
XzxBATTxzX said:
Sent From My HyperDriven Note 3
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One of two things, turn it off If you don't use it, and if you do maybe try a force stop.
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Takinato said:
I don't even see phone and I was on it for like an hour today...
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You have to turn on advanced mode in Settings
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This app doesn't help me at all unfortunately. My issue is my phone won't sleep..in 11 hours it was awake almost 6. No clue why because better battery stats and WLD tells me nothing other than it was awake.
Anyone else experience this
sEnt from thE noTe 3
Rippley05 said:
This app doesn't help me at all unfortunately. My issue is my phone won't sleep..in 11 hours it was awake almost 6. No clue why because better battery stats and WLD tells me nothing other than it was awake.
Anyone else experience this
sEnt from thE noTe 3
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Can you post a picture? Maybe you have location services on. An amazing app I use is "app ops starter". Allows you to modify permissions of apps. Don't like that a app can use your camera? Disable it. Also you can see when your apps access them. I hope this helps you out!
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