Does there havea software can improve the running speed of the mobile phone? - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I use the mobile phone in the process, feel the speed is very slow, does there have a app, can run a memory more than 90% in the use of the process ,It can automatically clean up? I use sgI9500

wufang640 said:
I use the mobile phone in the process, feel the speed is very slow, does there have a app, can run a memory more than 90% in the use of the process ,It can automatically clean up? I use sgI9500
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There's a few things you can try. First have you changed the animation/transition speeds in developer settings, it definitely makes things feel a bit snappier.
If you're rooted you can try greenify to hibernate apps running in the background.
You can remove unneeded Samsung/bloatware apps installed on the /system directory, this frees up some RAM. If you're not rooted you can disable unneeded apps in applications.
Or another option is to install a custom ROM that has performance tweaks and bloat removed.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app

gsmyth said:
There's a few things you can try. First have you changed the animation/transition speeds in developer settings, it definitely makes things feel a bit snappier.
If you're rooted you can try greenify to hibernate apps running in the background.
You can remove unneeded Samsung/bloatware apps installed on the /system directory, this frees up some RAM. If you're not rooted you can disable unneeded apps in applications.
Or another option is to install a custom ROM that has performance tweaks and bloat removed.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
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thanks guys, greenify is good.

wufang640 said:
I use the mobile phone in the process, feel the speed is very slow, does there have a app, can run a memory more than 90% in the use of the process ,It can automatically clean up? I use sgI9500
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I found that the best thing was to just play around with the settings. I uploaded a quick tips video on how to speed up your Galaxy S4 using my i9500, but any variant will work. The link to the video is here: It actually makes a huge difference (you can notice the changes straight away) and its really simple to do even if you are a new user.
Another good thing to do was to get rid of Samsung's bloatware which helps free up lots of memory and the whole UI feels a bit less bogged down. To do this you can either individually disable each app you don't want in settings > more > application manager > and choose and force stop or uninstall the app you wish to remove. While this doesn't get rid of the app from your actual device, it will stop it from eating all your RAM. A better way to do this (but it is more difficult) is to run the "Truly Clean" script on your device. I made a tutorial of it on my website here: and the original thread is here:
Hope that helps you out

Clean Master is a greate application, all in one, it do a well job. it's free on google play stor :


auto killer preset or custom settings

Those of you running auto killer in your roms, did you use the aggressive settings or custom?
I'm just curious to see if anyone increased the auto kill.
I use either the aggressive or custom depending on the Rom honestly. DC ROMS= Aggressive. FRESH ROMS= strict. and all others = custom
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
I have the damagecontrol rom and I dont know if it came with auto killer or what...I restored my titanium backup and all i know is i dont have it there an apk floating around for it?
Try the market
I thought it was a custom xda application. I didn't see it in
the market.
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
I've been using Aggressive on Fresh 2.0d and it's been running great.
I tried Moderate for a while at first, but Homerun Battle 3D wouldn't even startup consistently. Once I changed it to Aggressive it has been working great.
Another quick note. I know Autokiller is supposed to reapply the settings on boot, but I'm not sure mine is. I haven't rebooted for a day or so, but the last couple times I rebooted I couldn't get Homerun Battle to run. Then I went into Autokiller and applied Aggressive again and it would start. Anybody else having similar experiences?
I used either the aggressive or strick on Fresh 2.0d. So far everything is running the smooth and fast. This the way HTC hero should have come out of the box.
What does each preset do? Is this for speed or battery life or both?
flammenwurfer said:
I've been using Aggressive on Fresh 2.0d and it's been running great.
I tried Moderate for a while at first, but Homerun Battle 3D wouldn't even startup consistently. Once I changed it to Aggressive it has been working great.
Another quick note. I know Autokiller is supposed to reapply the settings on boot, but I'm not sure mine is. I haven't rebooted for a day or so, but the last couple times I rebooted I couldn't get Homerun Battle to run. Then I went into Autokiller and applied Aggressive again and it would start. Anybody else having similar experiences?
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Damn. I wish Homerun Battle 3D would run great for me. Problem is I get crummy service at work and with it going in and out of 1x and EVDO, causes the game to lag.
I have noticed sometimes on first opening HRB, it force closes but it always opens the second time.
james33440 said:
Those of you running auto killer in your roms, did you use the aggressive settings or custom?
I'm just curious to see if anyone increased the auto kill.
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i'm running aosp 1.6 from gbhil and i used custom autokiller settings.
the way i see it they made these phones with all this ram may as well use it, what good is it to have all this free ram?
1536,3072,4096 (all default) then hidden app is 7680. content provider is 8960 and empty app is 10240. i normally run around 40-45 free ram thats about where i like it. the phone still runs fine all the way down to 20mb free but any less than that it starts going downhill.
so, im MB my settings are 30 then 35 then 40. runs great!
yeah, I get some lag now and then if I don't have great service. Playing offline seems to work fine though. I think it's just the online play that it effects. A co-worker has a Droid and his lags when playing online as well if he's in a spot without good service.
flammenwurfer said:
yeah, I get some lag now and then if I don't have great service. Playing offline seems to work fine though. I think it's just the online play that it effects. A co-worker has a Droid and his lags when playing online as well if he's in a spot without good service.
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Well, mine actually lags on offline play too. As long as the phone isnt switching back and forth, it runs smooth.
How can you remove this autokiller crap, I have tried freshkitchen, uninstaller, and from settings-applications menu, all to no avail
vedwed said:
How can you remove this autokiller crap, I have tried freshkitchen, uninstaller, and from settings-applications menu, all to no avail
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Using command prompt (adb)
adb shell
# rm Autokiller.apk
troyboytn said:
Using command prompt (adb)
adb shell
# rm Autokiller.apk
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Ohh thanks much appreciated.
I did not try that way, I figured if it couldn't be done in freshkitchen then it was just built into the rom. Thanks much again
Just stop using task killers entirely. This isn't Windows Mobile guys. You're getting all OCD in here about the placebo effect.
Sawawa said:
Just stop using task killers entirely. This isn't Windows Mobile guys. You're getting all OCD in here about the placebo effect.
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Autokiller does have a built in task killer but its real use is to tweak memory settings at boot and then shuts itself down (so Android can take care of the rest). So, in reality it is not really a task killer per say.
Fair enough, but it's still entirely pointless. I trust the device manufacturer and Android far more than I ever would the random numbers that I might otherwise delude myself into believing were somehow better.
Just let Android do its thing all of the time. It doesn't need any additional help (particularly with the process management in 2.1). Stop including this garbage in ROMs.
Sawawa said:
Fair enough, but it's still entirely pointless. I trust the device manufacturer and Android far more than I ever would the random numbers that I might otherwise delude myself into believing were somehow better.
Just let Android do its thing all of the time. It doesn't need any additional help (particularly with the process management in 2.1). Stop including this garbage in ROMs.
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It actually very useful for making roms run smoother. By default the memory numbers are very low, which lets a TON of apps run at the same time. The higher the memory numbers the more it ends apps that you werent even using. It gives what you are currently running or recently ran more priority. Even if you dont use AutoKiller, which is just an app to adjust the memory setting, every rom comes with an edited memory setting other then htc's default. Its most commonly known as gumbo's memory settings.
Also in AutoKiller you can adjust the settings to default, or just really low like htc would have them set.
Its really not a bad thing to include in roms because most people want there rom to be smooth and as close to lag free as they can get. AutoKiller helps achieve that by ending stuff you dont currently have up making the phone run faster. Thats if you have a decently set setting. I run mine on optimum, and it doenst close unnecessary things like if im on the web it stays running.
I can understand an app like Task Killer which just terminates the apps. AutoKiller is just setting the memory setting of your phone, which end apps the same way as if the phone were running normally. Just if the numbers are higher the more apps it will end quicker freeing up more space.
Also you really trust htc and sprint?? haha good luck with that
Jus10o said:
It actually very useful for making roms run smoother. By default the memory numbers are very low, which lets a TON of apps run at the same time. The higher the memory numbers the more it ends apps that you werent even using. It gives what you are currently running or recently ran more priority. Even if you dont use AutoKiller, which is just an app to adjust the memory setting, every rom comes with an edited memory setting other then htc's default. Its most commonly known as gumbo's memory settings.
Also in AutoKiller you can adjust the settings to default, or just really low like htc would have them set.
Its really not a bad thing to include in roms because most people want there rom to be smooth and as close to lag free as they can get. AutoKiller helps achieve that by ending stuff you dont currently have up making the phone run faster. Thats if you have a decently set setting. I run mine on optimum, and it doenst close unnecessary things like if im on the web it stays running.
I can understand an app like Task Killer which just terminates the apps. AutoKiller is just setting the memory setting of your phone, which end apps the same way as if the phone were running normally. Just if the numbers are higher the more apps it will end quicker freeing up more space.
Also you really trust htc and sprint?? haha good luck with that
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Either way it should be a choice made by the USER not someone who decides what I need or do not need on my phone. What I choose to have running or not running, there is no need for this garbage for the average joe who just wants something that does not look and feel like Sprint garbage. If its such a great and useful thing put it on the market and let users have a choice.

Apps keep opening in background

I have a lot of apps opening up in the background on their own and eating up my memory. Things like qik, skype, city id, vz navigator open on their own even though I barely use them, if at all. My free memory keeps dropping down to around 30mb. Is there anything I can do?
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
The best remedy I came up with was rooting my phone, and then installing Titanium Backup and Autostarts. Titanium can freeze the apps you never want to use like some of the crapware that comes preinstalled. For the apps that you do use, but don't want automatically opening all the time, you can use Autostarts to choose which conditions must be met for the app to open, or not open in this case. For both of those applications, you need to be rooted, and unfortunately that's the only way I know of to stop some of the apps you mentioned (especially Skype and CityID).
You can root to remove the bloatware, but that's it. Also, memory on android isn't the same as on a PC. With a PC, clear memory means a faster system, but the opposite is true for android. Because of the way it manages applications, you want to keep the memory as full as possible.
mlclm said:
You can root to remove the bloatware, but that's it. Also, memory on android isn't the same as on a PC. With a PC, clear memory means a faster system, but the opposite is true for android. Because of the way it manages applications, you want to keep the memory as full as possible.
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dwray said:
The best remedy I came up with was rooting my phone, and then installing Titanium Backup and Autostarts. Titanium can freeze the apps you never want to use like some of the crapware that comes preinstalled. For the apps that you do use, but don't want automatically opening all the time, you can use Autostarts to choose which conditions must be met for the app to open, or not open in this case. For both of those applications, you need to be rooted, and unfortunately that's the only way I know of to stop some of the apps you mentioned (especially Skype and CityID).
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This is the answer. There is a difference in night and day with my X since installed Autostarts and Fission.
If you install Autostarts and use Advanced Task Killer you will be able to kill the apps and they won't continue to run/open in the background. It's extremely worth it.
wad3g said:
This is the answer. There is a difference in night and day with my X since installed Autostarts and Fission.
If you install Autostarts and use Advanced Task Killer you will be able to kill the apps and they won't continue to run/open in the background. It's extremely worth it.
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Search android task killers on these forums. Then listen to the posts and let android do its thing.
Task killers bog down the system because these apps are shut down while attempting to do something (sync, send data, etc). The app then realizes that it needs to complete the process and restarts. This continues over and over hogging your cpu resources and slowing down the system.
Stop paying attention to the free memory and open apps. This is not an iPhone.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
AdhvanIt said:
Search android task killers on these forums. Then listen to the posts and let android do its thing.
Task killers bog down the system because these apps are shut down while attempting to do something (sync, send data, etc). The app then realizes that it needs to complete the process and restarts. This continues over and over hogging your cpu resources and slowing down the system.
Stop paying attention to the free memory and open apps. This is not an iPhone.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
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Except you can put exceptions into what apps to kill.
EtherBoo said:
Except you can put exceptions into what apps to kill.
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Read this
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AdhvanIt said:
Search android task killers on these forums. Then listen to the posts and let android do its thing.
Task killers bog down the system because these apps are shut down while attempting to do something (sync, send data, etc). The app then realizes that it needs to complete the process and restarts. This continues over and over hogging your cpu resources and slowing down the system.
Stop paying attention to the free memory and open apps. This is not an iPhone.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
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You're missing the point. Autostarts doesn't allow the app to start in the first place so it doesn't bog down the system or hog resources.
Correct me if I'm wrong but is it not Gingerbread that has added the addition of a task killer.
It's not about the free memory, my phone runs faster. I can tell a difference.
It's possible we may be talking about different things.
I'm pretty sure closing Angry Birds when it's still open because I Home Screen buttoned out of it won't make a big difference.
If you're referring to closing services while they're running, it's a different story. I skimmed through the article, it looks interesting, but I honestly fail to see how closing an app that's running... even one that might be doing something I don't want it to (like using GPS because it didn't close when I back-arrowed out of it).
When I bought my phone, I installed Weather Bug. Weather Bug kept trying to get my GPS location while I was at work. My phone barely made it through work. Anytime I checked the weather, I had to close the program through a task killer, or I'd have no battery because the phone was trying to use my GPS all day.
How does not closing that save my battery?
EtherBoo said:
It's possible we may be talking about different things.
I'm pretty sure closing Angry Birds when it's still open because I Home Screen buttoned out of it won't make a big difference.
If you're referring to closing services while they're running, it's a different story. I skimmed through the article, it looks interesting, but I honestly fail to see how closing an app that's running... even one that might be doing something I don't want it to (like using GPS because it didn't close when I back-arrowed out of it).
When I bought my phone, I installed Weather Bug. Weather Bug kept trying to get my GPS location while I was at work. My phone barely made it through work. Anytime I checked the weather, I had to close the program through a task killer, or I'd have no battery because the phone was trying to use my GPS all day.
How does not closing that save my battery?
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That's not a valid comparison. The android system manages apps, but it doesn't monitor everything that they're doing to prevent a runaway (like weatherbug). Actually read the article, then comment on it. And you do know you can turn gps off, right?
I happen to like GPS, and as long as I don't have any runaways, it doesn't drain battery since it's not used.
I'm just saying, for programs like that, Task Killers are great.
I'll read it tomorrow most likely.
I tried Watchdog and a few other task killers before finally shelling out the money for the full version of Titanium. I found that often times, the biggest cpu hog and battery killer was the task killer itself since it has to be constantly running in the background. For apps that you use on a regular basis, the best remedy for saving battery life is to just change the update interval period. By default, a lot of widgets (especially weather) update every 15 minutes, which can be a little tasking on system resources at times. I set mine to 1 hour and that helped tremendously. The main reason I went to the full version of Titanium is because it accomplishes what task killers can't by freezing apps to deny their access to open at all. Instead of removing the bloatware like CityID, VZ Navigator, and others, which will keep your phone from receiving OTA updates, just freeze them and you'll never have to worry about them. Autostarts takes care of the rest for me by allowing full control over the condition changes on the device which trigger certain applications to open. For example, I may use Google goggles occassionally, but I don't want it to automatically open in the background just because I enabled GPS. Before rooting my phone, I would normally average between 14 to 18 hours on moderate usage (with a task killer running I might add). Now, with those two applications managing things more meticulously, and chaning the update interval for all of my widgets, I get around 30 to 36 hours easily.

[Q] step by step instructions to delete All unnecessary files from rooted play

OK so my built in memory is always too loo and I'm really getting sick of it. could someone please tell me, with step by step instructions, which files I can remove from my play without crashing the phone. I know that's asking slot but it would greatly appreciate it. thanks in advance.
step 0, open the "safe list" thread at the top of this forum
step 1, download Titanium Backup
step 2, within the app, tap on which App you want to delete
step 3, tap on delete app
step 4, what model phone are you asking about?
step 5, personally I want to know if I can delete QC SEMC Service and preinstalledservice 1.0 on my phone
So far I've deleted
Anonymous Usage Stats
Backup Assistant
CrashMonitor 1.0
Digital clock 1.0
Gmail 2.3.2
MobileCare 6.1.0
My Verizon Mobile
News & Weather
Skype by Verizon
Visual VM
VZ Navigator
I've also gone through and deleted, then downloaded from the Market so I can move them to my SD card, with a few Apps.
I'm using an xperia play
jdz7t8 said:
I'm using an xperia play
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Indeed, but is it an R800i? a? x?
I believe they all have different bloatware preloaded.
jdz7t8 said:
OK so my built in memory is always too loo and I'm really getting sick of it. could someone please tell me, with step by step instructions, which files I can remove from my play without crashing the phone. I know that's asking slot but it would greatly appreciate it. thanks in advance.
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This isnt windows, having more free ram WILL NOT increase performance
oh wow I have no clue, I have the xperia play from Rogers in Canada
I think your wrong on that one. if what your saying was so why would people recommend you use advanced task killer when your phone slows down, or why would they recommend that you restart?
jdz7t8 said:
I think your wrong on that one. if what your saying was so why would people recommend you use advanced task killer when your phone slows down, or why would they recommend that you restart?
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Infact it's the oposite, people say you should use task killers as it interfears with androids native memory management, Android is a linux based os and thus "pools" memory, so although the memory may appear to be used, infact it's not, it is pooled waiting to be used by the os, this gives much quicker random access.
"In Android, processes and Applications are two different things. An app can stay "running" in the background without any processes eating up your phone's resources. Android keeps the app in its memory so it launches more quickly and returns to its prior state. When your phone runs out of memory, Android will automatically start killing tasks on its own, starting with ones that you haven't used in awhile.
The problem is that Android uses RAM differently than, say, Windows. On Android, having your RAM nearly full is a good thing. It means that when you relaunch an app you've previously opened, the app launches quickly and returns to its previous state. So while Android actually uses RAM efficiently, most users see that their RAM is full and assume that's what's slowing down their phone. In reality, your CPU—which is only used by apps that are actually active—is almost always the bottleneck."
really, thanks for letting me know. but I do notice when I use advanced task killer games run smoother, though I find five minutes after I closed an app it automaticaly reopens.
there a lot more things showing up in titanium backup, anymore suggestions? Rogers xperia play Canada. my phone is starting up alot faster.
when I try to uninstall certain things it just hangs and says uninstalling but it never finishes. this happened with gmail and liveware manager.
jdz7t8 said:
really, thanks for letting me know. but I do notice when I use advanced task killer games run smoother, though I find five minutes after I closed an app it automaticaly reopens.
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No trouble just know that android has a memory threshold, it will let processes run until it reaches that threshold, then it will start killing background processes, you can remove/stop all the processes you want, but another app will just take over as the os wont stop it, the only way in reality to have more free ram is have no apps anyway you should search for an application called "mini free manager" this lets you edit the values of the native memory manager, you can set it to be more agressive, android will allow less background processes to run and thus free up more ram
I was bored so i went and found it for you
give it a try before you gut your phone trust me
are you sure it's mini free manager and not mini task manager, cause I can't find mini free manager anywhere.
how do you use task killer? like, to set it up? I heard it can put your phone into an automatic restart loop if you don't know what your doing.
U can go into ur text messaging settings and lower the amount of text messages thats phone keeps in thread to like 50 or less. That help me before I rooted to free up memory and stop phone from locking up
Sent from my Rooted SexPlay R800x using XDA App
jdz7t8 said:
when I try to uninstall certain things it just hangs and says uninstalling but it never finishes. this happened with gmail and liveware manager.
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Enable usb debugging under applications development settings before starting titanium backup app - this definitely solves hanging when freezing apps so suspect same for uninstalling
guys i have been deleting things as suggested here but now i notice when i slide out the gamepad the "moregames" option is no longer there, it only shows games currently installed on my phone. What have I done? How do I get it back?
Oh man, I thought it was because i never had the paid version, so i bought it -.-

[Q] Holy bloatware Batman!

I looked at my free RAM and out of 1 GB I only have around 350 mb free!
That and I disabled ALL widgets!
I looked at running apps with advanced task manager and there is all of this crapware like Pulse etc running. I cleared memory and got some back but not much. As soon as I turn the tab back on all of the junk comes back and drains my battery 10% overnight with wifi OFF on a wifi only tab.
It is ridiculous to only have less than half of my RAM available. On my phone I lost half of that to bloat too. I bet if this tab had 2GB of RAM they would fill 1.75 GB with crap.
What gives? Why do they insist on doing this and not letting ME choose what I want running on MY tablet? Can I get rid of or freeze all of this junk?
They are just cached and automatically freed up when an application needs more RAM. But I do agree that Andriod does a very aggressive caching even on apps never used. Why not remove it with TB?
Free ram has no purpose. It will take and free RAM as it sees fit. If you force it to use less ran, it will run slower. Let it manage the ram itself, this is how Unix has worked since the start and it's working perfectly fine.
TarjeiB said:
Free ram has no purpose. It will take and free RAM as it sees fit. If you force it to use less ran, it will run slower. Let it manage the ram itself, this is how Unix has worked since the start and it's working perfectly fine.
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+ 1 on this. It's seriously easy to get a bit neurotic about system resources. If your tab is running fine just enjoy it and don't sweat the numbers.
TarjeiB said:
Free ram has no purpose. It will take and free RAM as it sees fit. If you force it to use less ran, it will run slower. Let it manage the ram itself, this is how Unix has worked since the start and it's working perfectly fine.
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Yeah but I don't need Pulse, buddies now, family locator, Samsung game hub blah blah running and eating up CPU and battery either (as well as internal flash memory). I will never use that crap so I might as well get it gone. I am not sure why it opens stuff up that I never use or never have.
Is there a list somewhere on what can be nixed and what can't?
I would like to bring this thread up again.
I do have the same problem as DaveC1964.
All I want is a "clean looking" tablet without Google+, Pulse, SocialHub,GameHub etc.
I also hate that those apps connect to the web. I know you can disable that, but I want them gone.
I only use the internet browser, youtube and pdf app.
How do I uninstall those preinstalled annoyences?
Is there a way to do this without a custom ROM?
Thank you
you'll need to root your tab and use titanium back to remove the bloatware. be careful with what you remove though as it may affect other apps. always make a backup.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
Best you initially just freeze the offending apps with Titanium Backup instead of uninstalling/deleting them right away - that way you can always re-enable them if your system should become unstable or start acting up.
freewilli said:
I would like to bring this thread up again.
I do have the same problem as DaveC1964.
All I want is a "clean looking" tablet without Google+, Pulse, SocialHub,GameHub etc.
I also hate that those apps connect to the web. I know you can disable that, but I want them gone.
I only use the internet browser, youtube and pdf app.
How do I uninstall those preinstalled annoyences?
Is there a way to do this without a custom ROM?
Thank you
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As long as you do not run the apps and dosen't setup accounts they are not accessing the web i think.
I love Pulse!
Thank you for your answers.
I am going to root my tab and use titanium backup afterwards.
Startup Manager
you can easily sort out all the bloatware, unneeded startup apps and make your tab fast I've tested it does a great job

[Q] Defy Gingerbread (MS2Ginger 3.0) questions

I am using MS2Ginger 3.0 for three months now. Like it, but have a couple of issues. People in the MS2Ginger thread do a lot more whining about ETA than answering questions, hopefully I'll have better luck here.
First of all: on GB memory is low, and my launcher often stutters and restarts. Compared to my stock 2.1 and 2.2 roms, free memory is much less. After boot, there is about 50-80MB free (according to TaskPanel), and after killing some Motorola bloatware it rarely goes above 100MB (compared to 150-200MB free on Froyo).
Question 1: What's with the low memory?
What is using so much compared to Froyo? Can it be freed somehow?
Question 2: Can I replace the Moto launcher completely?
If I install a different launcher from the market, the Moto launcher still runs in the background, using memory and resources. Also, can I use the Moto widgets with another launcher?
Question 3: Can I remove the Motorola bloatware from the ROM?
Social networking, social messaging, etc. start on boot, and use memory and resources. How can I remove them for good?
Question 4: Can I stop some of the software (like Video Player, Music player) from starting automatically?
The Autostarts market app does this in theory, but it's not reliable, especially with system apps. I use these apps sometimes, I just don't need them to start on boot.
Question 5: Can I improve the JPEG quality somehow?
I remember reading about some patch that does this, is there a reliable way to do that?
gkkovacs said:
I am using MS2Ginger 3.0 for three months now. Like it, but have a couple of issues. People in the MS2Ginger thread do a lot more whining about ETA than answering questions, hopefully I'll have better luck here.
First of all: on GB memory is low, and my launcher often stutters and restarts. Compared to my stock 2.1 and 2.2 roms, free memory is much less. After boot, there is about 50-80MB free (according to TaskPanel), and after killing some Motorola bloatware it rarely goes above 100MB (compared to 150-200MB free on Froyo).
Question 1: What's with the low memory?
What is using so much compared to Froyo? Can it be freed somehow?
Question 2: Can I replace the Moto launcher completely?
If I install a different launcher from the market, the Moto launcher still runs in the background, using memory and resources. Also, can I use the Moto widgets with another launcher?
Question 3: Can I remove the Motorola bloatware from the ROM?
Social networking, social messaging, etc. start on boot, and use memory and resources. How can I remove them for good?
Question 4: Can I stop some of the software (like Video Player, Music player) from starting automatically?
The Autostarts market app does this in theory, but it's not reliable, especially with system apps. I use these apps sometimes, I just don't need them to start on boot.
Question 5: Can I improve the JPEG quality somehow?
I remember reading about some patch that does this, is there a reliable way to do that?
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Later, im going to give you answer for your questions... but right now, i'm at work
espaciosalter20 said:
Later, im going to give you answer for your questions... but right now, i'm at work
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Looks like you forgot about me...
gkkovacs said:
I am using MS2Ginger 3.0 for three months now. Like it, but have a couple of issues. People in the MS2Ginger thread do a lot more whining about ETA than answering questions, hopefully I'll have better luck here.
First of all: on GB memory is low, and my launcher often stutters and restarts. Compared to my stock 2.1 and 2.2 roms, free memory is much less. After boot, there is about 50-80MB free (according to TaskPanel), and after killing some Motorola bloatware it rarely goes above 100MB (compared to 150-200MB free on Froyo).
Question 1: What's with the low memory?
What is using so much compared to Froyo? Can it be freed somehow?
Question 2: Can I replace the Moto launcher completely?
If I install a different launcher from the market, the Moto launcher still runs in the background, using memory and resources. Also, can I use the Moto widgets with another launcher?
Question 3: Can I remove the Motorola bloatware from the ROM?
Social networking, social messaging, etc. start on boot, and use memory and resources. How can I remove them for good?
Question 4: Can I stop some of the software (like Video Player, Music player) from starting automatically?
The Autostarts market app does this in theory, but it's not reliable, especially with system apps. I use these apps sometimes, I just don't need them to start on boot.
Question 5: Can I improve the JPEG quality somehow?
I remember reading about some patch that does this, is there a reliable way to do that?
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sorry, I was really busy at work, but now I'm at home, getting over a flu
Ok, answers:
1. Stock roms have a merely good system memory management so it is very usual to get low memory often. Solution: install a memory ram script manager like juve's ram or v6supercharger script.
2 and 3. For remove Moto launcher and other moto blur bloatware, you have to install another launcher before and then run deblur script, following proper instructions.
4. Use a system tuner app instead.
5. Use root explorer to add the following line at build.prop:
Later, in going to extend my answers because right now I'm at phone
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Thanks for all your answers, you are very helpful. I wish you get well soon from the flu!
espaciosalter20 said:
1. Stock roms have a merely good system memory management so it is very usual to get low memory often. Solution: install a memory ram script manager like juve's ram or v6supercharger script.
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I have installed V6 Supercharger + KAK with the basic settings, my phone (MS2Ginger 3.0) became completely unusable. Force closes, heavy lagging all the time, so I removed it, reinstalled the ROM - and still not perfect (I did not want to wipe the complete phone, only the caches)
espaciosalter20 said:
2 and 3. For remove Moto launcher and other moto blur bloatware, you have to install another launcher before and then run deblur script, following proper instructions.
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Sounds something to try. Can you point me to the right direction?
espaciosalter20 said:
4. Use a system tuner app instead.
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Which system tuner would you recommend? I need to keep these apps from starting up.
to stop app open at boot, i'm using app manager! you can find the option "auto start manager" to choose which one you want open at boot!
also app manager has a build prop editor and a ram manager
pretty good app!
by the way in whiterabbit i'm using v6 supercharged 512 ladded and ka launcher (option 6 and 12)!

