Can't get win xp to read my Nexus 7 after wugfresh root - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, I was so happy that after suffering from trying to root my Nexus 7 with wugfresh toolkit, finally got the job done (driver installation problem then mtp change to camera). Now after another several hours of trying, re-installing drivers and everything else I've read around nothing seem to make windows xp detect my nexus 7 as mtp for file transfer. I must add that before I started the whole rooting process, it was working fine, I mean the whole file transfer thing. Am I still missing something?
I just want to be clear though that I do not blame wugfresh toolkit and thankful in fact for that.

Turn USB debugging off , then see if it detects it
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qaz2453 said:
Turn USB debugging off , then see if it detects it
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I have tried that on multiple cases. My PC would sound meaning there was something plugged in/out in the usb but still nothing appears in windows explorer..

I've got windows xp as well ... Does the sound have 2 dings or 3 when connected?
Also try rebooting both computer and tablet
Edit: go to developer options, under USB debugging there is ' revoke USB debugging authorisation' .. Click that while connected
Hope that helps
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Just the two beeps that means something was plugged in...Also tried the revoke option, still nothing. I see that my pc acknowledges the Nexus & but not as mtp because the option to safely remove my device is present but no drive letter was assigned to it and I couldn't see the device in windows explorer. What else could I try?:crying:

All I can think of now is to reinstall the drivers
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Done that too. I'm thinking about re-using samsung drivers instead as it worked fine before I went through the rooting process. I'll try it out later today and post results.
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Finally got it...I would like to give credits and thanks to the members in this link (threadstarter and all those who contributed in it):
So to sum it all up, I had to manually reinstall/update the driver -> selected "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)" -> clicked "Don't search, I will choose the driver to install." ->then seleted "MTP Device"
Note: at first it had problems but as stated in the link, I downloaded Microsoft MTP Port Kit (mtppk12.exe), installed it and voila!
So happy right now...thanks for the help! :victory:


Nexus 7 not showing up in the adb devices?

And I have it set in the debug mode and I installed the google drivers via android sdk
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Make sure you set as Mtp.
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Where do I do that? Its been awhile since I rooted anything with adb.
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Lord_Xovon said:
Where do I do that? Its been awhile since I rooted anything with adb.
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Storage, settings, usb computer connection, check mtp.
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Also make sure android debugging is enabled in developer options
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install pda net on computer with phone hooked to pc with usb and it will install the right drivers........
Try this driver.
PTP should be selected within Storage in Settings, not MTP. USB Debugging of course. Also, you should have downloaded Google USB Driver Rev. 6 within the SDK. That's what worked for me when i was having trouble getting it to show up, hope that helps.
Nexcellent said:
PTP should be selected within Storage in Settings, not MTP. USB Debugging of course. Also, you should have downloaded Google USB Driver Rev. 6 within the SDK. That's what worked for me when i was having trouble getting it to show up, hope that helps.
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Yup - setting it as PTP worked for me - thanks.
neither method PTP or MTP is working for my mac. any more ideas for a MAC?
Try the driver from Asus
I can only tell you what worked for me, which may not be so helpful since this is the first device I've ever hacked into.
If you see the Nexus 7 driver disabling/enabling in Widows Device Manager as you toggle "Enable USB Debugging" on the tablet, you most likely are using a driver that cannot interface with ADB. Try going to Asus and download the Nexus 7 ADB driver--it's up there (21 Sep 2012). Install it in your C: drive somewhere you can locate easily, and tell device manager to update the Nexus 7 USB driver. It should work--mine runs like a spotted ape now.
Happy Trails,
Also, make sure you have java installed. That's what messed me up when I was first trying to set up.
from my flying AOKP'd Evo LTE and xda premium

Nexus 7 doesn't get detected on my laptop

When I plug my nexus 7 in, it doesn't get detected, I've installed the drivers, but I don't think it worked :/ really need help!!!
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What OS on the laptop?
Are you using the OEM battery USB cable?
I'm running W7 and used the USB cable that comes off the charger and it detected fine. Do a shutdown/restart on the laptop and the same on the N7.
If it's a mac you need a specific download for it. Look through the nexus 7 manual in Google books for what you need.
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Windows XP and yes I'm using OEM cable
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I might be wrong, but I don't think Windows XP supports the MTP protocol that the Nexus 7 uses (no more Mass Storage Driver).
I think you might be able to get XP to see your Nexus by downloading the software package referenced at
If you haven't already found a fix, a simple restart of my computer always fixes it for me. My galaxy nexus, transformer prime, and nexus 7 all have had this happen for me and I just reboot to fix it
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you coudl also change the nexus from mtp to ptp..
MTP on window XP-SP3
For window XP check your Window Media Player version. If it's version 9 or older, MTP is NOT supported.
You can update Window Media Player to version 11 (some say that 10 would do it too, but I tried 11 and
it worked for me). This will enable winXP-SP3 to support MTP. This download is available directly from
MS or on Cnet.
Good luck
Thank you will test now will report back later
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Doesn't work I installed mp11 didn't work install mtp didn't work. Rebooted my nexus 7 and laptop didn't work. It works when I'm recovery because it detects it but only installs the drivers and fails
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
MTP on window XP-SP3
It worked for me. After I installed WMP 11, my N7 showed up in My Computer and I could drag/drop files to/from it.
I used the download from CNET at;contentBody;1d
You may also have a "stale" already installed USB driver for the N7 that was not correct in
which case you'll have to muck with the "Device Manager" (Control Panel->Sys->Hardware->DeviceManager)
to remove or update the driver for the N7. Make sure you know which driver is the N7, you don't want to remove
drivers for other devices that are working for you.
Good luck
mintaeroboy said:
Doesn't work I installed mp11 didn't work install mtp didn't work. Rebooted my nexus 7 and laptop didn't work. It works when I'm recovery because it detects it but only installs the drivers and fails
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You have to untick adb debugging for it work
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Installing WMP11 worked for me
Thanks!!, installing WMP11 worked for me!

[Q] Unable to install Win 7 USB Driver for Nexus 7

I noticed that when I plugged my N7 into the USB Port on my PC running Win 7 Professional 32-bit w/SP1, that I got a message that the device was not recognized... So I looked around and found this thread offering an ASUS-provided Windows USB Driver:
I downloaded it and went into Device Manager in Windows, found the Unknown device, and attempted to update the driver (note: I've done these steps before for other devices, so this wasn't new to me) but Windows keeps telling me that the driver I have is the one that I want:
"Windows has determined the driver software for your device is up to date"​
Yeah right...
I tried manually installing it by right-clicking on the .INF file and clicking install but get the following message:
"The INF file you selected does not support this method of installation"​
So... now I don't know what to do next...
I want to be able to copy files from my computer to the N7 via USB ... and I think I need a driver to enable the connection...
Hmm, I would grab the nexus 7 all in one toolkit and install drivers from there, see if that works!
Sent from my HTC One X
Google Nexus 7
lukems said:
Hmm, I would grab the nexus 7 all in one toolkit and install drivers from there, see if that works!
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Thanks for your reply... I may give that a try ...
I thought that I had read in one thread an advisement to stay away from the toolkit... but it may have been regarding something different (2nd post in thread):
Was the author of the 2nd post talking about something different?
Can you please provide a link to the best thread/site to grab said toolkit...?
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Try restarting your windows 7 then plugging in the Nexus while it is fully powered off. When you turn on the Nexus it should be recognized. This worked for me. Maybe some drivers are loaded from the tablet.
Or, just avoid toolkits.
Make sure you enable USB debugging and if it was not enabled, installing the Asus drivers again.
You could also try the Windows USB drivers provided by Google.
As it may help others. here's Google's instructions for Installing a USB Driver. Where the instructions refer to "<sdk>\extras\google\usb_driver\" swap that out with wherever you extracted the USB driver to.
OldDogEyes said:
Thanks for your reply... I may give that a try ...
I thought that I had read in one thread an advisement to stay away from the toolkit... but it may have been regarding something different (2nd post in thread):
Was the author of the 2nd post talking about something different?
Can you please provide a link to the best thread/site to grab said toolkit...?
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Sure you have to trust the person who makes the toolkit, but I've used the nexus 7 one for drivers and its been fine. The toolkit was under android development I believe, I can't link it atm as I'm on my phone, but if u want it, pm me and il dig.out the link
Sent from my HTC One X
Google Nexus 7
#update - i'm idiot, my problem was when choosing the driver, i clicked sdk->extras->google->->usb_driver->i386 when i should have stopped at the usb_driver folder
I can second jinx100. I had a similar problem where the update driver wizard told me it was unable to find the driver even though i tried pointing it to both the google and asus (same thing?). Anyway in the end I just did a reboot of the laptop, connected the nexus 7 and everything was good to go.

[Q] Nexus 7 USB connectivity to Windows XP SP3

Guys, I know i am repeating again the question but despite reading 15-20 posts and uncountable articles, I am still not able to get my nexus 7 working with the Windows XP SP3.
1) To start with, I downloaded the google drivers from ASUS and the MTP Porting Kit from microsoft.When i plug in the device with USB Debugging on, Windows shows 3 new devices- NEXUS 7 & Android ADB Interface.. and ofcourse Windows XP can not find the drivers for any. So i open the device manager and it shows Nexus 7 under unidentified devices. I install the drivers for ADB interface (the ones i downloaded from Asus) and the device becomes ready to use. But there is no option to browse the device from my computer or portable devices. Then i switch the debugging on, and now there is a new device- MTP under unidentified devices. Then i install the MTP Porting Kit, but the MTP device still shows a problem with the driver.
2) The second part of the problem is that all this did not work and even my WMP11 does not recognise the Nexus 7.
The device is just connected and charging!!! What am i doing wrong here???
try this...
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o82239 said:
try this...
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It worked, but the MTP keeps popping up for installation again and again.. and I am STILL NOT ABLE TO SEE MY DEVICE
ansh360 said:
Guys, I know i am repeating again the question but despite reading 15-20 posts and uncountable articles, I am still not able to get my nexus 7 working with the Windows XP SP3.
1) To start with, I downloaded the google drivers from ASUS and the MTP Porting Kit from microsoft.When i plug in the device with USB Debugging on, Windows shows 3 new devices- NEXUS 7 & Android ADB Interface.. and ofcourse Windows XP can not find the drivers for any. So i open the device manager and it shows Nexus 7 under unidentified devices. I install the drivers for ADB interface (the ones i downloaded from Asus) and the device becomes ready to use. But there is no option to browse the device from my computer or portable devices. Then i switch the debugging on, and now there is a new device- MTP under unidentified devices. Then i install the MTP Porting Kit, but the MTP device still shows a problem with the driver.
2) The second part of the problem is that all this did not work and even my WMP11 does not recognise the Nexus 7.
The device is just connected and charging!!! What am i doing wrong here???
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I have exactly the same problem with my windows xp laptop it was OK until I wiped my laptop and reinstalled xp SP1-3 I can't seem to solve it either.
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Is there any justice for me in this bad bad world of octa-core processors and Razer Edge!!! :'(
ansh360 said:
It worked, but the MTP keeps popping up for installation again and again.. and I am STILL NOT ABLE TO SEE MY DEVICE
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??? It worked and it doesn't work ???
What worked?
Try to delete the precompiled inf-file 'C:\WINDOWS\inf\wpdmtp.pnf', edit the 'C:\WINDOWS\inf\wpdmtp.inf' (see link in the post in the top...), open the XP device-manager, right-click in the yellow '!' and 'update driver'...
twics said:
I have exactly the same problem with my windows xp laptop it was OK until I wiped my laptop and reinstalled xp SP1-3 I can't seem to solve it either.
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Do you have edit the 'C:\WINDOWS\inf\wpdmtp.inf'?
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I had a lot of problems myself getting Windows XP to work with my Nexus 7 as well... eventually I discovered that installing the latest version of Windows Media Player fixed the problem.
I wrote up a post on this issue on another forum (Sorry, XDA - this was before I discovered you guys), back in December of last year.
Anyway, here is my original post...
(Actually, this whole thread is worth reading.)
The only nuisance factor is having to remember to re-enable USB debugging (Titanium Backup needs USB debugging enabled, and complains if itsn't) AFTER I've run some MTP Windows XP related file backups (USB debugging needs to be disabled, or MTP won't work)...
....or at least that is my experience.
Hope this is of some use.
Hello guys,
I have the same issue on windows XP with Nexus 7. I tried everything what was suggested and nothing is working.
I have Windows XP SP3 with WMP11 and MTP porting kit installed as well. the device is recognized and driver is instaled fine. But it's not visible on "my computer" in MTP mode. I tried to turn on usb debugging and still device is invisible in windows explorer, the same is when usb debugging is turoned off.
When device is in PTP mode it appears in "my computer" and i'm able to browse it and see all pictures and photos.
How can i browse my device in MTP mode and copy files there? Please reply if anybody knows what to do to fix this issue.
Thank you.
ansh360 said:
Guys, I know i am repeating again the question but despite reading 15-20 posts and uncountable articles, I am still not able to get my nexus 7 working with the Windows XP SP3.
1) To start with, I downloaded the google drivers from ASUS and the MTP Porting Kit from microsoft.When i plug in the device with USB Debugging on, Windows shows 3 new devices- NEXUS 7 & Android ADB Interface.. and ofcourse Windows XP can not find the drivers for any. So i open the device manager and it shows Nexus 7 under unidentified devices. I install the drivers for ADB interface (the ones i downloaded from Asus) and the device becomes ready to use. But there is no option to browse the device from my computer or portable devices. Then i switch the debugging on, and now there is a new device- MTP under unidentified devices. Then i install the MTP Porting Kit, but the MTP device still shows a problem with the driver.
2) The second part of the problem is that all this did not work and even my WMP11 does not recognise the Nexus 7.
The device is just connected and charging!!! What am i doing wrong here???
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Recently got a 2012 Nexus 7 from a retailer selling this model with updated Android at very attractive price, and initially able to connect to computer so promptly rooted the device with the Nexus Root Toolkit from Wugfresh Development (in this forum), afterwards had same problems with not being able to read / transfer files.
Tried every fix I could find in other threads, and although device manager saying that connected as 'ADB Device' with debugging on, or 'Google Nexus 7 ADB Device' with MTP on and debugging off, still stuck with no access.
Looking closer at the MTP configuration ('Google Nexus 7 ADB Device') under device manager noticed that details listed manufacturer as 'ClockWorkMod' , and eventually that this originated within a Windows\Inf file titled 'oem60'.
I cut and pasted the 'oem60' file to another directory (to keep it safe just in case this upset something else) then on reconnecting the Nexus 7 as MPT with debugging off, device manager found and installed the correct driver at last. Now able to see and transfer files to / from it.
Presumably could alter the relevant lines in the 'oem60' file, which aren't hard to find, and put it back to original directory, but my other devices also working fine so not done so as yet.
Taowtp said:
Recently got a 2012 Nexus 7 from a retailer selling this model with updated Android at very attractive price, and initially able to connect to computer so promptly rooted the device with the Nexus Root Toolkit from Wugfresh Development (in this forum), afterwards had same problems with not being able to read / transfer files.
Tried every fix I could find in other threads, and although device manager saying that connected as 'ADB Device' with debugging on, or 'Google Nexus 7 ADB Device' with MTP on and debugging off, still stuck with no access.
Looking closer at the MTP configuration ('Google Nexus 7 ADB Device') under device manager noticed that details listed manufacturer as 'ClockWorkMod' , and eventually that this originated within a Windows\Inf file titled 'oem60'.
I cut and pasted the 'oem60' file to another directory (to keep it safe just in case this upset something else) then on reconnecting the Nexus 7 as MPT with debugging off, device manager found and installed the correct driver at last. Now able to see and transfer files to / from it.
Presumably could alter the relevant lines in the 'oem60' file, which aren't hard to find, and put it back to original directory, but my other devices also working fine so not done so as yet.
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The above workaround was spot on, thanks

[Q] Windows not allowing me to install drivers

My device is currently allowing debug mode. It is not rooted nor unlocked.
I plugged in my device and windows gave this weird sound (sorta sounded like three low beats in quick succession). I went to my device manager and it shows a Nexus 4 with an exclamation icon.
I opened up the properties and it says
"The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)
There is no driver selected for the device information set or element.
To find a driver for this device, click Update Driver."
This is due to the fact that i uninstalled the drivers manually so i can try to reinstall them but when I chose to update the drivers and navigated to my /extras/google/usb_driver folder but immediately after i click the next button for it to install it brings up a window that says
"Windows could not find driver software for your device.
If you know the manufacturer of your device, you can visit its website and visit its support section for driver software."
this comes up immediately after clicking next, if i choose to search online for driver software this same window pops up after about a minute.
What is going on and why wont it allow me to install my drivers?
Are you using Windows 8?
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21plays said:
Are you using Windows 8?
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nope, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
sudosilman said:
nope, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
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What drivers are you trying to install?
Universal Naked Driver is what I used.
Have you tried disabling USB debugging and plugging it in?
Have you switched it over to PTP?
mrhiab said:
What drivers are you trying to install?
Universal Naked Driver is what I used.
Have you tried disabling USB debugging and plugging it in?
Have you switched it over to PTP?
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Both the normal drivers and naked drivers have the same problem. I have tried disabling usb debugging, when i do that and plug it in the computer simply shows nothing in the device manager.
What is PTP?
sudosilman said:
Both the normal drivers and naked drivers have the same problem. I have tried disabling usb debugging, when i do that and plug it in the computer simply shows nothing in the device manager.
What is PTP?
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See the screeny
mrhiab said:
See the screeny
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i remember being able to get to that page before (back when drivers were correctly working) but i don't know how to get there now. So i have no idea if it is on mtp or ptp
sudosilman said:
i remember being able to get to that page before (back when drivers were correctly working) but i don't know how to get there now. So i have no idea if it is on mtp or ptp
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Pull down from the top of your screen and select Connected as a media device to switch to PTP.
Have you installed any other USB devices lately?
Have you tried rolling back the drivers on your PC if they've been updated?
You could also follow a tool kit like Wugs for the driver installation. You don't have to root or unlock your bootloader with it.
mrhiab said:
Pull down from the top of your screen and select Connected as a media device to switch to PTP.
Have you installed any other USB devices lately?
Have you tried rolling back the drivers on your PC if they've been updated?
You could also follow a tool kit like Wugs for the driver installation. You don't have to root or unlock your bootloader with it.
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When i plug my device in only one thing appears on the pull down menu. It says
"USB debugging connected
Touch to disable USB debuggin"
and if i touch it it brings up the developer options screen in the settings.
There is no thing that says "Connected as" or any other meaning of the words in my pull down menu.
Thanks for the link to the toolkit, if no one has any other suggestions i will attempt to use that (and hopefully that works).
EDIT: I tried using the toolkits usb driver installation guide and i get the same error..
This website gives instructions in installing drivers. Works for windows 7 too. Can't post proper link since I'm a new member.
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I was having similar issues lately at some point between 4.2.2 and 4.3. I'm not sure why, but it stopped working. I ended up completely uninstalling my current driver, rebooting, and then installed the Google USB Driver via the Android SDK Manager:
All has been well ever since.
Targaeryan said:
This website gives instructions in installing drivers. Works for windows 7 too. Can't post proper link since I'm a new member.
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This website uses the same toolkit that i used in my last post, unfortunately i get the same results.
Acuity said:
I was having similar issues lately at some point between 4.2.2 and 4.3. I'm not sure why, but it stopped working. I ended up completely uninstalling my current driver, rebooting, and then installed the Google USB Driver via the Android SDK Manager:
All has been well ever since.
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Can you tell me how to do a complete uninstall of the driver? I want to make sure it completely gone from my system before reinstalling.
sudosilman said:
This website uses the same toolkit that i used in my last post, unfortunately i get the same results.
Yeah it uses wugs toolkit. I had problems installing the drivers on my laptop but the instructions from the website helps. Its mainly the part of uninstalling. Instructions 14 and 15 are the most important ones. Previous drivers conflicting with it.
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sudosilman said:
This website uses the same toolkit that i used in my last post, unfortunately i get the same results.
Can you tell me how to do a complete uninstall of the driver? I want to make sure it completely gone from my system before reinstalling.
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Plug your phone in USB to your computer and go to your Device Manager. Under "Android Device" you should see something along the lines of "Google Nexus 4 ADB Interface". Right click, go to uninstall and then check off "Delete the driver software for this device." After this I unplugged my phone and rebooted. You may or may not need to put your phone into fastboot and uninstall the "Google Nexus 4 BootLoader Interface" driver as well (to get them both) -- I really don't remember.
I used to use toolkits as well, but I've grown to be independent of them and like to get more involved than I once did.
The short version: You said you were given the option to "Update driver". Just click that and then, from the List, pick USB Composite driver.

