headphone jack alert and music audio routing issue - Galaxy Note II General

Hi Guys,
This is my first samsung so maybe its a samsung thing, but when I listen to music on my phone everytime a new notification comes through either mail or sms or anything really that triggers a notification alert to make a noise it cuts my headphones and starts playing the notification and my music through the loudspeaker and then when the notification tone is done the music routes back in to the headphones.
It is really annoying and is there an app to fix this?
This is almost more annoying to people in the same room as me than it is to me.
I'm on the latest factory ROM, rooted.

I had this problem too.. and found answer somewhere here. For example, SoundAbout solves this issue.

Ajio said:
I had this problem too.. and found answer somewhere here. For example, SoundAbout solves this issue.
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Thanks, I've used SoundAbout in the past to fix issues with a cheap knockoff chinese phone, I was hoping there was a better fix hah, that will have to do for now

If you are using a player such as poweramp you can stop this pause and resume by going into settings/audio/audio focus and change the settings to not pause and resume. It will play the music and notifications at the same time. Otherwise do the above steps and turn down your notification volume to 0 manually. You will still get notifications without interfering the music.
I haven't tried other players yet but worth looking into the settings for the same features
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda premium


Stop Notifications From Interrupting Music

I noticed on Desire roms that when a notification goes off while music is playing that the notification plays other the music so the music does not pause. However on Stock/Cyanogen instead that the music is silenced then the notification is played ruining the music experience. Is there anyway to get around this other than putting the phone on silent/vibrate?
ya this is SOO annoying. i get frequent emails and it just is irritating. a workaround would be nice. thanks for posting this.
The notification sound doesn't interrupt music here. I use CM
+1 for this
I use my n1 as primary music player
Also wondering if anyone also interested having the trackball to be able to control music playback while the device panel is off. sliding the trackball will go reverse and sliding forward will fastforward.
Or even just pressing the trackball to change tracks.
I know all of this is possible with the stock headphones that come with the n1 but i dont use them. they are big and ugly imo. lol sorry to get off topic but i think this is kinda on the same wavelength
On stock nexus one, music pauses for notifications when using wired headphones but not when listen through bluetooth headset.
ylam310 said:
On stock nexus one, music pauses for notifications when using wired headphones but not when listen through bluetooth headset.
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Whenever I use my stock my headphones, the music just seems to mute while the notification plays. I've noticed that most times, if not every time, the song has skipped a few seconds while muted, as if it were still playing while notification was playing. Very annoying.
babijoee said:
+1 for this
I use my n1 as primary music player
Also wondering if anyone also interested having the trackball to be able to control music playback while the device panel is off. sliding the trackball will go reverse and sliding forward will fastforward.
Or even just pressing the trackball to change tracks.
I know all of this is possible with the stock headphones that come with the n1 but i dont use them. they are big and ugly imo. lol sorry to get off topic but i think this is kinda on the same wavelength
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That would be very cool....controlling the music with the Trackball during the display is off....wow
Only if it doesn't interfere with the Navigation. You do not want the Nav and Music playing together. The Hero does this and you can't hear the Nav Directions. Useless. So, yeah...if it doesn't interfere with the Nav.....it'll be a good idea!
pikipirs said:
The notification sound doesn't interrupt music here. I use CM
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Are you sure your phone isn't on vibrate or silent?
This is only happening with wired headset.
Use Bluetooth one and the notifications wont interrupt the music.
clubtech said:
This is only happening with wired headset.
Use Bluetooth one and the notifications wont interrupt the music.
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Does it play with the music or not at all?
You're lucky you didn't have a G1.
When plugged into my car, listening to music / podcasts, if a notification came in, the sound would be so freaking loud it would shatter my eardrums.
You'd learn fast to put it on vibrate...
Luckily, the N1 doesn't have the same volume difference problems.
Paul22000 said:
You're lucky you didn't have a G1.
When plugged into my car, listening to music / podcasts, if a notification came in, the sound would be so freaking loud it would shatter my eardrums.
You'd learn fast to put it on vibrate...
Luckily, the N1 doesn't have the same volume difference problems.
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Thing is I don't wanna have to put it on vibrate.
+2 Yes this would be a very nice.
It is so annoying since the Nexus has replaced my ipod on the daily commute.
iVisionX01 said:
I noticed on Desire roms that when a notification goes off while music is playing that the notification plays other the music so the music does not pause. However on Stock/Cyanogen instead that the music is silenced then the notification is played ruining the music experience. Is there anyway to get around this other than putting the phone on silent/vibrate?
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This has been a problem since the G1..... :unamused:
iVisionX01 said:
Does it play with the music or not at all?
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over BT the notification will play WITH the music and not instead of the music.
With a wired headset the notifications will stop the music, please notification and resume music.

Problems with listening to music

These are probably not Tattoo specific problems, but I couldn't find any solution anywhere else, so I'll post here.
First one is:
While I'm listening to music on the stock or fydor ROM (I only tried these) with any music application, when I get a notification (SMS, call, whatever) even if the ringtone is set to silent or vibrate, the music stops for a second. This is really annoying when I'm texting and using the phone as an MP3 player at the same time.
Another problem:
When I receive a call while I'm listening to music (I tried HTC Music and bTunes) though headphones the music pauses. And that's good.
But if I remove the headphones to answer the call, when the call finishes the music starts playing through the speakers. This can be pretty annoying or embarrassing.
Does anyone else have these issues? Do you know of a solution?
Thanks in advance,
for the second I can remember some situations when i was :-s cause music started.
a solution for me was that i bought some headphones without microphone and i don't unplug them...

Ring tones wont play through bluetooth but everything else will

I have an interesting issue:
If I have my Blue Tooth headset on and connected, I can listen to music through it , I can hear notifications for text, email, etc and youtube audio plays through it just fine, but whenever I get a call, it doesn't matter if it is a stock ring tone or a music/mp3 tone it will always play through the phone's external speakers instead.
Is there a setting , tweak or app to change this so the tone will play through the headset only or both?
I have the same issue but mine is through the headphone jack when using as a line out/aux to my car stereo. Music, video, navigation etc. plays fine. But ringtones ALWAYS switch to external phone speaker.
A big annoyance.
Glad I am not the only one. Thanks for replying. Not sure what the deal is, hopefully someone will chime in and confirm if it is a hardware or software issue. I have never had a phone that wouldn't play the ringtone through bluetooth before.
carlz28 said:
I have the same issue but mine is through the headphone jack when using as a line out/aux to my car stereo. Music, video, navigation etc. plays fine. But ringtones ALWAYS switch to external phone speaker.
A big annoyance.
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Not to revive a dead topic , but it just occurred to me that if I don't want to hear the ringer play through the phone then I need to silence it when I have my bluetooth connected. I just set up 2 Automatelt rules;
Bluetooth Connected / Ringer Off -
On device connection > Set ringer to Silent/Vibrate
Bluetooth Disconnected / Ringer On -
On device disconnection > Set Ringer to On/Vibrate
I am going to give this a shot and see if it works. I am betting that I still hear the musical crescendo in my headset while the phone is on silent.
I have been having this same issue.
d3db1t said:
Not to revive a dead topic , but it just occurred to me that if I don't want to hear the ringer play through the phone then I need to silence it when I have my bluetooth connected. I just set up 2 Automatelt rules;
Bluetooth Connected / Ringer Off -
On device connection > Set ringer to Silent/Vibrate
Bluetooth Disconnected / Ringer On -
On device disconnection > Set Ringer to On/Vibrate
I am going to give this a shot and see if it works. I am betting that I still hear the musical crescendo in my headset while the phone is on silent.
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I'm having this issue as well. Where is this setting at for these rules?
Also a guy I work with has a RAZR maxx with the stock unrooted 4.3 room and his does the same thing. So I think it's a software issue.
Macguyver said:
I'm having this issue as well. Where is this setting at for these rules?
Also a guy I work with has a RAZR maxx with the stock unrooted 4.3 room and his does the same thing. So I think it's a software issue.
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The rules you speak of are Automatelt (its like tasker / llama ) rules , you can get Automatelt in the appstore, the free version is all I have needed so far.

Audio Gurggle, Pop, or Crackle Fix

I recently started having issues with my new XT1575 where the audio would pop constantly in some apps and specifically when I placed the phone next to my ear during a call. Pulling it away from my face would make the gurggle disappear. After much poking and tinkering I found a way to fix it. There is a bug in the Audio Effects app that is causing the problem. Disabling the app fixed all of my popping, gurggling and crackling in audio.
To disable the app:
Go to settings -> apps -> (make sure "All apps" is selected) tap Audio Effects -> Disable
Just sharing in case this helps anyone else.
Stock Unrooted on Build MPH24.49-18
cpeterman said:
I recently started having issues with my new XT1575 where the audio would pop constantly in some apps and specifically when I placed the phone next to my ear during a call. Pulling it away from my face would make the gurggle disappear. After much poking and tinkering I found a way to fix it. There is a bug in the Audio Effects app that is causing the problem. Disabling the app fixed all of my popping, gurggling and crackling in audio.
To disable the app:
Go to settings -> apps -> (make sure "All apps" is selected) tap Audio Effects -> Disable
Just sharing in case this helps anyone else.
Stock Unrooted on Build MPH24.49-18
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I think there is no need to disable it. Enter google play music settings-->equalizer and disable deep bass in the speakers. I think the deep bass preset by default is what causes the noises.
In my moto g 2015 i access equalizer through android settings, but in moto x I only found it via google play music.
I don't think it had anything to do with the bass levels. I only say that because proximity to my head seemed to cause the noises during phone calls. If i pulled the phone just 2 inches from my ear they stopped and voice was crystal clear again.
Hi all. Problem from this topic isn't so annoying for me. But from Marshmallow update I have an issue with audio files playing. I have my own sound for incoming calls (mp3 file) and for notifications (ogg file) and every few days my moto just stopping play any sounds. Incoming calls are quite (just vibration). When I try play any mp3 file with Play Music app it says me that there is problem with playing file. The only way to fix it for some short time is restart the phone.
I did twice wipe and after that was about 2-3 weeks OK. It's very annoying issue and I can't find any solution.
Can someone help me, please? Thank you all in advance.
Did you try different file formats?
No problems overe here.
But I only listen to 320kpbs MP3's or flac or wave.
Only good quality will come trough my speakers.
using good quality music will also help with that problem
Actually I tried different file format - mp3 and ogg files. It looks like phone has problem with playing any music files. I have all files on internal storage.
Corcerning quality I have also 320kbps mp3 files.
For me the main concern is not playing of audio files -- it's the phone audio during calls. The problem appears during calls when the backlight is off -- only if the phone is against my ear (proximity sensor turns off the backlight) or speakerphone on after backlight goes off. Pulling the phone an inch away from my ear (to turn on the backlight) fixes it, but that doesn't help because then I can't hear. Also, during speakerphone calls, turning on the backlight with the on/off switch solves the problem, but then it comes back as soon as the light goes off.
Disabling Audio Effects didn't do the trick. My phone, and my brother's identical phone, still have the annoying issue. I think I'll just return it while I am still allowed, and get something else (maybe an N6P).
milowke said:
No problems overe here.
But I only listen to 320kpbs MP3's or flac or wave.
Only good quality will come trough my speakers.
using good quality music will also help with that problem
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320kbps...., "good sound" lolol
But seriously, it helps to avoid mega bass on the speakers, always good to turn that off
Here's a thread where seems to help to turn off the "Enhanced 4G LTE Mode". It's under "Cellular network settings". See this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-x-style/help/audio-breaking-screen-goes-off-off-t3302643
Let us know if it works!

Issue with the phone's speaker

hey guys, i have a kind of annoying issue with my speaker:
When playing music or video (YouTube, music player,
video player) the sound gets cut out for a few seconds, the phone makes a static sound and then the music comes back.
With headphones this bug is not there, nor with Bluetooth speaker. Only when playing sound thorough the phone's speaker this bug occurs.
It occurs exactly every 2 minutes (120secs), then after 2 or 3 seconds it goes back to normal.
Does anyone have the same issue or any possible solutions i can try.
stefanosana said:
hey guys, i have a kind of annoying issue with my speaker:
When playing music or video (YouTube, music player,
video player) the sound gets cut out for a few seconds, the phone makes a static sound and then the music comes back.
With headphones this bug is not there, nor with Bluetooth speaker. Only when playing sound thorough the phone's speaker this bug occurs.
It occurs exactly every 2 minutes (120secs), then after 2 or 3 seconds it goes back to normal.
Does anyone have the same issue or any possible solutions i can try.
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I m having the same problem with the speaker but only for spotify. The music plays perfectly for first 3 seconds and then the sound gets weird.
Khush24 said:
I m having the same problem with the speaker but only for spotify. The music plays perfectly for first 3 seconds and then the sound gets weird.
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Regarding the Spotify bug you have to disable the equalizer in Spotify settings and your bug will be fixed.
My issue was resolved after a 2.2GB update.
It works like it should. Hopefully you'll get an update soon too and the problem will be gone
Pedro452 said:
Regarding the Spotify bug you have to disable the equalizer in Spotify settings and your bug will be fixed.
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Thank you so much, it's fixed now ?
