Yesterday my data services disappeared off my phone - I no longer could get on 3G or EDGE. I uninstalled all my recently installed apps, without success. Checked with T-Mobile and they *claim* my account is correctly provisioned.
Did a wipe, and now I can't even get through the Google setup screens. I keep getting the "not correctly provisioned" error. Went through the whole spiel with T-Mobile again, but they were about as much use as a wet fart in a spacesuit.
This all happened 24 hours after I made a bunch of changes to my lines, and I'm convinced they f'd up somewhere. Of course, now the only option they are giving me is to do a sim card swap, but I'm confident that won't help anything.
FWIW; I'm rooted and on the JF1.42, which has worked perfectly until yesterday.
Any ideas?
Well that was a waste of time - apparently T-Mo has had a 3G outage for the past 2 days here. The rep at the local corporate T-Mobile store was having the exact same issues, with all T-Mobile phone support reps unaware of any problems.
Looks like T-Mobile has some more work to do in getting network monitoring setup on their 3G towers...
Hello everyone, I have been waiting for a price drop to pick up a used AT&T tab because I like the iPad like 3G service payment on the device. I have not bought it yet, will in the next three days. If I root and load another rom, would I lose the ability to buy and manage my at&t data account on the device or is that only possible on the stock rom?
it should still work...i have an ATT tab running Roto JMI v2 for sale for $450.
email is [email protected] if you want pics and are interested in buying
Thanks but already picked it up. Got a deal on it.
So I am now on overcome's rom and I did a titatium backup of all the apps, When I restored everything went back fine except all the AT&T/Samsung stock apps that were included with Tab. Any other way of putting them back in?
Can someone help me?
On my A500 I have some purchased apps and now I want to do a factory reset on it.
What will happen to my apps? Do I have to pay for them again?
Thx for answers!
It should be just like the phone versions of Android: after you reset and resync the tablet with your Google account, it will show a history of your purchased apps and you can redownload them with no cost.
Everything works fine except ScreenshotER, That's the only app that wants to be purchased again on my device since I've flashed 3.1 rom. I wonder why.
Apps bought via market can be reinstalled on any device connected to the account you bought the app with.
In-app purchase is locked to the device. When you factory reset and did not do a backup you need to buy again.
_tachy_ said:
Apps bought via market can be reinstalled on any device connected to the account you bought the app with.
In-app purchase is locked to the device. When you factory reset and did not do a backup you need to buy again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thx for the answers everyone, I only had one In-app purchase Warbot but that was a waste of money for a half an hour of that I don't mind loosing.
i bought some games from Gameloft website, and i lost access to them now..
I tried contacting support, but up to now, no response..
At least one of the games was backed up, and still works fine..
but i would not trust gameloft website when you're buying AND flashing often.
Hello everyone,
I recently purchased the Nexus 4 directly from the Google website, had it shipped to Romania and here I bought a prepaid card and went away and activated it.
Everything works perfect, except I just noticed that some applications can't log on to the mobile network.
I installed Triple Town and since I already bought the item "Unlimited turns" on another device I wanted to Restore my purchases and have it on the Nexus 4 as well. I get some sort of "Network unavailable" error and I can't restore my purchases. Buying "turns" via the Play Store works, however.
I thought it was an application-only error until I downloaded Iron Man 3 via WiFi. When I try to launch it I get "A network error has occured. Do you want to try again?", even though I'm online.
Does any of you know what the issue might be here?
Thanks in advance,
I've noticed that I'm unable to update a couple of apps on the store. Play store says that my device isn't compatible with the current version, which seems ludicrous because it's an updated S7 edge that seems to be otherwise working fine. Emailing devs hasn't gotten me anywhere just yet, but the issue doesn't seem to be the phone alone, because I can't send updates from the web store (like on my desktop) either. It's as if the current version of these apps (PNC Virtual Wallet and a couple of games) really doesn't support the phone. Is that possible? No one would have retired support for the phone that quickly, would they?