my nexus 4 not recognized on my pc windows 8 - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

help me
I've just bought N4
my pc wit windows 8 don't recognize my nexus 4 only charging when ever plugged.
so please help me.

msadek122 said:
help me
I've just bought N4
my pc wit windows 8 don't recognize my nexus 4 only charging when ever plugged.
so please help me.
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Try reinstalling the drivers.

abaaaabbbb63 said:
Try reinstalling the drivers.
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Where can i find the drivers can you provide me with url for drivers

I used wug's tool kit and just installed the RAW drivers.
Works fine for me.
Before that the other drivers were flaky and kept dcing.

UZ7 said:
I used wug's tool kit and just installed the RAW drivers.
Works fine for me.
Before that the other drivers were flaky and kept dcing.
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Can you post me the link of it and how to install

I didn't even have to install drivers when I use my phone. It should be plug and play if you're just using it for mass storage.
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msadek122 said:
Can you post me the link of it and how to install
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Click to collapse Link to his website and to the downloads.
Uploaded 2 pictures, basically click on the Driver Installation Guide
Then follow the steps. When picking a driver, pick the RAW drivers. I tried the first two and didnt work for me.. at least on my Windows 8 setup, (it did when I had 7).
This is also a toolkit if you want to root your phone which was what I was doing at the time lol :good:
plznote said:
I didn't even have to install drivers when I use my phone. It should be plug and play if you're just using it for mass storage.
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Thats how it was on my Windows 7 setup but for some reason on my Windows 8 on my rig and laptop it detected as mass media but kept dcing when I was transferring large files and it wasnt the cord because after updating the drivers it works fine.


Connect xoom to win XP?

I was trying to copy some images from my PC running win XP service.pack 3 to the xoom. I successfully copied files from my netbook runnning win7 before. But this time isn't with much luck. Driver installer will keep failling to install the xoom. Tried download the driver. Pointed the installer wizard to the location. Still denying to install. Downloaded the tool from Motorola called motohelper. Still no luck. What am I doing wrong?
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Make sure you have windows media player 11 installed
Also make sure you have usb debugging enabled if its already enabled try disabling it
grab the driver install from
this is a straight install package. I connect my xoom to winxp with no issue.
j2eubank said:
grab the driver install from
this is a straight install package. I connect my xoom to winxp with no issue.
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Could you give me like a step by step and which file i need to download? This thing is driving me nuts. I kept plugging in and it kept denying to install properly. The xoom just will not show up in my computer so i can use to exchange files.
orionshock said:
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That's to download motohelper right? I've tried and Ive failed.
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PaulG1488 said:
Make sure you have windows media player 11 installed
Also make sure you have usb debugging enabled if its already enabled try disabling it
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Why is windows media player 11 necessary?
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Nexus 7 doesn't get detected on my laptop

When I plug my nexus 7 in, it doesn't get detected, I've installed the drivers, but I don't think it worked :/ really need help!!!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
What OS on the laptop?
Are you using the OEM battery USB cable?
I'm running W7 and used the USB cable that comes off the charger and it detected fine. Do a shutdown/restart on the laptop and the same on the N7.
If it's a mac you need a specific download for it. Look through the nexus 7 manual in Google books for what you need.
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Windows XP and yes I'm using OEM cable
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
I might be wrong, but I don't think Windows XP supports the MTP protocol that the Nexus 7 uses (no more Mass Storage Driver).
I think you might be able to get XP to see your Nexus by downloading the software package referenced at
If you haven't already found a fix, a simple restart of my computer always fixes it for me. My galaxy nexus, transformer prime, and nexus 7 all have had this happen for me and I just reboot to fix it
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
you coudl also change the nexus from mtp to ptp..
MTP on window XP-SP3
For window XP check your Window Media Player version. If it's version 9 or older, MTP is NOT supported.
You can update Window Media Player to version 11 (some say that 10 would do it too, but I tried 11 and
it worked for me). This will enable winXP-SP3 to support MTP. This download is available directly from
MS or on Cnet.
Good luck
Thank you will test now will report back later
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Doesn't work I installed mp11 didn't work install mtp didn't work. Rebooted my nexus 7 and laptop didn't work. It works when I'm recovery because it detects it but only installs the drivers and fails
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
MTP on window XP-SP3
It worked for me. After I installed WMP 11, my N7 showed up in My Computer and I could drag/drop files to/from it.
I used the download from CNET at;contentBody;1d
You may also have a "stale" already installed USB driver for the N7 that was not correct in
which case you'll have to muck with the "Device Manager" (Control Panel->Sys->Hardware->DeviceManager)
to remove or update the driver for the N7. Make sure you know which driver is the N7, you don't want to remove
drivers for other devices that are working for you.
Good luck
mintaeroboy said:
Doesn't work I installed mp11 didn't work install mtp didn't work. Rebooted my nexus 7 and laptop didn't work. It works when I'm recovery because it detects it but only installs the drivers and fails
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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You have to untick adb debugging for it work
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Installing WMP11 worked for me
Thanks!!, installing WMP11 worked for me!

Cannot connect nexus 4 to pc

I have spend 2 days figuring out way to connect the phone to my pc running win 7,but no luck.Pc detects it as new device,but driver installation fails.It shows Nexus 4 as unknown device in device manager.Tried universal naked driver,but it only installs ADB drivers,and my device is recognised as ADB device.I dont have wifi in my pc,so please guide me to correct drivers or please provide solution.Im on 4.2.2
I have windows 7 on my PC and I did not installed any drivers, maybe your USB is faulty? Try connecting it into another computer and see..
You shouldn't need drivers for mtp access. Try turning off UAB debugging
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3rdstring said:
You shouldn't need drivers for mtp access. Try turning off UAB debugging
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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Tried it,will try connecting on other pc.
ashishv said:
Tried it,will try connecting on other pc.
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Ever find a solution to this? My nexus 4 is doing this too...
jining said:
Ever find a solution to this? My nexus 4 is doing this too...
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Works great.

[Q] Windows not allowing me to install drivers

My device is currently allowing debug mode. It is not rooted nor unlocked.
I plugged in my device and windows gave this weird sound (sorta sounded like three low beats in quick succession). I went to my device manager and it shows a Nexus 4 with an exclamation icon.
I opened up the properties and it says
"The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)
There is no driver selected for the device information set or element.
To find a driver for this device, click Update Driver."
This is due to the fact that i uninstalled the drivers manually so i can try to reinstall them but when I chose to update the drivers and navigated to my /extras/google/usb_driver folder but immediately after i click the next button for it to install it brings up a window that says
"Windows could not find driver software for your device.
If you know the manufacturer of your device, you can visit its website and visit its support section for driver software."
this comes up immediately after clicking next, if i choose to search online for driver software this same window pops up after about a minute.
What is going on and why wont it allow me to install my drivers?
Are you using Windows 8?
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21plays said:
Are you using Windows 8?
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nope, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
sudosilman said:
nope, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
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What drivers are you trying to install?
Universal Naked Driver is what I used.
Have you tried disabling USB debugging and plugging it in?
Have you switched it over to PTP?
mrhiab said:
What drivers are you trying to install?
Universal Naked Driver is what I used.
Have you tried disabling USB debugging and plugging it in?
Have you switched it over to PTP?
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Both the normal drivers and naked drivers have the same problem. I have tried disabling usb debugging, when i do that and plug it in the computer simply shows nothing in the device manager.
What is PTP?
sudosilman said:
Both the normal drivers and naked drivers have the same problem. I have tried disabling usb debugging, when i do that and plug it in the computer simply shows nothing in the device manager.
What is PTP?
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See the screeny
mrhiab said:
See the screeny
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i remember being able to get to that page before (back when drivers were correctly working) but i don't know how to get there now. So i have no idea if it is on mtp or ptp
sudosilman said:
i remember being able to get to that page before (back when drivers were correctly working) but i don't know how to get there now. So i have no idea if it is on mtp or ptp
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Pull down from the top of your screen and select Connected as a media device to switch to PTP.
Have you installed any other USB devices lately?
Have you tried rolling back the drivers on your PC if they've been updated?
You could also follow a tool kit like Wugs for the driver installation. You don't have to root or unlock your bootloader with it.
mrhiab said:
Pull down from the top of your screen and select Connected as a media device to switch to PTP.
Have you installed any other USB devices lately?
Have you tried rolling back the drivers on your PC if they've been updated?
You could also follow a tool kit like Wugs for the driver installation. You don't have to root or unlock your bootloader with it.
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When i plug my device in only one thing appears on the pull down menu. It says
"USB debugging connected
Touch to disable USB debuggin"
and if i touch it it brings up the developer options screen in the settings.
There is no thing that says "Connected as" or any other meaning of the words in my pull down menu.
Thanks for the link to the toolkit, if no one has any other suggestions i will attempt to use that (and hopefully that works).
EDIT: I tried using the toolkits usb driver installation guide and i get the same error..
This website gives instructions in installing drivers. Works for windows 7 too. Can't post proper link since I'm a new member.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
I was having similar issues lately at some point between 4.2.2 and 4.3. I'm not sure why, but it stopped working. I ended up completely uninstalling my current driver, rebooting, and then installed the Google USB Driver via the Android SDK Manager:
All has been well ever since.
Targaeryan said:
This website gives instructions in installing drivers. Works for windows 7 too. Can't post proper link since I'm a new member.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
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This website uses the same toolkit that i used in my last post, unfortunately i get the same results.
Acuity said:
I was having similar issues lately at some point between 4.2.2 and 4.3. I'm not sure why, but it stopped working. I ended up completely uninstalling my current driver, rebooting, and then installed the Google USB Driver via the Android SDK Manager:
All has been well ever since.
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Can you tell me how to do a complete uninstall of the driver? I want to make sure it completely gone from my system before reinstalling.
sudosilman said:
This website uses the same toolkit that i used in my last post, unfortunately i get the same results.
Yeah it uses wugs toolkit. I had problems installing the drivers on my laptop but the instructions from the website helps. Its mainly the part of uninstalling. Instructions 14 and 15 are the most important ones. Previous drivers conflicting with it.
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sudosilman said:
This website uses the same toolkit that i used in my last post, unfortunately i get the same results.
Can you tell me how to do a complete uninstall of the driver? I want to make sure it completely gone from my system before reinstalling.
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Plug your phone in USB to your computer and go to your Device Manager. Under "Android Device" you should see something along the lines of "Google Nexus 4 ADB Interface". Right click, go to uninstall and then check off "Delete the driver software for this device." After this I unplugged my phone and rebooted. You may or may not need to put your phone into fastboot and uninstall the "Google Nexus 4 BootLoader Interface" driver as well (to get them both) -- I really don't remember.
I used to use toolkits as well, but I've grown to be independent of them and like to get more involved than I once did.
The short version: You said you were given the option to "Update driver". Just click that and then, from the List, pick USB Composite driver.

Cannot get PC to recognize my Note 3

So i try to connect my phone to my PC and all it does is charge the phone. I was able to root the Note with CF's method but i can't get it to appear under devices lime my S4. I tried using the USB 3.0 cable and also a 2.0 cable with the same result, i also tried uninstalling the Samsung drivers and updating them to but no success there either. Any ideas on how i can connect my note and have it seen as a camera?
You have to install samsung kies 3.
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istana_pulau_es said:
You have to install samsung kies 3.
Sent from my SM-N900 using xda app-developers app
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ok, thanks i will try
EDIT: It didnt work.
any other suggestions?
It should works. If you are using Windows, please make sure you run the Kies3 application, not the previous Kies. If you have not uninstall previous Kies, there would be 2 applications of Samsung Kies.
Sent from my SM-N900 using xda app-developers app
What about on mac?
Did you try toggling the USB debug off/on to see if that makes any difference ?
Yachats said:
Did you try toggling the USB debug off/on to see if that makes any difference ?
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I have the same problem as the OP. I am running Windows 8.1 X64 and I tried usb debugging and Kies 3. This is frustrating I am unable to connect to my PC.
Got mine reconnecting by removing drivers under driver properties and then reattached phone and windows installed proper drivers all on its own.
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk 4
Uninstall in a clean way (using, e.g., Driver Sweeper) any previous installed drivers and re-install this one: Samsung USB Driver for Mobile Phones [Drivers Win 8/7/XP]. Should make it happen.
Use kies 2 not 3 or the drivers alone package and should work.
For me it didn't work with a standard micro USB cable. Just charges only.
I used the USB3 cable that is bundled with the device and it connects no problem. even when connected to a USB 2 port on my PC.
i bought a 3rd party USB3 cable from ebay and this works also.
The issue was from a intel Host USB driver, got Dell pro tech support to troubleshoot the issue for me and we updated the drivers and it worked
Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
I've used mine successfully on several Win 7 computers with USB2 & 3 cables. No additional drivers or Kies needed. The phone shows as a media device right away.
i Did every thing kies 3 and mobogenie etc but no result im using windows 7 64 bit ,
please help me out from this problum any one can do this?:crying:
Slendo said:
I've used mine successfully on several Win 7 computers with USB2 & 3 cables. No additional drivers or Kies needed. The phone shows as a media device right away.
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I also had a problem on a Dell. I did system restore, then it worked again.
polish_pat said:
The issue was from a intel Host USB driver, got Dell pro tech support to troubleshoot the issue for me and we updated the drivers and it worked
I've also got a dell computer and I'm dealing with this exact problem. I've only got USB 3.0 ports on my computer. MTP works fine on other computers though. Could you share your updated drivers?
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Mustafa0124 said:
polish_pat said:
The issue was from a intel Host USB driver, got Dell pro tech support to troubleshoot the issue for me and we updated the drivers and it worked
I've also got a dell computer and I'm dealing with this exact problem. I've only got USB 3.0 ports on my computer. MTP works fine on other computers though. Could you share your updated drivers?
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I doubt my drivers would work as they are specific for my xps 13. But just wipe your chipset drivers, use a registry cleaner to clean it up and reinstall chipset drivers and usb host if you have them
Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
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polish_pat said:
Mustafa0124 said:
I doubt my drivers would work as they are specific for my xps 13. But just wipe your chipset drivers, use a registry cleaner to clean it up and reinstall chipset drivers and usb host if you have them
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Any suggestions on a registry cleaner? Never used one of those before
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Mustafa0124 said:
polish_pat said:
Any suggestions on a registry cleaner? Never used one of those before
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Ccleaner is the best. Make sure you hit yes when it prompts you to backup registry to make sure no boo boo happens
Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
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