[Q] No sound coming - Windows 8 General

Hey Hi friends
I am using windows 8 Pro
As my Pc was Off from last 7 days after i switched on there is no sound coming from speakers i checked my speakers with external device there are working fine ,when i connected Headphones so there is also no sound coming i checked the Realtek drivers they are working properly and i tried to uninstall them and again install but no luck no sound i don't know whats happening so please help me
Dam waiting for your reply

Hey please somebody help

First of all, this is not a tech support forum. There are places for that. People here will usually try to be helpful, but you should have no particular expectation that we are going to take time out to fix your problem. Nobody is obligated to help, nor are you entitled to such assistance. Help comes when we feel like it.
Which brings me to the second point: don't bump your own thread like that, certainly not within 24 hours. I read nearly every unread thread each time I check this site, and this is not a high-volume list; your message hadn't gone anywhere. Please read rule (http://forum.xda-developers.com/announcement.php?a=81) 16 (and the latter part of 5), and reflect on what the likely result of disrespecting them is going to be in terms of getting what you want. Hint: it's not good.
Since I'm here anyhow though, I'll point out two likely places for the problem to be:
1) You may have the wrong output device selected. This is particularly likely to be the case if the volume meter on your desktop appears to be working correctly. Right-click the the volume control and click on Playback Devices, and make sure it's not set to something silly and useless like an unconnected HDMI port. Choose the output you want and select "Set Default".
2) One or more of the Windows Services responsible for the sound system may be crashed/hung, turned off, or disabled. Go to Task Manager -> Services (or open Services from Start, or run services.msc) and make sure that the Windows Audio service (audiosrv) and Windows Audio Endpoint Builder service (audioendpointbuilder) are enabled, Startup Type=Automatic, and running. You can try re-starting them if you think there's a problem.
3) A freebie: aside from the obvious and ever-valid advice to try rebooting the computer, Windows also has an audio troubleshooter built in. Open Start, type "play audio" (no quotes), and look under Settings; there should be an item at the top about fixing playback issues. Try that.


Bluetooth working? Got limitations?

Hello all . . . need I say it? But, I'm new. Not just to this forum, but also to pda/smart phones.
I got an O2 XDA Mini S yesterday and began playing. Firstly, quick basic question, are all these the same thing:- i-mate, K-JAM, HTC Wizard and O2 XDA Mini S?
OK, next, I've been reading some sites today and one of the most repetitive things I've found is the recommendation to remove the O2 software from my device - on the basis that it is causing it to run slowly. But, I haven't found that to be the case, but remember I'm new to these toys.
I also came across Magic Button for closing apps properly, not just hiding them.
Lastly, before I move on to the subject of this post - can someone clarify the difference between a hard reset and a soft reset. In particular, if I do a hard reset, do I loose eveyone from my Contacts?
But, here is the question that relates to the subject:-
I turned on bluetooth and tried to send a picture from a Samsung D500 to the XDA Mini, but no luck. I also tried with a Samsung E720, no luck there either. Lastly, I also tried with an Apple PowerBook G4 and it was unsuccessful also - but it was more informative - it basically suggested that the capability didn't appear to be there.
I did turn on bluetooth on all the devices and I also made the XDA Mini discoverable. The two phones could scan and find the XDA, as could the Apple, but neither of the phones could retain the name of the XDA in the list of previously identified devices (I hope that is clear what I mean). The Apple could retain the name, but still can't interact with it.
I have tried changing the COM ports round - ie COM 7 incoming COM 6 outgoing AND COM 6 incoming and COM 7 outgoing, but that didn't make any difference.
The most bizzare thing (not really all that bizzare I suppose) is that Infra-Red works, so I could transfer stuff (albeit awkwardly) from my old phone to the XDA.
I was wondering (probably stupidly) if the 02 software could be limiting the functionality associated with the bluetooth, or if Windows has restricted it to only be used with ActiveSync [I just can't think of any other reason for it not to work].
Any light that could be shed on this would be appreciated.
1. Yes they are all the same things.
2. The o2 software tends to be quite animated, this slows down the device a little, it also masks the way the phone was intended to be used. Its not really necessary which is why its best to remove it. Plus, it free's up memory for other stuff.
3. There is a lot of talk on these forums about different programs that can "really" close an app as opposed to "minimising" to the background. There are "for's" and "against" arguments regarding this. It is true that programs only minimise when you press the "x" button but it does state, er, somewhere, i think it was in one of the help files in the device, that memory is managed automatically by windows and that programs are shut automatically to make room for new ones if memory becomes low. So you shouldn't have to worry about running out of memory, also when minimised the programs appear quicker than if they had been shut down, usually from where you last were too. This can be a good or bad thing depending on the point of view of the user. However, from my point of view and i think i share this with many other users, i "feel better" knowing that a program shuts when i've finished with it and it will start from a common point when i next open it. I think this is more down to the fact that people are used to this than anything else.
The program i use for this purpose is called SmartSkey, made by one of the people on this forum,it can do either and you can have an exception list of apps that minimise only, which is quite useful. Also it makes navigating the device easier with one hand, which is REALLY handy, it may be worth looking into.
4. A hard reset will make your device appear exactly how it did when you first switched it on. Anything at all that was on there will be gone, so yes you will lose your contacts. There are 3rd party applications you can use that can back up the whole device though. A soft reset just restarts the device and nothing is lost. Its equivelent to restarting a windows PC as opposed to Re-formatting one.
5. As regards you bluetooth problem, the only thing i can think of is that i have noticed that the device needs to actually be "ON", not in "sleep mode" or obviously "OFF", in order to successfully receive files via bluetooth. If it is in sleep mode then devices can see it but can't connect. I can honestly say i've had no problems as you describe with bluetooth names and stuff on mine.
Sorry i can't help you more with the bluetooth, but i hope the other info was of help to you. Enjoy your new toy, they are very customisable and as a result of which can be very annoying too. :wink:
Be prepared for late nights and hair loss, else, ignorance is bliss
Thanks for the reply Clivectmob. Very informative.
I've been playing again. This time I sent a picture from the XDA to the Samsung E720 and I was successful, but it doesn't seem to want to work the other way around . . . very strange.
I might bring it back and see if they can figure it out.
If anyone else fancies a shot at a solution, just fire away, I'll take any suggestions.
Again, thanks Clivectmob
Last question.
If I take the O2 software off of this, can I return it to factory settings by doing a hard reset?
Yes you can, as I said, it will be as it was when you first switched it on.
All that software is stored on a hidden ROM on the device, when you hard reset it goes through a customization sequence afterwards where it puts it all back on. One trick is to wait until it displays the customization message, then pull out the battery. Switch back on and it will not customize it, but then you need to manually configure all your conection settings and so on, so you need to be reasonably up on the use of them for that.

New phone misbehaving

I've never participated in a forum where experienced members refused to assist others. Even other xda forums seem more helpful than this Athena forum.
I bought an x7501 off ebay a few days ago, and I've been playing with it. It's performance is not consistent, and I'm wondering if it is defective.
It was sold as NIB (new in box) and it appeared to be unopened when I received it, but I can't be 100% certain that is the case.
Some simple operations are grossly slow. The problems are intermittent, the worse kind to trouble shoot. Recently, I tapped on the CommManager icon on the Today screen at it took 15 seconds to open CommManager.
When I first received the unit, I installed Google Maps and tried out the GPS. I was able to connect to GPS inside my house. This morning I couldn't connect in my car, and when I stopped the car, I tried to connect standing outside in the open. After about five minutes, it wouldn't connect, so I went inside my house, and after a few more minutes, it did connect. While I was waiting for it to connect, I got my Kaiser and opened Google Maps and connected to GPS withing a few seconds outside in the open.
I had installed Opera 9.5 beta and NetFront 3.5 as well as RealVGA and MvRTrueVGA, and after running into strange display artifacts and bugs in the beta browsers, I decided to clear everything out, and ran the Clear Storage utility in System Settings. I had done this once before when trouble shooting failed attempts to connect the Athena to my Belkin Pre-N WiFi router.
So, now, all that's installed other than the what came on the phone is Google Maps and NetFront 3.5.
The battery performance is also a bit strange to me. It seems to be discharging even when I have it connected to my computer using the USB cable. Nothing is open in the background, and I wasn't using it, but it showed 70% when I connected it, and thirty minutes later it showed 60%. Is that normal?
Is the ROM that shipped with the phone questionable?
Might I get better, more reliable, more consistent performance with one of the ROMs available here?
I'm not ready to give up, but I'm not encouraged at the moment, and I'm not sure what to do next.
May I suggest Dual PK 3.0. Try backing up all that you have now and flash it with Dual PK and let us know the update.
Regarding the battery drain issue, most computer USB ports and non-factory chargers don't give enough power to even maintain (let alone charge) if you have all the radios on. Especially the GPS radio which seems to need a lot of power - I can go all day with the cell and bluetooth radios on and still have 90% charge after 16 hours, with little cell or internet use. But if I turn on the GPS it will be discharged within a few hours.
Computer USB ports are usually limited to 500 milliamps, and some chargers are less, so the only good solution is to only use the factory charger if you have everything on. Turn down your screen brightness, too. I leave mine at 50% both on the battery and when plugged in, except in full sunlight.
As for the GPS reception, its very bad. I have a sirf/star mouse-style GPS unit which locks on within seconds in the middle of the 1st floor of my 2-story house, attached to my Palm or a computer. My X7501 usually won't lock on even when I'm near a window. I rarely have a problem outside or in my car, though. I'm one of many that have reported similar issues.
I usually don't see slowdown issues, but I sometimes do if the wifi or GPS radios are on. Try only running cell and bluetooth for a while and see if that helps. I also found that Opera would slow down more, and then more, and even more as the cache filled up, but that was after I changed it from the default "1000". I cleared my cache and changed it back to the default cache size and I've been fine since.
Hey TnT,
Thanks for the detailed feedback. I'm going to play with it some more. I'm planning on flashing a different ROM, as TT2 suggested.
Which ROM are you running?
Try PK dual black... but don't for get to Hard SPL...
Please don't install anythink on your Harddisk, just install on storage card... My athena run fastrer if i put seftware on SDcard... If install ti HD it will slower.. i've tried it
thanks cornelius, i'm in the process of gathering the info and parts to install a new ROM. I've downloaded the "AP Dual 3.0 ROM" - I think that's the same thing as the PK Dual Black. I've also downloaded the AthenaUnlocker.exe - I think that's the hard spl you mention.
I bought my phone unlocked - I gather that's SIM unlocked, and the AthenaUnlocker will CID unlock it, which is necessary before installing the new ROM.
I'm trying to confirm everything, so I don't brick the phone, but I'm the information is scattered all over the forum and wiki. I found two versions of AthenaUnlocker.exe, both version with different time stamps. I tried to watch a video of unlocking, but there was no audio.
I would appreciate any additional pointers in the process.
Im running the factory ROM.
xdafile said:
thanks cornelius, i'm in the process of gathering the info and parts to install a new ROM. I've downloaded the "AP Dual 3.0 ROM" - I think that's the same thing as the PK Dual Black. I've also downloaded the AthenaUnlocker.exe - I think that's the hard spl you mention.
I bought my phone unlocked - I gather that's SIM unlocked, and the AthenaUnlocker will CID unlock it, which is necessary before installing the new ROM.
I'm trying to confirm everything, so I don't brick the phone, but I'm the information is scattered all over the forum and wiki. I found two versions of AthenaUnlocker.exe, both version with different time stamps. I tried to watch a video of unlocking, but there was no audio.
I would appreciate any additional pointers in the process.
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Just make sure you've got a fully charged battery before attempting to unlock or flash the ROM. If you have any particular question feel free to jump back in and post it. Oh and btw The PK Dual is what I was talking about in my last post...Sorry if it seemed a bit confusing.
I'm getting a error when I attempt to unlock my phone.
I ran version of AthenaUnlocker.exe. The error is 202 connection.
the update utility cannot connect to your pda phone. please check that your usb cradle/cable is connected properly between the pc and your pda phone.
check the following:
1. the pda phone is connected to the usb cradle/cable.
2. the usb cradle/cable is connected to the pc.
I know the phone is connected. It is synchronized with ActiveSync 4.5, and it shows that it is connected.
Maybe I don't have the correct version of AthenaUpdater?
I've made progress with the AthenaUpdater.exe program.
I noticed that I had to take an action on the phone after I started the update process. I didn't notice that before, and there is nothing in the program that tells the user to check the phone.
Anyway, step one completed, and I completed step two.
Now, the phone won't turn on. I remember reading about a special key combination, and I'm wondering if I need to do that to get it to turn on and complete step three.
If I get through this successfull, I am going to update the wiki with a how-to for the next guy new to the Athena.
I found the key combination to get into the bootloader,
camera - power - reset
I continued with setp three of the AthenaUpdater, but I think because of the errors, the update did not work properly.
The phone will still not turn on.
I can get it to go into the bootloader, but I don't know what to do next.
I would really apreciate if someone who know what to do would post some helpful comments now.
when I go into bootloader it displays
At this point, can I install the AP Dual 3.0 ROM?
I installed AP Dual 3.0 with no problem.
However, GPS seems to be not working.
Do I need to run the AthenaUnlocker.exe again?
Does that mean I'll have to reinstall the AP Dual 3.0 ROM again?
Wish I could help you, but I've never updated my ROM. Maybe the version coming on the X7510 will entice me to try.
What error are you getting when you try to run Google Maps? If you get an immediate error, your ports aren't set right. If it spins its wheels for a while the ports are right but the fickle GPS is taking its time.
Tonight I'm going to try and straighten things out on my Athena.
I hope I don't have to spend hours at it again. It would be great if someone who know has experience with the unlocker and the AP Dual 3.0 ROM could spend a few minutes answer my questions so I won't have to spend a few hours sweating through the upgrade process. Last night I literally was as sweaty as if I had gone for a jog; I was surprised at how stressful the upgrade process was for me (I mean, it's only a few hundred dollars if I brick it, right?)
The state of my Athena now is: I probably botched the unlock process in step two, because my GPS is no longer working.
Can I just run the AthenaUnlocker again, or do I need to first flash back to the original x7510 HTC ROM?
After I run the unlocker again, do I need to flash the AP Dual 3.0 ROM again?
I'm also wondering why I ran into problems with the unlocker, and concerned that I'll just encounter the same problems again. I'm hoping that because I have the AP Dual 3.0 ROM installed, the unlocker will perform differently and without errors.
If anyone is reading this who knows the anwser to my questions, I'd really appreciate hearing from you.
techntrek said:
What error are you getting when you try to run Google Maps? If you get an immediate error, your ports aren't set right. If it spins its wheels for a while the ports are right but the fickle GPS is taking its time.
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Error message???
Thanks again for pitching in to offer me help.
Good new for me; The GPS started working. Earlier this morning, I decided to try it again outside, giveing it more time, and it connected. It had been bringing up a message screen telling me about connection problems.
I just tried to bring up the can't connect message screen by attempting to connect while inside my house, but the darn thing connected with 7 active satellites, and I can't reproduce the problem now to give you a detailed error description.
So, even thought I got a bunch of error messages during my unlocking process, the unlocking seems to have worked, and it left my Athena in working condition.
Some final notes relating to how I started this thread: now that I have AP Dual 3.0 ROM installed, the device seems to be performing better in all the problem areas I first mentioned.
I tested charging the battery by connecting to my computer's USB port, and, although it is charging slowly, at least it's not discharging while connected.
I think that experience discharging while connected might have been because Opera 9.33 beta was open to a page the was running something - just speculation.
I think it's also possible that I misinterpreted what I saw; it might not have been discharging while connected; instead, it might have been a delay in updating the display of the state of the battery; when I looked at the battery when I first connected to the USB, it showed 70%, but in reality it might have only been 60% charged, and the display had just not updated; then, when I disconnected it, the display had updated to the correct 60%.
Also, I haven't noticed any of the extremely slow performance when open apps or running apps. I did notice that my old Kaiser is a lot snappier than the Athena before I updated the ROM. I'm going to keep an eye on it, and do some more Kaiser/Athena performance comparisons.
I think the Athena may be slower than the Kaiser because of the video driver issue. The Athena has four times as many pixels to render, and the CPU has to do the rendering since the driver that would take advantage of the ATI video processor is absent. Hopefully, that will be fixed soon, as mentioned at HTCClassAction.org. http://www.htcclassaction.org/
I am going to start a new thread on a couple of questions I have. In the original HTC ROM, there was a network program from HTC, and I used it to connect to shares on my LAN over WiFi, and I want to find a replacement for it. There may even be a network program in the Dual 3.0 ROM, but I haven't found it yet.
Also, I love MS Voice Command 1.6 (a version made available in the Kaiser forum - not a more recent 1.6 version for sale by MS.) It works for me on my Wizard and on my Kaiser, but on my Athena, I can't start Voice Command using my Bluetooth headset.
I've searched both of these issues in the forums, but haven't found answers yet. Again, if anyone knows, please help.
Now, I'm going to explore the 3.0 ROM!
xdafile said:
Thanks again for pitching in to offer me help.
Good new for me; The GPS started working. Earlier this morning, I decided to try it again outside, giveing it more time, and it connected. It had been bringing up a message screen telling me about connection problems.
I just tried to bring up the can't connect message screen by attempting to connect while inside my house, but the darn thing connected with 7 active satellites, and I can't reproduce the problem now to give you a detailed error description.
So, even thought I got a bunch of error messages during my unlocking process, the unlocking seems to have worked, and it left my Athena in working condition.
Some final notes relating to how I started this thread: now that I have AP Dual 3.0 ROM installed, the device seems to be performing better in all the problem areas I first mentioned.
I tested charging the battery by connecting to my computer's USB port, and, although it is charging slowly, at least it's not discharging while connected.
I think that experience discharging while connected might have been because Opera 9.33 beta was open to a page the was running something - just speculation.
I think it's also possible that I misinterpreted what I saw; it might not have been discharging while connected; instead, it might have been a delay in updating the display of the state of the battery; when I looked at the battery when I first connected to the USB, it showed 70%, but in reality it might have only been 60% charged, and the display had just not updated; then, when I disconnected it, the display had updated to the correct 60%.
Also, I haven't noticed any of the extremely slow performance when open apps or running apps. I did notice that my old Kaiser is a lot snappier than the Athena before I updated the ROM. I'm going to keep an eye on it, and do some more Kaiser/Athena performance comparisons.
I think the Athena may be slower than the Kaiser because of the video driver issue. The Athena has four times as many pixels to render, and the CPU has to do the rendering since the driver that would take advantage of the ATI video processor is absent. Hopefully, that will be fixed soon, as mentioned at HTCClassAction.org. http://www.htcclassaction.org/
I am going to start a new thread on a couple of questions I have. In the original HTC ROM, there was a network program from HTC, and I used it to connect to shares on my LAN over WiFi, and I want to find a replacement for it. There may even be a network program in the Dual 3.0 ROM, but I haven't found it yet.
Also, I love MS Voice Command 1.6 (a version made available in the Kaiser forum - not a more recent 1.6 version for sale by MS.) It works for me on my Wizard and on my Kaiser, but on my Athena, I can't start Voice Command using my Bluetooth headset.
I've searched both of these issues in the forums, but haven't found answers yet. Again, if anyone knows, please help.
Now, I'm going to explore the 3.0 ROM!
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To get MS 1.6 to work try this:
Delete the paird BT headset, then do a reset on the phone then re-pair with the BT headset. Make sure the headset is not set to (stereo) mode and that should work. I had the same issue with the Jabra BT8010. After doing the above steps the push button activation innitiated voice command.
Thanks TootTalk2000,
That worked. I have the Jabro BT8010 too.
Have you figured out how to get the BT to work hands free and stereo too?
xdafile said:
Thanks TootTalk2000,
That worked. I have the Jabro BT8010 too.
Have you figured out how to get the BT to work hands free and stereo too?
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Yeah, when you set it to stereo however, all the audio gets routed to the BT headset (I personally don't like that, especially when using my GPS) and in order for you to use voice command then you have to take stereo/mono button which is the button closest to the mic on the bottom of the BT, then hit the answer button and you will hear VC prompting for your command. The draw back to this also is that everytime you want to use VC you will have to repeat these steps because the BT defaults back to stereo after you're don't with a voice call.

No working sound and more....

It has been a long time ago that I bought a new toy with so many problems as this little b**&^^rd.
Now, already three times, I did not have any sound at all.
I do not remeber what complains there were (No driver installed? No sound card?) And I do not feel the energy to find out.
After a restart (which is always quickly done in maximum 4 minutes and I am becoming quite good in finding other things to do when waiting for this and that) the sound is back.
Till now my disappointment only consists of:
1. This sound problem
2. Resume problems in low power settings
3 SD card not being recognized, randomly
4. Shift control centre sometimes crashing, or not working at all.
5. Origami crashing, or not working, or only partionally.
6. Bad performance of my VLC player
7. And whatever anybody can find on this forum.
Anyway.. I am trying to transfer info from my MacBook into my new Macbook Air and that also hangs all the time, resetting the connection etc etc.
So it's not only Vista that makes me alcoholic
I think I grab a large bottle of.....
herpi said:
It has been a long time ago that I bought a new toy with so many problems as this little b**&^^rd.
Now, already three times, I did not have any sound at all.
I do not remeber what complains there were (No driver installed? No sound card?) And I do not feel the energy to find out.
After a restart (which is always quickly done in maximum 4 minutes and I am becoming quite good in finding other things to do when waiting for this and that) the sound is back.
Till now my disappointment only consists of:
1. This sound problem
2. Resume problems in low power settings
3 SD card not being recognized, randomly
4. Shift control centre sometimes crashing, or not working at all.
5. Origami crashing, or not working, or only partionally.
6. Bad performance of my VLC player
7. And whatever anybody can find on this forum.
Anyway.. I am trying to transfer info from my MacBook into my new Macbook Air and that also hangs all the time, resetting the connection etc etc.
So it's not only Vista that makes me alcoholic
I think I grab a large bottle of.....
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Sounds familiar (forgive the pun). Not had your problems but I'm reaching the end of a bottle of wine that I opened 45 minutes ago whileunistalling SP1 which caused me endless troubles. Did you install SP1?
trend micro the culprit
If you did the vista sp1 upgrade you must uninstall trend micro antivirus from your system. It is not compatible with sp1 and breaks all of the items you mentioned.
I had the same problem - uninstalled and rebooted, all fixed.
jsp1 said:
If you did the vista sp1 upgrade you must uninstall trend micro antivirus from your system. It is not compatible with sp1 and breaks all of the items you mentioned.
I had the same problem - uninstalled and rebooted, all fixed.
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I did not install Trend, neither do I have any other antivirus program.
But thx anyway for the hint.
herpi said:
It has been a long time ago that I bought a new toy with so many problems as this little b**&^^rd.
Now, already three times, I did not have any sound at all.
I do not remeber what complains there were (No driver installed? No sound card?) And I do not feel the energy to find out.
After a restart (which is always quickly done in maximum 4 minutes and I am becoming quite good in finding other things to do when waiting for this and that) the sound is back.
Till now my disappointment only consists of:
1. This sound problem
2. Resume problems in low power settings
3 SD card not being recognized, randomly
4. Shift control centre sometimes crashing, or not working at all.
5. Origami crashing, or not working, or only partionally.
6. Bad performance of my VLC player
7. And whatever anybody can find on this forum.
Anyway.. I am trying to transfer info from my MacBook into my new Macbook Air and that also hangs all the time, resetting the connection etc etc.
So it's not only Vista that makes me alcoholic
I think I grab a large bottle of.....
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1. Sound is not working if you have problems with WM. Is WM working OK?
2. Same here
3. Same here
4. When is this? After you use a button?
5. Which powerplan do you use?
6. You must use the Performance power plan to get it working OK
display quirk?
Display quirk?
I recognized that the brightness of the start screen of Snapvue is irregular. Shouldn't it be pitch black? But across the screen I have got sort of a big grayish egg. Or: a big oval part is much lighter than the rest of the start screen in Snapvue. If I go into a menu which is basically white then the irregularity disappears.
Is this a common thing? Or is it just a quirk of my Shift?
Can I change the start screen having liberated the Shift (first steps), not changing to Realvga, I don't know if I have the courage to do that.
michael85 said:
1. Sound is not working if you have problems with WM. Is WM working OK?
2. Same here
3. Same here
4. When is this? After you use a button?
5. Which powerplan do you use?
6. You must use the Performance power plan to get it working OK
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1: I am not using WM. But as far as I can see Snapvue working OK. No SIM card however. The sound not working occurs absolutely randomly, but I suspect a little bit the interaction between Origami and WMP. Could be the powerplan, but still....
2. I know, that's solved ( more or less but no more use of low power possible = shorter battery life).
3. I do not know what you mean, and what the realtion is between Vista and WM, I thought the SD card is not recognized by WM at all. I am talking about the SD card randomly dissappering when in Vista. Sometimes after suspend. etc. See that thread.
4. I cannot force this problem with Shift control centre. So no idea when.
5. Different powerplans. I combine them. I will do new research wit Origami only using the fastes power plan. ( If I have time)
6. I tried everything with VLC. It is not a huge problem and also randomly. But in full screen it plays irregularely. I know VLC is not the fastest of all, but still.
I suspect it is Vista doing all kind of things ( Indexing I shut of from the first day) randomly, preventing VLC to play correctly.
When I let it rest for a long time VLC performs better.
VLC working flawlessly or not, is not related to any powerplan or battery use. Tested all combinations. So, when it is working nice, I pull the power supply; put it on low power, and it keeps working nice.
It is all quite disappointing, and I am not an easy complainer.
Had the same problems with the VLC. I updated the video driver and it helped a significant amount. From unwatchable in full screen mode to at the least bearable.
carsany said:
Had the same problems with the VLC. I updated the video driver and it helped a significant amount. From unwatchable in full screen mode to at the least bearable.
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Could you do me a favour and tell me in steps how I can upgrade the video driver?
I am not quite good in those things.
carsany said:
Had the same problems with the VLC. I updated the video driver and it helped a significant amount. From unwatchable in full screen mode to at the least bearable.
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Strange... I do not see any difference after updating.
But my VLC is doing reasonably well, only in full screen it sometimes gets hickups.
Which version do you use? I have 0.8.6.e, and I understood there is already an f.
no sound
hey The sound bug is easily fixed, just open the device manager on the vista side of course, go to sound and on the plugin window it will say that it works but it didnt in my case, all I did was disable it wait a couple of minutes and then enable it again... hope it works for you
herpi said:
It has been a long time ago that I bought a new toy with so many problems as this little b**&^^rd.
Now, already three times, I did not have any sound at all.
I do not remeber what complains there were (No driver installed? No sound card?) And I do not feel the energy to find out.
After a restart (which is always quickly done in maximum 4 minutes and I am becoming quite good in finding other things to do when waiting for this and that) the sound is back.
Till now my disappointment only consists of:
1. This sound problem
2. Resume problems in low power settings
3 SD card not being recognized, randomly
4. Shift control centre sometimes crashing, or not working at all.
5. Origami crashing, or not working, or only partionally.
6. Bad performance of my VLC player
7. And whatever anybody can find on this forum.
Anyway.. I am trying to transfer info from my MacBook into my new Macbook Air and that also hangs all the time, resetting the connection etc etc.
So it's not only Vista that makes me alcoholic
I think I grab a large bottle of.....
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try a different power outlet or a protective powerconnector, sounds like wrong voltage to me, also the mac issue
sebastiaanmeloen said:
try a different power outlet or a protective powerconnector, sounds like wrong voltage to me, also the mac issue
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is is already a long time ago.
My Shift is over and out. It never worked properly.
But hte Mac?
I have a Macbook air with 128 GB SSD.
Works like a charm.
Windows is over and out for a long time already.
herpi said:
is is already a long time ago.
My Shift is over and out. It never worked properly.
But hte Mac?
I have a Macbook air with 128 GB SSD.
Works like a charm.
Windows is over and out for a long time already.
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ur always welcome to send me your old shift
sebastiaanmeloen said:
ur always welcome to send me your old shift
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I gave it to the kids in my old, small, village, here in Romania.
They use it for skype and internet browsing. ( a 1400 euro tool)

[IDEA/DEV] OnStar-style crash response

In the US we have a system available in some cars called OnStar. The system, among many other things, is able to detect a crash and automatically contact emergency services. I guess cell phones are cutting into their profit margin because they've started running radio advertisements saying "What if you're in an accident and you can't reach your phone?"
Well that got me thinking... what if you can't reach your phone? And that gave me an idea... we can make a "clone" of OnStar.
Many of our phones have G-Sensors. There is already an app out there to measure acceleration and G-Force.
We can create an app that you run in the car (perhaps hooked up with a car kit, windshield mount, etc). The app monitors acceleration/deceleration and G-Forces. When it detects a crash (instant deceleration and/or huge spike in G-Force), it plays a loud warning tone and displays a large "Cancel" button. If the cancel button is not pressed within a certain time period (15, 20, 30 seconds), it automatically calls 911 (or equivalent emergency number) and turns on speakerphone.
I can start the development of this myself, but certain things (e.g. the deceleration/G-Force measurement) I will need help with.
Before I start development I would like to gauge how much interest there would be in something like this.
I think it's a wornderful idea!
I can contribuite with the development if you need some help, but for the mathematics I suggest to contact some developer who already worked with such stuffs.
The idea is good, but should be activated by user (i know, if he forgets...) : Imagine the problem if the device in in a suitcase or attache case, and the bag fall down (or is striked... )... The emergencies will be called just for a falling of bag... and the cancel button won't be seen...
I think this should be enabled (maybe by a profiler like G-profile or SBSH PhoneWeaver ???)
Anyway ,the idea is good !
that's definitely an excellent idea guys !!!!
I'm looking forward to this And if you need any help on the graphics, I can help you maybe
Surely a nice Idea.
To prevent false alarms a few other things could be taken into account, like sound level - If there is a sudden increase in sound level (crash whatever) or if it detected a "crash" it requires you shouting / using some voice command like features or whatever.
This is an phenomenal idea! Please do it. You guys could actually save lives with something like this. How many software ideas can actually save your life. Not sure if Onstar does this, but maybe have feature where, after it calls emergency assistance, it then calls your emergency contacts with message stating you have been in an accident and gives them your location if you have GPS enabled device.

Sound Drop Outs While Tablet is "Off."

Hi Folks:
Is anyone else having this problem?
New Info as of 16 July. Sound Still Skipping
Unfortunately, I'm still having sound file skips when the tablet is off.
I did some more Google research on this, and I found several instances with regard to phones having sound problems with skipping and popping sounds while playing. Nearly all of those seemed to be related to either headphone issues or the Bluetooth xceiver.
I originally though this problem was specific to Overdrive Media console, but it has also turned up in the Music app. I also installed a couple of other music/sound apps to see if it may be app specific, but all of them had the same consistent behavior of the sound file...pausing at random intervals....and then continuing after a few seconds when the screen...was turned off. The skips DO NOT happen when the screen is on.
Going through Erica Rene's thoughts I went into the Running Applications Manager and turned off several services I wasn't using, including Neo Player, 3d Gallery, Skype, and even Music. I initially thought that worked, but I was wrong. Same behavior.
This morning I did a factory reset. No change in behavior.
Since I just started using the tablet for audio books and podcasts I honestly don't know if this problem was there in 3.0. When I did the factory reset I thought the tablet might go back to 3.0, but I was wrong. I am still on build Acer_A500_4.010.08_COM_GEN2 after the factory reset.
There seems to be nothing wrong with my hardware that I can see. These skips happen with the headphones in or out. The only thing that triggers it is turning off the screen.
Insofar as software is concerned, I've not done anything more except rooting the tablet (which survived the factory reset process, which did surprise me! ). Beyond putting in another ROM - which, unless I can get some specific thoughts that it will fix the problem, given my experience level I'm a bit leery of doing - I can't see how software would fix it now.
Is anyone else seeing this???
I've searched Google and here on XDA for this and not found anything, so I'm hoping that someone can say something.
When I play a sound file on my A500, and then turn it off, the sound continuing to play is a very iffy thing. This works on my Nexus One phone, so I assumed it would work here. On my phone I start a sound file running (music, podcast, audio from an audio book or Google reader) and then I turn the phone "off" to conserve the battery, of course. The sound continues to play.
When I do the same thing on the A500 it is very rare that the sound continues to play. Sometimes it will stop as soon as I turn the tablet off, sometimes it will continue for several seconds and then stop, sometimes it will continue for several seconds and then pause for a couple of seconds and continue in this loop for the life of the file.
I originally thought that this was a specific issue with the audio books in the Overdrive Media Console program, but I've now encountered it with Google Reader and playing things through either Music or Rockplayer Lite.
Has anyone seen this yourself, or does anyone have any thoughts? Details on the tablet are below:
OS: AndroidOS 3.1
Build: Acer_A500_4.010.08_COM_GEN2
Could be some of the apps not playing fair.
Do you have a task killer or any add on management app.they can cause this
Also in settings sounds.there is a check button to control this.
Also do not hit the back button on the apt this will kill it
I had Google music going off when I would hot the power buttonbtobturn off display and it was ina task killer ibaccidently installed something I had on USB drive for my cell.it had a setting to close all apps on display off or sleep.
Thank you for your reply. Oddly enough, something along those lines may be it.
I've not modified my tablet much beyond rooting it. I've not uninstalled applications and don't have a custom ROM.
You mentioned that something might not be playing fair. I have no add on management application, nor any task killer I'm aware of. The Applications area of Settings has been doing what I need in that department fine for me. So I went in and looked at what services were running, and specifically turned off the services and programs I know I was not using: Skype, NemoPlayer, PhotoBrowser, Acer Sync. I then tried a sound file, turned off the tablet and it did continue to play steadily.
Now I guess I just have to figure out which program is the culprit, but it seems evident that one of them is.
Along those lines, perhaps you can answer something else for me: Those programs I mentioned above basically started running services on bootup. How do I stop that? I don't use NemoPlayer, for example, and so have no reason to have any service from it starting. I took a look at the Settings->Applications area and don't seem to see anything there that indicates what gets started upon bootup.
Doc Kinne
I use titanium backup. It has a option to not only backup. But can freeze apps.Im not sure but you might need to have root for this feature.there are other apps on market to freeze them maybe someone can help by telling the app they use.just do not remove any apps Acer put on your tab.
You can get root easky look in Dev area
Put some new information in teh original post.
My sound also cuts out when tablet goes to lock mode. I thought it was certain apps. Removed everything as far as widgets anything running in backround on home screen but I still have the same issue its random. Tried a clean wipe/install basic apps root explorer and still had it happen. I thought it might be a audio codec problem. In Honeycomb 3.0 I was able to play AVIs with AC3 in mobo and nemo player now I cant in 3.1.
HC 3.1
Acer 4.010.02 Gen1
i have the probleme too with the sound when it goes to sleep when i stream webradio !
Just a thought, along similar lines when my screen is off sound will cut out after about 15 to 20 mins. I think for you as others have said you have something else that is causing the problem. For me I think it's just a system timer. Don't know how to fix it.
i have experienced a similar thing with some Roms I've tried and with them it was the built in overclocker that was the culprit. I had to change the profile in the overclocker to enable the playback while the screen was off. Same goes for overclocking apps such as setcpu.
I'm experiencing a skip with my email notification. I recorded a short notice (similar to you got mail) & it does a 5 second pause 1/2 way through. Didn't do it prior to 3.1

