[Q] Sailfish OS for Oppo Find 5? - Oppo Find 5

Hi there,
i received my Find 5 a few weeks before - it´s a really nice device. Also i like Android a lot, but there ´s a lot to do for Dev´s here in focus of Kernel stuff.
Did anybody of you know about the Sailfish OS and/or if we could look forward that this will be open and could get adapted in any different device like the Oppo Find 5 for example in future?
I hope that´s not the incorrect "part of the forum" to send a request about this - if it is feel free to move my question to a valid one.


TyTn (Hermes) with Android.. Possible???

Just wondering if anyone has come across anything which might indicate that Android may be able to be installed on the Hermes?
I have seen videos of Kaiser (TyTn II) running an older version, and the specs are quite similar between the two handsets.
With cookers moving onto newer devices, it would be nice to see some development of Android on the TyTn to bring new life into the old dog. God knows we will not see any new windows mobile versions past 6.1.
Anyone else agree or have any comments? I think Android may be a great alternative to this excellent phone.
Just my 2 cents.
Hi dravenb_4u,
please discover the search function in this forum first.
There had been a lot of threads discussing this issue so far:
To run any kind of android code on hermes there's the need of porting a useful linux to this platform.
See this thread as a starting point:
I like the hermes very much and it's still my favorite phone.
Best one for everyday usage and to play around with gimmicks.
It's quite normal that people are more curious about new devices.
But should i spend so much money for an up to date gadget???
I won't!
At least there are quite a lot of posts in the hermes section.
So i think because it is a very useful phone some people will keep it alive
Also have o look at openmoko.org and you'll see what could be done with opensource .
Best regards,

New and looking for tips/advice

Firstly I'd like to say hello. Hello. I'm new here as you can tell. I'm getting my X1 this Saturday (if all goes well) and have been looking around for applications/panels and information on how to tweak/enchance and improve my X1.
As an electronic engineering student, I love to tinker with PCs. My desktop at home runs Windows 7, and I'm looking for help, tips and advice on how to enchance my X1 experience.
Basically, if anyone can recomend any applications/tips on how to tweak and speed up the X1 and make it better than I hear it already is.
Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing from you all
I hope I can make some sort of contribution to XDA Developers
This is exactly what you need:
Few topics below...
Very comprehensive database
Thanks for that mate =)
Oh no problem.
This site appeared just few days ago and it's amazing!

[Q] OS Porting/Emulating

Heyho fellas!
As this is my second post.. and first thread.. I would like to take a second to introduce myself a bit
As my nick states I call myself "Puenos", and after visiting this place for quite a while, I've finally decided to register here too!
Enough chitchat, here's my [Q]:
I've recently read quite a lot about ppl asking for a port of WinMo for Android..and after some reading I realised something..
Besides those simple answers asking ppl WHY somebody would want that, most arguments where about how legit it was.. Because WinMo is closed source..
Well... I'm no dev or anything like that.. I'm simple wondering about a few ppl, their ideas and find myself thinking about something abstract myself.. sooo...
What do you think about ports of
Basilisk II - an Open Source 68k Macintosh emulator
--> There's even a port for Sony PSP and it's quite fun to use it
and before you ask..
AFAIK! Apple provides downloads for the old classic system discs without any charges legally! (correct me if I'm wrong pls..)
Link would be basilisk.cebix.net/
Maemo/MeeGo - an open source, Linux project
-->As Nokia is about to lauch their first MeeGo-Device I would believe it's quite an interesting idea
Link would be meego.com/about
Windows Mobile/Windows Mobile 7
--> Yeahyeah, I know.. closed source and well.. but there are already some Windows Mobile emus on the net I believe? Some even written in Java?
So there would exist a possibility to optimize Android's Java-Engine.. I mean.. the apps converting Java-files to Android-APK for more convient use so it would be possible to port some Java-emus?
I couldn't find the link to the Java-emulator now.. but by searching, I found this:
Link: downloadsquad.com/2008/03/02/microsoft-device-emulator-lets-you-run-windows-mobile-6-on-your/
So there seems to be an application for Windows to be called "Microsoft Device Emulator" which let's you test WinMo-Apps on your PC by emulating a WinMo-Device! Microsoft also seems to provide some ROM-Image to use for this Device Emulator as seen here:
Link: microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=38c46aa8-1dd7-426f-a913-4f370a65a582&DisplayLang=en
Again.. I know WinMo is not open source.. but as Microsoft seems to provide those ROMs.. I wonder if it's legit to use those ROMs to test a self-written or ported emulator for e.g. Android?
Uh... there was a port of Bochs/Qemu for Android some while ago.. but the "port" was rather a proof of concept I think?
There was not much for me to do, using this port I got the same error messages I got using Dosbox, which I thought where problems due to usage of the DOS-environment..which I hoped to escape using this "Bochs/Qemu"-port..
But there's also a Java-emu for x86 architecture...called JPC!
More some kind of proof of concept too, but really interesting! At least for me!
But I somehow don't get along with FreeDOS...and can't seem to boot DSL, even though the applet on their website showed it working... but oh well..
Also, I was wondering if it's possible to run more Linux distros on Android using Bochs/Qemu.. but can't seem to get it to work by now...
Maybe it's just my fault :/
Bochs/Qemu for Android: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=692682
JPC- Java x86 VM: jpc.sourceforge.net/home_home.html
Well... that are my 0.02$.. Again.. I'm not a dev..nor do I have the massive knowledge other ppl have here.. Just thought I share some ideas and hope some ppl might find themself interested in working on something.. not necessaryly ports, stable emus are enough work I believe.. But yeah.. here you go!
Oh and well.. just for the people asking "why would you want that? WinMo/Linux/Whoeva is fo da **** 'n Android is da best, yo!" who seem to be present here..
Why not? This place is called "xda-DEVELOPERS" Why joining a website/community when you're not interested in changing/experimenting?
I believe that some people here should be more open to various things.. If you don't want to change a thing on your device.. why going through the effort even reading some topics here or buy such a versatile phone? Just use your old Nokia and play "snake" and call ppl &write messages!
Uh and yeah.. I'm sorry if I did anything wrong.. used "search" and most infos are from this pages.. so I don't really think I've digged something old closed up again... and yeah.. links.. are not links without permission I do not have (new user and such ;3) but I hope the linked pages are alright to be linked.. if not.. I'm sorry guys
So... I'm interested in your opinion! What do you guys think?

Calling all fellow developers for Xperia X2 custom rom/app development

Dear Fellow X2 Users,
I have been reading through all main sections (there are only 3 lol) of the X2 subforums and cannot help noticing how much more threads/sections and more importantly more development is being done on the older Xperia X1.
For me I see this as ironic that an older model is being tweaked more when internally they both have similar hardware.
I would summarize the X2 as a well designed device on the outside with a bad software system. We have gotten as far as getting rid of the junk that SE has put as "wrappers" to give it some eye-candy. We have made it usable and we have made the battery last longer. I am a programmer who believes that anything is possible if we use what is availabe to make amazing solutions.
Looking at windows mobile 7 although it promises fancy games and fancy social connectivity I do not think many professionals will consider those as useful. So I do not think the Xperia X2 is dead. I think it is like Knight Rider's car without Kit installed yet!
To the point (finally! I hear some of you say) why not make a team just like the htc developers have and work on some alternatives to minimal X2(skip default cabs) and bugged X2(default)? If we cannot cook roms, I say make some custom set of cabs that get the job done. I see so many good cabs in the forums: fm radios, handwriting recognition (kudos to fadi.b), the multifix cab, and an overclocking cab that boosts speed to 1000Mhz! (in some cases) and so many other I can't remember at the moment. We need to combine what we have into something better than the original X2 software.
I know I have not participated in these forums much, but believe me I have played around with the X2 just like the rest of you. I am asking for a concerted developmenteffort so we can solve the many issues mentioned by the X2 community.
Why not have development sections? A WinMo section is definitely a must.
Or an Android section like X1? A features request sticky inside these too would be good for everyone. We have to share some crucial information so a thread for this is important as well, e.g. keymappings, APIs, etc.
It is my hope that after reading this more people will try to approach the challenge of customizing the X2 in a more organized and successful way. Instead of deciding who should start, I think we should focus on how we ourselves can make it work!
To the Forum Mods: I have placed this in general section because imo it regards X2 as a whole and not specifically for ROM development or apps, rather a combination of both.
Totally agree with you!
I am agreed with you.
Please any programmer or developer contribute your specialist and skill here.
But,I am noobs with the software programmer...
I think we should make a new thread and see how many people would be willing
to put some money to offer the developer of the Hard-Slp.
i hope !!!!
Guys check this thread:
I also agree with you.
Please developers must take initiative to make x2 successfull.
im with you too guys, but i know that most developers prefer htc phones over other phones so you see many great stuff in htc forums ... so i thing a big motive for developers is to make abouny for hard spl and this will really attract developers ... sorry for my bad english
This is HTC hardware.
Second,i will donate or pay for any hardspl that would make this thing usable.
I do not have enough time to devote into "modding" ripping the software until i come out with an usable x2,so i would gladly pay to get something to put on this usefull 500$ phone.
I think that like me are many users that would give to say at least 10-20 euro for something to make this crap work better.
Kind regards to all and i'm still hoping to see something done for my X2.
mrqro said:
This is HTC hardware.
Second,i will donate or pay for any hardspl that would make this thing usable.
I do not have enough time to devote into "modding" ripping the software until i come out with an usable x2,so i would gladly pay to get something to put on this usefull 500$ phone.
I think that like me are many users that would give to say at least 10-20 euro for something to make this crap work better.
Kind regards to all and i'm still hoping to see something done for my X2.
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It is not HTC hardware.
Hi hi! Sorry for falling off the edge of the internet platform! (was busy ).
Good news! Got myself a new X2 hehehe. Yes am serious about getting this from piece of mediocre communication device to at least X1 status!
K, I will summarize what is required to develop applications for the X2 and Windows Mobile phones in general:
1. Development Environment to make programs: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or Sharp Develop IDE. Search on Google to find more
2. HEX Editor to analyze/break apart data: No idea yet! Still searching for an updated one. Maybe Hex Workshop. Got an old version of that somewhere.
3. Registry Editor: CeRegistryEditor, Awesome registry editor for playing around with registry key settings. It uses ActiveSync and you change settings on your computer.
Will update this list when I find out or remember more items.
Good day to you all and please, don't give up!
hafirangi said:
Guys check this thread:
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I have come across this some time ago and it is what I mentioned in my first post about a minimalist X2 (no unnecessary things). I have been there and although it is nice to have a phone that works I would like a phone that works AND looks and works beautiful!
Hope you see what I see now ^^. Not iPhone killer lol, just something better than what we have now.

[BOUNTY] Nexus 9 for Cpasjuste

Hi !
I'm Cpasjuste, a long term user/developper on XDA. As many of you probably, i'm very interested in this device but i'm (really) lacking the founds to get one.
I'm not sure if it's something to do, requesting a bounty/device for myself but well .. who know ...
So i'm wondering if some people, or maybe a generous donator, would be interested in supporting me to get this device. I'm used to nvidia devices since the tegra/tegra2 and recently ported CM11 to a Tegra 4i device (https://github.com/Cpasjuste/device_nvidia_s8515), which i'm the only one if i'm correct. I think i could really help the development on this awesome device.
If some people are interested then we will setup something.
Thanks in advance for your time,
I'm sorry but these type of threads are not allowed. You may use our built-in donation link feature.

