[Q] Galaxy s4 i9505 gmail not pushing even thought sync is on - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Anyone else running into this issue? I've got all auto syncing enabled, yet gmail will not push mails to me. I have to manually open gmail and refresh in order to get new mails. I've tried disabling sync and reenabling. I'm using the gmail app. Nothing special here... haven't even rooted or flashed another rom yet.. maybe that's my problem...
Thanks for any help.

i am having the same issue..when i enable sync , i get mail notifications for some time..then after few hours , i have to open gmail and refresh it to see new mails.

ankitmathur said:
i am having the same issue..when i enable sync , i get mail notifications for some time..then after few hours , i have to open gmail and refresh it to see new mails.
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Yeah, I should have mentioned the same. There are times it works right after reenabling and running a 'test' mail.. it's just the important mails that don't come through

Same issue for me. All of a sudden my Gmail app won't push my mail. All sync on

I am also seeing the same.
Not sure if it's co-incidence but this happened after I flashed XXUBMEA and then, to demonstrate, enabled and all the Sammy stuff, including the Samsung Push thing - not a great demonstration (except the facebook apps join, which just kind of white screen sat there).
Incidently, freezing the Sammy bloat stuff removed the absurd lag (which was improved with the XXUBMEA flash).
Next step - remove Gmail from system and re-install.
Edit: Removing Gmail and then re-installing from Google Play worked. Notifications now coming through.
Now to wait for Apex update which will allow the unread count to return to the dock.


[SOLVED] Gmail not syncing anymore

I just noticed a few days ago that GMail isn't syncing with my phone anymore. I send myself an email just to check and it never showed any notification untill I manually entered the application and updated. Of course, I'd ran this test before and it worked flawlessly. I really need this to work because I use my email a lot for work purposes.
I'm currently on CM-, ERE36B. I don't really know what may have happened. Configuration to receive notifications apparently is ok. As far as I know the only thing that may have changed is the number of apps. Can there be some kind of interference between some app and GMail sync? Come on it's the Google Phone, if GMail can't work we've got a problem...
Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.
Go into: Settings, Applications, Manage Applications, Filter - ALL, find GMAIL and GMAIL Storage, clear data for both.
Solved! Thanks!
Hi !
Used to get these issues too on my HTC Magic (G2). Nothing wrong with my N1, but this morning, no sync (last sync seven hours ago...).
Turned everything down then restarted and it worked again.
Do you often get that? Is it a google-related issue ?

email notification not working reliably

Hi there.
I have an X10a from Rogers, 2.1(official upgrade), rooted and ever since running the 2.1 update my email notification has been inconsistant at best. With the stock email program it worked sporadically. Sometimes it doesn't even sync... I open the app, load new messages and they appear. Sometimes it makes a sound and puts the indicator in the status bar but no flashing led and sometimes everything works.
I tried K9 and that seemed to work but no led, so I loaded Maildroid and everything was fine for a while but now even that is sporadic.
I currently have my stock email notifications disabled, gmail sync enabled, maildroid sync enabled, wake up ever 15 mins in sleep to check email and still it only works sometimes.
I would prefer just using the stock email client as it seemed nicer on battery useage. Is there a way to uninstall it and reinstall it easily? I almost tried it with Titanium backup but the warning that i might need to reflash scared me off doing it.
Any thoughts?
Same thing i noticed with mine , Email is really bad after the update , can know for sure when i get a new Email
using the gmail app and no problems at all
i have 3 other email accounts all forwarded to my gmail
This is two forums and no one has been able to suggest anything to fix it. I think i'll just go back to the stock email client and live with it... checking manually whenever I remember.
This would be my one major complaint about the 2.1 upgrade...aside from it I'm pleased with the rest.
I use shangmail.it works great.
Gunawan-GN Multimedia-X10i
gunawan-1 said:
I use shangmail.it works great.
Gunawan-GN Multimedia-X10i
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I can try it. Does it light up the LED with the notification?
Re: my issue, i've noticed that it definitely seems that it's the syncing that's not happening moreso than the notification. I can send an email and until I open my client and load more messages, it won't appear where in the past it would pull down the email, notify me and then when I checked it was already there.
Okay...so I reflashed 2.1 on the phone last night. Immediately after the flash everthing was working fine. Then I rooted, installed Titanium backup and started to restore my apps and data... one at a time instead of the batch. At some point it stopped working again even though I didn't install 100% of the things I had on before.
Then briefly I uninstalled Super Security Standard and it started working again...but that didn't last.
I suppose it must be something i've installed, but it's really frustrating that the behavior isn't consistant. Aside from reflashing and then testing after restoring each app, I don't know what I can do.
It's definitely a syncing issue, not a notification issue. Installed a couple of free gmail notifiers and they don't work because the emails aren't sync'd until i go into the email client and manually load new mail.
What could be blocking the gmail sync?
Okay..some more searching has revealed a workaround. I cleared the cache for Gmail app and Gmail storage, rebooted and added the power control widget and cycled the sync button.
Now I can get email notifications when I cycle the sync...but only then. In the thread I found doing this once seemed to 'unstick' the sync, but that's not happening with me.
What sorts of things can 'hang' the sync? I'm still guessing some apps i've installed...

[Q] Email notification does not always work after KitKat upgrade

Hi guys,
i've updated to KitKat from 4.3 on my Nexus and now i am not receiving new email sound notifications unless i open the app and mark all messages as read. This is my work account (exchange) and the issue is really annoying because my daily email flow is about 100 messages. Most require my attention right away and i have to turn the phone on and off every few minutes to see if new message is there.
i've tried re-adding the account, changed notification sound, updated to 4.4.1 and then to 4.4.2 but the issue is still there.
any suggestions?
device is complete stock.
golden_m said:
Hi guys,
i've updated to KitKat from 4.3 on my Nexus and now i am not receiving new email sound notifications unless i open the app and mark all messages as read. This is my work account (exchange) and the issue is really annoying because my daily email flow is about 100 messages. Most require my attention right away and i have to turn the phone on and off every few minutes to see if new message is there.
i've tried re-adding the account, changed notification sound, updated to 4.4.1 and then to 4.4.2 but the issue is still there.
any suggestions?
device is complete stock.
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I'm having the same issue here. Did not notice the issue on 4.4 or 4.4.1 but as soon as I updated to stock 4.4.2 the issue showed up. Sometimes the unread email will be there if I open the app but no notification sound or icon. I'm also getting delayed push emails randomly. It seems to work fine for an hour or two then no emails will show up unless I manually pull and I'll get a flood and e-mails will come in normally for a while.
nairb1 said:
I'm having the same issue here. Did not notice the issue on 4.4 or 4.4.1 but as soon as I updated to stock 4.4.2 the issue showed up. Sometimes the unread email will be there if I open the app but no notification sound or icon. I'm also getting delayed push emails randomly. It seems to work fine for an hour or two then no emails will show up unless I manually pull and I'll get a flood and e-mails will come in normally for a while.
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i am still getting emails pushed, but no notification sounds...
any ideas how to fix this???
I tried wiping my device and flashing the factory image, issues remain.
Something I have noticed is that the second I open the Email application, the messages show up in the list .. of course no notifications.. Another behavior is that when the sync is configured with "Push" it is supposed to be realtime, and before KitKat, it was that way.. I'd get an alert on my phone the next second I received an email.. However, that also seems to be screwed up as well. I was hoping this 4.4.1 or 4.4.2 would resolve the issue but it didn't.
So I contacted google about this yesterday and the first few emails went nowhere. Then they transferred me to a 'specialist', here is their response:
Hello Brian,
Thank you for your response. Not being able to sync your emails through exchange is frustrating. I would be more than happy to assist you in syncing with the Exchange server. Unfortunately, at this time in order to sync with the Exchange server you need to access a third party app through 'Google Play'. In the future there may be updates to the Android OS that may allow for syncing with the Exchange server. Currently, Kitkat is unable to facilitate syncing with the Exchange server.
If you have any further questions, concerns or downloading a third party app does not resolve the issue please feel free to reply to this email or contact us at support.google.com.
Best Regards,
The Google Support Team
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nairb1 said:
I tried wiping my device and flashing the factory image, issues remain.
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thank you so much! you just saved me time and effort because i was planning to do that myself!
nairb1 said:
So I contacted google about this yesterday and the first few emails went nowhere. Then they transferred me to a 'specialist', here is their response:
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Will they pay for that third party application for us???
I remember how everybody was bashing Apple when their update broke exchange sync. But they fixed it quite fast.
Never thought i will see that approach from Google...
Very sad
anybody was able to fix the issue?
still have this annoying issue!
en_m said:
still have this annoying issue!
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Same here.. I really need a fix for this, I keep missing important messages
I think Google tweaked the email client to turn off notifications unless you open the app. If you get the first email, it will make a sound. If you don't open the app and check it, it will stop notifying you of further emails. I'm really not sure what the solution will be to this issue..
This is on my Nexus 5, but I have the same email client that the N4 does.
you can change that in settings :
RolF2 said:
you can change that in settings :
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That's a Gmail setting, we're referring to the native email app that handles Exchange accounts
For me not
It always works for me
try using the application of your email provider(f.e. if you have a microsoft account use outlook.com app). that is what i do and i don't have any problem anymore. if you like to have all your different accounts in one application i would suggest to find another application. droid mail and k9 mail are quite good as far as i know
megaceso said:
It always works for me
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It makes an audible beep every time you get a new email in the "Email" app even if you don't open the app every time? Are you on 4.4.2?
ttheodorou said:
try using the application of your email provider(f.e. if you have a microsoft account use outlook.com app). that is what i do and i don't have any problem anymore. if you like to have all your different accounts in one application i would suggest to find another application. droid mail and k9 mail are quite good as far as i know
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I use it for my Exchange account for work email, there's no other email provider client. I'll see if I can get droid mail or K9, but they're relatively expensive options for just this 1 issue.

Delayed push notifications

Hi all,
Has anyone else noticed a significant delay with push notifications (namely with gmail)?
I've got my old iPhone and the Nexus 6P side by side, and at best the push notifications come in 10 seconds later than the iPhone (sometimes it can take up to 10 minutes). I've tried the push notification fix as suggested for other phones, but got no love there.
Any suggestions?
aplant92 said:
Hi all,
Has anyone else noticed a significant delay with push notifications (namely with gmail)?
I've got my old iPhone and the Nexus 6P side by side, and at best the push notifications come in 10 seconds later than the iPhone (sometimes it can take up to 10 minutes). I've tried the push notification fix as suggested for other phones, but got no love there.
Any suggestions?
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Is Gmail app fetching your emails on a timer or is it push?
airwa1kin7 said:
Is Gmail app fetching your emails on a timer or is it push?
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Set to push, otherwise I'd understand the large delay.
aplant92 said:
Set to push, otherwise I'd understand the large delay.
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I just realized gmail only does push.
I just tested it on my Nexus 6p and it pushed a few seconds after the email was sent. At first however I had to manually refresh for the first test email, then the second test email pushed to the device.
I tested by sending a email from a icloud account on my macbook and sending to my gmail account on my phone.
airwa1kin7 said:
I just realized gmail only does push.
I just tested it on my Nexus 6p and it pushed a few seconds after the email was sent. At first however I had to manually refresh for the first test email, then the second test email pushed to the device.
I tested by sending a email from a icloud account on my macbook and sending to my gmail account on my phone.
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It's almost as though there's some power saving feature going on once you lock the screen (this is where the delay happens, when locked).
aplant92 said:
It's almost as though there's some power saving feature going on once you lock the screen (this is where the delay happens, when locked).
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Mine was locked as well. Battery saver disabled. Battery Optimization Off. Unplugged/No charger.
airwa1kin7 said:
Mine was locked as well. Battery saver disabled. Battery Optimization Off. Unplugged/No charger.
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Same here, seems strange that it's taking so long then...
Also, when deleting an email from the notification, it just keeps popping back up (i.e. not deleting). There's obviously some strange sync issue going on with gmail and exchange
I've had the same problem and haven't found a solution either. Glad to see that I'm not the only one! I posted on Reddit, but it didn't get much play. https://www.reddit.com/r/Nexus6P/comments/3seyj6/delayed_gmail_syncnotifications/
To try and fix the issue, I've (in no particular order):
Removed my Google account and readded
Gone through Gmail settings to make sure that notifications are on, sync is active, managed labels
Gone through the Google account to make sure that Gmail sync is on
Uninstalled updates to Gmail from the Play Store
Reinstalled updates to Gmail from the Play Store
Force Stopped Gmail
Cleared data from Gmail
Cleared cache from Gmail
Removed it from optimized apps
Changed my password on computer, then waited for phone to ask to reinput
I'm on a 64 GB Aluminum, unlocked, MDB08M. I do not have my SIM card yet (only Wi-Fi). Perhaps that's the issue?
I'm getting to the point where I'm going to factory reset, but I was really hoping I wouldn't have to, and I'm not optimistic it would help.
threshfire said:
I've had the same problem and haven't found a solution either. Glad to see that I'm not the only one! I posted on Reddit, but it didn't get much play. https://www.reddit.com/r/Nexus6P/comments/3seyj6/delayed_gmail_syncnotifications/
To try and fix the issue, I've (in no particular order):
Removed my Google account and readded
Gone through Gmail settings to make sure that notifications are on, sync is active, managed labels
Gone through the Google account to make sure that Gmail sync is on
Uninstalled updates to Gmail from the Play Store
Reinstalled updates to Gmail from the Play Store
Force Stopped Gmail
Cleared data from Gmail
Cleared cache from Gmail
Removed it from optimized apps
Changed my password on computer, then waited for phone to ask to reinput
I'm on a 64 GB Aluminum, unlocked, MDB08M. I do not have my SIM card yet (only Wi-Fi). Perhaps that's the issue?
I'm getting to the point where I'm going to factory reset, but I was really hoping I wouldn't have to, and I'm not optimistic it would help.
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Yeah I've done the factory reset already and can confirm it does nothing. I'm beginning to think its the Gmail app, as the rest of my push notifications are faster or the same speed as iOS. Really crap by the Gmail devs if that is the case.
Any decent replacement email apps out there? The Samsung email app was quicker, but not sure if we can get that without rooting and flashing an apk (and even then not sure if it requires touchwiz to function).
With my 6P Hotspoting to tablet and pc email arrives on 6P a minute or 2 after them.
I don't know if this is the same or not. I have this issue with both the Yahoo mail app and the Outlook app. My gmail notifications seem to be showing up reliably, but I never get any Outlook notifications, and Yahoo's are sporadic--one our of every three or four. When I open either app, it then seems to go fetch the incoming emails. On my previous phone, when I open the app, they're already there. I don't believe I have anything set differently in the apps. I would love to figure this out.
So, I did a factory reset and installed nothing but Outlook and Yahoo mail. Then I sent two notes to my Outlook, Yahoo, and Gmail addresses, and all three of each note arrived almost simultaneously. I guess, now, I'll start re-installing essential apps and testing.
Was looking around and saw someone posted on the official Nexus forums; if anyone here is still having the issue, please head over and +1/reply so Google can escalate the fix.
I'm having the same issue and I've also noticed that IMs on Hangouts are ridiculously slow. You would think that Google would make sure that at least their own apps worked smoothly on their flagship device.
I think I may have solved my sync issues. In the WiFi advanced settings, I switched the WiFi frequency band from Auto to 2.4Ghz. Ever since I did that I've received notifications on my Nexus 6P just as quickly as I do on other devices.
Wow, glad I saw this thread. I've been noticing gmail is slow lately. I thought it might have been my ROM/Kernel combo. I use Inbox and it was fine up until lately. Guess it's a bug for Google to fix. I even spent time last night reflashing stock and starting fresh out of box state.
This is happening to me too..happens on gmail and as well as Google opinion rewards. It's been happening for a little over a week now...hopefully will be fixed soon..
Is it happening to everybody or just a select lucky few?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Lots of users having this issue
I see that lot of people are only discussing about Gmail and other mailing or hangout apps.
I on the other hand am seeing overall notification push delay across all the apps including Whatsapp, Gmail, Facebook etc. I am unrooted and no changes made whatsoever to my android marshmallow. It is also on latest OTA build.
I receive all notifications as soon as I unlock the device, but if my device is lying on a table (even when not in doze mode which means lying for less than 30 minutes) I still don't receive any notification. As soon as I unlock and turn on screen it seems like data connectivity resumed and all notifications starts to flow within 5-10 seconds without even opening those apps to refresh.
I also have not modified any other notification setting and I even tried to keep whatsapp to priority mode + no battery optimization, still Whatsapp is having hard time receiving notification if screen is turned off for more than 5 minutes..
If you are experiencing this kind of an issue and have successfully resolved it, kindly help me.
I've lost email notifications but I have read that Google know about the problem,
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA Free mobile app

Doesn't sync gmail from app gmail

Hello. Please, when i double click in gmail notification in aod, i read email but if i reopen app, the email is yet unreaded. When i delete a email from gmail app, random sync with gmail web page... Is this a known bug??? I repaet, random, not always and i din't understand why... Can anyome help me? Thanks
Nobody uses Gmail???
This is not a problem with the S8 but with Android Nougat. Its also not only Gmail related its all notifications on nougat are broken The best way to get SOME notifications back is to go to settings/apps/hamburger menu/special access/optimize battery usage/ and uncheck EVERYTHING. Next step is to (with root) use the app "Root- Push Notification Fixer" and set intervals to lowest possible settings. You will still not get all of them but at least you will get some of them..
Another fix is to install nova launcher and teslaunread to show bubbles on your icons when you have new notifications for that app. I have mine setup for about 7 apps and I ALWAYS get the bubble hours or days before a notification ever comes in (if they ever do).
In order to fix the issue specifically with gmail I use a different email app. I use aquamail, but there are a few good ones out there. I don't have notification or synching issues. I don't use the email on the phone a lot, a few times a day. I found a great improvement over using gmail.

