[Q] Erratic Blue Tooth behavior - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a Nexus 4 that is about 2 weeks old. I love the phone, all except for the Bluetooth behavior. I couple my bluetooth heart rate monitor to the N4, and in order to do this in the morning, I have to restart the phone almost 100% of the time. I can't even turn the BT on with the slide switch, as soon as I push it to on, it goes right back to the off position. As soon as I restart the phone, all is well. Now I have read numerous complaints on other forums and on the Google help page with similar Bluetooth connection problems. Google recommended in several places that a total reset of the phone would fix these problems, which I thought was ridiculous, since my phone did this from day one. Anyway, some people have reset their phone as many as 3 times, and the problem is still there, so obviously, that was not a fix. Other Nexus 4 users have apparently got an RMA, a new phone, and have the same issue.
So it sounds like this is a software issue, and hopefully the new version of Jellybean will fix this problem, but somehow, I think that this issue is not being addressed, Any thoughts on this? h t t p ://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/mobile/nVjWKiUvvPs

This is a known bug, there's is no fix as of right now. I've had this issue on all 3 of my Nexus 4's.

It is software, remember 4.2 brought a new Bluetooth stack. I would assume that there are more than a few bugs left to work out.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Hopefully the next update will remedy this. They are recertifying the Bluetooth right?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


Headset buttons don't work

I came Across a problem the last few week that the control on the headset doesn't work, some times they do work for a minute or two and than stop again.
Did anyone else encountered this problem?
Did someone managed to fix it?
I removed the buttons and it all seems fine, clean it a bit with high pressured air, but nothing.
I've had similar probs with Bluetooth buttons (including the car dock). I thought it may be related to CM6, since my probs started about the same time...
What ROM are you running?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Yes. Same problem dude......(cm6 stable)
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App

Nexus 7 Screen not responding to touch sometimes?

Hi everyone,
I recently bought the Nexus 7, and honestly, for $200 I couldn't be happier. However, there is one minor issue with the Nexus 7. Randomly, touches will stop registering, and sometimes things like the power button will cease to function as well. After a while, everything will start working again as if nothing had happened earlier. However, recently, I've been seeing a force close in random apps (sometimes launcher, sometimes settings) as soon as it starts working again. Although I am rooted right now, I've experienced the same issues on a purely stock OS as well. Is anyone else experiencing the same issues? Can anyone offer any advice?
Thanks so much.
mohitrocks said:
Hi everyone,
I recently bought the Nexus 7, and honestly, for $200 I couldn't be happier. However, there is one minor issue with the Nexus 7. Randomly, touches will stop registering, and sometimes things like the power button will cease to function as well. After a while, everything will start working again as if nothing had happened earlier. However, recently, I've been seeing a force close in random apps (sometimes launcher, sometimes settings) as soon as it starts working again. Although I am rooted right now, I've experienced the same issues on a purely stock OS as well. Is anyone else experiencing the same issues? Can anyone offer any advice?
Thanks so much.
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i am in the same boat. i am NOT rooted (yet) and i am wondering if this might be a warranty issue. the screen just stops responding all of a sudden and takes multiply presses to make it move. it comes back but keeps missing touches. a restart certainly fixes that but it will happen again.
Same issue here with random unresponsiveness calling both Google and Gamestop to see what option is best for me.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Same here. A GPlay rep said a factory reset should correct it.
Havent done it yet
Having the same issue. A hard reboot fixes it temporarily but it happens again after a few hours.
Saw a YouTube video on this a couple of days ago. There are a ton of them there now. Here's just an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BOTU75DBUA. Some other guy had done more elaborate testing, but can't find that one right now. It seems like a widespread problem. Do you notice this happens when the unit gets hot perhaps? Just curious... The guy in the other video said that it'd go away each time by simply turning off the screen and turning it back on... but that's not normal obviously.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Few other threads on here regarding this I suggest you follow.
cliffgardner said:
Having the same issue. A hard reboot fixes it temporarily but it happens again after a few hours.
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Just turning off the screen and waking it back up usually "fixes" it for me...its happened about 3 times already...
I get it sometimes but it feels more like it's lag related then the screen.
Grims said:
Few other threads on here regarding this I suggest you follow.
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2 different issues
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
.. No same issue. I'd search for you but I don't care to on a mobile device.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
The issue(s) that I'm experiencing is random touch screen unresponsiveness/ lagg. So I repeat this is not about dead spots or multi touch issues.
Feel free to link other threads with similar issues to this, I've searched but only find dead spots, multi touch issue, screen crackling and dead screens.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
I think that the touch srceen firmware was broken, just wait the OTA next time, and ASUS will fix it.
Sent from my MI-ONE Plus using xda premium
I think the two issues being described here are the same issue, just being described in different words
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
Same Screen Issue
The screen on my Nexus 7 is randomly becoming unresponsive and I have to restart the tablet. It is usually happening after using apps that are video memory intensive (Google Earth, Google+). I hope Google or Asus will fix this issue because I love the tablet and I would hate to send it back.
I have the same issue. Usually it happens when a resource hog is running in the background. It is annoying but I can deal if its infrequent.
Sent from one of my devices, you nosey bastards.
I think it may be hardware related. My first N7 had this issue and I exchanged it (albeit for other reasons). My new unit has had zero problems, even when running the same apps. Draw something and chrome were the biggest culprits before.
+1. When it becomes unresponsive, I briefly press the power button to shut the screen off, then turn the screen back on and for me that solves it 90% of the time. The remaining 10% of the time, well, it's just frozen so I long-press the power button to reboot the tablet.
mohitrocks said:
Hi everyone,
I recently bought the Nexus 7, and honestly, for $200 I couldn't be happier. However, there is one minor issue with the Nexus 7. Randomly, touches will stop registering, and sometimes things like the power button will cease to function as well. After a while, everything will start working again as if nothing had happened earlier. However, recently, I've been seeing a force close in random apps (sometimes launcher, sometimes settings) as soon as it starts working again. Although I am rooted right now, I've experienced the same issues on a purely stock OS as well. Is anyone else experiencing the same issues? Can anyone offer any advice?
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My son and I have experienced this too. It seems to happen most frequently with games. However, sometimes when I go to Settings->Apps, it will go to its "Happy Place" and freeze up for a while. Letting it sit will eventually cause a dialog to pop up asking if I want to close it because it is not responding. I'm thinking that it's a software issue because even when I've been playing games, the Nexus isn't very hot. Is there a way to file a bug report with Google?
I had this issue when I received my replacement 7.
After I did a system update and the issue has not returned. I received my replacement on 07-27.
I would suggest trying to do a system update and see if that may help.
Removed the Build Number, as I can not remember which BN shipped with the replacement.

GPS signal lost while navigate

I'm experiencing issues when I use the navigation. After a while the message "gps signal lost" comes up and my phone is not able to get a singnal again. Until, yes until I switch GPS off and back on. The fix comes within seconds and I can use the navigation for another...5 to 10min until I need to switch if off and on again...
Does anyone have the same issue and/or a fix for that?
Are you on Stock or Custom ROM?
Stock Rom, stock kernel. I only rooted it
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Not too sure. I had an issue on CM10.1 with GPS.
Have you tried GPS Status and Toolbox from the market, you can reset your GPS.
Also Faster Fix, also from the market allows you to specify your region.
Let me know if any of this has helped.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
The problem is not the fix. It just comes up with GPS signal lost. As soon as I just switch gps off and back on, the fix comes almost immediately and I can use it for another 5 or 10min. I'm not sure if this might be a temperature issue. I mean the phone feels warm but not hot.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
I have the same exact problem on mine! I'm stock everything, not even rooted. Both times I've used my gps to get anywhere this happened. The first time I was dropping someone off at the airport and was driving for about 3 hours total and the second time was yesterday when I had a 4.5 hour drive.
The first time I thought maybe it was cloudy or there was some kind of interference, although when I would exit navigation and go back in it was fine for another 10 minutes. After yesterday, I'm beginning to think it is completely unreliable. I won't be able to use it to drive anywhere because it is so dangerous to have to fiddle around with your phone every ten minutes to get the navigation to work again.
I am glad I found this in a search so I know there is at least one other person out there with the same problem. Do you think we just got bad phones and need to get them replaced?
I think I've solved the problem for my phone at least (or it's just a coincidence). Today before I drove home 4.5 hours, I installed cm10.1 on my phone and the whole time I was driving it only lost signal once. Although when it lost signal I gave it 30 minutes to find itself and it was following me but couldn't lock on and was only accurate to like 50 meters or something. As soon as I reset the navigation though it was pin point accurate for the rest of the trip.
I installed cm10.1 after reading in another thread about someone whose nexus 4 took an outrageous amount of time to acquire a gps lock. He said it was fixed by wiping his data.
So of you're still having trouble with your phone you could try backing up your apps and doing a factory reset or flashing cm10.1.
I haven't installed CM10.1 yet but thanks for the suggestion.
I installed francos kernel r15 and had on single signal lost yesterday.
I think it's heat related. I repositioned the phone after the first time it lost it and it was fine for the rest of the journey (45min)
I think the OS disables the GPS when it gets too hot. But instead of switching it off, it just doesn't work until you reset it. Werid.
I'm gonna try CM soon to see if it makes a difference to me too.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
edgeball said:
I haven't installed CM10.1 yet but thanks for the suggestion.
I installed francos kernel r15 and had on single signal lost yesterday.
I think it's heat related. I repositioned the phone after the first time it lost it and it was fine for the rest of the journey (45min)
I think the OS disables the GPS when it gets too hot. But instead of switching it off, it just doesn't work until you reset it. Werid.
I'm gonna try CM soon to see if it makes a difference to me too.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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I have the exact same problem with my Nexus 4. Galaxy Nexus worked with no problem. Nexus 4, gps lock is achieved very quickly but then lost after 10 to 15 minutes of driving. After trying factory reset and manually reinsitalling the OS, I called Nexus support and exchanged phones. I never thought it was a hardware problem, but thats the only thing Nexus support could do for me. With the new phone, I reproduced the problem with both OS versions 4.2 and 4.2.1.
Now, the exciting stuff. For a little while I decided to revert back to my Galaxy Nexus (by taking my SIM out of the Nexus 4 and putting into the Galaxy Nexus). After doing so, I also did a manual reinstall of 4.2.1 (this was all before getting my replacement phone). To test the Nexus 4 with the reinstall, I used my Galaxy Nexus's wifi hotspot and connected my Nexus 4 to it and used the Nexus 4's navigation WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM! As soon as I put the sim back into it, the problem started up again.
My hunch is that Google location services (that use cell towers to triangulate) are somehow interfering with location services in general in software, and by putting the sim card back into the phone, I enabled Google location services to interfere with the GPS software.
No resolution to the problem, but just some interesting correlations!
I am having the same issue. Nexus 4 acquires GPS signal immediately. Using GPS Status app I clocked it at under 4 seconds. However, within 3-10 minutes of navigating, GPS loses signal and NEVER re-acquires it. I tried this with Google Maps, Mapquest and Copilot Live. Restarting the navigation application re-locks the GPS almost instantly.
Ultimately, the navigation function is not usable if you have to fiddle with the phone every couple minutes while driving. Google support was of no help. I returned the phone, but now regretting it, since it was perfect in almost every other way.
There are reports floating around that 4.2.2 software fixes the GPS issue. Can anybody confirm this?
I am on T-mobile in Washington, DC area.
Re: [a APP] LMT Launcher v1.91 for GNex/Nexus4/Nexus7/GSIII/HD2 and more... (ROOT)
Custom ROM and kernel fixed it for me
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
edgeball said:
Custom ROM and kernel fixed it for me
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Can you elaborate as to which custom ROM and which kernel? Thanks.
max_gorkiy said:
Can you elaborate as to which custom ROM and which kernel? Thanks.
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For me it is xylon room with Franco kernel
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
max_gorkiy said:
I am having the same issue. Nexus 4 acquires GPS signal immediately. Using GPS Status app I clocked it at under 4 seconds. However, within 3-10 minutes of navigating, GPS loses signal and NEVER re-acquires it. I tried this with Google Maps, Mapquest and Copilot Live. Restarting the navigation application re-locks the GPS almost instantly.
Ultimately, the navigation function is not usable if you have to fiddle with the phone every couple minutes while driving. Google support was of no help. I returned the phone, but now regretting it, since it was perfect in almost every other way.
There are reports floating around that 4.2.2 software fixes the GPS issue. Can anybody confirm this?
I am on T-mobile in Washington, DC area.
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I'm having trouble with it too, 4.2.2. definitely does not fix the GPS issue that I have too!
Did you ever got a solution for this?
I think it was a heat issue.
A custom kernel worked for me
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
edgeball said:
I think it was a heat issue.
A custom kernel worked for me
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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Hey edgeball,
I was wondering if using the franco kernel is still working for you, and if you have tried upgrading to 4.3.
I just bought a nexus 4 and i am very disappointed to have these problems with the gps as i use the gps all the time.
I have the same problem where the gps signal is lost but the other problem that i am having (after a few minutes of navigating is the signal becomes weak I get this halo around the arrowhead that indicates my location. This halo i believe is showing uncertainty of location, meaning I could be anywhere inside the circle. Then the circle gets bigger, like 50 feet diameter. Then my location starts jumping around. I will be on one side of the intersection, then the other, then back again. And every time this happens the route is recalculated.
Then ultimately I loose the gps signal and it keeps searching until i either reboot of turn the gps off and then on.
This morning I installed franco kernel and I didn't loose the gps signal during my 45 minute commute but I did have this second problem I described there the location becomes inaccurate I my arrowhead starts jumping around the intersection.
I was just wondering if you have experienced the same problem.
oh btw I am trying the franco kernel on slimbean 7 (4.2.2)
whobalagosh said:
I have the exact same problem with my Nexus 4. Galaxy Nexus worked with no problem. Nexus 4, gps lock is achieved very quickly but then lost after 10 to 15 minutes of driving. After trying factory reset and manually reinsitalling the OS, I called Nexus support and exchanged phones. I never thought it was a hardware problem, but thats the only thing Nexus support could do for me. With the new phone, I reproduced the problem with both OS versions 4.2 and 4.2.1.
Now, the exciting stuff. For a little while I decided to revert back to my Galaxy Nexus (by taking my SIM out of the Nexus 4 and putting into the Galaxy Nexus). After doing so, I also did a manual reinstall of 4.2.1 (this was all before getting my replacement phone). To test the Nexus 4 with the reinstall, I used my Galaxy Nexus's wifi hotspot and connected my Nexus 4 to it and used the Nexus 4's navigation WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM! As soon as I put the sim back into it, the problem started up again.
My hunch is that Google location services (that use cell towers to triangulate) are somehow interfering with location services in general in software, and by putting the sim card back into the phone, I enabled Google location services to interfere with the GPS software.
No resolution to the problem, but just some interesting correlations!
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Given this, would it be possible to fix this issue by only turning on "GPS satellites" and not "Wi-Fi & mobile network location"? By doing so, the phone isn't looking for cell towers and WiFi. I have no idea on this topic but if a SIM card isn't inserted into the phone, would that not mean that the phone is not using cell towers for location?

Does Nexus 4 still have delayed Wifi notification issue?

EDIT: Just read a thread that was 4 days old that says the issue still exists unless using a specific kernel that fixes it. Mods can delete.
Bug is still here.
I haven't experienced the bug. Only had my Nexus for four days though. Maybe I'm just lucky.
The bug is still around, but it seems to depend on the model of router that you have - i.e. some people get it, some don't.
Sent from my Nexus 4
R: Does Nexus 4 still have delayed Wifi notification issue?
ingenious247 said:
I haven't experienced the bug. Only had my Nexus for four days though. Maybe I'm just lucky.
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Same here, all works very good (cm10.1 FrancoKernel)
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The Great Useless Google..
just tested to make sure and waited 10 minutes after missus sent me a whatsapp... nothing, turn on the screen and up it pops
using a very common dlink dir-615 router which works fine with every other phone in the house, 3 varying slackberries and 2 sammy and htc androids.. just the two nexus 4s crap out.
gone back to using 2g while the screens off
4.2.2 stock kernel
bug exists
4.2.2 Franco Kernel r116
Paranoid Android 3+
fritzbox fon 7240
bug exists
yesterday 30min. delay on whatsapp messags
When I'm at home my phone is always connected to Wi-Fi and pretty much in deep sleep since I only use my tablet unless I'm making a phone call. As soon as I get a gmail message or talk message, I hear my phone go off at the same time as my tablet. I would imagine if this bug existed on my phone there would be some sort of delay..? Perhaps the bug only affects certain message apps?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Still have it
i didnt even know this was a bug, im on wifi 90% of the time and have never had it happen. have you tried setting a static ip, forcing it to keep wifi on when asleep, and unchecking the minimize battery usage on wifi?
username8611 said:
i didnt even know this was a bug, im on wifi 90% of the time and have never had it happen. have you tried setting a static ip, forcing it to keep wifi on when asleep, and unchecking the minimize battery usage on wifi?
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It might depend on router model as well.
But clearly changing those setting doesn't help
You can fix it by editing configuration in a file and rebooting,
however, someone said this will cause some small effect on battery life.
thy bsongati
Hi everyone.
Last year I changed many smartphones, but notifications delayed have alway been with Nexus devices over 3G network.
I had a Gnex and now a Nexus 4, and this problems is exactly the same over and over........delayed notifications on a variable time...maybe 15 or 30 minutes.
Everything ok instead with other terminals as SGS2, SGS3, Xperia S, T and Z.....
How is it possible that after many years Google has not yet solved ? bah...

Anybody else experiencing random reboots?

Got my 128 GB OP5 last night and it has been randomly rebooting on me while doing random things. I am trying to figure out a root cause and factory reset the phone again to see if I could figure it out as well but it seems to happen from doing anything as simple as pulling down the notification bar to activating Google assistant or just scrolling through my settings. Nothing seems to be repeatable as it happens intermittently. Wondering if anyone else has dealt with this and may have figured out what caused it otherwise I guess I'd have to order a replacement
No, works fine here.
i dont have OP5 yet so no reboots
No reboot until now but i can't pair any bluetooth device (Sony Smartwatch 3 and Jabra Motion Headset)
Mine hasn't done it yet but the wifi performance is abysmal, random pauses when transferring files, Facebook stopped while trying to set it up.
I have been using the phone since yesterday morning and haven't had any issues at all, not a single bit of lag, no apps crashing or anything. If a reset didn't help it that means it must be hardware problem. I would return it and get a replacement.
Yes, performance seems bad. Had a few reboots and WiFi download speeds are awful.
SirBaal said:
No reboot until now but i can't pair any bluetooth device (Sony Smartwatch 3 and Jabra Motion Headset)
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I've successfully paired a bluetooth keyboard with trackpad and a Wahoo Tickr HRM and both seem to work fine. The Wahoo seemed more difficult to connect but that may have been just operator error. I've not had any lock ups/reboots at all but haven't had the OP5 24 hours yet.
---------- Post added at 11:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 AM ----------
djsubterrain said:
... the wifi performance is abysmal, random pauses when transferring files....
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Quite the opposite for me as the WiFi is stellar and the 5Ghz speeds far outstrip the Nexus 5 this OP5 has replaced.
Haven't had any such issue on mine yet in Canada (8GB/128GB) *fingers crossed*
---------- Post added at 04:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 PM ----------
3DSammy said:
I've successfully paired a bluetooth keyboard with trackpad and a Wahoo Tickr HRM and both seem to work fine. The Wahoo seemed more difficult to connect but that may have been just operator error. I've not had any lock ups/reboots at all but haven't had the OP5 24 hours yet.
Quite the opposite for me as the WiFi is stellar and the 5Ghz speeds far outstrip the Nexus 5 this OP5 has replaced.
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I've had the same as you -- Bluetooth Pebble & Car & Headphones have all worked amazing (including using AptX HD), and my WiFi speeds have been stellar (>50MBps download (Yes, MBps, not mbps)). My WiFi has not been cutting out in the corners of my house either, unlike my old phones and even laptop!
HAK Devil said:
Got my 128 GB OP5 last night and it has been randomly rebooting on me while doing random things. I am trying to figure out a root cause and factory reset the phone again to see if I could figure it out as well but it seems to happen from doing anything as simple as pulling down the notification bar to activating Google assistant or just scrolling through my settings. Nothing seems to be repeatable as it happens intermittently. Wondering if anyone else has dealt with this and may have figured out what caused it otherwise I guess I'd have to order a replacement
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Yes, it's an issue for me. I've been in touch with OP Bug Hunter staff, and gave them the logs they requested to pass along to engineering to figure out why.
Yeah it kept rebooting on me even today so just got off the phone with OnePlus and an RMA has been created for a replacement device to be sent. Hopefully the next one isn't a problem, I'll keep you guys posted on the progress.
Umm had phone since Sunday not had any issues but today while on a call the phone rebooted it's self and again 20 minutes later just on home screen , I'm stock latest build , bought from O2 store should I take it back and ask for replacement while within my 14 days ??
Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
Mines fine no issues build date 13th June
My phone is back with oneplus now so according to them should have a new one within the next week. Good thing I didn't sell my oneplus 3 just yet
I had two random reboots today and one random shutdown.
All these happened in my pocket and i realized the reboots due to vibration from reboot.
And one time I pulled it out of my pocket it was turned off.
Got my phone Yesterday.
Started seeing random reboots today. Running latest version. I also did an factory reset of the device after I upgraded to latest version..
Any way I can troubleshoot this? Could an app be causing something like this? I do suspect that this started after installing Snapchat.. But I'm not sure..
/Jo Christian
jochr said:
Got my phone Yesterday.
Started seeing random reboots today. Running latest version. I also did an factory reset of the device after I upgraded to latest version..
Any way I can troubleshoot this? Could an app be causing something like this? I do suspect that this started after installing Snapchat.. But I'm not sure..
/Jo Christian
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Mine is same did it in a call also just in pocket can tell as when i open the flip case it asks for my pin , also toggleing airplane mode off in the morning I have no service till I reboot device my build date 6/6 on latest stock no root ,
I'm currently as I type on my way to local O2 store to exchange it for another so hopefully new one will be ok as only got it Sunday just gone , I would RMA it if I was you , will report back on my new one ?
Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
Yes mine started this after the latest update.
Sent from my HTC U11 using Tapatalk
I'm getting random reboots about every other day or so. Would this be indicative of a software issue versus hardware? I figure if this many people are having issues, but many are not, the hardware may not be a problem? This is my first OP device, so I'm just guessing. Hoping if it IS a software issue they can release an update soon!
DoobyDroid said:
Mine is same did it in a call also just in pocket can tell as when i open the flip case it asks for my pin , also toggleing airplane mode off in the morning I have no service till I reboot device my build date 6/6 on latest stock no root ,
I'm currently as I type on my way to local O2 store to exchange it for another so hopefully new one will be ok as only got it Sunday just gone , I would RMA it if I was you , will report back on my new one ?
Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
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Just got back from O2 store replaced with new device although it's the same manufacture date as one with issue 6/6/17 so far ok but it's only been on couple hrs so to soon to say, I'm convinced it was since 4.5.3 update as didn't do it before update but while i was in my 14 day return thought replace it anyway , I did contact 1+ before hand to ask if it's software or hardware all I got in reply was !! We will need proof of purchase to continue replacement procedure , that made alarm bells ring so hence straight back to O2 as it's far quicker than retuning to 1+ , I'm currently on 4.5.0 and not keen on updating ?
Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk

