Verizon Sucks!! - RAZR HD General

Ok, it all started that I went into the store to get a replacement sim card because I was stuck on 3g. Some how my phone's prl changed when I turned on my phone. The prl was 53112 in which is 3g. Now these sim cards a suppost to be free right. They would not replace it since my phone was rooted in which it violates there policy. They would not even sell me one or replace it until I returned my phone to stock an erased my internal storage to get rid of some roms I had. They said that those files were interfering with my phone in which they did not even know what they were talking about. I argued with them for 30 mins, so I got fed up and went to best buy mobile where I originally got the phone. They gave me a new sim card and it fixed the 4g issue. I told best buy the hassle that the vzw store was giving me about being rooted. Best buy don't care if your phone was rooted. They know that people root there phones, even the guy that gave me a new sim card rooted his phone and 2 other individuals. Just beware on going to the store for a new sim card if rooted. I will never go to the store for anything. Best buy will have all my business from now on. I need to stay with vzw because of there coverage. I travel a lot.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2

Droid0351 said:
Ok, it all started that I went into the store to get a replacement sim card because I was stuck on 3g. Some how my phone's prl changed when I turned on my phone. The prl was 53112 in which is 3g. Now these sim cards a suppost to be free right. They would not replace it since my phone was rooted in which it violates there policy. They would not even sell me one or replace it until I returned my phone to stock an erased my internal storage to get rid of some roms I had. They said that those files were interfering with my phone in which they did not even know what they were talking about. I argued with them for 30 mins, so I got fed up and went to best buy mobile where I originally got the phone. They gave me a new sim card and it fixed the 4g issue. I told best buy the hassle that the vzw store was giving me about being rooted. Best buy don't care if your phone was rooted. They know that people root there phones, even the guy that gave me a new sim card rooted his phone and 2 other individuals. Just beware on going to the store for a new sim card if rooted. I will never go to the store for anything. Best buy will have all my business from now on. I wish my contracts were up, but I need to stay with vzw because of there coverage. I travel a lot.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
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Verizon is a joke. Thankfully, I got a new sim card without them knowing my Razr HD was rooted and unlocked

Droid0351 said:
Ok, it all started that I went into the store to get a replacement sim card because I was stuck on 3g. Some how my phone's prl changed when I turned on my phone. The prl was 53112 in which is 3g. Now these sim cards a suppost to be free right. They would not replace it since my phone was rooted in which it violates there policy. They would not even sell me one or replace it until I returned my phone to stock an erased my internal storage to get rid of some roms I had. They said that those files were interfering with my phone in which they did not even know what they were talking about. I argued with them for 30 mins, so I got fed up and went to best buy mobile where I originally got the phone. They gave me a new sim card and it fixed the 4g issue. I told best buy the hassle that the vzw store was giving me about being rooted. Best buy don't care if your phone was rooted. They know that people root there phones, even the guy that gave me a new sim card rooted his phone and 2 other individuals. Just beware on going to the store for a new sim card if rooted. I will never go to the store for anything. Best buy will have all my business from now on. I wish my contracts were up, but I need to stay with vzw because of there coverage. I travel a lot.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
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I would have told them to cancel my service and buy the phone back from me because they won't make it work on their network.

Droid0351 said:
Ok, it all started that I went into the store to get a replacement sim card because I was stuck on 3g. Some how my phone's prl changed when I turned on my phone. The prl was 53112 in which is 3g. Now these sim cards a suppost to be free right. They would not replace it since my phone was rooted in which it violates there policy. They would not even sell me one or replace it until I returned my phone to stock an erased my internal storage to get rid of some roms I had. They said that those files were interfering with my phone in which they did not even know what they were talking about. I argued with them for 30 mins, so I got fed up and went to best buy mobile where I originally got the phone. They gave me a new sim card and it fixed the 4g issue. I told best buy the hassle that the vzw store was giving me about being rooted. Best buy don't care if your phone was rooted. They know that people root there phones, even the guy that gave me a new sim card rooted his phone and 2 other individuals. Just beware on going to the store for a new sim card if rooted. I will never go to the store for anything. Best buy will have all my business from now on. I wish my contracts were up, but I need to stay with vzw because of there coverage. I travel a lot.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
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the thing about this is, you knew the risks when you rooted, and you still did it...the vzw rep didn't do anything but enforce the rules to which you agreed when you signed on the dotted line, the reason the bbm rep didn't care was because he doesn't work for verizon, he works for best buy...i'm lucky enough to live near a vzw store where they don't care if you're rooted or not, and will even talk to you about rooting and what can/can't be accomplished...but as it is, this is the exception, not the rule...i'm failing to see where the vzw rep you encountered was wrong...if you didn't like the rules, you shouldn't have signed on the dotted line(btw, i'm rooted, unlocked and running a custom rom...but if something were screwed up on my phone, i'd have figured it out before i did any of this so that i could have a 100% working phone before i went in and changed things) you can call me crazy, you can call me stupid, but i'm not the one complaining about knowing the rules and breaking the rules and then when the powers that be get wind of it they refuse to help me

Yeah, it really sucks since something as trivial as a sim card should not matter. However, on principle I have to agree with Verizon as well.
The reps don't have to be technical. They don't need to be convinced. All they have to do is enforce the rules that apply to everyone.
Trust me, I'm typically the LAST person to side with a big company lol

i hate large corporations, and silly rules and laws, but if you know the rules, and agreed to the rules by signing on the dotted line, you have no one to blame but yourself when you break the rules and things go bad for i said, i'm rooted, unlocked and running a custom rom, if i change something and it bricks my phone guess what? i'm out of a phone until my upgrade. i don't expect verizon or anyone else to fix my screw up.

The only reason I'm keeping up with my $6/mo insurance is in case my $400 investment is ever lost or stolen
-- Android: It's a UNIX thing. You wouldn't understand.

Ridiculous! I had my gnex rooted and rommed for the gods and had many issues causing the need for a new sim. Not once did they complain.
Now if it was technical support you were dealing with then I could understand VZW completely. Or sending your phone in for repair replacement, insurance, etc.
They are becoming tighter and tighter doing anything to make a buck. They know they have the best coverage and will continue to hit my wallet until it's cashed.
I think their financing for phones is great for those who want an upgrade but don't have any other way.
If this happens again don't go to best buy. I would call corporate and maybe see if they have some sort of a retentions department to get compensated for your trouble.

jfriend33 said:
Ridiculous! I had my gnex rooted and rommed for the gods and had many issues causing the need for a new sim. Not once did they complain.
Now if it was technical support you were dealing with then I could understand VZW completely. Or sending your phone in for repair replacement, insurance, etc.
They are becoming tighter and tighter doing anything to make a buck. They know they have the best coverage and will continue to hit my wallet until it's cashed.
I think their financing for phones is great for those who want an upgrade but don't have any other way.
If this happens again don't go to best buy. I would call corporate and maybe see if they have some sort of a retentions department to get compensated for your trouble.
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i can see it now "verizon wireless customer support, how may i help you?!" "yes, i broke the rules to which i agreed, and rooted my phone, unlocked the bootloader, and put a custom rom on my phone...and i did something wrong, and now my phone won't boot up...if you don't give me a replacement i'm going to jump ship and go to at&t" and what hte rep won't say is "'ll leave if we don't give you a phone because you broke the rules and now it won't work? well here's your new device that you, yourself screwed up, and will probably screw up again and make us send you a new one" what they will say is "well, since you broke the rules to which you agreed, it'll be 599 for that new phone. oh, and if you decide you're going to jump ship to at&t that'll be 350 dollars for an early termination fee as well, have a good day"

lol when I saw the title I figured VZW screwed up like they did for me. Just prior to our upgrade I called and asked Customer Service for extra minuets because we were upgrading in a week(I asked the rep in store when looking at phones but she said call CS). The rep said "you have 100 Hurricane sandy relief minuets." Good enough..
Week later, my gf and I go in to the store and upgrade! She got an iPhone 5. I told her check it for scratch marks when the tech activated it and handed it to her. Sure enough, she pulled the protective covers off the front and back and it was scratched on the back. Well the idiot rep who upgraded us put both upgrade fees on one line. So it took 30 min or longer to get her new phone activated because they could not figure out how to cancel the previous activation/transaction because of the way he did the upgrade fees on one line!
Fast forward to the first bill. I think it was like $400 or $500. It was to high either way! Well first off we were billed a month in advance. I realize this is standard, but imo the rep should have reminded us. Typically we upgrade every ~2 years so the least VZW, ATT or any other company can do is remind you. So that explains PART of it. Here is the icing on the cake, we were billed for a voice overage because the rep who told us we had 100 Hurricane Sandy min left was in a third party over flow call center and was not authorized to tell us that we could tap in to those min. So we went over by close to 100 min. What the store rep did not tell us when we upgraded was the new share everything plan would be prorated since we were shy of our bill date by like a week. Since he did not tell us, we made the most of that week and used up almost 4GB of LTE bandwidth. So we were charged a data overage as well.
So when I call CS, the rep says he would knock off the voice overage since it was higher. However, he tried to charge us for the data still. After arguing he agreed to knock it in half. Finally after arguing more, he finally agreed to knock it off completely. to make up for all the trouble he has issued credit for both over ages and he is going to pitch in 3 accessories. I told him I was not interested in the accessories. He pushes them again at a discount price. Again, I said not interested. After further discussion he said the accessories were free and we still had credit left over plus the overage fees were wiped out. Free accessories? Why the hell not?! So I get off the phone thing everything is great and he hooked us up..
When I get my holster/kickstand case it won't fit. So I take it to a VZW third party store to see if they can get it on. He tries and then says it's bent. Call CS and they should send a new one free of charge. I call CS and they set me up a return label.After further discussion it turns out the accessories were billed to the account. I said forget this, I never asked for them. Send me a label and I will return them all rather then be charged! So she does just that.
I get the label, and ship everything back in the original packaging. Hell my gf's pos bumper case wasn't even opened because she didn't like it. I spent 2 months dealing with 10 CS agents who filled out a total of 3 "ITTS tickets." Turns out ITTS Tickets are for tracking the damn package if it is lost in transit. I told them the tracking showed it was in the warehouse in Texas since such and such date! One of the reps was a total moron. I questioned her like 5-10 min in to the convo and said look, other then accessory charges, are there any charges on the account. We go back and forth, calmly, for 45 min about late fee for this, late fee for that, fee for this, fee for that, and each time I have to say no, that was taken care of, and shes would be like're right. So 45 min in she says, well ok, can you log in to MyVZW? I said sure, and sat down at the comp. I log in, and she says you see this or that, and I am like yeah, it says credit this, or credit that. So finally I said "look besides the accessories fees, is there any other charges on the account." This time she has no choice but to say no..45 mins of bs she didn't know what she was talking about. I requested a supervisor. Waited 20 min for a supervisor. Finally she offers to have the supervisor call me back. I should have known better but I said ok..yeah no call back ever happened.
Another night I finally ask for a supervisor. This guy was far from supervisor material. The second he picekd up the phone he was trying to talk over the agent while she was getting off the line.He kept interrupting me and talking over me.I called him out on it at one point, and he said I am not talking over you or interrupting you. The next time I am talking, he does just that. Interrupts me and starts talking over me. I said I thought you said you weren't interrupting me or talking over me? I forgot what he said but he knew he was caught red handed. We went around a little bit and he finally hangs up on me for trying to stop him from babbling on about something that didn't matter.
Finally, I get some one who knows what they are doing. She did a "defill ticket" which goes to the warehouse and asks what is going on with the package and why no refund was issued. Of course she has to call me back as it takes a day or two to get an answer. She finally calls me back, and says that supposedly the accessories were not in the case! BS! One was never opened! She said she talked to her manager and because of everything I went through, they would refund me half price. I argued about how I knew one accessory, the bumper case was not even opened. I threatened to cancel service, but did no good. At this point I just wrapped it up and thanked her for her time as she did do more then any one else had. I called back a few days later and asked how much it costs to cancel service and explained what I been through over the past 2 months/10 agents later. She asks if she refunds the rest of the cost if we will stay on VZW. I think I said I would consider it, and in the end she credited the rest of the charges. We stayed with VZW but I will never trust them at their word again. The remainder of the contract is going to determine if we stay or go when it's time for a new contract. Depending on finances we may buy unsubsidized, but you want a VZW sucks story, there ya go. Can't say I feel sorry for you and your sim card situation.

balthuszar said:
i can see it now "verizon wireless customer support, how may i help you?!" "yes, i broke the rules to which i agreed, and rooted my phone, unlocked the bootloader, and put a custom rom on my phone...and i did something wrong, and now my phone won't boot up...if you don't give me a replacement i'm going to jump ship and go to at&t" and what hte rep won't say is "'ll leave if we don't give you a phone because you broke the rules and now it won't work? well here's your new device that you, yourself screwed up, and will probably screw up again and make us send you a new one" what they will say is "well, since you broke the rules to which you agreed, it'll be 599 for that new phone. oh, and if you decide you're going to jump ship to at&t that'll be 350 dollars for an early termination fee as well, have a good day"
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Hmm actually my issues were unrelated to any modifications made to my phone and we're part of the reason Verizon decided to change how they provision their sim cards... But thanks for the input bud.
If I ever wanted to leave Verizon I would do an AOL as I have unlimited data on two lines.
Verizon likes the developer community for the most part. Can you imagine how much money they save on technical support?
I'm sure there are some who don't mod but are so smart they wouldn't dream of dialing 611...but I think the majority is different.
---------- Post added at 06:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 AM ----------
Xplorer4x4 you need to call the better business bureau. Verizon has cs issues sometimes. Best thing to do next time is keep calling back until you get someone understanding on the line.

jfriend33 said:
Hmm actually my issues were unrelated to any modifications made to my phone and we're part of the reason Verizon decided to change how they provision their sim cards... But thanks for the input bud.
If I ever wanted to leave Verizon I would do an AOL as I have unlimited data on two lines.
Verizon likes the developer community for the most part. Can you imagine how much money they save on technical support?
I'm sure there are some who don't mod but are so smart they wouldn't dream of dialing 611...but I think the majority is different.
---------- Post added at 06:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 AM ----------
Xplorer4x4 you need to call the better business bureau. Verizon has cs issues sometimes. Best thing to do next time is keep calling back until you get someone understanding on the line.
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if you root your phone it voids the signed on the dotted line, you rooted, you had your phone screw up(whether or not it was because you rooted is moot)...your problem, not vzws

Here is something you need to remember. Reps in stores deal with people that have no clue what they are doing all the time. Flashing ROMs incorrectly, incorrect radios, kernels, etc can and do cause service issues. If you think that a rep is going to chase their tail around when they have no clue if you know what you are doing or not then you are wrong, especially if they have no clue what they are doing when it comes to development. Troubleshooting a device that is stock is one thing, the uncontrolled variable of your non-stock ROM is another. That being said, had you came into my location you would have gotten a SIM and been on your way. If you were still locked on 3G then that would have been the end of the troubleshooting I had for you until the phone was back to stock. It is easy to point the finger and talk about how bad people "suck", but take a second to look at it through eyes other than your own.


OTA Update Brick + Bad Customer Experience

This updated bricked my non-rooted, normal, perfectly running no light-leak or battery issue EVO 4G.
To add insult to injury, when I returned the phone to the Sprint store where I got it, I was told that they didn't have any in stock and wouldn't until "Thursday or Friday". In addition, due to what I would consider to be a very minor scratch on the bezel (not on the screen), which they didn't even notice until I pointed it out to them, they would need to charge me a $25 restocking fee. I argued that this was Sprint's problem not mine, I just downloaded an OTA update to fix a bunch of bugs that were in their software. They said it was policy and there was nothing that could be done about it. And if I wanted to exercise my 30-day out, it would be a $50 restocking fee.
After getting home and calling Sprint to complain, I learned that the store I bought the phone at was actually *not* an official store, rather an independent store called "Sprint Store by InMobile" that only *looked* like a real Sprint store. There is honestly no way to tell the difference. I'm new to Sprint, ditched my beloved iPhone for this thing, how am I supposed to know the difference between a real sprint store and one that's just trying to look like one?
I feel like I've been totally duped. So now I have no phone for a week while I wait to pay $25 for a new phone that actually works the way it was advertised.
posting here will do what ? make you feel better ?
hey man. totally feel for ya. i feel front line employees in a lot of corporate stores have a personal vendetta against their customers... they'll use 'rules' to try to piss off anyone that comes across them...
anyways, i would email sprint customer care... they will take care of you in 99% of cases. this is better than calling because there is a higher chance of you getting tier 2 / tier 3 support and you have written documentation of their promises. just explain exactly what happened and those sensible people will hook you up. good luck and let us know what happens.
I didn't know XDA was the new LiveJournal.
Sorry you had such a bad experience.
I'm really sorry to hear about this, randy. I agree with muncheroo. I'd be willing to bet that if you emailed customer service, you'd find someone who was willing to put a $25 credit on your account for your trouble.
Look on the bright side: at least you can hold your phone with your left hand!
(just a little humor to lighten the mood) Hang in there!
Sporkman said:
posting here will do what ? make you feel better ?
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Posting here will document my problems, potentially alert other members of my issue (and hopefully helping them avoid an issue), and provide some small form of repercussion against Sprint and InMobile for potential new customers.
randymac88 said:
This updated bricked my non-rooted, normal, perfectly running no light-leak or battery issue EVO 4G.
To add insult to injury, when I returned the phone to the Sprint store where I got it, I was told that they didn't have any in stock and wouldn't until "Thursday or Friday". In addition, due to what I would consider to be a very minor scratch on the bezel (not on the screen), which they didn't even notice until I pointed it out to them, they would need to charge me a $25 restocking fee. I argued that this was Sprint's problem not mine, I just downloaded an OTA update to fix a bunch of bugs that were in their software. They said it was policy and there was nothing that could be done about it. And if I wanted to exercise my 30-day out, it would be a $50 restocking fee.
After getting home and calling Sprint to complain, I learned that the store I bought the phone at was actually *not* an official store, rather an independent store called "Sprint Store by InMobile" that only *looked* like a real Sprint store. There is honestly no way to tell the difference. I'm new to Sprint, ditched my beloved iPhone for this thing, how am I supposed to know the difference between a real sprint store and one that's just trying to look like one?
I feel like I've been totally duped. So now I have no phone for a week while I wait to pay $25 for a new phone that actually works the way it was advertised.
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I agree that the update bricking devices is unacceptable, but You have to wait because the evo is out of stock everywhere. Not the store's fault. Also, why in the world would you want to point out that your phone has a scratch? You're lucky they're even letting you exchange it, the phone is supposed to be in like new, mint condition if it's going to be returned.
Also there is no restocking fee for doing the 30-day return.
Just tell the store to suck it. But if you're upset that you have to wait, you're in the same boat with a few people. I am waiting for my local RadioShack to get some so I can swap it out. Nothing can be done about it, the phone is in high demand.
Check your local laws for information on restocking fees. Most states have some type of limit or just outright make them illegal. But places continue to charge them because hey, who reads laws anyway, right? Hah.
That being said, while Sprint does not charge a restocking fee for cancellations/returns, third parties certainly can of their own free will.
Also, from Sprint's 30 day guarantee - "If for any reason you’re not happy and want to cancel service, just call us to deactivate and return to the original place of purchase to return your undamaged phone or mobile broadband card and we’ll:"
Notice the word "undamaged" there. So if Sprint were to review your unit and consider it damaged, that would essentially mean the benefits of the 30-day guarantee would not apply for your phone (and thus, you may be subject to a restocking fee). I don't know how anal Sprint is about that undamaged part, but just a heads up.
In any case, Sprint CS is absolutely wonderful so i would try giving them a call or shooting them an e-mail.
Appreciate the ideas guys, thank you. I told them about the scratch after they said the phone "has to be completely free of any scratches or marks". In my opinion, this is regular wear and tear, it's not like it's got some gash on the side and a broken front panel, and I didn't agree with the rule. If Sprint broke the phone with their dumb update, then Sprint needs to replace the phone. This is their fault, not mine. The scratch caused a small part of the edge to be roughed up, it didn't brick the phone.
Apparently though, the store can charge me the restocking fee because they're not an official sprint, apparently the normal rules don't apply. I still contend it was misleading and really looks like a corporate store.
Good Luck Randymac. You guys being harsh are really being asses. Email Sprint like others have suggested. The only way to get anywhere with their telephone support is to say you want to cancel your account as soon as they answer the phone.
randymac88 said:
Appreciate the ideas guys, thank you. I told them about the scratch after they said the phone "has to be completely free of any scratches or marks". In my opinion, this is regular wear and tear, it's not like it's got some gash on the side and a broken front panel, and I didn't agree with the rule. If Sprint broke the phone with their dumb update, then Sprint needs to replace the phone. This is their fault, not mine. The scratch caused a small part of the edge to be roughed up, it didn't brick the phone.
Apparently though, the store can charge me the restocking fee because they're not an official sprint, apparently the normal rules don't apply. I still contend it was misleading and really looks like a corporate store.
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Post Pics of the Store and one of its employees Let us make that observation.
All joking aside though. By posting something like this only adds to the Tech. bloggers that reads these forums and add fuel to the already big fire they like to flame to get readers. Sprint nor the store did you wrong. They are out of phones and I am sure they wish there were not as they only make money when phones are in stock. Ask customer service what you can do in the meantime to accommodate your unfortunate situation. Perhaps a temp phone you can use. If the sprint store reseller you purchased it from could let you borrow a phone they have laying around( I am sure they do ). I have had AT&T and TMOBILE accommodate me on that one before.
Good luck and be patient.
Sporkman said:
posting here will do what ? make you feel better ?
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Why post in the first place?
Being an ass doesn't help.
To the TC, if you had the ability, I would tell them you were leaving and get a Droid X. That's just downright assholish of them.
Well it seems it's sprint's fault. You of course should get a refund of your billing since you bricked due to them.
Here's a quote from
@Sprint: If you accidentally apply the #evo4g OTA twice, your phone becomes a brick. We think it's the radio fw update. Plans to fix?
mrmomoman said:
Post Pics of the Store and one of its employees Let us make that observation.
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I just might post pics to make my point here (I won't really). The outside of the store had only a big Sprint logo and "SPRINT" above the door. The employees wear black polo shirts with a small Sprint logo and the word "SPRINT" above the left breast. Looks real enough for me...
I don't fault Sprint necessarily...I just feel like I got the shaft here. I have to pay $25 for them to fix their problem. Because the store I bought the phone at, despite looking like a Sprint store, and is listed on the Sprint website, actually isn't a real sprint store. But its not a Best Buy, and its not a Radio Shack either. Maybe I should've known, but it just seems a little misleading to me, and because of it I feel wronged.
They have no loaner phones, so I am without a working phone until maybe they get one in at some point. They credited me for the days without, but that's it.
Go to a corporate store that does repairs. Use to check this. They may be able to restore your evo.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
I changed mine a week ago because of the screen separation issue, but let me tell you, the phone had mayor scratches in the 4 corners(it went down the very first day) and the girl in Best Buy not even checked it, she only checked the serial number, so i guess i was lucky.
Oh btw, i bougth this time the Black tie protection plan for 6.99 just in case
I changed mine a week ago because of the screen separation issue, but let me tell you, the phone had mayor scratches in the 4 corners(it went down the very first day) and the girl in Best Buy not even checked it, she only checked the serial number, so i guess i was lucky.
Oh btw, i bougth this time the Black tie protection plan for 6.99 just in case
If your phone is broken, you should be able to get it fixed under warranty. It sounds like you are only getting hit with the restocking fee because you are trying to return/exchange it rather than have it repaired.
Go get your phone back. You really should have never taken it back I'd bet for certain people on this site would have helped you and it really wasn't bricked

nothing here move along

deleted , move along
TLTR !!!!!
I read it. Sorry to hear about your EVO man.
I got my EVO through Craigslist new in box because all the Sprint stores in my area who had them in stock wouldn't sell them to people not adding a new line of service. (Which is another story in and of itself)
When I brought it in to Sprint to activate they let me add insurance and told me that I'd still be covered under warranty for a year. I would be steamed if I was in your shoes too.
Thankfully I have a HW revision 0003 and my EVO hasn't yet to display any of the known issues.
Just a short while ago I worked as a CSR for AT&T. Your friend got really lucky because 99.9% of the time a broken iPhone, even with a known issue, means you're SOL. In my experience, Sprint is much more flexible.
I mean you guys have any suggestions for me at this point? I know its just a phone and all but damn. i posted this on sprint forums,,xda, ppcgeeks, and of course my phone calls and visits to the repair center at MACOM
You bought the $7 plan for this very reason-- a more-than-likely behaviorally caused ding. (yes I read your post, but look at this from someone else's point of view. You had/used the phone how long before you saw this?)
Pony up the deductable and get a new phone. You realize you're costing yourself way more than $100 in grief and wasted time?
Lastly, just in case this is a defect and a recall is issued, keep your documentation on your calls to CS, claim filed, and out of pocket money. At that point you should be able to recoup your deductible among other things.
illogic6 said:
Just a short while ago I worked as a CSR for AT&T. Your friend got really lucky because 99.9% of the time a broken iPhone, even with a known issue, means you're SOL. In my experience, Sprint is much more flexible.
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Sure, bro. Sure.
00_MACKIE_00 said:
Ok, this is going to be a long post, full of detailed information regarding my purchase of an Evo. I will be posting this on every forum I am a member of and there are alot that I post on.
A buddy of mine contacted me to tell me he had bought an Evo on launch day from Best Buy. He activated it on 6/6/2010 from a Best Buy in Kentucky. He was told " The Evo has push to talk". Well he later found out that it did not in fact have push to talk and he needed that feature for his Sprint business account. He was outside his 30 day "happiness" window so he had to buy a different phone. He decided to put his Evo on Ebay and sell it to try and get some of his money back for his Evo purchase. He let me know he listed it on Ebay and provided me a link to it. I ended up winning the auction on 8/15/2010. I received the phone on 8/21 and received original box, original everything. Even had a cover. Phone looked and smelled BRAND new. I quickly called Sprint to activate it and within 10 min I was sporting my new Evo. Added my insurance/repair $7 dollar fee like I do with all my phones.
All was fine until 9/5/2010, I noticed on the bottom left of the screen over the home button, the screen appears lifted and a little dust had gotten under it. Ok no big deal to me at this point. I do keep my phones in mint condition but I was just going to monitor this situation. 13 days later is when I called Sprint asking for an explanation. I called the customer service line and explained the situation with the phone. They immediately started blaming me for it. I guess maybe they thought I used a screwdriver and lifted the screen, who knows. The girl told me she was in Charlotte, NC and that she had never heard of a screen separating from the adhesive and to go to the repair center.
On 9/17/2010, I went to MACOM here in Florida. A nice gentleman greeted me at the repair window and asked how he could help me. I said well I called customer service and explained to them that the phone screen seemed to be coming up and to pay you a visit so you could investigate. 4 screws later my Evo was in several pieces and then put back together. He asked me where I got the phone so I told him. He looked up my account and said "you’re inside your 30 day window according to the calendar here and you should go home and call customer service back". I told him I had no intention of being given a brand new phone. To me , that would be dishonest and I live by being honest and I teach my kids to be honest to people regardless of the situation. He handed me his business card, said call Sprint and call me back if you have problems. Seems he was trying to push me into a brand new Evo. I lay no blame on this guy; he was trying to do the right thing. He told me he could have it replaced but it would be a refurbished phone which I am ok with.
I arrive home on 9/17 from MACOM and about 7pm I start making some phone calls. I have been upfront with Sprint about the terms of my purchase. The first lady I spoke to said she understood my issue and that she would get someone on the phone to help me after we talked 10 minutes or so. She asked if I minded being put on hold and I said absolutely not. I waited for about 7 or 8 minutes or so and another lady got on the phone from a different department. I had a really hard time understanding what her name was, who she was with, etc etc due to the heavy accent. From what I could understand, she was from advanced exchange it sounded like. She asked for my telephone #, verified my pin and all that good stuff and asks me the reason for the call. I then had to go into the WHOLE story again. 10 minutes later she asked me where I bought the phone. I said I bought it off Ebay from a SPRINT customer, not some random power seller. She then told me well there is nothing she could do and that was there anything else she could do for me. I said I guess not and told her to have a lovely weekend. She then said I could always file a claim with Assurion and pay a $100 deductible for this obvious defect.
After speaking to my wife, I felt I needed to call back. Around 8:30pm or so I called back to customer service and once again explained the situation. I asked her over and over to tell me if I had done something wrong, or this was somehow my fault. She completely denied any knowledge of a screen separation issue and proceeded to tell me she was going to talk to her supervisor about it and placed me on hold. She came back on the line in short time and asked if it would be ok if I received a call back. I said ok and told the lady to have a nice evening. About 45 minutes or so later my phone rings. I go to answer it using the slider and because my screen is acting funny due to part of it being lifted, somehow the call was dropped and she left a voicemail and her name and phone number. I immediately called back off my house phone and received her voicemail. I left a message and asked that she call me right away. I have not received another phone call.
Remembering the conversation with MACOM, I woke up on 9/18, loaded up the kids and drove on over. The same gentleman was there again. He remembered me from the night before. I told him I had called customer service and had gotten nowhere. The tune quickly changed from ordering a refurbished phone to having to call his district manager but however the district manager was off and on his motorcycle for the day and it would be evening before he could have a chance to talk to him and it would be next week before he could get back to me. He was very nice and polite and told me to have a good rest of the weekend and he would get in touch with me.
Now that I have laid out the facts, I am now going to state my opinion on this. First off, Sprint denying the screen separation is a joke within itself. Searching on Google using the search criteria "evo screen separation" shows 6,700,00 results found. How could people not know about it that work for Sprint? The repair guy at MACOM had heard about it, but nobody else? How is that even possible? My next complaint is about the way I purchased it. If I was not tempted by all the Sprint commercials about the EVO and not being able to actually find one in Florida, I would not have had to go buy one of Ebay. I bought it from a valid Sprint customer not some guy on Ebay looking to make a few bucks. Sprint still should honor my purchase and either fix my phone or give me one that works, isn't that what I pay the TEP for?. I guess anyone who is buying either a barely used or brand new phone off Ebay should just stop doing it now before you run into a situation like what I am dealing with. I am a premier customer with Sprint; I have 3 lines as well so I consider myself an important customer. Plus it helps in the years I have had service, I have never missed a payment, been late, or anything. Sprint should not allow you to buy a phone from anywhere and activate it successfully if they do not want to honor an obvious manufacturing defect. This will not cost any money for Sprint to replace my phone because I am sure it would be sent back to HTC as a defect. I am not editing this post until there is a resolution so that the public sees what I have had to deal with. Once Sprint provides a resolution, I will then have this post removed and I will once again be a happy Sprint customer.
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I've had better luck. I was once placed in this exact situation. Brought my phone into Sprint to have it repair the lifting of screen. In-house techs repaired it, no questions asked (or blaming). One hour later, they called me back and issued me a new one, as their investigation determines hardware version 0002 was a manufature defect. Perhaps it's all based on locations, reps, your attitude towards them, etc. Where I'm from everyone one's laid back, reps are always friendly and don't really have to put up with too much of people's ****, because non really gives them **** to begin with. They even accept rooted phones too, where as I read that many other users have to unroot before bringing their phone into Sprint for replacement/repair.
If you don't mind paying a deductable ($100 max), call into customer service and request a replacement.
And to the dude who was previously on AT&T with iPhone, sure buddy. SURRRREEE. If you EVER had service with them, you of all people should know that AT&T & Apple will put you through hell. I should know, that's why I dropped AT&T & the iPhone 2G.
illogic6 said:
I read it. Sorry to hear about your EVO man.
I got my EVO through Craigslist new in box because all the Sprint stores in my area who had them in stock wouldn't sell them to people not adding a new line of service. (Which is another story in and of itself)
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That is actually illegal, they have to sell it to you, I actually did the same and had to mention that it is illegal to not sell it, after mentioning that they budged and sold it to me.
Back on your situation with your EVO, I would recommend posting on consumerist as that is more their territory. They have the phone numbers for executive customer support also, they WILL fix your issue ASAP.
tbh, I feel no simpathy since you being "honest" has nothing to do with the situation. You didn't steal the phone, the phone was defective therefore it's not like you were doing anything wrong. You should of returned it and gotten a replacement. There's been hundreds if not thousands of people that have done the same with the screen lifting issue.
Also if you didn't know before, google is based on keywords, it doesn't take the phrase and search for it. About 5million of those results were for the word "evo", other million were for "screen", and so on. Out of those results, only about 20-30 were for the evo issue. I've been doing SEO for a long time, so when it comes to google I know what I'm talking about.
Also sprint doesn't care if you took it apart, or if it came apart by itself, because they will tell you in the end to return it because of the issue. They know people do it, and it's perfectly okay, since you're not "cheating" anyone. The 30 day thing is made for a reason, it's not made for you to screw them over. Also the insurance that you put on the phone is made for a reason.
Either you're not telling the whole story, or you were too ignorant to return the phone.
Btw, side note for you. Check out the app TiKL for push to talk on your EVO.
sent from VooDooPhone
As a Sprint retention supersvisor, let me ask you something which I would have asked you if you were on my call. What makes you think SPRINT is responsible for a phone your purchased from somebody on Ebay wether it be a Sprint customer or not? You are LUCKY they even allow you to use TEP on a phone that was not purchased from them. Now, here's what we can do, make a claim, pay the $100 and have it replaced or go back to the store and speak with the idiot that told you to call in.
Let me put it in perspective for you, when your car breaks you take it to the mechanic right? You don't just call Ford and they fix it over the phone or send you out a new truck to your home. There is NOTHING someone over the phone can do, the repair center has to do it all, granted most the time they send you something over the phone or break policy it's to shut the customer up and get rid of them. The store has to fix it, if they can't fix it, make a claim for you through the warranty or asurion. I really don't understand why this is so hard to understand. And please don't take this the wrong way it is not an attack on you personally, but it is definitely an attack on what should be common sense.
6ixtynin9 said:
I've had better luck. I was once placed in this exact situation. Brought my phone into Sprint to have it repair the lifting of screen. In-house techs repaired it, no questions asked (or blaming). One hour later, they called me back and issued me a new one, as their investigation determines hardware version 0002 was a manufature defect. Perhaps it's all based on locations, reps, your attitude towards them, etc. Where I'm from everyone one's laid back, reps are always friendly and don't really have to put up with too much of people's ****, because non really gives them **** to begin with. They even accept rooted phones too, where as I read that many other users have to unroot before bringing their phone into Sprint for replacement/repair.
If you don't mind paying a deductable ($100 max), call into customer service and request a replacement.
And to the dude who was previously on AT&T with iPhone, sure buddy. SURRRREEE. If you EVER had service with them, you of all people should know that AT&T & Apple will put you through hell. I should know, that's why I dropped AT&T & the iPhone 2G.
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That is what he said, with AT&T you're **** out of luck

Bad ESN, now what?

So I found a person on Craigslist who had a Droid 2 for sale, good deal. So I met up with him, checked out the phone, everything looked good. I called Verizon before making the exchange for the phone and verified the ESN was clear. I get home and try to activate the phone and can't. I called Verizon back and this time I'm being told the phone is still allocated to an account but not active, probably someone who didn't pay a bill would be my guess. It's still early and I haven't tried contacting the person I purchased it from, but providing that falls through what are my options? Or are there any?
I've had verizon for almost 12 years now, can't say I've had the best experience but this just takes the prize. First guy says yes, second person says no, I'm probably out money. ><
Be careful. It could either be stolen or his and he could be filing a claim that the phone was stolen so document everything from the transaction to ensure you don't end up in the wrong. I'm not sure if anything can be done if you have a linked but not active ESN.
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA App
newk8600 said:
Be careful. It could either be stolen or his and he could be filing a claim that the phone was stolen so document everything from the transaction to ensure you don't end up in the wrong. I'm not sure if anything can be done if you have a linked but not active ESN.
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA App
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Yea I kinda figure that I'm out some cash and got a nifty paperweight now. I'm calling VZW to raise hell since one person told me it was clean, and the other told me the truth about it. Nothing will probably come of it, but at least I get to ***** at them for it. I did manage to get the guy I bought it from to tell me earlier today that it was on his wifes account and that she needed the money from getting rid of the phone to buy another and have it activated. Of course he hasn't returned any of my follow up calls asking when this is going to happen. Unfortunately this isn't someone I know, but do feel like giving him the ass beating of his lifetime.
Oh well, I should have tried to activate it myself on the spot so I guess you live you learn.
By the way, I've got this new thing called an Android Paperweight that runs OS 2.2 if you're interested in buying it let me know (j/k)
StirCwazy said:
Yea I kinda figure that I'm out some cash and got a nifty paperweight now. I'm calling VZW to raise hell since one person told me it was clean, and the other told me the truth about it. Nothing will probably come of it, but at least I get to ***** at them for it. I did manage to get the guy I bought it from to tell me earlier today that it was on his wifes account and that she needed the money from getting rid of the phone to buy another and have it activated. Of course he hasn't returned any of my follow up calls asking when this is going to happen. Unfortunately this isn't someone I know, but do feel like giving him the ass beating of his lifetime.
Oh well, I should have tried to activate it myself on the spot so I guess you live you learn.
By the way, I've got this new thing called an Android Paperweight that runs OS 2.2 if you're interested in buying it let me know (j/k)
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Honestly, if it ends up being a bad ESN and you aren't ever able to activate it you could probably sell it to a developer to recuperate some of the cost. You probably wont get it all but I'm sure you could get a nice chunk back.
kwheel596 said:
Honestly, if it ends up being a bad ESN and you aren't ever able to activate it you could probably sell it to a developer to recuperate some of the cost. You probably wont get it all but I'm sure you could get a nice chunk back.
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I wouldn't even know where to start, but good suggestion, thanks.
I called VZW a few minutes ago to complain and found out that the person I spoke with last night didn't log anything in our account indicating a call and regarding what. The person I spoke with earlier today did. I just wish everyone knew how to do their job properly to make sure everyone in my situation ends up with the best possible results, and not out some money that could be used elsewhere.
So if life I guess
How much does it take to buy the phone..... paper weight
rdking said:
How much does it take to buy the phone..... paper weight
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At risk of being ridiculed over what I paid for the said item I'll take offers via PM For the time being I'm still holding out on the dream it will one day soon be functional.
put it on ebay you can still get a couple hundred bucks out of a droid 2 with a bad esn
Good luck man, I hope it will be activated soon!
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA App
First things first, never buy a CL phone unless you activate it on the SPOT. Regardless if the 'account is late on payment' or whatever that doesn't mean they can blacklist the phone from activating on the network.
If it is a insurance claim phone it can never be used and you are SOL, but if it's stolen I'd call Verizon again and have them contact whoever owns that phone to call you. You seem like an intelligent person, not some kid posting on here, and having VZW for 12 years confirms that. Do the right thing and contact the owner should it be stolen. Maybe work something out?
You could always use it with a different carrier or sell it to someone who wants to use it on a different carrier..
They flash over to cricket easily, probly to sprint or u.s. cellular also
Doesnt matter what the esn says in verizons system when going somewhere else
If you complain enough they will *SOMETIMES* allow you to swap it for a replacement with a clean ESN, though not always. You could also try going into a store and telling them you got ripped off and seeing if they have a carrier return laying that they might be willing to replace your bad one with, Verizon themselves doesn't care about blacklisted ESN's once they have them, they just simply remove it from the blacklist and sell it off
Streak 7 bad ESN
May be an stupid coment, but just by curiosity: when you change the ROM for some custom ROM , the STK7 is not by default unlocked?.
Mr. Cell Phone Unlocker
If you are willing to pay $75, I stumbled across this site that will do it.
Reputable company, but I make no guarantees of their effectiveness. Never tried it either.
Might be worth a shot

[Q] HTC's Repair Department (ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?)

I had a rooted Evo. A few weeks ago, I began experiencing random reboots, and random unmounts of my SD storage volume. I unrooted completely (with S-ON) to a stock Froyo build. I didn't even install any apps, and the problems still persisted.
So I got myself an RMA and sent the phone into HTC for repair, as it's still under warranty. I had given the phone rep a very detailed description of the issue, and also instructed them NOT TO UPGRADE TO GINGERBREAD. I also included a very visible note in the package instructing them to do the same. I even went as far to detail the issues on another sheet of paper in the package, just for peace of mind.
HTC receives the phone on a Friday afternoon. On Monday, around noon, I receive an e-mail that the phone is on its way back to me, but with no information about the resolution. I called to inquire, only to find out that they couldn't find anything wrong with my phone, and shipped it back unchanged.
I received the phone last Thursday, powered it up, and much to my dismay, those numbskulls upgraded me to Gingerbread!!! So now I can't even root my phone, and restore my app data with Titanium Backup... which I f*ckin' paid for! To make matters worse, as the phone begins to sync my contact/calendar data from Google, the phone reboots.
Way to go HTC... buncha crackerjack a$$hats!!! Your sh!tty repair process cost me:
* a week without my Evo
* $9 to ship my Evo
* Use of Titanium Backup, which I paid for
* Use of my SSH daemon, which I paid for
* Participation in the Swype 3.0 beta program (since I can't uninstall Sprint's stock Swype 2.x app)
* Ability to resize my partitions, and use A2SD. I'll probably need to ditch a few apps now.
* Obvious ability to root and customize my phone to my liking
On top of all this, my phone is still broken, and still covered under a completely useless HTC warranty.
Or.... maybe HTC is this awesome company that would refuse to return a defective product to a customer while it's still under warranty. Therefore, I can only assume the phone was damaged by FedEx... but there's no way I'm opening that can of worms.
So I just technically received a factory-refurbished phone from HTC. It's my same phone, but it went thorugh their Q.A. processes. I guess my best option is to sign up for Sprint's rip-off protection plan at $7 a month, and then pay $100 to have them replace the phone. What a sham!
Anyone got any better ideas?
BigMatza said:
So I just technically received a factory-refurbished phone from HTC. It's my same phone, but it went thorugh their Q.A. processes. I guess my best option is to sign up for Sprint's rip-off protection plan at $7 a month, and then pay $100 to have them replace the phone. What a sham!
Anyone got any better ideas?
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Umm you HAD the better idea buddy, the freakin' Sprint protection plan. No it wouldn't have cost you $100 to fix that problem, they would've handed you a new phone with no problem. If the new/refurb phone was busted, they'd have gave you a 3rd phone, no problem.
Unless you lose it, accidentally call Asurion or severely damage the phone, then it'll be $100... or $35 if the screen is busted. Otherwise the $7 per month is all it costs.
Here's the thing not many people know about the insurance. You must sign up for it within two weeks of purchasing the phone. Otherwise, they won't add it. My friend learned that the hard way.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
MicrosoftBug said:
Here's the thing not many people know about the insurance. You must sign up for it within two weeks of purchasing the phone. Otherwise, they won't add it. My friend learned that the hard way.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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They open it up from time to time but yes you're right.
Really, there's no good reason to NOT have the insurance.
Oh no! Almost 2 gallons of gasoline a month.
MicrosoftBug said:
Here's the thing not many people know about the insurance. You must sign up for it within two weeks of purchasing the phone. Otherwise, they won't add it.
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I just called, and they let me add it. Woohoo! I told them the truth... that the phone just came back from HTC after repair process, and that the warranty period is almost up.
Unfortunately, none of this is going to bring my root access back any time soon
Noiro said:
Umm you HAD the better idea buddy, the freakin' Sprint protection plan. No it wouldn't have cost you $100 to fix that problem, they would've handed you a new phone with no problem. If the new/refurb phone was busted, they'd have gave you a 3rd phone, no problem.
Unless you lose it, accidentally call Asurion or severely damage the phone, then it'll be $100... or $35 if the screen is busted. Otherwise the $7 per month is all it costs.
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I've walked in and had my screen replaced for free for that little white hot spot that some people have had issues with. Left it with them for a few hours and bam, new screen no charge. Have also walked into a Sprint store to get a replacement battery cover and they just handed me one wrapped in plastic, no questions asked.
I can't imagine why one would ever want to deal with HTC directly, honestly.
Same however, after talking with tech support sprit and htc I kinda knew from past experance they just read a script. So I did not send the phone back instaed reloaded 3.7 stock RUU with old radio rerooted and now it sits on "prof the dead walk" gingerbread rooted stock. I pacitencly await the updates.
good luck
Noiro said:
No it wouldn't have cost you $100 to fix that problem, they would've handed you a new phone with no problem. If the new/refurb phone was busted, they'd have gave you a 3rd phone, no problem.
Unless you lose it, accidentally call Asurion or severely damage the phone, then it'll be $100... or $35 if the screen is busted. Otherwise the $7 per month is all it costs.
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Didn't realize that part, so I enrolled. Thanks.
BigMatza said:
I just called, and they let me add it. Woohoo! I told them the truth... that the phone just came back from HTC after repair process, and that the warranty period is almost up.
Unfortunately, none of this is going to bring my root access back any time soon
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I am sorry for your loss. It's kinda like a turd wrapped inside a lollipop. You have a working phone, but you can't customize it to your liking. I hope they root GB soon. I am currently rooted running MikG 2.15. I called Sprint yesterday to ***** about the crappy 3G in my area (don't even hit 1Mbit) and they told me to take it to a corporate repair store to have it looked at. I told the lady on the phone it's not an issue with my handset, it's Sprint's crappy network. She then preceded to speak to another tech who informed her that I wasn't running the latest firmware. I assured her I was, it's just I'm rooted but was running the updated 4.24 software. She then told me I still needed to take it to a store before they would send someone to look at the towers. [email protected]&$*... I said FINE. What about me being rooted I asked. She then told me that Sprint doesn't care about rooting anymore. So I take it to a store, where the tech and the manager tell me they can't look at it because it's rooted and my warranty is voided. [email protected]&$?.. So long story short, the tech felt bad for me and wrote some notes asking them to look at the towers. I haven't called today yet to ask them to send someone to the towers, though I am dreading it.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
MicrosoftBug said:
I am sorry for your loss. It's kinda like a turd wrapped inside a lollipop. You have a working phone, but you can't customize it to your liking. I hope they root GB soon. I am currently rooted running MikG 2.15. I called Sprint yesterday to ***** about the crappy 3G in my area (don't even hit 1Mbit) and they told me to take it to a corporate repair store to have it looked at. I told the lady on the phone it's not an issue with my handset, it's Sprint's crappy network. She then preceded to speak to another tech who informed her that I wasn't running the latest firmware. I assured her I was, it's just I'm rooted but was running the updated 4.24 software. She then told me I still needed to take it to a store before they would send someone to look at the towers. [email protected]&$*... I said FINE. What about me being rooted I asked. She then told me that Sprint doesn't care about rooting anymore. So I take it to a store, where the tech and the manager tell me they can't look at it because it's rooted and my warranty is voided. [email protected]&$?.. So long story short, the tech felt bad for me and wrote some notes asking them to look at the towers. I haven't called today yet to ask them to send someone to the towers, though I am dreading it.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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I'd be shocked if Sprint actually calls you to report their findings for something like that. Please stop back and let us know if they do!
MicrosoftBug said:
She then told me I still needed to take it to a store before they would send someone to look at the towers. [email protected]&$*... I said FINE. What about me being rooted I asked. She then told me that Sprint doesn't care about rooting anymore. So I take it to a store, where the tech and the manager tell me they can't look at it because it's rooted and my warranty is voided. [email protected]&$
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Wow, sorry man. This was a trap, never... I repeat NEVER trust what a rep says without a 3rd opinion.
Anytime you return a phone, just flash the stock "rooted" ROM onto the phone, freshly wiped with the SD card out of the phone.
Noiro said:
Wow, sorry man. This was a trap, never... I repeat NEVER trust what a rep says without a 3rd opinion.
Anytime you return a phone, just flash the stock "rooted" ROM onto the phone, freshly wiped with the SD card out of the phone.
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I already had to do that with an insurance replacement.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

Items included in Droid Charge replacement

Several people were asking what comes with the Charge that is being offered as replacement and what do you have to send back. Here is a list of each item that i received today from big red.
In my Fed Ex box, i found a new droid charge kit (the box they come in new) and the activation guide for 4g phones.
In the Charge kit, i found a user manual, the new device, battery, AC ->USB adapter with a USB sync cable (yay!), and a $25 samsung media hub credit code. The phone DOES have the preinstalled 32gb sd card included!
What is NOT included is the 4gLTE sim card. You have to go to the corporate store for one of these. They will put it in for you and assist you in re adding your google account.
The agent stated that you are NOT required to return your old SD Card or any cases or accessories. I asked if they required the used battery and phone backing (you keep them with normal replacements) and she could not give me an answer.
I have to say that i am more than pleased with this offer and am very satisfied myself. Hope this helps!
I had a dream last night that i switched to a charge and it was shaped like a pair of binoculars and had huge push buttons everywhere on it.
CM7/Glitch ML 1.5ghz/Steel Blue tapatalkin
bobthesalesclerk said:
I had a dream last night that i switched to a charge and it was shaped like a pair of binoculars and had huge push buttons everywhere on it.
CM7/Glitch ML 1.5ghz/Steel Blue tapatalkin
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LMAO its not the most attractive device.
foister82 said:
What is NOT included is the 4gLTE sim card. You have to go to the corporate store for one of these. They will put it in for you and assist you in re adding your google account.
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Just an FYI, my closest corporate store is ~45 miles away. I called my nearest 3rd party store (Wireless Zone) and they sold me the 4gLTE sim card for $5, and activated it. It would have been free at the VZW store, but not worth the 90 mile round trip in my case.
I understand a majority of you guys got your fascinates through verizon. But i purchased mine through best buy when they had the fascinate for 150$ promotion.
I too get missed calls and other issues but i can bet best buy is not as willing to replace products for free. Is there anyway i can get verizon to supply me with a new phone since it is their radio that is the issue here? Thanks for any input !:
if you got your fassy on contract it will have a 1 year manufacturers warranty. I have heard though that if you call tier 2 and complain enough they will offer you at the least a incredible 2 or dx2 no matter where you got your fassy... worth a shot either way
I bought mine through eBay roughly 2 months ago and they never once asked how I purchased it. They were really apologetic and asked if I was interested in a different device or to wait until an update was put out later this month. Of course I took the new phone
I wasn't aware the charge was being offered as a replacement. I called several times earlier this month and was repeatedly offered a refurbished fascinate.
Sent from my I500 using XDA App
PeterGunz said:
I wasn't aware the charge was being offered as a replacement. I called several times earlier this month and was repeatedly offered a refurbished fascinate.
Sent from my I500 using XDA App
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I think they made it a policy to replace with other models on 7/8. Its pretty amazing that they'd even replace with such new models.
tk1o48 said:
I understand a majority of you guys got your fascinates through verizon. But i purchased mine through best buy when they had the fascinate for 150$ promotion.
I too get missed calls and other issues but i can bet best buy is not as willing to replace products for free. Is there anyway i can get verizon to supply me with a new phone since it is their radio that is the issue here? Thanks for any input !:
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I bought mine at Best Buy on Black Friday and they allowed me to do the replacement. The second time I called to tell them which phone I wanted, the woman told me that they could only replace it with another Fascinate, now that they were back in stock. So I rejected the replacement and called back, got a different rep who honored the original offer. I took the Inc2. Don't really like the look of the Charge even though I love the screen and potential 32GB card (lol), but we don't have 4G where I live and since it doesn't extend your contract, I figured its still a nice deal.
Called today with the dropped call complaint, immediately offered my choice of the three...heading to the store to finish up my "order" on the charge today!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
So if yall are getting inc 2's and charges as replacements and say your upgrade date is in 2 months, could you still upgrade to something else?
woolster22 said:
Called today with the dropped call complaint, immediately offered my choice of the three...heading to the store to finish up my "order" on the charge today!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
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Charge will be here on Wednesday (approximately).
Got my charge ordered today, be here tuesday.
Sent from my I500 using XDA App
For those of you getting the Charge, what exactly did you say to them? Just, "I'm having dropped call issues."? From my past experiences they will want you to do three hundred other things and then tell you to see how it does for a few days and call back if it happens again. Was it really as simple as "I am having dropped calls a lot, several times a day" and they go "ok how about a Droid charge"?
jamesnmandy said:
For those of you getting the Charge, what exactly did you say to them? Just, "I'm having dropped call issues."? From my past experiences they will want you to do three hundred other things and then tell you to see how it does for a few days and call back if it happens again. Was it really as simple as "I am having dropped calls a lot, several times a day" and they go "ok how about a Droid charge"?
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First tier will probably wanna do some basic troubleshooting like *228 and battery pulls or resets, just keep insisting politely that you've done all this (do it if they keep saying they want you to) and are still having problems but don't push for a new phone... You should get transferred to tier 2 (you may have to ask to go higher, ask them if there's anything else a different higher level rep can do), once you reach tier 2 they should've been told of your problems and will ask if you would like a replacement phone. You may hit snags where they ask you to go into a store to check the phone out or they may ask you questions about the build/baseband you're on, if so just comply and call back if they deny you. This is how my phone call went: I told the first CS rep about the usual problems missed calls, gps lock problems, poor signal strength etc. then she proceeded to have me do the *228 update (was on EB01 when I called I believe). It wouldn't update so she immediately told me to hold while she transferred me to tier 2 and told them about my issues. Tier 2 guy answered and right off the bat offered to replace my phone with another one, I asked 'like what?' and he named off the Dinc2, X2, and Charge. The rest is obvious...
It depends on the rep you get. Some say they have to troubleshoot it with you, even if there are notes that you have already done so. The first rep I spoke to, told me that she could only replace it with another Fascinate. I declined and called back. It was with the second rep that I was given the choices. It all depends on if the rep you speak with knows about the problems with the phone.
anoninja118 said:
First tier will probably wanna do some basic troubleshooting like *228 and battery pulls or resets, just keep insisting politely that you've done all this (do it if they keep saying they want you to) and are still having problems but don't push for a new phone... You should get transferred to tier 2 (you may have to ask to go higher, ask them if there's anything else a different higher level rep can do), once you reach tier 2 they should've been told of your problems and will ask if you would like a replacement phone. You may hit snags where they ask you to go into a store to check the phone out or they may ask you questions about the build/baseband you're on, if so just comply and call back if they deny you. This is how my phone call went: I told the first CS rep about the usual problems missed calls, gps lock problems, poor signal strength etc. then she proceeded to have me do the *228 update (was on EB01 when I called I believe). It wouldn't update so she immediately told me to hold while she transferred me to tier 2 and told them about my issues. Tier 2 guy answered and right off the bat offered to replace my phone with another one, I asked 'like what?' and he named off the Dinc2, X2, and Charge. The rest is obvious...
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I don't think they can tell if you did anything or my experience its a matter of waiting and then saying, ok, yeah, I did that. Same problem.
jamesnmandy said:
I don't think they can tell if you did anything or my experience its a matter of waiting and then saying, ok, yeah, I did that. Same problem.
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they can't but I was told they know the last time you did a *228 prl reset, my phone didn't successfully complete it (don't know why) and I was immediately transferred cuz she probably thought that was the problem
blazing through on my VZ Droid Charge
Anyone have any experience returning phones with physical damage? I have a cracked screen, phone works fine and I did talk to them a long time ago about the issue so it should show up in the account. Do I have a shot?

