Request - if possible - One (M7) General

Not sure this is where I even post a request to a dev, but hopefully they see it
Anyway, I like the blink feed, just not a fan of it being on any of my home screens. I am also not a fan of the huge clock and weather icon currently in the feed.
Would it be possible to have the blink feed visible after a swipe UP from the bottom of the screen, much like the notification bar can be swiped down from the top? Also, an option to remove the clock and weather for an extra news tile. I already have a clock, and a weather widget so they are redundant.
Might not be possible, but worth a try

A easier method for your request might be a different launcher.

pradeepvizz said:
A easier method for your request might be a different launcher.
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But then the blinkfeed wouldnt work as its sense only.

Recommended from another user here: You could always try apex or another launcher and create a shortcut to htc sense, just remove the other screens on sense so it opens right to blinkfeed, works fine for me.
Sent from my HTC One

jcorv58 said:
Recommended from another user here: You could always try apex or another launcher and create a shortcut to htc sense, just remove the other screens on sense so it opens right to blinkfeed, works fine for me.
Sent from my HTC One
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It is very cleve. I never thought I can creat sense shortcut. From where I can made it?


How deep does Sense UI reach?

I've got the Legend with Sense. I'm just not quite sure how much Sense includes, which bits are Sense and which are standard android..
I know the HTC widgets are Sense, but the only ones I use are the clock, calender and footprints (though I could do without the last 2)
Is the contact linking system where details from facebook etc are taken and merged with phone contacts part of Sense?
Is the smart dialer where you can put in a number or search for name at the same time Sense?
Basically, if I switched over to an alternative home app, what exactly would I lose?
I like the Sense bar down the bottom which has app tray button, phone and the +, it looks real smooth and borders nicely with the notification bar, looks better than the screen abruptly ending at the bottom imo. Are there non-sense clones/alternatives to this?
If you keep the Sense ROM and use an alternative launcher you keep the same phone and contacts apps. But you lose the app tray and the ability to use the HTC widgets, they only work with Rosie as the launcher.
I see thanks. And I can still use all the HTC Apps e.g. Photos and Music?
Does anyone know of a similar app or something to replace the bar thing at the bottom of Sense, with app tray, phone and + button?
Try launcher pro or adw launcher. Both offer much more and better looking functionality than the sense launcher
le3ky said:
Try launcher pro or adw launcher. Both offer much more and better looking functionality than the sense launcher
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I've been tempted, but the main things I'm worried about losing from Sense is the bar down the bottom with the easy phone button, and the pretty weather animations that play fullscreen from the weather/clock widget after unlocking the phone.
I think that being a phone, the 'phone' part of it deserves the more integrated and dedicated phone button like that... rather than it just being like any another app
Snowtoad23 said:
I've been tempted, but the main things I'm worried about losing from Sense is the bar down the bottom with the easy phone button, and the pretty weather animations that play fullscreen from the weather/clock widget after unlocking the phone.
I think that being a phone, the 'phone' part of it deserves the more integrated and dedicated phone button like that... rather than it just being like any another app
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The weather animations on the home screen are part of the Weather-Clock widget. Switching to an alternative home will make you lose the ability to use Sense widgets, so you will lose that.
LauncherPro and ADW.Launcher allow you to customize shortcuts you have next to the app button so the phone button is not a problem.
JAguirre1231 said:
The weather animations on the home screen are part of the Weather-Clock widget. Switching to an alternative home will make you lose the ability to use Sense widgets, so you will lose that.
LauncherPro and ADW.Launcher allow you to customize shortcuts you have next to the app button so the phone button is not a problem.
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Yeah well there are clones of the Sense clock/weather widget but they don't seem to do the nice weather effects.
And yeah I could have the phone button down next to the app button, but it will still just be like an app icon, not a dedicated and integrated natural looking bar or something

HTC Flip Clock Weather Widget

Hi ok im not the brainest when it comes to my Hero. I have it rooted and im running Android 2.2 with Sense rom at the moment. Think its fantastic.
I love the Sense Weather flip clock widget, the main reason i like using sense, but is there any way to get a clear backgroung, or change the colour of the clock.
Thanks Steve
As far as I know you can't really modify Sense widgets and I doubt that will be looked in to anytime soon since most devs are trying to get a complete Sense Froyo. When that happens maybe they might look in to your question.
big_sw2000 said:
Hi ok im not the brainest when it comes to my Hero. I have it rooted and im running Android 2.2 with Sense rom at the moment. Think its fantastic.
I love the Sense Weather flip clock widget, the main reason i like using sense, but is there any way to get a clear backgroung, or change the colour of the clock.
Thanks Steve
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Its possible that I am completely off-base here, but AFAIK you can't re-sign sense .apk's correctly in a way that will work. So I don't believe you can make changes to sense widgets in this way.
Someone correct me if I am wrong.
Beautiful Widgets from the Market is the closest you'll get to a transparent Flip Clock. Once installed go into it's settings and look through the downloadable clock skins. There's loads that look like the Sense Flip Clock. It's not free, but it is pretty cool.
I use it when running ADW Launcher... and then I get bored and switch back to Sense... and then vise versa!
Error on startup with clock
I am using the the weather & toggle app on my rooted nook tablet. I have the weather and flip clock on my home screen and it works fine until I power down the device. After the power down where the clock should be it says" Problem loading widget"
I am a noob here but this string was about the clock so I hope Im posting in the right place.
Lirasina themed the clock so it is possible. Actually, I can take a look into it, shouldn't be too hard. Which Rom do you want me to do it for?
sent with love from me to you
Animated weather widget&clock is quite similar to the HTC sense.
However, in the rom
there is a link for the HTC sense style clocks. I don't know if they work in other roms.
Habarug said:
Lirasina themed the clock so it is possible. Actually, I can take a look into it, shouldn't be too hard. Which Rom do you want me to do it for?
sent with love from me to you
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She changed the theme of the actual Sense clock??!! Crazy!!!!…how about trying on the Zero Hero???
---------- Post added at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 PM ----------
rossmarc said:
I am using the the weather & toggle app on my rooted nook tablet. I have the weather and flip clock on my home screen and it works fine until I power down the device. After the power down where the clock should be it says" Problem loading widget"
I am a noob here but this string was about the clock so I hope Im posting in the right place.
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I dont have the tablet but when my flip clock (on my phone) has problems a simple "remove" and replacing of the widget generally fixes it. Then again, I don't have a tablet so maybe it's the rom…or ???
kyash said:
She changed the theme of the actual Sense clock??!! Crazy!!!!…how about trying on the Zero Hero???
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Not really crazy, what do you want me to change?
Edit: Is there an old style Sense clock in ZeroHero or only the new Sense 3.5 one?
Didnt work. I have to delete the clock from my home page and put it back everytime I power down. Could someone look into this. There has to be some way or some clock similar that doesnt have this problem.
rossmarc said:
I am using the the weather & toggle app on my rooted nook tablet. I have the weather and flip clock on my home screen and it works fine until I power down the device. After the power down where the clock should be it says" Problem loading widget"
I am a noob here but this string was about the clock so I hope Im posting in the right place.
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Which version do You have? I had similar problems and I found that I had some old version (even old line) newest one is 7.1.8 .

Twitter and facebook feed widgets

I'm lookimgs fo widgets that are simlar to launcher pro widgets any one have any ideas
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
You could try installing launcher pro. It's not in the market, but you should be able to find the apk with a little elbow grease.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
Ditto. Load LauncherPro. You have to buy it to get the widget but it is cheap and worth it. Attached is a screenshot of my screen. Upper left is Friends widget which combines FB and Twitter feeds. Totally worth it.
I used LP 0.8.3 plus since I got the Xoom. Wasn't sure how it would turn out but I figured it couldn't hurt. It's been fanatastic. Have to tweak some small settings to make it snappier transitioning screens but it does the job well. The ability to stretch the Widgets and the additional Widgets makes it worth the effort. Feels very customized and it works great.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
For those running Launcher Pro... Are you using the CNN stackable widget as well?
When I installed LP+ and would flip through the CNN widget stacks, I would constantly get Force Closes on Launcher Pro. I finally gave up on it... Maybe I will try again.
Anyone experiencing the same? Or different?
Cnn widget works fine for me (I have it resized a little smaller than what it looks like stock)
keitht said:
Ditto. Load LauncherPro. You have to buy it to get the widget but it is cheap and worth it. Attached is a screenshot of my screen. Upper left is Friends widget which combines FB and Twitter feeds. Totally worth it.
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Launcher Pro looks nice. I'll have to try it.
Is it your birthday Keith? Happy birthday, if it is.
New to Android... so this could possibly be a dumb question.
When using the stock Twitter widget, it only displays one tweet at a time and isn't scrollable. When reading up on Launcher Pro, it said that you can resize and create scrollable widgets. Could I take the stock Twitter app, resize it, AND make it scrollable?
Thanks in advance.
Here is another question related to Launcher Pro... I have my screens setup and all is working well, however, the stackable widgets (CNN, Youtube, etc) do not automatically flip every minute.
I know this is not a big deal, however, I am guessing they also do not refresh every minute as well.
Anyone seeing the same thing?
If this is a known problem, I am assuming this will be fixed when LP+ is actually released to use the Honeycomb engine.
green94 said:
New to Android... so this could possibly be a dumb question.
When using the stock Twitter widget, it only displays one tweet at a time and isn't scrollable. When reading up on Launcher Pro, it said that you can resize and create scrollable widgets. Could I take the stock Twitter app, resize it, AND make it scrollable?
Thanks in advance.
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LPP+ has a very nice twitter widget that is scrollable.
LPP+ does nothing to widgets that aren't LP widgets, other than allow you to resize them. The stock Twitter widget does not have the ability, that I've seen, to be scrollable, there for for me, it gets deleted.
Its very hard if not impossible to find LPP replacement widgets for the Calendar/Agenda, facebook, and twitter widgets. ADW an equally impressive launcher does not have these widgets, but has a couple other tweaks LP doesn't.
There are also themed versions for LPP+ and ADW which are very nice. I'm using a transparent theme, XTG and Love it.
Here's the thread for all the themed versions. Looks like he just added HC too. Make a backup of LP, delete it. Install the themed .apk and restore. Activation codes work and it really adds a nice touch.
Its sad that the stock Launcher is so inadequate. I really tried to like it but the lack of resizing the widgets is a complete fail imo.
Mandelbrot.Benoit said:
LPP+ has a very nice twitter widget that is scrollable.
LPP+ does nothing to widgets that aren't LP widgets, other than allow you to resize them. The stock Twitter widget does not have the ability, that I've seen, to be scrollable, there for for me, it gets deleted.
Its very hard if not impossible to find LPP replacement widgets for the Calendar/Agenda, facebook, and twitter widgets. ADW an equally impressive launcher does not have these widgets, but has a couple other tweaks LP doesn't.
There are also themed versions for LPP+ and ADW which are very nice. I'm using a transparent theme, XTG and Love it.
Here's the thread for all the themed versions. Looks like he just added HC too. Make a backup of LP, delete it. Install the themed .apk and restore. Activation codes work and it really adds a nice touch.
Its sad that the stock Launcher is so inadequate. I really tried to like it but the lack of resizing the widgets is a complete fail imo.
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First off, great information. Really appreciate it.
A few follow up questions:
What are the differences between LPP+ and ADW beyond widgets? Candidly scrollable widgets is my most pressing need at this time, but I'm interested in hearing about the other "tweaks".
Do you use both launchers at the same time?
How do these programs handle battery consumption?
Lastly, which do you recommend for use with Honeycomb?
Thanks again

[Q] weather widget not in widget list?

i mean the one on our homescreen by default.
if i go to the add widget list then straight away there's the accuweather one. if i add that all i get is a 2x1 widget and not the 4x1 that's there by default. i mean, if i removed it how would i get it back?
tommo123 said:
i mean the one on our homescreen by default.
if i go to the add widget list then straight away there's the accuweather one. if i add that all i get is a 2x1 widget and not the 4x1 that's there by default. i mean, if i removed it how would i get it back?
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Its resizeble. Just tap and hold on widget
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
yea, just got it. but OMG is that annoying to resize. in LP/adw it's easy, this thing has a mind of it's own on whether i get that yellow box or not. seems freaking random!
anyhoo, what i'm trying to do is move to adw launcher and alls fine apart from the weather widget and the task manager
resizing the weather widget in adw doesnt work properly (big gap in middle) and i assume that the task manager is like HTCs apps? only shows in their launcher?
hmm, never mind. adw launcher lagged like crazy
tommo123 said:
yea, just got it. but OMG is that annoying to resize. in LP/adw it's easy, this thing has a mind of it's own on whether i get that yellow box or not. seems freaking random!
anyhoo, what i'm trying to do is move to adw launcher and alls fine apart from the weather widget and the task manager
resizing the weather widget in adw doesnt work properly (big gap in middle) and i assume that the task manager is like HTCs apps? only shows in their launcher?
hmm, never mind. adw launcher lagged like crazy
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It's exactly the same for me in TW and LP
hmm, i tried go launcher as well but that's the square in the middle that's empty. weather is forced to the far right.
The TW widgets only work properly in TW.
The trick to getting in Resize mode is simple. You just put the widget on the homescreen. Then tap and hold it for 2 to 3 seconds (you know, a long press). But dont move at all during that tap and hold. Hold it STILL for a moment, and then drop. It will then go in resize mode.
I dont know if I explained it right. But I always get to resize when I want, not random at all lol
XDA mark said:
The TW widgets only work properly in TW.
The trick to getting in Resize mode is simple. You just put the widget on the homescreen. Then tap and hold it for 2 to 3 seconds (you know, a long press). But dont move at all during that tap and hold. Hold it STILL for a moment, and then drop. It will then go in resize mode.
I dont know if I explained it right. But I always get to resize when I want, not random at all lol
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Explanation was useful ... I even will manage to learn it some day LOL
It's dammed difficult !
What ? You can resize the widgets ? But it's pretty tricky ! Well .. why make it simple ?
Dr.Sid said:
What ? You can resize the widgets ? But it's pretty tricky ! Well .. why make it simple ?
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Only very few Widgets (AccuWeather) supports resizing ... maybe that's why it's so difficult to use this feature LOL
tommo123 i think the weather widget that you are talking about is not the accuweather one. the one that comes default with the phone is a widget called "News & Weather", it will display the 1x4 widget directly. keep scrolling in the widgets towards the end and u will find it.
yea tried that too. it is the accuweather one but when you stretch that with the defaul launcher it looks ok. but not using other launchers.
using fancy widget at the mo though

Seeking Full Screen Calendar Widget

Hi all,
I am really interested in a widget that covers all of a Honeycomb screen. I use Pure Grid Calendar widget on my EVO, but right now there isn't a 8x7 or whatever the full size would be.
If you know of such an app, please post!
If you're looking for such an app, please head over to the Pure Grid Idea that I posted and vote!
muzicman82 said:
Hi all,
I am really interested in a widget that covers all of a Honeycomb screen. I use Pure Grid Calendar widget on my EVO, but right now there isn't a 8x7 or whatever the full size would be.
If you know of such an app, please post!
If you're looking for such an app, please head over to the Pure Grid Idea that I posted and vote!
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Check out touch calendar:
yoda715 said:
Check out touch calendar:
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Looks similar to Pure Grid Calendar. Do you have any screenshots of this on a Honeycomb home screen? Like I said, I'm looking for a full screen widget.
yoda715 said:
Check out touch calendar:
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Not a bad widget. With a name like WIZZ, no wonder I couldn't find it.
While it functions as a large calendar widget, it lacks all of the customization and options that Pure Grid has. Hopefully they'll update with a re-sizable widget soon.
I use Touch Calendar. I added the biggest widget on one of the home screens and long pressed it as if I were going to move it or remove it. Instead of moving it, I long pressed until it flashed and then removed my finger. It remained outlined with a blue line. I was then able to drag this blue line and re-size the widget just like with ADW Launcher for example. So I re-sized to a full screen widget.
Wow. I'll give it a try.
When Spb Shell 3D comes out for tablet it has entire home screen panels for calendar, clock, weather, pictures, etc... It wont show in market yet for tablets. But you can see a demo and buy direct from them at Once you buy you will be given a download link and a serial number. You can also always get the latest version from their FAQ section.
I have used it on my Evo for 3 months and love it. Its really nice to have similar navigation and features between phone and tablet. Id post screenshots but dont have root access. So far this "experimental" SPB Mobile Shell 3D is better than VLT, Launcher Pro, and ADW all together. Its smooth, lots of packed in widgets and features, and limitless home screen panels that you can easily add/remove/switch order.
You have to use for yourself to see it and know it. =)
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
Touch Calendar looks ugly

