[Q] Waking the phone up glitch. to be concerned?! - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

every once and a while i will go to wake my phone up via power button and it takes a second and does not show my screen instead it shows gray lines and gaps so i took a screenshot of it thinking it was software but it just showed my unlock screen in the screenshot.
has anyone else had this hardware issue where the screen does not start to the unlock screen visually? next time it happens i will take a picture of it with my other device. also my phone is not rooted.


Delayed Lock Screen

With my settings set to Automatically lock (immediately after sleep) and power button instantly locks with a visible patter screen lock, my Nexus 7 on wake-up [pushing the power button immediately] either right after an invalid pattern code (where device then sleeps) or waiting a few seconds with no activity until the device sleeps (where the Nexus 7 fades to a black screen) will have a delay in bringing up the lock screen OR sort of flicker presenting some sort of black and white bar lines background at the bottom half of the screen for a split second before bringing up the lock screen. In essence, when waking the phone from sleep, the screen "glitches" for like a fraction of a second where the "glitch" is a set of white lines that flash on the screen before the lock screen appears on the display. This "rarely" occurs and has to be done fairly quickly, but I have seen it a few times as I continuously tried it over and over again; you can blame my OCD Anyway... I was wondering if this is normal or it is in fact a defect? It doesn't seem to affect the performance of the device itself.
The following are video recordings of the "issue":
http: //youtu.be/lFhr0DxhA_Q
http: //youtu.be/yTmrWgBoAjQ
Does this happen for anyone else?
Thanks in advance!
Praesidium said:
With my settings set to Automatically lock (immediately after sleep) and power button instantly locks with a visible patter screen lock, my Nexus 7 on wake-up [pushing the power button immediately] either right after an invalid pattern code (where device then sleeps) or waiting a few seconds with no activity until the device sleeps (where the Nexus 7 fades to a black screen) will have a delay in bringing up the lock screen OR sort of flicker presenting some sort of black and white bar lines background at the bottom half of the screen for a split second before bringing up the lock screen. In essence, when waking the phone from sleep, the screen "glitches" for like a fraction of a second where the "glitch" is a set of white lines that flash on the screen before the lock screen appears on the display. This "rarely" occurs and has to be done fairly quickly, but I have seen it a few times as I continuously tried it over and over again; you can blame my OCD Anyway... I was wondering if this is normal or it is in fact a defect? It doesn't seem to affect the performance of the device itself.
The following are video recordings of the "issue":
http: //youtu.be/lFhr0DxhA_Q
http: //youtu.be/yTmrWgBoAjQ
Does this happen for anyone else?
Thanks in advance!
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Phone Unresponsive after camera app is open by double click

After I have opened the camera app with double click I am not sure what I click on as I am trying to handle to phone to take picture a blue line appears scanning the phone which starts form top to bottom and then bottom to top and the phone becomes totally unresponsive. You cant unlock the phone and you cant take any incoming calls etc.
Not sure what happens after 30 minutes or so when you double click the phone then it goes back into the camera app and after you take a photo it works. If you don't take a photo and click back button the blue line starts scanning again and phone will become unresponsive.
Ntt sure what this is.
Phone SM-G9287.
I found what is happening.I have lock pattern setup to unlock teh device.Now when i double tap the home button it goes into camera app and then suddenly the blue line appears whcih moves top to button and bottom to top as if it is scanning.The phone will become unresponsive as i mentioned above i.e touch screen wont work but u can still take photos using up and down volume button but not by touching on the screen.
To overcome this you have to press back button and then press the hoem key 3 times and the touch scren becomes active again and hence now if you draw the lock pattern the phone will recognize it and unlock the device and it works normally.
Not sure this is a bug or not but very confusing.Can anyone try teh same if you ahve SM-G9287 phone and confirm if you are also seeing the same.
phone freezes up when utilizing camera, Touchscreen becomes unresponsive.
I experiance the same but My phone is loked whith fingerprint sensor.
My 10 day old phone freezes up when utilizing camera (activatd with double touch of home button. Touchscreen becomes unresponsive.
Nothing can be done to get it working.
Tried every hardware button, which seem to work as designed.
the solution Vravik mentions does not work with me.
Only working option i can manage to do software reboot the phone with power button combined whith volume down key.
but after booting the screen is still unresponsive. see:
I was advised to do a factory reset and just after starting up the phone again and register myself the screen froze up again.
Does any one have a clue on this
I have noticed this issue as well
I have noticed this issue as well. But after doing a full reset and latest software update, I didn't notice this
vravik said:
After I have opened the camera app with double click I am not sure what I click on as I am trying to handle to phone to take picture a blue line appears scanning the phone which starts form top to bottom and then bottom to top and the phone becomes totally unresponsive. You cant unlock the phone and you cant take any incoming calls etc.
Not sure what happens after 30 minutes or so when you double click the phone then it goes back into the camera app and after you take a photo it works. If you don't take a photo and click back button the blue line starts scanning again and phone will become unresponsive.
Ntt sure what this is.
Phone SM-G9287.
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Please Help! Broken screen

So I managed to drop my phone a couple of weeks ago and crack the screen. The screen itself has remained fully functional despite a couple of purple lines down it and progressively worse flickering. It;s gradually started becoming more unresponsive and tonight it seems to have had enough. The stay on screen still display the time and if I press the lock key it will show me my lock screen and my notifications, I can swipe and remove these and if drag them down to read them further.
However, when I actually unlock my phone to go to my home screen, the phone screen goes black - I know the phone has unlocked because I can hear the sound effects when I press apps but everything remains black and I can't get the screen to come alive again until I lock the phone. If I double tap the home button, it will quick launch my camera and that works. So essentially the screen still works but won't show me my home screen or any apps (apart from camera), it's essentially blacked out until I lock it again.
I'm getting it repaired but am not able to do so for a few days. Any ideas how I can bring the screen back to life when I unlock the phone? I tried restarting a few times, leaving it turned off for a while and emergency mode - none of which worked.

Lock Screen won't turn off

Hi there. I'm currently having an issue with my S7 edge where the lock screen won't turn off after some time. The screen does turn off when I'm using the phone normally from the main screen after some time passes but it's just the lock screen I have issues with.
Whenever I charge my phone or just hit the power button once to see notifications on the lock screen, it'll just stay like that until the same time the main screen timeout configured time passes (5 minutes) and this is getting annoying and somewhat draining a little bit more of my battery. Previously it was working fine and the lock screen would turn off after around 10 seconds or so.
Has anyone faced any similar issues with their phones? I haven't tried a factory reset yet but I'd want that to be a last resort.
Clear Background apps.
It happens when you left some games or apps by pressing home button but it keeps running. Hope they will fix this soon.
Have you tried pressing that little button on the right side of the phone? That usually helps.
Yeah...I already tried that with no luck. Even tried uninstalling some recent apps in case one of them was cause but it didn't work either. Any other suggestions?
The issue isn't with turning the phone screen off by pressing the power button, it's the lock screen itself not turning off after a few seconds when it usually does.
I'm having the same problem, had good lock installed thought that may have been the problem but after uninstalling that I'm still having the same problem with samsungs oem lock screen. I too would like an answer or fix for this. also to note, in developer options the stay awake is off and no apps running in the background.
I am having this problem now also. The screen will lock, but the display stays on but dimmed. I can tap the screen and it will get bright. Now I must click the side button every time I set my phone down or the screen will drain the battery.
I'm facing exactly the same issue. When the screen is locked, it stays on for the same time confirmed to when its unlocked. For example, 1 minute, instead of 10-15 seconds.
Any workaround discovered for this?
Did anyone find a solution to this problem?
I thought that I might've been the only one! This problem only appeared on my phone after the Nougat update, and it's extremely annoying as I rely on notifications waking the screen for my main messaging app.
joelnet said:
I am having this problem now also. The screen will lock, but the display stays on but dimmed. I can tap the screen and it will get bright. Now I must click the side button every time I set my phone down or the screen will drain the battery.
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Hello, I am having the same issue in my Redmi note 11 pro plus Phone. In my case The screen will lock but display stays on with dimmed light. Usually it is not visible during day, but in dark room its visible. And it stays the same way whole night. And battery is fully drained and phone is turned off. Is there a solution for this??

Lockscreen acting stupid

yesterday I dropped my GS7E, it wasn't much of a high but the ground was pretty hard. My hardglass screen protector shattered a little but not really much, just the bottom corners of the screen protector got hurt.
Since then, my phone is not waking the screen up the first time I press the power button to unlock the phone. It its waking up but the screen stays black, I can unlock it by fingerprint while the screen is black and even take photos or open any app. I also feel the vibration.
So to fix it and actually get into the phone with screen on I have to lock and unlock it again. If I lock the phone after using it normally, it would work the normal way after unlocking it right again. But if I waited some time and I try unlocking, the screen would just stay black for the first attempt of unlocking.
Isnt that weird? xD
Just wanted to share that and maybe someone even got a permanent fix for that
What happens if you turn it on with the home button instead of the power button?
It wakes up the screen like it would normally do, but the first time I presss it, the screen stays black and I have to lock it again and then I can wake up the screen with home button.
Forgot to mention that.
Probably no solution to that I guess?
If I were u I reflash the firmware. Dont know if that fix it but i would give a try, u got nothing to loose

