[Q] can't access Internet - Nook Touch General

Hi, my provider has migrated from PPPoE to DHCP and now I can connect to Internet alright but cannot go anywhere - none of the browsers (Opera Mobile and UC Browser) can load any page of any site. Is there any workaround - I've tried to uninstall and re-install both browsers to no avail, tried to go to to do some setup steps as I did with a Big Brother (PC) and failed to load one of the consecutive pages? All other devices (Notebook, Samsung Galaxy SIII) in my home work fine, they just "grabbed" the Internet without any intervention from my part, only NSTs (mine and my son's) refuse to work with DHCP. NST FW 1.2.1, rooted, multitouch, NoRefresh_update, FastMode2, NookTouchTools, kernel 166.
Update - 29.04.2013 10:00 - Today I've brought my NST to my work and WiFi works fine, can load any page in Internet. Will try to contact with my provider's customers support.
Update: - 29.04.2013 20:30 - Home - My Big Brother's IP address is and NST's is


Telscan Web Server and Pocket PC

Hi All.
I have a Telscan Web Server running on my home network monitoring various rooms within my home.
I access it via the web by using port forwarding via a DYNDNS web address to my interneal network address.
However everytime I access the page via my M5000 and my Dads HTC Tytn we both get the same error message that versions higher than 5.5 for IE need to be installed.
Any ideas how to get this working on my phone.
Below is a link to Seimens sample test site
This gives exactly the same errors.
However I have tried using Netfront, Opera and PIE Plus none of which have helped despite various configuration changes including telling the software to pretend to be desktop IE versions.
Any ideas appriciated.

Cannot access live.com domain from IE or Opera (Samsund i780 WM6.1)

I can't access any site on the live.com domain from either Pocket IE or Opera. I have tried with all connection types. All other Internet apps work fine and I can access all other Internet sites without a problem from either IE or Opera.
I can access the sites via Opera Mini, but I don't want to use Opera Mini.
I have no problem accessing Windows Live Messenger/Hotmail via the Windows Live stand alone app and can sync over all connection types (WiFi, GPRS, USB).
I just get regular 'network problem' type message as if I've typed in an invalid address. I have tried all variants of the addresses, e.g. m.calendar.live.com, home.live.com, mobile.live.com, etc. I can't access the regular .live.com or the mobile-specific addresses.
Any ideas?
solved...i suppose
I solved this problem by flashing the newer PMSHL1 ROM. Now everything seems to be working perfectly...though I can't test GPS until I'm out of the city centre at work.
Even Windows Live works without using a hacked version, and Windows Live Search app works as well.

problem with vpn, strange behaviour, xperia

Hi there!
I'm using a xperia X1 with the latest firmware version installed which SE released.
I also use spb mobileshell 3.0 ; active sync via exchange(over SSL, not VPN); palringo; Xperiatweak; TaskFacade; G-Alarm; Skype;WM6 Remote Desktop;.net vnc viewer;
My provider is o2 and I live in germany.
I'd like to use a pptp vpn connection to get connection to several services in my network. I already used it with my xda-mini-s and my orbit2, never had serious problems. Sometimes it took a few soft-resets until i got it working... but now...
I set up my connection as I always did,
@preferences->connections->add vpn-server ;
after adding the server i specified a couple of exeptions for my network-> reboot. -done-
But this time it won't connect automatically, it doesn't react when i type in a ip/name which is defined in the exeptions. (usually it is attempting to connect to my vpn server...)
I can navigate to the preferences->connections-> edit vpn-server and connect manually. It establishes a connection successfully and i can use e.g. rdp.
I can't figure out why its not connecting automatically.
I entered the exeptions like I always did.
(e.g. or domaincontroller.domain.local -> a wildcard is added automatically to the entrys -> listed like this:*)
I would be very happy if anybody could help!
Best regards, and have a nice day.
found out something new
Hi there!
It's just a question which Software I use.
For example, I always used rdp over vpn.
So I tested if its opening the tunnel if i try to connect to one of my desktops via remotedesktop, and its not.
(on the "old" phone, rdp was included from stock, on xperia i had to install it)
I tested connecting over a java irc app, which is also not working.
If I use e.g. Opera to connect to a website (e.g. owa) over a local ip, its successfully establishing the connection and i could log in.
I need it to work with, rdp, vnc and irc!
Shouldn't the phone recognize that I try to connect to a url/ip wich is located in my LAN whatever wich software is used?
Have a nice sunday.
Win**** -- Did you ever find a solution/explanation for this?
I used to use a vpn for activesync, and activesync always automatically invoked the vpn connection...so I took that for granted...but today I've been using the WM6 Remote Desktop client, and like you, I can't believe that the recognition of url "exceptions" is useless for this app.
BTW, I would have been happy if I could just create a convenient shortcut to start the connection manually, but I've been all up and down the Web, and apparently there's no way to do that, either. mad, indeed.
i have a similar issue, my phone connets and after 20 secs it drops the VPN

Can't Access Secure Sites Through T-Mobile

Just bought my TD2, and overall happy with it... I started testing it out and noticed that the browser cannot access any secure sites (including but not limited to: ANY webmail like Yahoo or Gmail, school login, or internet banking site).
I am a T-Mobile UK contract user (Flext). When I first turned on the phone I let it automatically configure for internet use. For general browsing that worked fine, but wouldn't let me access the sites mentioned above.
I called T-Mobile and, though they tried to be helpful, never figured out the problem. I know this is not a general T-Mobile issue because I was able to access these sites on my older phone, and I know it's not a browser issue because when connected through Wi-Fi (to my home network) it's perfectly fine.
So - if anybody has had or heard of this issue before, please help! There must be SOME setting or option that I'm missing, that prevents me from accessing secure sites!
I have the standard ROM, which includes Opera 9.5 build 16277, and Internet Explorer (of indeterminate version). Both browsers have this issue, in different ways: Internet Explorer claims the website doesn't exist:
"Cannot find 'http://mail.google.com/mail/x/?source=mobileproducts&dc=gorganic'. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct."
Opera 9.5 does one better and crashes: "We're Sorry... A problem has occurred with Opera9.exe"... followed by the option to send an error report to Microsoft.
As I said before it's NOT a browser problem because when connected to my home Wi-Fi network, both browsers work fine in secure sites.
Any help would be appreciated.
The T-Mobile auto configuration puts an entry under Proxy Servers which you need to remove (go to "Settings, All Settings, Connections, Connections, T-Mobile Internet, Manage Existing Connections, Proxy Settings" and check "connect direct to the internet"). Your problems should now go away and Opera shouldn't crash any more (you may need to soft reset before this takes effect).
Thank you Pete... I can't believe it was that simple, but it worked! Funny thing is, I could have sworn that option was checked off previously. But I did it again, and soft reboot, and now I can access any site I damn well please!
I'll let the guys at T-Mobile know in case some other poor guy has the same issue.

Hero, OpenVPN, StrongVPN and the Big China Mistery

Well I searched the forums all over the interweb for a week now, and did not find an answer so I post.
I live in China and as part of the Expat Survival Kit I run an OpenVPN service to solve my facebooktwitteryoutoube problems. The provider is strongvpn.com, or other name reliablehosting.com - reliable, they are, and responsive and helpful and everything.
The VPN uses a San Francisco server, so anytime I fire it up on my PC, I have a USA IP, and can access Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Pandora et al. Bingo.
I struggled days to hack this connection on my Hero, and finally managed, it works, it connects. Apparently.
Now here is the hick:
- I connect on the Hero with TunnelDroid, using my original StrongVPN config file. It takes some time, but usually connects, either WiFi and Edge.
- I check my external IP, it's the good old Frisco one, I seem good to go
- I can surf sites like e.g. Amnesty International, impossible without VPN. I can use Pandora, so definitely I have US IP. Eventually if there is an embedded Youtube vid somewhere, I even can see and try to start it (although it's dead slow)!
- But, none of the social integration features work. I can not log in into twitter, facebook etc, and when I try to visit those sites with the browser, I have the same result as without VPN, nada. Timeout, service unavailable, technical problem, you name it
Now, if there is any developer / network or VPN expert / GFW operator / Google guru around... I really want to understand exactly what the problem can be - that would help some fellow Hero owners here in China
I changed the "hosts" file that I found on some forums... I tried to boost the process with some web proxy... Tried everything - nothing works.
How is it possible that I'm behind a VPN, I have American IP reported by any software you can imagine, and still I'm blocked, while everything works fine on the PC with the same VPN connection???
I can live without these apps and sites on my Hero...but can not live without finding out the truth
Ok,if you're hard to read Chinese...
Use a OpenDNS address or Google Public DNS address instead of ISP's,All of those DNS server are GFWed.They'll reply a fake ip address of Youtube.
Not working
I tried this way, but still no result.
How can ANY filter get through an 1024-bit secured openVPN connection anyway????
And on the PC, the same connection works flawlessly...
Is there any routetable or something like that?a modified hosts?some ROMs will do that.
a VPN connection will route all of your data in normal,but if you set a routetable,some special URL will not pass the VPN,
check them or flash a foreign ROM instead and try again.
Good luck
AFAIK the standard Hero kernel does not come with the tun.ko driver (which is necessary to capture the outgoing traffic and redirect it to the tunnel). Did you install a custom kernel, too? E.g. newer MoDaCo images have it by default.
I did nearly everything...modified hosts. Running MoDaCo 3.0 with newest 1.9 Tekn. kernel. Installed the openvpn binaries. And the connection WORKS, just not for everything...
Anybody in China who can use the social networking features on the Hero?
Ps: the reoutetable, I don't really know where to look it for...
I don't know the answer, but you can debug it yourself with a computer and wireless access point:
Hero <--wifi--> AP <--ethernet--> Computer running packet sniffer <--Internet-->
A few comments:
Don't consider Pandora as proof of a US IP. Better check on a website that gives actual info about your location.
The comments about OpenDNS and hosts files are helpful, but both assume that the wrong IPs are not already cached somewhere. Make sure all caches (DNS, browser, etc.) are flushed.
The easiest way to find out if the DNS is the problem is to do a ping to youtube.com and see if the IP range really belongs to Google or of it's a random IP elsewhere. You can use a 'whois' command or website to figure out who the IP belongs to.
Please note that OpenVPN does not encrypt at 1024-bit. 1024-bit is just the initial key length, which is unrelated to the 128-bit or 256-bit of the actual tunnel.
Btw, you don't necessarily need to use OpenVPN. Lighter protocols like PPTP and L2TP may perform better on a phone. China Unicom works well with both. China Telecom works fine with L2TP.
Greetings from Shenzhen.
open VPN
not sure if this thread is still alive but i give it a try...
I' currently running elelinux 2.4 with [email protected] on my HTC hero and have trouble connecting to a friends VPN.
the VPN server is in Germany and it works well for my friend, who is also hosting the server. however when i try to connect the server records following:
read UDPv4 [ECONNREFUSED]: Connection refused (code=111)
and it seems that my phone is refusing the connection to the server...
any ideas?
hero.walker said:
not sure if this thread is still alive but i give it a try...
I' currently running elelinux 2.4 with [email protected] on my HTC hero and have trouble connecting to a friends VPN.
the VPN server is in Germany and it works well for my friend, who is also hosting the server. however when i try to connect the server records following:
read UDPv4 [ECONNREFUSED]: Connection refused (code=111)
and it seems that my phone is refusing the connection to the server...
any ideas?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hi there , I don't use elelinux 2.4, but i encountered an same error with CM 7 nightly build, and I believe that is an issue of the kernel you are using for the kernel have some problem with the tun.ko moduel , here is the thread ( read from page 42 ) :
sorry , i haven't get the permission to post url here yet .
thanks for the link! seem like it does not work with my current kernel, will fash the flykernel from elelinux and try again.

