I have updated my Huawei Ideos X5 Pro to official ICS. But now the amount of free Ram stays in between 10-40 mb out of 350 mb (approx.) available. Before update the amount of free Ram was between 100-150 mb on Gingerbread. The phone hangs constantly due to low ram.
Any Suggestions Please!
Whats the sweet spot for the amount of free ram and free phone storage meomry needed for smooth operations??
my phone has like phone storage memo 52 mb free and free ram in phone is like 70 mb on startup and 45 - 50 mb after few hrs usage..
I really want to install another app which ll take like 5-8 mb ram while it's running, which leaves like 40 mb free ram for other apps!!!
Is 40 mb free ram enougfh for smooth rumming of fone?? (music, videos, opera, and ebooks )
oh, I wish to have so much free RAM
I think 40MB is enough, under the condition, that You will not turn on all these apps simultaneously.
Ah thanks
I ll run only one of em at a time
I am using Eray (from Android market) on my Hero, and it tell my that i only have 165 MB Ram (internal memory) on my Hero. In the specs it say 288 MB Ram.. "Eray" shows both how many Ram i have left and how many i have all in all on the phone.
Can it be true, that i only have 165 MB Ram??
Can someone please check if they have the same amount of Ram???
mine is 165 too
288 - (everything the OS consumes to run) = the free RAM available for you
I recently bought a X5 U8800, and downloaded from the market an app to test the hardware, and it says that i only have 354 mb of RAM instead of the 512mb that the Huawei says, is this a problem of my device? where did my ram go ??
thank you in advance
I am unsure of this myself, though sometimes I see total ram of 512Mb - I do not why, but it probably shuts down ram dynamicaly by use, same way as clocking CPU.
I may be talking stuff out of my donkey with this, just something I think is happening as newbie user.
About 100mb is allocated to GPU. I don't know the rest.
Sent from my U8800
Im sorry, but it says total memory 354, that doesn't make sense... if wath you say its true, other phones like Samsung Galaxy W, should say that it has 354 mb total too... am i right?
About 100mb goes to the GPU and the rest to the system
So where is the rest? U8800 has 512 mb. With barely nothing running... most tasks killed I have only 140 mb free to use so most games just crash. Running aurora rom.
I remember.
The system uses a lot of ram but 140mb sounds kind of low.
The rest is reserved for the GPU.
What is the amount of free RAM you guys have on oreo?
I'm at around 2.5 GB free, about same as before.