XXLSC Rom with Chinese Traditional input/language? - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 General

Need a XXLSC rom with Chinese traditional input and launguage..preferably one of the latest with multiple DPI and multi-windows.
Unfortunately, most devs dont include anymore the languages supported in roms.. and dont have the bandwith to download and try them all.
If anyone can point me to a rom that supports the above.. Id be might appreciative:fingers-crossed:

May be I misread your question. However, I think you just can download one of the Chinese input apps from the market. They will run on almost (even customized) ROM. I use google pinyin.
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RbbCHan said:
May be I misread your question. However, I think you just can download one of the Chinese input apps from the market. They will run on almost (even customized) ROM. I use google pinyin.
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There are some mod like this if you really want stock keyboard, but I feel like using go keyboard instead.
The GN stock chinese input is not as good as GN2 stock chinese.

Have you tried Google Pinyin IME? It supports Pinyin, handwriting, or stroke for both traditional AND simplified input. It's actually really responsive. It switches between Chinese and English keyboard from one press. I think you should give it a try!


Swedish keyboard

I flashed Modacos and ofcourse i lost the swedish keys in samsung keyboard. Can anyone help me? Is there an apk.out there with the language for the keboard?
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Never mind i found the scandinavia keyboard thing in market, its not perfekt but i guess it will be good enuff.
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I downloaded the honeycomb keyboard from market which supports swedish layout - dictionary is not included though...

Stock android keyboard

I need the stock android keyboard, the grey one. Thanks.
I was trying to install one of those gingerbread keyboards ansd it didn't work, so the normal one would be great!
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Search the market. Try some out.
Google korean ime keyboard....its in the market. Looks just like gingerbread. That's my default

[Q] Which is the best phone-keyboard for wildfire?

I am using wildfire with cyanogenmod7, great rom but with no-phone keyboard (the one with 12 buttons).
I tried the market but I couldnot find anything. Any suggestions?
Try Swype.
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I use the swype .try it
thanks! HTC IME of this link:
did the trick after adjusting language using these instructions:
I'm using the gingerbread keyboard on my stock froyo ( can be found in the market). Realy like the look and the feel of it.
There is also a free app here on xda wich does more or less the same (same look and feeling). I'm using the xda app now so I can't give a link, but just search for "gingerbread android keyboard, no root required" in the "general android development'. If you cant find it due to my poor english and discription just let me know and I will look up the correct link.
wow...swype rocks too! I installed it from here:
Very smooth but only with qwuerty :/
Even thought its is very accurate
swype is good,
but i want to type chinese

[Q]Better than Swype?

I just want to know is there any keyboard which is better than Swype in matter of recognition and word deletion/correction?
ICS keyboard is the best one I've seen so far for android, as I'm a really fast typer coming from IOS (vest keyboard over all), I installed ICS keyboard from the play store and set the auto correct to aggressive so as I type every few words my eyes just look to the screen to see if the keyboard auto correct wrong any words then I correct it manually or just continue talking.
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fabu09 said:
ICS keyboard is the best one I've seen so far for android, as I'm a really fast typer coming from IOS (vest keyboard over all), I installed ICS keyboard from the play store and set the auto correct to aggressive so as I type every few words my eyes just look to the screen to see if the keyboard auto correct wrong any words then I correct it manually or just continue talking.
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I beg your pardon but ICS Keyboard doesn't support Swype/Swipe input.
SwiftKey 3, is good.
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Djoudi said:
SwiftKey 3, is good.
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Swiftkey is da best!
+1 for swiftkey
Swiftkey 3
Swiftkey or swype
SwiftKey 3 rocks
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Swiftkey 3 has the best word prediction and correction that I've seen.
But the current Swype beta is close to it.
Both will get better the longer you use them
I can enter in text faster using Swype beta than Swiftkey.
Even faster again if I use the S Pen.
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Swift key is one of the best in terms of prediction. But sometimes I find it a bit laggy.
I'd liked Swift Key 3 but it does not support swyping input on keyboard guys.
I liked the way it recognizes and corrects words.
I used to love Ultra Keyboard...but it doesn't work properly now on ICS....gets force closes...
I prefer Swiftkey 3. My flatmate prefers swype.
Pretty much everyone I know uses either swiftkey or swype.
new swype beta also has word prediction.
I have found that the standard ICS keyboard is best primarily, in addition to it being very accurate, It allows for speech recognition where you do not have to speak all at once- you can take breaks between words without any problem, whereas swype does not. Be sure to enble personalized recognition in settings as it does not do this manually. IT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE AND I DONT EVEN HAVE A WEIRD ACCENT.
SandeepEmekar said:
I beg your pardon but ICS Keyboard doesn't support Swype/Swipe input.
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I meant alternative keyboard other than swipe, I never did get used to swype, but that's just my opinion.
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fabu09 said:
ICS keyboard is the best one I've seen so far for android, as I'm a really fast typer coming from IOS (vest keyboard over all), I installed ICS keyboard from the play store and set the auto correct to aggressive so as I type every few words my eyes just look to the screen to see if the keyboard auto correct wrong any words then I correct it manually or just continue talking.
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Can you put a link on the post because there are a few there on the play store. XD thanks. Hehe.
-Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note.
+1 for Swiftkey.
Facemeat said:
+1 for Swiftkey.
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+1 great keyboard
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After so much suggestions towards "Swift Key 3", I am on it now.
I'll try to get used to it.
But I am now really fast with "Swype".
Don't know which to use for a long time yet.

what KEYBOARD are you using?

guys i just want to ask which keyboard is better the samsung or the google keyboard? or are there any other keyboard better than those 2?
also is it possible to integrate emoji on these 2 keyboards?
darkilong said:
guys i just want to ask which keyboard is better the samsung or the google keyboard? or are there any other keyboard better than those 2?
also is it possible to integrate emoji on these 2 keyboards?
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Swift key is one of the best and fast too try that
I use google pinyin keyboard:laugh: it feel very smooth.
SwiftKey x is definitely the best IMHO. It supports 3 languages at the same time
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vibraloop said:
SwiftKey x is definitely the best IMHO. It supports 3 languages at the same time
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I`am using Swype (paid version), also have Swiftkey on the phone but haven`t used it anymore since Swype.
thanks for the input, will try those you mentioned
