Windows 8 boot anim - Windows 8 General

While testing the windows enterprise i found that boot anim is a bit shattered???
Is it the same in pro versions???

It is just a static windows logo with spinning dots. I don't know what could be "shattered" about that...

I know right... What exactly do you mean by Shattered? It's really really simple, I like it.

I think he means the space between the 4 small rectangles....
Thread Closed


[Q] Load script each time Windows Mobile boots

I know alot of mortscript. Now, i want to have a Splash screen come up (a JPG or a PNG) to cover up Windows mobile and say "Loading Android" while the script is working.
I want it to do everything behind the scenes, before Windows Mobile fully boots up.
It's gotta be possible, but i would like to know how
Haï ...
You mean changing the welcomehead.192? Or u can create a mortscript with sleep message and add it to startup.... so it will show ur message at every start up ....
Have you looked at gen.y dualboot? I think it does something similar.
i know but it requires user interaction. I want it hardcoded in so i can run a script before windows mobile fully loades (the gui). (kind of like the runcc) except on every boot.

Windows 3.1

I wasn't sure where to put this but oh well, if it shouldn't be here a mod can move it
Anyway I just wanted to say, I managed to install windows 3.1 on my tab through dosbox with the original windows setup files. There isn't much use for it but it works fine and can install old dos games. I am going to try the same process for windows 95, now that would be cool. I read it has been done on android. But will have to see after I extract the win 95 setup files.
Also if anybody asks the question what is the point of doing that?
The answer is because I can and I want to ;-)
Cool. I'd like to see XP installed if at all possible after you attempt 95 (and succeed at it) .
Xp would be impossible really. Not by any meens I am aware of anyway. Pretty sure I can get 95 working. Still trying to find a working win95 image. All the .img files I have tried are missing the boot file. I am about to start looking again Also win 98 may be possible, sombody managed to boot it on another android device (can't remember what it was) but it was so laggy it was un useable but with the tab 10.1's power maybe it could work. Don't know though, it wasn't run through dosbox anyway.
Well done. It would have been slightly more impressive if you managed to install it off original floppies!
beta546 said:
Xp would be impossible really. Not by any meens I am aware of anyway. Pretty sure I can get 95 working. Still trying to find a working win95 image. All the .img files I have tried are missing the boot file. I am about to start looking again Also win 98 may be possible, sombody managed to boot it on another android device (can't remember what it was) but it was so laggy it was un useable but with the tab 10.1's power maybe it could work. Don't know though, it wasn't run through dosbox anyway.
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It was a Samsung Moment, oddly enough, if I remember right.
Not sure. It has been done on nokias n900, psp and ps3. I have managed to get win 95 working on my tab but all from an image and not with dosbox so can't access my own files like I can on win 3.1. I also got windows 3.11 going in dos box wich is a bit better than 3.1 with a few improvements. For 95 I used files for another android phone and it uses libsdl to load the image of 95, but like I say that way I can't access my sd card through 95, but if I get it going in dosbox my sd is mounted as the hdd. I think I can extract the image and add things too it like game files and stuff. If anybody wants to run 3.11 or 95 on there tab I can post links and files but just so you know %95 of it is other people's work, I just got it going on the tab, 3.11 was a bit harder as it wouldnt boot on it's own in dos box so had to merge the 3.11 windows folder with my 3.1 folder and then it worked Installing 3.1 was crazy cos it takes you though the old windows install just like a pc and installs the windows folder on sd then you boot from that in dosbox using the file. Anyway it's just a bit of fun and it's keeping me occupied so if anybody wants to play around I can tell you how. Don't know if I can post windows files here though, anybody know the score on that? I am pretty sure 3.1 and 95 are considderd abandonware as it would be impossible to purchase them from microsoft, I had bough them many years ago so technically I own the license to them so can download them legally
I had Win98 (I think) running on my Nexus One, it's a fun gimick.
Would be better on the GTab.
Yeah 95 and 98 will work fine just dosbox can't mount the sd as a drive when using the boot cmd so nothing can be installed unless I can unpack the .img file and add stuff, still haven't got to my computer yet to try 3.1 is fully functional as it runs inside dos box , the sd is mounted as the file system so you can navigate through windows to install old dos games and 3.1 apps
GalaxyNinja said:
Well done. It would have been slightly more impressive if you managed to install it off original floppies!
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Difficult seeing the lack of a 3.5 floppy drive on the tab!
Anyway the floppies didn't contain windows, just the boot files and drivers to use the cd rom.
Content redacted.
Have a nice day.
BoulderGeek said:
I used to have to install Windows 3.1 and office with a pile of 80 floppy disks.
I think of Win3.1 as only slightly less attractive than those partial birth abortion posters the clinic bombers harass people with. That kruft needs to stay dead and buried.
Kudos for the technical chops, but I want all Windows zombies to die harsh deaths.
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Lol. Nice image. But if you ain't got anything interesting to post then don't bother. So what if 3.1 and 95 are old and crappy. That's not the point. The point is Android lets us do so much stuff and it is always good to find out what our devices can do. *****ing and slagging somthing off is just stupid. The whole idea od these forums is so people can stretch the linits of of there phones and tablets. Yes running 3.1 isn't exactly stretching the 10.1's power but being able to install and run windows on android is pretty crazy. I only started this thread to tell people about it. It was just a little project for me cos wanted to play some of the ganes I did when I was young.
Not interested in starting an argument but nobody wants to see comments like that!
Edited due to an inability to communicate my original intent.
Good for you.
BoulderGeek said:
Edited due to an inability to communicate my original intent.
Good for you.
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No point trying to sound clever after talking about aborted babys like that!
beta546 said:
No point trying to sound clever after talking about aborted babys like that!
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Stfu, troll. You should be aborted. your inability to read disqualifies you.
Eat a bowl of dicks.
Posted from a BAMF 'Bolt running Skyraider Zeus.
Originally Posted by BoulderGeek
I used to have to install Windows 3.1 and office with a pile of 80 floppy disks.
I think of Win3.1 as only slightly less attractive than those partial birth abortion posters the clinic bombers harass people with. That kruft needs to stay dead and buried.
Kudos for the technical chops, but I want all Windows zombies to die harsh deaths.
Which part of that have I misunderstood?!?!

[ PETITION ] Add an option to let us choose Metro Interface or not [ SIGN IT ]

Hi there people,
I've started a petition in hopping that Microsoft listen to it.
Let me be clear about it:
I am not asking to neutralize Metro, as I understand it is the only way to have a proper Windows, fully funtional, into a Touch device, such tablets or laptops.
I am only asking to let us decide if we want Metro activated or not in Desktop PCs. Today's world is made of decisions. Let us decide on our own what we want.
We will all have the same Kernel, same core and same quality and performance, and being able to choose interface, will add the best experience for each one of us: the one we trully want.
Please sign the petition, and make it reach Microsoft.
Thank u very much.
PS: I couldn' find Microsoft e-mail from Redmond or similar, if anyone has it, please PM me, and I'll add it to the petition.
Thanks. I've tried the Consumer Preview and couldn't agree more. Signed.
nodjack said:
Thanks. I've tried the Consumer Preview and couldn't agree more. Signed.
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Little by Little, lets change it and improve Windows! thanks!
If you can't accept Metro then stay with Windows 7, simple as that. Support for Win7 has been extended till 2020 so there is no need to move on to Windows 8 if you don't like its interface.
I am not against Metro, I like it, but against HOW they implemented it for desktop PCs. For tablets and netbooks or smaller notebooks with touchscreen it's actually realy great.
The point is the missing harmony between the old styled windows desktop you are using the most time if you are at home or at work and the new Metro UI, espacily the switching between the two modes and the implemantation of elemental functions like the system settings.
It's like an interuption if you "click" start. I am not against a new type of "start menu/screen" but it should fit the design and "feeling". It should support the (desktop)user in his work. In the current way this is not possible. The Metro surface allows to pin this realy nice live tiles (I realy like them!)... but if I push the start button I want to start a new application to do some work.
Ok, I can pin my favourite applications on the screen like I did with Windows 7 by pinning my mostly used programs to the start screen. But some applications I am using are changing by time so i enjoy the feature of the dynamical menu entries of frequently used programs like in vista and 7. If I want the same quick program launch on Metro I have to pin a lot of tiles to the screen and the live tiles become obsolete because they are somewhere right out of the screen.
They could have done it so much better...
the best way (in my oppinion) for desktops would have been to
a) chose between metro on - metro off
b)go much further:
1. consistent design (colors, icons, fonts,...)
2. pin live tiles on the desktop (like on metro start screen, maybe with a smaller size) or the taskbar (only with the notification, no messages, like it's done on MacOS or the IE9)
3. run Metro styled apps in a new kind of window including the buttons from the charmbar (share, search, settings). so all this "swiping" (with a mouse!) is not necesary but you get some kind of consistence between the usability of tablets, deskopts, and phone but keep the simple task management from windows.
4. a start menu mix between the old one and the search dialog from Metro.
Hm... just noticed my english sucks to express my rage about win 8 xD
Maybe I should run Photoshop and make some concepts how it should look
morpheuszg said:
If you can't accept Metro then stay with Windows 7, simple as that. Support for Win7 has been extended till 2020 so there is no need to move on to Windows 8 if you don't like its interface.
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Is it so hard to add an option to get both interfaces ? Just to keep everybody happy and updated.
I don't think so.
I like the new kernel, about a 25% smaller, very fast and better working. I don't wanna miss that, but I am totally against buying a new Touch Monitor only for using Win 8.
That's too much for me. And if u take a look over some forums, we are many who think the same.
plus there are some nice new features in windows 8
Plus, I'd love to be able to sync between Win 8 without Metro on my desktop and Win 8 on my future tablet with Metro.
So yeah, staying on Windows 7 is a poor solution. me, this won't make any difference. Half of the internet doesn't like Metro (myself included).
Microsoft know this...they are aware of what people are saying, but they won't change it.
the_scotsman said:
Microsoft know this...they are aware of what people are saying, but they won't change it.
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Well, I (and others) will vote with my wallet. Hopefully Microsoft will change it for win9. I don't see how win8 is better than win7. Anything new is metro related, which is useless for desktop.
P. S.
I switched to Kubuntu on one of my computers already. It has all I need.
I find Windows 8 is boooting up and running faster than Windows 7.
There is a lot more than just Metro that's changed. The kernel has been improved for one thing.
Yeah.. Voting with my wallet sounds about right. Not digging the demo builds right now.
Microsoft has this knack for screwing the pooch on revolutionary software. Lets face it, 2002 was basically updated NT4 and XP took that and stuff that ACTUALLY work from WinME.. Not there was. Vista was the first "new" Windows in a while. And Win7 is still version 6 [dot something]. Any OS that has been successful also had decent hardware to back it up.
That being said... This is a preview build. MS have heavily inferred they are giving someyhing that is nothing like the RTM. Well for PCs at least.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
What I cannot understand is why Microsoft, in the past, launched about 10 or so versions of windows 7 ( Enterprise, Home Premium, Starter, Profesional, Ultimate, Enterprise N, Home Premium N, Profesional N, Ultimate N... etc ) and now, when they really need to add One more version with Normal Desktop added in kernel, they decide not to do it.
It's a pity, but there's going to be a lot of people staying in Win 7 or migrating to Linux or Mac.
You know Metro isnt your only option right, you can go to desktop mode as well?
I haven't tried the consumer preview, but I used the developer preview extensively, and I remember that there was a registry key you could modify and get the win7 interface back...
krapplejaxx said:
I haven't tried the consumer preview, but I used the developer preview extensively, and I remember that there was a registry key you could modify and get the win7 interface back...
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Doesn't work on the Consumer Preview. All the Windows 7 Start Menu bits have been removed from this build.
andrew2163 said:
You know Metro isnt your only option right, you can go to desktop mode as well?
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That's a white lie. When you pick desktop mode you dont get same desktop as always. You get a reduced version without stat button.
And in new desktop you get instead 4 motion-reactive corners that, for instance in some FPS games just sucks and bothers all the time.
Thats the desktop you get: a reduced, corner-active,weird version of what real desktop was.
Lie to yourself not to us.
i dont get it,
the desktop is still there , right? so why this petition.
dont like metro, dont use metro apps!
---------- Post added at 06:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:54 PM ----------
xatornet said:
That's a white lie. When you pick desktop mode you dont get same desktop as always. You get a reduced version without stat button.
And in new desktop you get instead 4 motion-reactive corners that, for instance in some FPS games just sucks and bothers all the time.
Thats the desktop you get: a reduced, corner-active,weird version of what real desktop was.
Lie to yourself not to us.
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, desktop is there, window app function like it always has , start menu is there, just lil a bit hidden and replace with metro theme. OMG you sound like whining for nothing.
dialupboy said:
desktop is there, window app function like it always has , start menu is there, just lil a bit hidden and replace with metro theme. OMG you sound like whining for nothing.
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Start menu? No. Metro is not start menu. And the petition is to ADD a selection of kind of interface, not to erase Metro. Read it first, and then start spitting your thoughts.
I do not want to have a "bit hidden and replaced" start menu. I like it as it was before, because it defined Windows as Operative System. What we are having now is a weird mixture of Windows Phone and Xbox Dashboard, which is wonderfull for Tablets, but a complete sh*t for Desktops with keyboard and mouse.
If you like metro, allright, keep it, but why not having an option to get traditional start menu? Would it be so hard to get questioned at installation whether I want it or not?
I am asking to add something more to the OS, not to erase something from it.
And if my whining bothers you, feel free to get out of this thread and visit different ones. Thanks.
have you tried using the hot key short cuts? or navigating metro by typing the app name you are looking for? I take it both are likely no. I'm telling you Metro isn't just for touch screens, a power user can navigate it quickly with no trouble, and it's a lot easier than searching through an endless list of programs in the start menu. If you want 8 and the start menu just add MS shouldn't stop trying to revolutionize the way we use computers over people who want to hold on to the old way. Touch screens are becoming increasingly more common, smart phones and tablets are changing the way people learn to interact with software, and Microsoft is headed in the direction it should be.

Taking a look at imageres.dll - Metro Backgrounds and Mobiles :)

Just been peeking at imageres.dll found in windows\system32
That's where the background pics are kept for metro , ive not been able to find the link between what we set in the settings and which background is used so we cant just add our own pictures BUT in theory, once you get around editing a system file, it should be possible to replace a background with a picture of your choosing
Something else I found interesting is the Icon packs within that file
there I found a whole bunch of MOBILE network coverage icons, some are wifi, but there are others that are clearly mobile phone related.
This is purely speculation but it does suggest that W8 will support some kind of CDMA/GSM connection which would make sense from RTs point of view but what if (and this is a curveball!) what if the reason we have yet to see RT properly or WP8 and their release dates are very similar is that they are essentially the same with some obvious UI differences.....
food for though
I think the mobile network coverage icons are for 4g windows 8 tablets, both arm and intel based, it makes sense if windows wants to compete with iOS and android
luigi90210 said:
I think the mobile network coverage icons are for 4g windows 8 tablets, both arm and intel based, it makes sense if windows wants to compete with iOS and android
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without a doubt, but when you look at them there are two versions, which if similar to WP7 tie up quite nicely.
WP7 has two backgrounds, white and black, the icons are contrasted for that as well, course it would be the same for Win RT as well but still, i wonder if RT and WP8 are the same thing, shall need to rip some more DLLs apart to see whatelse can be found

Windows 7 Theme Sound Schemes in Windows 8 - SOLVED

Hi I searched for this and I did not find this. Perhaps some ideas could be discussed, it's not just a question.
I noticed that the theme sounds have been removed in Windows 8 (though the folders are still there in the Windows folder, just empty). Yet, the seashore/sailing themes from Windows 7 maintain the sound schemes. I have tried saving these and they just disappear. I copied the Win 7 sounds into the the same location in Win 8, restart, it does nothing. The only way I've found this is by adding one sound at a time, importing, which would take forever for just one theme.
Anyone found a way?
Ok here is what to do:
1. Log in to Windows 7. Click Start, Run, regedit.
2. Go to HKEY Current User, AppEvents. Highlight AppEvents and click 'export'. I named it as Windows 7 Sounds Complete. At this point, I saved the default Win 8 sound scheme in a folder in case the regedit file nukes the Win 8 sounds.
3. Log in to Windows 8 / 8.1. Find the location of your regedit file, I saved it on the Win 7 desktop. Double click this, click yes.
Now, if you go to control panel, sounds, you will ALL the Windows 7 sound schemes there. These become present in Windows 7
themes that you use in Win 8/8.1.
I have a theme from another forum (which has been down for about a week now) which inserts cursors, and sounds, in addition to the themed GUI itself. I will try to take a look tonight and see if I can offer some helpful info.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Hi, I tried to click thanks but some strange error comes up about permissions...?? thanks anyway!
Anyone else find anything on this?
On the occasion that I boot into Win 7 for something - like now - I remember how pleasant the various sound schemes are. If we an imitate Aero, we can do this!
Solved, in first post.

