[Q] Huawei U8800 Pro back to stock rom - Huawei Ideos X5 U8800

So I have CyanogenMod-7.2.0-u8800pro=GenoModded By Moihack rom on my phone (android version 2.3.7) and I decided to back on clean stock rom. How can i do that? (i dont have backup)


[Q] u8800-51

Which rom I need to use for U8800-51 in chile?
At the moment, only stock rom =(
Yes by now (and i guess forever xD) just the stock rom.

[Q] Factory reset ?

so i wanna know if i had 2.2.2 android and i rooted it and custum kernel and custom partition and evryrhing then i installed 2.3.5 , so now if instal frest stock rom like 2.3.5 or 2.2.2 , so now should evrything revert back ? or does custum partiton stays ?

Question regarding flashing a .35 rom (Aurora)

I had installed Aurora 4.1 on my phone and I recently installed Elora (elite aurora) on my phone but the sense theme has not changed.
All I did was the 3 wipes and then installed it. Someone suggested to do also a system format. My question is, if I do it will I have to install the official gingerbread by huawei and THEN install Elora or will I be able to install Elora (a .35 rom) without problem?

[Q] I want to change stok rom for u8800-51. what to do?

can i put custom rom on stock 2.2 for u8800-51 Android 4.0.3 or later version or miui v4 or need something to do before that?
Follow it word by word..
Sent from my Impulse 4g running my CM7 release

[Q] i want to get back official thinkpad tablet rom

hey guys .....
i was installed CM10 rom using CMW recovery ... i want to get back to official ICS rom but i need the official rom and full guide to install it ...
Which tpt do you have? Did you do a nandroid backup before installing cm?

