Call sound too high HTC HD2, various android ROMs - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

I remember the boards on a mall when i get a call from someone. The upper floor had the body modifications shop named "Ear piercing" and the lower floor had a music shop named "Dolby music". It just happened that their boards were one above the other.
I am listening to some music on headphones, i get a call, answer it with the headset button, and YIKES!! the volume is maximum. even if the volume controller shows minimum, the sound is practically maximum.
it happens so that whenever i make a call, its at its maximum volume. even when not playing music.
over the past years i have used many android ROMs and have faced the same problem with many of them. few didnt.
and with years, comes wisdom (not blowing my own trumpet). I got a workaround for it on any ROM! if i change the volume level (increase or decrease) during a call, the phone then realises its mistake and goes down to the level in the volume controller.
my phone's in call volume is always set at its minimum. i get a call, pierce my ears, and turn the volume one step UP, and the volume level is acceptably low. (when the volume is minimum, lowering it doesnt work!)
i ask help to automate this workaround (a fix would be welcome, but i havent seen any coming around these past years)
could some tasker expert provide an xml or anything for this workaround to be performed automatically? (non tasker workarounds would be welcome as well)
the works to be done are:
1. when a phone call (incoming, or outgoing) is CONNECTED (not the ringing part on outgoing calls) turn the volume one step up. some milliseconds delay would ascertain that the volume goes up AFTER the call is actually connected, which is a must.
2. within the smallest fraction of time allowable (so that we dont notice it) turn the volume one step down.
results: the volume will not pierce our ears anymore, even if the volume level was minimum at call start, this trick would work.
Please throw some light, some expert.


I have a similar problem with my vzw gnex running poweramp and etymotic headphones with microphone.
If I answer an incoming call it is at complete max volume, if I long press the button on the headphones to get to "voice command" the normally pleasant android voice lady comes in at a blaring max volume as well.
Now running Jellybean OTA strait from vzw.

This issue seems to be caused by the audio firmware in use. I found a firmware blob that defaults to an in-call volume about half-way through. It doesn't remember the last volume you set, but at least you won't go deaf if you forget to press Vol Up after initiating the call.
Grab the file from this thread and either replace the htcleo.acdb file in your rom or delete the one in your rom and use the downloaded file to replace the default.acdb file (the files are located in /system/etc/firmware/). I'm currently using NexusHD2-JellyBean from this thread and this trick seems to work.
I noticed the same firmware blob is used this rom which I used previously and didn't have this high in-call volume issue.


Min Volume too load when talking on phone

When I am talking to someone on the phone and I am in a quiet room the Min. volume is too load and i have to hold the phone away from my ear. Is there a way to lower the min. volume or perhaps some kind of volume control manager?
Strange, I have the opposite problem. My max volume is too quiet. I can't really hear the caller when driving my car (even with the windows up). This isn't normally a problem since I use a bluetooth headset usually, but sometimes makes things tough.

some questions about customization...

hi there!
i just got my hd last week and i played around with it only a little with help and advise from a friend whos active here on the board...
still i have some questions about some things i was unable to solve:
1.) the sound of my phone while playing music via earplugs is way too loud. while 20% were set as default when switching the phone on in the first place, setting the volume to 1 or 2% still is too loud for me. how can i adjust the sound volume to a more "normal" level? (meaning that i can set the volume to ~5% as "hard to hear anything" and 100% as "extreme loud"). don't get me wrong. i like loud music but this is definitly too much... using the slide2play-player is sth like a workaround for this since it comes with a seperate volume controller but this isn't a real solution...
2.) how do i set the sound volume via the side-buttons in SMALL steps? like 2% per click. clicking up or down once in/decreases the volume by ~20%. this is no way to use this. especially combined with problem #1...
3.) this is nothing software-related, but i'm searching for a (wired) headset for my touch hd with a control on it to adjust the volume, control the music player (play, pause, next and last track), take and end calls. like the hpm-82 for sony-ericsson handys. important: in-ear-plugs! searched around a bit, but found nothing...
noone here with an idea?
For me was also very loud, but now i'm using WMP with which also i can adjust loudness.....But with any player and you can adjust with it....
for #1: is there a "general" volume setting (somewhere hidden in windows) i can adjust?
there are some tweaks in advanced config which help you BOOST the volume but for decreasing it i dont know. anyway about #2 it's an issue that i would like to see solved as well... i somewhat managed to sortof workaround it by invoking the menu screen with the volume hardkeys and then tapping on the desired volume level directly with finger. of course it's all but handy, still it works.

(a different) Bluetooth handsfree volume question

Guys my phones syncs nicely with my BT car handsfree.
The only issue is that it always connects any call with volume = 8 [when full volume = 16 and I pretty much to need to have the device on 16 for call clarity].
I tried messing about in the phone with the various volumes and then kept the system/ringtone linked and kept on full but same problem.
Even if I make/take a call and up the volume, for the next one it is back at 8.
When I do play with the volume I see a "volume" screen on the phone and it full.
Any idea how I can adjust this please? Only an issue with this phone. With previous phones with was always high [with ringtone volume high].

Auto-resets Bluetooth In-Call volume to a level that is really low.

When connecting my new $80 BlueAnt T1 headset, to my rooted Android phone running Bionix V with voodoo always resets the "Bluetooth In-Call volume" to a level that is really low. It seems to be dependent on the type of headset I use. On some headsets it's set to 100%, others to 0%, and others somewhere in between. During a call you can set the volume to a comfortable level with the hardware volume buttons on the phone, which persists during the same bluetooth session. However, once you disconnect and reconnect, the volume level is at it's "default" level again.
In the mornings, when I connect my bluetooth to my phone, I get a brief message "Adjusting volume for bluetooth", which denotes that there is some type of profile setting that is unique for that headset.
This problem can be very annoying when using a hands-free system for the car for example, because you always have to take your phone out of your pocket to adjust the volume, while driving. This issue creates a dangerous situation rather than preventing one. When receiving a call, I must now look at AND adjust my phone volume every time a call is accepted while I drive. The bluetooth in-call volume NEEDS a way to be set and retained, before someone is badly injured or worse.
The correct behavior should be that it stores the bluetooth in-call volume level for every bluetooth headset that is connected.
I've done some research on the internet, but it's very clear that many people are having this problem with a lots of different headsets.
It very well might be an Android problem, but that doesn't explain why I'm having this issue with the BlueAnt T1, not my other headsets.
I have a Samsung Vibrant with Android 2.2. Is anyone else having this issue?
Okay! It seems I found a workable solution (kind-of). I downloaded the free app 'Volume Locker' from the market. Volume Locker locks your sound volume levels inplace, to where if you accidentally change your levels, it puts them back in place where you locked them.
Now, what I did is I called someone using by bluetooth headset, I had to manually turned up the 'in-call bluetooth volume' then I activated the Volume Locker app.
Now, everytime I call out using my Bluetooth headset, I don't have to KEEP turning up the 'in-call bluetooth volume' that resets everytime I disconnect a call.
I hope the Android engineers who make these OS updates will recognize this BUG and develop a fix. For right now, I can use 'Volume Locker'.

[Q] Volume changes after some events

This one has been bugging me for a while and for the most part I've just worked around it (by manually triggering the bug/fix myself first).
The situation is that X1 starts off at a particular volume level, and I start listening to music via PocketPlayer though from what I can tell it happens regardless. It sounds "ok", but noticeably flat? I dunno like a mono audio file even volume turned up, although I can't confirm that. Just describing.
OK the bug - if some kind of event happens, the volume suddenly jumps up, without actually changing the setting. So I'll be listening to music and if one of the following occurs:
1. receive or send an SMS/MMS
2. I toggle the phone function, i.e. turn off phone radio. when I turn it back on the volume doesn't change
the volume jumps up, and I have to say the music sounds much better. On the flip side, when the phone happens to ring, it's loud as hell, distorts like hell and annoys everyone in the process. The ringtone volume just sounds over-the-top.
Now I'm pretty sure it's not the music player because #2 (toggling the phone) seems to affect the volume already. The message box alert sound on toggling the phone seems louder the second time.
Anyone have or notice this issue?
The only volume threads I find are all about a low constant volume and don't sound like this one. FWIW I did try the reg changes anyway. It still varies.

