T-mobile One S for $139.99 w/ two year contract - Member-Found Deals

Just ordered one Sunday night through Target Mobile, I wasnt eligible for a full upgrade untill 10/12 but let let me do an early upgrade. Free 2 day shipping, no tax. AND specs show it as the better S4 processor.


Amazon has HTC Advantage 7501? listed for $849 + free shipping pre-order now!!!

The product name only shows HTC Advantage (Unlocked) but it does stated as come with WM6. (and I don't see VGA camera on the Amazon's pic.)
List Price: $999.99
Price: $849.99 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Details
You Save: $150.00 (15%)
Availability: In stock soon. Order now to get in line. First come, first served.
That is really a great price for the device. I paid more than Amazon's listed price just a month ago for my 7500.
Cheaper yesterday....
I have been tracking this soon to be selling item and yesterday it popped up for 799.00 from Amazon itself and 1400 bucks from mobilesityonline.com. In the afternoon, it refreshed the web page and claimed it was not in stock but will be soon. This morning i checked just for the heck of it and sure enuff its at a higher price but a good deal nonetheless. So Im not sure what happened here if they found out the price was too good to be true they had to ramp it up to milk a little more or what. I hope this isnt a bad trend they are getting into here.
$799 is even close to what MobilePlanet/Expansys charges for X7500 with $40/mo T-Mobile USA 2-Year contract.
I just remember that I paid more than $799 for a XDA II (Himalaya) 3.5 years ago.
Yeah I'm very interested in this. Is it confirmed that Amazon will start shipping around August 1st?
Staroip said:
$799 is even close to what MobilePlanet/Expansys charges for X7500 with $40/mo T-Mobile USA 2-Year contract.
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This one with the WM5. T Mobile is on Germany offering far better deals than that with a 2-year contract.
chainbolt said:
This one with the WM5. T Mobile is on Germany offering far better deals than that with a 2-year contract.
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Yes, that's why I said it is 7500 (which is upgradeable to WM6 and comes with two cameras)
The one on Amazon is 7501.
CompUSA also has 7501 on their website now.

Price Increase So Soon?

I've got melting plastic in my wallett, itching to be used. Given the prices from last week, £360 for a Galaxy Tab, I was trying to resist til the 14th to make my decision.
But today I though, nah, must have one. Playback my DivX... Hooked up the two websites and...
Nope, that's me put off for a while.
Carphone Warehouse want £399.
Tesco Direct want £449.
Clove want £442
Expansys want £499
PC World want £407
Amazon want £408
Scan £450
Ahh well. Looks like Im waiting for the Galaxy Tab 2
try bestbuy.co.uk, main page says 399, but further down it mentions other deals, such as tab+16gig upgrade+pay as you go sim for 359
There going for $250 on contract in the U.S.
I got mine for $50 from TMOUS! Great deals to be had stateside.
Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
rumors say the tab 2 will be a 10inch
pittphan said:
There going for $250 on contract in the U.S.
I got mine for $50 from TMOUS! Great deals to be had stateside.
Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
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how did you get it for $50 Pittphan? i'm also looking to pick one up on contract. if i can get it less than the advertised $250 on t mobile i'd love to do so. thanks!
i just check tmo's site and it's increased $100 off contract. last week i was considering getting another galaxy tablet and it was listed as $500 off contract for about a month. now it's back up to $600 off contract - you do get $50 off if you order online though.
actually it seems the price changes depending on what page you view -
prepaid is $600 plus web discount of $50 off. LINK
"normal" contract says retail is $500 LINK
kinda stupid to list the retail value differently for the same product.

Costco Note 3 for $179.99

Costco has the N3 for $229.99 plus a mail-in rebate of $50 with 2yr contract. Not only is this a great price, but it comes with an accessory pack. Available online or in-store till December 26th.
$50 Rebate: http://membershipwireless.com/Conte...c-f80d-4172-9816-e8f7775dc05f&file=Rebate.pdf
Accessory Pack Rebate: http://membershipwireless.com/Conte...4-557c-4e92-bb2f-5a14327423f0&file=Rebate.pdf
Another plus with Costco is the 2 year Squaretrade warranty for $99 at time of purchase with a $50 deductible.
Looks like new accounts only. Upgrades are $229.99 after $50 rebate.
Amazon has the AT&T GN3 upgrade for $179.99. no rebate and membership required. Sorry, i cannot post URL since i'm still under the 10 post mark.
I feel stupid now that I payed 370$ after tax for N3 when it first came out
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Ya there are some good deals for the note 3 with a new line. Amazon has it for $149, Costco $179 & Fry's $189. For upgrades Amazon is $179, Costco is $229 and I think Fry's price is still $189 for upgrade (sale right now). Only thing about going to Costco is that you only pay taxes on the amount you pay, not on the full price of the phone, this can save quite a bit. It's almost the same price as going thru Amazon, after taxes... Plus Costco give you the accessory pack. I'm personally waiting for it to go down to $179 at Costco. They seem to follow amazon's pricing, just a couple days later...
don't worry, atleast we got our notes unlocked off the bat no contract and sold them for profit!!!!!!
Got mine from Best Buy last week for $149, plus a free on contract S4. Walked out with both for $160 out the door.

Samsung promotion

I didn't see this here so I thought I would post it.
I wonder if it will work if I upgrade through Amazon... But trade an old phone through Best Buy?
Last time I bought my note 2 at best buy they price matched amazon with a sprint contract. (They also price matched an otterbox and samsung SD card to amazon.com) which saved me over $125 on price matching alone. As long as the product is shipped and sold by amazon.com and not a 3rd party seller.
My local best buy(Knoxville, TN) told me they are going to sell it there on all carriers for $299 even sprint
i would try either of those options before risking samsung not giving you any money top make up to $200. If they price match as they say you will only pay $99.99 for it at best buy.
hardingn88 said:
Last time I bought my note 2 at best buy they price matched amazon with a sprint contract. (They also price matched an otterbox and samsung SD card to amazon.com) which saved me over $125 on price matching alone. As long as the product is shipped and sold by amazon.com and not a 3rd party seller.
My local best buy(Knoxville, TN) told me they are going to sell it there on all carriers for $299 even sprint
i would try either of those options before risking samsung not giving you any money top make up to $200. If they price match as they say you will only pay $99.99 for it at best buy.
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Yeah and it seems you have to buy and trade in from the same store.
I didn't realize best buy would price match Amazon and I was buying a case and screen protector through Amazon anyway, I pre ordered through Amazon.
DarkManX4lf said:
Yeah and it seems you have to buy and trade in from the same store.
I didn't realize best buy would price match Amazon and I was buying a case and screen protector through Amazon anyway, I pre ordered through Amazon.
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I'm sure amazon has not charged you for the phone. Cancel that order and head to best buy and pre-order. Seems they are not getting a lot of orders the best buy in my large city of Knoxville tn had only had 6 pre-orders total on all carriers including mine as of Monday so I'm sure they are still doing pre-orders about everywhere.
Or if you don't need the phone would were going to trade in go ahead and trade it in and try to see what happens can't hurt if you don't need the phone. On the link it never says you have to trade in on same retailer it says:
1. Pre-order note 4
2. Trade in old device at any participating retailer
3. Upload pre-order and trade in receipts to samsung.com/ xxxxxxxxx (can't remember exact site but it seems it may work.) Contact samsung customer service see what they say
When does it get released.
hardingn88 said:
Last time I bought my note 2 at best buy they price matched amazon with a sprint contract. (They also price matched an otterbox and samsung SD card to amazon.com) which saved me over $125 on price matching alone. As long as the product is shipped and sold by amazon.com and not a 3rd party seller.
My local best buy(Knoxville, TN) told me they are going to sell it there on all carriers for $299 even sprint
i would try either of those options before risking samsung not giving you any money top make up to $200. If they price match as they say you will only pay $99.99 for it at best buy.
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I specifically asked my local best buy if they would price match the note 4 with Amazon and they said no. Only price match to Sprint stores, not even other retailers like Target etc.
Forgive me I was a bit confused.
Do I have to buy the phone at best buy?
Is this only for the sprint version?
Thank You
From the looks of this I should be able to get 200 credit for my Epic? Or am I delusional?
*** Just went to try the pre-order on Amazon, and it seems it wont allow me to keep my current unlimited data plan.. WTF.
Took the GF to BB today and was told corporate sez they have reached the limit for phones available for pre order through BB store's. She was unable to pre order one with the promo's. WTF?
Lucky I ordered mine a couple of days ago. Sheesh...
I tried last week to order the black model and got the same response. The white version was available, but I don't think I could handle having a white phone, even if am going to get a case for it at some point (if I get I get the phone at all)
I was told today that the stores cannot pre-order anymore, but I was able to online. Now I plan on going to store to see if they will honor the trade-in promo, since it says in stores only
My Pre Order Experience
Went to BB, was able to pre order the Note 4 and traded in a Samsung S2 US Cellular
Was given an instant $25 gift card for the Samsung and then will receive $175 Instant rebate at time of purchase.
I was told to pick up the phone on 10/16 after 10AM
Price match to amazon was accepted.
Also applied for an additional Best Buy CC, which is an auto decline without a credit run because I already have the card and they gave me an additional $20 off for that,
At the end:
$300 Phone - Price Match
$200 Gift Card
$20 Credit
$40 Gift Certs
10% coupon
$30 Balance
Love you BB
Just thought I would add that it is any store, online or physical that is accepting pre orders according to the Samsung faq on the promotion. I pre ordered through sprint and will fill out the form through Samsung Web site.
Sent from my SCH-I925 using Tapatalk
Sprint is matching BestBuy
hmm At least I get 200..

free as an upgrade on Sprint

FYI For those of you who were on the fence, the LG GA black leather edition is being sold on Amazon for $0.01 for a two year contract renewal. At checkout they apply a $0.01 promotional credit making it free. This is not the lease plan btw, this is to buy it with a 2 year upgrade.
Not bad for barely a week old!

