Siri v. Google Now - Galaxy S III General (US Carriers)

Hello all,
So I ran into this excellent video comparison of Google Now from android 4.1 Jellybean, head to head,with Siri from iOS6
Check it out
Needless to say, I am Very excited to get jellybean on my sprint gsiii. Sadly I'm no dev so I can't help there, but if anyone can manage to port Google now on its own while we wit for full code to drop for JB, I'm down to test it for ya I've tried to pull the apk from all jb rooms I could find across all devices, and always get an error parsing package when I try to install velvet.apk
So if anyone have ideas or wanna just respond to this awesome comparison and new serious competition to Siri, respond now!
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium HD app

lol, this video is very good. Especially watch the last question.

I absolutely can't wait till they come out with JeLLYBEAN for the S3, it's gonna be CRAZY FAST and also Google Now is going to CRUSH Siri.

I have the Sprint GNex with JB and it's going to be VERY difficult giving it up for the S3.
The cards are absolutely awesome (as a bit creepy but I sold my soul to El Goog a long time ago).
I call her Bean... and she just knows everything! I also have an iPhone 4S... my wife and I make fun of her all the time. She really is retarded... if she can answer me, she usually doesn't understand me. In comparison... S-Voice is just a joke... it's not even a quarter as good as Siri.


Gingerbread 2.3.4!!!
If im not mistaken isn't the Nexus S 4g running this version of gingerbread? Maybe thats whats holding it back!!
Nice, I cannot wait
Sent from my Nexus S
Now, Skype is going down.
dwnld lnk !!!
Nexus S 4G is running 2.3.3, however reports indicate that there will be an update to 2.3.4 shortly after Google I/O's announcement of Google Talk with Voice
According to Boy Genius report hands on Nexus S 4G is running 2.3.4
Really looking forward to this. I wanna video chat!
If it works between PCs (including Macs!) and phones with the Nexus S's front-facing camera, this is a godsend. NOTHING yet in the Android Market fulfills both those requirements, something I find is a big fail after there's been Android phones for a year now with FFCs...
I can't wait for this. It really should have been added back when the Nexus S first came out. I support the idea of getting all of the kinks out, and if they made it better because of it then more power to them, but those at Google should work on their presentation. I know, it's not about bragging, it's about functionality, but come on.
I hate to say it, but they should have taken a cue from apple and released video chat in addition to their other big events. Just look at the iphone 4 (once again, sorry I had to bring it up). Of course Apple's presentation is overkill, but it was all of the things at once that made it a little bit beast. New design, thinner, faster, double res display, and software that gave it multitasking and facetime.
Now that it's this close to I/O Google should have just released then. It's just two weeks, why not wait? Then explode at I/O with all the goodies. Better that than an "oh yeah, by the way......"
Just my opinion though.
Skype + Other Mediocre Video take notice
Glad that Google stepped up to the plate to do this. Hopefully they will do an IOS client later (not that I use an Apple device but have friends that do - FaceTime being Apple only just blows).
Good thing it looks like from the demo is it will work with the Gmail Talk/Video plug in - which is BRILLIANT! First Google Video Call app that can go back to a desktop - a sore missing feature since Skype has done NOTHING with Video on Android. This being Google let's see if they later support multi chat/video - I don't see Google doing that and charging for it like everyone else (barring Qik) is trying to do.
Android really needed a proper Video Talk app and I hope this cuts it.
patrixl said:
If it works between PCs (including Macs!) and phones with the Nexus S's front-facing camera, this is a godsend. NOTHING yet in the Android Market fulfills both those requirements, something I find is a big fail after there's been Android phones for a year now with FFCs...
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Looks like it will, from the Google Link:
Their text:
You can now video or voice chat with your friends, family and colleagues right from your Android phone, whether they’re on their compatible Android tablet or phone, or using Gmail with Google Talk on their computer. You can make calls over a 3G or 4G data network (if your carrier supports it) or over Wi-Fi.

Video and voice chat via GTalk coming to Nexus S

Looks like Google has opened the floodgates for their native solution for video chatting. Although only the Nexus S is getting it as of now, it does mention that it will be available in the future for other gingerbread phones. Hopefully it won't take too much longer for the epic to get a proper gingerbread build.
Thanks... but there's already a thread on this topic..
Oh sweet!! Now we just need the apk to be hacked or ported or stand alone to work and now just need to get iphone people a gtalk with video chat. and my android friends to get on!!
As much as I love the constant advance of this operating system, I really wish El Goog would start updating APPS and not Android every time. This close to release, the Epic and Evo will never get this update, the Galaxy S2 and the Evo 3D won't launch with it, and the benefits look so insignificant to carriers that NONE of these phones will probably get this update. They will probably get these features eventually, as in 2.4 or whatever Ice Cream ends up being, but this feature being exclusive to the Nexus S is about as worthless as FaceTime is (I take that back, at least this you can use on 3/4G).
Sounds like CM7.1 will be coming out soon
Unfortunately, it won't mean much for us (yet).
usfslacker said:
As much as I love the constant advance of this operating system, I really wish El Goog would start updating APPS and not Android every time. This close to release, the Epic and Evo will never get this update, the Galaxy S2 and the Evo 3D won't launch with it, and the benefits look so insignificant to carriers that NONE of these phones will probably get this update. They will probably get these features eventually, as in 2.4 or whatever Ice Cream ends up being, but this feature being exclusive to the Nexus S is about as worthless as FaceTime is (I take that back, at least this you can use on 3/4G).
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Google had definitely started moving in that direction. We now have Maps, GMail, Voice Search/Search, Youtube... all used to be integrated apps that only updated when the OS did. I imagine that the update to Talk happened to coincide with the bug fixes for the Nexus S in 2.3.4 so it was packaged together, and I would hope that we soon see a Talk app in the Market. This was explicitly stated as part of Google's efforts to combat fragmentation.
I wouldn't be so sure that the Epic won't get this. ED12 is no rock star build in the leaked form we got it, so if we all cross our fingers, maybe what we eventually do get will be 2.3.4 after all </wishful thinking>.

Mr. Ice Cream Man

Am I the only super excited about the new Ice Cream Sandwich update android is releasing can't wait to see what these great developers are gonna do next! What are your expectation if any with this update?
sent from a real life flashaholic!
Most of us are excited, as there are already leaks of some apps, such as the music, talk, google+, ect. I personally know some dev teams who are going to be working on it, so I foresee good things.
Me I've been reading things online and everything looks great I'm a cautious rooter and flashers like to do my research before I just start putting stuff on my EVO but I'm super excited! I love Google + so I always looking forward to them making navigation easy so I can get more of my friends into it!
sent from a real life flashaholic!
It s coming I can feel it
Sent from my swagged out evo
renegade37918 said:
It s coming I can feel it
Sent from my swagged out evo
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That's what she said
sent from my HTC evolution running a freshly baked gingerbread with the 4gs in it
Lol yea I can't wait for this update,looks good and that nexus prime,can't wait!
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Right now, I hardly see a good fast sense port coming to ICS unless we port it from other phones, but idk about how that will work. As far as AOSP comes along, once CM8 comes, imma slap that on my supersonic as fast as possible.
3foxy1roxy7 said:
Me I've been reading things online and everything looks great I'm a cautious rooter and flashers like to do my research before I just start putting stuff on my EVO but I'm super excited! I love Google + so I always looking forward to them making navigation easy so I can get more of my friends into it!
sent from a real life flashaholic!
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I've had google plus since day one, when it was in beta stages, and I haven't used it still.
I love Google + I'm so over twitter and facebook
sent from a real life flashaholic!
Art2Fly said:
Right now, I hardly see a good fast sense port coming to ICS unless we port it from other phones, but idk about how that will work. As far as AOSP comes along, once CM8 comes, imma slap that on my supersonic as fast as possible.
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Apparently, they are "skipping" 8, next iteration is going to be CM9, from what I heard.
And from how ICS looks, I might skip CM, forget about Sense, and actually run a pure AOSP for once.
Sent from my calculator watch.
kingdazy said:
Apparently, they are "skipping" 8, next iteration is going to be CM9, from what I heard.
And from how ICS looks, I might skip CM, forget about Sense, and actually run a pure AOSP for once.
Sent from my calculator watch.
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Most likely will be the only good running thing...
Does anyone know if it will have full hardware acceleration
sent from my HTC evolution running a freshly baked gingerbread with the 4gs in it
yes? Someone called me?.... good things come to those who wait.
IceCreaMan said:
yes? Someone called me?.... good things come to those who wait.
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Lol he's legitimately the ice cream man since 2007
sent from my HTC evolution running a freshly baked gingerbread with the 4gs in it
IceCreaMan said:
yes? Someone called me?.... good things come to those who wait.
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Why don't you come around my block anymore?
teh roxxorz said:
Why don't you come around my block anymore?
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Cause you smoked all of Big Worms product!
My knocked up EVO
teh roxxorz said:
Why don't you come around my block anymore?
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Ya mang and Carlos ain't to happy neither about his missing pipe esa. Better go get some fried plantains to make it up to him Holmes.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
So you love sitting around empty space playing with your circles not doing anything? Lol
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I WAS super-excited until the 4S came out.
I was looking for news everyday as I am ready to replace the Evo.
The game changer for me is Siri. I use the phone a lot while I am driving and voice actions, vlingo, etc, etc, don't work great. (Voice is fuxored on Gingerbread 2.3.3.)
Until the 4S, I could compare Android to iPhone spec for spec, and find Android winning favorably. But a big AMOLED screen does me no good when a smaller phone do hands-free magically.
Before the 4S, the most exciting thing to me would have been interface improvements. After? I want to see what Android is offering to match Siri.
Google had plenty of time to see Siri in the App Store then Apple's acquisition of it. They are not RIM, so they don't have the excuse of having their heads in the sand.
Except for leaks of what seem to be fake pics or videos and some leaking of apks, Google has been tight-lipped about anything new in Android. So it should be pretty exciting. I don't expect ICS to have AI--how ironic, Android without a brain--but I do expect them to announce significant improvements in voice recognition. In some ways, the iPhone was playing catch up with visual interface features like the notification bar, so Android is in the lead in that department. I like the busy interface of Honeycomb, not on the tablets but on the smart phones.
I have NO idea new features Google will be revealing. We know about NFC and Google Wallet but as far as basic phone features go, that field is wide open. Four more days!
300$ is a bit to much for me.
Having trouble with AOSP?

Android Speaktoit App Blows Away Apple's Siri

Android App Speaktoit Assistant Blows Away Siri...and available for 97.5% of ALL 190million Android out there (unlike the Siri junk which is only available for the iPhone4Sux - meaning 0%) [Video]
October 13, 2011, By Leo Xavier
You will most probably agree with us when we say that Apple failed to deliver anything awesome at the unveiling ceremony of its iPhone 4S. Although the device comes with a lot of hardware upgrades, it didn’t amaze people like all the past products from the company.
One of the device’s features that the company was so excited to tell everyone about was the Siri technology that “lets you use your voice to send…” well, many of you already know the rest of that announcement.
That description about Siri is just too much of an introduction for something that is already available on the market and is much more popular than Siri. We are talking about the Speaktoit Assistant Android app.
The Speaktoit app may not have a sleek name as Siri, but it has more features and downloads of the app have vaulted into the tens of thousands in the past week.
According to a spokesperson for Speaktoit, downloads have grown “400% in seven days” and the app is “adding 3,000 users a day based (so far) only on word of mouth and rave reviews on the Android Market”.
The free Android app is already doing many of the things that Siri will start offering tomorrow onwards.
Similar to Siri, Speaktoit understands conversational context. You just have to tell the app what it should do. It can send emails, send texts, look up information, post to Twitter, update your Facebook, find news, look up traffic, look up weather, and do much more.
But in addition to all those features, Speaktoit also lets you choose a cartoon avatar to converse with. Therefore it’s much more personal and fun.
Better still, the app learns as it’s used, making it more helpful with time. For example, users wanted the app to play music, and the functionality is available today.
Just in case you are wondering, the iOS and BlackBerry versions of the Speaktoit app will be available in the very near future. We will let you know when that happens. For now, check out the video and you can place your comments below.
How can it be better than Siri when no one knows how good Siri will be? I guess true reviews can come out today since the devices go out.
Of course this is just and advertisement/press release.... and so we shouldn't beleive a word of it.
The video is impressive, but it appears to use Google Voice for recognition so recognition will only be that good. It's also very fast (like the apple commercials), which lead me to believe it's not real time and probably carefully scripted.
wasn't Siri an app in the app store before iPhone acquired it? I don't think its a new thing for the iphone 4S
bdroc said:
wasn't Siri an app in the app store before iPhone acquired it? I don't think its a new thing for the iphone 4S
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Apple always claim things even when they already exist for a long time.
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iynfynity said:
Apple always claim things even when they already exist for a long time.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Yup quite true.
Although coming back to this app, I've tried it and it didn't go very well.
Apple bought Siri well over a year ago.
I'm at work right now, but I installed STI and it's kind of fun. I'm mostly typing into it. Things like "Get me to REI", "What's the closest Subway?" "Twitter" and everything is connecting to the right answer pretty quickly. I'm looking forward to testing it out later when I can talk into it.
Edit: I've gotten quite a few error messages now: "There was an unknown error. I'm telling my creators about it right now so they can fix it as soon as possible."
so i just installed this APP on my vibrant and it sucks balls. It lags like a MOFO. I asked all sorts of questions and only about 20% of the time it got it right.
I'm not a fan of this APP as of now.
Hopefully with updates and lag fixes will improve it.
"Thumbs down" for me. But good effort
I'm not knocking this app, this is just my personal experience.
Installed over miui, ss series. FC city, dialer framework apps mms, made my phone unuseable. Once I uninstalling went back to normal
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
leechdweler said:
so i just installed this APP on my vibrant and it sucks balls. It lags like a MOFO. I asked all sorts of questions and only about 20% of the time it got it right.
I'm not a fan of this APP as of now.
Hopefully with updates and lag fixes will improve it.
"Thumbs down" for me. But good effort
I'm not knocking this app, this is just my personal experience.
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Works fine on mine with Bionix 1.3.1.... I'd say it recognized 85% of the things I said... thumbs up....
I played with it for about an hour but it only recognized one thing. oh well.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I am an android user, I have both speaktoit and vlingo and use both quite often. I got the chance to.interact with Siri for a bit today. I will say the biggest difference between both of them and siri is the fact that siri has personality. Yes vlingo and speaktoit are quite resourceful, but you can't joke around with them! Ask siri where you can hide a body or tell it your horny! Ask it for a blowjob etc and the personality aspect of it comes into play! Im sorry to say but being able to interact with an application on that level and with the responses in my opinion make it more desirable to me! Yes android has had all the fundamentals for quite a long time, but apple took it to a whole new level with personality! I look forward to seeing what the android community and Google developers will.come up with in the personality aspect
please, lets look at facts and not be fanboys OP. I am an android user/programmer, and even I will admit, Siri is quite better than anything android really has now.
tried speak to it and my major problem with it, if it doesnt know how to reply to your query, it just says something like looking into it, and a lot of its responses are ambiguous. As far as i am concerned, speak to it is google voice given its lack of understanding for typically used phrases
Voice action app is really good. It will set your alarm and things like that by just saying " wake me up at 8 a.m." You can kinda have a conversation with it too.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
10 char
And android developers have begun to mimic siri, now in alpha stage and availiable from market is an App called Iris. I look forward to the beta's and final release!
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App

Before I say goodbye to the iphone 4 and welcome to the S3..

I am seriously on the verge of bying an any network S3 here in the UK. Just before I make the jump can I ask if :-
1) Is there an app like lockinfo for JB iphones that acts like a today screen, listing all your upcoming appointments, missed calls, messages etc from the lock screen? I am happy to JB the andriod if I can do this.
2) Is there an app that works, to record telephone calls both ways without the beep.
3) I have already had huge responses over the volume hack, thanks everyone.
If I can the the 3, then I will take the jump.
All the best
London - UK
Yes but best to root for answer phone.
1. Executive assistant for lock screen info
2. Total recall s2 s3 for auto records
Ps swapped iphone 4s for s3 and love it,
Had to buy SwiftKey though for keypad!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Android can do all that and more. The most valid reason to switch from iPhone is that... it simple sucks more than tim cook on a Saturday night.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Honestly you should stick to the iPhone. If it does everything you need and has all the apps that you use why bother switching? If it's for faster performance or bigger screen wait for the iPhone 5.
I think you should stick with the iPhone 5.
Your thread is plain dumb.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
mbeaumont said:
I am seriously on the verge of bying an any network S3 here in the UK. Just before I make the jump can I ask if :-
1) Is there an app like lockinfo for JB iphones that acts like a today screen, listing all your upcoming appointments, missed calls, messages etc from the lock screen? I am happy to JB the andriod if I can do this.
2) Is there an app that works, to record telephone calls both ways without the beep.
3) I have already had huge responses over the volume hack, thanks everyone.
If I can the the 3, then I will take the jump.
All the best
London - UK
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Before all that you have to learn the android terminology , JB here means jelly bean not jail break
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Good one. :thumbup:
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Yeah I noticed most iPhone users are too dumb to ever learn and love android. iOS is perfect for idiots and grandmas to use. So... I say stick with your icrap last thing we need is to convince another iPhone user to switch.
I tried switching a few iPhone idiots over and I've given up. They always complain how it's so hard to use and blame me for talking them into it, not my fault that using iOS for so long has killed off most of their brain cells.
Thanks everyone
Can I thank everyone for their input, even to those who thought my topic was a dumb. I want a new phone and bored with apple so no dis-respect, I have taken onboard everything said and decided to give the S3 a try. I have the option of returning it so I have nothing to loose and everything to gain.
I thought the JB term was hilarious, of course its jelly bean...
Thanks all
Don't believe the iSheep hype that IOS has more Apps than Android because Android can do anything iPhone can plus anything else you could ever wish, and the only reason IOS has more Apps is all the junk on the App Store that's never even been downloaded once.
Sigh. This thread really goes to show how disappointingly immature some Android users are.
Good to see you're thick skinned enough to ignore it.
I mean really... somebody about to switch from iOS to Android and a couple of idiots just want to post abuse?
You're what's wrong with every community. Stop trying to bully people.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
mbeaumont said:
Can I thank everyone for their input, even to those who thought my topic was a dumb. I want a new phone and bored with apple so no dis-respect, I have taken onboard everything said and decided to give the S3 a try. I have the option of returning it so I have nothing to loose and everything to gain.
I thought the JB term was hilarious, of course its jelly bean...
Thanks all
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I traded iPhone 4s for SGS3 and I like it much more. There arent limits like you cant set mp3 for a ring tone or alarm tone etc. Stock SGS3 is more open and adjustable than jailbroken iOS. You can find executive assistant for lockscreen info in Google Play, also there are many apps for call recording..
Here on XDA you will find a lot of helpful infos, so it will be easier to get used on android
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Hiker42 said:
Sigh. This thread really goes to show how disappointingly immature some Android users are.
Good to see you're thick skinned enough to ignore it.
I mean really... somebody about to switch to from iOS to Android and a couple of idiots just want to post abuse?
You're what's wrong with every community. Stop trying to bully people.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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All types of people no matter what forum you go act like idiots, I mean come on the mans asking for help are you guys that immature that you have to abuse him instead of Helping him? He had the brains to ignore you all and still give it a shot..
Everyone wants to try something different just try your best to help. And if you do not have anything good to say just ignore it. Your all making the Android community look like it's full of douche bags seriously help or ignore them..
Android has all the things you mentioned mate you can get apps for everything you mentioned i hope you give it a try and hopefully you like it..
True, there are fanboys everywhere and its disgusting. But @ OP, you just figured out the matrix, your free now and know the truth! I'm pretty sure whatever you can do on a jail broken iPhone, you can do it on an android phone ( maybe even without root ) so try the S3 and keep it if you like it, if not you can always, return it. Good luck
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Hi Mbeaumont.....Let me share with you my personal experience....I use to have an IPhone 4....and was quite happy with it, till I realized that whenever I want to explore more the OS and make the best out of it....was a real nightmare, no way to play with the system even Jailbroken, the limits are there and the Break of the Jail was only a shadow door to endless issues and tricky sophistications....I'm not blaming Apple for doing that.....I do have all the Apple MacBook serie......but to me if you are an explorer and want to learn more about any device you buy the choice specifically in the mobile market is very obvious.
Since I have bought the S3 back in July......what an amazing experience it is.....this phone and especially this Android OS is a piece of art that will make every single day of your life for passionate people like me.
Finally I quote John Keating in the famous "Dead Poets Society" movie........"There's a time for daring and there's a time for caution, and a wise man understands which is called for."
Hiker42 said:
Sigh. This thread really goes to show how disappointingly immature some Android users are.
Good to see you're thick skinned enough to ignore it.
I mean really... somebody about to switch from iOS to Android and a couple of idiots just want to post abuse?
You're what's wrong with every community. Stop trying to bully people.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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I agree. Being polite costs nothing.
I made the same switch you did, and would not go back. My mother is now happy with the iphone 4 i gifted her, and I won't be leaving android anytime soon. But it's true that the app market is less appetizing on android atm, even if this is changing with time, and the change is speeding up. Yesterday handled the iphone a bit, looked like a kid's toy to me, even if i recon being happy using it all these years. Also the gs3 is HUGE compared to it and takes a little time totake a good grip on.
Geordie Lad said:
Don't believe the iSheep hype that IOS has more Apps than Android because Android can do anything iPhone can plus anything else you could ever wish, and the only reason IOS has more Apps is all the junk on the App Store that's never even been downloaded once.
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kinda agree with thissss
IMO , Android is the best
and SGS3 is the best
though this is my first android phone :silly:
barondebxl said:
Before all that you have to learn the android terminology , JB here means jelly bean not jail break
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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and not Justin Bieber
Sent from GT-I9300 SuperNexus CFW
GalaxyS3 was in another level.
To compare with Iphone need GalaxyS1 and not S3.
Enviado de uma GalaxyaS3 far far away

