github and eclipse - Android Software Development

ok ive just set up EGIT with eclipse and i cant seem to get the hang of it. can someone tell me how i would import a package from a git respitory or import an entire git respitory into eclipse, e.g. all of the cyanogen package into eclipse or asop into eclipse?

no one knows of any tutorials or anything to help me out?
Since you have to use repo to sync AOSP and/or CM you won't have any need for EGit. If you want to use Git for your own personal use (for apps you are developing, etc...) I would strongly recommend not using EGit at all because it's a pain in the ass (my own personal VERY biased opinion). Just use git from a terminal/command prompt. Github has nice tutorials on how to do this in linux/OS X/Windows.

I would agree that EGit CAN be a pain in the ass but personally, for my uses which is mainly app development, it's fine. I'll get back to this thread when I get back onto my Ubuntu machine (haven't got eclipse nor Java installed on this computer) and I'll get instructions. If you're not doing ROM or kernel development, EGit is fine and it's quite convenient (having all the buttons for merging, commiting, pushing and pulling in the context menu).

Sorry, I'd forgotten about this but here's how to clone a Git repository just in case you wanted to know.
File->Import->Git->Projects from Git->URI->then put in your remote's URI e.g. [email protected]:myusername/projectname.git->then select the branch you want to clone->change the directory to your workspace directory (my personal preference)->then import the project into eclipse as per usual


Getting Android source in Eclipse on Windows 7 [solved]

Hi all, I'm just starting getting into App development and I want to attach the Android source code into Eclipse so that I can reference it locally. Is there anyone here who has experience doing this on Windows who is willing to walk me through it?
Alternatively, I'll go it on my own if someone could help me get past this one roadblock. Thus far I've installed Python and msysGit (and updated my PATH variable accordingly) so that I can use git and repo. Something isn't working however and repo runs into an error that I can't seem to figure out. I'm contemplating uninstalling all that and starting from scratch with Cygwin.
Here's a tutorial on setting up Eclipse on windows (albeit over a year old so no guarantees) link
personally I would dual boot linux... it was a breeze setting it up and there's plenty of tutorials for that.
You could install ubuntu (i think) side by side with win7 using wubi, as if it were a program or something. That way you're not messing with partitions.
I already have Eclipse set up. This is not the problem. I'm having trouble downloading the Android source code - NOT the SDK - on my Windows PC. Specifically, I always run into errors when I try to use "repo init -u blah blah" as instructed on the android source page. If someone has successfully done this on Windows, I'd like someone to give me some guidance, because either I'm doing something wrong or my setup is not correct.
Right now I'm trying to use Cygwin (basically creates a linux environment inside Windows). The last time I tried using repo, I got this:
EDIT: Code removed. I found a solution, outlined below, for anyone else who wants to get the Android source into Eclipse.
Okay, I got the source code, it was actually pretty easy to do, and I didn't even need repo to do it . For those who may find this useful, here's how.
0. It is assumed you have already installed both Eclipse and the Android SDK. If you don't have those yet, download them and set those up. If you aren't on Windows but still want to know how to get the source and import it into Eclipse, you can skip step 1.
1. Install Cygwin on your computer. During the installation, you will be presented with a package explorer and you can choose specific packages to install. Choose whatever you like, but make sure to include automake, bison, curl, flex, gcc, git, gnupg, python, zip, and an editor of your choice, like nano or vim (you can use the search field at the top to find these quickly).
This will basically give you a Linux shell on Windows whose root directory is something you've designated, like C:\cygwin.
2. A few more things to set up. Fire up Cygwin and make a bin folder in your home directory. Add this directory to your PATH variable, then cd into it.
mkdir ~/bin
cd bin
This blog post has code for a python script that will be used later. Make a new file using an editor of your choice. Copy the code and save the file as anything you want (I named it ""). When you're done, cd back to your home directory.
3. Downloading source. From your home directory (or a subdirectory if you wish), use git to clone the platform frameworks base into a new directory (here I've called it "android").
git clone android
cd into that directory and examine the git tags.
cd android
git tag
You'll get a list of tags. Choose the one that matches the API level you want to build your project(s) in. I'm using API level 10, so I chose android-2.3.3_r1. That's what you're going to check out.
git checkout android-2.3.3_r1
4. Reorganizing the source code. You need to locate all the java source files and restructure everything into a directory structure that matches the package naming. Fortunately, that script from earlier does exactly this and then zips it up into a nice little package for you called "".
python ~/bin/
5. Move this zip file to the proper SDK platform folder. Since I downloaded sources for API level 10, I want to move this zip file to
You can do this with your regular old file explorer on Windows. Extract the contents into a subfolder named "sources".
6. Get Eclipse to recognize them. Open up a project (or start a new one) whose target is the API level you just did all that stuff for. In the package explorer, right-click the project root and click "Refresh". Now when you browse the class files under project-root/android 2.3.3/android.jar/whatever, you'll see actual source code instead of that nasty "Source not found" page.
Enjoy ^_^

How to build AOSP for Nexus 7?

I would like to mess with trying to install my own customized ROM's to my Nexus 7, but the first place to probably start is with being able to build AOSP as-is from source.
As I understand currently, building is only supported on Linux and OS X, but I can easily get Ubuntu 10.04 and re-partition my HDD to give it about 100GB (if that much is even needed).
Looking at:
I need to choose a branch and setup the Linux environment. I'm a bit confused as to what branch I should choose though. I want the latest source of Android available at the time, so I should pick the master branch? Or since I'm only building for the Nexus 7, should I choose it's device-specific branch instead? Although looking at:
the Nexus 7 is only at android-4.1.1_r1.1, but I could of sworn I heard there was r4 out already.
As for setting up the Linux environment, I hope I can just follow all the commands listed there without any problem.
Proceeding on with:
It looks like a pretty straightforward process that I'm also hoping can be done successfully if I follow the commands exactly as presented. I don't have a proxy nor the need for a local mirror either.
And then moving onto:
Some stuff there I find a little bit confusing. It would seem I have to first get proprietary drivers, which all 4 seem to be placed conveniently at:
From there, I imagine I can move the script that's bundled inside to the root of the source folder, run it, and follow the instructions. I don't exactly know what the root of the source folder is, but it would probably be obvious once I did start trying to build this. But once I did find it, I would run (using Nvidia's Graphics driver for the example) sh in Terminal, and it would place the right files where they need to be.
I don't understand the make clobber part too well at all; should I run this on the very first build, later builds, or all builds?
And once the source and drivers are all downloaded and available, I should then run lunch full_grouper-userdebug and then finally make -j# (# being some number in accordance with how many cores on my CPU I have). I have a triple-core CPU at 3.5Ghz, and I have the ability to unlock to quad-core at 3.3Ghz (but prefer to stay on triple). Should I just run -j32? Also will this build the Kernel as well, or will I have to get the source for that and compile it separately?
And once the build completes, my plan from there was to just go back to Windows and flash it. And if I managed to get it to flash and boot properly, I assume I would of succeeded with compiling AOSP from source
I noticed that userdebug part on full_grouper-userdebug gives "root access and debuggability". Does this mean it comes with some program like Superuser or SuperSU already installed? Or does this mean I can easily install those?
Perhaps after I get comfortable with the basics of flashing AOSP as-is, I can then try to mess with different types of optimizations, like Linaro and perhaps even messing with many types of optimizations from different kernels like faux123 has done .
I also have a 360kb/s DSL connection, so downloading the entire source the first time will probably take a good while. But once I have the source, I take it I don't have to redownload the entire thing for patches and stuff?
Any and all guidance is welcome
Bump before I go for tonight
You have a bunch of questions. I will answer some. And while I whole-heartedly support learning to build you don't need to build to flash roms.
The best advice I can give you is to just start building. You have found a bunch of instructions and links, obviously. Go ahead and begin, and tackle problems as they arise.
Okay...really the hardest part is setting upi the environment, if you don' t know linux. After downloading and installing Java and the SDK, make sure you add them to your path.
Most guides will have adding the path in the directions. But make sure to check that it works! It will be extremely frustrating, and you won't know what is wrong. Go to a random directory, Documents would be good, and enter java -version and then adb devices. If the computer says it cannot find the commands, then your path is the problem.
Make sure to setup udev. It is easy, Google it.
You want to build from the tags.
repo init -u -b android-4.1.1_r4
For the proprietary blobs, whatever directory you repo sync from (~/android/system or whatever) is the root directory. run the extraction from there.
when the proprietary blobs are extracted, and the source has been downloaded, these are your commands.
. build/
Lunch will return a list of devices, Grouper is the Nexus 7, it is number 4. eng and user-debug do have root access, but SU and SuperSU are more than just root, they manage the root access for your apps as well. You can download them from Play or install them as a flashable-zip.
Choose 4 and then
make otapackage
don't worry about the -j# part. Your machine almost definitley cannot handle -j32. It is -j4 by default, that should be fine for your cpu.
If you want to enable faster builds, you can enter
before make otapackage, but it will take up a lot of space on your hd. Your subsequent builds will use some thing from your intial build instead of rebuilding them each time (kernel and other things). So even if you repo sync, some changes won't be reflected in your later builds. For instance, if you do not clean your prebuilts and build system, your build date in the build.prop will always stay the same as the first build.
The way you clear the build directory and make new everything is with make clean or make clobber. You can run it before any build, but the build will take much much longer than one that uses prebuilts. Non-clobbered and with ccache enabled are the fastest of all. But subsequent builds are pretty fast even without ccache.
When you want to update your source, you can just go to your root dir and repo sync. It will only update your source, it won't take nearly as long.
Okay, I answered more than I intended. There are a million guides that show you every step in the process.
Don't ask anymore generic worry're ready. You understand more than most people do before their first build before I even posted. Get started and if you run into problems, search. If you can't find the answer, then come back and ask us.
Good luck. it is easy, and very satisfying.
I finally got around to installing a Virtual Machine, and Ubuntu 10.04 After doing that, I fully updated Ubuntu, installed VMWare Tools, and then proceeded to start trying to acquire the AOSP source.
Getting sun-java-6 was a bit tricky, but not too hard (I ran the commands exactly as listed on the site, but the package didn't exist; had to get it from somewhere else). After that, I proceeded to do everything else, except CCache (I didn't know what .bashrc was, but I'll look further into this with future AOSP builds).
I then made the folder, did repo sync, and I'm now acquiring the source now from android-4.1.1_r4. As a quick question, does it matter whether I choose to build from android-4.1.1_r4, or master? Would master be more up-to-date?
espionage724 said:
I finally got around to installing a Virtual Machine, and Ubuntu 10.04 After doing that, I fully updated Ubuntu, installed VMWare Tools, and then proceeded to start trying to acquire the AOSP source.
Getting sun-java-6 was a bit tricky, but not too hard (I ran the commands exactly as listed on the site, but the package didn't exist; had to get it from somewhere else). After that, I proceeded to do everything else, except CCache (I didn't know what .bashrc was, but I'll look further into this with future AOSP builds).
I then made the folder, did repo sync, and I'm now acquiring the source now from android-4.1.1_r4. As a quick question, does it matter whether I choose to build from android-4.1.1_r4, or master? Would master be more up-to-date?
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Sorry for late answer, no, use the r4 branch as it is more up to date. Also, make clobber every time isn't needed but you should as it remove then entire out folder (wich is where compiled stuff go) and this make sure you rebuild a clean thing.
Building CyanogenMod 10
Dunno if this is of any interest, but I have a thread started with a complete walkthrough for building CyanogenMod10 for Nexus 7.
Most of the info is the same, and there are some tips in the comments as well.
espionage724 said:
I would like to mess with trying to install my own customized ROM's to my Nexus 7, but the first place to probably start is with being able to build AOSP as-is from source.
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So, how did you get on? I've been following the same path I think - repo sync the source and follow Google's own tutorial on compiling Android but with the added step of incorporating the binary drivers for the grouper.
I've built the .img files using make -j8, that all works, fastboot flash worked, but I get no video out when booting up using the new OS. I can ADB into the Nexus and it's certainly booted and working okay apart from, I'm guessing, the missing binary drivers.
I've used each of the 5 binary driver scripts to populate the "vendor" directory in the root of the downloaded source before compiling from scratch, but perhaps I've missed a step, so I'm curious as to whether you've got a fully working AOSP+binary driver compile working.
(By the way, my build environment was Ubuntu 12.04 64bit, SDK r20.0.3, Android 4.1.1 (JRO03R) source, Sun Java 1.6, and it all seems to work well using 8 threads on a Core i5 2500K + 4GB RAM).
I re-ran the binary extraction, did a make clean; make clobber, and re-compiled - and now video works. Everything works now apart from the compass, camera and rotation sensor. I also tried compiling CyanogenMod from source, too, and had the exact same three problems. Everything works, and works well, apart from camera, compass and rotation sensor. All of which work in the stock Google ROM. Weird.
OK, So I've just compiled an OTA update package from AOSP source... my question is this:
I already have unlocked the bootloader on my wife's Nexus 7, installed Clockworkmod, rooted it, installed busybox, etc, manually on the stock 4.2 update I downloaded from Google on the device when it asked me to upgrade.
Is the otapackage I just compiled going to replace my custom recovery if I flash it as is? I've looked, and it has a "recovery" folder in the .zip, whereas any of the custom ROMs I have downloaded for my phone do not. Do I simply delete this recovery folder, and flash away? Do I need to edit the updater-script? I'm still trying to read and learn about this, but I haven't gotten a good answer from google or searching this site for my specific problem... maybe I'm wording my searches incorrectly.
I would just rather not have to go back and reinstall Clockworkmod... I know that if I want to have busybox, SuperSU, and other apps installed when I flash I'm going to have to add them to the zip and resign... I just don't want to mess my recovery. And being that this is my wife's tab (and not mine to play with, as she pointed out ) I don't want her to get the impression that I'm having to "fix" something I "broke" lol. said:
OK, So I've just compiled an OTA update package from AOSP source... my question is this:
I already have unlocked the bootloader on my wife's Nexus 7, installed Clockworkmod, rooted it, installed busybox, etc, manually on the stock 4.2 update I downloaded from Google on the device when it asked me to upgrade.
Is the otapackage I just compiled going to replace my custom recovery if I flash it as is? I've looked, and it has a "recovery" folder in the .zip, whereas any of the custom ROMs I have downloaded for my phone do not. Do I simply delete this recovery folder, and flash away? Do I need to edit the updater-script? I'm still trying to read and learn about this, but I haven't gotten a good answer from google or searching this site for my specific problem... maybe I'm wording my searches incorrectly.
I would just rather not have to go back and reinstall Clockworkmod... I know that if I want to have busybox, SuperSU, and other apps installed when I flash I'm going to have to add them to the zip and resign... I just don't want to mess my recovery. And being that this is my wife's tab (and not mine to play with, as she pointed out ) I don't want her to get the impression that I'm having to "fix" something I "broke" lol.
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Sorry if a bit late, but here are some answers:
yes, the rom will replace your recovery. but if you delete the recovery folder and delete every line containing the word "recovery" in the updater-script, you should be good to go.
And if you accidentally remove the recovery, you can always flash it back very easily using: "fastboot flash recovery [filename.img]" (your n7 has to be in the bootloader)
And again, yes, you will have to put the extra apps into the zip and update the updater-script to install them too.
Also, you will need the gapps package if you want to use the play store and other google apps.
Hope this helped
Nexus 7 3G does not boot after flashing AOSP
I followed the steps provided on to build and flash the AOSP for Nexus 7 3G Tilapia. After successful flash, the device does not show anything after Google logo. Please help me out.
Compile with ccache makes build time extremely fast.
How to do:
_Open a terminal
_Install ccache:
sudo apt-get install ccache
_Open .bashrc:
sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
_Add these lines:
export USE_CCACHE=1
_Save and exit
_Sync source code
_After source synced, run in same terminal (in root directory of your source):
prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 20G (20G is the size in giga of space allocated for ccache, change it as you want)
_Start building
How to see if ccache works:
_Open another terminal in the root directory of your source and type:
watch -n1 -d prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -s
First build using ccache may be a little much longer but the others will be faster...
veerndra said:
I followed the steps provided on to build and flash the AOSP for Nexus 7 3G Tilapia. After successful flash, the device does not show anything after Google logo. Please help me out.
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Did you pull the proprietary files for your nexus and include them in the build? I believe things like your video drivers are included in there, so if those are missing....
I think the prop files are available for download from Google on If not, they tell you how to use an included script to pull them via adb. I can't remember... It's been a while since I built vanilla AOSP.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using xda app-developers app
Modifying stock AOSP
I have built AOSP following the Google tutorial.
I am compiling using the master branch and
I have downloaded and extracted the appropriate proprietary binaries.
I am modifying two files in the source tree (see attachments; search for "// MODIFICATION ADDED HERE" to find my changes). Will these changes work? I am using Eclipse, set up in the exact way the tutorial explains, and I am not receiving any new errors.
When I compile the source using the following commands
$ . build/
$ lunch aosp_grouper-userdebug
$ make fastboot adb
and flash it to my device with
$ fastboot -w flashall
BEFORE my modifications, it works just fine. The android-info.txt file and all the image files are produced properly.
However, AFTER adding the modifications, the build completes with no errors, but android-info.txt and all image files are no longer produced.
Why am I experiencing these problems? What can I do to make it work the way I want?
P.S. YES, I am aware that my modifications are not secure; these are for my own purposes, not for a public build.

Using Git in an unusual workflow

Hi people, this is my first post here, I think is the best place where I can discuss my programming issues. If this post isn't in the correct place, please move it and forgive my dumbness.
I'm working in some personal projects, android apps, in my house. There I have my PC with Eclipse and Git, at the end of the weekend I'm always commiting changes and uploading them to GitHub. When I go to my office, sometimes I have some spare time and I open Eclipse to start working, but of course I synchronize the GitHub repository data with my local data (in order to work with the latest changes I've made in my house), but I'm always having troubles with this action: I don't know how to discard my local old files, keep the files that haven't been modified and download the latest version of my modified files. I always end deleting the folder and cloning the repo again because I mess the files... I'm sure there is a better way.
So, I'd be delighted if you could assist me on how should I work with this feature of Git. I'd like too to take advice to improve my workflow. I've checked lots of sites and tutorials about Git but I haven't been able to get useful info to match with my workflow...
Thank you in advance
kyomuga said:
Hi people, this is my first post here, I think is the best place where I can discuss my programming issues. If this post isn't in the correct place, please move it and forgive my dumbness.
I'm working in some personal projects, android apps, in my house. There I have my PC with Eclipse and Git, at the end of the weekend I'm always commiting changes and uploading them to GitHub. When I go to my office, sometimes I have some spare time and I open Eclipse to start working, but of course I synchronize the GitHub repository data with my local data (in order to work with the latest changes I've made in my house), but I'm always having troubles with this action: I don't know how to discard my local old files, keep the files that haven't been modified and download the latest version of my modified files. I always end deleting the folder and cloning the repo again because I mess the files... I'm sure there is a better way.
So, I'd be delighted if you could assist me on how should I work with this feature of Git. I'd like too to take advice to improve my workflow. I've checked lots of sites and tutorials about Git but I haven't been able to get useful info to match with my workflow...
Thank you in advance
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Hi, this should be the right section for talking git, don't worry
My understanding is that you have some local (uncommited) changes on your machine at work, and you want to pull the latest commits from your distant repository while avoiding merge conflicts, is that correct ?
If it is, then you have several solutions at your disposal:
The easiest and cleanest way is to stash your local changes, pull the new commits and then pop the stashed changes to commit them over the up-to-date repo later on:
(replace <remote> and <branch> with your actual remote and target branch, for example git pull origin master)
git stash
git pull <remote> <branch>
git stash pop
The branch is now up to date and your local changes are still there for you to commit or to continue modifying.
If instead you decide that you don't need the local changes you stashed anymore, instead of popping them you can clear the stash:
git stash clear
If you want to fetch remote changes for all the branches, replace the git pull with:
git fetch <remote>
If all you want is to get rid of your local changes and sync with upstream repo, you can use:
git checkout .
git pull <remote> <branch>
Hope this helps, let me know if you need further help, or if I didn't understand your question properly :silly: said:
If all you want is to get rid of your local changes and sync with upstream repo, you can use:
git checkout .
git pull <remote> <branch>
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Thank you very much. This is what I need, or at least what fits best with my workflow, as I'm always starting programming from the point i've stopped working in another place, being like this:
When I get to work:
git checkout .
git pull <remote> <branch>
So I'm getting my updated code as I stopped programming at home
Minutes after going home:
git add .
git commit -m "another day, another commit"
git push origin master
When I get home:
git checkout .
git pull <remote> <branch>
So I'm getting my updated code as I stopped programming at work
Minutes after going to bed:
git add .
git commit -m "another day, another commit"
git push origin master
This is a correct workflow? or I'm misusing the benefits of Git?
kyomuga said:
Thank you very much. This is what I need, or at least what fits best with my workflow, as I'm always starting programming from the point i've stopped working in another place, being like this:
When I get to work:
git checkout .
git pull <remote> <branch>
So I'm getting my updated code as I stopped programming at home
Minutes after going home:
git add .
git commit -m "another day, another commit"
git push origin master
When I get home:
git checkout .
git pull <remote> <branch>
So I'm getting my updated code as I stopped programming at work
Minutes after going to bed:
git add .
git commit -m "another day, another commit"
git push origin master
This is a correct workflow? or I'm misusing the benefits of Git?
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Yeah, this looks correct, as long as you don't need your local changes this is probably the best way.

Android Studio + GitHub

I'm trying to setup github with my android projects mainly so I can work on them on both my laptop and desktop computers.
I found this video on setting up github and I've created my github account. My issue is when I'm going through the process of Sharing my Project on GitHub I'm not getting the "Add files for initial Commit". It seems like Android Studio is creating the repository and then trying to create the repository again and erroring out for lack of a better explanation.
When I try and push to GitHub I get a can't push because no remotes are defined
I'm using BitBucket, so I have never tested it on GitHub, but I believe it should work as well..
First try download and install some GIT batch/console ( I can recommend this one[ )
Then enter Git repository local folder ( your project folder ) and now you can arr your remote:
git remote add origin prefix:// ( instead prefix it should be of course https )
Or if remote repository already exist ( git remote -v is listing remotes ) we can change url using this command:
git remote set-url origin prefix://
I hope it will useful for you.
Best regars
What you need is the knowledge about GIT, not Android Studio.
Using GIT from command line (or even a professional app from Github or Bitbucket) is a lot better than using it in the Android Studio.
Its well-known issue, when you use github gui for git or some in-ide gui's, it could not to work correct(if it will work at all)
better use git bash. also i recommend you to pass 15-min git manual. you'll learn the basics for all your life

[GUIDE][2018]All you need to know to build Android from scratch!

Introduction​So, I will start off by telling a little bit about myself. I got interested in Android building in November 2017. I found most of the guides "inadequate" for pure newbies like me.
This is my second guide and the first one for No-Knowledge newbies so please do correct me . I will also add some humor so you don't get bored
The guide will be divided into a few parts-
Using linux and enjoying it(No offense to GNU/Linux enthusiasts. please don't start a debate, its just my personal opinion)
Basic git for complete newbies
Compiling your first ROM(Lineage)
Compiling your first non-Lineage ROM
Choosing a Programming lanugage
Basics to resolving conflicts
Compiling AOSP-based roms for CAF devices(For which I couldn't find a guide)
It will probably take a while for you to read this but its must to read everything carefully. Lets start off right away
Using Linux and Enjoying it!
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
There are more than adequate guides for using Linux. I will just help you choose the distro and recommend some guides
Personally, I used Linux wayyyy before I started building android(~2013) I didn't do much at first so I got most of my Linux experience in 2016-2018
Some distros I recommend-
Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 (Probably the best for newbies imo) -
Arch Linux(Could be problematic to install for newbies so I recommend you install Antergos first - )
Linux Mint - (Newbie friendly)
Debian GNU/Linux (Easier than Arch imo, slightly(very slightly) harder than Ubuntu) -
You absolutely MUST live boot them and feel them. I highly recommend you to install them on a small partition(~40GB) to get the best experience. Please don't use linux on a server at first!
I personally started with Ubuntu 12.04 for a month or so, 14.04 as well for a few months. I became a daily user when 16.04 came out.
Currently, I am using Antergos. However, for building I liked Arch as it had everything "bleeding edge"(Search it if you don't know what this means xD)
Here are some absolutely noob friendly guides-
For Ubuntu (Long guide but indepth!)
For Linux Mint (Again, Long but indepth!)
Use them for atleast a week or two before you even jump into android building! A month of daily usage is recommended so you know how to tackle basic problems. Youtube will always be your friend and so will be google. You can't hate Linux once you know how to use it! The only reason why I use Windows is because of gaming and applications such as Photoshop and Illustrator(I know there are alternatives, again just my personal opinion!)
See you after a week! No? Seriously use linux for atleast a week!
Using Linux will also hone your google skills(Not even kidding)
Basic git for complete newbies
Personally, I myself don't do advanced stuff with git myself and here are the subcommands you will be using the most with git -
I will give a brief explanation of each and link some guides! Why brief? Because I expect you to have a thinking like a linux user now . Also, you can switch to a server now!
Here is a playlist by github -
If you are not satisfied(I wasn't) you can search youtube for a specifc command as well! (i.e cherry-pick)
clone -
Simply clones the repository including its commit history!
git clone <repo> -b <branch> <directory>
If you don't specify a branch, it will clone from the default branch.
If you don't specify a directory, it will make a folder with the name of the repo
Example -
git clone -b lineage-16.0 chimera
(Shameless self advertising xD)
Generates a diff from a commit and applies it to the local repo
git cherry-pick sha
You do need to fetch the repository from which you are picking a commit
git fetch <repo> <branch>
If the branch isn't specified, it fetches the default branch instead
Cherry-picking multiple commits-
git cherry-pick sha1^..sha2
This picks all the commits from sha1 to sha2(i.e the commits between sha1 and sha2, including sha1 and sha2)
You may or may not get a conflict for which I will have a seperate section.
git fetch lineage-16.0
git cherry-pick 9e8a821ba64f5b498843b025d1804e3818dda480^..8e80e52915492328e80378f7ecff0cb44fdc1344
(Try figuring out what I did )
What is SHA you ask? You don't have to know what it actually is so just consider it to be an identifier for a commit.
Generates a diff of the commit and reverses it(pretty much the opposite of cherry-pick)
The usage is same as cherry-pick.
Kind of like cherry-picking multiple commits but it compares the history of the local and the remote and then generates a common diff for the commits that are not in local
Also, you do need to fetch before merging.
git merge <remote>
git fetch v3.18.125
git merge FETCH_HEAD
(The example here is of upstreaming the kernel )
commit and push
Generates a commit for staged files
git commit -m "some message" -m "sub-message"
some optional parameters-
--author="name <author email>
If you forgot to add a file to the commit, you can -
git commit --ammend
Again, you can use the optional parameter.
how to stage files you ask?
you simply use-
git add <filepath>
If you did your linux lessons correctly, you might know that, you can use "." and ".." in filepath(redo them if you don't know xD)
finally, to "push" your changes to a remote repo-
git push -u <repolink>
It will ask for authentication. You use your github(or whatever you prefer) account for that.
After using -u once, you won't have to pass the parameter again.
Lets end this with an example-
git add .
git commit -m "add 69 hour battery life" -m "best" --signoff --author="someone <[email protected]>"
git push -u
(Also please don't use a stupid commit message like the one I showed xD. This one was just for the lulz)
This one was big. oof. Took me a while to write and probably will take a while for you to read too .
You might ask why did I tell you to search xyz in this one so much! Simple reason- I want you to get used to searching your problems!
Mastering git takes alot of time! I am not any good myself and I search alot of stuff on google myself! (Sometimes even problems related to merging and checking out!)
Compiling your first ROM(LineageOS)
I bet you have been getting restless by now! The previous guides were to build the excitement to build your first ROM!
Why Lineage? Simple. Its one of the easiest ROM to build. Pretty well documented and most importantly, alot of video guides to check if you are confused at any point!
It is highly recommended to use a server at this point as you will be pulling alot of data and you will require alot of processing power.
You can build locally if you have good internet.
Here are the minimum requirements(imo)-
i3 6100 or equivalent
300GB HDD(500 GB+ is highly recommended)
Lets start off by the dependencies. I am assuming you are on Ubuntu or Linux Mint. These are the dependencies you need to install -
git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip
You know how to install them don't you now
Lets install Repo now-
mkdir ~/bin
edit your .bashrc in the home directory with your preffered file editor(I use nano) and add this line to the bottom (Hint - hold pgdwn to jump to the bottom quickly)-
Then execute these commands-
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Lets sync Lineage now shall we
First add your github account to the git config using-
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "[email protected]"
Here, you should use your github email! (See if you don't want to use personal email)
Make a dir in which you will do the rom stuff and cd to it
Before we initialize and sync LineageOS, you have to decide which branch you are choosing as well
You can check your device forum and see what Android versions does the device have. PS- You might wanna check the LineageOS thread. The developer must have provided a link to their kernel source(If they didn't, report the thread to mods kek). Click and navigate through their github. you will find a repo named- android_device_(vendor)_(devicecodename) . you probably know the vendor and the codename from the forum don't you?For example its- android_device_xiaomi_land for my device(Yea right I have an old as hecc device pls no laugh ). Check the branch of the ROM. It will probably something like lineage-16.0 or 15.1 etc. Also if you have an official device, you can check its branch at- .
Welp now you know the branch, lets start!
repo init -u git:// -b <branch>
repo sync
To sync a little bit faster, here's a better command I got from StatiXOS git -
repo sync -c -f --force-sync --no-tag --no-clone-bundle -j$(nproc --all) --optimized-fetch --prune
Also, if your sync stopped midway because of your ISP(BSNL :'( ), you can just start the sync again.
If you are on another distro such as arch, you might have to do some extra steps-
Now that you have synced, You may choose one of the 2 paths-
If you have official LineageOS, choose me!
Setup the environmental Variables with-
source bu*/e*
Clone your vendor blobs from TheMuppets repo -
or, from your preferred developer.
The usual repo name is proprietary_vendor_(vendorname). For example, in my case its proprietary_vendor_xiaomi . It should have a folder with your device codename
If not, try changing the branch!
You should be cloning them to vendor/(vendorname)
start bulding right away with-
brunch lineage_<codename>-<buildtype>
here, codename is your device codename and buildtype is one of these-
user, userdebug, eng .
I recommend userdebug at first. user builds are pretty much as limited as your stock rom. eng builds are actually the one you should use for debugging the rom. These are not secure for daily usage.
This will start the build and you probably won't get an error as its official. If you do, you can just search it up on google. Once the build is done, you will get filepath in the command output. Generally, the build is in
<workingdir>/out/target/product/<codename>/ .
If you have unofficial Lineage, choose me!
I am assuming you are in the working directory
Welp, lets start off by searching for the required trees.
Here's what you need-
Device Tree
Kernel Source
Vendor Blobs
Usually I find them by checking the post of the unofficial Lineage thread and click the kernel source link(Again, if they didn't post it, you should report the thread ). Go to the dev's profile and check his repositories. Here are the usual naming schemes for each one of them-
Device tree - android_device_(vendorname)_(devicecodename)
Kernel Source - android_kernel_(vendorname)_(devicecodename) or! android_kernel_(vendorname)_(soccodename)
Vendor Blobs - proprietary_vendor_(vendorname) or, proprietary_vendor_(vendorname)_(devicecodename)
Device tree should be obvious. It should be cloned to - device/(vendorname)/(devicecodename)
As for kernel tree, soccodename menas the codename of the SoC you have in the device. The thread should have it already as the kernel is licensed in GPL v2(GNU Public License V2, for more info check - ). To know where you need to clone the kernel tree, check the "" of your Device tree and check the "TARGET_KERNEL_SOURCE" line. It tells where you need to clone the kernel
vendor name should be obvious as well now. If your vendor name doesn't have the codename, it should be cloned to vendor/<vendorname>
if it has the devicecodename, it may or may not be the device tree and still be like this-
If it doesn't look like this, it should be cloned to vendor/<vendorname>/<devicecodename>
Here's the repo list of an ideal dev-
Setup environmental variables-
source bu*/e*
Start the build! -
brunch lineage_<codename>-<buildtype>
here, codename is your device codename and buildtype is one of these-
user, userdebug, eng .
I recommend userdebug at first. user builds are pretty much as limited as your stock rom. eng builds are actually the one you should use for debugging the rom. These are not secure for daily usage.
Now since you are using an unofficial tree, it is likely that you might hit an error. One of the most common error is when brunch is unable to find your target device. a simple fix for that is to navigate to your device tree and make a file called ""
It should have this line in it-
add_lunch_combo lineage_<codename>-userdebug
where(you guessed it), codename is your device codename. Run the environmental variable setup again and you should be ready to build.
You might hit errors. Google is always your friend. If you are absolutely sure that you can't find it on google, check the help group section in the thread!
Once the ROM is ready, you will find the filepath in the command ouput. Generally its in out/target/product/<codename>/
Uploading files to google drive
There's a really nice guide availabe here-
Congratulations! You just made your first rom. If you find this hard, this is just the beginning! There's a very rough road ahead.
Compiling your first Non-Lineage ROM
PS. - The ROM has to be "Lineage-based".
thee aren't eft f'r aosp bas'd roms!
I will be using XenonHD as an example as it is pretty easy to build and it was pretty much one of the first roms i ever built.
Building a Lineage-based rom is as easy as building Lineage!
You go to the rom's git(I usually google search or check it in one of the rom's thread for any device) and check the repo manifest. The usual naming scheme for a repo is-
In xenonHD's case, its platform_manifest(and all other repo names will start with platform prefix)
A proper ROM source should have the syncing instructions and building instructions. Lets check the XenonHD's example
make a working dir for the rom in which you will do your rom stuff.
Initialize and sync it. The initializing and syncing part is always the same across the ROMs. (You know which branch to use now. Don't you?)
Again, clone all the required trees!
Now now now, don't get excited yet! Before you start brunching, there is some stuff you need to change.
Usually you can refer to one of the official trees in the ROM organization. For example, has proper commits. You should be looking at the "Initial XenonHD" commit. You can obviously ignore commits like as they are device specific. The basics are always the same-
Rename to (romname).mk . refer to the device tree if you are unsure about the romname
edit the (romname).mk and change all the lineage instances to (romname). refer to the commit if unsure.
rename lineage.dependencies to (romname).dependencies .
Renaming the kernel defconfig isn't really necessary so you can ignore that.
Setup the environmental variables(Same across all the roms)-
source bu*/e*
start the build using the supported command given by the ROM devs.
brunch codename-<buildtype>
in XenonHD's case. However its different across most of the roms so never forget to read manifests!
You are more likely to hit errors with these spinoffs. Google is your friend(I can't remember how many times I have repeated this) and so is LineageOS repo! You have alot of references if the error is not device specific. Learn to fix derps! Check the help groups sections and ask if its absolutely necessary! Again, the command output will have the filepath of the final ROM zip!
You aren't ready yet. You need to gain alot more experience in compiling ROMs and here are some ROMs that you should be able to build at this point- Resurrection Remix, DotOS etc. Most of the lineage based roms support brunch. (Be careful tho, as a few AOSP based roms support it too. You might have a hard time compiling those!)
Choosing a programming language
At this point, it is highly suggested to learn a programming language if you want to escape the Buildbot stage. I am not forcing you, but you will have alot of trouble in doing advanced stuff.
There are several beginner friendly languages-
bash (the easiest)
Python (Recommended)
Kotlin (Android App development, quite easy)
Harder, recomended to learn after the easy langages-
Java (Gotta learn java if you want to make your own custom ROM at some point :3 )
C/C++ (Other than System UI, most of the other stuff for Android is written in C or C++)
Anything else you like! Once you get the basics, its not hard to learn another language .
The reason why I recommend Python is because it was the first language I learnt! Its pretty easy(Though, the OOP, Object Oriented Programming part is slightly advanced). It has wide applications and THE preferred language for Machine Learning and AI stuff, Period(OMG BUZZWORDS).
Kotlin is also fairely easy. I haven't programmed much in kotlin though I know basic syntaxes. If you learn it first, you won't have much trouble with learning Java. Probably. You can learn Java at first as well but you might have trouble! C is a must learn if you want to modify the Kernel and C++ is a must if you want to modify other code like HALs!
Python takes a day or two to learn! Not even kidding. I recommend this nice playlist by CSDojo -
If you are interested in programming Machine learning, I recommend this playlist-
I learnt Kotlin basics from this Video - but there are more advanced videos as well.
I can't link Java tutorials as I haven't learnt it and nor do I plan to anytime soon. You can of course check youtube .
I learnt C from books and The C programming language by Dennis Ritchie and Brian W Keringhan is a must read! I quite liked "Programming in ANSI C" by E. Balagurusamy as well. You can of course, learn it on youtube.
Getting into programming takes a while and you might not like it at first but if you do, you will always enjoy it!
Basics To Conflict Resolution
It is assumed that you have a mind of a programmer and thus the guide will have alot less spoon feeding!
Lets get back to git and discuss about Conflict resolution. From time to time, you might want to cherry-pick something or perform a merge and you might get a "conflict".
Here's a basic idea!
The code between <<< HEAD and ===== is your previous code and the code between ====== and >>>> (commit SHA) is the new code from the commit. You get this if a part of the file in the commit is not the same as your local file.
There are 3 possibilities -
The code between <<<< HEAD and ===== is not required, thus you can delete that (Mostly)
The code between ===== and >>>>> is not required, thus the new change is not required (Rarely)
Both the old code and the new code is required (Pretty common!)
How do you decide between the three? You actually check the commit you are picking. In case of a merge, you can just view the history of a file and check the changes on github. Mostly, that should be enough for a decision. In case of a conflict while upstreaming my kernel, I usually refer to android-linux-stable project - . Other times, I actually use my brain and figure out the option myself!
Compiling AOSP-based roms for CAF devices
Welp, I took alot of your time! You surely learnt plenty. Its the final part of this guide Took me a while to write all this ;_; .
I am assuming that you are fairly experienced now and you have atleast basic programming knowledge and plenty experience with git.
For starters, I recommend you to try AOSIP! It is highly compatible with Lineage trees and it shouldn't be much trouble to modify your device tree for it.
No spoon feeding at this point . Lets revise the basic idea! -
Find the rom source
Find the appropriate branch
Check the manifest for syncing and building instructions
Refer to another device tree(Possibly a tree of a similar device) and modify your device tree! (The hard part as its different from lineage based roms)
Environment setup
Start the build
Most of the AOSP-based roms use these commands-
lunch <codename>-<buildtype>
mka bacon
The lunch part is always there in Maximum AOSP based ROMs and the building command maybe different(i.e
time mka kronic
Another part I want to mention is about "HALs" . Usually most of the ROMs (even AOSP-based) ship with CAF HALs and support project pathmaps. However, some ROMs don't. Probably because they are not intended for CAF devices or the sources aren't properly complete yet! To build these ROM succesfully, I clone the CAF HALs from the lineage repo. These are- display-caf, media-caf, audio-caf, bt-caf and wlan-caf.
The first 3 HALs are usually platform specific so do check the branch on LineageOS! (for example, its lineage-16.0-caf-8996 branch for 821 series family SoCs for pie). The next step is to remove project pathmpas from both the device tree and the HALs. You can refer to the changes done by PedroKalil -
Don't be lazy. Don't clone these HALs as these are outdated! Refer to them and do the appropriate changes on the latest Lineage HALs. the libbfqio changes may not be required as alot of AOSP-based roms have started to ship with it.
As for the Changes required in Device tree, you can refer to - (The custom Audio policy is probably already enabled so no need to do that)
and (Depends on the path you cloned your HAL to)
You should now be able to compile any AOSP-based ROM! Experience is the key. Some other AOSP-based roms I recommend - NitrogenOS, AEX, AOSCP, Pixel Experience(Fairly easy), Pixel Dust(One of the hard), AOSPA( teach me when you fix the cneserver error lulz) .
Thats all you need to know to build AOSP-based ROMs for CAF devices .
If you wish to get into Android and Linux Kernel Development, Learning C is a must! I recommend this guide by nathanchance if you are ready! -
Groups for help (Linux Kernel only)
Your device groups
Let me know if you want your group here
@tanish2k09 and @Swapnil Soni ( For guiding me even though I had 0 knowledge, co-operating with my idiotic requests)
ABH (Helping me realise that you can fix most of the errors by just searching properly)
@nathanchance (for his awesome kernel guides)
@KalilDev (For helping me with building AOSP based roms)
@ZeroInfinity (For machine learning tutorials kek)
@riteshsaxena (Bess sources for reference xD, Helping me with pie bringup which caused rapid progress for me)
You, the reader
I hope you learnt plenty of stuff from the guide. It took me a while to type this you see :3 .
awesome sir
rupanshji said:
@KalilDev (For helping me with building AOSP based roms)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is one of the best or the most helpful guide I've ever read! I'll Recommend this for anyone who wants to join the ROM building club.
10/10 tutorial, thanx dev.
Thank you for this, OP
any guide like this for mtk devices?

