[Q] Defy Gingerbread (MS2Ginger 3.0) questions - Defy Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am using MS2Ginger 3.0 for three months now. Like it, but have a couple of issues. People in the MS2Ginger thread do a lot more whining about ETA than answering questions, hopefully I'll have better luck here.
First of all: on GB memory is low, and my launcher often stutters and restarts. Compared to my stock 2.1 and 2.2 roms, free memory is much less. After boot, there is about 50-80MB free (according to TaskPanel), and after killing some Motorola bloatware it rarely goes above 100MB (compared to 150-200MB free on Froyo).
Question 1: What's with the low memory?
What is using so much compared to Froyo? Can it be freed somehow?
Question 2: Can I replace the Moto launcher completely?
If I install a different launcher from the market, the Moto launcher still runs in the background, using memory and resources. Also, can I use the Moto widgets with another launcher?
Question 3: Can I remove the Motorola bloatware from the ROM?
Social networking, social messaging, etc. start on boot, and use memory and resources. How can I remove them for good?
Question 4: Can I stop some of the software (like Video Player, Music player) from starting automatically?
The Autostarts market app does this in theory, but it's not reliable, especially with system apps. I use these apps sometimes, I just don't need them to start on boot.
Question 5: Can I improve the JPEG quality somehow?
I remember reading about some patch that does this, is there a reliable way to do that?


gkkovacs said:
I am using MS2Ginger 3.0 for three months now. Like it, but have a couple of issues. People in the MS2Ginger thread do a lot more whining about ETA than answering questions, hopefully I'll have better luck here.
First of all: on GB memory is low, and my launcher often stutters and restarts. Compared to my stock 2.1 and 2.2 roms, free memory is much less. After boot, there is about 50-80MB free (according to TaskPanel), and after killing some Motorola bloatware it rarely goes above 100MB (compared to 150-200MB free on Froyo).
Question 1: What's with the low memory?
What is using so much compared to Froyo? Can it be freed somehow?
Question 2: Can I replace the Moto launcher completely?
If I install a different launcher from the market, the Moto launcher still runs in the background, using memory and resources. Also, can I use the Moto widgets with another launcher?
Question 3: Can I remove the Motorola bloatware from the ROM?
Social networking, social messaging, etc. start on boot, and use memory and resources. How can I remove them for good?
Question 4: Can I stop some of the software (like Video Player, Music player) from starting automatically?
The Autostarts market app does this in theory, but it's not reliable, especially with system apps. I use these apps sometimes, I just don't need them to start on boot.
Question 5: Can I improve the JPEG quality somehow?
I remember reading about some patch that does this, is there a reliable way to do that?
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Later, im going to give you answer for your questions... but right now, i'm at work

espaciosalter20 said:
Later, im going to give you answer for your questions... but right now, i'm at work
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Looks like you forgot about me...

gkkovacs said:
I am using MS2Ginger 3.0 for three months now. Like it, but have a couple of issues. People in the MS2Ginger thread do a lot more whining about ETA than answering questions, hopefully I'll have better luck here.
First of all: on GB memory is low, and my launcher often stutters and restarts. Compared to my stock 2.1 and 2.2 roms, free memory is much less. After boot, there is about 50-80MB free (according to TaskPanel), and after killing some Motorola bloatware it rarely goes above 100MB (compared to 150-200MB free on Froyo).
Question 1: What's with the low memory?
What is using so much compared to Froyo? Can it be freed somehow?
Question 2: Can I replace the Moto launcher completely?
If I install a different launcher from the market, the Moto launcher still runs in the background, using memory and resources. Also, can I use the Moto widgets with another launcher?
Question 3: Can I remove the Motorola bloatware from the ROM?
Social networking, social messaging, etc. start on boot, and use memory and resources. How can I remove them for good?
Question 4: Can I stop some of the software (like Video Player, Music player) from starting automatically?
The Autostarts market app does this in theory, but it's not reliable, especially with system apps. I use these apps sometimes, I just don't need them to start on boot.
Question 5: Can I improve the JPEG quality somehow?
I remember reading about some patch that does this, is there a reliable way to do that?
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sorry, I was really busy at work, but now I'm at home, getting over a flu
Ok, answers:
1. Stock roms have a merely good system memory management so it is very usual to get low memory often. Solution: install a memory ram script manager like juve's ram or v6supercharger script.
2 and 3. For remove Moto launcher and other moto blur bloatware, you have to install another launcher before and then run deblur script, following proper instructions.
4. Use a system tuner app instead.
5. Use root explorer to add the following line at build.prop:
Later, in going to extend my answers because right now I'm at phone
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Thanks for all your answers, you are very helpful. I wish you get well soon from the flu!
espaciosalter20 said:
1. Stock roms have a merely good system memory management so it is very usual to get low memory often. Solution: install a memory ram script manager like juve's ram or v6supercharger script.
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I have installed V6 Supercharger + KAK with the basic settings, my phone (MS2Ginger 3.0) became completely unusable. Force closes, heavy lagging all the time, so I removed it, reinstalled the ROM - and still not perfect (I did not want to wipe the complete phone, only the caches)
espaciosalter20 said:
2 and 3. For remove Moto launcher and other moto blur bloatware, you have to install another launcher before and then run deblur script, following proper instructions.
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Sounds something to try. Can you point me to the right direction?
espaciosalter20 said:
4. Use a system tuner app instead.
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Which system tuner would you recommend? I need to keep these apps from starting up.

to stop app open at boot, i'm using app manager! you can find the option "auto start manager" to choose which one you want open at boot!
also app manager has a build prop editor and a ram manager
pretty good app!
by the way in whiterabbit i'm using v6 supercharged 512 ladded and ka launcher (option 6 and 12)!


Improving performance by removing virtual keyboard

My biggest problem with G1 is not having enough ram. While checking what sits in my ram with MemoryUsage app I noticed virtual keyboard. Since I almost never used it, I killed it. This caused home to reload, but I believe that keyboard has not been loaded instantly.
But after some time, I could see it there again hogging my precious 9MB. Since my phone has usually only like 15MB ram free, this was quite annoying.
After doing some research and BACKUP, since I am rooted I decided to rename the application to see if it will work. The app in question is LatinIME.apk. I renamed it to LatinIME.apkBkp. While I have been there, I did the same thing with LatinImeTutorial.apk. Both files are located in /system/app.
You have to remount it writable first, search this forum for how to do it.
After renaming that file (and maybe killing the app, don't remember exactly) my phone tried to reload home. It failed to do so, force closed and then tried again, resulting in infinite loop.
I rebooted the phone and it worked well, starting normally. Now I have more ram and performance of my phone improved a bit. My free ram stays a bit higher and apps are not so often removed from it.
Overall I am happy about the result and I am looking for more unnecessary stuff to remove.
I am on CyanogenMod 4 btw., so there might be different keyboard apps on other roms.
I have not found anyone mentioning this here, only some tutorials how to change default keyboard, so hopefully someone will find this useful.
If you have any suggestion how to sqeeze even more ram from my G1, bring them on please. (I know of swap, compcache, 10mb hack and keeping low number of apps)
raqua said:
My biggest problem with G1 is not having enough ram. While checking what sits in my ram with MemoryUsage app I noticed virtual keyboard. Since I almost never used it, I killed it. This caused home to reload, but I believe that keyboard has not been loaded instantly.
But after some time, I could see it there again hogging my precious 9MB. Since my phone has usually only like 15MB ram free, this was quite annoying.
After doing some research and BACKUP, since I am rooted I decided to rename the application to see if it will work. The app in question is LatinIME.apk. I renamed it to LatinIME.apkBkp. While I have been there, I did the same thing with LatinImeTutorial.apk. Both files are located in /system/app.
You have to remount it writable first, search this forum for how to do it.
After renaming that file (and maybe killing the app, don't remember exactly) my phone tried to reload home. It failed to do so, force closed and then tried again, resulting in infinite loop.
I rebooted the phone and it worked well, starting normally. Now I have more ram and performance of my phone improved a bit. My free ram stays a bit higher and apps are not so often removed from it.
Overall I am happy about the result and I am looking for more unnecessary stuff to remove.
I am on CyanogenMod 4 btw., so there might be different keyboard apps on other roms.
I have not found anyone mentioning this here, only some tutorials how to change default keyboard, so hopefully someone will find this useful.
If you have any suggestion how to sqeeze even more ram from my G1, bring them on please. (I know of swap, compcache, 10mb hack and keeping low number of apps)
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Unused RAM is wasted RAM. The system will kill applications when more memory is needed. Don't worry about it.
And time for you to upgrade to CM6, don't you think?
lbcoder said:
Unused RAM is wasted RAM. The system will kill applications when more memory is needed. Don't worry about it.
And time for you to upgrade to CM6, don't you think?
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Idiocy runs rampant at Dream forums, huh? Blame the stupid Advanced Task killer dev for getting all these idiots believing killing apps actually serves a purpose...
Anyway, if the OP is concerned about memory usage and bloat, I very much doubt CM6 is a step in the right direction. Maybe the latest CM 5 is a better option.
lbcoder said:
Unused RAM is wasted RAM. The system will kill applications when more memory is needed. Don't worry about it.
And time for you to upgrade to CM6, don't you think?
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Yep, I am very well aware how does it work, but killing the app and loading the other one uses CPU cycles and makes system slow. Especially if it happens all the time as it does on my phone. This is actually the biggest source of laggines imho.
Plus, I am pretty sure, that system apps are not unloaded (some of them at least) or they are unloaded as a last resort. Which was also the case here. I could see other apps being killed (which I did not wanted to be killed) while unused virtual keyboard was happily sitting there.
For the record, I do not use task killer of any sort, does not make significant difference for me and occupies more ram than it saves. So please save that 'idiot' for someone else.
I do not plan to switch to CM5 or CM6, because those need even more ram as CM4 does. Afaik, those roms use hw graphics support which prohibits 10mb hack. I definitely keep 10mb hack on my phone. Did a lot of good to it's speed.
Okay so what setup are you using?
I have tryed every which rom out there since i got into it and i usually only use my phone for browsing youtube music and normal phone stuff and am find these new firmwares to be getting sluggish. Basically i want a lightning quick basic build. I am interested in what exactly you are using.
elltg said:
Okay so what setup are you using?
I have tryed every which rom out there since i got into it and i usually only use my phone for browsing youtube music and normal phone stuff and am find these new firmwares to be getting sluggish. Basically i want a lightning quick basic build. I am interested in what exactly you are using.
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I am using last version of CyanogenMod from 4 series. That is Android 1.6 based.
I have apps2sd, 10mb hack and compcache enabled. No swap. Was not working for me. I removed all the apps that stay in memory like all widgets etc. The only things that is running in my memory permanently are: SeePU (to monitor my phone), JuiceDefender (to save battery), Battery Left widget and Astrid.
I set my phone to keep Home app in memory all the time, removed all the unnecessary effects in Spare Parts and removed virtual keyboard.
With this setup, my phone performs quite ok. Not as snappy as I would want it to be, but acceptable.
Hope it helps.
I have been using Super-D 1.9.3 with 10mb hack. Removed VPN, VoiceDialer, GenieWidget and some other misc things. Latest ADW instead of Launcher.apk, MusicMod 1.5 instead of stock music, latest 1.6 Phone.apk from Wysie. I also themed my lockscreen and Powertop widget. I has been about 4 months since I flashed it and it hasn't slowed down much at all (and I rarely reboot it). Not a singel FC! Battery lasts me thru the day (I have facebook, twitter and Gmail updating themselves). All in all, its one of the best set-ups I've used. I strongly suggest trying out earlier Super-D roms if you're looking for reliable daily driver (anything before 1.11 should be quite good, 1.11 is when it all went downhill)
Good luck.
raqua said:
I am using last version of CyanogenMod from 4 series. That is Android 1.6 based.
I have apps2sd, 10mb hack and compcache enabled. No swap. Was not working for me. I removed all the apps that stay in memory like all widgets etc. The only things that is running in my memory permanently are: SeePU (to monitor my phone), JuiceDefender (to save battery), Battery Left widget and Astrid.
I set my phone to keep Home app in memory all the time, removed all the unnecessary effects in Spare Parts and removed virtual keyboard.
With this setup, my phone performs quite ok. Not as snappy as I would want it to be, but acceptable.
Hope it helps.
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You have options.
-Remove apps2sd and use the mtd patch method. That way you cut out the slowest link on the phone: the memory card. With the MTD hack, you can get maybe 150 megs or more of internal space for apps on a donut rom.
-Use the latest version of setcpu since it doesn't stay in memory. You can try an overclock, it will help but shorten battery life some. Maybe 576 or 595 would be enough of an overclock to make it feel faster yet not drain battery like crazy.
-Keep CC on and lock home in memory
-remove the battery widget lol.
=Delete juicedefender and just use the power control widget.
-I usually remove apps that tend to launch on their own, such as the genie widget or the voice search, as well the the VK since I never use those. It's easy enough to write a script or remove them by hand from the terminal. for example, to remove the VK, open terminal and type
mount -o rw,remount /system
rm -f /system/app/LatinIME.apk
-reboot your phone often, and try clearing your cache using cachemate or similar

[SOLVED] Swiftdroid is killing apps way too quickly. How to prevent this?

I was using swiftdroid last two days and it appears to be killing all apps almost as soon as I quit it. I checked with Advanced Task Killer and it appears swiftdroid is trying to keep at least 45MB free even after I enabled 32MB swap with built-in VRAM.
This is very annoying. It keeps quitting facebook chat and IMO chat as soon as I switch to another app. I'm aware GT540 has very low memory but the thing is in stock, I didn't have any problem even though I didn't have VRAM/swap. I usually get around 25MB RAM free all the time and most apps stay in memory. I'm usually like able to launch the IM app, facebook app and still be able to use the browser or file expert or messaging app.
So, is there's a workaround? It's really annoying when it keeps quitting the IM app just like that!
Sorry for saying it's annoying. I know we get this for free and I shouldn't be complaining at all. It's just that it pissed me by quitting IM app, the only app I want to stay in the memory.
What version of Swiftdroid are you using
The latest one (M5), has improved RAM management a lot
And comes with better battery life, too
I got the same thing. Always 40-45mb free and apps being killed quickly. I'm on M5. Someone said that Joestone's AOSP is better in this aspect, but I didn't test it yet.
I'm on M4. I downloaded M5 only today. I don't think it lacks good RAM management. It's just that its memory management settings have been tweaked to keep maximum possible amount of RAM free so that any new app will launch faster. Am sure there must be a switch to change it.
I don't really have any problems with stock 2.1. I checked out Joe's AOSP and swiftdroid. The only real advantage apart from speed is voice input. In Joe's AOSP, I couldn't get voice to work. In swiftdroid, it worked.
that's what I meant with RAM management
Maurik changed the settings on M5
mhoangtr said:
In M4 rom, lowmemorykiller setting is 6,8,16,20,32,40 MB so apps killed too fast.
If you want to keep apps longer, try set to 6,8,16,20,22,24 MB (this is default value of android).
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But I don't know how can you change that setting in M4
Try M5, if it ain't working for you, go to Joe's
Mitalca said:
that's what I meant with RAM management
Maurik changed the settings on M5
But I don't know how can you change that setting in M4
Try M5, if it ain't working for you, go to Joe's
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@Mitalca: That's the whole purpose of the post. I couldn't find the option where I can change 6,8,16,20,32,40 MB to 6,8,16,20,22,24 MB.
How do I change it?
You can change these values with e.g. this application https://market.android.com/details?id=com.lim.android.automemman&feature=search_result
I installed this app: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.rs.autokiller
It does the same thing.
I set the values to 6-8-12-18-20-20. Now I'll have to see if that brings an improvement.
EDIT: Tested it for a few minutes. And it seems to be an awesome improvement! I can switch from Facebook, Twitter and Browser, and everything is kept in memory, meaning these apps don't have to reload everything!
And it seems to be stable. I also use some of the "advanced system tweaks settings".
Thanks you guys.
XDA memebers. Useful as ever.
I'm gonna try both the apps and keep the app with slicker interface.
M5 isn't working.
Says assert failed when trying to flash via recovery.
Trys v6 SuperCharger!
It Works Perfectly on our GT540!
I found this problematic, too.
I installed M5 yesterday. Everything is great except this (and I don't like oversensitive accelerometer, but it's not urgent problem ).
Last night I listened Music player, and surfed via Miren. After two opened tabs, Music player shut down . After four opened tabs, phone rebooted. Factory widgets' widgets are useless with this agressive RAM menagment.
hash87 said:
You can change these values with e.g. this application https://market.android.com/details?id=com.lim.android.automemman&feature=search_result
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Thanks man.
Works excellent .
EazyLuke said:
I installed this app: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.rs.autokiller
It does the same thing.
I set the values to 6-8-12-18-20-20. Now I'll have to see if that brings an improvement.
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To bad - it want access to too much permissions.
Access to too much permissions? Use LBE Privacy Guard!
What permissions?
And by the way, I wrote a PM to Mur4ik and asked him to try this app out. Maybe he'll change the numbers for RAM-management in his next release if he thinks it's an improvement.
EazyLuke said:
What permissions?
And by the way, I wrote a PM to Mur4ik and asked him to try this app out. Maybe he'll change the numbers for RAM-management in his next release if he thinks it's an improvement.
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There are plenty of custom ROMs that use Mur4ik's config. It boils down to personal preference. Do you want newer apps to launch really fast or do you want certain apps to stay in memory all the time?
Multi-taskers would prefer to have all apps in memory while people who like doing one thing at a time or who use phone for gaming mainly would prefer Mur4ik's config which launches apps faster.
The best thing for Mur4ik is to include an option to change the memory management config depending on user.
After changing the numbers my apps don't really seem to open slower.
In my opinion Mur4ik could lower the numbers a little bit, to allow better multitasking, but still let new apps open fast (just my personal opinion).
But I don't say he HAS TO do that, just a suggestion, if he doesn't like it it isn't a problem at all, because everyone can simply adjust the numbers easily .
That's true. xD
If I were to suggest, I'd suggest to add the option to change these settings. Apps opening fast depends on what individual apps are in the memory and what new app you are opening.
For example, if you open Angry Birds while your memory is at 16MB, you certainly can't expect it to open fast.
On the other hand, if you open messaging app while memory is at 16MB, it certainly will open faster.
But, I really disliked the apps Swiftdroid had in the latest release. I had to get rid of the whole GO suit with Uninstaller for Root.
nibras_reeza said:
But, I really disliked the apps Swiftdroid had in the latest release. I had to get rid of the whole GO suit with Uninstaller for Root.
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Try M6, was released yesterday, it's completely clean! Only Tonepicker and QuickSettings are added.
SWEETTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD
you could also try to put mur4ik rom in the kitchen and play with autokiller settings ...
this is michalak8 from android.com.pl (mike's froYo dev) looking for that magic 10 posts to post my rom) Could someone close the rom thread in development section - I would like to post it my self without google-translate bugs

Minimalizing RAM usage / footprint

Hi folks. I'm sorry to trouble everyone again.
I want to know, is there a way, where I can say take a custom ROM, and then modify the existing parts so that i can reduce the RAM footprint.
I have no experience using any ROMS except Ilyaa's CM10.1 custom ROM which he cooked up. Even on stock gingerbread i only toyed for it for a day after i bought it and immediately followed the instructions and did a custom firmware (I even had a thread about it because the first time i did it i accidently deleted /boot)
What I had in mind is to somehow replace bloated apps with apps that uses FAR lesser RAM footprint.
For example, the Trebuchet launcher is fine, but I wanted something more minimalistic so i went for Lightning Launcher and also Zeam Launcher (TagHome launcher is not available for 4.2, sadly)
What i discovered was Smart Launcher uses about 16MB of RAM. Lightning initially only used 3.1MB, (then somehow bloated up to 20MB even when i did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING) and ZEAM launcher is hovering around 15MB.
I am not sure if this is ROM related issue, but I want to ask users of other ROMS (especially the custom ICS ROMs like MIUI and DZO AURORA since its considered the best of all U8800 custom ROMs) if you can reduce the footprint?
Truthfully, I have tried GREENIFY and also another memory app that another forumer has recommnded for setting minimum values, but i still keep getting ONLY 20-40MB free RAM. I have replaced the super bloatware Facebook for Android by Facebook and Twitter and replaced them with SCOPE (far lesser RAM used than both app combined)
Does anybody have any idea of what we can do?
As far as i know when u are connected to the internet most of the apps run in the background and thus u have less available ram. Widgets also drain a lot, try to avoid them. U can tweak some kernel values so that the system will make more available free ram , like minfree values.
Sent from my U8800
AceDroidX said:
As far as i know when u are connected to the internet most of the apps run in the background and thus u have less available ram. Widgets also drain a lot, try to avoid them. U can tweak some kernel values so that the system will make more available free ram , like minfree values.
Sent from my U8800
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THis is what i did. However the it does not affect my memory, and i suspect it was the ROM because of the previous versions was better. I have not tried ICS though.
Have you tried using an app called Greenify?
Mendacio said:
Have you tried using an app called Greenify?
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Read the OP for God's sake -.-'
Mendacio said:
Have you tried using an app called Greenify?
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Yes. I have. I have also stated that very explicitly.
Sent from my U8800 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Try the app memory manager and on presets choose the option Strict....
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Djuganight said:
Try the app memory manager and on presets choose the option Strict....
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Well, that did not helped much, actually. I'm not sure what is the real issue behind it, but I'm still tinkering with some of the ROMs and installing what I perceive as low-RAM-usage apps.
Currently i'm running GREENIFY and MEMORY MANAGER (that sets the minfree values) and hopefully by later i'll come out with something useful.
I'm not that of a poweruser, so using another custom kernel then doing some adjustments not specified by the dev is a little too much to me, unless I know i can follow through with the steps.
Some of the apps that I have perceived as low RAM usage and downright functional (not beautiful, but gets things done)
- Smart Launcher
- Zeam Launcher
- Lightning Launcher
- Atrium
- Scope (Twitter and Facebook)
- Twicca
- Scope
- Echofon
Google +
(no alternative)
- Quickpix (gallery alternative)
- Hiki Player (music player alternative)
- Nano player (music player alternative, bare bones)
- MX Player (video player)
- Tubemate (at least you can greenify this over the stupid Youtube App)
- default email client
- K9 email client
Contacts and messaging:
- Contacts + (this one does a lot)
- pansi sms (sms alternative)
File Managers:
- Root Browser Lite
- ES File Explorer.
That's about it for the time being.
At this time 3rd June 2013, Google is updating the core apps. I am unable to uninstall the email apk and gmail apk.

[how to] have a lighter and faster stock rom!!!

First of all, please allow me to express that this method is not taken from somewhere else or not required any expertise to implement. This is just based on to remove heavy TW applications, and find better replacements for them. Mainly, this is not a mod at all
I am sharing this method because it is tried by lots of people and they conveyed their appreciation for overall performance and battery life increase.
As a start, either Flash a fully Stock odexed Rom or flash a TW based Custom Rom.
Then root it, and flash a performance kernel. Preferably H.O.C Hello World Kernel v1.3.7b.
Make a Full Nandroid Backup including /preload partition. I bear no responsibility for any lost info or broken device. (Actually it is impossible to break the phone by implementing this method but who knows
Then install Titanium Backup. Backup all user and system apps.
These are all kind of prerequisites. There we start now
First thing to be done is to get rid of TW Launcher. IT is hell of a burden for whole system. Best replacement for me is Nova Launcher. You choose your own. After you settle with new launcher and rest assured that it is OK, freeze TW via TB. Thanks to this step we have gained more than 50 mb of RAM
Second thing is to get rid of is Gallery. Due to Facebook, Picasa, G+, etc. integration Gallery is always working background and pushes system very hard. Best and fastest replacement is stock Android/Google Camera and Gallery. Here is the link: http://db.tt/L1ip1Inp Flash it via Recovery. This will install system folder. You can find preload variations on the net.
After you install the zip, set video recording resolution to 480p. Otherwise it gets stuck. When you confirm that media scanner is completed and Camera is working including whole features, then you can freeze and/or delete stock gallery and camera apps.
The other wise thing to do to lighten the rom would be deleting some bloatware, actually all bloatwares . Start with ad apps, and continue with live wallpapers and live wallpaper chooser. After that, you can delete Samsung scloud agents. If you are not using them, it will be wise.
Other apps to be deleted could be FM Radio, Google Play Music, etc. The ones you are sure that you are not using. Actually to give a complete and proper list is unfortunately impossible. Cause it is dependent to tastes and choices. For example, I don’t use All Share and Group Play, so I even deleted them. On the other hand, you may be using them. So even if I tell you what I have deleted, it may not work for you.
You can also delete some widget apps like Favorite Apps, contacts, etc. They consume RAM. Get rid of them. If you are not using stock keyboard, then get rid of Samsung IME, swype. Also you can delete street view, double clock, digital clock, etc. You decide it. There are lists floating around in which you can find the app safe to remove.
Any app not essential for system can be deleted. If you are hesitant whether an app is obligatory for system working or not, then just freeze it So that you can defreeze it later on if you face any problems.
I would strongly advise you to get rid of Play Store, Hangout, Play Music, Play Services. If you need GTalk, here it is: http://db.tt/6NKHZMvV (Replace it with Hangout apk (don’t know the name) and set the permissions. If you cannot find a replacement for Play Market, try 1Mobile. It is free. No warez either. Afterwards you won’t need Play Services. System will be free of another heavy duty as well
Now, we set our Rom according to your taste and needs. System is a lot lighter now. It is time to implement some mods.
Search for Direct Injection tweak on xda. Flash it via CWM right away. Let the phone boot.
Then, install Seeder from xda also. Choose all 3 options, set it to moderate and Turn it ON. Reboot the phone again.
After, install No Frills CPU from 1Mobile (we deleted Play Store ). Set governor as HYPER, and scheduler as row. Max Freq: 1,2GHZ; Min:200 MHZ. Tick applying settings on boot. Then activate your Battery Saving Mode.
Finally, go to recovery. Wipe Cache and Dalvik Cache. Let the phone reboot and settle for 30 minutes.
Enjoy the fastest Rom ever
Please do not report battery life before 3 full cycle.
Nice guide. Cause you did more than me. But for the launcher, if you don't use widgets and just want ultimate simplicity get Sicksky launcher https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sicksky its the next generation zeam launcher. For me nova launcher still takes up a lot of space due to its number of features. So after reading the whole thread I realised that stock android is the best.
Juhan Jufri said:
Nice guide. Cause you did more than me. But for the launcher, if you don't use widgets and just want ultimate simplicity get Sicksky launcher https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sicksky its the next generation zeam launcher. For me nova launcher still takes up a lot of space due to its number of features. So after reading the whole thread I realised that stock android is the best.
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Thanks for reply and advise.
Though I need weather, mail and calender widgets. I dont know if I can use thim with SickSky but if they dont work with it, then sorry
Actually my RAM usage is around 550-650. Itmeans there is a lot of room for Nova Even if you limit background processes via Developer Options by three or two, you will se a noticable RAM usage decrease. Try it now
But still, there may be lots of additions to this. So whoever comes up with a new advise is more than welcomed
This should be a contribution thread, I hope.
I actually love TW starter but will try other things you said.
nice guide though:good:
TW Launcher is the best, I tried almost all launchers but the satisfaction and ease I get with TWL none can provide even if its a little heavy on ram but really not that heavy to make your system laggy.
Overall your motto to keep the rom lite and fast looks good to me but removing Play Store is a crime don't do that. lol
v4uluv2004 said:
TW Launcher is the best, I tried almost all launchers but the satisfaction and ease I get with TWL none can provide even if its a little heavy on ram but really not that heavy to make your system laggy.
Overall your motto to keep the rom lite and fast looks good to me but removing Play Store is a crime don't do that. lol
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It is not working where I live
Google doesn't allow us to use it unfortunately.
Are you saying google is commiting a crime
I think rather than cut down every feature on your phone easier to pick up a nice Nokia 3600 or something like that going back to 20th. century.
straycat said:
I think rather than cut down every feature on your phone easier to pick up a nice Nokia 3600 or something like that going back to 20th. century.
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I don't cut here, just replace.
I mean, there is nothing missing here for me as a smart phone. And whenever i need, lets say all share, i can defreeze and use it.
Nothing is missing on my end.

Does there havea software can improve the running speed of the mobile phone?

I use the mobile phone in the process, feel the speed is very slow, does there have a app, can run a memory more than 90% in the use of the process ,It can automatically clean up? I use sgI9500
wufang640 said:
I use the mobile phone in the process, feel the speed is very slow, does there have a app, can run a memory more than 90% in the use of the process ,It can automatically clean up? I use sgI9500
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There's a few things you can try. First have you changed the animation/transition speeds in developer settings, it definitely makes things feel a bit snappier.
If you're rooted you can try greenify to hibernate apps running in the background.
You can remove unneeded Samsung/bloatware apps installed on the /system directory, this frees up some RAM. If you're not rooted you can disable unneeded apps in applications.
Or another option is to install a custom ROM that has performance tweaks and bloat removed.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
gsmyth said:
There's a few things you can try. First have you changed the animation/transition speeds in developer settings, it definitely makes things feel a bit snappier.
If you're rooted you can try greenify to hibernate apps running in the background.
You can remove unneeded Samsung/bloatware apps installed on the /system directory, this frees up some RAM. If you're not rooted you can disable unneeded apps in applications.
Or another option is to install a custom ROM that has performance tweaks and bloat removed.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
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thanks guys, greenify is good.
wufang640 said:
I use the mobile phone in the process, feel the speed is very slow, does there have a app, can run a memory more than 90% in the use of the process ,It can automatically clean up? I use sgI9500
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I found that the best thing was to just play around with the settings. I uploaded a quick tips video on how to speed up your Galaxy S4 using my i9500, but any variant will work. The link to the video is here: http://goo.gl/7Y71w0. It actually makes a huge difference (you can notice the changes straight away) and its really simple to do even if you are a new user.
Another good thing to do was to get rid of Samsung's bloatware which helps free up lots of memory and the whole UI feels a bit less bogged down. To do this you can either individually disable each app you don't want in settings > more > application manager > and choose and force stop or uninstall the app you wish to remove. While this doesn't get rid of the app from your actual device, it will stop it from eating all your RAM. A better way to do this (but it is more difficult) is to run the "Truly Clean" script on your device. I made a tutorial of it on my website here: http://goo.gl/dgk67P and the original thread is here: http://goo.gl/63SmWI.
Hope that helps you out
Clean Master is a greate application, all in one, it do a well job. it's free on google play stor :

