Vanilla from with from control - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys I need help. How can I add romcontrol.apk from an aokp rom to a vanilla rom? I am using …awesome... vanilla 3.5 ics rom a tut would be really helpful.
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Zkyfer said:
Hey guys I need help. How can I add romcontrol.apk from an aokp rom to a vanilla rom? I am using …awesome... vanilla 3.5 ics rom a tut would be really helpful.
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Take the AOKP rom control apk and place it under system/app.
If there's an app there named ROM control or whatever that makes it obvious its ROM control, then delete it and the odex file with it if there is one.
Also, this doesn't guarantee you will have fully functional ROM control, there may be more files needed or you may just have to flash an AOKP ROM for our device and remove w/e you don't want, but I see that you may be using this ROM as a base b/c of the working video cam.
You just have to experiment and think about it, I've done this before but it was months ago. I might do it again soon for myself.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2

I2IEAILiiTY said:
Take the AOKP rom control apk and place it under system/app.
If there's an app there named ROM control or whatever that makes it obvious its ROM control, then delete it and the odex file with it if there is one.
Also, this doesn't guarantee you will have fully functional ROM control, there may be more files needed or you may just have to flash an AOKP ROM for our device and remove w/e you don't want, but I see that you may be using this ROM as a base b/c of the working video cam.
You just have to experiment and think about it, I've done this before but it was months ago. I might do it again soon for myself.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
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He is definetly right, there are probably a couple more .apks that you have to move because they contain the Daemon, APM, and what not. Give it a shot though!

Thank you both for your help. I have just decided to wait until blackwing makes the camcorder work on his rom. I love aokp to much XD
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Zkyfer said:
Thank you both for your help. I have just decided to wait until blackwing makes the camcorder work on his rom. I love aokp to much XD
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA
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Lol well you do that.
I might do a little fiddling around with the files myself this weekend and next week out of boredom since I'm off work next week
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2



So I have the kernel manager, and I have flashed the dodgekernel_v1.3 and my WiFi,4G and hotspot are broken. Any help would be useful. Also is there a stable kernel I can run with the stock shift Rom??
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jimbowski51 said:
So I have the kernel manager, and I have flashed the dodgekernel_v1.3 and my WiFi,4G and hotspot are broken. Any help would be useful. Also is there a stable kernel I can run with the stock shift Rom??
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If your running stock froyo scaryghouls kernels are talked about as being really good i just never used it, bcnice20s kernels is what i always used on froyo, now when it comes to stock GB there is no kernel source from htc so all the newer kernels are for aosp 2.3.4 or 2.3.5 i cant keep up with aosp
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
Never used the Kernel manager. But if your running stock Froyo Shift Rom you can try one of these. I've used them all with good results. First one is my favorite.
[Kernel] [GPL] Sense OC/UV 1.51GHZ (CFS-Smartass-TUN)
[KERNEL] 2011-06-15 - x99kernel OC/UC/UV 1.2/1.8GHz smartass - Sense & CM7/AOSP
[KERNEL/GPL/Sense]ScaryKernel 1.8 super uv/oc/uc/smartass/scary governor/bfq
Hey thanx for ure help
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
No problem .Glad I could help . Just remember to hit the Thanks button anytime ANYONE helps you.
ive heard not so good things of kernel manager
and was told to stay away from it..
but im glad yer problem was fixed now.
whoever said that is simply wrong. kernel manager is a good tool. it downloads/checks download integrity/clears cache and dalvik/installs kernel all in a single step.
the only thing you have to decide is which kernel you want.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Man I don't know how to say this but I am just at wits end with this stuff. I tried to flash the first kernel and it kept freezing my phone up. I just want thing to work properly.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
jimbowski51 said:
Man I don't know how to say this but I am just at wits end with this stuff. I tried to flash the first kernel and it kept freezing my phone up. I just want thing to work properly.
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What ROM are you using and what kernel did you flash?
Froyo from what I was told.
Hey just an update, I flashed the x99 kernel and all seems to be working well. 4G works and gas works well just used it to find the hospital. Gonna check the hotspot and WiFi soon. Thanx again. And one more question, where is this thank u button. Is it in the main site.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Glad everythings working right now . Can't see the button in XDA App / Tapatalk. It's the thanks button. Thumbs up in a rectangle, says THANKS.
Anyone have any luck with PERSHOOT'S V2 Kernel? Keeps freezing my phone no matter what my min/max/gov are...
Currently using V1...
EDIT: d/led through the Kernel Manager (free version)
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App

Close Please

Th3oryROM has gone home. Come join us.
Fresh source 8/25/2011
Added eclipse kernel
Patched wifi tethering
Full audio overhaul
Bluetooth overhaul
Added (VOX) Geo (AGPS) FIX
Redid RAM Script and Sysctr
New WiFi Tether
Fixed Headphone/AUX Output
A mix of other things
You never know when you need space
OMG! Just when I'm flashing Cleantheory to try your latest Sense ROM I come across this ????? lmao, you are a madman!!!
DT first thanks for everything. As far as the Rom , is it better then the BurnTh3... ? And. I believe. Its based on the last RUU leak.
Sent from my BURNTH3ORYX using XDA Premium App
Dude, you are insane.... do you ever stop? Can't wait to try this out.... thanks bro!
Michael58 said:
DT first thanks for everything. As far as the Rom , is it better then the BurnTh3... ? And. I believe. Its based on the last RUU leak.
Sent from my BURNTH3ORYX using XDA Premium App
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You beat me to my question, I'm running BURNTH3ORY now,is t worth the jump?
sting5566 said:
You beat me to my question, I'm running BURNTH3ORY now,is t worth the jump?
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And I was going to ask if there is any difference from A05PTH3ORY lol. I notice the kernel is different and i guess it's based on latest gb release. Anything else?
Sent from my A05PTH3ORY
This is the NEW one and only AOSP TH3ORYROM, Fresh source, massive mods, tweaks, etc. Your will be able to flash MOD PACKs to Shift the ROMs experience to however you like it. The first MP will be BURN IGNITION PACK that will transform the ROM to BURN.
This is the new way to have the best, what you want, and how you want.
Enjoy GUYs!!!
Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using XDA App
bolt_of_thunder said:
And I was going to ask if there is any difference from A05PTH3ORY lol. I notice the kernel is different and i guess it's based on latest gb release. Anything else?
Sent from my A05PTH3ORY
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This is AOSP guys.
Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using XDA App
Link is live in the op...
As always, enjoy and report.
DT.....I know wiping is recommended, but coming from ao5p 1.5 is it necessary? That and this seem similar.
schmaltzy said:
DT.....I know wiping is recommended, but coming from ao5p 1.5 is it necessary? That and this seem similar.
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Your fine if you are coming from a previous version of my AOSP.
Must wipe Cache,Dalvik, and format /system.
Keep your data.
Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using XDA App
Hi dt is the tiamat kernel in this rom better than the eclipse from burn?
Sent from my BURNTH3ORYX using Tapatalk
droidfanatic said:
Hi dt is the tiamat kernel in this rom better than the eclipse from burn?
Sent from my BURNTH3ORYX using Tapatalk
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I have done extensive tests on many kernels with my RAMdisk, Tiamat killed all of them in performance, battery life, and features.
There will be many alternative kernels to choose from.
Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using XDA App
Dammit! Just updated my backups of mono, burn, clean, and nonsense (and cm7)...more I get to do another one haha.
PS: having 6 roms updated is a pain! Torn between asop and sense.
Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt 4G LTE: M0N0LITHTH3ORY V1.1: MR2 using XDA Premium App
DT, I haven't had enough coffee yet so this could be a dumb question. I've got three different versions of your AO5P ROMS with three different launchers backed up so I can switch whenever I want or need to.
If I'm understanding this correctly with this ROM it just makes things alot easier to switch?
Please dont hang me...
Will you update clean or release a new sense rom DT?
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Does the StockApps Flash Pack in OP only apply for Burn themers?
Also, silly question, maybe, but is there a way to implement a Hibernate mode for this ROM?

[ROM]My-UI CYAN 1.0 out now

MY-UI cyan
finaly a complete relise, no major changes mainly theming. mizui and Frozen winter theme eliments used, new boot screen and some changes in apps. original web browser is back as i was unhappy with the porformance of opera when running from system files. a stable vestion of miui player added instead of ttpod to keep the miui theme. original file manager reinstated.
This is a full relise and I will now be working on a more complex rom.
hope you enjoy the rom. . . see you when MY-Ui2 is relised.
Glasklart theme:
Here is the thread about the launcher, also theming info
And here
3d gallery is replaced with picturen.
Music player is now ttpod.
Dialer is now touchpal.
Browser is now opera mini.
Also added
LG keyboard
Kik messanger and whatsapp.
The reason for this is to give you a free messaging service, the best being kik, but also whatsapp that is blackberry compliant. I'm also avalible on kik for quick questions.
And many other changes I've probably forgotten to list
This rom is deoxed, rooted and running v6 supercharger. A few other minor changes too.
Im also including a theme for tencent launcher that will bring all icons inline with miui. I would advise you use it to get the full effect.
This is still a test rom so not everything is finished yet. but only a few things are left to do.
How To install.
kpn or kpn based rom needed.
Install cwm.
Flash zip with cwm.
Your done.
Rom apears slow on first boot while system sorts its self out, dont panic!
This is still a test, stable but a test. An early relise if you will.
Hope you enjoy. . .
Thanks To. . . .
zeppelinrox for v6 supercharger. for loads of help in general.
vdvx for help with moving apps.
zdune for theming help in the forum.
And everyone whos given advice and help, thank you.
Rom link
Theme link
delete .zip off name
About the apps, have you tried to update them via android market? If not just try it... If there is no update available then just reinstall them...
I had the same problem when cooking a rom for myself... & updating them solved the problem....
They work fine. But the minute i move the to the system apps folder they force close.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Set permissions right?
jusada said:
They work fine. But the minute i move the to the system apps folder they force close.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
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Set permissions as rw-r--r--
Set owner/group rights to root (0)
Yeah. Rw-r--r-- still no change. They work fine installed on the card. Its really odd. I thought it might be the gallery apk interfering. But even tryed removing that to no effect.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
you need to put the libs files from quickpic in /system/lib.
if you do this, it should work
Looks great. Are you gonna put miui launcher in this rom?
I'll try adding the libs file later when im at my pc.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
To put miui launcher on would mean porting miui completely. Its my first rom, not that good. Tencent that im using is the closest i've found. Will give the look and feel of miui fairly well.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Hey I could help you managing apps (and theme)
But I won't touch kernel and tweaks, only apps.
Thanks to vdvx, your tip worked a charm.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium thanks. I'm using stock kph as a base. Any suggestions for the notification bar would be great, thanks.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
jusada said: thanks. I'm using stock kph as a base. Any suggestions for the notification bar would be great, thanks.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
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Use meizu theme, pick a MIUI theme for CM7 (you can find that in Android Themes & App section), then we can port the beautiful MIUI theme
One question: Why KPH? said:
One question: Why KPH?
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+1.. kpn is way better than kph IMO...
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
Kph because in kpn i seem to get massive sod's. My peronal choice would have been the chinese rom in the forum. But im trying to keep it easy and simple for everyone to use. Kph seems more stable. I havent had one sod since modding.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Sry, i don't want to offend you. But i think a lot of people have less problems (like SoD's) with KPN. I think KPN (or maybe now KPO) will be a the better choice
maybe u could considering this
all apk already porting in MDPI
downloadonlyaccount said:
Sry, i don't want to offend you. But i think a lot of people have less problems (like SoD's) with KPN. I think KPN (or maybe now KPO) will be a the better choice
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you arent offending me. primerily im making this rom for me. i get on with kph. if you want to make it with kpn feel free.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
danang1982 said:
maybe u could considering this
all apk already porting in MDPI
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maybe after i've finished this project.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium

Dsp manager for sense based roms?

I know the cyanogen site has the aosp apk but where can I find one for sense Roms, specifically the Fearmede 3.5 Rom? Thanks.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Maybe try the market
Sent From My Pocket
desert54 said:
I know the cyanogen site has the aosp apk but where can I find one for sense Roms, specifically the Fearmede 3.5 Rom? Thanks.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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pm me and ill send you instructions on how to add it. ill have to upload 2 files and its getting late here. so tomorrow i will send you everything you need
p.s. i do this to all roms that don't have it because i can't live without it haha

Latest ICS for Defy not working on Bravo
It's sad I think it's because it runs on 2.3.4+ kernel version. The older one was 2.2. What can we do?
Why can't we change our kernel
Sent from my MB520 using XDA App
Motorola locked it. We can't unlock it without there signiture.
Sent from my MB520 using XDA App
What we need is that developer who is working with it now, to create a rom without the new kernel, I think walter79 is working them, I'll asking him.
If I'm not mistaken the green lense defy still has to use the froyo kernel
Sent from my MB520 using XDA App
marquae11 said:
If I'm not mistaken the green lense defy still has to use the froyo kernel
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walter79 told that we need to compile ICS with froyo kernel, but how can we do that?
He sent this:
in the ics thread there is something how to do it!!
Compiling ics is ridicolous amount of ram needed. 20gigs I think... bravomotorola... check your pm
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Since we really have no true devs we are going to have to look for one with knowledge of code. We may have to donate some money to someone to get them a bravo unless there's someone with an extra that is willing to let someone use it. That's our true problem is that the defy, Atrix, galaxy s, and other phones have support from cm and alot of experienced devs that have been developing since the magic and hero days.
Sent from my MB520 using XDA App
I pmed motobravo to try and copy over ONLY. App and framework folder FROM the new release over the OLD release.... I no longer have bravo but a thrill and a sgs2... as you can tell by sig so can't try it out.... but got a pm about this
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
How's the sgs2 going? I'm thinking about n buying one MisStep
Sent from my MB520 using XDA App
marquae11 said:
How's the sgs2 going? I'm thinking about n buying one MisStep
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It is blazing fast... if you get one... get the new skyrocket... I have the regular one.... replying from my ported rom of superosr gb .
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
I'm sure they have an ics port working on galaxy s 2 lol
Sent from my MB520 using XDA App
rdannar said:
I pmed motobravo to try and copy over ONLY. App and framework folder FROM the new release over the OLD release.... I no longer have bravo but a thrill and a sgs2... as you can tell by sig so can't try it out.... but got a pm about this
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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rdannar is with us
Hey there.
Are you gonna help us with something about ICS?
Well I think we need first a fully working 2.3, then we can go to the next step.
Thanks everything
Bravomoti will post his results.. gave him some tips
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
rdannar said:
Bravomoti will post his results.. gave him some tips
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Yes, the results from the excellent tip: Well first I moved over the framework and apps like rdanner said, and it worked! Then I moved over the ect folder for working gps and better working wifi and such, and it also worked and booted! It runs pretty well, but the only problem is 3D (egl libs) don't work with the 2.2 kernel (this is a guess kind of, I'm guessing it needs the 2.3 kernel). Any time I move over newer libs from the newer build I get stuck at the moto screen. I still suggest people to try it out though, I don't have the signal working yet I don't think unless it already works...maybe try playing with the baseband switcher. The build is pretty smooth and wifi and orientation both work good...
Try it here
ICS gapps here
After install wipe data/factory reset and cache and dalvic cache maybe... I would boot it up first and do gapps after it's booted. Have fun, and thanks again rdanner!
You cannot usually mix gb libs with froyo libs..
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
rdannar said:
You cannot usually mix gb libs with froyo libs..
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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So there is no way to get the gingerbread kernel on the Bravo?
The kernel... probably not... you need a factory gb kernel source Wich the bravo does not have...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
rdannar said:
The kernel... probably not... you need a factory gb kernel source Wich the bravo does not have...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Is that why you get that bootloader error when trying to flash it?
LOL!! I quote Epsylon's thread under to do list:
2.2 kernels :
Fix Google maps, no errors but no layer drawed (working only with defy+ kernel and gl libs)
Fix 3D (galery, opengl etc...) working with only defy+ kernel and gl libs
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Looks like he might get 3D working for our 2.2 kernels!!
BravoMotorola said:
Is that why you get that bootloader error when trying to flash it?
LOL!! I quote Epsylon's thread under to do list:
Looks like he might get 3D working for our 2.2 kernels!!
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Lets hope he gets it!!
I really i'd like that we get the same defy owners are getting!

